A OKIST OP LOCAL Capl, .1. T. 0. Nash haa looaunod Ills piirao airing again and mado all ot hut' pui'uhiiKO of Modford real ontulo. The priipiii ty In (lunation la tlio brick llvory Hiulilu, mi North I) atruul, pur illumed from I. A. Mounuo, for a oou aldorulloii of I200 uaab III hand. Tho atahlo l now ououplod by Wllllauia li Cox, hut the room 1h Inaullliilenl and uu oxUiiihIoii of forty foot will bu built to Iho t'lint uud which will oarry It to thu alloy, uiukliiK a building Mix 131 feut In Uu. Workiuoii aio now llgurlng on tho cxU'IihIoii, whliih la to bu built thla i fall. !f aiiyoiiu wnuta to know vou can truthfully alulo that Captain Naah la letting loom) of a good bit of Ills lin- iiiuiiHu heap of gold dollars und thuy a ro dropping wlioru thoy will do good to Modford mid aa wulf to Mr. Naah, buouuau that Iho property ho la auuulr Ing i all of good value lor the puroliaao prlui and tlio moat of ll ia a rovunuu - euruor. TllK MAIL would llko it thuro , wuru more Captain Nun lis In Houthuru ' Orogon and wo aro aultlah enough to want u majority of thorn In Modford. Thu uhovu dual waa mado through tho . iiguuuy of York It Worlmuii, rual ua- . tulo brokura. Dlnflguruinoiit tor lifu by Durna or aeaida may bu avoldud by unlng Do Will's Witch lla.ul Halve, tho groat remedy for plica and for all kinds of aoroa and akin troubles. Htrang, tho druggist, Medlord; Dr. J. Hluklo, Cen tral I'olut. Ituv. Buck, uaator of tho Gorman Lutheran Church, of thla placu, rupurla " a gunural good ieullug among ino xto pie of hla church aa regarda the proi nuuU (or uruotlng a limine of wor nlilp. Thu alto chosuii la In the wuat part of the city and hutaahortdlatauuo thla aide of Ulaon'a planing mill. Tho "alto Ural ulioauu was opposite Mr. Hut tor's placu, but thin waa considered too near the railroad truck hence tho changu. Mr. i'alin, iho rual entitle dealer, genuroualy doiiuted one lot for the church and Hold one adjoining. The church la to be IMx.'Mi feet in size and work la to bo commenced upon it at an rarly date. A subscription paper la being circulated aooul town unu la uu lug uulto llln'rally aubsorllK-d to, A church organization has been perfected unu three trustees, Mat and rim I Hum iner and Henry l'uck, uluutud and in tallud. "J( 1 don't do you a hotter Job of plow work than any blacksmith in Koulborn Oregon 1 will glvo you the work. I am tiero to tlo nuslnesa and am willing to back mr work wliliasiih alanllal guarantuu." G. K. Murrlinau. V, II. Meeker A Co. liuve eulurgixl their advertising spneo in Tmk Mail this week niul have something to any iilsiul .Wl overcoats, iuntn thul t-ost f elsewheru, uud are uiukiug a aHeiulty of ehihlren'a auits. Deuel A .Sleveiia'ure out thin week willi unolher new ml, which lulls that they luive opened up IliHM) ynrds of heavy double (m'cil cuiitou in colors of ninlinul, grey, brown niul steel blue ill ll'j ceula or 111 aurds for uud lienvy twuleil aergea in I1 uu uiid white mill black uud wlnto for winter dresses uud ahirling ut H', cent" or 11! yards fur I. Duvls A (iilkev ure advertising Unit tliuv will pay cunli (or 'UK", chickens and torkeya. II. C!. M iickcv rises to remark thul he bus do tided liot lo go to Yreku hut will remain in Modford us himself mid usnisliinl ure kept busy all the time those days. You can't cure consumption hut you can avoid ll and euro every othur form of throat or lung troublu by tlio use of One Minute Cough Cure. Strung, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J. Hinklu, Central i'olut. The homo of Mr. and Mra. 8. S. I'uutz was thu acono of a pluasnnt and Informal gathering last Saturday even ing. At eight o'clock a number of in vited Bursts assembled to celebrate Halloween. The umusomoiita were music and appropriate guinea, Includ ing "fortune toiling." Hefreahmenln woro then aervod, after which nil aang "Home, Sweet, floine" to awoot accom paniment of the guitar, In tho skillful hands o! MUa Webber, and thou de parted (or home. Those present wore ' Mlaaoa Alleen Wcblwr, Klalo Hoof. Jennie Worinnn, Clara Hkeel, Mollle Ilarnoburg, I'.tta Medynskl, Stella Hmlth, Ceullo Stevens, Hani Collier and Messrs. Mori ! osier, John G. Galney, Ira I'hlppa, John Van Dyke, r. Ilort Iirown. Cash paid (or turkeys. . Itedden, Davis & Gllkoy. W. II. West, who until u (cw months ngo was a resident of Medford, died at Portland on Tuesday of last week of stomach and intestinal trouble, aged about IH years. Mr. West resided in our city something like two and ono luilf years, and during that time he Waa engaged in minion with W. A. Roberts, ol this city, on Apploguto lor a couplo of yoars ami wua nlso associated at one time with Wayne Jones in thu real es tate and insurance buHinass in Modford. Tlio duconsed left a wifoand six children, -threo of whom are grown, to mourn hla sad dom inn, Ho was a member o( tlio A. 0. U. W. and had a life Insurunco policy of .'KKK). Two alool iiIowb for trade J. S. Ilagoy, lOiist Medford. A report was circulated about Mod ford last wouk to tho ofToutthatMilford Woavor, formerly of this oily, but now of Sisson, and Waltor 1'arker, a sisnon boy, wore marriud rcoontly to a Mlaa LUMSDEN 8 WARNER Cheapest First-Ciass Grocery House IN Sniithnrn OrRnni Cull and Got Our Prices HAPS AND niSHAP5. MoManii, of DuiiHtmilr, mill a Mlaa Harris, of Uud III jH. and lliut Ilia wad ding waa u uliot kuii ulTiili'. Tho young iiiuii huvo wrlttuii TllK MAIL, undor data uf Novomhur lid, slutlug that Dili report In wholly unlruu unu witnout any foundation wliatuvur. Tills Mail luurna (rum uthur anurcoa mat tno re port aa circulated wua Intended fur u Joah but looking ut tliu report ua wo auu It printed It Fa no ohIi, but Inaluud u (mud of lun t!i ut I it not lun JuhI plain llliul, Small pill, aufo pill, bunt pill. On Wilt's Little Kurly itinera cure bilious noaa, unnstlpution, alok hnudaoho. .Strung, tlio druggist, Mud ford; Or. J. Hlnklu, Ceutrul l'olnt. J. K. Croud itnd futnlly, togolhor with hl doii. A. V. Croud, expect to lotivu thla woulc for K laiuath or Like County whore tliuy will upend the winter, and purhapa remain pcrina uunlly, but thoy are figuring on travel 1 11 If about from pluou to place for a couplo of years, looking for a location that bout Hulb tlimn, and If they uuu oiiud In aulllng thulr farm cunt of Mud ford thoy will Invent uUuwburu. Thny have a groat many friends hureabout who will wlnli tlioiu well whuruvur thuy may ho. l''or Kxehnngo t'lno roaldonoo In Modford, nuarlv four auru8 of rloli gar dun land, yomiK oruhard, borrloa, uto., to oxohungo for a good oountry home. Inquire of W. T. York. 11. Li. Iturloaon, representing V. C. Iwrv&. Co.,coininllon moruhnnta, of Han i'Vanoisco, has an ad olaowhore IiiTiik Mail calling attunllon to the fimt that ho In prupured to pay a roaaon ablu fair prloo for all thu uull applua that are fit for drying which our (row cm may havu to Hull. IIu haa arranged for the opuratlon of aovoral dryora hereabout to haudlu thu fruit. Thla will bo an 0iporluully nut often offurud for our oruhurdlaU to got money out of a fruit "not otherwlau provided for." Kttckel will put you In a llrophice orgrato, aut Montii((uu Klla orany othur range, and If nut antlafa:tory In ovury do till I tbuy don't coat you a cant. Do not lull to hear the public ad drum uivon by Uoo. K. Koiiora, of Call- (onila, on Monday evening, November inln, ut :;, In Woodmen nan. Mr, ltogcra in a him I apuukur and will ex lilain Woodcraft in such a aimplu man uur that anyoiin can umlurHlaud him. There will bo n program roudurtil, and ovorvbodv ia invited. Thin ia a good oniMirtiiiiitv to loin thu Woodmen of j thu World ua thu price hua licen lixed ut 1.1 oil mis occiihiuii. ncvunu uppiicu- lions liuve Deeii received. Hum Outer furm to runt for cash or one-third of crop. Cull on TllK Mail or C. II. Kualci, Jacksonville. L. A. lloso, C. C. Taylor and Ar thur Kurry returned laat week from Kluiniith County, where they