The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 03, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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, 'Lee 8111 was over from Murpuoy last
Dlok Basse loft yesterday for Rud'
' . sling, Calif.
' . Alex. Hunt, of Talont, m registered
it Hotel Nana Friday.
1 S. Rodgers, of Merrill, Klamath
; County, waa here last week.
Den'l Reynolda, of Asbostos, was In
j Jledford Saturday business. 1
Hon. Chaunoy Nye, of Prospect, was
U yeaterday doing lota o( trading.
N. J. Estes, living eaat of Central
, Point, wai here Saturday autlnoaa.
.. Mrs. Delbert Terrlll and ohildren
were visiting relative! at Talent Tuea
Jay. W. R. and O. A. Dloklson were la
1 from their Table Rook farm Wednos-
W. H. Boatwlok, the Appleeate far
ner and miner, waa in the alty Wed
, aesday.
Mr. Walker and four children ar
rived in Medford lait week from
A. A. Davis returned Tuesday from
nls quite extended visitln the northern
Merchant E. N. Williams, of Gold
Bill, was registered at the Commercial
' T. J. McDermott. of Ohio and
friend of Judge Crowell, is visiting In
. ine vauey.
' Dr. J. SI. Keene, the dentist, was
among his many friends at Jacksonville
Editor F. D. Wagner was here from
Ashland Tuesday and Wednesday In
. P. M. Wade, the Grand Applegate
Mining man, returned from Portland
, yesterday morning.
, F. B. Walte. proprietor of the Rose'
burg creamery, was in the valley this
vreex upon Duainess.
Frank and Eugene Amann are over
on Big Applegate at work on the
Graves placer mine.
W R. Eingsolver oame over from
Wagner creek Saturday to do business
vmn our meronante.
Miss Alice Mathews, of Woodvllle,
was In Medford this week upon a visit
to Miss Mamie Isaacs.
Attorney W. 1. Vawter was in Ash
land last Friday upon matters apper
taining to oil profession.
0. Adams, of Table Rock, was in the
city yesterday with a four-horse wagon
load 01 excellent potatoes.
Prof. Merrill left Wednesday for Ft.
Klamath, where he will teach music
for a couple or three months.
H. C. Dollarhlde, formerly keeper
of 'the toli gate above Ashland, has
located in Stockton, California.
G. E. Black, of Watkins, was breath
Ing Medford ozone last Saturday, as
was also David Jones, of Applegate.
J. S. Miller, he who was marshal in
Medford in early days, was in from his
some on inompson creelc tela week.
C. A. Neustrom was in from Lake
Creek last Saturday doing business with
our up-to-oate and uoerai meronants.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lame of Gold
Hlllj were pleasant callers npon Med
ford friends and Merchants Tuesday.
O. Harbaugh left Monday evening
for Portland, at which place be will
serve as juror in the D. S. circuit
W. G. Knighton, of Trail, same in
last Saturday to transact business with
our merchants, who, by-the-way, are
profit dividers.
T; H. Huosaker, the blacksmith,
left Tuesday evening for Eugene for a
two weeks' visit with old-time friends
and upon business.
J. D. Heard left Medford yesterday
evening for New York and Boston,
upon mining business. He will be ab
sent about six weeks.
Miss Kate Bellinger left Sunday even
ing for Riddle, where she goes to nurse
Mr. and Mrs. Hardman. uncle and aunt
01 Mrs. m. ueuinger.
Harry Carlton returned Saturday to
is studies at tne Asmand normal
after a Thanksgiving vacation 'neath
tne parental root tree.
L. B. Warner, the fruit tree agent.
returned Monday evening from a quite
exteded trip into Northern California
and Klamath and Lake Counties, Ore-,
Hon. Rhenben DeGroot, ex-mayor ol
bpnngneid, nontn uakola, accompanied
by his daughter, Mrs. Braun, is here
visiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. Devi root and
Wrs. F. E. Birge.
Miss Madge Day, who has been east
-since last June upon a visit to relatives
returned to her home in Central Point
last Saturday, and on Wednesday she
was visiting Medioru inends.
Mrs. F. E. Langlev and ohildren
left Medford Monday evening for Port
land' where they will reside for a year
at least, Mr; u. Having engaged in tbe
grocery business in that city.
