The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 29, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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' Correspondents
JlllikHIMIVllll) tiVWH,
" Umiumt InhuoiJ October 25, U It,
II. LdwIh and M. M. Notviniui,
J Ion. mill MrH. N. Iitnioll re
turned Iiuiiki Monday from u briiif
vihii to rorllitml.
linn. J, K. Niiil, who Iiiih hucn in
tlio Huttii creek country gaining,
returned homo Huiuiay.
Married -In Jacksonville, Octo
bor !), IHH7, l.y K.H. Dunlap, ..1, 1'.,
J. 11. Kiiiinicrloy anil Kiniiia J.
A. Ilotiingor, of Tlio Dulles, wlio
wiim visiting liiu diinghUir, Histor
Mary Albortu, of Ht. Mary's uoud
oiiiy, ruturnuil lioinu Mummy even
ing. J. C. Wlilpp Iiiih boon coffined
to Ihu Ihhihu during tlio past two
weeks with an attauk of la grippe,
J liH condition In improved at thin
Wilt Hanno, who has boon visit
ing relatives for sovoral weeks, luft
for Oakland, Culif., Hnturdny to re
miino bin position with tliu S. 1'.
Mm. A. II. Maegley and throo
diiughUirB, who Imvo boon viuiting
rolutivos buro for tlio past two
months, roturnod to I'orllaud Hun
day overling.
Max Mullor has ruturniid from a
luminous and pluamiro trip to Han
Pruuoisoo. Ho suleotod a lino of
goods wbilo absent. Mrs. Mullur
accompanied him homo.
Mrs. E. M. I.umHdon, of Modford,
was visiting Mrs. It. J. Cameron, at
the Camoron ranch, from Wednos
day to Monday. They wore callers
in JaokBonvillo Monduy.
Win. Hoeley, who has been at
Hkaguay for a oouplo of months, re
turned homo Hunday. It suonia
that tho work ho was ongagcd. iu
. torminntod abruptly, owing to tho
heavy snows, and ho deemed it a
' wiso plan to (loo to tho sunny climes
of Houthorn Oregon. Ho anticipates
going back in February.
A drovo of two hundred bead of
: bouf oattlo from Applegnlo pussed
through town Friday to Modford.
Tho purohasors wero Mitchell and
I'rathor, tho latter roprosonting the
Oakland Moat Company. The
cattle wore purchased from Contrail
llros., Cameron, Kloinhainraor, Culy
and Gloavo, and in oonsemionce
thereof several thousand dollars
novo been distributed among the
stockmen. The prioe paid was b'i
cents gross.
Miss Ida Flora Cantrall, who has
boen a sufferer with consumption
for tho past year, died at her
mother's residonce, at Uniontown,
Sunday morning at 4 o'olock. She
was aged about twenty-eight years.
The funeral sor vices wore conducted
by tho ofliccrs of Ruth Kebokah
ludgo No. A, of whioh tho deceased
was a mombor. Rev. Robt. Ennis
assisted in tho burial servico. In
torraont took place iu tho Sterling
ville comelory Monday at 11 o'clock
a. m.' Miss Cantrall was possoBscd
of many noblo qualities and was a
goneral favorite in any community
in which sho residod. She will bo
groatly missod by a largo numbor
of friends.
Central l'oint Items-
L. C. Bollo, of Wellon, was
Ing hero on Monday.
Assossor Griovo made a business
trip to Jacksonville Monday.
Mrs. Noah Baor was trading with
Modford merchants Tuesday.
Thoro will bo a grand ball at tho
hotel hall Thanksgiving night,
Mrs. Norah Norman, of Rosoburg,
is navine old friends of this city a
Eldor Eli Fisher, of Medford,
preached at the Baptist Church last
Mrs. J. Hiuklo and MiBS Mary
Moo mado Modford u business visit
J, L. Brobst wont to Applegato
last wook to look afiorsomo mining
Rov. and Mrs. J.S. McCain mado
rolativos at Mud ford n visit tho first
of tho weok.
MisB Stella Stidhnui, who has
ohargo of a school near Talent,
spont Sunday at homo.
