The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 29, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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tlio mining mini, was
fl'OUl tho
1j. D. Hitch, of Tolo, was horu Mon
Jus. Bi'lno
liore Sunday,
L. A. Carter wub In town from Gold
JIM Wednesday.
C. B. Crlstlor was down from Ash
land Wednesday.
Fred Batley was over
Jloadows WouuoBday.
J. S. Brown, of Kancs crook,
business here Monday.
' Mrs. Mattlo Snowdon is vlsltlutf
frlouds at Grants I'asn.
Judge vV. S Crowell was over from
tho county seat Monday.
B. W. Donnls, of Squaw lake, took
in the eights hero Sunday.
Ed Olmtck, of Grants Pass, was In
: town Monday on business.
Mrs. J. K. Wilson returned Tuesday
from her visit to Glendale.
Perry Hoyt, tho Butte creek stock
roan, was in town yesterday.
Henry Ammerman, the capitalist,
visited Modford Wednesday.
Jap O'Harra, of Tolo, was in town
several days during the week.
V. A. Severance was down
Trail this week after supplies.
, Hon. J. J. Howser, of the Meadows
-was a Medford visitor Saturday,
Horace Pelton, the Sams Valley
stockman, did our city Saturday.
-. W. H. Hembree has gone to Klamath
' County with a load of dried fruit.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dicklson drove
over from Table Rock yesterday.
H. H. MoCarty, the miner, was in
Modford upon business this week.
Mrs. Geo. H. Lynch, of Trail creek,
-visited friends in Medford Friday.
Miss Belle MoTavlsh, of Phoenix, Is
visiting friends in San Francisco.
Aaron Wyland, of Chimney Rock,
'was down to Aleaiora Wednesday.
W. F. Wilkinson, of Big Butte, was
down this way the first of the week.
M. D. Bowles, of Lake Creek, ro-
fistered at Hotel Nash Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gall, of Sami
"Valley, visited friends here Monday.
John O'Brien, a sturdy farmer of Ap
plegate, was over Friday on business.
J. S. Hagey came home Saturday
from his quite exteuded eastern trip.
' W. K. Eachus, of Woodville, came
up Tuesday morning on business bent.
Fred Schneider, et Butte creek, was
in tewn Monday on a trading expedi
tion. J. S. Grlgsby. of Central Point pre
cinct, was on our streets Friday of last
H. L Gllkey, of the firm of Davis &
Gilkey, is out in Klamath County this
Max Jacoby, the Gold Hill poultry
merchant, came up on yesterday's
Frank Cameron, of Uniontown, was
in this great city of ours one day recently.
W. H. Peninfrer, of Toio, was up
.Monday evenrop to attend tne it. of f
Mrs. J. R. Norrie and Miss Mabel
Beaver visited friends in Grants Pass
Attorney G. W. White was at the
county seat on professional business
County Commissioner Martin Perry
was over Monday on a little business of
iiis own.
S. J. starmer, ol rt. KUmatn, was
in Medford this week after a load of
Dan Waldroop and Jim Howard were
up on Coleman creek bunday on a bunt
ing jaunt,
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Berry, of Jack
sonvllle, were Medford business visitors
Mr. and Mrs. J. 31. Nichols, of
Eagle Point, visited with friends here
S. Cbllders has moved his family to
Olene, Klamath County, where he
owns property.
B. t . Curtis left Tuesday morning
for Southern California for the benefit
of his health
Missas Ifsle McCully and Kate Hoff
man, of Jacksonville, were shopping
Here Saturday
Miss Agnes Owens, of Big Stickv
went to Ashland Saturday to enter the
normal scnooi.
. Miss Myrtle Hart has returned home
Jrom L,aKeview wnere sue Has been
teaching music.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wright, of Cen
tral Point, were buying goods in Med
ford Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred Barneburg and daughter,
Miss Mollie, visited friends up the
valley yesterday.
H. E. Ankeny was over from the
Sterling mines yesterday on some kind
oi a mining deal.
Mrs. John Taylor, of Ashland pre
cinct, visited with the family of O. P.
McGee this week.
