CM V PURELY PERSONAL. iiiir-i-ftir--&--i&-i-ifrnit-iit-rT aWJ H. E. Ankooy loft yesUirday morn lnjr (or Yrekn. W. 8. Hosaok It up on Noll oreek Upon lumber builnes. , J. P. Dltaworth, o( Leeds, iu here . last week upon business, . E, B. Jennings, oi Table Rook, ih here ruetaay jun euine. Mr. and Mr. J, P. Cotton, of Talent, were in ine city Wednesday. Fred Tioe U over at Parker' itallon hlt week rounding up oattto. D. Boothby, of Applegate, was reg' lttered at Hotel Nash Sunday. County Commissioner Bradebaw wan in ateaiora Tuetaay upon ouainos. It, B. Warner waa at Woodvllle and Cold H1U this week upon business. W. N. Wilton, of Klamath Falls, was In the Rogue rUer metro polU 6unday. Mr. and Mr. F. William, of Ash land; were Ylaltlnff in Med ford thlt week. Lee Partoaa left Saturday for San , Jom, Calif., to remain during the winter. H. A. and H. G. Meyer, of Lake Creek, were in the city yetterday mines. F. P. King, the mining man, wai up from hU Sardine oreek mine upon busi dim Wednesday. J. L. Thorndlke, of Sterling, wat pressing downy pillows at Hotel Nash ' Wednesday sight. Mr. J. H. Norrls left yesterday moraine for a few days' visit with friends at Oolestln. E. D. Rose left Med ford Monday for Bedding, Calif., where he expects to remain lor several montns. Miss Maggie Eaton returned Sunday irom Jacksonville, wnere sne nas oeen stopping (or a couple 01 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kates left Sun day evening for Concordia, Kansas, where they will spend the winter. Hr. and Mrs. A. J. Stewart left Sun day for Los Angeles, Calif., where they expect to reside during the winter. Mark Baker, the Gold Hill confec tioner, was in Medford yesterday call' ing upon irlends and doing business. Wm. Allen, who has been stopping near Talent for the past few weeks, has returned to nis borne in Hastings, la. J.U. Willeke left Monday evening for an Indefinite stay at the Wllleke- wnitenesd-x'orter mine, near Iceland. Councilman F. Hubbard returned this week from a quite extended trip into several counties in eastern ure- gon. Rufus Cox and family, of Central Point, spent last Sunday in this city, the guests of Capt. and Mrs. J. T. C, Nash. Cashier J. E. Enyart was at Ashland yesterday adjusting a fire loss recently had in that place by a company he rep resents. O. Harbaugh returned Saturday from roruand, ne Having been successful In getting excused from the 0. S, jury list. Thos .Riley one of The Mail's very best friends out at Wellen, was in the ' city yesterday doing business with our mere nants. T. V. Hall, a medical student at San Francisco, is in Medford for a visit un til arter Holidays with bis brother, J, C. Hall, and family. Editor Churchill, of Gold Hill, v in Medford Wednesday en route to the county seat wnere ne submitted a bid to do the county printing. Mrs. L. Stiner left Medford Sunday for Sitson, Calif., where she will cook for her husband and two brothers who are engaged in lumbering. Rev. T Conklin and family, of Gold Hill, came to Medford Wednesday for a visit wttn w. j. frail and family. j uey are oia-nme neorasxa irienns. W. T. York was over at Jacksonville Tuesday in Judge CroweU'e court upon business relating to closing up his work as administrator of the Drum es tate. J. H. Bellinger was at Grants Pass and Jacksonville this week, looking after collections for the Standard Oil Company and buying wood for the local mantel. ' J. C. Pendleton came in Monday and on Tuesday went to Jacksonville and made a final settlement of affairs ap pertaining to nis aominiBtrattoa or the Jrlerson estate. J. E. Taylor, formerly of Medford. now traveling for the Pacific Paper company, oi roraano, dropped oil in Medford Tuesday to do business for bis arm and visit with friends. ' v nata. all hlir and a nrettv good price, Several farmers, he status, had just about given up all hope of getting out of debt,. In fact worn oxpootlng to take off only this year's crop and then let too mortgage navo it, out tno oiwe were so big that everyone of them paid off their mortgages and have, money loft. He said there wore a few inpby r pranoing around when no left anu they were chilly ones. Undo Dlok Williamson barn In from near Steamboat Tuesday and will prob ably remain with his family until after holidays. Ho 1 employed as black smith at Merrill & Scott1 mine whore a new "Hog" quart mill it being put In. Unole Dlok ; has reduaed hit avoir Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams, of Ash land, are in Medford visiting W. P. Dodge and