The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 05, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Correspondents a
JltCkHIMIVlllll NllWH.
LloiniHH wiiro issued Out. 30th, to
(mi. M. ICnton und MIhh Dura Mc
Mulmii. Rov. Kullior Uutiu.ol lUHuhiiric,
wiih the mniHl of I'Vlliur DoHiniiriiis
IiihI Friday.
Murrlud Odt. HI, 1 Ki)7. at Hook
I'ointtiy Kv. Joel Milton, SV. II.
j-iirru and MrH, ICMIn l,nttokeii.
Mr. und MrH. 'A, Caiiinron, of
TJuionlown, wuro visiting tliuir
daughter, Corn, IiihI Hiiturduy.
MrH, M. M. Olioiiohaln mid hod,
Frank, loft for finitiii rivor dur
ing thu wuuk to look after thuir
Married- In Jacksonville. Out.
loU7, bv Itov. Rnlit. KnniH,
Robert II. Lewis mid MIhh Minniu
Ifonry lluuton, of Hurling, wiih
UiUi ill during tho week, but is
improving undur thu euro of Dr.
Miloi, the photographer, in moot
ing with excellent succiihs during
his stay in Jacksonville. He is
BHiHtcd by Mr. Itixy.
Doputy County Clerk and MrH.
W. U. Jackson wore over lit Ragle
Point tho first of the week exhibit
ing tho now bom lioir to itu mutornal
grand parents.
Vanoo Colvig, youngoHt hod of
Hon. Win. Colvig, waH painfully
burned on tho bands and fnco Tues
day by falling from a high chair
onto tho Htove.
Augustine Sohmidtlin has com
pleted tho oreotion of a now rosi
donco in tho Houlhorn part of town.
Ho had eonotuded 'tin cheaper to
own proporty than to rent.
' Goo. N. iowiu, who took a load
of monument to Klamath County
for J. C. Whipp, roturnod home
Monday. Ho was detained a waek
owing to the illness of his horses.
A party of eixtcon Rebokahs, of
Ashland, 'drovo down Monday even
ing to attend a sociul givou by
Huth Degrco No. 4. A pleasant
time ie reported by Uioho in attend
Chris. Kccgan loft Tuesday with
a wagon load of tombstones from
tho Jacksonville Marblo Works,
consigned for Yroka, and whioh ho
will place in position beforo return
ing home.
Sheriff Barnes and Deputy Wick
returned homo Sunday from a
week's stay in tho Butt creek
country whero they levied on prop
orty for taxes. They captured two
fine deer while out.
Frod Luy, one of Jacksonville's
early pioneers, was etrioken with
paralysis while attending a meeting
of tho I. 0. 0. V. lodge last Satur
day evening. Ho was carried home
and mado as comfortable as possi
ble but is Btill confined to his bed.
Ci W. Kahlor has received word
from relatives in Olympia, Wash.,
that his brother, Robert Kahler,
formerly of Jacksonville had under
gone a sovoro operation for tho re
moval of a stono from one of bis
kidneys. Hi", frionds h(io to hear
of his early rocovory.
Table Roe items.
School was dismissed Monday
afternoon so that all who wished
might attend tho funeral of H. V.
Murine's father.
MIhh Hiitllit Bisumoro, of Sums
Viilloy, Ih upending tho wuok with
IrlmiUH liuro.
Dr. Patterson accompanied by
Sam MoClomlmi wnro in our sec
tiou Tuesday doing business.
Mrs. J, O. Johnson und Miss
Lloyd, of Medford, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Limglny, lately from
Minnesota, wero nt Tublo Rock
Miss Pearl Hull, one of Central
l'ol ill's popular school touchers,
HiKint Hiiturduy and Sunday with
'1 able Hook friends, and expressed
herself us being quite pluused with
the scenic beauties of this locality.
Lindsay Slsemoro was up from
Hams Valley Monday and took
back some of tho finest lien Davis
apples ever grown in tho vullov,
Thoy were from tho place lately
purchased by J. W. Morritt and
grown by Lee Vinoent.
1 iTho slow progross of the repairs
on tho iivboc bridge is causing
muoh comment. At this timo of
the vear noonlo are working bard
to get their hauling done ahead of
the storms, and to do snui on irom
using one of the most traveled roads
for so long a time works a great
hardship and will place many a
farmer in bud shape to begin tho
Will Nichols, of Central Point,
moved his family out to tho Morritt
place last week. Mr. Childers'
family left for Klamath County,
Mr. Davis moved his family onto
tho Childers place lately purchased
bv him and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Pankey are ocoupying tho Walker
house. This settles the moving in
this neighborhood for this fall so
far as we know.