Mrs. C. F. Young, of Gold Hill, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Turner,
at uunsmuir, i;aui,
State Printer W. H. Leeds, of Salem,
went up to Ashland on the train
Wednesday morning
. A. A. Davis was over in northern
California last week looking up sales
lor nis superior nour.
Hon. Wm.M.Colvig, the Jacksonville
lawyer, was at Gold Hill Friday on
proiessionai Dusiness
T. A. Newman, the Rogue river
farmer, brought in several fine porkers
juonaay ior tnis maricet.
Mrs. N. Stidhsm and daughter, of
Central Point, were doing trading with
our merchants Saturday.
Messrs. Williams and Smith, of the
Gold Hill Mercantile Co., spent sev
eral hours hore Monday.
Mrs. M. Butler, came over from
Yroka, Calif., Friday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Ling.
Rasmus Rasmusscn returned to
Yroka, Calif., near which place he
has a position in a quartz mill. .
Mrs. Wm. Cook left last week for
Pt. Wrangel, Alaska, to join Mr. Cook,
wnu went up mere last spring.
Iiiff to lake oaro of tho old lady who
has been quite poorly, but Is much
better now.
Attorney A. S, Uaniuioml returned
from Lukevluw Monday evening where
he has boon ultonutiig circuit court
Hev. and Mrs. Ira WnkolloM, of
Phoenix, woro luakmirdlvors puruhasos
of our up-to-date moi-chants Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Mlnntck, of
Central Point preolnot, were doing
busluusa with our moruhaiits ittoBtluy
Gnrl Jones, K. W. Carder and W
A. ltoborta started for tho Aimlogutc
country Monday on a minting oxocut
I ion .
Dr. K. Kirohiressnor, G. P. Lindloy,
Robt. J elf ray und Win. White aro out
Ktuimith way this week on a hunting
Cant. Milu Caton, tho Jacksonville
saloon keeper, went to Siskiyou County
Wednesday morning on a recreating
Mrs. H.J. Kvorltl. of Grants Pass,
came up Friday morning for a visit
with her parents, Mr; nud Mrs. 11. N
J. M. Cummons, of Ager, Cal., a
former resident of this county, was
here Friday shaking hands with old
Wm. Griffin, who has been visiting
friouds here for sevoral days, returned
home to Josephiue County Saturday
A. H. Bootsby, of Prospect, brought
down a couple tonus hi carrots Satur
day which he disposed of lo our busi
ness men.
Frank Galloway, the Boaglo farmor.
was in Tuesday after supplies. He was
accompanied by his father who is hale
ana nearty.
Mrs. J. A. Anderson, of Phoenix, ex
pects to start next week for Spokane,
Wash., to visit her parents who are
quito aged.
Dr.' W. S. Jones, accompanied by
Mrs. Jonos and little Maud, went over
to Jenny creek this week to visit his
Kirs. M. Dean, of Riddle, arrived
Tuesday morning for a visit with her
sisters, Alesdaracs A. M. Woodford and
A. E. Woods.
Mrs. Nort Eddings, of Douglas
County, and Mrs. John Brown, of Kanes
creek, visited with J. R. Hardin and
family Monday.
Miss Joste Orth, of Jacksonville, as
sisted the Grants Pass choir at the
dedication of the Catbollo Church at
that place Sunday.
A. F. Hunt, the Dead Indian stock
man, was on Wednesday's train for
home, having been down In the Umpqua
valley buying cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fitzgerald and
daughter, Miss Inez, left Monday morn
ing for Hutchison, Kao., where they
will spend the winter.
Wm. McNeil, of Sisson, Calif., who
has been in British Columbia for sev
eral months past, was in Medford Mon
day on his return home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stevenson came
in Wednesday from Sams 'Valley and
will visit with their many friends
hereabouts until next week.