Romombor to oall at Dr. J.
Hinklo's if you nood a pair of spoo-
taolos or a quartz giasB.
Rov. A. B. Hood intonds laaving
for Harrkburg soon to tako up por
manont residence thoro.
Rusb Mooro, who has boon hav
ing a siogo with malarial fovor, is
now ablo to bo out again.
Wallaoo Wrisloy,, who hna boen
working in California' tho pnst year,
roturnod homo last wook.
Miss Daisy Olwoll, who is attend
ing St. Mary's aoadomy at Jackson
ville, spent Sunday at home.
Hod. J. W. Merritt had eevoral
fine shoup of Cotswold breed shipped
hero from tlio north Monday.
Andrew Stevens mid family took
Monday's train for I'aloiiHo, Wash.,
wlinro. they go to make tliulr future
An Hulertiiinniiiiit and supper will
bo given at the M. 1C, Church on
l'riilay evening, the proceeds to go
fur llio liiinelit of tliu uliiiruli,
(ll'lll'ni Creek (iatlieriiiifii.
II V I'llll.OMI'.I.A.
The Ituinley boys have oructed u
new barn on their place.
Mr. Hawkins and family Imvo
moved to Medford to live.
Oron Murjiliy has returned home
from his viHit willi Medford friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson were
visiting E. L. Hedpath and family
J. I). Anderson and family, of
Eden procinct, wore pleasant cullers
at J. Fry's Sunday.
C. W. Fraley and son, Floyd, of
Eden procinet, wero visiting iu this
nalglihnrhood Sunday.
Mrs. Fry's cousin, Mr. Stayton,
of Lebanon, who was visiting her,
returned homo lust Friday.
Quito a number (lathered at tho
school houso Sunday for ohurch,
but tho proaaher fuiled to come.
Claronco McPherson, who hus
been in custom Oregon fur several
years, is home visiting his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Priddy, of
Medford, visited the hitter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guchos recently.
Miss Bertha Mol'horson and
brother, Clarence, visited their aunt,
Mrs. Fraley, of Edon precinct, one
day this week.
Wo aro glad to learn that Mr.
Nay lor has moved back to his Grif
fin crook farm. Ho was accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Bohermerhorn who will farm the
place tho coming year.
Gold 11111 Mnrrets.
E, N. Williams was at the county
seat Monday. '
W. C. Hubbard was at Medford
the first of tho week.
Bert Dennis was over from Apple
gato and spent l'riday and Saturday
J. W. Marksborry and daughter,
Ollie, woro calling on friends here
tbo last of the week.
Maud Houck spent Saturday and
Sunday with her parents, returning
to Jacksonville Monday.
Tho danco at Bailey's hall Friday
night was largely attended and a
genoral good timo reported.
L. A. Carter and son aro prepar
ing to open a restaurant and hot
tomale stand on the west side.
Cap. Bassett sold his mining
claim on Kanes creek to E. L.
Smith, of the Gold Hill Mercantile
Tho Odd Follows,-Workmen and
Maccabees have combined together
and purchasod a cometery near
Rook Point.
RasmuB Rasmussen returned
from Yreka, Cal., Saturday to spend
a few days looking after some prop
erty ho owns hare.
J, H. Booman wad exhibiting
eomo fine specimens of rock rocontly
taken from . his mino on Sardine
crook. He says there is plenty more
just liko it thoro.
Table Bock items.
Hon S. M. Nealon nndo a trip to
Gold Hill Monday.
Misses Pankey and Shipley, of
Sums Vulloy, wpre at I itulo Hock
Friday doing business in connec
tion with our late fair.
Spencer Childors has boen haul
ing off his wheat and undor diffi
culties too, having to ford the river
whilo tho Byboe bridge was torn up.
Mr. A. L. Vincent moved onto
the Drum farm Saturday, having
leased it for tho coming year. Ulau
wo are not to lose a good neighbor.
The Robertson family gave a
concort at our school houso last
Wednesday evonlng. They had a
fair attondanco and fully satislieu
ovory body with tho performance.
