If You Want to Reach the Jackson County People 2 thii moHt of llioui lUu Irani of llllllll You've dot to Use the Paper that Reaches ,. , ihu mrmt of ihnin tho tlUMl or Uioiii THE MAIL aiwjJLATjofn9o, m i FBOrKBBXONAb OAHDB. W. 8. JONKH, . IMIYHICIAN AND HIIHOKON, Modford, Oruifon, rOnioo-Oiwrtt lllovk. , (30LVIQ & RKAMKS, W. M.Colvlg A. K. Heeael I.AWYKIIH. Orlli Htuok, Jiu)lrtnnvlll(,Ormon. Will pniolloe III all Ihu nourtu of Ihu uluto, Careful couuitul glveu lit ull inuitom. Jt A, I'ALMKU, AltCIIITKUT AND HLWKIMNTKNDKNT ORloo In AiiUliW-Dttuul btk. Mudlunl, Oro. I'firHpnntlvo lrawlhK mtd pud fie niton furn liitUHl on ll Mm ot miHloni btillillimn. Own ur' IttloraMl ooimiaorwl tmrttiiwunt. J 8. HOWARD, HUIiVKYOU AND CIVIL fcNUINKKIt.' 13. H, Doimiy Mlnrrtit Hurvoyor for tbo Btttlo yf Oromiu. l'uniumoc mltlrotut; Modford, Oreuuti, VM. 8. CUOWELL, ATTOIINKV AT LAW, JckooHllo, Oraiua. .W. H. PARKKR, ATTOHNHY AT LAW, Hamlin lllock, Slcd'lord, Ort. AMMOND & VAWTKR, Au.tln H. Hammond. Wm, I, Vawter. ATTOKNKVH AT LAW Offlce-I.O. O. I', bulldlni, McUratd, Or J, B. WAIT. ritVHICIAN AND HUKQKON, qiftw In Chlldcri' llloclc, Medford, Ol QI5ARY A PICkvL, I'itYttlCIANH AND BUKOKONH, Omr houi- 10 til I? . m. mid 3 to i p. til. ttondaya 1 to 1. Mo.lfoid.Or Ortlca Ilnnkln Mock. Chas. Perdue ... . Practical Gu and DicvoloB, ripaircd on Bliort notice at living prices.... Shop in J. A. Whitman's warorooms.... LIME! ... No. 1 quality ot llino from tho ' woll known Kanosorook quarry CHEAP FOR CASH Wo are now ready to supply Modford and all towns on tho railroad. Wrlto for terms to Carpenter & Allison, GOLD HILL, ORB, G.F. PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH AND HORSE SHOER Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed Special attention given to plow work There Isn't a Branch ... Of Blaoksmithing Mutt I t do not fully undorstand, M and my prioes will not onppio your purao, nor wui tho shoes I sot cripple your horses. I do all kinds of wagon and oarriage work,. J, R. WILSON ... "16 to 11 3, R. HARDEN, Prop'r All work strictly" first-cliiBS and my prioos are tho low V,oBtln thoolty.. Shop on Sovonth Btroet. op poBite Union Livory Stables. Shop ill I i t I Satisfaction TTThoro is always much satiBfaotion in knowing "1" that you have tho best urtiolo of the kind that can bo had. Some people have an idea that more 1h nnkod for Mridge-Hoach stoves and raugos than for others, but, although they possess advantages not to bo found in others, no more is askod for them than for other first-class good 8 of their kind... We carry a complete line of Bridge-Beach oook and heating stoves, as woll as hardware and Bporting goods J. BERK RATES FHOn... tl to $j PER DAY Medford, 1 lio Nish Is one of tho most popular hotels In Southern Oregon, und no puln uro spared for the comfort and accommodation of guest. Kverythlng about tho house Free Sample Rooms THE MOTEL BAR best brands of wines, Having rfai Forty Years Experience ... IN THE Furniture and UnflerlaKing SMras- ; JJu'lnoss it Is with pleasure that wo occupy this spaoo la inform hSU Ing tho eotlo of Jackson county that wo are now fully equipped jm. to supply all articles nudnd In tho two above montlonod linos. W o miiuufacturur stiMrlor work in store, hotel and ofllco flxturos. WEEKS BROS. THE Palace Confectionery C rftRIV&" niViViiio, rroD IB Whokiak UCIHrl in . Confectionery, Cigars ? Tobacco I'ropr's op MEDFORD 80DA WORKS We Carry None But First-Class Qoods DON'T LET That I havo tho largost and best seleotod stock of furniture, carpets, wall paper and window shados to be found In South ern Oregon . Escape Your Attention.... If you are a prospective the hlgost In grado and in oonnootlon FRANK W. WAIT ... STONE YARD Gonoral contracting in all linos of stono work. Cemetery .Work a Specialty ... Airklnda "of marble and gvanlto inonumonts ordered dlroot from tho quary... ttsd Yard on G Rtroct -Comuiorlotul Holol Hlook TresoriTJtions Carefully ! " Compounded. Main StrMt; ... . . . Medford Oregon. MEDFORD, JACKSON COONTY, OREGON, FRIDAY OCTOBER 29. 