Drayman A. S. Wells is enjoying a
visit from his father, L. O. Wells, of
the state of Nebraska, who will prob-
aoiy spend tne winter cere,
Dr. J. A. Router returned yesterday
morning to Jacksonville from a trip to
tne Willamette valley. He hasn't de-
cided yet where be will locate
Mr. and Mre. Cfaas. Haight, of Little
saasta, calif-, arrived Monday even'
ing to visit relatives here. Mrs. Haight
is a sister oi unver and ferrv Meljee
Judge H. K. Hanna went to Grants
Pass Friday evening to hold an ad
journed session of circuit court there
Saturday, lie returned borne Sunday
Merchant A. F. Eddv, of Ashland
was doing our busy city Friday. He
was accompanied home by his fatber-
m-iaw, itev. j. a. siover, oi bams Val
Mrs. J. E. Harvey, of Gold Hill, was
on Wednesday's overland lor Healds
sure. Ualil.. to visit ber daughter. Mrs.
Cbas. Rippey, formerly of Central
Robt. Kincaid, of Central Point pre
cinct, wbu has been having a siege
with the rheumatism was able to come
up to Medford Wednesday to do a little
Grant Rawlings is down from his
mountain ranch for a few days. Grant
and his brother Carl will run their
father's farm near Central Point the
coming year.
Miss Lottie Knox, of Cottage Grove
is in Medford for a couple or three
months' visit with her sister. Miss
Mamie Knox, tho Pacific Postal tele'
graph operator.
Wm. Gibbon, of Central Point rire-
oinct, was la oieaiord 1'uesday. Mr.
Gibbon has some good property near
Central Point that be is desirous of
Miss Mattie McGee returned home
Saturday evening from her visit to
Missouri. Iter cousin, Miss Sarah
King, came home with her and will
spend the winter here.
Miss Zuda Owons returned home
from Ashland Friday where she has
been taking special work at the normal.
She will commence a term of school at
Urownsboro November 1st.
Tbeo. Dunn Is over from Yreka for
few days, all hands working on
Peters & DoWitts' brick building hav
ing been laid olf .'or a few davs on ac
count of scarcity of material.
Jas. B. Watklns. of Eagle Point nre-
cinct, came over to Medford Wednes
day business-. Ho recently returned
from Walla Walla, Wash., where he
has been for several months.
John M. Poscv. accompanied bv his
wife and three children, left Sunday
for his homo' in Sun Joaauin County.
Calif., after visiting with friends and
relatives east of Medford for the last
three weeks.
Capt. and Mrs,
Oroiron City. Ho oxtmots to leave soon
for Southern California for his health,
und will bo accompanied by Mrs. Mil
ler. S. Plyumlu, of Portland, spent a few
days visiting his brother, l M. Ply.
male, this week. Mr. l'lyiimle is an
old pioneer of Southern Oregon. In
company with Messrs. Van Aukiu ami
(.'lark, also of Portland, he has been
hunting and prospuutiug In the Kvttiis
oruok uountry.
Dr. 10. 11. Plukul went up to At-hlunu
Wednesday evening to Join a parly that
is going out to Poliuan hay on a ton
days' duck shooting expedition. The
doctor took along with him fllKI loaded
shells, mid if tho ranks of tho thick
family are not considerably decimated
It will not he from tho lack of ammuni
tion. K. II, Is a rattling good shot
and fun galore Is In store lor him.
Dr. and Mrs, II. F. Adklns and
daughter. Miss Orn, and Mrs. I.ufollolt,
an aunt of Mrs. Adkins, loft Tuesday
for Hudlauds, Calif., where they will
remain during the winter and perhaps
for a longer time. Tho move Is made
in hopes that Miss Ora's health will be
Improved', llur health has bueu fairly
good during the summer but It was
deemed expedient to avoid tho coming
wet weather. Their friends here are
all honing that health will be restored
and that they will all return at an
early dale.
Attorney V. W. Uruckhnrt. of St.
Cloud, Minnesota, slopped olf in Med
ford Tuesday for a brief visit with his
old-timo friend, Attorney A. S. Uam-
mono. Mr. rJammonu was student to
Mr. Bruokharl at Independence, Iowa,
long years ago. While hore tho visitor
was shown about our beautiful valley,
particularly out south of this city
where big red apples and big pears
grow. The gentleman stated that sev
eral Minnesota families wore contem
plating a move to this valley, and Thk
Mail Is satisfied nothing but a good.
solid endorsement of the country wilt I
bo given by tho gentleman upon his!
return he was just naturally amiued
at tne extent oi our resources.