S. M. Hankins, of Talent was in tbe
Hub city Friday doing business with
our merchants. He reports his wife's
health not the best In fact it has not
been good for a couple of years.
S. J. Colby, father of J. M. Colby, the
carpenter, died at Vancouver, Wash
ington, on November 10th, of paralysis.
The old gentleman lived with his son
In Medford a couple of years ago.
- J. W. Curry is at Gold Hill and
Grants Pass this week selling sewing
machines. He has been making a
ffdneral clean-un of the comnanv's hunl
3ss id Jaokson County for the past
coupie 01 weexs.
Mrs. John R. Southerlin and two
children, of Koseburg. arrived In Med'
ford Sunday and will visit for couple
of weeks with Contractor O. H. Wil
liams .and family, Mrs. Southerlin
oeing a sister of Mrs. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson left
Wednesday for California where they
will remain during the winter, perhaps
always, should they find a place that
suits them. . Everybody ' hereabouts
would like mighty well to see them
comfortably situated in a country that
just sultB, but we are all deucertly sorry
to lose such estimable people. ,
Harvey Richardson came down from
Trail Friday and on Saturday took the
Bouthbound passenger for Anderson,
Cull'., whore ho will visit lor a conple
or three weeks with relatives. Mr. It.
Is a geutlomnn with populist doctrines
as his DUldtng star, but notwithstand
ing this, ho subaorlbod for THB MAIL
Saturday because It t a NFWspapor.
Starvation at Dawson City.
Tho predictions of hardships and star'
vatiou on the Kloudiko which wuro
George Gove, the arohlloot, came up nMue Mmt time aco. are lust now iirov
from Yroka this week to look after a fog to bo quite true. It has been quite
number of little business matters. Ho a while sinoo any dolluite or reliable
reports that business Is good oyer at news lies been received direct front l)aw
his town and that It Is looking bolter son City, but on Sunday, Noveinbor 8,
every uny. no i uuw wur un a uik tne steamer Vlty 01 Hostile arrived tu
store building at Gasoll. That Goqrge (buttle with twentv-flve uassonitors til-
is doing woll is no surprise he is a root from Dawson. They hadcomo out
fine workman and a good follow Ren- 0vor the Dalton trail and are supposed
erally. to have about $60,000 with thoui. Tlioy
E. A. Palmer, the arahltoot, returned wero 43 days from Dawson to Chllkat,
this week twin Lelaod where he has and by their description of tho trip the
neon engaged in oonstruoiing numes ror uarusnips enunrea were niuon more se
ttle Whltohoad-Portor-WiTleke Mln- vera than has been experienced by those
Ing Comitany. He reports this fine who made the trip in from this side,
property better than a Klondike. The last of the party left Dawson on
Mr. Palmer has been vory suooessful October U, and just previous to their
In the operation of his "Daisy" amalga- departare the steamers Bella and Alice
mator. He will remain the winter in arrived up the river, but both brought
Medford. slight earfoe the lislla's cargo consist
Mrs. C. O. Damon asd children, who ing malnfy of whiskey. Starvation was
formerly resided In Medford. but who Um staring many In the face,
for the past year nave been living with "d angry crowds could be seen talking
fv. .. . 1. 1. ..... I over the situation and eursiu ihA nw-
were on Saturday morning's southbound comers most ol whom had very little
train enroute for San Franoisoo where r no provision with them. The mounted
Mr. Damon has been stopping for some- police were onering iree transportation
time and where he Is enraged In the ? the ''grub" piles down the
bill posting business, and is reported mer, wher the Related steamers had
to be doing well. Thev will go to discharged moat of their cargoa in the
housekeeping in that city . nfrw Tbf
"SrNeJon"i.rtTVadar-bornln"g 1!" P?!.d
for Los Angeles. Calif., Where they Kly Jill sMnde winter Tho ZSfiZ
will remain during the winter. The 7 .hii iK.n chJ IZ, l th. 1. in
trip is taken In hope that Mrs. Jacobs' to2nddt$hJZZ &
health, which has not been the best of Sal Remained F o5r w
late, will be Improved. Should there Ln Vjm ".l "n
-l"fSiN.U,? '" r,'." KadMblr.nO0tt'for
secure employment they will undoubt- m:Tr' , u"S,..uw,n a" lor.