Adams, Gunn and E. B. Jennings
koop their teams running, hauling
oil potatoes in spito of tho ram.
spuds from this section aro in ao
mand ovon though the murkot
Booms orowden.
Miss Hattio Sistfmore, of Sams
Valley, and Miss Libbio Pendleton,
now of Gold Hill, mado Table Rock
friondB a visit Friday and attended
a social party in the evening, They
both returned to tnoir Domes satur
Tho lato rains wero generally
wolcomod, still there is novor a time
in tho fall but wo would rather put
oil tho storms a day or two. Now
that the sun is doing his best to
dry our roads ovory ono should
clean up tuoir inn worK.
J, C. P.
UiowiiBboro Items.
tv awniw-r-A .
J. F. Hall, of Big Butte, was do-
Ing business in town Monday.
C. A. Buriiolt has traded his pluco
fif'ur here to J. I'. Hall, of Big Butte,
for property in Jacksonville.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Diilev, of l,nk
Cnmk, iiiailn a business trip to Med
ford last Friday, returning homo
Mrs, H. O. Shall nek imd family,
accompanied by Mrs. F, l.ooslny, of
Ft. Klamath, were the guests ot
their sister, Mrs. J. K, Bull, Satur
day night.
Our friends 0, K. Terrill and
Miss ICIlie Ilradshaw were united in
the bunds of matrimony on Wed
nesday, Oct. 20, 181)7. All unite
in congratulations to the happy
llcaifle Hems.
Israel Harris is on the sick list.
The infant daughter of Robt. I'e-
Armon is reported dangerously ill.
J. A. Houston is making prepara
tions to move to his Long Branch
farm about Nov. 1st.
Howard Rodgors sports a new trip
buggy and harness which ha pur
chased of W. J. Freoman, of Cen
tral Point.
Tho Roberston musical family
gavo an Entertainment at the Sams
Valley hall last Friday night. Al
though tho crowd was not a very
largo one, it did not keep them
from giving a good entertainment.
They had several different instru
ments and playod them all with
ease. It was very interesting lrom
beginning to ond.
Wine Mcu Know
It U folly to build on a poor foundullon.
Itollcf obtained by deadening symp
tomi Ik short. Hood's Sarsauariliu
ourua and vivos lasting health.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sink head
ache, indigestion, . biliousness. - All
druggist. 25o.
Legal blanks at Till: Mail office.
S3 8HOE In thlAorld.
For 14 yra tfata ibe. by nrtt
alon. hM dlrtcd alt eonpvUlors.
W. L Dourly U0. HjBD and niD sbo mrm
the prodortlcxna of fckllWd wort mm. from thm
K2.V) uid 9UJQ tboca for i
i ura fxuu caovs iur awa, vikv -uv aaa ior ran.
W. X. DodvIu the are IndorMd
bj over l,flDO,ao wrf rt u lb brat
) ityl. fit tod durability of in;
bo ever ofTtrvd U prlc.
Tbry ar nMl Id an Um Ufrat
bapMt aod ityhw, aad of every vart
rty of feather.
If (ImIct raanot rapply you. writ for fata
lofu lo W. L. Uvuclaa, Brock Ud, Mat. Hold by
i for boy
Market St. Ferry, S.F., Cal.
Klondyke Specials
Folding Rockers (ask lor circular) $10, 1!
Yukon Folding StovcB (new) $0.00, 7.60
Yukon Camp Stoves, best. . .(3.75, 16.00
I.nri;o Kur Sleeping Blankets, $12.00
Kvaporated potutoes, rarranted,totlic
truile. Canned fruits and meats of best
quality. Heavy wearing apparel. Send
(or pamphlet on tlio Klondyke (rco.
In the Circuit Court In ami for the County of
Jnoktioti, and State of Oregon.
Wllllum Fabor, Plaintiff.
L. A. Coctl anil Juntos Coot! and Jtuma
MoyorfoUl untl J. Mitchell, partiifirn,
dotiiK buHinesB an Moyorlold, Mltch
ull & Company. Uufunuants.