J. C. P.
Central Point Items.
II KT bank
II J n thrlr
Milo Caton, of Wollon,
Sunday in our city.
F. Fradenburg will givo a grand
ball on Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Robt. Ashworth made Med
ford a business visit on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. McClendon
moved out to their farm last week,
Horn Oct. 29th, 1897, to Mr.
and Mrs. ForeHt Moore, a daughtor.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Sherman
made relatives hero a visit Sunday.
Mrs. C. K. White, of Woodville
precinct, is paying relatives hero a
Mrs. J. Hinkle and Miss Mary
Mee were shopping in Medford Mon
Win. PickenB. of Medford, made
old frionds here a visit one day last
P. W. Olwell shipped a oonsign
ment of fruit to Page A Son, Port
land, this week.
Miss Stella Stidham, who has
charge of a school near Talent,
spent Sunday at home.
Miss Nora Svdow, who !b attend
ing the Ashland normal, spent Sat
urday and Sunday at nome.
Wm. Niohols and family moved
to Tablo Rook this week, whore Mr
Niohols will overseo the J. W. Mor
ritt farm.
W. T. and Geo. Stidham, who
have boon working at Scotts Valloy
the past few months, rotumed home
1 uesday.
The litorarv entertainment on
Fridav evening waB a success,
About thirty-hve dollars was real
ized, which was applied on the
church debt.
mor, to his house near his father's.
Mrs. C. A. DickiBon, of Table
Rock, whs over last week visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Uushford. and also her sister, Mrs.
Chas. Wilson, who lias been quito
seriously ill.
At thu special school irieetiriK
which was held lust Saturday for
the nurnoHU of election a new direct
or to fill Mr. Hartley's unexpired
lorm, ho having removed Irom the
district, resulted in the election of
N. II. Spencer.
Mrs, Millard guve her mother,
Mrs. Muokoy. a very pleasant sur
iirine on her birthday last Monday,
November 1, by inviting a number
of her friends in to spend tho day
and have a social tune. Quite a
number was present and an enjoy
able timo is reported.
. Applegale Items.
Applegato Sunday sohool is pro
gressing nicely.
Rev. Hoxie holds services here
once each month.
W. Vogeli has just finished har
vesting, and tho result is a fine crop
of potatoes.
Tho young people of this place
meet once duiing the week to prac
tice singing.
Wm. By bee passed here the other
day with a large drove of hogs for
Happy Camp, Calif.
Friday of last week closed two
months of our school taught by Miss
Daisy Stiles, of Williams creek.
Bonj. Thurston and E. Pierce
havo crushed one ton of ore from
their ledge on Humbug with the
fine prospect of $9(5 per ton.
Miss Jennie Knight started Tues
day of this week for Portland where
sho will study in the Good Samari
tan hospital to become a nurse.
Hon. H. B. Miller made a trip
out on Applegate recently and has
purchased all the apples out this
way and packers are now busy at
Frank K. Knight and Miss Lulu
Dixon wero married October 28,
1897, at tho residence of Rial Bene
dict, Rev. T. M. Rarasdell officiat
ing. A nice dinner was served and
p general good time was had by all
nnn't think bocauso vou are sick and
nothing Bcoms to give you relief that
ou can I be cured.
There mut bo a euro lor you some
K your doctor can't cure you, perhaps
he his mistaken tbo cause. Anybody
in lluhlo to make a mistake sometimes.
One Id three of us suffer from indi
gestion, and one out of three dyspep
tics aoosn i Know u. mnu, un amy
know be is sick, but he blames it to
anmnthlnff else.
Indigestion is mo cause oi nan oi our
angorous diseases.
Shaker Digestive Cordial, made from
tonic" mediolnal roots and herbs, IB
ihn rnnut natural cure for indigestion.
It roliovca the symptoms and eures the
dlanaao ircntlv. naturally, efficiently.
vivos fresh life, strength and health
Lrialnk dvBDetiucB.
At uruyrglals. a trial oouie lor iu
Thli la Vour Opportunity.