wont after tho remain of Samuel Colver, who waa lout luiar the hike In I''uhruury, 'til, and where hladuad body waa found in the lulea thu following Juno. The reinaina were buried nuiir whuru thev wuru found hut wore laat week rolnlor red In thu I'hoenix coinotury. Mr. Colyor wna tho father of Mra. Hone and grandfather to Mra. Tnylor and Mra. Kurry. Try one ol thoao live cent Multno mah Oluh clgara at tho l'aluco amoke thuui onco auioku thum ulwava. J.I.,, lirohat, munugor of the Apollo Mining Company on I'.lk cruuk, waa here laat wuek buying auppllua. He ronorta that tho oompiinv'a mill mn chicory la nlruady purchased and will bu ahipou nure In ino spring, iney now have mull at work clearing a mill alte and roudwaya. Ho expeela a big rush that way next spring and stntca that now theru aru 600 proapoctora In tho Klk creek hllla. Kvory loot of ground, ho aaya, la bo in if aUiked. We hnvo the beat bank of brick clay. Conacquenlly thu beat brick be twocnSan Diego uud Victoria. At tho Kairvlew brick yard, Kaat Mcdford The Ladlea' Aid Society, of the Melhodiat Church, will glvo an oyster auppur at tho opera bouae on tho even ing of Tuoaday, Norombor 0th. Tho oyatera, and thbaeedibloa which uaually iro with inom, can do nau lor twonty- llvo cents per plate, while sandwiches and coffoo can bo had for ten cents. A musical and literary program will be rendorod during tho evening. Supper will bo aorved from six o'clock until until tboro la no mora business. Joe Coskov. tho best blacksmith on plow work In tho valley, will work (or Klliott thla fall and winter. C. Adama came In from Tablo Rock hint Saturday with a load of aa Jlno po tatooa as ovor found a market. Mr. Adama has ralacd about thirty tons of potatoes this year and ho la now mar' icetlns thorn, Ho la supplying tho Gold II 11 1 market at present and hopes to do business with Modlord meroliants Ho has now moved to the Cameron place In tho samo district and In oom puny with C. Ounn, will farm that proporty another Hoaaon.' Columbia and Hartford bicycles. tho atandard of tho world, at J. Uuck & Co'a, 940 to $7f. A. 0. Roussln whllo ill Salem sold hla trotting stallion, Leland W, to Portland partloB for (.'100 and alnoo his return ho has sold his two-year-old Wilkes (Illy to O. W. Galloway, of this city, for $70. Having dlBposod of both Cash PAID FOR wrj"" 5 n-a, j- r h flu flu 5 bis trotting horaet ha baa purohaaed Bill Nyo, from Itobt, Ilaber, and re turned to hla home at Cruaoent City. Iceland W Is the horse that It wa al leged waa "pulled" In a raco during tho (air. Tho best five cent olimr made Is the Multnomah Club you get them at tho t'aiacu. Tho moruhant who advertlaoa la thoroughly progressive, and provoa bo hua the true wollaro of thu town at heart us well us hla own. A progres sive newspaper la of inunlfold benefit to any nartluular suction, though It la of ton thu uaao that many of Ita business men uo not rouilv.o or appreciate tlio (act. (.miles' capea and laokols new alyloa now stock. W, II. Meekor k Co. n u 1 1 - -! , n i .. . i .... ... of thu city of Ashland, haa filed a suit before Milton Horry, city recorder and ox-ofllcio justice of tho peuco, against (. A. White, to recovor the amount of the city poll tux uaauaauu againat tho latter tor 1HU7, and the case has been act (or hearing for Nov, Oth. Now eastern oak barrels for sale at Distillery ofllco. -L. II. Teters, who came in from KUtmalh County last week accompanied by his son, Wm. Teters, to have Dr. Geary treat hla eye. Is submitting dally to the doctor's skill, but aa yet noiuing uounito is Known aa to wnat tho outcome will bu as tho caso Is moat dlfllcull ouo to treat successfully. Davla k Gllkov will pay cash for turkeys. -On pugo four of today's Mail ap pears a complete list of tho awurda mude ut the Houthuru Oregon district fair, held In Modford. This liat haa taken so much of our apuco that wo aru compelled to carry over several interest ing coiuinuiiicutloiia until