The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 27, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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-,!, Pabllshed Every Friday Hernial.
He la of tow dayat but qulto a plenty.
..(tiered la the Po.tothoe M Medford, Oregon
M BeoondClsss Mall Matter.
Medford, Friday, August 27, 1887.
wu that Kirk shot and killed Jonos
from a distance o( 30 tool, supposing
him to bo a doer. Kvtdenoo was aftr
ward found tending to show tbat tho
men recently had troublo of tome kind,
and that Kirk (hot Joues througli
The evtdonco furnUbed by tho tiled
oliiliua tu the secretary of state's olDou
shows tbo ohurgi's of Iran, puruttiun oi
oonvlctsand Insane uaviiiu boon greatly
roduoud. If those wtlhholdliiir tbolr
olairas make a showing similar to those
tbat have presontod llnlre and tukon
duplluato vouchers therufor, It will Ira
found a revolution oas oven enooivu in
tho industry of carrying the Insane and
ootivtuta. Unou arrival lu Salem now,
many of the sheriff convoy their
charges on atruot-oars or afoot to tbolr
domination. Tho oooo universal custom
of charging "2 AO hack hire" for overy
patient or oony lot at Salem, and often
at the other end of tho lino and for
ohanging oars. Is growing obsolete.
Mary E Rose, of Ashland, has beon
granted a widow's pension.
Eighty thousand sheep are being
driven overland to Kansas.
The rvuaiea are now atliaWCltv
They are everywhere asked to move other ways of making charges have
. been abandoned, and there really sooins
CoQullle Olty la without Sre proteo- to be a rivalry amoug some ol the
tlnn at anv kind not oven a oubllo sheriffs In making a record for tho low.
bucket, est oharges. One from a distant county
There were four cases of prostration ha P",1 ow ho avoided
renorted from heat in Lane County, back hire and how he saved hotel bills
With Hood's Bsrsapa-rllla,''BaleTlk,"ud
show tbat this med.
clue bss enjoyed publlo oonfldenoe and
patronage to a grantor extent than accord
ed any other proprietary niedlulue. This
is simply beosuae It possesses greater
merit and produces grvater cures than
any other. It I not what we say, but
wna. auuU's Barsapariiia aoee, that tells
the story. All advertisements of Hood's
Barssparllla, like Hood's BarssparUla it
sell, are honest. We have never deceived
the publlo, and this with Its superlative
medicinal merit, is why the people have
aoiaing oounuence in it, ana ouy
Seoretary of State Klnoald has re
fused to audit the WllUrom the Weston
Xformal School
The oounty court of Washlngt3n
on the road by buying one meal for
nimeeu ana patient. Anotnor snorin
orouirht a patient from Koseburir. a
distance of 145 miles, and his bill was
126 81. Leas than two years ago it
cost that amount to brlug a man 14
V Sarsaparilla
Almost to the exotuslon of all others. Try It,
Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood a Co., Lowell, Mass,
, , , nm aro uis oniy puis 10 uko
tlOOU S FillS with Hood's oaraauarllla.
bounty Will build a County tall tO OOSt miles from Salnm. and fnrmnrlv It nnat
w uiura vuu wvu. esouto net one inside the asvium or
Too poxtofflce at Anderson, joso- penitentiary II committed in tsaiem.
fielme. and the site 'moved two miles James Wilson, secretary of agricult-
smith. I speaking about the sugar beet
.wrlt n thn fnpt.lflMtlnnn at AHmlr. lseJ said that the government would
alty head will begin about the 1st of purchase all the surplus seed grown to
ftteDtember. About JOU men will be use tor tree aisiriouuon.
Wpiuytu. Th. axh.m. In n ..I tk. A..
The assessor of Douglas County baa lr.,v.i. ,fr..i a .....
J0 Der mile. . mnam jeaiousiy eaistmg
faaitafAaiH ST'nsitaa Uin .r3n.Al
The Portland 'Ji.O. A. has raised - vu.,u.,
460,080 and will commence the work of Jeka L. Sullivan will run for mayor
erecting a -new buiming in tbat olty at lot Boston wis tall as an Independent
xamnui ana r ourtL streets caauiaate, witn the avowed Intention
United States Senator Geo. W. Mo- ef defeating Mayor Quincy for re-elect'
Bride and Ex-United States Senator I iaaw Quincy refused to shake hands
John R. Mitchell arrived in Portland. I ith 8nUin at a nmntnn , k.
oaturaay evening, -ira i waanington, s-chasploa wants revenge.
IM. a a .
t T... ,in i !.. I a man was -louna in
Inlhelun "ZbSZT A marriage e.w York, a few night.
lloense has been Issued to Peter Weaver, ent a Bullet through bis
aged oU, ana Uarrle Jlesterman, aged " luenimea as ueorge
16. Weyman, better known throughout the
The:Qnaf Mute aahml will ha ntwn eoentry as California Geonre, a netor-
tor toe receutlon oi nuiilia on tne fttn wus Kaaioier ana rauruerer.
4v of September 189f7. Regular class Tha nihllina in Tn.iu n.u.
Tk"1" begin Monday morning Sep-1 nlo ilu med alarming propor
, ! X -, . ' ' tions and the entire country is in
troops are beinii
.'tronrirmdrtnl i,dlT "1 ntonu
and .ill.l fnr hi. no. Hold nf lahnr " rusuea ra uie irontier. lllllt-
about SeDtember 1. " now has over 35,000 men on the bord-
The cayuee canning eatabliahment I '
&t Li nn loo, Or., has an order from Wheat reached the dollar .-mark at
France, for-6000 barrels. of horse meat. I the New York Produce exchange Fri-
Horses are being bought, at the eelab-leUy, and created wild excitement
Ushmentfor42.25eacTi. .. About 75.000 buShels were sold at that
All the deoit hands oo the steamers 1 flmra.' - Prominent wheat dualnn
plying In the Willamette and Columbia of the opinion that wheat will hold the
"TersBirucK -oamraay jOT more pay. dollar limit permanently. whHe others
NEWS 01-Till! WOULD.
ratal Fir at Davsuuort, la. An Ad.
vr Vi far I'enasvlTauU
Wurkiusn -A lirair Tries ta Heat
UyuaatUa and M sta With Otaaaler.