On rooelit of bin eanta, cash or stamps,
g.aerous umpln will he mulled of the
unmt jwimlar ('alurrh nml Hay Ferer Curs
(Kly's ('renin ilalm) anfllcl.nt to demon
strate the grunt ninrlts of tho remedy.
CO Warren Kt., New York City.
Iter. 3o)m field, Jr.. of (treat Falls, Mont.,
recommended Kly's ('renin Jlalm to me. I
oau vmpliKHlMi lim Hinloiiinnt, "Hiss posi.
tl. cure for catarrh If lined as directed."
Itev. Krancla W. 1'oole. l'eetor Ueutru) I' rut.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Kly'ii Cremn linlin In the :knowle(!:4
cure for cnlurrh und conliiins no mercury
nor any Injurious drug. Price, CO cenui.
havo a largo aHBort'.nent of Soconl If and Plows
and Harrows which 1 am offering ut prices 'way
down tiio lino. I ako havo 40 Second Ifund
fltovc-H, all in good condition, which I do not noed
hence the low priceB that I ak for thcrn
John Morris, the second hand man
The I on in (. r Portland nrrivi-d nl
Huulllg hint week from Ht. Miidmel.
Klie brought no suiceSHfiil Klondike
IfOld-huiilerH and only ehoiil tHHI.iiW
in gold.
John F. Mllner, clmrund ' with the
murder of H. J. Iiurnih nt Ilnnnlnir,
C'kI., on 8i-itenilier IHlh, )i un been
foiluil tfiiilly of inmder in the iiucond
Government lnnnni:tors Intvn ciiii-
nienceil a cnmsde eKiiinet persoim He II
InX liquor to the luilinne ol' the Kound
Vitlley reservation, Mendocino county,
Cal. Three rrt huvo been.inude
Bade and more will firohshly follow.
An engine wnn pushina the Houthern
I'm-iflc eoiupany's per car to siding
at Bukernfleld, (.'!., ran into an ope a
witch, collldini with an eiiniue. The
pay i-ar and eniiine telescoped. Three
men were riding on the eiiirine, one,
Ciiarles Iinoetua, wm killed and the
titer two were badly injured but will
Clifton K Mayne, who wai sentencrd
at Io AiiKelea two years hko to L'5
years' iniprieoiiment, for criminal ae
anlt, has juet been discharged from
euatody. An appeal wae taken at the
time of his aeniem-e, and a new trial
granted. When the second trial was
railed for the diatrict attorney moved
to disuiiHa the cane, ulatinf that one of
the leading witneaaes had made an
affidavit that her testimony aiiaiiixt
Mayne was false.
Sometimes a
ir only "lic
it! daiiiairina;
ck of a flafe
it the comlii
a won't work
niornlnir the
officere can't ge-t at
own mnnrv. There
may be million In the mfc,
but if their credit depended
on RetttnK at It in a nurry
iiv wniilil lie hnnkmot,
Imply becauae the combination won'twork.
much the aame fix
about (retting at the nourishment he nceda
b..n 1.1m. oIIwa Thf.r. Ih iilentvof iroon
food at hand, but hia dilutive orsaniam ia
out of order; the nutritive "combination "
or hla syatetn won't work, tie can'i
et at the nourishment contained in the
food. He tnkca It into hla atomach, but It
,1ne him no uooil. It ian't made into mod
ihlood. He ia juat aa badly ofT aa if the
food was locked up where he couldn't touch
.11 He e-eta no atremrth or health out of It.
All thcae mal-nutrltive condltlona have a
rfect and aclentlflc remedy In Dr. Pierce'
t. ii Duta tne nu
of the system into
Golden Medical Dlacover
.rlilv "f-mnhinatinn" o
nrrrret wnrkina? order. It Elvea the dlffca
live and blood making organa power to
make pure, red, healthy blood, and pour it
into tne circulation nuumiHiiujr m,u ihjuuij,
', It driven out all bllloua poiaona and acrof.
iiimia n.rm. cure indlicstion, liver com
plaint, nervousness and neuralgia, and
builds up aolid Dcrti, active power and
nerve force.
Mra. Rsbecca P. Gardner, of Ornfton, York Co.,
Vn., wrilcsi "I wan no lck wllh ilyapepala that 1
could not eat anything lor over lour niomnii, i
hnd to atarve myaelf, aa nolhlliR would atay on my
tumactt. I wai ao hadly o(T I could not eat even a
Things' look very bright for a big
mining boom al Gold Rub, Placer coun
ty, In I., and visiuity thM winter.
Luis Ortega Blabbed Anaacico Anicico
atChino, Cal., with a beet knife m-
fljcUng a wound from which the man
Andorson Davis, one of California's
oldeat pioneers, dind at Htockton, Kri-
y, at the age of Vb years an ten
Hrimn Creek Gatherings.
nv l.llliyiUK.r.A.
Mr nnrrleti. who has been ill
ia considerably improved.
Mr. and Mra. J. Fry woro visiting
in Eden precinct Tuesday.
Prof. V. F. Chaeo is bavmg hi
place cleared and unproved.
Mrs. J. Cox was theguostoi Mrs
P. Truo Tuesday afternoon.
Ed. Itusa. of Modford, was visit
ing frionds on the creek Sunday
V. B. OwbIov. of Silver Lake, is
visiting at Mr. James' tins wecic.
Mra. Wm. Hamlin waa visiting
MuBdnmos Truo and Uriilin Sun
Mr. and Mra. Fetor Rimer and
ilmiizlitor. Misa Clara, of Jackson
yillo, Bpont sunaay visiuug mm u.
U. oliB8 ana miniiy.
Kd. GucheB and family have
moved from A. Andrews' ration to
tho houso leccntly vacated by Mr
llawkinB on IJr. Ueary'8 larm.
films, and llarrv Lollaud have
wl.nrnnri from thoir trip to Dead
Indian. They report snow in that
Mr. and Mrs. Robinott, of Eagle wnrn visitina Mr. and Mrs
t. a Mnrnhv Saturday and Sun
a Mr. It. is mi undo of Mrs,
rkna flnnlins and family moved
Monday from M. Bollinger's timber
land, whore ho has been outting
wood for that gentleman thiB sum-
Red pont Saloon
There arrived this week a Bplendid stock of wines and
lifjuorH. All who patronize my place are guaranteed
the best of liquors at reasonable prices.
UP John Schneider
Front Street, Medford, Oregon.,..
That farmers should have good serviceable barncus, ah
It costs money at this seaton of the year to make a trip to
town to have repairs made. X have fine line of ... .
Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, Etc.,
And mrprloea are reasonable. 1 have purchased the stock and bus.
Inea ol Beidleman & NlebolHon and will continue buxlneu ul thetrolii
land. Repairing a specialty. Give me a call and get my prlcon.
J. Q. TAYLOR, Medford, Oregon...
Union Liivcpy Stables...
TERRILL & C0MPT0N, Prop'rs
Having lately purchased this popular stable w are now pre
pared to furnish first-class rigs and safe and fast driring
horses at reasonable rates. H-irsea boarded ....
Commercial . Travelers . Rigs . a . Specialty
S3 SHOE In thV&orld.
For II reart ttai bow, by merit
atone, bii dlitftncd all compttlta-rrm.
W. U DoucIm 3J0, 4iO and tt-0U aboM sr
lb production of nktlled workmen, from tb
kM( matr1al potwlble at tbtac price. Alao.
fQJO aad fLOO aboca tor men, t5 CUD aad
Jl775 tot bora.
W. 1. DoQtlaf aboet arc ladoraMl
Im ttyle, lit and durability of oj
aboa crer oftrd at tbe prlc.
Tbmj ara mad In all tba latat
aftapa and ttytei, and of every vari
ety of leather.
If dealer eannot rapply you. writ for eat
latMto W.UDottflaa,arwkUn,Maaa. Sold by
llnmors In the Blood
Holla, plmolcR, scrofula eorea, aro
nromotly oradloalea oy uooa 8 cares-
1 , I . , V. I .... nHtflnn
parUia, inO onu iruo uiuim Hu,,,,u,l
norvo tonic and health builder.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
oporale. uuroinuifrcBMoo, uiuuunuuns.
Market St. Ferry, S.F.,Cai.
Klondyke Specials
Folding Rockers (ask for circular) $10, 12
Yukon Folding Stoves (new) $.00, $7.50
Yukon Camp Stoves, best.. 75, $6.00
Large Fur Sleeping Blankots $12.00
Evaporated potatoes, the
trade. Canned fruits and meats ol Dest
quality. Heavy wearing apparel. Send
lor pampmei on me iviuuuj ..w.
Edward f-weuney was crriHhed to
death by a Iruclion car, at Iib Angeli s,
Sookane (Wash.) pliyaiciauB fear
coiitafiouB diseaCB are bi-coming epi
demic there.