edly rema n MrmMently Nute is ff8'''0 Provisions, and It was believed
n-!riVw. .oA;;..r... that there was aaeoretorganisation there
one of the very nest accountants who ... ... .
ever handled a set of books in Jaokson Lwf., ZZ lX, ', '1
County, as was proven by his excellent i.S?!6 "S.??Kt.?, "5
.h.. .. 1.. .,..1.1 provisions. To say that the situation
W,0J!.rK,CJe.rJti is serious is only making a mild state-
"7,," " t,r. Z. mnt- John W. Brauer, United 8taU
an'dteiSh youngTdeasX weVaVo d T'tOt WT
L tho .iVhi 2 tZH " ,.i, , and when asked regarding the situation
ohnuE. "idHTherS is only one
, " v, T" . , .", : ""..rr.,... I salvation lor tne miners wno are now
h:4"trtAeul,, ,rt Dawson Citv. and that is for them
veTOe write? KTil H Moln- awful winter trip from
wJJi?h thinwf 15. in j,.Jf; Dawson to Fort Yukon, a distance of
S JS'JSLVS. IVZ There is food'at Fort Yukon ;
the county In wishing that health mav
be restored and that Nute get a job-
there is none at Dawson, and just
the former pormanenily and the latter furo ,"7 t""lbl au.ffor-
Z3 rrrtrw! " be the fate of the Dawson miner
: - I Utt I
Echoes From the Street.
unless he leaves there before spring.
will make my statement conservative
and say that when I left Dawson the
men who were there bad on an average
tour months' food buodiv. Home urn
not have a month's supply ; some had
four or five.
The Isst restaurant closed the nlsht
I left. It had been selling nothing Bui
beefsteak, for which the hungry paid
"The only thins vou could poesibl
buy was sugar,baking powder, spices anil
E. W. Carver: "No, I'm not married
That was all a mistake. One of those
inquisitive fellows asked me if I was
and 1 jokingly told him yes and set up
tne cigars
Fred Slagle: "I have given up horse
racing. There is nothing in it. No, 1
have not sold Hlac. but I probably will,
I expect to go Into the merchant tailor- dried fruit. No dour, bacon or anything
ing Business wuu ai xvejnoms. 01 mat Kind could De purchased In any
C. F. Case. Sams Vallev. by postal I of the stores, ssmply because thev did
card : "After a little experience have not have them. So long as the stores
found that I cannot get along without nad any provisions, prices remained the
The Mail. Please send it and I will same.'
call in and settle when in Medford." Thomas Magee, Sr., the well-known
T . , . .... I capitalist 01 Han rrancisco, who waaoae
Joshua Patterson,ofTalent-"I have f those who came out, in an interview
wun tne correspondent of the Associated
Press, said:
"The excitement of the failure of
steamers to bring food to Dawson con
tinned when the Dalton party left. No
plans had yet been formulated to avert
the starvation of those who are short of
provisions. Those well supplied have
not much svmnathv with those who are
snori, Decaose 01 tne I act mat tbe ma'
jority of these latter went in with littlf
food, although abundantly warned at
i-aie nennen in aavance. A scarcity,
11 not famine, will nrevail
abbreviated." . "Nothing was talked of but the rub
J. W. Uurry : "I was over In the queauon. ine result win prooaoiy De
Applegate country last week selling Uie formation of a public committee to
aewing machines. There is an unusual gainer op voluntary or enforced contri-
amount of activity in the mining in-1 botions, the food thus gathered to bo
terests over that way. The completion pnblicly dispensed and paid for by work
of a larire ditch by tha SMttla K,H. or cash by those to whom It is liven."
cate will open up some good territory. I The above story iagiven a rather shady
The Steamboat properties are also in cat by the San Francisco Examiner
exoellent shape for a fine winter's run." I which published upon the same date
T' tt ttt'i, 1 11, ui iuo auove appearea in tne aauy pa
J. U. Willeke: "I am nn from thel- 1 .1.....1 T: .iu
. , - . . IV.aui.UI UHlUi LC IIUIU blVCf IIHIUii
mines ior a iewoays. xes, onr ditcn is U'a .po-iai correspondent at Dawson
300 acres of land into wheat and will put
in 200 acres more. Plowing is fairly I
good little soft on top, but if we do I
business in farming we cannot wait nn-
til the conditions are exactly suited to I
our wishes."