Teachers' Institute at Ashland.
Why don't you buy
' olean aroonrlos ?
Product! mn tlw
i8 Perfection ol purity I
DAVIS & UILKUY, Aledford
Mrs. Henry Kllppel is stopping at
firendma Fisher's, at Tolo, ana help-
J. T. C. Nash have
returned from their San Francisco trip.
Mrs. Nash stopped at Ashland to visit
friends, while the Cantain went tn
Roseburg on business Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. IJolnh Houston, who
were here about three years ago, ar
rived from Missouri last week and will
make cJackson County their future
home. Mr. Houston Is a brother of
Mrs. Isaac Woolf, of this city.
W. L. Miller, who has bean nnvlnc
his old home at Jacksonville a visit for I
some time, loft Sunday evening for
The session of tho County Teachers'
institute which was uciti at Ashland
beginning October 13, was by far the
best meeting of the Jackson Countv
teachers ever held. The attendance
was large there being 107 teachers en
rolled. The teachers from all schools
in the countv. with tlio execution of
Jacksonville, wore in daily attendance.
The Jacksonville school board did not
deem it advisable to dismiss school for
the institute, hence the teachers from
that place were only able to attend the
evening ovesiuiiB uuiii outiiruuy
Prof. G. M. Irwin, slate superintend
entof public instruction, was also ir
attendance, and in a very able manner
replied to the address of welcome, which
was delivered at the ltiautauqua tulier
nacie Wednesday evening.
Many very able and instructive pners
were read, not a few of which brought
lortn quite spirited discussions.
Prof. Vining, of the Ashland normal,
proved very interesting in his oratorical
renditions as well as Ins physical culture
exniuuion, in wmcii lie was assisted Dy
lour oi nis pupiu.
Prof. Gregory was down for several
papers which proved quito interesting
and instructive as well.
Not the least among the interesting
features was a lecture by Hon. H. L.
Benson, of Grants Pass, on "Does Mod
ern Public School Education Educate in
the Best Sense?"
The session closed Saturday afternoon
and was pronounced one of the best if
not the best sessions ever held In the
The committee on resolutions was
composed of J. C. Barnard, M. A. Floyd
and Libbie H. Pendleton, and below
will be found the resolutions introduced
by them and adopted by the institute:
Resolved that we appreciate the earnest ef
fort of Sapt. Newbury u mnke this institute
the best ever held In Jackson County, that we
congratulate bun on this session. We further
expreas our approval of his untiring efforts to
secure a full attendance and pledKe him our
hearty support tn all his endeavors to advance
the educational Interests of the county.
That we tender our thanks to Hlate Superin
tendent lrwln for his attendance and for his
sound practical advice.
That we, the teachers of Jackson CouLly,
should read rood school iournals, and we en
dorse the Pacific Advocate as being won worthy
of our patronage.
mat we manic tne Asniana preu ior tne.
Interest thev have manifested In the leachem
ana tneir worn in jacason iounty.
That we extend our heartfelt thanks to Pres.
Hawtev and Uon, H. L. Benson for their
masterly and unexampled lectures.
That we thank the people of Ashland for
their repeated acts of hospitality to the mem
bora of tola institute and especially to the
nuolle school board and teachers of the aame
Place lor toe use oi ineir.ouiiaing, song dooks.
That we highly appreciate the entertain
ment famished us by the musicians of Asb
land and other Dlacea.
That we In the future, other things belne
equal, win patronize tne notei urcgon, because
of the favors shown us during this Institute.
That we are unalterably opposed to under
bidding In order to get a position, and condemn
such as being a serious detriment to our profession.
The following resolution was adopted
complimentary to Supt. Gus Newbury:
Whereas, during the oast four years our
county Institutes nave been of unusaal Inter
est ana pront, uu
Whereas, the attendance and punctuality of
teachers at these Institutes have been Insisted
upon by our county superintendent, and
Whereas, our schools have boen visited, en-
oouragod and assisted by him during his two
terms of office,
Therefore, be It resolved that tho heartfolt
thanks of all the teachers of Jackson County
be hereby oxtended to 8upt. Nowbury for Ills
able fulfillment of all bis duties.