To I.. A. Coctl and JamonCoetl and Johho Meyer
fulrt and J. Mltcholl, purtnora, doInK bUHlnoas
as Meyorftild, MltohuU A Cora puny, dufond
untH: ,
IN the muno of tho Stnto of OrcRon, you are
hereby reaulrod to appcur ami nimwor the
eomplalnt of tho above uainod plaintiff In tho
above entitled court, now on tile with the clerk
of said court, within ton days from the date of
the Hcrvtuo of thiH muumonH upon you, ir served
In Jackson County, Orepon; but If survtxl In
any other county In tho stale of Orepon, then
within twenty day from the date of the nervtee
of thU HuinmonK upon you; if served on you out
of the Htato of Oregon or by publication then
by the tlrnt day of the ensuing term of natd
court, to wit: Monday, tho ISlh day of Decem
ber, A. I). ISOT. and you are horeby notified that
If you fall to appear und antiwar said uoraplaiut
an horehy reiiulredthe plaintiff will apply to tho
court for tho rellof demanded In Raid complaint
new on llle In mild ault, namely: For judgment
agBlnHt. tho defendanta, U. A. Coot! and James
Ceetl, for the mini of fl7W with interest at IU
Fior cent from Dreomher 3. iSttft, un;l for the
urttier Hum of 10,00 attorneys feus untl for
cunts and (HHbursemanrH of the abovo entitled
suit; and for a decree foreoloslnfr the mortgage
deNorlhed In and attached to plaintiff's com
plaint and for tho sale of the premises therein
(Worthed, namely: Lola 6, (I and ?, In block
nu inhered thiou, In the Towu of Modford, Jack
aon County, Oregon; that the equity of the de
fendants and each of thorn In and lo said mort
BUROd promlsea bo foreclosed and forever
barred; thttt tho Interest of the defendants
Joshu Meyerfeld and J, Mltcholl, partners, dotnK
buslnoHH undur tho tlrm name uud style of
Moyerfeld, Mitchell & Company, bo decreed to
be second and Inforior to tho mortgage Interest
of plaintiff and for mum other and turthur relief
as may ho Just and otiultablo.
Hammond & Vawtkh,
Attorneys for lMnlntlff.
This sum mens Is publlHhud In Tiik MKhVHtitn
Mail by order of H, K, Hanna, ono of tho
iudges of tho Circuit Court for Jackson County,
Iregon, by order mado In Chambers on the 86th
day of October, A, 1).
. W. I. VAwrmn, Attorney.
I -mmm
KI.V'H HIKAM HAIM U ft po.ltl vfiear.
Apply InUi the noflrlln. It In qukkly abaorhed. 60
ernU at fsrtitiflatit or by mall ; lamples 10c. hi mll.
ILLY WIM JiJJItH, (A WsrrcQ Hi., New York City.
In th; frircuU Court in arid for tho County of
hwMmu and hhiu, ut Oregon,
J, V., Kayiirt, Itecelverof tho AppU'Kuto
Wwuer Company. tt Corporation, Flaln
Vn. y. l. Wade, Wm. II. Jolly and J. I At
klnir, Df-fcridants.
To K. M. Wade, Win. II, Jolly and J. P. Atkins,
UKfendarits above named.
JN the finiricof the Htute of Oregon, you and
each of you are required to appear and an
wer the complaint of the above plaintiff. In the
above r-nntlrrt Court, now on llle with the
elerk of tmld ('ourt, within ten daya from the
dale of the Hervlce of this suinmoiiM upon you.
If Klrru.,1 n f,.n,Ur.r. t...,.,.V.. If
w-rvod in any other County 'of the liaui of
Orison, then within twenty day from the
uinj oi ton service oi in is Hiimmons upon you;
or If served on you out of the Htate or Oreaon
or by publication, then by the first day of the
cnnuiDK irm oi saiu uouri, lo-wit: ineuvo
day of Tifcernher A. D. and you are here
by notified that If you fall to appear and ana
wer said oo id plaint a hereby required, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded in said complaint now on Hie in this
suit, to wit: That the promissory notes de
scribed In the complaint given by the Apple
gale Water Company unto the defendant, J. H.
Atkins, be decreed to be fraudulent and void,
and the naid defendant bo required to deliver
the same to the clerk of tho Circuit Court of
Jackson County for cancellation; that the
mortgage deed given by the said Applegate
Waur Company unto the said defendant, J. P.
Atkins, upon the following described property,
in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon,
to- It: One certain water ditch or canal, be
ginning ut the brad of tbo said ditch or canal,
at a polut In section ten (10) of township forty
one Ml) south of range four west of the Willam
ette Meridian, sad at or near the confluence of
the Caroerry Fork with the Big Applegate
river; thence following the constructed ditch
or canal along the contour of the country In a
nortUeasterly direction and down said Apple
gute river for about five and eight tenths
miles to tho lower end of said ditch or canal,
through sections ten (10). two (if and three (3).
in towsnblp forty one Hi) south, of range four
west of Willamette Meridian and sec Hods
thirty five '&), thirty-six (M and twenty-live
t Jh) of township forty m south, of range four
(4) west of Willamette Mertdlaa. and sections
nineteen (H and thirty (8U of township forty
m south, of range three (3) west of the Wil
lamette Meridian to a point In section nineteen
tlV) at township forty (40) south, of raogc three
13) west Of the Willamette Meridian, all In
Jackson County, Oregon, logetHer with all of
the water rights, privilege, easements and
rights of way. attaching or In any way belong
lug or appertaining to any of the said properly
or to the said ditch or canal or belonging to the
said party of the rtrst part.
Also, all of the following described mining
property and mining ground, situated In Jock
son County, Oregon, and described as follows,
First. All of the s. of s. e. M of s. e. U;
th- w. V of the n. w, of the s. e. ; the s. w.
H of the s. e. H ; the s. w. of the n. w. of
the a. e. X ; the s w. of the n. e. ! of the a. e.
VA ; the u. w. of the s. e. of the a. e. of
station seven (7), in township forty (40) south,
of ran tro threwwest of the Willamette Meridian,
containing one hundred and ten acres more or
leas, in Jackson County, Oregon, together with
all me right, privileges and appurtenances
thereto belonglDg or in any wise appertaining.
Second. The w. H of the n.e. or the n. w.
of section two 'i), in township forty-one (41)
outh, of range four (4) west, of Willamette
Meridlau In Jackson County, Oregon, together
with the mill, lumber, macnlnery of every kind
and nature whatsoever upon the said property
aoa all of the appurtenances, right and privi
leges thereunto belonging or in any wise apper
taining. Third. All of that part of the Hope Mining
Claim which lies on the west aide of the Apple
gaic river; said Hope mining claim being re
corded ou pope S8b of Vol. ? of the Mining
Hecords of Jackson County, Oregon; also all
that part of the Little Bit Mining Claim whirh
lies on the west side of the Applegate river,
said Little Hix Mining Claim being duly re
corded on page V4A of Vol. S of the Mining
Records of Jackson County, Oregon; said claims
belntt part of the n. e. 14 of section ten (10), of
township forty-one (41) south, of range four (4)
west of Wtllamette Meridian; also, that cer
tain water dam, situated about 800 feet more or
less below the point where the Carberrv Fork
joins the Applegate river, and which belongs
to the said parly of the first part, together with
the land upon which said dam is situated, and
also the right to erect, maintain and keep a
water dum upon the said property at any point
convenient to the party of the second port, his
heirs and assigns forever.
Fourth. All of the followinc: Besrlnnlns at
the southeast corner of claim locaud by H. C.
Jacksoa on October 1, lfim, and at a point 000
ffet saulh of the corner to sec lions two (2),
three (), ten (10) and eleven (11), of towusbip
forty-one (41) south, of range four (4) west of
the Willamette Meridian, and running thence lfW feet to stake No. 3; thence south 600
foot lo a stake No. 3; thence east lftOO feet to a
suke So. 4; thence north 600 feet to the place
of beginning; said claim being a part of the n.
e. '4 of neciton ten (10), and known as Protec
tion Tariff No. 2, and all of the rights, privileges
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
any wise appertaining and all being in Jackson
Couuly, Oregon.