family and other old-time jowa friends. Mrs. Dodge and Mr, Williams are brother and sister. R. G. Brown, of Eaele Point, was in Medford Tuesday upon business a part oi wnicn was ordering bins printed announoing a New Years ball at his town given by Brown and Ash pole. Mrs. G. W. Colvig and daughter, Mrs. P. W. OhauBSe, and Mrs. J. A. Jennings, of Grants Pass, were in Med- lord Tuesday in attendance at tbe fun era! of Hr. Woods. Mrs. Colvig and Airs. Jennings are sisters OI Mrs, Woods. . . . Dr. G. B. Cole was at Grants Pass this week upon business. Wben re turning on the train Wednesday morn ing his professional services were called to good account. A onild on the train wa taken ill suddenly and bad no medi cal assistance oeen rendered it would probably have died.. . . 4 Mr. and Mrs. A..F. Southerland, of Brandon, Manitoba, stopped off in Med- ioro yesterday tor a days visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gallaber. Mr. S. Is spending the winter on tbe coast, upon pleasure bent and possibly In quest of a home. He is )UBt naturally tired of tbe frigid weather of Manitoba and more are omers. A. L. and 8. A. Redden arrived In Medford- Monday from Guide Rock, Neb., for a visit with their brother,' Townsman J. , W. Redden. Their com ing was a complete surprise to J. W., but notwithstanding that they are hav ing an almighty good visit. Both these gentlemen are farmorn in Nebraska and they are swearing by their native heath. One of them, A. L., relates that the crops of that stnto this ycur wore Bomo . thing tremendous corn, wheat and ' dnnots several hundred rounds, more or lew. since his soiourn in the moun tains presumaoiy tapering uown tor the Klondike. Echo Prom the Street. D. R. Hill: "We have iut Bnlthed loading the lait of nine carload af Ben Davis apples." D. T. Lawtoa: "My bus neat almost always slacks up during the winter sea ton, but I told a lumber wagon this week to t. E.tllllt, oi Asnlaaa." Agent Ltpolnoott: "Our fruit ship- menu nave averaged aooui one oar load day for the past fifteen days'. Except one carload of near and one of dried fruit all have been applet. J. W. wiiey snipped carload oi nog to fortland thlt week." Dr. Cole: "While at Grants Pass I met Kesaler, he who used to run the Western hotel In Medford. He It en gaged In manufacturing pine needle matresaes and I doing a good business. The matresse are proof agalnit vermin and are especially useful in hospitals. O. W. Palm: "I am doing a good bit of business for tbe O. R. & N. and Rto Grande railroads. I ticketed J Heard, to Chioago and return, W. M. Allen to Hastings. Neb.. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kates to Kansas, Mrs. Lyon to Denver, and Ira tsurnett to Kansas, All within a oouplo of weeks." Joe Thomas: "My partner writes that things are humming on Palmer oreek. Says Bailev A Co. are doing whale of a business with pipe and giant and are working good ground. Morris. Smith and Philips are also doing aright smart ol work and have their mine all splendid shape. Palmer croek is right and is rich its full length. " W. H. Bradthaw: "There positively Is not a thing new ud my way. You can send The Mail, to my son Lee for year. That man, F. M. Stewart, that you have in your employ, and my self fought shoulder to shoulder all through 'he war. Our regiments were both Irom Illinois and one or us dldn" get into a skirmish that the other was not mixed up in Kit Bateman: "I returned Wednes day from tho Big Bend country. Wash Ine too. Al. Bell stoDoed off at Salem I don't know whether Phillips will be back or not. We had a good run at threshing and I cleaned up an even auu over and above all expenses. I will return In March and commence threshing again. Around Davenport mere is a territory lour oy six miles square of almost solid wheat that has not been threshed. Snow tell to a depth of about a foot and we were com pelled to close down. Alan, umce Devil: "You say yon never dun vour subscriber through the psperT Well, that's all right, too, but nere is an uid uaken Bucket' parody which I 'writ' and which fits nrettv well, thank yon : How dear to our heart is the old silver dollar, when some kind subscriber presents it to view ; the lib erty head without necktie or collar, and all the strange things which to ns seem so new; the wide-spreading eagle, the arrow oeiow it, tne stars and the words with the strange things they tell : the coin of oor fathers', we're glad that we know it. for some time or other 'twill come in right well, the SDreadeasIe dol lar, the star-spangled dollar, the old sil ver dollar we all love so well. H. G. Shearer: "A few davs ago I received a letter from an old ocauaint- ance of mine at Braddyville, Iowa.. He has recently become converted and as a result of the good which the conver sion has donn him he sent me a dollar bill, to pay for watermelons which he says be stole from my patch several years ago. He says: 'I was in yonr patch about tour times and got all I conldeat, and I wantyou to forgive me ior it. l aiso carried on a couole. 