f: If You Want to Reach " floor '.llH:'-- the Jackson County People 2 ; i i t i i ' ' ' till) UIIMl of Mmhb V ( i " ItlO iHMt 01 UlOUl . f You've Oot to Uae the Paper that Reaches .. .. $ tlio nnut of Ihom m llio bint of IIiiiui THE MAIL CIRCULATION ..... I jA U ; Inserted In i first-olaes news- E ' 2 paper in the most effective way J : of reaching a given section .,, he Me-fora" Mall- Cujp-i In the'leadlng family newspa Ntv-V ' per In Jackson County .,. VOL II. MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1897. NO. 45. S Circulation 1900 $ , tK01TE8BI0HAL CARDS. j W. J0NK8, I'MVHKIIAN AND HUIIUKON. Modford, Oregon. gVOMcs-Opora lllook. C0I.V10 tfe REAM KB, W. M.l'nlvlK A, K. Itoauios LAWVKKB. Orlh monk. Jacksonville, Oregon. Will uriiullcm In all the oourla or lUo alato. Careful vuuiimiI glrcu In all mellora. J, A. PALMER, AUOIIITKOT ANIJ BM'KIIINTHNUKNT Omuo lu Ailklna-Deuel blk. Modlord, Or. ParaimHlt-e dr.wlog. and aptwlflosllons (urn lahwl in nil klnda of niodorn uulldlnga. Own- er's luwroal considered paramount. J, 8. HOWARD, HUUVKVOU AND CIVIL KNUINKKIt. U. . Deputy Mineral Hurvejur for tbo Hlato of Oregon. I'oalotllc. eddreaa: Madford, Oregon. )VM, 8. CROWKLL, . ATTOUNKV AT t.AW. Jaokaonvlllo. Orogou. V, II. PARKER, ATTOUNKV AT LAW, Hamlin lllook. Hcdlord. Ore. AMMOND & VAWTKR, Austin H. Hammond, "Win. I, Vawtor. ATTOHNKYM AT LAW Office 1.0. 0. P. building, Molfoid, Oi J. B. WAIT, 1-IIYltlCIAN AND HUKUKON, Oraar III Chillier' lllock, Mtdford, Ol (jEARY A PICKEL, I'ltYHICIANH AND SUllOKOXH, omoe hour-IOto 12 a. m. and SUM p.m. MuniL.va 1'iUi 1. ' t Modford, Or O)mcot lUukln Block. Chas. Perdue . . . I Practical Gi and Bioycloa ripaired on short notice at living prices. ... Shop in J. A. Whitman's warorooms.... LIME! ... i No. 1 quality o( llmo from tlio . well known Kanoaorook quarry CHEAP FOR CA8H a 1 ! , Wo aro now roadv to supply . Modford and nil towns on tho railroad. Wrllo for torms to Carpenter & Allison, GOLD HILL, ORB. G.F. PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH AND HORSE SHOER Tricoa roasonablo and eatiflfaction guaranteed . Special attention given j to plow work ..... There Isn't a Branch ... i - Of Blaoksmithing that I al do not fully understand. ha ftud my prioes will not cnppio your purse, nor will tho shoes setoripplo your horses. , I do all kinds of .Wagon and carriage work J. R, WILSON ... "16 to 1" Earner All work strlotly first-olnss. and my prloos are the lowy-, est In the oity.,., i ; ' -y , V Shop on Sevonth street, op posite Union Livery Stables Sip Satisfaction !0 ill yy rnhoro is always muoh satisfaction in knowing 1 that you have the best article of the kind that can be bad. Some people have an idea that more is asked for Bridge-Beaoh stoves and rangou than for others, but, although thuy possess advantages not to be found in others, no more is asked for them than for other firBt-class goods of their kind... ...... We carry a complete line of Bridge-Beach cook and heating stoves, as well as hardware and sporting goods J. BEEK & GO... RATES FROI... tl to $J PliK UAV . mmmmmmmm - - -. " s Medford, Oregon Tlio Naah la one of tlio moat popular hotola In Southern Urc'uon, und no pulna are apnrud for tliu comfort and oovommodatlon of fuou, KvcrytlilnK about the houaa Free Sample Rooms THE HOTEL BAR la ucti nraima oi wines, Onion Liivery Stables... TERRILL & COMPTON, Prop'rs Having lately purohaRod this popular stable we are now pre pared to furnish first-clsss rigs and safo and faBt driving horsos at reasonable rates. Horses boarded .... Commercial . Travelers . Rigs .a. Specialty THE Palaee Confectionefy PARKER & HICCINS, PrOD'18 Wk.kula DaaUra la Confectionery, Cigars Tobacco fropr-s of MEDFORD 80DA WORKS We Carry None But Flrst-Clua Ooods trvnvnrtn OREGON DON'T That I have the largest and beat selected stock of furniture, carpots, wall papor and window shades to be found in South ern Oregon .... : .' Escape Your Attention..:! If you are a prospective iuo uigost in graao ana In connection FRANK: W. WAIT ... STONE YARD Gonoral contracting In all Unas of stono Cemetery Work " a Specialty ... Alljdnds 'of marble and granite monumonts ordored direct from the quary... , Vard on G stroot- , ; t Oominorlolnl Hotel Dlook TresqriTjtions Oarefullv " ! Oompotinded. "T ''J Mala StrMt MtcVort Oragoa. ' " v r i- i i i ' - .'" f. '' ' 1 L. HAfllLTON ...PHOFRICTOH ... STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS ... SUlknLz always supplied with tho very J liquors una ulnars .... ti4 RaUII ... LET THE FACT" purchaser you Ill Dnd tnv (roods in o lowost la price, a Undertaking X-'A. WEBB work. MEDFORDj OREGON THE MORTAR DtUa STOtJE, 0. H.HASKISS, Prop'r. HA. ANVTHINQ IN THK LINK OP ' Pur Diugs, Pntont Medlolnes, Books. Btntlouery, PAINTS and OILS, Tobaccoes, Olrara, PerAimory, Toilet Articles and uveryiiunK nn I. ourriea in nr HUM BKUU HTUKK NEWS OF THE WORLD. MXTCIN LIVM LOST BY A ON LAKE ERIE. DISASTER Atteaspt Bara it. Aacaaslae DaaJljr Pif-M ia Kealanhy Orar the IlMilta ' A Bf g r.ore If la Tare. Brat-era mi ai.iaa. Ssafarlag man ar. g.lag to p.titioa (OBfraag to modify navigatloa laws. ' Hi a flnt of tha taa-lneh guns for the fbrttSeaU.ug at Ban Diag., CaL, hat arrived there. J. . Cad, who ak.t and klllad Wal ter Kuaaall in Chioo, Cal., wag aaateno d to prlaoa for lua. The Paraaerg' AlMaaaa warahauaa at Oeaeaiet, Idau. was bara.d with it tontaata of 100, OM baahala of grain. During a riolaat gala en Lake Erie Ik. staaaa.r Idaho was wr.ekad, and 16 of her .raw of 19 war dr.waad. Thomas Naltr baa aoalaaaad that ha murdar.d his Ihra. siatara and a kr.th- ar, near Kawaon, Uu.imc, auring a uarr4. Callforaia grapes ar. gaining such favor la tfi. New York marke as to be a d.trim.nt to ah. sal. of imported tocka. Spanish aathoritise are tiakng meas ures to pnt a atop to tke wuoieaaie Importing of fli.armg into Bpalu by the fc'arlisUi. Miaa Krancis E Willard was ra-elect- ad preaidont of th. Women's Christian Temporanca Union at the Buffalo Mas ion. Captain Lov.riag, who caused soldier to b. shamefully abused at Fort Hharidan, ia lo be oourt-martialed for doing so. Von Uamraon, ana of th. players of the Univoraity of Gaorgla football team, dl.d from th. injuries h. receir ad in a recent gam. at Atlanta. Tho formation of a stravbeard trust, ooniroling every plant in th. country, has been effected at Anderson, Ind., and will begin operations at once. Uenoral liiomaa L. Ullaginan, ex- United States aenator from North Car olina, died in aa inaane asylum at Raleigh, last weak. Kx-Turklah Consul Joseph A. Iasigi waa found guHty at Beaton of ambe ail ing from Freneh aatatea auma to the amount of 1140,000. Qeaeral Uitea has reoommeaded that a company of light artillery be placed on guard at aeh of th. United States mints and sah-tiwararUa. A dispatch from Argentine says that the prospects for the wheat crop are splendid and there is every indication that lha yield of wheat will be very large. Election day at Frankfort, Ky., was ushered In by a bloody encounter on tli.str..ss between lepnblieans and Democrats reeulttng in th. shooting to death of three tnea and th. wounding of two or more. Kite desperadoes confined in jail at Daadwood, 8. D., ov.rpowered th. latter, outraged hia wife and eseaped. Four of the saan were lobbers and tha other a murderer. - ' '.' General Weyler, late captain-general of Cuba, will be placed under arrest aa soon as he reaches Spain and tried by court-martial for making a .farewell speech at Havana that waa aot to the beat interests of th. Madrid authorities. A disturbance waa raise on election day in Ufa Crooked creek precinct Castl.rock county, Ky., and whan the sheriff tried to restore order a general shooting affair 1 took ' place. ' Henry Landford, John Lawrence and Charles Payne, the df star ban, were' killed by deputy sheriffs' doriBg th. fight Tha aew oongreeeloaal library, which has been In course of construction for th. past six year at Washington, was thrown open to th. public a few days ago. There were no ceremonies of any kind. ' About 350,000 volumes are now on the shelves of the library. A convention botween the United States, Russia and Japan looking for the joint protection of the seals has been signou at the stat. department, Washington. It will require the ratin cation of tha senate to bscome effect Uy.. Tho annual report of Governor Mcr Cord of Arisona has been made public. The population or th. territory is esti mated at 87,500 an increase over, last vear of several thousand. " The nunv ber of Indians in Arltona is 'estimated at 37,728."" " " ' ' An attempt was made to burn the city of St . Augustine, ' Fie.,' Sunday. The incondiaries had tampered with fire apparatus so as to render it almost useless. They then started fires in different parts of tho oity, all of which were extinguished except one. ' This fire was iu' the beautiful San Marco hotel, which