Indigestion is often taken for con
sumption. The word consumption
means wasting away, dysnepties otton
waste away as badly as consumptives.
The reason neople waste away is bo-
cause either they don't got enough to
eat, or they don't digest what thy io
If the latter is your trouble, take
Shaker Digestive Cordial. This will
belp vou to digest your loou and stop
your 1088 01 nesn.
rjnaxor uigestiye uoruiai is mauo
from herbs, barks and the juices of
fruit, by the well-known Shakers at
Mount Lebanon. It possesses great
tonic and d igestive powers.
Shaker Digestive Uordlal has cured
many supposed consumptives (wno
woro really dyspeptics), by simply
helping their stomachs to digest tholr
food, thus giving them nourishment
and new strength.
Sold by druggists, xriai Domes iu
Ikhocs Prom tlio Street,
It, A. I'rotidloot: "Well, liuro Ih iiii
Item for you. I pot. eleven electric
lights into Attorney Vawtor's rest
douce, corner C and Sixth street, Wed
iiesday. The iihaudollers and fixtures
which go with tho lights am tho very
bust that could bo bought In Portland. '
A. C. Taylor:"! am putting In a
couple, or perhaps three additional
electric lights In my shoo lll tliiir parlors.
Going to liavo thirty-two candle power
lights and a rolleetor on each that will
Increase tho caudle nownr live times
giving mo ion candle power to each
MAIL otlleodovll: "I have decorated
three tiers of wood In TlIK Mail's
wood yard with gun powder hut still
someone continues to ho r row wood and
I ilon t huar of any suivos being blown
up. I reckon 1 hud butter tlx tlio whole
huslnoss. Someone was lolling mo
that a stove over In' North Medford
went over towards where tho Utile
stars twinkle the other night. Tho
owner of tho stove had borrowed some
wood from his neighbor and the owner
of tho wood had purchased some gun
powder from ono of our merchants.
J. H, llagoy : "I returned this week
from my fourteen weeks' visit in various
parts of the east, but I stopped longer
at South Build, Iud lit v old home, then
any place else, booth Itond is the
home of tho Studulmkur Wagon Com
pany. 1 understood while there that
this company had orders uhoail which
would consume all material on hand
and thev always have a live years' Block
of material on hand. Tho farmers this
year lnul hiir er,n,H ami mil hltr i,rii.ii
lint next year they will not faru so well
because of the drouth which has been
on for bo long. I left Indiana October
1 lltli and some farmers were then putting
in their wheat which should have boon
sowed early in Septomlier. The wheat
fluids should have been green, but in
only a few cases was the wheat showing
above tho grqjind. There is no possible
show for a whtat crop next year and
my advice to Orogou farmers is to sow
every acre possible, because the drouth
in tho east has covered over all winter
wheat sections. Nearly every body
with whom I talked has in contempla
tion a trip to Oregon and tho coast
Why sutler witb coughs, colds and
lagrlppo when Laxative Bromo
Quinine will cure you In ono day. Put
up In tablets convenient for taking.
Guaranteed to euro, or money re
funded. Price 25 cents. For sale by
Chat. Strang.
Mr. Bunch's Misfortune.
,,.a u
A linn of liulii'rt', ininmm' mul HiililiTn'H
lino mul inmlinin unnli" hIum'h, in tin' lntrt
tnt'H; hIho linlins' Nnvii StMitin Srnl rork
nolo hIxwh. TIljM in jtlHt. Ill
lnivo lint'it lookinu for, iik it h nlisnlnli'ly
wiitor-prnnf. ('nil Mini nnn them...
J. G. Van Dyke...
The Leading Photographer
of Southern Oregon
a y ti
is Introducing tho
have their work done before December 1st
latest designs and fancy styles In .. ..
A class of work never shown hero before, It is vi-ry handsome und
makes the photo as natural as life, Knlarglng of all kinds donoon
short notice. A Itlx'.'O Crayon Porlrall In iiaiidsoiu. Iiuine for
l..r0. All work strictly llrst-olanH...
H. C. MACKEY, Medford, Oregon
. I liavo a largo UHHortmtMit of inucomi ll.unl plows
1. and Harrows which 1 am oiTorini; at prieuH 'way
down tho lino. 1 also liavo 40 Socond Hand
V' utm.vo ;.. ...,.i ....... I:.: t.:..t. i .i. .
r niviun, Ull 1U UUU UW1UJ 1 , Wllll'll 1 (IU IllJb IlCCll
I,.,,,,.., t.x... !... I ,.!. f il
'uviiw iiiv tun jiti;i:n bunt x unit iui uii-iii
John Morris, JiLll'LU' MAN"
An accident befell Mr. II. N. Hunch.
of this city, last Sunday, which resulted
in his receiving a broken leg.
lie. in comoanv with Kd. Whitworlh
has boon engaged in mlnlngon Sterling
oroek, fourteen miles west of Mudford
and had just completed arrangements
for aotlvo work, with tho intention of
beginning work with a rocker on Mon
day morning. Mr. Bunob took a nan
of dirt and started to tbo oreek lo wash
it, and as be was going along a trail
hlch was perfectly smooth, and over
which he bad passed manv times his
foot caught in a small twig at the ediru
of the path and threw him to tho
ground lo such a mannor as to break
his right leg about midway between
the kneo and anklo. Mr. Bunch
the fall was not a hard' onn and
could not at first make himself believe
that be bad boon hurt, but upon attempt
ing to arise ho soon discovered what
bad befell bim. He was alone at the
time, but with the aid of a cane bo
managed to reach a log near by and
there awaited tho arrival of Mr. Whit
worth, who assisted him to cumn and
procurod a wagon and brought him to
aiodford. Upon tholr arrival, which
was late Sunday afternoon. JUr. Wall
was summoned and reduced the fnoturo
and he is now getting along as well as
could be expected. Mr. Bunob Is woll
along In years, and tbo accident is all
the more serious on that account, but
no tears are entertained as to his ulti
mate recovering. Ho had iust located
a mine which had every Indication of
paying iianasomo returns lor a winters
work, but tho accident will prevent
mm irora giving it his attention.
; Lewis & Staver Co.
. Mrs. Kate Etter
la Ourad of Dlauas by Or, MIIm
Maw Our.,
For Sale
Tho Crystal propnrty. Throe acros
of river bottom land, mostly sot to bor
ries and fruit with house and other
buildings and running water. Loca
tion throe-eighths of a mile north of
Main street, on A street. Call upon or
address Carl Crystal, at Davis & Oil
key's grocery store, Medford,
ItS. KATE ETTER wrote from
Neosho, Mo., in March last. "Two
yours ago I was soveralv troubled
with my stomach and kidneys, and a uroat
affliction so urinorvod me that my condition
became alarming. Tho tolograph brought
a prominont physician in a consultation
which resulted In no benefit. I wnnt tn
Wyoming for change of climate without
boncflt, was brought
back to Atchison where
nurses worked with me
night and day to keep
me alive to roach my
friends hare. My hoart
became so bad that my
friends gave up all
hone. I bogan takinc
Dr. Miles' Hoart Oure and Nervine alter
nately anil was restored to health, It Is now
months since and I am porfoctly woll."
Dr. Miles' Komedlos aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benoflu or money rofundod. Dook on neart
and Nervos sent t roo to all applicant, -IW.
MILES MEDICAL 00., Klkbart, lad
We now have on hand a largo stock of Wagonn, S2tf
j Hacks and buggies. Call and sco our now Caso
Black Jjxnd gang.
We liavo a full
stock of machinery
of all kinds...
D. T. LAWTON. Mnpr Me-lford Branch. .
Vienna Bakery. ..
F. M. WILSON, Prop'r
I'Vesh broad, plos, cakoa and cook
ies always on hand. l.uncbtH
prepared Ior outing parties
... .and socials. ...
Ice Cream Parlors ...
Saw and Planing Mills
Rustic, flooring anfl Finisling Lumber
Wo now havo a complete lino of doorn, window Rash, ucroonn itutl
motildingH. Orders dulivcrcd if donired. Raw mill on
I'oorrnnn'B crook pinning mill at Modford,
J. O, WHIPP, Propr.
Does General Contracting in all Lines.
- - Oregon.