next week. Watches cleaned an warrantod (or one vear (ir f 1 I'rltoburd, tho 'ewoler Dr. U. II. Cole hua sold his twenty acre ruueh, located neur I'hoenix, to 1.1 1 us hiilton, living up llogtiu river. Mr. Helton's eon will move to the now purchase. Thu pluco la a good one and no mistake haa been mode unless the doctor madu it in aelling. Mining location blanks (or sale at this olHco. -Geo. Anderson tells us thnt hla brother, Walter, la doing protty well over at Crescent City. Ho ia at work In a saw mill at !.w per month nnu board, and Mra. Audorron ia getting I'J per month doing cooking (or thu bnnda In tho saw mill. K It'll t pounds roasted coffco (or $1 ol Woltors grocery. The (ords on the Itoguo river which have been brought into use during the riant few weeke, while the llybec bridge n being repaired, are reported unsafe and wu would advise that people who are not acquainted with them do not attempt to cross. See Muckoy (or superior photos and reasonable prices. K. Kllnehammcr and tho Go'e boys on Wednesduy of thla week sold their crop of apples to rage Ac boo, of 1'ort laud. Tho prlcu paid was not made known but it was in 11 gurus that woro very aatlafuctory to producers. Wood of ull description (or sale. Wclla & Shearer, draymen. J. H. Hurdin, the popular barber. Is grandpa (or the Ural time, there having arrived at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Unrpentcr, who now live In Modoc County. Calif., on tho Hlth of October, u bouncing bnby boy. Wood is legal tender ut this ofllce In payment for subscription. K. C. Stickel, tho brick mason, Is Fulling up n right good wull for P. J. lalluy, In his new dwelling houso In vVuat Medford. Mr. Stickel la getting out a fine quality of brick and is doing a good job In laying thorn. Organ (or salo cheap, or will trade (or any kind of grain. 13. Kuss. -Mr. Proudfoot Is doing tho hand some thing by the patrons of tho elec tric light plant these days by turning on tho lights as early in tho evening as thoy aro nocded a practlco that has not always neon in us. Got Wells & Shearor to do your moving satisfaction always. -Mrs. L. D. Hitch, of Tolo, who has boon seriously 111 (or some time, was brought to town this week by Mr. HI toll, and as 4O0n as she la strong enough a critical surgical operation will bo performed. My stook o( now watches has ar rived. D. T. Prltohard. Thos. Ferns and (amlly, of Hart ley, Iowa, arrived recently and have moved onto tho B. W. Carver plaoo which thoy will work next season. Mr. KornB Is a relative of tho Carver pooplc. Parmi for ront York & Wortmaa. Horse racing ib booked for this. Friday, nltornoon and tomorrow after noon. A purse has beon gotten up in tho city and there will probably bo Boverul good races given. "Claronco," a sonal story by Brot Harto, wlllappoarln thoao columns Im- modiatoiv loiiowing tno closing chap ter o( "Tho Old Sllvor Trail" whloh la now running. Hon. Ohauncoy Nyo and H.Gordon woro In from Prospoot Inst week with thli'tv-slx head of cattle which thev sold to Harris Bros, (or 21 and 21 cents per pound. Mrs. M. K. Horrln, tho Ashland photographer. Is In Grants Pass, whoro she will have ohnrgo of the Kvoritt gallory (or a couplo ol weeks. P. M. Stewart "Kllnohammor has tho finost oroo of apples I ever saw grown In Southern Orogon. Thoy are oloan and vory ovon in si.o." A. Reynolds, tho morehnnt tailor. is making roady to change the interior of his rooms materially and making lots of good suits moantimo. J. F. Croed has lonsod his (arm, oast o( Modford. (or two voars to Goo. Wolff, formerly looatod on tho Ross plaoo, near jncKsonviuo. At n mooting of tho city council Tuesday evening on tho proposition of U. A. l'roudfoot to light tho town with electricity was rejected. HiiitIbHios.. of Gazelle Calif.. BhlP' nod seven carloads of cattlo from hero Saturday, which thoy purchased in tho lltitto crook country. Candidates (or city marshal aro looming un In Ashland, it Is said. although tho