oost $250,000,, and tho building was burned to the ground. An attempt ; was made Friday to issnsslnat. the provident of Braail, Dr. Prud.nte Jos. d. Moraes, by a soldier. The president's brother, an army offi cer, waa probably t mortally r wounded by, the would-be ssButn, while at tempting Jo shield tha chief eseeutlve. General Machado Betliancourt,' min ister of war, who was one of th. presi dent's party, was shot and killed by unknown parsons daring the excite ment'' ' John Watka, a Creak Indian, who killed a f.llow iribeeman. waa execut ed at Chelsea, L T. Watka waa sen tenced to death soma months ago, but allowed hia II be Ky, promising to pre sent himasif for execution at a stated time. During th. summer h. went to Kansas city with a baseball team aad had ample opportunity to escape had he deelree to da so. He prevented him self promptly on time for hia execu tion. ' Th. extensive Meablishment of Hay wood Br.thera, manufacturers of rat tan furniture, at Boston, waa damaged to the extent ef 990,000 by fire. Nathan gUrk, a 'prominent farmer, waa held ua an the highway at Mercer. Mo., by Ira Sexton, a neighbor, who attempted to red Mm." Stark resisted, aad Sexton ahet aad killed him. J. Andaraoa, eeok, and five seaman f th. schooner Olive Pecker, arrived on a steamer at Newport N.wa, Va., as prisoners from Bahia, Brisll. While on th. high seaa Anderson murdered the captain aad mate, and at the point ef a gun compelled the crew to fire the schooner. The sailor, took to the small beata and drifted about until picked up by a vetaeU ... British ship-builders have refused to sign contract, to construct cruisers for Spain fearing they wili not be paid for the work. Edward Hamilton employed at the Worcester National bank, at Worcest er, Mass., killed bis wile and daughter and then shot himself. The sale of the Kansas Pacific branch ef the Union Pacific road, under the government foreclosure, ia postponed until Thursday, December loth. James Moore, Mike Welch and an unknown Sootehanan, were killed by the prematura explosion of black pon der on th. eletric railway road at Vic tor, Col. Benton D. Hatcher, former cashier of the Northweatern National bank of Great Falls, . Moat, pleaded guilty to charges of misappropriating funds of the bank and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment James Bos well, living at Mrs. Emma Smith's boarding house in East Dallas, Tex., became jealous of the attention James Barton, another boarder, was paying to Mrs. Smith and he killed Burton and Mrs. Smith, and then blew out his own brains. A message from Hermosillo, Mexico, says that Captain George Parker and a sailor named Johnson of the junk World of San Diego were killed about Octoker 27th by the Seri Indiana on the Tiburon island. Eight whaling vessels are reported to be caught in the ice floes in the Arctic eceau and the outlook for the safety of their erews is most discouraging. Ihe ships had only a month's supply of provisions and no aid oan reach them until next June. The men may cross the ice pack and reach land but could not secure provisions. Thia year's grape crop is one of the largest ever produced in Sonoma coun ty, Cal. High prices have been secured ana the vinejardieU are happy. The Sparta stage was held up by two masked men about three mile, from Baker city, r Or. The highwaymen frightened the horses, causing them to run away and upset the coach. .The driver grabbed the mail sack and ran to Baker city. A fire occurred in a row of tenement houses in San Francisco and destroyed over $25,000 worth of property, and also made homeless a score of poor families. The sufferers were all labor ing people and, having lost all they possessed, were left destitute and suff ering. , ',..,;.. j Under Sheriff J. H. Mansfield, who was in the fight with and wounded Murderer Fiannelly at Redwood city, Cal., two weeks ago, has been appoint ed sheriff of Sen Mateo county, to succeed Sheriff McEvoy, who died from wounds received during the shooting with Fiannelly. While at work on some excavations at Scarborough head, at th. mouth of the Columbia river, Or., R. Lucas was buried beneath a pile of concrete, by the bursting of a wall. , , He was dug out, to all appearances dead, and taken to the morgue at Astoria. The body wan placed on a' diaeacting tabl. and physicians prepared to hold a post mortem ' examination, -when' -suddenly the1 body ' commenced .' to more and preaently Lucas Sat up. ; i:v! ': ; ''-"'The Vnlon Paaiae Sold. !" ' The Union 'Paciflb railroad proper, including the' buildings and all. that goes to operate the system,-was sold at Omaha to the Reorganisation' com mittee for the sum of $53,S28,6S2 76, This amount does not include the sink ing fuud In the hands of the govern ment, aad takiue this to be (4,036,40. the amount stated in' the government decree eovermg the eMe of the road the total paid for the (property Is 157, 564.031 7C - There - were, no obter hid- d.rs, and tke read weat.t. the reorgan isation committee withe t any . Jppogl- tlon. .sue t!0 oinos yiuid hvn t ' ?4 ii r i 1 ,1 iaia. ii , CURRANT MU8T HAND. the Valteel sHatee aapreafe Ceart Will Lei tha Law Tea. Its Caa-as. ;' Monday the United States supreme' court, at Washington, D. C, aaVtaed tha decision ef the dreail eemft el ; California rotating a writ of habeas; sorpus to WHWam Henry Thaedere i lrerfaat, under sea tone of deatfl for the murder of Miss Blanche Lament in Sao -Franeieeo, In April, 1885. 1 The , ' THEODORE DtJRRANT. ' decision permits the law to take Its course with the condemned man. Chief Justice Fuller aanounced the ! court decision, but made no remarks j save to cite a few authorities on Which . , the court based its decision. ' .: The last hope of Dun-ant to obtain " relief in the courts ia now gone. ' Her will be immediately taken to San Iran- ciaeo from the San Quentin prtaea, aad i the superior court will fix a day for his execution. : : .- f - - D. Casaaa. 'a prominent wine-maker ' of Santa Boaa, CaL, was arrested on an I, indictment charging him with perjury. Two bodies of members of the crew - of the steamer Jaaper, wrecked oft. , Point Arena some weeks age, were picked up in the ocean a few days ago. Sierra railroad trains are now run ning regularly into Jamestown, CaL, its terminus. A big celebration was : held there in honor of the completion ' of the road. Tvia Innlai will hold a BDeoial alec-. tion December 11th on the question of , refunding th. present outstanding ' 1680,000 indebtedness at a leas rate than 4 per cent ' Redondo (Cat.) Is to have a salt man- nfacturing plant By a strange coinci- -. dence the town water auppi v is obtained right bv the briny lake from which the salt will be manufactured. Senator Mclnnis of British Columbia has been appointed lietitenant-gover- " -'. nor of that province, and William lent- , pleton, proprietor of the Victoria i Times, has been called lo take Mr. Mclnnes' seat in the senate. A. G. LaV of Glenwood, Santa Crux county, Cel., has started for Australia, where he will obtain possession of gaouu ; in cash and $35,000 worth of landed -property left him by his brother. : . :, The 'San Francisco County Miners association propose to hold a big sale- y bration in San Francisco on the 24th of v January, to celebrate the 50th anniver- . sary of the discovery of gold In Sali fornia. ;'..:;, :1.':- f ' ."'.!.'...".?,.. The Oxfords, proprietors of the Chleo ; . (Cal.) sugar factory, have selected Hueneme, Ventura county, as the V locality for another sugar factory. Tho . new factory will have a daily capacity of 1000 tons. , . , ' ' The 'Sacramento Ilea trie. Gas anal V Railway company has mortgaged their franchise, plant, etc., for t-,500,000. Ellen Lee per, 18 years of ago, cam-, mitted suicide at Grant'a paas, Or., by hanging herself In her father'a kitchen. -No motive is known. !';. , , i : , Within an hour's time four fires ware started Si Fresno, Cal., on a recent -night three of which are believed te hare been incendiary. mures " Cures talk "In favor gB ol Hood's Sana partus, 41 Wf aa for no other medl- olne.) IU great cores recorded in truthful,, convincing; language ol grate! nl man and women, conatltute its most effective ad vertising.' Many ot these cores are mar-, veiona. , i They have won the confidence ol th. people; have given Hood'a Baraapa rllla tha largest sales In the worm; and have mad. aeosnary for. Ha tnanu etuej thegreateat laboratory on earth.- Hood'a BarasparUlaia known by the cures It has made cures ol aero tula, salt rheum and ecxems, cures ol rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, euros ol dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh cores which prove !)0ar8apariila Is the istMn fast the One Tree-wed Pttruter. A lrJod'S ti':''W 'fin, 'W aa-T HoOd'S-PHIS t-l(,eytooprala,iie. i t - . -Ti i 7 i a -n v w y i.jvv, ; , .t'.hio j;. i-f..i : i .. dud f