11 the enclosed is not enough to pay for tbem I will remit when you name a price.' That fellow is all right and means business. I shall buy something with tbe dollar for a present and send it to mm. l he one great trouble witb some people I know is tbey could not possibly hope to live long enough to pay back all they had wrongfully taken snouiu tney oe converteor" -Mist Allie Hughes. Norfolk. Vs.. was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was Instantly relieved by DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed tbe injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. Strang, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J. mnkie, central rolnt. St nary Entertainment. A musical and literary entertain ment Is to be given in Jacksonville by the Duoils of tbe St. Marv's academy. on Wednesday evening. December 16th. at U. 8. hall. The Medford-Jackson- ville shortline will leave Medford at :15 and return after tbe entertain' ment. The admission is twenty-five cents; reserve seats, fifty cents; children under twelve years, fifteen oents. Fol lowing is the program: Overture. Taaoredl DeRosslnl Military Diselollae Bom The Famine, Longfellow Recitation Mcrnij vvar we ucean opray . .nolo ana unorus Oriental Perfumes Mandolins Japanese FantMtlo Rath and Neoma Vocal Duet UUMKDY "THE CHAMPION OF HEB BEX" OAST OP CHABACnag: Mr. Duplex, a widow with money and a mission, M.Fljmale Mm. Deborah Hartshorn, her mother. .A. Morris Florenea Danlez. kwdBurhlm H. Ntekftll Carolina Duplex, aet atep4Uafbter...D. Beater naoaa uenaroa f t,M..a 1 m. Liippinosit PollleNay . f"erWeD 1 M. Hoaek Katie O'Nell.theoook M.NIokell Maggie Donovan, the chambermaid.. .H. Colvig Too Late Harcho TrfomDha a... Good Night Drill i. .Scriptural Tableau ...instrumental Trio Minims Prosperity comes Quickest to tho man whose liver Is in good condition. DoWitt's Little Early Risers are fa mous littlo pills for constipation, blliousneBs, indigestion anil nil stom ach and liver troubles. Rtranor, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J, Hlnklo, Cen tral foint. THE PRESIDENT'S ' ME53A0U. A BrM MmUm at Iks Mar Impart' , aat Matter t n Acts Upaa. President MoKlnloy'sruossBgo. which wa presented to eongrois Monday, aftor extending greeting to tho 66th oongress, and sneaking of the oondl. tlona which have contributed to our prosperity as a nation, doals with Im portant national question to he consid ered by thetpreeut session, A sum mary of the topics dlsoussod In tho message, and the president's recom mendation concerning thtin, follows: TIIEGUKKBNOY. Tho president points out that tho eyll of our eurrenoy system It the great oust to the government of .keeping all the forma of our money at a parity; that we have $900,000,000 of ourreuoy that the government It pledged to re deem In gold, but lis receipts are not required to be paid in gold, and hence the only meant at oommand of the gov. ernmenment for btatnlnlng gold It by borrowing It, which aooounta for the Increase of the bonded debt durlnr tka Cleveland administration of 2!,8io,ttt0 to mars uowey to aeep up tne gold reserve at 1100,000,000. Should the present policy of raising gold by bond Issues be continued, it Is recommended tbavtoe aeeretary of the treasury he ffiveh authority to tull bonds bear Ing a ower rate of Interest, and for long or short periods. He recommends that when a United States note Is presented at the treasury and redeemed la gold, It shall not again be nut In olraulatlon except lor gold. In bis oolnion. It la of great Importance that the government should not be required to provide tho gold needed tor exohange or for export. it is pointed out mat tne existing ya tern Is fraught with great danger. Ho indorses the plan recently ou til nod bv Secretary Gage for reforming the cur rency, and further asks that notes of national banks be restricted to Issues of $10 and upwards, and that national banks with a minimum oapital of 126,000 be allowed to be organised, and all