election docs not occur until in uecemuur. TUo band of sheep bought of Wm Bvbee by a Mr. Martin, of Hhaata County, Calif., wote driven through wua cuy nonaay, A oard from Itor.Thos, Hunsukor. of Dexter, dated at Medford says he oxpeots to winter at mat point. r.ugeuo uuard, Geo, Cottrell. who Is holding down a good position at Iron Mountain, Calif., la ovor lor a luw (lays vlalt witti Irlonds and relatiyua. A. W. Jacobs, of Ashland, haa beon ovur in Siskiyou County where he dis posed of u considerable amount of dried fruit, etc. V. Amann la at Leland for a couple of weeks at work on a mining Hume (or tho Whitehead, Porter it Wliloke Company. Misses Sarah A. Copoland and Laura Wilson have opened up dress making parlors In the Ualloy block, up stairs. Dr. O. P. Demurest baa traded hla Modlord property (or a ranch near Itoyaton. Lake County Kxaminor. Wm. M. Wood and Miss Dessol Jacobs, of Ashland, woro married at Jacksonville, October 'Mth. Mra. W. H. Parker, who has been aerlously ill (or tho past (ew days, is now considerably bettor. Merchant K. Brown Is building a 12x14 foot addition to his very pleasant noma in wust aieuiora. Darwin H. Hawkins, the Ashland poet, has just liauod another small volume of poems. Oscar Williams, the tonaorial art ist, haa closed hla barber ahop on Sev enth atrcel. A new floor la being put In tho dining room of the Ashland depot tiotoi. Councilman K. M. Plymale has been confined to hla room (or tho past WCUK. Mra. O. O. Hnlman, tho Aahland arllat, haa formod a class In Medford J. W. Smith took a load of sorghum to niamain uounty last Monday. A. D. Helms and (amily have taken rooms In tho Halley block. Postmaster Drunk's term of ofllco at Ashland expires to-morrow. Wheat Is selling at fi8 cents per buanel In Modlord. A. E. Woods is still very seriously ill. Died Antwlne Morine. Monday morning our people were quite shocked by the and news announcing the death ol one oi the most uged citi 7.cns in ibis locality. Antwine Murine, father of Frank and Charles, died Mon day morning, November 1, 18!7. Although an invalid and great sufferer lor nearly twenty years ne reacnea nenrlv four score vcars. Horn of French parents in St. Ixmia, Mo., in 1818, he lived with his parents until of age, when ho engaged in ontclierlng in that city, which liusmeas he lollowed eteuuily uu til ln0 ut winch tune, like many others, he started to cross the plains. With a train of twenty-six leaina the journev was mude to California where a halt was mude in Amador County. There it was that the lirst home was made on this coast. Six children four sons, Charles and Frank, of Tablo Kock, George, of Eagle Point, und one in I-os Angeles, and two daughters, one living in lied Bluff and ., i -..!. I :.. me uiuer in WHKiuuu, tvuiiiuriuu sur vive mm. Tho luneral services were conducted by Rev. Foster, of Medford, the entire neighborhood being repre sen ted, after which the remains were taken to the Antioch cemeterv where they were luid to rest. DIED IIIKAM W. KLMOIIB. Mr. Hiram W. Elmore, father of our townsman, C. H. Klmore, died at the sons residence In nest IMcuiO'-a on Thursday, October 28. aged seventy seven years, eight months and lour davs. Deceased was born in Otsego County, N. Y., February 24, 1820; in 1843 he was married to Elizabeth Allen; in 1850 he moved to Illinois, and from there to Wisconsin, where bis only son, C. H. Elmore, was born; his wife died In 1856 and in 1860 be was married to Eliza WHhrow, who died In 1890. Soon after he removed to Jackson County, Orogon, where ho has sincere sided, making his borne with his son. Kunoral services were held at tno resi dence on Saturday, Oct 30th, Rev. Edw. Gittina, ofllciatlng clergyman. Inter- In unu f ollows ccmetorv. Union Thanksgiving Services. A union Thanksgiving service will be held nt the Presbyterian Church Thurs day, November 26, 1897. Rev. A. S. roster win preach the annual sermon and the pastors of the city will assist in the