J. f 1 f I Qur County f I Correspondents.. J , Kht Point KagluuT. UV A. O. IIOWLKTT. i Mr. Tungate.of Mt. Pitt, win In Kgl Point ou Monday of lout week. H, R. Potter and Thomas Cor went to tfi KUc ' creek minus Jast WNki'M.i -l mi i' " 'i' -i' - f '.' Emanuel - Pool, of Applegats, oanie oyer laat Kriday to visit hii brother; A.,Pooi.- ,;., . J. P, Moomaw . took .100 turkeys to Pboanlz last Friday, realising ainost fi per bead. .. . , Charlie Obenohain. our Big Butte mail carrier, li troubled witu a boil on the back of bit neok. , . . . John Moomaw, . who baa been working on Klk oreek for A. J. ' Daley, returned borne lait Sunday. Walk or Lewis baa been engaged In building an addition to Italpb Nowman'a bouse, in Uoguo rivor sobopl district. ,. . , , ., A. Pool, our blaokaraitb, hotel keeper and liveryman, hue been re arranging bin forgo and getting things in readiness for the winter's run. .... Artie Nichols, of Mt. Pitt district, was smiling on bis friends in Kagle Point last Friday. He roports no snow on Willow creek, but very cold weather and the slock doing well. Goorgo (livens baa the material on the traot of land on Rogue . river that be purchased of J. hunan, of Jackaonvillo, lor the erection of a now dwelling house and barn. . lie has the Una already enclosed. . . . A. J, Daley, our mill man, stock man and farmer, baa concluded to turn his attention to his old Jlrade, that of a gunsmith, again and has reopened his shop and is now finish ing a new gun that will speak for Itself. ... .,,.. George Morine and his daughter, Henrietta, came down from their temporary homo on Koguo river to procure provisions for the winter. They went from here to his brother Frank's, but expect to return by way of JCaglo Point. . )1( Mr. Givens, Sr., killed four bogs last week that,) after jbey were, dresaod. made him about twelve hundred pounds of pork and they were not very old bogs either, being only about two years old,; but tbey were considerable for long and fat. I roported a short time ago that Mr. Van Hardenburg bad rented the old J. J. Fryer 'place, but the place had changed hands, T. Cam eron npw .owning jt, ; and ho, not knowing lliat the arrangement had boon made with the parties to farm it, bas rented it to L. C. Washburn, of Ashland. Tbo calculation la for him to move onto it right away. One day last week Claude Whito, the mail carrier froui Central Point to this place, dropped one of the lines, and hia mufea taking advan tage of tin situation, started on a run, turning around in the Link wilnr lano and returning to Eagle Point at breakneok speed.' Aa they tu'rnod around Claude got out of tbo. back and in the course of time ho oaugbt up with them, after thoy had run about two miles and had boon stopped by Sdott Pool and 8. F. RoblneU. There waa no damago dono. ' i ; -; ' 1 T. B. Iliglnbotbarn waa out one day luBt week soiling fresh venison, lie and hia brother, Case, were out on a hunt on that memorable rainy Friday and by some means they be oauio separated. ' When Cass came in to his -brother's houBe and found that ho bad'., not' returned search was instituted, but Ben' could not be found. Ho returned the next morning about nine o'clock and re ported that ho was lost, his matches all wot and that he oainped under a fir troo all night without fire or supnor. Casa contracted a severe' cold from the exposure and bas been laid up with the la grippe ever since, but at last accounts was im proving. , Your money back at your grocer's if you don't think fa&SdkilMigs. Beit is the cheapest of all the baking powders that you ever knew of. " But," you may say, "I can get baking powder for half the money." Yes, but Schillings Bcsts worth more than twice as much, because it does more wpik and does no harm as alum and other cheap baking powders do. r KaaesCraerltrniH. BY SINIt DISV Miss Ktta Urpwri spent one day last week viUng' MVs. Joel fitover. Householder, pray A Co. are sup plying he.' quart mill, wth. wood, i Mr, and Mrs. Perry Knotta spent Sunday tb guettt of Dave Mardon and trolly: u Pbenom A VaitiName are run ning their mill day and night with satisfactory results ;-' .' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Higinbothani spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell, of this place, , . Mr. "and Mrs, Robert 8 windan ac companied by., Mrs. . Knotta were doing Medford one day last week. Clem Gibsou and Mr. Krwln pasted through here one day last week en route to Klamath County from Portland. ' " " " There will be a grand masquerade hall at Gold Hill Christmas eve. Everybody Jnvltod to attend. Tick ets fifty cents supper included. ( ( Mr.' and Mrs. Win. Russell, .of Galls creek, have become residents of Kanes creek. Mr. R. is engaged in the briok . business at this place hence the move. Prof. Cus Samuela closed a very successful term of sohool last Fri day. Mr, 8. baa taught tbe Dard anella sohool twice, eaob time giv ing entire . satisfaction to both par ent and pupil.; ' We are sorry to aay that Miss Ada Swinden met with quite a bad acoident one day last week. She was . out horse back riding and the animal became unmanageable, throwing tbe rider to the ground dis locating her ahoulder in the worst manner. Dr. Bradun was summoned and reduced tho fraoture. 1 , -Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlaburg, Pa., says, "My ohlld I. worth millions to mo; yet I would bare lost her by croup had I not invented twunly-nve cenU In a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." It cure. oougba, oold. and all 'throat and lung trouble.. Strang, the drug gist, Mudford; Dr. J. Hiokle, Central Point. ' ' ' f, i ' 1 .. ; s Browusboro Items. BV HKKKCCA. S. Farlow, of Lake Creek, spent Saturday night in town. Our people are alternately doing their butchering the past few days. Mrs. John Comptoh, of Medford, is visiting relatives at ber old borne at present. , ; . , ' H. A. Meyer, of . Lake Crook, made a trip to the valley the first part of the week. Joseph Rader and John Nichols have been riding the range near Ashland. They report ' having rounded up about : eighty head of their cattle. ',' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Perkins; vis ited relatives, at Central Point last week and thence proceeded to Med ford for supplies. We feel it quite a heroic undertaking to make a trip to the valley now. ,,,, ,. It 1. easy to da ton a cold and lint as easy to get rid of It if you commence early to use una Biinuio.uougn (Jure. It euros . coughs, colds, bronohltla, pneumonia and all throat and lung trouble. It is ploasant to take, safe to UN and auro to euro. Strang, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J, Hlnkle, Cen tral r-oint. Urlflin Creek .Gatherings. BY PIIILOMSLA. , ft, i. i , (Received too late for last week.) -: Kd. Brown Sundaved with friends in Eden precinot. Daii Solles was visiting friends in Eden hot long since.. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson were visiting friends here recently. Mr. Breazeale took a fine drove of hogs to Medford last week.' Quite a number tf ' tbe farmers butohered their hogs the past week. Mort'Lawton,: of Medford, waB vlBitiog friends here last Saturday. Frank Kime, who has been visit- Ing the fplks for several weeks, hue returned to Klamath County. John S. Miller, of Applegate, was the guest of H. L. Griflin last Fri day night. ' , ' ,,, Mr, and Mrs. M, L Hartley paid the former's parents in Eden pre cinct a visit Sunday, - Mr. and Mrs. J. P. True attended Adarel chapter, No. 1), 0. .15. 8 , of Jacksonville, last Friday night. : Attorney A. E. 1 1 Reames and. brother Will, of Jacksonville, were out taking a hunt on Griffln creek Mr. and Mrs. J.. Mofnerson and daugbtara have moved to Medford to reside during the winter.." ' Wil pier and Clarence ' will' 'remain oi the farm and keep bacbelprs' , ball. ! J. A. PeykTns, of 'Auti,ulty; 6. waa for thirty years needloaalv tortured by pby.laiahs for the cure or owma. He' was quickly biirod by u.lng OeWltt'a Witob Hazel Salve, the famous' heal ing Saive for pilea and 'Skin dlseaae. Strang, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J. Hlnkle, Central I'oiot; " ' Table Hock itesas. ' : : , ! Mr.' and V Mrs., Cbas! Diokison visited relatives in Medford Satur day and Sunday.1 ' " ( ; ' ,, ',' . i Clarence uunn received tne sad news Sunday that bis father, resid ing st Oaksdale, Wash., was lying very low, and could not reoover, from a serious attack of pneumonia. Mr. Wiley , was out Saturday looking for stock hogs. There are not many of that kind of hogs for sale now prospects for good prices another year causeB the farmer to hold on to hia breeders. , Table Rook people are up and astir on the Christmas tree subject. At. a public meeting Saturday night it was decided .to have an entertainment and tree Christmas eve. Committees were elected to carry out. the work and sufficient funds, subscribed to carry out the program successfully, Following is the program which was rendored at the Thanksgiving Day school entertainment: THANKKOIVIHa BXKHC1N.M. Tbankifflvtliif Hong -. ' Rchool tiuujrv oli nsnKarmnK hb xorine Our HnlTliuklYlD DJ" . Elbel UtU Krolutlsn ...Winnie Vlnernl KiwIUtloa Mollis Nlcboli Mont, '8wmi Hummer' Oone Away,".. Carrie Adam, (jraco JenalBK, Kltael Darla. RoclUlloa. "Uolly'a TaaDkagUllx." Cbaln of TnenkoaivtBtx Tbouabu. Gaorgle JaMe rfoaton . Gaorvle jNlonoM, Mary Hemic UKiidA i'leldii. MjrUe Vincent and Rooluilon , ..Eddie Vincent hv. "Tbe Farmer, floart," . Bebool iteoltaUua Oracle Jennings lUwlutloo. "November," ,.Ko Mealon Hulo, "TnankaglTlag Turkej,"...Elrlle Vlnseal "THankaglvIng" , : Carrie Adama Keclutloo ..lAwrenee Nlcbola -Wedding nell" .....Mete Morine Bona, "Kill the Uukeu up,': , Bcaool HMIiatloD. Ma Nraloa "Wbat We Are Thankful for." Winnie and MirUe Vineejit. Marj and Bote Nealsn. Recitation, "CoJumbua'-TaaakagltfBg." .... .Marlon NeaJon Duet, "Winter Time la Near," Carrie and Florence Adama "Tbe 8urprlo" .. . liertba Nlcbola Tnenlnglrlng at Aunt Sallle'a," Verne Pendleton Song, "Uod Bleae Our Name Lan," DCflOVl J. C. P. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Rldgo, O., Bays,. "Alter two doctors gave up -my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute. Cough Cure.'.' It la the qulokoit and moat certain remedy for ooughs, colds and all-throat and lung trouble. Strang, tbe druggist. Med ford; Dr. J. Hlnkle, Central Point. Kubes' Xrom Kubli. by jinks. .''. ' ' Peter Burk halter bas moved into his new residence. James Gilmore was in Grants Pass last Saturday.' ' Edward Milke made a business trip to Williams Sunday. 1 4 ThoB. Reed, of 'Applegate, was seen on our streets Friday. . ,-: . K. J. Kubli returned from a busi ness trip to Jacksonville Saturday. Our road supervisor ; has been working on the roads considerable the last week. Jacob Kubli, who bas been sick for tt;o weeks, bas improved and is able to be about again. ' A. S. York, who has been at Sis- son, Calif., for the past two years, returned home Saturday, i James Gilmore, of Greenfield, Mo., has taken a contract to clear twenty acres of land for JC. J. Kubli. . EvorTlMMly Sajra So. ,H .5, -4 ' CaaoarotsCanriv UuUinrllb, the mo won derful modinal.rilRuovorv of Uie age, pleaa ant and rolreshini'to tbe taste, aot gently and positively on kidneys, llvorand bowels,, oleaiisinir the on tiro aysUMn, dispel bolds, cure hmclsolio, fovnr, habltuul constipation and blllousnoss. - Please buy and try a box OfO, O.O. toKlsyi 10,8S,50cenU. Bold and (uaranteed to cure by all druggist. I '.. Beagle Items. 1 i.. ' '.' .i -.J BY A.. D, HOUSTON. v There was a social dance at Wm. Jones' last Friday night. v ,'.'( ' I Born Nov. 24, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Vincent a daughteK'iVJ.r : Miss Mattie Bliss' spbnt last' Sun day with her parents in Medford. ' There are about twenty scholars attending the Antiooh echool at presont. ' . Rev. OBborne, evangolist, is hold ing meetings at tho Now Hope Bap tist Churoh. Thoro was not a very large at tendanco at the Thanksgiving dance givon by Chns, Tanner. Tho party at T. C. Norris' las .' U Kit t'4 'lQ ll')"1 r' WM FtnVDHI AkaolHter fura Monday night was' well attended and, all bad Jsrilen(fed'tie.!;, J i . J Mr. and Mrs.i Wm.: Houston,' of Long Branob, ; and Miss Winnie Rodgers, of Beagle, were trading the inetrppojis .Tuesday,, i i, .t w ' Mrs. C. O. Vificentwhobas beep" visiting' relatives.1 of ilppeii Jtogjie river for, the past , montb,, returned home last Sunday.' Mr. C. baa gone to Lake County, where he will work this winter. ', i ' ; : . r- ,t ' .'. No Cure-No Pay,, .,(-.., , That Is tbe waj.ali! druggists-sell QroT' TaUlns Colli Tonic for malarls, oblUs and fever. It la simply . Iron-sad ulnlM In a tasteless form. Children let e It, Adolu prefer It to bitter, nauseating tonics-1 Price, Weents School Reports. ' LONE PINE DISTRICT. The Lone Pine school district No. 10 was closed on tbe 19th of Novem ber after a. very, pleasant three months term.. The names of the pupils whose general average at the final examination exceeded 80 per cent are as follows ; Stella Taylor and Lora Hockeremith 98, ' Edwin Taylor 96, Mattie Hockeremith 95, Jesse Taylor 94, Alice Hockeremith! Cleveland Caste,, Henry. Pbippe, and Charlie Hockeremith 93, Effie Phipps and May Case 91, Nellie Nute 87, Sophia Clark and Linnie Taylor 85. Annie Rouse hou, Teacher. TABLE ROCK DISTRICT. School report of district No. 44, Table Rock, Ore., for the month commencing Nov. 1, and ending Nov. 25, 1897. Those on the roll of honor for good behavior are Meta Morine, Ethel Davis, May Rose and Maggie Nealon, Lawrence Nichols, Harry Emmett, Marion and Mary Nealon, Grover Moore, leslie Davis. Myrtle and Winnie. Vincent. Those who were neither absent nor tardy are Verna Pendleton, ; Eddie and Winnie1 Ylncent ', Lawrence.' , and Bertba Nichols. Total number en rolled, 26; total number belonging, 23; average attendance, 21; number of visitors, 14. ' ' . , Maude Downing, Teaoher; Why suffer with coughs, oold and lagrlppe when . Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure you in one day. Hut up in . tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money re funded. Price 25 oento. For sale by Chas. Strang. ., , . . , rtinlng Locatloa. i I W Hurries and Sam Carllle located' Oolobor S3 a quarts olalm In Sardine district. Ed Brooks located October U3 a quarts claim In Sardine district. Firman C Couch located May 4 a mill site of 6 seres, In tp 8, r 1 w, and 400 Inches of water from Wagner creek. Tbe same located October 30 the Consolidated Beuiever. sees 14 and 11. tp 39. r 1 w. a J 6hw located November IQacjuarte olalm In Davenport district; L h Vouk located October the Monntaln Top claim In Williamsburg district. K A Klossllng located October 18 a Quartz olalm In same ulstrlot. ' . - Geo WooldrtdRc located Norember I a ouarts claim In MlsKurl Flat district. I W Burrtss located November It a claim In Davenport distrlou. ' T A Kuoker located November 27. the Klon dike claim In Foots crock district. J 11 King and Joe Irving located November 16 the Bonanta No In Missouri Flat aistriot. D F atrobeck located November 18 a olalm In Missouri Flat district. F O Williams located November 90 the Yel low Jack olalm, Wagner creek district. Dr J W Odgers located November S8 a quarts Claim in Forest creek district. ' Real Estate Transfers.- Wm Pllppen to J W Uars, 8r, trustee, 1 1 acre, tcoSO, tpSos, r8 w .....I Martin Zanon to Frank Cool, 40 acres, aecul.tp Ms, r S also sou laches of water..........,,,.., . The Hojt Bros Lumber and Coal Co to Rebecca D Boyt, 1 more, Ashlaud C W casad to 8 Carllle, B Brooks and t : Bnrrlsa, property la Bardino district, ' tp36s, rS w.... ThoskKyanto Wm Degner, 20 acres, . sees, tpSOs, 1 1 w. .. Battle Oarretson to Thos R Ryu, SO sores, sec 6, tp 39 8, r 1 w Mary Kime to Ira J Kimo, 90 acres, tp37 s,rs w. j. -..I i. i... ' T J' Davidson to I L Jewell and I G'i . Davidson, the Richmond Mining claim, Soo 1, tp 37 r i w , P O Wilson to the publlo, . 1 acre,' seo 80, wt Pv'le to C Vm'anl ' the 'standard - ouarts olalm M0 500 35 625 600 6 603 I ISO 2600 10 too ,'. soo ' 600 ; '1 ",. 660 400 m 400 ; 1 140 Raohel M Johnson ta James Faught, 400 ' , acres, sec 10, tp 81 s, r la .. Bon Haymond to Sarah K Morris, lots S and 4, blk I, Rock Point Ions Thomas to Ben Haymond, lot 18, blk ' 24. Oold H III.. . i. . v. . i i B Tripp to J A Jeffrey, lot 6, blk S, Cot tage add to Medtora,. Mai Muller to B 8 Brooks, 80 acres In seesd, tp84,r4w..,i., W H Ilarfow to Julius E Foss, 40 aores, stcl0,tti3lis,rlw..;;........, Samuel C Taylor to ThoS' D Conklin, 10 acres, seo IS, tp SSs, ro....i B F Wslker to Jesse Hodges,- 10.14 acrCH Ih the Walker sub division....... Joseph Randies to Charles Randies, MO acres, seo 4, tp 81 s, rie.... ...... -j.;.. r .A R I.AA.ho to Astoo Mlnlnir and DevelOD . 1 mem Co, the Portland Group No ,18, ' ' reari aistrio. j..-. ........,.......... . .Mary Klme to. Nicholas W Klmn, the ' west 2v acres of d 1 o No 80, tp 87 s, r Sw.; Carrie I Mathews and F M lance to ' Martha Mathows, a one-third interest . to 77.21 sores, soo SI, tp 88 s. r 4 w F M Parker to Martha K Williams, 80 , aoros, soo 20, tp 83 s, r 3 w, , , - I h Hamilton to J F Walt, lot 10, blk 1, Hamilton's add to Medford Frank Klllam to Rule Palmer, lots n3 , and 61, Highland Park add to Ashland . . Patrick Dunn to Mary M Dunn, lot 1, blk 8, Ashland , J H UoiikIo to S A Parkor, a true tot land in seo 14, tp 89 s, r 1 o To Cure Constipation t-'orciver. Talto CaHcai-ots Candv Cnthartlu. loo or S6o. It a C. C, lull to cure, druggists refund mouoy. 1 aridrlinwinioiit of the consolldn Han of ,)i Union. National and Hldo and lyoatlmr Niilloiftl banks at Chicago will probably, be made before the end of ithe week. ' If the negotiations are consummated the understanding Is that tho Union National bank will carry on the uuhIiim. " (' ;''. .The nianifatnrers of white granite and.sefni-'porcolain ware,, who have been mooting In, .Rant Liverpool, 0 luriii,ihe;pMt week,- have formed a coinbinalloa.; under tbo aamet.of Uie Wo. Valley Pottery- exchange. Tbe objeotof tho organisation li to establish and maintain a Uniform selling list, .' ( -'" Tbe proposed Wire trust will. .have a capital of f 50, 000,000 and (slacked by J. Kl07xan. Co, ,of ew york. It will ' bay in every wire, wire rod and wir iJail -.plap4 in the UaiUd 8Utes ?dt i'es-theae, tQ , blast Jurnaces and three (tee) plants. ", .',)-(- l j - PWnea of Wales' has triad loVeW the j avrvwcja -oi rioo eioan, , uui, Amencaa Jockey, who bai rlddeaao, apteeaafaHy, in England lately. Bleaa is baund bv ceo tract and : cansxtt- accept -' tlx rrincei oner,' Ixatrf BroaM tguinlM. Tablets uv taa bowels geatly,- relieves Ui cough, cures the. feverish condition sod headache, making .the beat and quickest remedy for coughs, colds and 1 grippe. Care la one say.- "Mo cure, no pay." Pile 28 eente.c.S'or sale by all drug Ma. :h -.-. - .-.-.-.'i i -.v. ...-(I ...i; , : Tramp have .swarmed into Hnnla Barbara, Cat., lately, and are commit ting all sorts of depredations. ' ' - Sonorlta, Enselda Fico,i fit .'years el age, one of the daughters of the la'.i Oovernor Fico, hi dead at Los Angeles. i Tom' Sharkey, the. sailor - fiirhior and Jim Jefferei are matilied loi- il fight to take place during February in Hsu Francisco. ' ;' BfTlie fysadc-na ami toe, Angeles elc. trical. road,, stockholders propose bond the road for $1,000,000. It is uou bonded for $350,000. ., , : ., ... . ' The Merchants' Freighting aoria tion of an Francisco bas succeeded ii. securing much cheaper freight rales bt steamer to Portland. , " , . ; ; The district attorney of King county. Cal., haa begun suit to (top the v meut of . the warrant for tOSHt lm courthouse furniture. If the people generally knew the true cause of Rheumatism, there would be no such thing as liniments and lotions tor this painful and disabling disease. The fact is, Rheumatism is a disordered state of the r blood it can be reached, therefore, only through the blood. But all blood remedies cannot cure Rheuma tism, for it is aa obstinate disease, one which reooires a real bleed- rtmtdyr somethisg- more than a mere tonic. ; Swift's Specific is the -osily real blood remedy and promptly goes to, the very, bottom of even the moat obstinate .case., Like all other blood, diseases, the doctors are totally unable to cure. Rhea-, matism. . In fact, the only remedies which they , prescribe are potash, and mercery, and though , temporary relief mar tesnlt, these remedies produce, a stiffness of joints and only intensify the disease. Those who have had experience with Rheumatism know that it becomes . The case of Mrs. Tames Kell, of 6it Ninth Street, 8.' E., Washington, D. C, should convince' everyone- that it is nseless to expect doctors to cure Rheu matism. , tinder recent date she writes : "A few months ago I had an attack of Sciatic Rheumatism in itj) worst form. The pain was so intense that my ner vens system was prostrated, and I was for long time perfectly helpless. ' The attack was an nnosualry severe one, and my condition was regarded . as triM new daasreroo. ' ' I waa attended by one of the most able doetors of Washington City, who is alan. a. aaamher. of the facnltv .of the leadlns; college here., He told me to continue ma prescription aaa i wonm ret welL. After having it refilled twelve times and receiving not the least bene fit, I declined to. Uke.it longer. . , "Having heard S.8.8. (Swift's Spe cific) . recommended fosy. Rheomatisjri. I .decided, almost in despair, to give it a trial. After -taking a 'few ot tlaa I was able to bobbj around, , oa erntches, and very soon had no need at all for them, for 8.S.8.- cared- me sound , and .well, ',' A! , distressing, pains have left-, au, ,asjri appetite - has returned, and I aaa happy to be again rearored to perfect health.'.'! ' , : 8.S.3. never disppoints, tot it is made to cure these deep-rooted diseases which are beyond the reach of all other reme dies.. It cures permanenty Rheumatism, Catarrh, Cancer, Scrofula, Bcsema, and all other blood diseases. It is the only Diooa remeay guarauieea - , Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, potasharsenic or other dangerous mineral. Books will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Free From Rheumatism. more severe each year. II JUtt AS COOD Ft 4 AOULTsl. WARRANT Df PRICE SOcts. GMHtofikaKi; W told Isuft mr, M0 ttim of O HOT K -8 TAflTBLEKS OUllX TONIC Md tu ixxjftH t&n jmm aUr4s3r uh rfmr.- iniiwru pcrwiae of U jw. to ibm anm bminst., ut MTM avoid sUl saTtrCl ftcUoa w 7 our Tunic Kim law Bwww Mica I tT aHlCta lltUttjTMls Sold by Cbai. Strujjf drogtrlat, Medford "THE STYUSM PATTERN." At- tatlc .Fsshlooablf. Original.- Psrhet Flttlog. Price lO ntV lScsts, ' Nooe hlghtr. Noos better at aay pries. , Some , reliable merchant sella them- sa , nearly every etty or town. , Ak for ' I them, or Ihey on be had by mail from ' ui in either New. York or. Cfcfclgo. ; SUmpt laken. Latest Fathton Sheet ' I arat upon receipt of one cent lev pay i RECALL'S i MAGAZINE i BrlehUnt laHW nugadne ejubliibed. Invaluable for tn heme. Fashions of I the day. Heme Literature, Household , Hints, Fancy Wcrk, Current Topics, Fiction, all foe only 50 cenlj a year, in- eluding a tree patlem, your own seiec- . J tloa any time. Send two 2-ccnt stamps ' nrii rTT-TT msisinsi -L I s ' THE McCALL COMPANY.V J I 142-146 Vest Mth Street, New York. I 189 Fifth Avcnut, Chicago. LEGU NOTICE. In the matter of the Arauromeai of li. W. Ory; . aao lasoiTeot oeoiur. i : . ALL PERSONS Interested in said UMigned mute re herebv aotiflvd that the under- alicned, as ABalgnee of Bald . inol rent debtor,1' bas filed In the Circuit Court or the fitaie of Ortcoa, la utd for Jaeknon County. bU tlnaJ c-' count as such asstmee: that the same mil bss.' bMrd and passed upon t? Court at the court room tnereor, in tne town or jaoKsenruie, Oregon, at the December term of said court, to-' wit: At the term commenoinc Monday.; the 18th day of Oeoember, A. D.. tW. " ' f uatea una.iaui.aa7ei NorempeT, a. u.; iwi. H. GJ.W.JRTXAjr, Assitrnee of R. W. Gray, an insolvent debtor. Wm. 8. Crowcix, Attorney. N-19-D-I7 LIME! No. 1 quality of lime from the 1 : : well known Kanes oreek quarry CHEAP FOR CASH : ' ?'' . , . ' We are now ready to supply. , Medford and all towns on the . railroad.. Write for terms to Carpenter & Allison, GOLD HILL, ORK. OANADIAN W PACIFIC RY. Soo Pacific Line... To all points cast -j . -at the very lowest rates ' The Only Lioe Running through Train" from the Coast to : WINNIPEQ, MINNEAPOLIS, ; . ST. PAUL, TORONTO, .... i MONTREAL am BOSTON... .n , WITHOUT - CHANCE ! IF, YOU ARE OOINO TO ... ',. ,, SLOGAN CITY.' : ' , 5!l!,LBU', j . . NEW DENVER, v GOLD .' u f sandon. a'. r.YVne'n Kaffir SON? - - -Island DISTRICT! . ' ; , V . Get a Copy'of, '"Ca,riboo and. '. J 1 Kootenay Gold Fields."...... If you are thinking of traveling cntl on . the agent of the Canadian Paoiflo llailway ., , . r r , v. Lowest rates to and from nil parts of Europe yia all Atlantic steamship linos For full Information regarding t above call on or address: B. W. GREEU, J. A. OAVITT. HO 31 Ht Portland, Ore. AOKNT E. J. Uoyle, Jledfonl, Ore. UlAtriot Pass. Agent, Vauuouvur, B. C.