national banks bo allowed to Issue notes equal to the face value of tbelr bonds deposited to secure such circula tion. CUBA. The question of tho Cuban war and our relations with Spain and tbe in surgents occupies the greatust space of any question considered. Tho presi dent shows that In the revolution be ginning In 1863 the Unltud States, through President Gram, endeavored to put an end to bloodshed in Cuba, but lis efforts were unsuccessful. At that time the question of granting belligerent rights to tbe Insurgents was considered, as now, but was not favored by Grant, and MoKlnley takes a decided stand against it now, believ ing that it Is unwise, but says he will take the step whenever right and dutv demand it. It is due to Spain, In view of our friendly relations, that she begin in time to prove that she can and will achieve tbe pacification of tbe islands and Introduce reforms which the pres ent Spanish ministry Is committed. HAWAII. Reference Is made to the treaty with the Hawaiian islands, laid before oon gress last June, which has been rati fied by the Hawaiian republic, and now awaits action by tbe United State senate. Its adoption would complete annexation oi tne lBianos to this coun try, and the message says that "every consideration of dignity and honor re quires it." NICARAGUA CANAL. In regard to this matter, of sucb lm portaoce to our country, he state that tbe commission annotated last July to continue tne surveys ana examinations Into tbe proper route, feasibility and cost of tbe canal Is now at work; that be will transmit to congress the report oi toe commission ween it is prepared, tuRetner witn nis own recommenda tions as to action. BIMETALLIC COMMISSION. On April 14. 1897, tbe monetary com- nromoie an agreement lor in ternational bimetalism was SDDo'.nted. consisting of E. O. Wolcott, A. A. Stev enson and C. J. Payne. Tbe president says mat, wnne tney nave not been able to accomplish tbelr mission, he hopes their work may ultimately bring aoout an international agreement so curiug recognition to both gold and suver as-money, on a oasis which will oring injury to nobody. RECIPROCITY. He believes that some grevianees In trade relations may be removed or al leviated by reciprocity, and that the volume of our business may be enlarged. MERCHANT MAHINK. The president contends that our mer- onant marine ihould be enlarged and improved so we would receive our full sbare of tbe commerce of the sea, and says that the government should by every proper means foster and encour age carriers under our flag. ARBITRATION. He nledges his enconraffamnnt tn ar bitration treaties which shall avoid the horrors of war, provided they do not imperil our interests or our honor. THE NAVV. The president sneaks with mnch ratification of five battle-ships of the rst class, 16 torpedo-boats and a sub marine boat now under construction, and says that the recent increase of the navy was needed and has received public approval. He recommends that three or four drydocks be constructed on the Atlantic coast, at least one on the Pa cific coast, and a floating dock on the gun. . ALASKA. The needs of Alaska receive attention in the message. It gives in outline the laws applicable to the territory: ap proves the establishment of the military post to give protection to persons and property; asks congress to establish a flexible system of government adinstlble to the future's needs ; and brings to the attention of the national legislature the reported probable shortage of food. . INDIANS. The president believes that new laws and regulatious for the government of the Indians art imperative. Tbe area of Indian territory is 26,664,546 acres, much of it beinir fertile land. Nnmbara of whites have Bettled in the territory, ana ay present laws are deprived oi tne right of citizonijhip and schooling for their children, A commigBion is now investigating the mutter and t routing with the IndinnB. He hclieveH, with the secretary of the interior, that the government should resume ownership of the land now belonging to Indians. PUBLIC St HOOK NOTES. Throe pupllt entered tk$ fifth grade monuay, i . Charley Isaacs and Outer WnUloii en torod tno soventu grant tins weex, Tho pupils ol tho fourth grade are glad to welcome uari itioimrttson onoo mure, The fifth grade class In music Is doing tome excellent work. Its last seluctlou was a rouud in three parts. Visitors: ; Mesdamos E, Dodge, ,F. K. uirge, 11. iMiuroot. Messrs. 