service. Program will appear later. Enw. Gittins, Secretary Ministerial Association. For Sale and Trade. We have for sale or trade forty acres of land, one and a half ruilos west of Coctral Point. Good tillable foothill land lino (orfrult, throe acres oleared. Will tulto team, harne9B and wagon In part pavmont, bnlanco two years' time. Bkidleman & Nicholson, Medford, Oro. To Trade for Farm Property. One of the host residences in Mod ford, centrally located, house large, roomy and convenient, hot and cold water, bath, pantry, closets, large grounds, sot In the llnostof fruits. Any one having good, tillable land to trade will nail at Mail ofllce for further par ticulars. Knights of Pythias. The members of Talisman Lodge No. 31 are requested to be present next Monday evening. Important business. Visiting Knights cordially invited to attend. J. F. Wait, K. of R. & S. Hotv to Cure Bilious Colic. I sufforod for wuoks with oolio and pains In my stomach caused by bllious noss and had to take medioino all tho whllo until I iisod Chnmborlaln's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romody which cured nio. Ihavosinco rccommondod It to a good many pooplo. Mrs. F. But ler, Fairhavon, Conn. Porsons who aro subjoot to bilious collo can ward off tho attack by taking this remedy as soon as tho flret symptoms appear, Sold by G. H. Hneklns, irugglBt, Spring1 truoks for spring house hold moving. Woll & SUonrer, Hats! Hats! Hats! it viz ! Probably you heard that "Racket" G, L. Wolib was making almut a lot of men's bats that did not got In heforo fuir time. Now we want to tell you that we have a "double" ordor of Fedora hats hats for every man In the country, and the best values to be had (or the money... For the ladies we have some new Cloth Capos, very cheap fur trimmed and plain $1.12 to $6.30. For the tots we have some cream cashmere long cloaks, and short cloaks made of Eider-down and Boucle cloth, trimmed with fine Angora trimming. Look out for us, we are always getting something new... AT PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. Two new pupils entered the south primary thia week, Jennie and Julia Dodge entered tho third grade this week, Herman Schneider entered the fourth grade during the week. Only one caso of tardiness in the north primary during tho past month. Loca Randall and Ruble Hunsalcer entered the sixth grade Monday. Some of the rooms are beginning to prepare for Thanksgiving exercises. Miss Blanche Hunsaker, of Klamath County, has entered the eighth grade. Visitors: Misses Hart, Black, Webber and McPherson ; Mrs. John F. Gordon. Seventeen of the seventh grade were neither absent nor tardy during the month of October. The progressive members of the tenth grade are going to begin the study of physics in a few days. Geraldine Theiss has done such ex cellent work in the second grade that she has been promoted to the third grade with out an examination. The advanced music study in tbe school ia becoming more interesting. Those who were careful in their work last year are now able to do quite credit able work. There was an experiment tried last week in one of the rooms, of using oil of lavender to abolish the flies. It was a success for the flies departed and left the pupils in peace. The vcholars, while practicing in the military drill, gathered up all the loose stones lying on the yard. It took but little time to dispose of them and the yard looks somewhat improved. Thomas Macaulay's History of Eng land, Plutarch's Lives and a few other Ixwks are now placed in the tenth room so that they may be read by the mem bers of the general history class. The scholars of the tenth grade have begun the study of modern people in their history and are progressing rapidly. They have completed almost one-half the course set forth (or this year. The historv class of the tenth grade had another debate last Friday. Subject: Resolved, That if the Saracens had conquered Europe civilization would have