Operator Dunn: "See oar new cat?
It is the 'Sunset Limited.' Notice its
color sunset rays in all tbelr gor-
geousness aoross tbn cat's back seer
Where does the limited come In?
Notice, if you will, the length of it
tail if that Isn't limited then I am
not authority on anything that is
completed and the water has been tamed
in. The ditch is five and a half miles
long and cost in round numbers t&OOO.
There are eighty-eight thousand feet of
lumber in the ditch. We are now wait
ing for our pipe. When it arrives wo
will be ready for business. I will return
to Iceland next week.
Agent W. V. Llppincott: "I am not
authority on any of the probable printed, wonld lead even the most credo
movements 01 ine aoumern faoinc. out I ious to infer tbat someone had lied.
I'll tell you that the improvement
City, in which is stated two river
steamers had arrived at Dawson from
St. Michael with three hundred tons of
supplies for the hungry miners and that
the threatened famine had been averted.
The fact that Livernash's letter to the
Examiner waa brought out by parties
who reported a deplorable condition in
the Northern country, and as above
made by the company's crew on thede'
pot recently were only those that con
tinued use bad made necessary. It may
be several years before a new depot Is
built here but this last partial repair
would seem to Indicate that an entire
change might be close at band.
Mail Office Devil: "Well. Ill be
smashed! There comes a fellow on a
white enamelled bicycle
Tbe Products ofregoa.
eye on that corner up there and
see a girl with sun-kissed hair
in sight quite Immediately. There
she is. There's your girl with the
Klondike ringlets. I see a Mrs. One
Lung is keeping a restaurant down in
the Willamette vallev. If she misses
anouher lung there will be a restaurant
Tbe Oreffonlan of Nnvemhnr 24th
gives the report of the products of
twenty-two counties In Oregon for 1897.
, .t7.SS,0H
Livestock i.uvjn
Hst... , lai m
Ooti ,sm.m
FlAh ' . . mum
.r 1 u r' :'-rr
Aeep your l , 11
Jni't l,UI.
Wood 1,088,816
BDtler.eliMuudMH idmiv
PoutoM ' 76.S0O
Other products ...- 67S,eM
ikff ,820,000
Tho Mnmn miwi. nf Ik aama Hta
ur rai-j m ttumiuiokruMjr uon t gives tne following as the products ol
you think?"
Mail Office Devil : "Medford has the
jolliest crowd of preachers ''that ever
congregated in any one town of its size.
They are hale-fellows-well-met and
tnose are tbe kind their parishioners u
11 as thiu nt nl no. l.t. 1IW . fOtSWeS .
. - F Wnol. nonnda
Dried irult .
Jackson County which have been sold
at nome or abroad
Wheat. bunhi,lfi
Hay, ton
meet, ibev can eet close enoueb to a
hardened sinner to put a tract in his o.-aoos. tons..
pocket, and that's more than the ntuM Gold doat and trallloa
old stickers for "form" could do in an I K&;
hundred years. Bay. speakmB of nreoch. Cattle, shinned
era calls to mind. Monday I was telllnc ."" and ranch
about something that happened up at poultry'".'.'.'.'.'
Juneau, Alaska, when Bev. Gittins, who Wine, gallon...
was present, quickly made response
'how'd Ju-nean?' fvon know) see? A
pun like that from a Methodist preacher
is inaeeu mirtn provoking.
' Number
.. mfloe
.. 60,009
. 1,010
.. 6,sys
.. 6,000
.. 1I,S00
.. ID.OO)
.. w,ouo
Don't be persuaded into buying lini
ments without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no
more, and its merits have been proven
by a test of many years. Such letters
as tne louowing from L. G. Bagley,
iiuonomo, uai.. are constantly bOlnor
received: "The best remedy for pain
I have over used Is Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, and I Bay bo aftor having used It
in my fumlly for Bovoral yeara." It
Total valne
The above is. of course. onlV an esU
mate, but even so tha amounts we be
lieve to be too low in some instances
to even be termed an estimate. For
Instances the sold nroduced la nut
down at $125,000 when the Sterling
mine 'alone produced nearly if not
quite that amount alone this season
and there are others, lots of them.'