1.. u, war ner, K, Dram and Mitt Haysio Koslor, The little one ol tho north primary were delighted to tee so many ol their parents and Iriendt present during tholr Thiti,lr vim' A.Mmluu. The little one from tho second grade are pleased to tee tome of their number. who have been out of school on account of sickness, with them again. Tho members of the tenth grade, who did not get an average of 90 per cent or above in geometry took theexamlnatlon monuay, very itw nad to taae H. The tteond term of school benn last Monday.' Tho of tbe tenth gradt who expect to gradual) win nave to ttuoy harder during the next term than they uia tue last. Football playing has been forbidden in the tenth i-aub.' Nu nuuil. of the graue Doing allowed to piay in a match game on account of aoino of the boys tailing tow in tneir ituoies. The study of the Lady of tho Lake having been completed, the ninth grade will take ud Julius Caesar, while the eighth grado will begin work on Wash ingtoirs rare won Address. The little peoplo of tho south primary are sorry that some of their littlo friends aro unable to bo with tlium at school, but hope that thev will soon recover from their Illness and be with us sgain. Kev. and Mrs. Ell Kinder gave a birth day DHrty in honor of their nephew, Frank titration, last Katurdav avunlns1. Tho members oi tho class of Kl8 were tho guests and all hud a very ploosant tinio, Tho match guinuof football which was to he played at the Medford fairgrounds noxt oaturuay between tno Mooiord high school and the Ashland normal, has been postponed for reasons best known to the teams. The movement among tho nutiils to .... .1 ... . I. ..i . 1 V 1 ( u , u ci in ,u ,nc um ui hvuawu, III any orm among tho pupils of the public school, is apparently meeting with sue cess. Many kind words from parents and patrons of tbe school, commending the plan have come to tho teachers and pupils. doing to Hold a Box Social. There will be a box social at the Independontschoul house Tuesday even ing, Dec. 21, 1897. Everybody cordially Invited. Ladies please bring your boxes wull filled. There will be a short program and tbeo tho boxes will bo auctioned off to tbe highest bidder. Cart) of Thank. One uickly. Strang, tho drupelet, Motlford; Hinklo, Central Point, Mlnuto Cotisrh That s what Curo cures you wuntl Dr. J. To those of our friends who were so very helpful to us during the protracted illnoas of our husband and father, and who were so expressive of sympathy and so kind in their ministrations al the time of death, we wish to expreta j our neartieit tnanx. Mas. N. E. Woods. Ma. an a mm, Wallacb Woods, Among the CtwrcltM. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Tbe Rtv. Itaao Dawson will conduct divine services in St. Marks Church on Sunday evening next, Dec. 12tb. Services at 7:30 o'olock. A cordial Invitation to all. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. " Services at the usual hours except the Junior Endeavor, which will be at 2:30o clock to allow tbe gospel temper ance meeting to be held at 3 p. ni, Preaching al 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. All are invited. City Council Proceedings, Medford ally council mot in regular iihbIiiii Tuesday evening. Present Mayor U. II. Ilaskins; Councilman Wilson, Woodford, lluhhanl, I'lymalu, Kuourdur BtKiillcId, I'otlllon ol J. 0. Hall for liquor li cense was considered mid license ordered issued, lkindsuiou H. Kosunthai and Wm. Hllngvr. Petition taking lor a cross walk on South 0 street, at the Intersection of Eighth' street,' was referrod to street committee, as wa also matter of causing; sidewalk lo be graded and laid ou Eighth street between U and 1) streets. A lax ol ten mills lor oily purpose (or 1808 was voted. Town election was ordered lor Tues day, January 11th. Judge and clerks of the coming elec tion were then appointed, and are North Hide: Judges, Garl T. Jones, K. W. Btar, H. Klippel ; clerks, II. L. Gil key, Ed. rhipps. South Hide: Judges, M. H. Duinoa. J. K. Darnell, O. H. Brlrgti clerks, Wallace Woods and It. 0, Dow. Recorder ordered to settle with A. A. Davit lu matter of water ditch, BILL ALLOWin, rAaaann.atrMl aad altea work.,., K tarasll, spwtal polios R W CrUr, snclaeer salary , WsvCSuretunaa, asaraSal . W W HkaliteM.'rswtbr's fto Tola! ,IIU? .. tin ... as to ,. 