Also all the right, tlUe and Interest of the
party of the rtrst part in and to the following:
All of the w, K of the n, w. 14 of section num
ber eloven (11), In township number forty-one
(41) south, of range number four (4) west ol the
Willamette Meridian, containing according to
the United States Survey eighty acres, all in
Jackson County, Oregon, together with all of
the rights, privileges and appurtenances there
unto belonging or In any wise appertaining.
Also that certain lumber mill and the land
upon which the same is situated and all of the
lumber, machinery and fixtures thereon, situ
ated along the line of the said water ditch or
canal In Jackson County, Oregon, and all of the
appurtenances thereunto belonging.
Also nil of the property, water rights, privi
leges and bonefUs belonging to the said ). rty
of the first part and situated in Jackson County,
Oregon, and not otherwise covered by the
above description and conveyances and all of
the in to rent of tbe said party of the first In and
to anv m in in if claims or other nronertv owned
I or held by It in Jackson County, Oregon, and
not othcrwlso mentioned In this Instrument.
Touother with all of the tonomenta. heredita
; monts and nppurtonancos belonging to any of
wit! property m vnis inmcumuui. muniiunuu or
In nny wise appertaining thereto and alt of the
right, title and estate of the party of the first
part in and lo iny and all of the same, and re
corded in vol u mo 13 of tho mortgage reoords of
Juckson County, Oregon, on page 944 to 348
thereof bo cancelled and decreed to be fraudu
lent and void; that the plaintiff have judgment
again. st the defendants and eaoh of them in tho
sum oi smku as aainancs ana ror suon otnerana
further roller as may bo just and equitable in
the premises and for costa and disbursements.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
This summons Is published In Tnc Mkdfohd
Mail, by order of Hon. H. K. Hanna, ono of tbe
judges or mo nrsi judicial uistrici, oaioa at
Chambers October 18, 1SV7,
W. I. Vawtkil Proa. n. F. An kins, V-Pros
J. K. Knyaht, Cashier.
...CAPITAL, $50,000...
Limn moncv on nnnrored securltv. receive de-
itosltH subject to ohook and tranBnot a Ronora
nnnmnK ousiness. Your Dusinoss souoitea....
Correspondents: Ladd & Bush. Balom. A.irio
California Bank, San Francisco. Ladd k
Til too, roruwd, corbln Banking Co., N. Y.
Jackson County Bank
Hod Front Saloon
Thoro nrrivfid thi wook a splendid stock of wines mid
liijiiorn. All who patronize my place are guaranteed
tlio heHt of lifjuorB ut roaHonable prices.
John Schneider
Front Street, Modford, Oregon....
.. . .
That farmers should have good serviceable harness, as
It costs money at this season of the year to muke a trip to
town to have repairs made. I have a fine line of
Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, Etc.,
And my prices are reasonable. I hare purchased the stock and bul
lous oi ll wile man U Nlcbolnon and will continue baslnew al thiilrold
s vwmiy. vive me a oall ana get my prices
J. Q. TAYLOR, Medford, Oregon ...
Onion Lthery Stables...
Having lately purchased this popular stable we are now pre
pared to furnish first-class rigs and safe and fast driving
horses at reasonable rates. Horses boarded ....
Commercial . Travelers . Rigs . a . Specialty
Is Manafaeturing
... Rough and
5 Plr and Yellow Pine of Superior Qiialityi Prices and quality 5
5 ruaranteed to Rive satisfaction. Mail orders will receive , fs
- aiibUUblUU
,MIII Seven
9 '
All work guaranteed first-class. Plana and estimates furnished r"
all kind of work either brick or wood.
Bills of LUMBER of all kinds filled on short notice. Sash, Doors and Mill wo oi al -kinds
any thtnv In the shape of wood work oan be had on short notice.
I manufacture a splendid article oi Brick see samples
everywhere about the city. Yard one block north of
Brewery, Residence north C street, Medford, Oregon.-
as--a.-a -A-
ft High Grade of .
Dressed Lumber
. '
Miles East of Medford g
I II a