Disfigurement lor lifn bv htii-na nr
scalds may bo avoided by using De-
Witt's witch llazol Salve, tho great
remedy for nllos nnd for all Ulruln nf
cures rheumatism, lame bank, sprnlns sores and Bkln troubleB. Strang, tho
and swellings. .For salo by G. H. Has- druggist,, Modloid; Dr. J. Hlnklo, Con
kins, druggist. 1 tral Point.
Georgia Ross, rvouiitlyfromSpukano,
has outorod tho south primary this
The girls of the (nth grade guva a
very Interesting Thanksgiving pro
Only one caso of tardiness occurred
in the soooud grade during tliu past
The pupils ol tho fourth grndn ,gavo
a Thanksgiving program last wouiioe
day afternoon.
The pupils of tho tenth grade had a
tost in history last Wednesday 00
"England undor the Stuart Lino."
Charles Culp, who attended our
school throe years ago, has returned to
euioru ana cipuoit to re -enter scnooi.
The scholars of the tenth grade hava
been visiting the primary grades for
the nurtose of taking ootea on the
subjeot of primary Instruction
The geometry lesson last Monday
morning was exceptionally good. This
was owing to the short vacation Thanks
giving week. Why not have Thanks
giving every wees 7
The examinations of the Medford
sohool were held this week, but not
having time for alt, a few were loft for
first of next week, Examinations aro
held three limes a year.
A hotly contested game of football
was played by the Central Point and
Medford high sohool teams at tbe
lormer's ground Thanksgiving. The
score was decided tie, there being 10
points gained by each aide.
The Steroootloon entertainment at
the opera house Monday evening was a
pleating success, ovor Ally-seven dol
lars being cleared. As It was under
tbe auspices of the publlo school, the
pupils are grateful for the liberal
It Is worth noting that tho young
men who use tobacco are boconilng
more careful In using It In the presence
of ladles. A gentleman knows bettor
than to use a ulgar in an opera houso
or near the entrance while aoy gather
ing is being held.
Thoopposlllon to tho peanut shuckors
has come to be so pronounced that the
nuiBauoe has nearly ceased. Those
who bavo moro stomach than sense,
and who need to be constantly filling
the aforesaid organ In public on peanuts
and other edibles will soon learn that
tbelr room Is preferred to their com'
Every pupil present on Thursday, in
the public school, In all the grades above
tne nrst grade, agreed that tho use ol
tobacco in any form is not good for
school children, and that they would
refrain from its use. The law of thli
stole makes it illegal to sell or give to
any person under 18 vears 01 age. to
bacco in any form, without consent of
parents. There are only two or three in
school over 18 years of ago, so that any
one lurnisning tooacoo to scholars- It
Medford will not onlv violate tho law.
but will be liable to bo detected for the
school is in earnest in this matter and
proposes to dolend itself, ito person
unuer 10 years 01 ago can legally use to
bacco In any form in any nubile nlace.
street, alley, etc. It Is wrong to allow
the chllaren to be led into evil habits of
any kind and there is no worseenemy of
our publlo school than tobacco in the
bauds, pockets and mouthee of the pu
Visitors: Mesdames E. Wilkinson
A. Hanley, H. E. Baker. Ella Cole.
White, E. Uittins,
uuwmson, tt. io
$ Christmas
m i
. J
Hub it two-fold lulvmitugo.
O110 1h morn
apt to got prooiHoly what in wuntwl inul
can niuko
huh with much irroittor
comfort and BatiHfaotion, owing; to tho ttb
gonce of the crowdw of the lutor ChriHtnian
sound). We have a bountiful anttortment
of appropriate and unoful C'hrintmaH giftH. jjrV
I J. G. Van Dyke...
DDon't Former
To look Into tho Fair Store. You will sou tbo Diivsl line of
HHoliday (Goods
Ever displayed In Medford at bedrock prion
"w -7--T"
Don't qulto understand how It Is ihut I am
many farmurs' horses with new ..-
fitting out w
HARNESS, 's pall-
D. T. Cox. O. W,
Oroot, Wm. Ulrloh. C. E. Carder, it
Tripp, A. 8. foster, J. K. arnell
w. u. Taylor, F. M. Wilson, W.
vawter, rrm. atioaei, w. u. liarnum
E. Wells, J. D. Beard, W. E. MoCaulay
Mary Sergeut, C. T. Cardwell, H. G
Wortman, A. 8. Bllton, P. Vanlna,
n. u. oievens, r. uirgo, u. w
Hazel. J. W. W 11 Ilk. H. Eisoh. J. O.