advanced faster than it did. The entire class seems to be very much in terested in this work . The pupils assembled last Saturday evening at the Baptist Church with various bundles to celebrate Halloween. They visited several needy families and left supplies of food, clothing and other useful articles. This method of celebrat ing Halloween is coming to be quite popular in Medford, while the custom of playing pranks and doing damage is coming into disfavor, as some of the oovs Know to their sorrow. For Sale The Crystal proporty. Three acres of river bottom land, mostly set to ber ries and fruit with house and otner buildings and running water. Loca tion three-eighths of a mile north of Main street, on A street. Call upon or address Carl Crystal, at Davis & Gil key's grocery store, Medford. ItJJBiil These are Not the Times ... For EXPERIMENTS nam QQLIU uacu uatjy uauo tiauu rjc ran uaeu naraci QQBQ RHEA uaca cann rjauEi nacn uaEU nanrt LI'JUU nanct f 1Y days for i IT I ana jl am mers a large lines of 4 The quality of the goods I have handled in the past is well known to all my cus tomers they're the best that money can buy .. .. .. Wolters, SjgcBR. a a 1 u'aca rsainn uaca rannn uuea uaua nncin dulu BHE1G1 an iBBtsl m m m m m m n m THE "PACKPT" B "ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL.'' Tba Earl XnuoUol IS7 Mad P far Paat M.g !. Four nights a week and once on Sim days bad Lancelot Gewgaw been pay ing hia attentions to the pretty 8y rnsella Floordelee, and there was) yeB quite a long pay-roll before him. Bub' in all that time he had not thought to any the thing1 that would have mado him happy. Syraaella was a beautiful being. Iter hair waa so raven black that it left a mark on everything white, which is why Lancelot always wora colored gentlemen's furnishing good Her eyes were like twin cometa, ruah ing- through space at each other, and she bad many beautiful teeth. Alto gether she had the proper assortment of attraction calculated to make bei face a thing of beauty. ; - J Lancelot waa not a chump, although, he wasn't saying a thing to her. Hi wan simply lacking in assurance. He vas a book agent, but that waa his pro fession. Ilia almost human ears hung) on either side of hia bead, tastefully? covered over with real hair, and hba, eyes were of the true floor-walker va- riety. He waa no bargain-counter at-j traction, but a special Monday mark-l down, and Syraselta. knew it. J And now they were seeing leap year1 pu out together. He had talked about! everything except the one dead-eaay.l luckiieyed, yet never stole subject, and' us the hands on the clock chased them selves near to 12 she grew more and. more beautiful as she seemed to bo nerving herself up to the point of say inp a few words herself. Suddenly the, clock struck a dozen times, and with a wild cry she cried out, saying: "Lan celot, why did I loae my chance? Leap year ia gone for eight years!" Lancelot beat at his forehead with his clinched fish until, the veins in his ueck rusKumed the projier shade of pur ple. Then, talking acro-s the floor, be came back. Ho knslt In front of the divinely beautiful girl, whose hair was making staks over her gown. His tone was like the best quality, of honey: "Syr.isella, forgive nie." "Give you- what?" she murmured, coyly, as she swept her cheeks with her long eye-lashes. She wan tliat neat thnt she swept them every day. "Give me your heart," he said, ia 'leep, nealtby tones, and as the whistles sounded ushering; in the new year her tender "yes" rose above all the tumult and two loving hearts gave a faithful imitation of a dynamo working over time. N. Y. World. food's Best to take after dinner; Pills preyent distress aid diges tion, cure constipation. Purely Teg-stable ; do not gripe or eauM pain. Sold by all droggllta. 35 eent. Prepared only bj U. I. Hood Co., Lowell, experiments have passed, now ottering to my custo assortment of the choicest s a Groceries, Crockery and Glassware: