If You Want to Reach J A the Jackson County People I . X tho moat (if tlimn 2 JJ tlio bum ut ilium m S You've Got to Use the 5 X Paper that Reaches .. .. I loin ilflmitateui .. .. i . I I Inserted In a ti rat-class news-, paper Is the most effective way o! reaching a given section ... 5 I S The Medford Mall. tho iixiNt nl ilimii 41 llto boHt of th Din m ," 77'"'"'-'"" THE MAIL. ClkClILATION i?oo MAI 1 'g 1,10 ,lja(,ln2 family newspa- J Va-V per In Juokson County ... J MEDFORD. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1897. NO. 44. S Circulation 1900 PHOrKBSIONAL CARDS. W. J0NK8, I'llYHK'IAN AND BUIIUKON. Mudfunl, Orutfou. MTOflloo-Opore lllook. (JOLVIQ A KICAME8, W.M. Colvlu A. K. Ituamcs' ' I.AWYKItH. Orlh lllook. Jacksonville, Oregon. Will pruulioi) In nil tha irnurln al llio .Ut. Careful oouimol given In nil manors. J, A. PALMER, AKOIIlTWrr AND HUl'KKINTKNUKNT Offlwi Id AdUln.-DouoI blk. Modlord, Oro. ler.MH)tlvo Arewlnsa and spnelnoellon furn I. run) uu ll kind, ut modern bulldlun. Own er'e liiluroul oou.lilored yerauiouul. J, 8. HOWARD, HUnV.KYOIt AND CIVIL KN0INKK1C U. B. Doputy Mineral Hurruror (or tlio BUilo of Orasou. .Vsiomoc addrona: ModfordtOrf iron. VM, 8. CROWELL, ATTOUNBV AT LAW. Jaoknoiivtllo. Oregon, W. PARKER. ATTORN KY AT LAW. Hamlin lllook. Mtillord. Ort. AMMOND St VAWTER, Auatln S. Hammond. Wai. I. V.wtor. ATTOUNKVH AT LAW Utnce-I.O. O. K. bulldluf , McrtTojd, Of JkB. WAIT. I'HYHICIAN AND MUHOHON, Office III Chlld.r.' lllock, Medford, Ol (JEARY dc PICKEL. rilYSICIANS AND BUHOKONt), Offlr hours-lOlo II a. m, and 310 4 p.m. Buailaya- Mlo I. . ' Mtnlloiit, Or OBcet HMkln lllock. Chas. Perdue . . '. Practical Gi and Bicycles ripaired on short notice at living prices.... Shop in J. A. Whitman's warerooms.... LIME! ... No. 1 quality ot time from tho ' well known Kanos crook quarry CHEAP FOR CA8H Wo aro now rondy to supply Medford nnd nil towns on tlio railroad. Write for terms to Carpenter & Allison, GOLD HILL, OUE. g; F. Merriman PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH AIiD HORSE SHOER Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed Special attention given to plow work There Isn't a Branch ... Of Blaoksmilbing that I do not fully understand. and' my priocB will not oripplo your purse, nor will the shoos t sot oripplo your horaos. I do all kinds of wagon and carriage work.. J. R. WILSON ... llollieUlip AVRH ARDENrop'r All work-atriotly flrst-olniBs ' and my .prices are tho low est in tho city..., . Shop, on.. Seventh street, op ' posite Union Liyery Stablos. Satisfaction o TTThero 1 always much eatiafaotion in knowing "1 that you have the best article of the kind that can be bad. Some people have an idea that more is axked for Bridge-Reach stoves and ranges than for others, but, although they possess advantages not to be found in others, no more is asked for them than for other first-class goods of their kind... We carry a complete line of Hridge-Beaoh cook and heating stoves, as well as hardware and sporting goods j, J. BEEK & CO... RATES FRO1... $l to $a PER DAY s Medford, Oregon Tho Nnah la one of tho moat populur hotels In Southern Oregon, and no pnlns are spared fur the comfort and accommodation of guests. Everything about tho house Free Sample Rooms TUB HOTEL BAR la ctra urunas ui wines, Having tfai Forty Years Experience ... IN Furniture ana unaertakiag THE gnrry. Hualness It Is with pleasure that we occupy this space in Inform- Gupr lag the poonlu of Jackson county that we aro now fully equipped Xyr to supply all artloloa needed In the two above mentioned lines. . Wo manufacturer snporlor work in store, hotel and office fixtures. WEEKS BROS. Palace Confectionery PARKER & HICGIN8. Proo'iS WboldMl. Daalara la Confectionery, Cigars Tobacco ruoPRsoF MEDFORD SODA WORKS We Carry None But Flrat-ClaM OikkU ' vmnvnpn OREGON DON'T LET That I havo tho largost and best selected stock of furniture, carpets, wall paper and window shades to bo found In South ern Oregon . Escape Your Attention.... If you are a prospective tho hlgost in grade and in connection ..... FRANKy. WAIT IgS: ... STONE YARD Gonoral oontraoltng In all linos of stono work. Cemetery Work a Specialty ... AU.klnds of marblo nnd grnnlto monuments ordored dlrcot from tho quary... Ynrrt on Q Btroct Uoininurlolul Hotol lllook & fit V5T Ereorirtions Carefully Compounded. '"" Mri Btroat; ' " Medford Oregon. L. HAfllLTON ...PP.0PP.ICT0P. ... "STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS ... qqmhkkcial ww .. always supplied with the very .J liquors ana cigars .... Salesrooms at Medford, Oregon Factory at Phoenix, Oregon , .ad Ratall ... THE FACT' purchaser you will And my goods the lowost in price, o Undertaking I. -A.. WEBB TMEDFORDj OREGON THE MORTAR DUG STOIE, Ot. II. 1IASKINS, Prop'r. Ha ANYTHING IN THI LINK Of 1 w Puro Drugs, Ptttout Medlclues. Books, Stationery, PAINTS no OILS, Tobaccoos.Clmrii.Perftimory, Toilet ArtlclOB nd luveryiiuui: tnai im vurricu iu u arm lait UKUU B1VRH NEWS OF THE WORLD. MENfiy aconac dies suddenly in NSW YORK CITY. Maaafcal BlaatM eaaaaaa4 la Cab-aT.a M.a F.rUK ! a mm tin A rta4 atlIU Hi. Tm. a.raad tlglstil. Dc (iuitrty Huntar of Ksntucky baa accepted tha cousulorsblp to Oua te als. lliuraday Morambsr 25th has been dssigaaUd by President McKisley as Thanksgiviag day. The 29th aaaitai meeting of the anny or the Teaaassee eoaveneaai Milwaukee last week. OsV The Dachees ef Teck, ceusin of Queeu Victoria, died suddealy at Eich- noad, Englaad, last week. Hie second trial t Aaolpli Laetf ert, tke i laillianalr wife murderer of Chicago, will coBjmeaea Monday, Nor. ntbor Hth, Tko revolution In Ouatcatala Is re ported to be at an end, Preeideat Bar rio kariag driven his eaenies out ef tho couatry. The United Htates warship Yaatlc collided with aad badly damaged the the coasting steamer La Canadleaae, near Montreal. The white stone building of the Wabash railroad com Dan y at EL levin was gutted br Ire a few days ago. The lots reagbes 1590,000. President McXinlev has appelated Oeuoral James Lengstreet of Georgia to be commissioner of railroads, vice Wade tiaatpton, resigned. The eettaa operatives of the North of England are threatening to strike aialnst a redaetiea of wages. The strike will afftet lto.OOO workers. There la a aaeveaseat on foot to con' aolidats all tbe wire saaaufactories of tha United States. Plerpont Morgan is said to be at the head of the sebemo. Those eoaoeraed ia tha attempt to aecuro Mrs. Florence Maybriok bar liberty from an Lngliab prison, claim that shs will be at liberty in two months. The will of the lata Oeorgo M. Pull maa has been filed for probata at Chicago. The estate Is valued at 7,- 600, MM. tko bulk of which gee to the daughter. A sea aad heir has bora to farmer President Clevelaad ia Priaooton, V, J., Tharsday. The voaaetar weighed IS pounds. Mr. Cleveland says bis happiness ia bow complete. , Walter R. Houghton, a postal clerk running from Cheyeaae to Ogdea, is uader arrest at the former place charg ed with stealing a registered package cnatalaiag $14,000. Houghton has confessed. Adolph Johnson, a 19-year-old boy, whila digging fish bait on Beaver island, Clinton, Ia., unearthed a box contalaiag $50,000 in gold and paper money. No oae knows to whom the money belongs. A medal of honor has been presented to Mejor-Genaral Daniel E. Stickles, United States army, retired, far most distinguished gallantry while in com mand of the Third army corps at Gettysburg. Pa., July f. 186S. In a freight traia collision on the Great Northern railroad near Ilins dale, Mont, Engineer Henry Neale was crushed to death under his engine, Fireman Gartner was also killed, En gineer John nayneld was probably fatally injured aad two other men each had a leg broken. The grand jury of Wilkesbarre, Pa. has returned true bills against Sheriff Martin and bis deputies for the shoot' ing of striking1 misers at Lattimer. The bills include 19 souata for murder one for each man' Killed aad one for tho victims ' considered collectively, Thirty-six true bills were found ia the same way for felonious wounding. The officials of the New York Central railroad made a careful examination of the disastrous Wreck on the read near Garrison, last week, and state that the disaster was caused by dyna mite, placed there by robbers to wreck and rob the express car, which was carrying $400,000 worth of coin and jewelry. , The robbers secured none of valuables. Twenty persons lost their lives by the wreck. Rev. Charlos O. Brown, who figured so prominently in a Ban Francisco church scandal sometime' ago, still stands suspended' from the ministry. lie appealed his case to the mutual council of the Congregational church and the matter came up for hearing last week at Chicago. The Bay con' fersnce was declared to have been jus lined in suspending Dr. Brown, At the same time the flailing of the couiv ell vindicates him of the original sorlous charge, ana urges that the con' fere'hee and the minister strive to d iust their differences,, Brown will cou tlaue as pastor of the Chicago church lie now has charge or. Henry George, candidate of the .Thomas JsnTersoa Democracy for may or of Oreater New York, died at 4:10 o'clock Friday morning at tho Ualoa soUWP hotel, JUer. York.' of orobrl apolexy. Tlio sudden' end was totally uaexpeeted. The eight previous to bis 1 death Mr. Oeorge made some vigorous campaign speeches, and when he reached k Is rooms complained of feel tired. He soon lapsed into unconscious ness and passed qaiotly away, without pain or murmur. The diseased was at one time quit prominent in California, where bo married and hie children were born. He was oagagad at times writing ' for various San Vrancisoo papers. Henry Oeorge . Jr. has been nominated to take kis father's place on tbs ticket and has accepted the posi tion. China has at last beeo successful In her eoWta to borrow $00,000,000. John Sartain, the eminent artist and engraver of Philadelphia, Is dsad. A wsU-dotned. but vary mild rase ef rollow fovor kins appeared in Cin cinnati The World's convention of tho Wom an's Christian Tomperaace union is be ing bold la Toronto. . President MeKialey has appointed lobn H, Halt, United Statea attorney for tko district of Oregon. TfaatporMoa of the Fort Randall reeerratfoa tyiag In South Dakota has keen thrown opca for settlement Chicago officers aro 3ooking up a law whereby they hope to bo able to corn- pell the dlseoatiauanos of large depart ment stores. Rear-Admiral Matthews, chief of the bureau of yards and docks, recom mends' that a concrete dry dock be buUt at H.are island. Oal. Expeditions left Epitzenberg, Nor way, Moadap, ia starch for Professor Aadree, who started for the north pole m a baloon some tteaths ago. A report tars that there is some sub dued silk In Mftgfeo city to the effect that yonag Captala Bias will succeed his father atpreeidsBtof Mexico. Cindad lubes, Jtst across the Rio Grande from SI Paso, Teg., is to have a smelting plant, tko neceisary oapital, 145S, 000, having all been subscribed. Counterfeit silver dollars have been discovered ia 84. Louts of greater weight aadllsMaoso.ttian those turaed ont from tho United States mints. ZZi Wiilism S. Ids, a Columbus, 0., banker, was shot and killed by John Smith. Smith claims that Ide owed him $1700 for wages and refused to pay hint. . . , ... ,. Marshal! Blanco, the new Spanish captain-general for Cuba, has arrived at Havana, and Welyer has turned over his command to him. General Weyler immediately sailed for Spain. Fire-broke out in the main gangway of the Deleware and Hudson com pany's Van Starch mine, at Scranton, Pa. Flames and smoke ent off the escape ef seven men and they perished in the mine. Tho Kationai Business League has seat a letter to President Mckinley requesting him in his message to con gress to oall attention to tho matter of tho establishment of a department of the government to be called the De partment of Commerce and Industry." A Chilean steamship company will in January begin to ruu its vessels to Ocoe, Guatemala, and six months later extend the line to San Francisco. The new line will greatly reduce freight rates to Peru and Chili, and coast mer chants will be greatly benefited by the change. . Peter and Harry Braun, grocers of Aurora, III., were held'up by footpads en a recent nighL Harry rah away. Pater attacked one robber, who shot and killed. The shooter saw a man sneaking toward him and he fired, tiling him instantly. The second dead man proved to be the murderer's partner. Fred C Sanchez, 21 years old, shot and killed his bride of six months in a hotel at Denver, Col. He claims the shooting was accidental, but several circumstances, one of the most prom inent being that he recently had his wife's life insured for $11,000, led the police to believe that he murdered her. September 30th a heavy rainstorm swept all over Japan and did terrible havoc. ' The latest official reports from Japan state that In the Alichi prefec ture there were 42 villages, altogether coataining 10,000 houses, submerged, while 66,100 peasants are at present dependent on the rations Issued by the government, many persons nave been killed.;.: ".. ' Reports from the Snake river, Col., are to the effect that the Ute Indians have met Game Warden Wilcox and his party in a pitched battle and sev eral men are said the have been killed and wounded on each side. The In' dians were pouring over the Colorado line on their ' annual hunt and the game warden went to Inform them that the laws must be respected. . Tha reds refused to listen and finally fired upon tho 'party.- Troops, have asked fer. The Indians number several hundred aro in .a very ugly mood. Governor Rogers of Washington has appointed Judge J: r. ildyt of Seattle to snoeeea jonn v. ay as state uni versity regent. v , , George D. Meiktejolin, .assistant sac- rotary of war) is on Puget Sound. 00 his tour of Inspection of western army post TRAGEDY AT REDWOOD CITY.' Am Karas'4 fan ".hoots HI. Patker ta ' Death and Wonada OflUera. Patrick Flanaelly, a wealthy ant !' respected citizen of Redwood elty, Cel., was shot and killed by, his son Thomas, and In trying to arrest tho assassin Sheriff. McEvoy received - a ' wound, that cansed his death. .-The tragedy was the outcome of a family , quarrel. The father established tho ion In the dairy business, and the young insn built up a big trade andV' took a partner to help him attend to 1L ' The partner was distasteful to the old- (. er jhannelly, and ao ordered Thomas' ' J' to dissolve tho partnership, which hovf ' would not do. Finally tbe matter" grow to a serious quarrel, and wound ' up by the young man being ordered toj leave tho ranch, which belong to taw old gsntleman. ' Thomas took " tho r ' matter to heart, and co'mmeaco4 drink- ing. Ho called to ss his fatfasr at ' Rod wood elty. . Tho old man, was la - bed when ho arrived. . They had senjo 1 -kot words and Thomas suddenly drew a revolver and fired three bullets into ' kis father's head, killing him instantly. Ha then mounted a horse nnd letasa- . . od to the farm and went to bed. Sher iff McEvoy and . Under Sheriff. Manal field went to arrest him. He. wpui not aamw mem 10 nut room, in who a i they forced an entrance fired' at thorn with a rifle. . Tho officers returned tho fire. Twenty-four shots were exchang ed, when the murderer fell baok badly wounded. Sheriff McEvory was (hot in the arm and blood-poisoniag'set in aad caused his death. Mansfield was wounded but only slightly. A mob gathered about tha Redwood city Jail intending to lynch Flannolly, but by a clever ruse tho officers got their pris oner out aad away to San Jose, where ho is now imprisoned nursing kin wounds. '"'V4V' " - The chief of police of Oakland, Cat, has Issued orders to his men to arrest store-keepers permitting a nickel-in-the slot machine to bo operated on -their, premises. , , A bomb was thrown throngh the window of J. J. Sanders' houae, ten miles from Chico, CaL Three men ! sleeping in the house at the time escaped injury, but the building wreck- ' ed. A colony of 17 families, comprising about 160 persons, has settled near Wellington, Net., on- a tract- of 6000 . - , acres of farmingjland. Tho colonists ' J- are from Tulare and Contra Costa '. counties, Cal. . The supervisors of San Francisco era -'. considering the advisability of raising '" liquor licenses from $34 to $600 a year, in order to avert deficiency in ita funda with which it is confronted by reason, ' of its insufficient tax levy. The movement of the San Francisco- - . , merchants to establish an independent ' line of steamers to coast ports, is meet ing with more success than anticipated .. by the originators. -There is but little ' doubt that the line will be established. The San Francisco board of health , reported that five of the eity's public sehools wore unfit for occupancy. 81neo ' the report was made there has been a -, falling off of several hundred pupils of , the schools. Sunder morning a fire broke out In one of tbe leadiug businegs blocks of Healdsburg, Cal. Before the fire de partment could get the flames under , control several business houses were destroyed, causing a loss of $50,000. Charles F. 8murr, freight traffic man- agar of tho Southern Pacific compaaV died Sunday afternoon, at Sao Franoia- ' v co, after an Illness of 11 weeks, and following a surgical operation perform ed to aire relief from disease of .the afastoML eeKs. . .;v .. the Sacramento (CaL) police hava , , arrested James Woods, a member of tko fire department, on' a charge of in cendiarism. 1 A' great many mysterious . -fires have occurred at Sacramento re- ceAtly and tho police, claim that they., , have strong evidence to prove that Woods caused them. - " Merit talks" the intrinsic value of Talks Hood's Sarsaparllla. - Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsaparllla possesses aotual and unequalled curative power and there fore It has true merit. When you' buy Hood's Sarsaparllla, and take it according to directions, to purify, .your blood, or euro any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive' benefit. The power' to cure, is there. ; You are not trying an experiment. ; It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen, the nerves and build up the whole system. t Sarsaparilla Is the best. In hot the One True Blood Partner. ' 1 Prepared only by 0.1. Hood a OoLoweU, Mats. - t' ' . - Do -not mil !. pain -or- legists. JSC- . nOOa S flllS.srlre. Alfdrui Modi . InJOOd A-