Taylor, B. nsher, U J. Hon well, G. W
Isaacs. E. P. Gearv. I. L. Hsmlluin
U. L,. Davis, J. W. Loehur and L. E
Hoover. Misses Prudle Anrle. IHa
ttedden, Helene Mitcbo II. Mvrtle Law
too, Ruth White, Loratne Hilton, Vera
vveoo, raouie uarnuourg, iaura Vol
Winnie MoPherson. ATleon Wobhr.
Genevieve Wortman, Dorrls Wells
Haxel Cox aod Verna Hutobons,
Messrs. Kev. A. 8. Foster. W. K. nvlu
James Stewart, George McCuno, Goo
oser anu xvov. Ulltlos.
Rev.W. M. Slaughter,
or west vmoiNi.
WrttM Of the KsiMflts Rscslvsd Prom Dr.
wiissr wasteraun Nsrvloe,
R. MILES' Restorative Nervine Is
particularly adapted to the restora
tion of health broken down by hard
mental work. Bev. W. M. Slaughter of New
Havon, W, Vs., writes! "I suffered with ex
treme nervousness, ditzlnoat, dull and ner
vous headaches and sleeplessness. My heart
cans to troubling me, I was short of breath
tram the least sxsrtkn, and suffered much
pain In my left side.
Medicine snd physi
cians gave me no re
lief, I procured Dr.
Miles' Beatoratlvs
Nervine, New Heart
Cure and Nerve and
Liver Pills, and I am
sure no words of com-
msndation astotheresultscanbetoo stronf.
sleep well, the dirtiness and confused feel.
Ing bars disappeared, my hoart troubles me
no moro and I fcol perfectly woll,"
ur. miles' Komcdies aro sold by all drug-
gists undor a positive iniunintoo. first bottle
Vwnoflts or money rofnnded, Book on
lienrt and NorvDSKontfrno toallappllnnnts.
lilt. MII.I'X MWJIOALCO., Klkhart, Ind.
No-To-Ilitn for Flrty Conta.
Ouarikiitocil Ujliutco linhlt ctiro, iiihI:ir wonlt
aen Htrauu, lilovd puro. r,uo,tl. All iliuiulsui.
Well, tho secret isenslly punssed every horse owner want
a flrst-olass article In harness, saddles, etc., and that Is Jut
what tbey find at my store. Repairing promptly doue....
J. G. TAYLOR, Medford, Oregon ...
1 ill ll li
Christmas Goods
GQA Just art ri-gulnr ae the monlh of December roll around
' juHt so regular do we fill our shelving and coanUre with
Holiday Goods....
V Our slock ooDiprises Candies, Nuts, Cigars. Smofcera'
JJfS, nd Toys lor the little ones and Christmas Trees
to bang them on....
Parker & Higgins, 'mdpod, oiiegox f
Ladies' Up-to-Date
uress uoots
l And Goodvear welu aim a shipment of those
V Z famous calfskin low and snrinir luwl l.nit.
nd lace bootsjust Uie thing for wet wealivr
TTi . C-fli' "oon ,m1 mud whiI" lh tock is com
Full stock of Rubbers. 8ick shoes doctored....
Tayler, The Foot Fitter
. Lewis Slaver Co.
I We now hftVA nn hanW a lawn atjnb rt WmrMn
ww-.-v uv utwvam jm, h taVsJ B. C fm
Hacks aild blirrp-ioH. Ca.I1 AnW aon nnr nnw f'aA W JT
OO " ..wv m vucu ; btw
I Black Land gangs.
We have a full
stock of machinery
of all kinds..,
1 Mfl
1 ii y
D. T. LAWTON. Manager Medford Brsnoh,
Jobbing of all kiistds.
All work guaranteed first-clftss. Plana and eBtimaton furnished or
all kind of work oltlior brick or wood.
of al.
Dills of LUMMKIt of all kinds fllliHl on short notloo. RMh, Doora anil Mill wo
Kiaun-an; ininx ia ins miuiiu 01 wooa work can be had 00 aliorl notion.
Medford, - - - - - - - ' Orero