The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 07, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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    rmTyTTwinnii it in I I - ' K.A-ure,rs.. . "--MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PlllS
blishsd-Bvsiv Friday Moraine.
A. 3. BUTON.
He la ot lew dayai but quit plenty.
stored la the PoiUjBim at Modford, Orofon
as BeooodClaaa Mil) Matter., ,
MloroBO, FRIDAY, Jan. 7, 188. i
" Evangelist Rom U preaching in Eu
tae thltweek--- .
There were 133' wedding in Lane
Uousty during
' ' The Albany Democrat say twenty
are people leit mat city iot Aiaesa.
Seventy-two ships cargo of in wheat
Portland 'men have- contracted for
duuv paw vi fgiwsi auw' a!W
wean., at cent per.aaca.
Frlenrfly gave 'eaob. of hia clerks a
CbriitmajTjjreteht pf JSB in gold,
TheCTR. 'bt'jx'. railroad company li
endeavoring- to introduce the growing
oi ootton ana wpaccoin wktu vroyvHi
On the tteamer Mlowera, whtoh ar
"" rived a -Astoria on Hew...Yean iday,
there were 40 Australian miners tooub.8:
for Alaika. ii t ,
Tha Albany jWocrat aajatheSouth,
ern Pacifio business of that elty for the
past month (how ah 'increase of 25 per
' ' cent over that of last year. --' -
" The report of the condition- ol the
- First.National bank of Rpaeburg, at the
close of bustnet December 15, showed
the deposits were, fipiwu.
Eight hundred free passes were is
suedjrithe oOoiala of the Oregon state
falr. labt fall. - The. directors have de
cided not to issue passes next fall, i
There Is no way the people 'of Ore
gon can' make a garter of a nllllon
. dollars wrave easily7 man oy saving tne
money annually, sen) put of the state
for Ana
Tan holiday trade - In ' Portland' was
goad. One firm.Olds & King, sold over
6000 worth of good the day before
Cbrfstmys, roonsuting' of over eight
bundted dlnerem packages. . ,
Andleton boy found ten dollars in
a sack, and wishing to find the owner
aeu uio arve mmu uts hh. xy Hap
pened to be a tramp. Yes be had lost
v. it. i He took the money and that was
' tne last seen oi mm.
; fl. G.' Bfce, of Spokane, has bought
the Brass Nail gulch placers, la Jose
phine County, owned by J. W. Robin
son, of Wimer; price $1100. This prop
erty is one oi we nest in ine county,
add lies just below the Hammersley
Krfjjip oi quartz mines.
, Fifty allotments of land have been
v. .xnsjde to the' Indians on the Klamath
j'Aianoj, during, the past three weeks
' aU the work continues. , There is con
k ifaexdiBstiafctio9 among .the
.""loalaha as' they had previously been
K .MU)t4aaaWQrl(no. want;
. at haifbebh. figdred out that there
'- wW "prtsably be J60,009 people sUrt
- fA-thVEondlka this year, and.thatall
'i i tie boat on the..o.cattronly. take
v,lrjple there, so- thai if, 156,000
h d-to-eneeovi rpoa.nlaejr.'ra them
wfiJI,stpi).pff ln.Oreepni , .-v
- iltoeeerfr Plaredesrtir-TBatTerxjrtbd
. ' lymor; of a change' of the division: from
v Rdnburg'to RUfdlflsam'ting'the'-j-
slrtifed here until that question' is pe
: isfrmioed If a fe'w.:noda?of i?rouni "aaii
'' ftltb chlu)eTB Boceburg should' gjve
'1.:. An agent of tha Spreckel' engar J-e-
i me roair a snort time ago
taata itbVIsV:.!errc!ll.
e Jllmi'e aS4 cuttinir
3 r. ..-MMe
;o pejt-corajM6on
Udrga aUBU 'Klamath
dinner by the government, 60 having
.hApn innmnrlAtcd : for that nvnrA
i-yi. t purpose. The big boys and girls, their
parents, aunts ana uncles also eDjoyed
big spread in other quarters as a
result of their own efforts.
ij.! - Sherman County farmers have hot
"..- sown fcs much ground to grain this fall
as is customary, owing to the fact that
':. " they were kept busy harvesting until
-. i-ir' - late, and since harvest have, devoted
' their time principally to getting their
to devote to seeding.- What grain was
own early in the fajl looks, well... -
..Three tramps went from' house to
bouse in Salem, Saturday,1 frightening
the women who refused them food.