0T6 .. Isd ,..I1W w Pns Sl.uO wa will vlvn a vnar a anh. tttrliition to Tn Mail and the Toledo Wade Thl will apply to old tubscrlb ers who will pay lo advance as well a to new onus. -Watches olesncd mil warranted for o ut vear for 41 1'rllubard, thu 'uwolor. Anothtr Pioneer Gon. Dlud-In Mndfuril. Oivuhii, rliiiiday evening, December fi, IMtt. Ahlluh K. Woods, Hgoil (17 yours, ouu month and seventeen days, , Mr. Woods was Ihiiii In Meroer County, Kenlueky, Ootiilini' 18, IH;ill; ouluo U Oregon la IHoll, and setllvil In Ihiuglns County where lm lived until thli uiun years ago, when lm muvwl lo Modford, ilo was iniiri'li'ii in Nsnuy E. Dyur, Duoomhur A, InOli, Tan ehll die u blessed tills iuuloii,.,a ilaugh,lor, who dlud In her second ynsi'. and it sou, William Wallace Wood., wliu with bis luolhur mourns tho lost urn kind hus band and father. Ill hl Miili'uuU'd Illness of Ihli'Uiou woeks, In whitth hv was unable la ralso his hnnd or holp blintulf, suffering tbe uinrl wvme pain, ho novor murmured or 'um plalned. While loving hands minis torod to hit etery want, still death olatmod blm. Ho wa a good man, and when the summons oamo from sopva his aiiswur was, "I am ready," l) lde a wife and son be leave a host of relatives and friends to mourn til death, , I Funeral mrvloet worn ounduoied al tho resldonoe on Tuesday, Ikxiembni' 7th, by Rev. J. F, Wallaox, pastor of the M. K. Church, South, whlub wore attended by a very largo concourse of friends. Interment wa made In tho Odd Follows cemetery. 1 ' l or Kent- The Cominorclal Hotel. Tim furniture it for salo oboap. I'artlos itlshltiK Ui ungsgo In the hotel business oun secure a bargain by culling on J, tV. M.ii ks burry or Dr. J, W, Odgers. Superior Job printing, '.MAIL omot Early $ Christmas BUYING Has a two-fold advftntnpn. Ono iti morn wV apt to pet precisely what ia wanted iiml can mako purchawoH with much groutor comfort and aatiHfaction, owing to tho ah- boiico of tho crowtlfl of tho lator ChrintmaH Vsi ;iv season. We have a beautiful aHHortmont of appropriate and useful Christinas gifts. uV J. G. Van Dyke... iwimmmnmiiHmiioitmimmimiHmiHirtimiiiiini Advertised Letter List. Following is list of letter remaining ua called for In the tfedford poa (office on Dee, 8-7 Dannrt, Mr Hansen, II Frallev, C Vf Gray, lilaa Mary Kotwrts. atlas Nellie Hoberts, Nsllle A enarse ot one cent will be made upon do Uverv of each of the above Inttem. Persona calling for anv of tbe above letter wm picese saj " Aaveruseu." M. pohoih. Postmaster, Mrs. Kate Etter Of MISSOURI, Owvd of Heart Die by Or. Nww Heart Ours. Mil mm in R8. RATE ETTER wrote from Neosho, Mo., In March last. 'Two year aro I wa severely troubled with mj stomach and kidneys, and a great affliction so unnerved m that my condition became alarming. The telegraph brought a prominent physician in a consultation which resulted In no benefit. I went to Wyoming for change of climate without benefit, was brought back to Atchison where nurses worked with me night and day to kee me ailv to reach mj friend her. My heart became so bad that my friends gave up all hope, I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Ours and Norvlno alter nately and was restored to health. It Is now months since and I am perfectly well." in. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug. gluts under a positive guarantee, firm bottlo benefit or money refunded. Hook on Heart and Nerves sent freo to all npplfcanu. DIC. MILES MUMOAL CO., Ulk-liart, Ind No-To-llne for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed inbucro tiuhll cure, tnulios wonlt men strong, blootl peru. mkj.U, All dregslxt I miicneiL Lewis i s & Slayer Co. VEHICLES i AND j MACHINERY I s S I Wo now have on hand a large stock of Wagons, gV1 5 IT- l i . : " i E s acKs anu ouggies. tjan ana see our new ua&o i Black Land gangs. We have a full I stock of machinery 1 of all kinds... X W ft st I I D. T. LAWTON.' MnKftr Medford Branch HUiiMniinnmiHHuimnmmimrtrfTfHniimtfiiiimnnm iwirwirisnnnrinnnrfTWWT ' UUtMAtaaTaW W B r RATES FROn... $l to la PER DAV L. HAfllLTON ...aopnicToa ... Medford, Oregon Tho Nash It one of the most popular hotels in Southern Oregon, pains are spared for, the oonsfort and accommodation of guosta. Everything about tbe house "STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Free Sample Rooms tokoommekoialmkh. THE HOTEL BAR It always supplied with tho vory best brands of wines, llquort and oigara .... J L won. QONTRAOTOR awo g HELPER. JOBBING OE' ALL KXNTDa All work Kunrantrjod flrBt-olnBU. PIbiih and fiRliWlnit fnmiahrxl p.U kind of work oithor brick or wood.. Of Dills of I.UMHRR of all kinds DIM on short notloe. finnh, Doors and Mill wo ol si- klnds-any tbln In the slmpo of wood work can he had on short notloe. Medford, ----- - - Oreooii.