1897. & 00... I. L. HAfllLTON ... lOPRIITO ... Oregon STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS i!0'" Is always suppllod with tho very liquors and clears .... J Ralosrooms at Medford, Oregon Factory at Hbooalx, Oregon and Retail .MEDFORD, OREGON THE FACT: purchaser you will find my goods tho lowost in prlos.D Undortaking I. A. WEBB MEDFORD, OREGON 1 THE MORTAR D$UG STOE, tr. . HASKINS, Prop'r. Ha. anvthino im thk linc op , ... , ' I'uro Diiign, Pitloiit Medicines, Books, Btntlonery, PAINTS nd OILS, Toboccoon, Clmr, Permmory, Toilet ArMclos snd that I. ourrlcd In a firat- lass UKUQ 8T0K1 JfWL NEWS OF THE WORLD. TEHRIILK ACCIOCNT.ON THE NEW YORK CENTRAL ROAD. W.at U BorMU Ik. 0.IU4 tmn C.,lt.4 Tx.ln Mnrd.r. Cntly Ulrore. Mult Matt. J The German government ts raising funds to lama, the strength of her trmy and navy. George M. Pullman, tli. millionaire palace car builder, died at his hcfine in Chicago last week. A marked decrease iu the production of beat sugar is reported from Germany nd Austria this year. ' Tte Ancient Order of United Work men lias selected Pittsburg m the next meeting place, and the date October 13, 1888. Justin Winsor, IX. D., librarian of Harvard and first president of the Am Library association, died at Cambrige last week. 8pain hits notified the United States that filibustering expeditions to Cuba must stop, and that she will henceforth regard them as a breach of internat ional law. A freak museum manager has offered to go bail for Adolph L. i.u.tgert, the Chicago wife-iouraerer. If he gets Luotgert out be will pay him f$00 a week to appear in his museum. The atockholdenof'the Denver (Col.) consolidated gas companv have accept ed the City of Denver's proposition to lease the plant at 6 per cent interest on an appraised valuation for eight years. The boiler of tbe Detroit Cabinet company's factory at Detriot, Mich, exploded recently. Two men were fa tally injured, one of whom has since died, aud tea are more or less seriously injured. Lord Salisbury sent a note to Em bassador Hay stating that England declines to take part iu the conference proposed by the American bimetallic commission. Germany will follow Eng land's ceurae. . At a meeting of the Commandery. In-Chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, held at Philadelphia, Uesr-Admlral Bancroft Gherardi, U. & N., was re-elected cemmaader-in-chief of the order. George Young, a farmer living near Blue Earth, Minn., sii.t and killed his wife, his two boys, aged 2 and 4 years, and himself. All died instantly. Bus iness aud domestlo troubles form the only explanation of the deed. While engaged In the mazy whirl of a waits at a ball given in the opera house at American Fork, Utah, Miss Maggie Rushton, one of the belles of town, aged 17, dropped dead on the floor from hearf failure. . A dispatch from Leyte, one of the Philippine islands, says that that place has almost been devastated by a cy clone. Two towns and several villages have been destroyed, and it is esti mated that several thousand of per sons lost their lives through the dis aster. John W. Coughlin, cashier of the Anaconda Copper Mining company is under arrest at Butte, Mont, charged with embezzling $3000 of the com pany's money. Three persons were burned to death and seven severely injured in a fire that destroyed the Hotel Brooklyn at Kellottville, Pa. Jacob Masters waylaid, shot and killed John G Hulaton, on the public road near Greenfield, Mo. Criminal intimacy between the . dead man and Masters' wife led to the crime. The chamber of commerce of Reicli enberg, Bohemia, has presented a petition urging the government of Austria-Hungary to negotiate with the othor powers with the view of taking concerted action against the new United States custom tariff. "Vnchcr, the French "Jack the Rip per," whoso crimes have surpassed in numbor and ntrocity thoso of the Whitochnpol slaughterer, has confessed to 12 murders, which is seven more than the Paris police imputes to him. His crinios wore comnilltoil in South eastern Fiance. Tho genornl disposition to Incrcsso the naval, armaments' ran bo gauged by the fact that 87 warships nro being built, in Groat. Britain alone. They aggregate a displacement of 318,012 tons. Of theso 87 warships 34 go to foreign governments. A north and south mountain railway, connecting Fort Steele, Wyo., with the Midland road of Colorado, and passing through the most promising mineral districts of that section, is one of tho projects contemplated for Colorado for 1898. ' . Adam Faraday, an old-time miner of Butte, Mont., has just boon granted a divorce from his wifo, Ida Faraday. It was the Bovonth action for divorce between tho parties, and thoy have disstpatod a fortune of over $100,000 In litigation over tho affair. By the washing out of seawall that has itaod for ift years aviLAUrdo- Tour :o. i The j NO, 43. I Circulation 1900 tweeTta waUr oftliiIludson river and the track a( the Mew York Central road short distance below Garrison, the embankment gave way and caused the wreck of a passenger train, which rolled Into the river, with 109 passenA engers. How many of the unfortun ates were carried to their death is not vet know, but the number is estimated at 28. ' Borne of tbe bodies have been recovered, Jwhlle others areburied deep in the water under wreckage. The candid not sink Immediately, allowing some people to escape through the windows to the top of the cars and from there thev were taken bv boats. Mayor Fawcett of Tacoma has signed the theatre high-hat ordinance. The street superintendent at Han- ford, Cel., has the county prisoners working en streets. t The Santa Fe company is spending $10,000 in improvements ' at Lamanda park station in Lot Angeles county. It is 'now probable that a Catholic church will be erected at Bebastopo), Cal. ' A subscription list for that pur pose is being well received. Pasadena, CL, has several cases of typhoid fever and the city health offi car believe tbe germ come from a dairy near by. Bamona, Cal., is doing considerable building this fall, and tbe lumber trade Is good throughout the valley. George Beagan and William Herges, the men found guilty of robbing the railroad station at Sonoma, Cal., have each been sentenced to ten years' im prisonment, E. W. Ruby, a painter fell 30 feet from the itop of a building at Santa Monica, Cal., and waa instantly killed. During a quarrel over money that was owing him Earnest Carroll was shot dead at Big Oak Flat, Tuolumne county, CaL, by Frank M. Smith. The victim had been working for Smith but could get no pay, and when he asked for a settlement he was murder ed. Smith escaped to the mountains and is still at large. . The California Press association held its annual meeting at San Francisco last week. The report of the treasurer showed S1767 97 in the treasury. The secretary reported thataf the 132 mem bers 75 were jn good standing.. . Eight new members were elected. The elec tion of officers resulted as follows : President, T. P. Daniels of Alameda; vice-president, S. M. Haskill; secretary, W. D. Pennycock; treasurer, G. Jf. Francis. Frank V. McDonald, of tho San Francisco Pacific bank fame, died in London, Eng.., recently. McDonald was cashier and a director of the wrecked bank. The night before the crash cam in 1893 he took $14,000 in gold from the vaults of the bank und tho next day fled for Japan. The San Francisco grand jury indicted him for felony embezzlement and perjury and he dared not return to his native country. Sometime ago z. detective was em proyedby Dr. Gardner and the direct ors of the insane asylum at Napa, Cal., to find out what was being done with snch the enormous quantity of provis ions and clothing that was being sent to the institution. The detective made a report that was startlinir. The em ployes of the asylum were carrying away large quantities of everything that could be used to an advantage. In some cases entire families were be ing clothed and fed at the asylum's expense. A complete liBt of the cul prits was secured, and they are being discharged as fast as possible. ' A movement to secure a bicycle path between Vallejo and Napa is on foot. The idea is suggested as the result of the act passed at the last legislature which gives the boards of supervisors the power to construct cycling paths out ef th funds of the county. ' ' Surgeon-General Newton L. Bates oi the navy department, the president's physician, died recently at Washing ton. Ho and been in office but two weeks. The Columbia authorities have seized at David's bay, near ' Panama, 1000 rifles and 50.000 cartridges on board tho schooner Columbia, bound for Nicarauga. Sir. Edwin Arnold, the English poet and editor, was married recently at London to a Japanese woman. The muni'.'ipal council of Paris has a resolution asking the French govern ment to'make a reduction of ,4 francs in the custom duties on grain. A deputy sheriff" of Santa Claracoun ty, has been sent to Rosario, Mexico, to to Identify a man held thore on sus picion of being Murderer Dunham. - Russell Sage, the millionaire, Is forming a syndicato of1 moneyed men with a view of purchasing the Union Paolfio railway, on the basis of satisfy ing the full government claim. Sage claims he received subscriptions of $76,000,000 within two hours of his announcement. , ' The jury In the caso of Adolph L. Luotgert. tho millionaire sausage-maker who has been' on tial 'at Chicago, charged with murdering' his wife' and boiling her body in a vat to destroy it, could not agrse, nine standing for con viction with th deatli ponally arid three for acquittal. ; 1- miwum .. .. Insorted In a ftrst-olass news paper Is tho moot eflootlvo way of reaching a given section ... Watford MaH $ Ib ln0 lead'ntf family nowspa- J "' per Id Jaoksou County ... . $ PACIFIC COAST NEWS: A PLAQUE ADOS HORRORS TO WIN TER AT DAWSON city. fatal I.p f eal Man M.r chant. Arra.1.4 for S.lllaf , P.Ikb -A Sto.ktaa La4 Aeeli.ntallr that-' Large Vamll of Bak.reA.ld Man. William B. Dole, a millionaire bank er of Pomona, Cal., is dead. The Baptists of Southern California. have been in session in San Bernar dino. Nancy Daniels, a negress, died at Sacramento, Cal., at the age of 110 years. She was a native of Virginia. 1 Orrville Havden, ' a young man 21 year old, was shot and killed at Farm ington, Wash., by footpads who wera robbing him. , , , ; , - , : Santa Rosa it greatly excltad over the number of robberies committed there lately. On a recent evening there were three reported to the police. L. M. Kaiser has resigned the man agement of the Commercial bank of Ban Luis Obisno, Calii tend to private affairs! in order to at- rs. .... - T. J. Young and G W. Geary, deal ers in general merchandise at Walnut creek, CaL, hav bn arrested for sail ing poisons without having a registered pharmista in their employ. The preliminary examination of Tipp Marr, charged with' holding up tho clerk of the National hotel, at Colusa, Cal., resulted in his being held to an swer before the supreme court. The south-bound . through freight train on the Southern Pacific was ditch ed three miles north of Wilbur, Or., 13 cars leaving the track. The accident was caused by the rain washing out the road bed. Tbe Southern. California association of Congregational churches held it annual session in Redland recently.. One hundred delegates were in attend ance and tbe session was very profit able. H. J. Snively, one of ?he members ot the board of audit and control, in reennt interview gave out the impress ion that the families of the Populist state office-holders are socially ostra cised at Olympia, Wash. ; Tea Inspector Palmer has rejected ' 200 cases of Japanese tea brought to Seattle on tbe Nippon Yusen liner, Kin- ' shui Maru. The tea inspector said : that the tea had apparently been once i used. . Redlands may soon have an electric street railway in lseu of the antiquated mule and honse car system now pre vailing. The initiative has beed taken by the Redlands Orange Grove and' Water company, which has offered ta take $2000 bonds of a company. Tho remains of Doc Holloway, a well-known resident of Gilroy, Cal., were found on a ranch 28 miles from, j that place. There was a bullet hole in his head and a rifle lay beside hi j body. He had been dead two or three- ( days when fouud. , ', Inspector Putnam, a deputy United : States marshal and 50 deputies raided ' the Chinatown of Fresno, Cal. 1 About .' a dozen Chinese were arretted and I taken to jail on charge of being with- i out registration papers and violating; t the internal revenue laws. 1 George Mull of Woodland, Cal., ac- F cidantally shot himself with a 38-cali- ! ber rifle. The ball entered the left ' side and passed under the skin for . nine inches, coming out at th back."; The wound is considered very danger- ; ons. i .. ,' Th second trial of John P. Madden, i charged with the murder of J. J.' Brnc Jr., at Pennington last April, took I place at Yuba city, Cal. After beinr out 20 hours the jury could not agree, ( ten stood for acquittal and two for conviction. Woodland has organised a board of trade to look after the interest of tho Yolo county town Iby encouraging i home manufactories and devising ! means to prevent tho diversion of ' trade to other cities. The erection of ' a flour mill was talked of at tho first.'-, meeting. . , ! ' J. & Cude, 70 years of age, has beon found guilty of murder in the Becond ; dgic at Oroville, Cal. He shot and ( killed a nAanJkamed Walter Russell in '.: Ofclco on Jnne 17th. The two men met for th first time on the day of tho kill ig, and were drinking together. Rus- ' ' tell was so drunk that he could scarce ly stand when Cude shot him. t. , V ' Joltn W. Backus committed suicide ,T t Portland, Or., by Jumping from tho j sixth story of a building to th tona pavement,' 60 'feet below.: Nearly very bone in hia body, was brpktri and he lived only a' fw minutes aftorf,' the fatal plung.. ... Backus has had fin ancial, troubles . of lat gad they ars thollalit to have deranged his mind. Fbur hundred emigrant on board ot th:" Italian' steamef ! Agortat, bound iram Gano for Brazil, har bethi pol- . -sorioAy VerlgTi,'WeH 4 bcom ' ttaVke4'uWtlt la Which -teip foot was cooked. 1 It it atpeoUfl that ., maay of the MiTers will loM tholr llVM. ' '