Hereafter bookkooning and steno
graphy will be taught free at the Ari-
aona territorial university.
Smiipthiiiir to Know.
1 1, nmv ho worth something to know
tlint tho very best modloino for restor
ing tho tlroQ out norvouB system vu u
hmlthv vleor is Elootrlo Bitters. This
mniilnliin fa nurolv vocotablo. acts by
living tone to the norvo centros in tho
" . .... . 1 . V. 1 i
slorunun, gonny siimuinim mo nu.
and kidneys, and aids theBo organs in
throwing on impurities in ino moon.
v.innirln Hlttora lmDrovos the apnotito,
i.ia ,iiirsilnn. nnd 1b nronouncod bv
thoao WHO nnvo irieu 11. no mo vurj
best blood purlUor ana norvo winio.
Try It. Sold for BOo or $1.00 per bottle
at Chas. Strang's drug store.
Larue quantities ol fruit have been
sent anal tit In season from the Salinas
and Carniel valleys, t;nl. Most of the
fruit wont to Colorado nnd Mnntnmi
Mine May Newell, u ti-ai-hor, hns
hrnuirht suit against the San Hi-rnnrd-
ino (t.'al.) board of (lihn-iilion, r nimliig
B18B0 itnu rusts fur nrnm-li "I eiiiiiniul.
' "Tho worst cold 1 ovor had in my
life was ourod by Chnrabnrlnln'a Cough
liomedy," writos W. H. Norton, of
Sutter Creek, Cal. "Tills cold loft mo
with a cough and I was expootoratlng
all tho time. The remedy ourcd me,
and I want all of my frionds when
troubled with a cough or cold to use it,
for It will do thorn good." Sold by O.
H. HaBklDB, druggist.
"Ls 19.'. LYO'Ht'
X. A. 81ocum, the Great Ohemiat and
Scientist, win oena to ouhb
. Three Free Bottles of H. Newly
Daacovered Bemediea to Cure
Consumption and Ail Lung
MiMnir rould he fairer. more nhilan-
thropic or carry more joy to the afflicted
than InO generous onor ui tiio uuuui wm
nnrt (llntlniriiiBhoci chemist, T. A. Slo-
M P... nf Now York Cltv.
.... -., L," a ,..
Ho has aiscovorea reuuuic o-
soluto euro for consumption, ana all
broochinl, throat, lung ana onesi ai-
ousoB, catarrnni aiioouuuo, nouuio.
decline and weakness, loss of flesh and
all conditions of wasting away; ana ro
mnko its grout morits known, will sond
three froo bottles of his newly dis
covered romedio8toany afflicted reader
of TheM Air.
Alroady his "new scientific system of
modiolne" bus permanently curod
thousands ot apparently hopeless cases
Tho Doctor considers it not only his
professional, but his religious duty a
duty whioh ho ows to humanity to
donate his infallible cure.
Ho has provod the "dreaded con
sumption" to be a curable disease be
yond a doubt, In any climate and has
r, filn in his American and European
laboratories thousands of "heartfelt
testimonials of gratitude" from those
benefited and curoa in an parts oi me
Catarrhal and pulmonary troubles
lend to consumption, and consumption,
nntrmntad. moans Boeedv and
,-ni-t.nln doath. Don't delay until it is
toolato. Simply write T. A. Slooum,
M. C, 98 Pino Btreot, New York, giv
ing oxpross and postofflce address and
tho free moaiomo win do prompiy ouu.
Please toll the Doctor you saw his
oflor in The Mail.
All work guaranteed first-class. Plans and estimates turnished i
all kind of work either brick or wood. .
Bills ot LUMBER o. M?WJ&-Sri shnrt JSlaT " "
mas any voiay iu u ouajro w w
I manufacture a Bplendid article ol jBrick see samples
everywhere about the city Yard, one block north at
Brewery. Residence north C street, Medford, Oregon;
1DQAT TTOf V CniBIITVBn t w T)?fsU
nuauuutnaii nuaiusiaiK
ll MMM
j...iLuiuaa. a. KTVBU1a inrM c
p tatarMtlstloa. rasrartta an tk. Mstf
arlr a aripW wasewi aartralmiiNa, Im4
CO-'cblnira. Mtmat, CayW; Triu mj
; ii .U im ,mu.ui w.Ub iuuna.'!