The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 29, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Krery Friday Morning,
He t o( lew days: bul quite a plontjr.
Bnlerod In Ibe Postofnos a) Median), Oregon
u Sooond Class Mall Matter.
Ukdpord, Friday, Oct., 29, 1897.
THIS PAP Kit L" apuak.""Ad.
vorttslng Agency. 64 and M Merchants Ki
ehango, 8aa Franolsoo, California, whom ooa
traou lor advertising can be made for It.
Our Clubbing List.
tut Mail and Weekly S. F. Call 2 85
" " Examinor 2 85
" Chronicle 2 35
' " " OroKOnlan 2 00
" " Cosmopolitan 2 10
. " Weekly Cincin
nati Enquirer, - - 1 "5
"Mosey is easy,'" is the report
which comes from New York,
There are lota of people who do not
find it so.
Russell Sack denies that he is
scheming to bid in the Union Pa
cific. He'd be likely to tell about
it in advance, if it were he.
Neal Dow lea $350,000 and 'no
will; which will drive a lot of Maine
lawyers to just what Dow was trying
to keep them away from driuk.
The Roseburg district fair paid
eighty per cent on premiums and
seventy, per cent on expense ac-
' counts. The Medford fair paid one
hundred per cent even up.
Japan is now reported to have
come into hearty accord with Ha
waii. Nothing like having a big
brother in the sear background to
secure fair treatment for the little
A Missouri preacher puts it this
way to bis congregation : "When
I look at my congregation I ask,
Where are the poor? and when I
count the collection I aek, Where
are the rich?"
The battleship Texas is once
' more in trouble, Wouldn't it be
cheaper to put this unlucky craft
carefully away somewhere in a glass
case or why not make her a pres
ent, say, to Spain?
The new Canadian postage stamp
bears a portrait of the queen at her
coronation, with maple leaves, em
blematic of Canada, in the corners.
Canada seems to be aspiring to be
called Greater England.
A woman at Sioux Falls, Iowa,
was recently adjudged insane be
cause she said she was going to
marry an editor. No other evidence
was deemed necessary except that
she was foolish as well as demented.
The duty, collected on the per
sonal baggage of passengers return
ing from Europe during the month
of August, in excess of $100 each,
amounted to $46,892. . This shows
the extent to which foreign clothing
has been imported in this way.
liUETGERT is said not to be favor
ably impressed with the idea of pos
ing in a museum, fearing that it
might injure bis business standing.
The fact that a good many people
will probably always believe that
' he murdered his wife and boiled her
bones to nothingness is apparently
not thought to cut any figure.
If the late dispatch from Ha
vana be true, its effect being that
out of 2500 people whom Weyler
penned up at Cascapeba all but five
died of starvation, there certainly
seems some reason to believe that
"the butcher" might, in time, have
' 'pacified" the island. An uninhab
ited desert should be peaceful.
Editor Dana's peculiarities were
with him even unto death. One of
his final requests was that no long
obituary be published in the New
York Sun after his death, ana in
accordance with that request the
onlv announcement the Sun has
made is the following:
"Charles Anderson Dana, editor
ofj the Sun, died yesterday after-.
noon." ' i-
Once in a very great while not
often someone will complaia of
sudden Oregon climatlo changed in
the almost nlvrnys unruffled temper
ature of Southern Oregon, but when
compared with other localities there
is not a shadow of a ohanae for ub,
In Chicago, a couple of weeks ago
a man died of sunstroke and the
driver of the hearso next day wore
a fur coat and mittens.
As evidence of how a little econ
omy, even though forced, will fix a
fellow is Bhown in the following :
H. II. Rose, who was sentenced to
the Minnesota state prison for life
tome twenty-two years ago and
recently pardonod by the state board ,
saved up $930 while in prison and
received a draft for that amount
last week. Ilia earnings in prison
were eight and ten cents per day.
The production of wine in Cali
fornia from the grain) crop of this
year is expected to reach twenty
million gallons. This would fur
nish a quart apiece for everybody in
this country, and leavo a small re
mainder for pionic occasions. The
wine industry is now firmly estab
lished in California and the prod'
uct compares favorably with the
better quality of wines imported
from Europe. Good wines are also
produced iu Jackson County, al
most equal to any in California.
XSewspaiek8 are to be used as
text books in Kansas City schools,
and it's a good scheme and should
be generally adopted but great care
should be used in selecting only
such journals as tend to elevate the
child mind and which give the
news terselv and honestly. And
in each of these papers should be
preached a short sermon condemna
tory to the student who imagines
he is honoring the class colors by
wearing them while in reality he
dishonors himself, his class and the
whole school by smoking cigarettes
while wearing the colors.
Beets and Beats.
"Thts office Is In receipt ol seventeen analy
ses ol sugar beets." Medlord (Ore.) Mall.
"An analysis of the bent who boats
the printer would be interesting. And
what a labor of lore It would be for the
printer, too." Fargo (North Dakota)
Daily Argus.
That's quite right, friend Jordan, but
the beats which grow In the printer's
subscription book ordinarily and the
beets which are of eugar quality and
grow in Southern Oregon soil, are of
vastly a different, composite and the
analysis of one would be either a com
pliment or a disgrace to the other
which would depend upon the one being
analyzed. The Mail has but fow beats
on its list of 1900 subscribers, but South
ern Oregon is full of beets and thou
sand of acres of soil capable of growing
more of them.
Raymond Werner and Hattie Waschau
have entered the fifth grade this week.
Some of the little ones, of the second
grade, are out of school on account of
Lemuel and Maudie Heller, lately
from Yreka have entered the south
primary .
Mabel Armstrong, Claud Hoover and
Francis Springer entered the sixth grade
this week.
Rhetoricals in seventh grade Friday,
Oct. 29th. Patrons and friends always
. Last Friday afternoon the girls of the
fourth grade prepared the program for
the afternoon exercises.
Archie Fries, one of the tenth grade
DUnils. who was absent from school
Beveral (lava on account of sickness, re
turned tum ween.
The members of the literature class
are studying the lives of famous people
who were born in the month of October.
There are about thirty in the list.
The tenth zrade has been presented
with a neat little book case for the set
of encyclopedias. The members ol the
tentn grade are very grateiui ior una.
The tenth erade students havedecided
to remain half an hour after school for
the Durnose of learning to read any
article, at first sight, before an audience,
The boys of the ninth and tenth grades
are ma mug amove to organize aiootuuu
team, and as they are all sturdy young
men, a good team will soon be in opera
The pupils of the tenth grade are about
to finish mediaeval history; they will
then take up modern history, They
have finished the second book of geom
etry and are now taking original proposi
tions before beginning the next book,
Visitors, Mesdames W. I. Vawter,
.T. Schneider. P. 8. Envart and H. U
Lumsden; Misses Ellen Bursell, Zuda
Owens, Nellie Mitchell, Mabel. Arm'
Ht.rnncr. Loci Bandies and Flo Gray
Messrs. Rev. E, E. Gittens and Arthur
Among the Churches.
Regular service will bo held next
Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. at the
Episcopal Church. All inyited.
Rey. Sack will hold services at the
residence of Paul Demraer, In north-
wnot. Mnrlfnril nn Kiinilnv. October SI.
at 1:30 o'clock p. m. All aro cordially
mitiRTrAN nrrnnf.'ii.
Services will bo held at the usual
hours. The morning theme will be
"Acceptable Prayer, What Is It?"
Evening sermon. ''What la Christian
Citizenship?" Good slnglnr at all
services. Come.
A man will attempt to walk a
chalk lino to prove that he Is sober
only when ho is drunk.
The chief of police of Grand
Forks, N. 1). will hereafter hui;t ho
bos with a 175 pound St. iiernuril
The olminloss "J8 bioyclo is in
the New York market. Six promi
nent makers havo decided to Bull
'1)8 wheels for $50.
Robert T. Lincoln is said to bo
slutod to succeed the lulo George
M, Pullman as president of the
Pullman company.
Notwithstanding the fact that
winter is rapidly coming, some
people can't abandon the habit of
rushing the growler to excess.
Timid people should scarcely be
blamed for being nervous over the
appearance of the new comet. At
last accounts it was only 73,000,000
miles away.
Justice Fields retires from the
supreme bench the first of Decem
ber, having served longer than anv
other justice since the adoption of
me constitution.
There cau bo no question thnt
Japau is rapidly taking her place
among modem nations. Seven men
were killed iu a railway uccident
there two weeks ago.
J. Pierpont Morgan is said to con
trol nearly 50,000 miles of railway.
If Pierpout keeps on at this rate he
may eventually become a bisser
man man tne orakeman .
The sugar trust, under tho com
promise schedule, receives only a
nine over ,uuu,wu. it is shame
ful to have these saccharine states
men haunted with visions of the
poorhouse like this.
A St. Louis woman offers $-1000
for a husband. We do not think
she will have to put her advertise
ment in the paper a second timo.
Still, there are women that a fellow
would not care to marry even for
that amount.
A Welsh paper savs that Prof. J.
Morris Jones bride is a native of
rbwllantysilliogogoch. Prof. Jones
is probably an attractive man but
to a maiden of Li. etc., one of his
greatest charms must have been
his name.
A young German at Berlin, on
Monday attempted, with bis sweet
heart's consent, to establish a kiss
ing record of 10,000 kisses iu ten
hours. They -scored 3750 in the
third hour, when their lips became
paralyzed and both were rendered
unconscious. -
A newspaper mah is to succeed a
newspaper man. as postmaster of
Corvallis. Perhaps that is to be
the administration policy. Already
considerable preference has been
shown the fraternity. Well, don't
they deserve some notice, and then
they are often capable fellows.'
Railroad ' Commissioner Eddy,
who also edits the Roeeburg Plain
dealer, in his plea for harmony, re
marks: "Let ub confess our sins
and take a fresh start," Of course,
an "esteemed contemporary" wants
to know why he is anxious to con
fess at all, if he proposes to take a
fresh start a-sinning.
Governor Taylor, of Tennessee,
in a speecn on "Irish Day" at the
exposition, said: "If I were a sculp
tor l would chisel from the marble
my ideal of a hero. I would make
it the figure of an Irishman sacrific
ing his hopes and his life on the
altar of his country, and I would
carve on its pedestal the name of
A 70-year-old man in Coburg,
Canada, kissed his niece against
her will. The indignant woman at
once commenced sun lor $z,uoo
damages. At the trial of the cause
she was awarded 2U cents. It is
probable that Canadian, courts
would ordinarily estimate the value
of a kiss at a much higher rate than
a couple cf dimes, and that a large
reduction was made in this case on
account of the near relationship of
the parties.
Her young man dropped dead
just before the wedding day; the
sudden shock killed her mother;
her sister died on her way to the
funeral, and her brother then com'
mitted suicide. These troubles un
set a London young woman, and
she tried to drown herself. The
magistrate before whom she was
brought, however, told her that ''she
had allowed herself to get into a
very morbid state," and had actod
very foolishly and childishly.
An enthusiastic church member
of Philadelphia hasiustcontributed
$1 to tho church on his birthday,
pledging himself to double the
amount on each annivorsary of his
birth for the rest of his life. If he
keeps his plcdgo and livos long
enough the church will have plenty
of money, for the amount of his of
fering on his birthday twenty-five
years hence will be something over
For several years the farmers of
South Dakota have been growing
very poor crops and receiving cor-
reapondingly low prices for what
they grow. 1 his year tilings wero
changed and a local paper gives
the following as the. first meal or
dered and uaton in a restaurant by u
farmer after he had sold his (list
loud of grain: Two plates of emi
sago, ono loaf of bread, night largo
baked potatoes, three plates of corn
broad, two dishes of utiuuo, seven
ou ps of coffee, two dishes of salad
and half an apple pie.
A muchine has been Invented for
registering letters and in now being
put to a practical test by the gov
ernment. II works on tho Blot prin
ciple. Tho person desiring to regis
ter a letter drops the necessary coin
in tho slot, pushes a lever and the
machine does the rest, even to
bunding him out a receipt. This
remarkable mnchaulHin cun bo set
up anywhere like a letter box and
the business of the registry depart
ment can bo carried on night and
day without tho attention of any
clerks excepting such as are needed
to make up the records when the
letters are collected and taken to
the office.
A good recommendation for Simmon
Llvur Keeulutor Is Unit ll Is purely
vegetable ami strongly Ionic. Then
too. It U bettor than pills because
easier to tuko lu liquid or powder and
with no griping, while the relief from
constipation, billnusiieiui, stek head
ache and dyspepsia is quick and sure.
"I II ml Simmons Liver Itegulutor a
very safe and valuable family medi
cine." Kov. J. M . I toll Ins, r'ulrllold,
Chrysanthemum Circle Organized.
At a meeting held Oct. '':i, In Wood
men hull between Mrs. Helen Soulhwlek
of Sulem, and tho ladies of Medford a
W omen of Woodcraft circle was or-
guiiiied, this order being tho reeognitnl
anxlliarv of tho Woodmen of tho World.
The following olllrent were elected and
installed : Mrs. Kute Wait, U. N.: Mrs.
Clara Meeker, P. U, ; Mrs, Kale Weber,
O. ; Mrs. Nellie Kliton, M. , Mrs. llussie
Wubli, H.: Mrs. Annie Muwurl, A. ; Mrs.
MurtluiTieo, I. S. ; Mrs. Heltu I'riildv,
O. S.: Mt-sdium-s i'.llu Mdirc ami John
Norris, .Muuugent.
llienitiue ol tlioi-irclo will le "L'lirvs-
nntheiiiiim Circle" und will uiei-l on
Wednemluy uveniiig of eueh week ul
which lime u regular routine of IniHiiiuas
will be transacted. Anv ludv iK-tween
the age of IS and AO whether a relative
of a Woodman or not can iniike applica
tion to Income a member ol tins circle
and currv from r00 to fciOOO insurance
at the same rate as the Woodmen of the
World. The proper books and station
ery will be hero an Boon as the tirund
C'irclocan lo heard from, and Chrysan
themum Circle oxiiects several new
uieiulwra by January Ut.
Mrs. Katie n Kiitit, cierK.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to expruw our iihkI heart
felt thanks to those ol our tivlghlxira
and friemlH who wore so kind to us dur
ing the brief illness of our wife and
mother, mid as well for the kind assist
ance given and extended sympathy dur
ing tho Borrowing hours which havo
since pumivd .
j. I.. n iui.K and r xii.Y.
A few weeks ago tho editor was taken
witb a very severe cold that caused
him to be lu a most miserable condition.
It was undoubtedly a bad case of la
grippe and recognizing It asdangerous
he took Immediate steps to bring about
asneedy cure. Kromttie advertisement
of Chamberlain's Cough Itomedy and
mo many good recommendations in
cluded therein, wo concluded to make
a oral trial of tho mud let no. lo say
that it wtu satisfactory in its results,
is putting It very mJUMy, Indeed. It
acted like mag lo and the result was a
speedy and permanent euro. Wo havo
no bealtanoy in rouommendlng tins ox-
cellcntcough remedy te-anyoue afflicted
with a cough or cola In any form.
The Banner of Liberty, IJbertytown,
Maryland. The ZbaruUiOcontslzos for
salo by G. H. Hasklne, druggist.
Advertised Letter List.
Following Is a Hut of loiters romalnlQic un
called lor lu the Medford DOHlottlcu on Ool.
'at iri
Dutcher, Mrs Kmmu Dulcher, O
Howard, J F Lapotle, Mrs Lana
Bee, Klmor
A ctmnre of one coat will bo made unoa de
llvory of each of th above l.-ttirs.
Persons calling- for any of tlie above loiters
will please say " Advertised."
m. ruidiin. romnu&sier.
Elcctrle Bitters.
Electric Bittors is a mediclno suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed whon the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when tho
liver is torpid ana siuggisn ana the
neod of a tonic and altoratlvo is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has
often averted long and norhans fatal
bilious lovers. Mo mcdlolno will act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing the system from tho malarial
poison. Headache, Indigestion, consti
pation. diz.incBs yield to Klectrlo Bit
ters. 50o. and $1.00 por bottlo at
Chas. Strang's drug stoic.
In Memory of firs. May floff.
Call not bock the dear departed,
Anohored safe where storms uro o'er;
On tho border land wo left thorn
Soon to meet and part no more.
When wo loavo this world of chanson,
When wo loavo this world of oare,
We flhall moot our missing lovad ono
' In our Futbor's mansion fair.
Deafness Cannot fie Cured
fly local applications, oh thoy cannot raitoh tho
cllHonned portion of tho ear, Thero Is oniy one
way to cure urininnss, una inai is oy consiiiu
tlonal remedies. Deafness In caused hv nn In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
KiiHtochlan Tube. When this tube vein In
flamed you hnvo ft rutnliltnfi Mound or Imperfect
hearlntf, and when It Is entiroly closed deafness
is me result, nno unless tne inunmaiion enn uo
taken out and this tuho restored to Its normal
oomllllon, hearing will be destroyed forever
which Is noihtnir but an Inflamed condition of
We will i-lve Ono llundred Dollars for any
case of deufnesH (caused by catarrh) that can
not he cured by nail's Catarrh euro. Hcnd for
ciruuiurs, ireu.
- P. ,1. DnnNRV & Co., Tolodo, O.
Bold by drUKiflBls, ffio.
Hull's t'umlly Pills are tho bust.
jltt Cure ConflMimtion Forever,
t'aso jiVHcarels Candy Cathartic, loo orZSo.
IQ 1 (J. lull le euro, uruKKists roiuau money.
VICMS.. ..
Willi knnppml hunk und lumvy
twilliul fuoo for wintoi' wrnp
poi'B mul lioitvy noinforlH...
KiMiuunhor you pny IOcpiiIh for
tlioHo hooiIh cut from tlio holt. .
Wo H(11 tlioin to vou nt
6 1-4
Thoy will
Factory Ends,
1 at
Sitf'i J If you're not pleased
Ready for Autumn Business
Our Fall Stocks are Now
Complete in all Departments
Our sloro is crowded wilh the nowut of now
stylos, selected with experienced euro as to
quality and good tasto as
Our dross goods aro positively tho very host
we havo ever hud in stock. Thoro is some
thing really bountiful alout them that vou
1S do not always find
esSMstock. our goods aro hough t expressly to
(ffi suit the notions of tho ladies of Southern
Oregon, lhoy aro up-to-date and worth
more money than wo ask for thorn. Ladies'
and gents' furnishing goods
W. H. Meeker
Plow Shoes and FarmO AT Tavler'S THE
ors' Boots. Repairing ) r a. ta..
promptly attended to J rOOt r liter...
COLE'S ...
wooa amevB...
Money "Makers
Got Legal Blanks and Job
go itiiuk
You Know! $
fOtfi outlets
our expense
to stylo Q)
in tho ordinarily selected
& Co.-
Printing at The Mail Office.
If - ,
& NicMson w"'