Tbey visited the bouse of N. J. Damon,
and there they met with young Roy
xmmon, wno arew a revolver and or-
, ". dered the tramps to proceed with
' jTrtifcrt'" to the police station On the way
x Xrv bis oapture, he met Special Officer :
tfj'tiff: to the police station. On the way with
x ' 'rtt bl8 capture, he met Special Officer Hat-
' ; 'f Ji' 'XA- ton, who took charge of the hobos and
jf'-t7ws.''"':J'-''V'.' - : ',
Z-V Thdrh is ' bounty of t52,60vpaia
kJ?.W.'iiyote. scalps In Benton Countyt50
T. f V - tiirt. atliAAn raiMM and SS.RO '. tli
.-county, xne eoyotes are nuntea muck
tne same as aeer, ana are taken with
hounds by placing hunters on stands
In the courses most likely to be taken
: by the coyote when pursued, while some
' person goes on the range with a: pack
erf dogs and starts the an!nal.; Two
dog are usually turned loose upen the.
track, and should the coyote by any
means for a time escape the hunters on
the stand, the chase is likely to beosme
a long one and resolves itself into ' a
. uestion of endurance and oraft between
the dog and the hunted coyote. While
the latter is resouroef ul la cunning,
, :.' this quality is offset, by placing fresh
dogs on the traok when the first pair is
i well Winded." These changes are re
peated alternately, until the coyote Is
achausted or in some . manner trloks
. . . the dogs and escapes.
, ' It is easy to oatoh a cold and just as
. easy to get rid of it if you commenoe
early to use One Minute Cough Cure,
ilt cures coughs, colds, bronohitls,
, pneumonia and all-throat and lung
troubles. 'It is pleasant to take, Bate
'. to use and sure to oure. Strang, the
druggist, Medford; Dr. J. Hlnkle, Ccn
: . tral Point.' ...
Kloudiko. Tbey did not remain io
that oountry very long m mot did
not reaoh Dawson before retutiv
ing to this country.' Since that time
Mr. Dayton has gone back to Dyea
itiftHhiB ia a part of what lie writes
tahis frieaid. P. Andrus, of this oity
under date' of December 10th:
"Dear Friend Dwicht; Think it
about time I am writing vou. Iitot
back to Dyea Not. 10th; aUyed one
wees: in juneau: uiere no snow
hero at Dyea and only about a foot
at "Hbeeo UamD ana . lour iet
over the summit between th , pm
and Lake Linderman, . What a fool
I waa thatl did not stay here as
intended doing instead of turning
my back on a country where, good
wage and good prioej are had.. IJ
had stayed at either Sheep Camp or
Dyes I would have cleared ub at
least flow oy this time. When 1
went away Dyea had one lot? store,
now it is a town almost as large . as
Juneau big buildings , going up
every day. J could have had a lot
here then for the taking, and some
lota have since sold as high as 11000,
In October the Canadian police had
sixty, tops of goods packed from
Dyea to Lake Linderman and paid
fifty cents per pound for the pack
ing. ' Boys at Sheep Camp made
over $200. a piece paoking. I stayed
at Dyea two weeks after I came
back and only earned $12.60 in
that tbue but worked only two days.
On Thanksgiving day I started for
sheep Camp and got back Dec, loth;
I was gone twenty days and worked
thirteen. The rest of the time it
stormed or I had nothing; to do.
had three packs in three davs that
Came to 917.40 and worked ten days
for a man sleding his goods from
the summit to Lake Linderman for
$4 a day and board ' and also got
board while packing. ' I have been
back to Dyea three days and am
going to work in the morning on a
building 26x60 feet at $4 a day, and
board myself. Carpenters get 5 a
day. My chum and 1 bought a
house and lot together: paid 1150
for it: were offered $200 for it a few
days after buying it. We will get
500 for it by spring, easily. I could
have made money hand over fist
when 1 hrst came baok buying real
estate. With a thousand dollars to
invest a fellow can double his
money in a few days. I shall make
about three trips to Lake Linderman
between now and. spring and will
pack in goods which l can sell at a
handsome price. I shall go to Daw
son in early spring."
The Greatest Discovery Yet.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa. 111..
'Chief." sav: "We won't keen house
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds. Ex:
penmentea witn many otners. out
never- got the true- remedv until wc
used Dr. King's New Discovery.- No
otoer remedy can take Its place In our
borne, as in it we have a certain and
sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping
cough, etc." It is .idle to experiment
wih other remedies, even if they are
urged en you as just as good as Dr.
King'S'Nfew Discovery. They are not
as good, . because this remedy has a
reoora oi cures, ana oesiaes is guaran
teed. .' It 'never fails to satisfy. Trial
bottles free at Chas. Strang's drug
store. ". "' "'. ': ' ; :".., .......
Mrs.- Augusta Rack," the accomplice
of Martin Thorn in the ' murder ol
Guldens bppo, will be arraigned - in
Long Island. Oity. X. Y., this. neck.
and witl;pl.oad gailty to manslaughter.
District .iAttdra'bVY6'HiiEs, it'"is under
stood, trill csMSnt to tlio inifkniiion ol
a sentence of twenty-one years in the
penitentiary. ,
The Paris police, during tlic course
ef last week, secured nnolher of tlit
organised gang of murderer anil rub
bers who have terrorized the suburbs
of .the French capital for months past.i nrrests number thirty-three,
and the oldest pmoner is only 21 years
old. f . ,,,
The Johnhesuurtr.'.Ca).,
Is completed and trains are running
regularity." ' - , - . .
California' bniltl more", miles of rail-':
road (210) inVj.97 th'an any other stale
a tne union. ; .. . ;
This is the complaint of
t bouts arts at this season
Tbey have no appetite ; food
does not relish. Tbeyneedtbetonihgnpof,
the stomach and digestive organs, which
a eoune of Hood's Banaparilla will give
tbem. It also purifies and enriches the
blood, cores that distress sfter eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, create an appetite, overcome that
tired feeling and builds op and sustains
the whole physical eyttetn. Jt so prompt
ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptlosymp
tons and onres nervous headaches, that it
seems to have atmost " a magic touch."
Is tne bcrt in fact the One True Blood Pu riser.
tlOOd S Kills puis, aid dlgestMn. ss.
, Kevnolds loft Modford for M, JAA
. '. . ., . a
Both tha method and result when
Syrup of Fig ia taken; It is pleasant
and refreshing to tha taste, and acta
gtmtly yet promptly on the Kidney,
Uw wad Bowel, clean the ya-
n cMOtually, dispels colds, head
baa aii fevers and cure habitual
casipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of jt kind. ever we.,
daced, pleaaing to the taste and ae
peptabl to the stomach, prompt in
M aouoo ana truly Denaaclal ia ita
aff sefsv, nrepared only from the meet
healthy and eedieralMUoesl its
many excellent qnaUttacKwac! it
to all and have mad it the moat
popular remedy known, . . .
. erron of Fiir i for sale in SO
oeut bottle by all leading drug.
gistiw Any reliabl druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
oure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try iu Do not accept any
snoeurate. ,
cturmu m syrup co.
um Humtot. cat.
fjtanaii. it. . urn rets, tr.
. Shawl SraeKl. '. ,
In canning fruit, remember that it i
hard and disagreeable work at beat,
and unlem you can come within sight
Ol its highest possibilities, "the game is
not worth the candle." Whether it la
good, bad or indifferent depends upon
your own knowledge and skUl. Exclud
ing the air to prevent fermentation ia
only the ABCol success. Fruit must
look a wall aa taate delicious, and, in
order to do this, it must retain its nat
ural flavor and appearance, and be
sweetened with granulated sugar.
Fruit for canning must be freshly
picked, and a little under rather than
over ripe.
Ail berries except strawberries should
be large and firm. With tbeae the
smaller th better. Blackberries, no
matter how fine or of what kind, are
never . satisfactory and palatable.
Cherry pit add much to the flavor,
and when removed from the fruit a
handful should be tied in a piece of net
and put in the center of each jar. Pear
seeda should b uasd in the same way
if the core ia removed. Cherries are
richer and handsomer colored if the sir
up ia made of half currant juice.
Tne skin of green gage plums abould
be left on and pierced with a fork be
fore they are cooked. The akin of all
other common varieties should be re
moved. . If plums and peaches are im
mersed in boiling, water to loosen the
skins, only a few should he treated at
once, and those should first be put in
a wire basket or sieve. Altar remain-
ng two minntea or so dip in cold wa
ter and gently rub off the skiua.
A silver knife should be used to shred
pineapple and pare pears and quinces.
Peaches sbould be put in sirup as
soon as pared, and pears and quinces
into cold water, to prevent discolora
tion. Peaches are firmer and richer if
allowed to remain over night in the
sirup before tbey are cooked. Five or
six pits should be distributed through
each quart jar.'
The most delicate and natural Sa
vor is obtained by cooking the fruit
in the jars. This method also does
away with the breakage from handling,
and adds greatly to it appearance.
Pears and quincea are no exception to
this rule, but, as both are more quick
ly cooked tender in clear water, it at
more convenient to do so before they
are put in sirup.
All old jars anoura be thoroughly
cleansed with soda and boiling water,
and the air-tightness of every jar
should be tested with water before
they are filled with fruit, which should
be placed in the jar s fast salt is
prepared, and th jar filled to the neck
wiut sirup.
A flat-bottomed kettle or an ordi
nary clothes boiler are convenient for
cooking, and a board fitted to the bot
tom loosely and closely filled with Inch
nugerholesobviatesall dangerof break
age. Ppt the rubber and cover in po
sition, leaving the latter loose; fill the
imilorlin .warin water to the neck 'of
the1 jnrs. and boil gently until the fruit
can be easily pierced with a fork. No
definite rale for cooking can be given.
Ten minutes, is usually long enough
for berries, while the time required for
larger and more solid fruits depends
upon their ripeness. Experience noon
makes one expert. Take each jar out
onto a hot plate, fill to overflowing
with boiling Water, and acrew down
the top. Tighten aa it oooke, and in
vert to .be sure that it is air-tight.
The jars should be wrapped in paper
to exclude the lights which is more in
jurious then one .is apt. to think, and
kept in a cool, dry place. ; The flavor
of fruit is more improved if the oxygen
(s restored' by 'removing the cover an
hour or two beore it ia needed. - : .
If rich fruit is desired, the followlnc
quantities of sugar for each pint jar
win be satisfactory, but as tugur is not
the : "keeping power,,iUeh' ..lee, or
even none, may be used; Strawberries,
seven ounce; raspberries, four buries;
whortleberries, four ounces) Vherricey
six ounces; peaches, five ounces;, Bftrt-,
lett pears, sis ounoessour pears, eight
ounces; plums, eight ounoee; rjtdnces, '
eight ounces. N. V. Times. . i " . i" :.j
James Kirklvy, treasurer of Benton
county, Ind., was found dead In .his
ofllce at Fowler. He was shot through
tho' temple, autl pistol was lying be
side him. Ills owu revulver was found
in his dusk. ' Tlio drawors of the desk
and th sufu were openud aud the con
tents scattered about tlio flour.
Tlio Jury .In tlio.. trial of Wllliiviu
Foley, at l.lbbrty, Mo., forMUu murder
ot lilK ulster mm mother, nftnr .biting
out two hours And furly .mlnuUm, rti
turned a verdict of umrdtir In tlio first
deurue. After the verdict hud kuoii
road Judge Hroaiklus sonousd. Fulvy
to be Pangea rrmsy, r eo, cii.
Persons who are troubled with Indi
gestion will be interested In the exnnrl
enoe Of Wm. H. Pen, chief olork ' in
the railway mall service at Deaatolnes,
Iowa, who writes: i"lt give me pleas
ure to testify to the merit of Cham
berlain's Colic. Gaoitra and Diarrhoea,
itamedy. ror two w l,teve suffered
from lndlgesflo,.d am ubJot tp
froquant.savere, attack of, pala la the
uimauu ann sqwvts, une er two apses
Of this remdd never falls to glve 'per-
fdt relIof n'loe 28 and Sff eunuV for
aleey G.'H. Haskln. drogglir. '' ,
fianSalvader. 4a thvsateasd with
another revolution, i :( , , ,;,,
. Christopher Robert, a' wealthy retir
ed builder, klljertjhiruteir ia New York
wttli.a revolver.' : t-: 'i ' t
' The Overman Wheel company, man
ufHctnrers of bicycles, at Clilcopet
Fulls, III., has failed. .T-;' ; , ' r,
Kl ward J. Buckley, the well-known
California actor, died In New York
from a stroke of psralysls, . . '
, Firo in tlie Atlas Safe company's five
story stone building in New York did
damage to the extent of 1100,000.
A Core for Laaie Back.
"My daughter when recovering from
an attack of fever, was a great sufferer
from pain in the back and hips," writes
Louden Grover, of Sard is, Ky. "After
using quite a number of remedlos with
out any benefit she tried one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has
given entire relief." Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is also a' certain oure for
rheumatism. Bold by O. H, Htisklns,
, .1
Several attempts during the past ten
days to get the lhirran tease before the
state or federal courts again and there
by delay, tha execution, have proven
failures, and tha attorneys have about
cessed trying. Durrsnt is again In the
cell for the condemned. lie has given
up hope and acta vsrv . quevrly; ho
paces up and down tlio cell, refuses to
speak to the death watch, cannot sleep
any leniith of time aad is very nervous.
He is expected to break down com
pletely before Friday, the day set for
bis execution.
, Why suffer with coughs, colds 'and
la grippe whon Laxativo Bromo
Quinine will cure you in one day. Put
up in taoiots convenient for taking.
Guaranteed to cure, or money re
funded. Prioe 25 cent. For sale by
vnas. Strang. . . . .
Rosa Modlci, aged nine years, was
burned to death at the home of her
parents at Santa Monica, Cal. ' While
sitting in front of a grata : fire with a
baby in her lap, a spark from the
crackliag wood -Igniled her dress and
she - wa immediately enveloped In
limit N She dropped the baby to the
floor and ran into the yard, where her
mother turned tne hose on her, but
her injuries were so severe ! that ahe
died shortly after. The baby was not
injured. . - .
' No Core--No Pay. : . ' ' .
Tost Is the way an drusslsrs sell Oroves'
Tasteless Chill Toole for malaria, chills and
(ever. It Is ateply Iron sad quinine la a
tasteless torn. Children tare R. Adnlt prefer
it to bluer, aauaesUng tastes. ' Pries, Cvoents
Grentcr New York went intoexlst-
ance January 1, and is now the second
laraestclty in the world. A great cel
ebration took place m the city, oh 'the
last nlg't of tho year. . At exactly . w
o'clock.; Mayor I'liclan, of Ban Francis'
co, touched an electric button - and
caused the anfurllng of an American '
flag over the city hall is Creator New
York. ;" . i ' ; . r - :
When a voting
cirl sten from
ffirlhood Into
manhood. She' eh-
ten s new and strange
country. A land of
nromlae and hooe. vet
foil of hidden dans-era. Whether she will
find happiness or ' misery depends largely
upon the health snd condltiottof the deli
cate, snecial onanism which- Is the sonrc
aadcentreofher womanhood. V ,
.' The lives of yonng women are often
wrecked because of a mistaken sense of
modesty, .which lesds them to awlect ta
earlier symptoms of feminine weakness.
. m. ...... iHwhli. ..I... mf.MuI avlnn
'into serious chronic dlfBcnlties which be
come s drawing burden, raining life's nest
opportunitici snd btlehtimr sll possibility
Of nappy wifehood and motherhood.
1 Any woman snsTering from these delicate
complaints needs the swalthivins; power
of Dr Pierce's Pavorite Frescrlptioa. It
laeals and acreflsthens tha womanlv orcaas:
tops weakening drains; gives vitality to
roe aerye -centres, a no reweorf a peneci or
rank soundness and comrHtutional eaetgy.
His the only medicine devised for this pur
pose by s skilled nd experienced speouaiat
in diseases of the femlalne organism. '
Mo., writes)
I have aaed your ' Payaiite
e Pro
'ftacrtption ' and
am never tired of aoundin lla nralae. When aiv
frlenoa com plain, i saw ' why don't yoo use
I tod an
ream ahfl
aflalotis nioiher, whose daughter 08 yean, sal)
AT. nerce'a nnrna macripuoar
had not 'been rlehi for Ave monll
nboot the
medldne. and aifrr the voontf ladv had' taken
two-thirda of s hottle of ' Favorite Preacrlj
ahe was an nsnt, Hi
ef oiir.beat doctors."
She had been treated by two
..Dr.' Pierce's sreat thousand -nao-e Illus
trated book, " The People's Common Sense
Medical i Adviser" sent paper -bound on
receipt of at one-cent stamps to pay the
cost of ' mail nar only. Or. a
rlnth-hotirld conv for ir stntnos.
Dr. R, V Fierce, lluffalo, N. Y.
i Ml t T. ' 1
uulu's'ouil.'lols t, it',''
alius, urn iv, Miiiur.i., ...... i. i. ......
U V milium, uietmior oi Nuiinrneia on
iiu. io Xlix u uulmuy, lat Blk titti
Aahlilnd., .... 7. ............ . . . ...........
OJ l.tslHituiAIInc Nluliiit llevsli'P; .
muut t'o, I'orilsnd llrouu Nu III, I'surl,
0 'lA'arr UttV IsoVmVi siuunlsln Hlning '. .
Co. Uie Ivsuhoo tilulm, lit m H, t w . .. ,
0 L I'arr to aaiuo, till) weal vxtiiiMluli ul ,
the Ivauliuo,,,.....
Nollls H pints, by u L'Uurr, ttr tutor. ;
noy id mot, iu hbiv, ibu wvru uaiuu .
. tluu u the Ivaiilioe,.
fl W Itrfiliiw KilmltilMI,
qi Ins'estste
ol Jtiimi J l'rlilily, to i 0 Uarusrd,
S iV lluflbltou ta arWurVWslYsVlatsf '
. aods, blks, I'srk add M MjdlDKI...... i
It K Button to O K Rlnlnt.r, lots M, M
' asd , blk O, K K ad u Askltad.. .'. i . v,
Mary klluio to mll H TowomdJ, , , ,
cSSR fuu& 'to WPriW" I'",
aiHtti j Arjuntraiit w ABaomus r ,
aruittrow, M aires, see IT, to 47 s. r J .
I.W, U8ISJHIW ITl'ip o, ,.' I...
U S i'tteut to Thorns. Jttturtoo Jtowsrd, :
A M Usrsa. Kbsrtrr, . to Wadkaais Oo, ;
Coni'orojr'loS'oMo' ftleh'iruKn'ioiiT .'
tore, is If Hvilv .'. SMD
stlHsraMorMUi t L Jsootis, all rlsht, ,,,
.till ini IntMNuit in J MHn'Malitjaii....l 1 M
Joon lloin to ssqie, same , &l
Tbos 1 Howard io 8na HowsVd, 10 '
Itnraa. ma SU mlnlM.
fa orurauiy iu mtt
i'lonlViiowtrd, io
ear, ii p a, ra s.
la Probate Court,
Katate of Levi Oarunshi erdsr aDBolotlail 0
W Wblto adinllilalralfir w lb la houd ot WOW.
ad a r aokwldtllae, K aiovtot sad J u Meat.
Bar appralaara. . . .
Kaute ot Nettle Drum: ordr appointing
rbnirye. IMM, as day nl flusl aulamool.
aaiaieoi natsn k Mariin; invoauiry ana ap
srslaamtni Bled and apororod, alto an Order
for aalo or poraonsl pntporly, .
Bucklsa's Arnica Balvs.
Tho boat sulvo in tho world for cuts
bruises, sores, uloors, salt rheum, fovur
sores, tutter.ubuppud hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively euros pllus, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money rofuaded. Prioe 25o
per box. For sale by dies, Strung.
The war ship Mohican, which bus
hitoil tliorotifbly - tiyerlisuled at tho
llnre - lOuinl. mivy yaid, lius been
turned over to the training sorvico and
will be put in commission about Janu
ary lOtli iindnr cuinniund of Command'
er Bern. This shin is to receive about
130 apprentice boys ou tlio . 1'ucillc
coast, and.prohubly will start with
them about the middle of January. un
a oruise around tho world.
Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Rlduo. O.. save.
"Aitor two doctors gave up, my boy to
dlo. I saved him from croup by uslno
One Minute Cough Cure." Il Is thu
quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and ull tbroat and lung
troubles. .Strang, tho druggist. Med.
ford; Dr. J. Hlnkle, Central Point.
fe (tare t'offailpataon forever.
rgo -..n.'vt. i ir,ot VJVnrtia luo ortfte.
ii 9 C hH to i-uru univniiiK robind money.
we.' -tco-Vatorrae.'
s akete and Saau istiuu saty
pu ootaion fiwrtaiw. an ,
eeaislStlk:WWhoeaars,:SlS.I.J -,.:.
SOme, of the sTftikiNO
Watch. Repairing A
rl ! ' "ii n ' ','
SfJt.aJomrjror..'.v m,nram : , a tiut Mmoi mbJ
Is a thrtltnat Mary W t AsM for Its ulrHnenimulre of font
s tnaaiini cnnceaiaa in an old .
cofnpAnloni wtw
: CMlelatlHSKMataiuofWalfa.
ated t 'lonf
Tn rnddidan to'tKf Oiree tana aerlll uariet. the
year, om win at tnert uotuaet every una, a
rtwrt. Km Owter
. a, trjirur J. rtrmir
The Phinkrst WaUclna' Oharf .,' A
, "'"''""'" " SWSTT Mf MtimuAH wwn ...
: Plepaiain Hsanat M Artt ' -"J : - . A Asttrttaai BioSaraf la Atrles
Plst Lessaas ta Tiatr a Sksst: i'ftft' .' LsylSsj Ont s QsM Caara , .
''. twoisr J).V ".r ," 1 1 , .. Ww i w, a. yak Ti wax iprrnir. n ,
i;:n;. .... ' DfAOTMBrrrS 'f' ,..' ' ". t-T" ' 1UZB COMtWITtOft . ..
CssTMIs, MsnvsSsOIM,'Hatiifrsaii ' ' I Shsri SttriSi.ssstehlnwtsfrsahr ,
I 1 1 10 Cnll t' Jftmttr'Wt pnumieHu). .dd p(.fef,(),,..i:
',! ii '(', i't rVsun fraeiltrths fJnttfS MaUai Cantila, and.Meilco,.
Addnat nAUPEB SOTHBIWi rbushert Franklin Bqnsre, N.T.CIly.
attaint. Wrnaaa. ' H. S. M. Wtm Crru C.
i,lv fur V.UHIWII. flu1"
.ta rto Iimii..iii v-
riiir mnlj, ".ltl '.v.'ll'.""';'.'!'
SDr. Wllllmim'lmlliinl'll
Oliilmunlwlll ouiii Mllml,
lllomlliiu iiml IiuIiIiik
PllhN. II iiliNiirhh lliiiliiiiiora.
HUuyn tl'o lU'liliimtl.liiuf., mil"
I1N A ulVIIN lllNlUItt M.
Ilcl. Dr. Wlllluinh'Tiiilluiil'lliiOlnt.
uuiiit U iirmiurnil hii' IIIIiih mill llvk.
.Ills ill lui iirlrsin imiih. Hutv but la
, wnrruiiiiiii. ii.v uruuKiMn. uy iiinii on rn
tint ol jtrlxo. 10 oonla unit SI. IK). sVtLLIMJK
fMriUfsCTUMII. CO.. l''oii, Olmol.nCf TioTo.
For sale by O, II. Iliuklns,' Modford.
tWAYKS't a i
riT.nTStt.v ouas.
t'MI'iasis-Mabiarai talasai
I dujMiiafiilstifara
. 'tsawsMt '
Flvsklatlaw,r, wklMasMKMlUjT
gtlla. er swat k Mail M Uf iuTII
r.rku-rssw, r. ,tifnjannn
I trow paying crops bwsuts tbsy'r
frtaU snd always tbs hn tO
I sals every what. Karuaa aobitltsMs.
Bllok to Terry's SwU and preSpsr.
liWS Bd Annual frss. Wrlu for It
0, M. FIRST CO., BttrsN, silt. I
,. I . i . ' . :1 .i , : i . '. ' ;i. . " .?
. . No. 1 quality of lime frotu tha
i well known Rutins crock quarry
, . , i
Wo arc now ready to supply ,
Modford and nil towns on tho .
railroad. Write for terms to
Carpenter & Allison, :
i BV THK ' '
The - Shasta Route
OK. Tils'
'rioutU i .
NwnhT. .
S:00p. m L. PorUaaa-" 1
l'H,t. Ll., Marin : '
T:V as Af. Han Prajoelere
v. ,
t' Above, trains atop at ail stsuass belweew ,
Albaiiy, Tjr"at, HKedoa, llaleey, STVrrleSwt, 1
Jonofon CHy. Knsoe. Cmim (irovo.
PialM,.OakludaadiaU laua froai Itoea.
bars to Anhland UwIuimtc. ,. ,. . iV , . .
aoHKBuao aun-DAibY'- ''
sa a. in I Lv
s-iOp. m i Ar
Portland "
aoaSbarf '
, Arltep. m.
' Lv.Ba.m'
Dining Cars ok Oatatr ltoika. .
Pullman Bngkt Hlerpera and Hatead' iriaasi
p.u mi. MMvan iu ail luroHSD iraias i.
Between , Portland ' and vaMss...
' WST WDH' nlVKION. " '
.,. , , . . . .. i ,i... . i. . i '
I Ma.ll trains dally, except Oundayi r.
lam p m
Ar JWn."i
U . Lv Jp. I
' OarvklUa
At Albany aBd'GatvmUtasaasneet with IrsMns.
, ,.rtwsy. ., i:. t ,
. &pfTrladal.yiBersn(U)r:
iJU p.n
At.-., MsMlanvllls
Ar IndepenSoaee .
i. Lv
t i r
' PtreotVnnneellnn itf fia. WvmaVi
tuaco with- e.
ta'Wall atfaiW-
cMenaal and Oriental aad Tci
kip llnrs tor Japaa aad Ola.' StUIng dMa
en apsllaatlow. i, ' ' h , i
nates ana lloseis as to Baauaw, polaM snd
lmpe; saw tJkpaar-Oahta.HOaaafuta tndi
AuamuU mm SfobUlmd nWJs. V.iUpotn-'
eoU,Aeal, afalfora. .,. r,,M..
. XX)BHI.H, '' C tLMABKHArl,
sstsacer. . . A
pontuno eMooN.:.'.
features for lwe
It lilolHb)elollbenKKri
tha hro- nu hia advtnlurea, and
hive io.
loll lorfusa.
from asara be raicoct the Princcti. .
mAllcitlos ofvtnch will OMillnue duriaa the entire . -
wmoh ii only nowiiiie to mmucia a irw iniet ntre,
A rlstber mtetery
frill I E
IMWfai njsataMN I 1 1 I mMSfSirBta, I
; i''uilT"fii iNaJK!''
SW V kkkt. iw. 1. Imh.. nm m
itissssh Baa.
s john a am
Orast Hsal A Craatavs ti CktaaMlmce '
AiUaa foulUtty BUtla ' KM Muarne