XZZZCZ aft: i fo to. 25or still higher.
as usual. I A dispatch frota Tabreez, .capital of
-slalom hainhlnnoo itiucinli. lndon t&o province of Azerbaijan, Persia.
which. occasionally has a high' jinks of a3r tbat tbe Kurds raided the. district
time burnine uunkaod settine outlef ealmas, on the Turko-Ptrsian front-
fine' feasts with -the indispensable China ier. .'They .sacked and destroyed two
iniiuy mi wuuu rat a ooie vuruugu Armenian villages ana massacred 2UQ
a stone lence. . - . Persians, Christians and Mussulmans
A 16000 gold brick was brought into I indiscriminately
J Vi?' " .,n.?!e?a:"? A Element prepared by the Treas-
m art icu uav uu vy tun uuhi aui uituo i j . . . , . . .
in Baker Countv. The ore weraifes ary department shows that for the first
-418 on the plates aad thereifij large "me m the history of trade relations
ted? of it In Bigot. . . I with Japan, the United States is en-
The postoffice department is prepar- ullea lo 00 considered as a serinux
. lag to advertise Jsr 6,700 star and I competitor with Europe. Intheaupp.y
steamboat routes in the west, except- or maclilnery, raUs, nails and pig.ron,
ing Minnesota, Jowa and Missouri, the United & tales assumes a leading
lie oiaa win oeopeneo uec. 1st, ana I place.
Jnlv TstJe Railroad officials in Missouri report
a a vtu.ii!. .ni mat mere is danger of a car famine on
K.. .u tnn iA western roads caused by the Immense
... i- u- i- .i.j, . IsTsin cron. All the roads are taxed to
4x80 feet, besides a-storage room 16x30 th,,r '""est capacity and every car is 000 from the bank.
According to the flicial reports the
rereal crop prospecla m the Argentine
ttepublic are excellent.
The plnno maunfacturing firm of
Bteinway 4 Sons baa been Bold to ail
-uglish syndicate for $J,oOO,000. .
Russian is considering the proruul-
gation of a decroe prohibiting the' ex
port of wheat, owing to the small crops
in ooutnern Kussia.
At Harper, Kas., the vonno- women
of the churches have taken a pledge
not to associate with young man who
driak, use tobacco er swear.
General J. O. Lone treat, the Con
federate veteran, now living at Atlanta
la soon te marry Miss Eiltn Dortch. 2
years old. The general is now 78.
Brigadier-General David O. Swslm.
IT. 8. A., retired. formerlT iudne
advocate-general, died in Washington,
a few days ago, of Bright's disease.
Tho Burllriitton Railroad couioanv
has placed a party'of surveyors in tho
field to survey a route for a road be
tween Newcastle, Wyo., and Lead citv.
8. D.
The Spanish and insurgent fon-es
met in battle in the provineo of Santa
Clara, Cuba.. The Spaniards were de
feated with .a loss of over a hundru.t
There has been an -advance in. tliu
price of Bessemer pigiron at Cleveland,
The price asked is $U AO. This advance
is dne to (he recent advance of struct
ural steel. -
The 3000 employees of the National
Rolling Mill company of McKeesport,
Pa., received notice of a 10 per cent
advance In their wages, to take etfoct
September 1st,
The executive committee of the
Democratic societies of Pennsylvania
has issued a call for the annual con
vention of the societies at Wilkes barre
on September 28th. . ,
Charles E. Breder, formerly cashier
of a national bank at New Bethlehem,
raj, lias been arrested at St. Cialr,
Midi., oa a charge of embexillng $3U,-
feet. Jt is an Allen evaporator and Pressed Into service. A Jarge force ol
will have J6 tunntlaod is expected to men are at .work night and day in SL
airy 750 bushels of prunes per day. . c I Louis building 600 new freight, cars for
The annual reunion of the Coos tbe Missouri Pacific.
"0 m?,c'soejet' The elevator of the DaveportOlucose
was held at Empire City, Tueedav, I . n. .. r
August J6. it wai luiyel, attended by !,0'k ' ?i,rnP JU . ' ",M.
aconle fromjtll.narteof the count v. K tw0 ef rifle dust explosions, as a
aad was i complete suooeas. There ! f which tour lives were lost and
were about 300 people proeeot. two persons were seriously injured.
Willis McElroy, son of Prof . E. B. Tne t explosion blew down the
McElrov. oi Eiiucne. la now a. student south wall. The second wreeked the
at the Chicago conhervatory of musio, Are escape and shut off the escape of
wnere ne is rapiaiy aeveiopuig into an I toe victims.
artist on toe comet and ldano. Hi
course of study will occupy him for
two or tnree years yet to come.
Ten Astoria police' commissioners
have concluded to close all places of
vice ana win begin on Sept., 1. All
houses of 111 fame, dance houses and
other places of vice. The closing of
gambling nouses duts eut oil tbe eve-
aues of tbe city to the amount of 17,000.
Governor Lord has appointed Col. A.
. J. Wagner, of Salem, railroad commis
sioner, vice hi. a. Compson, and Hon.
W. W. Baker, o' the Portland Rural
Spirit, state dairy and food commis
sioner, vice hi. a. Luce, of Hiilsboro
The Black Jack gang of border band
its are again raiding throogrh New
Mexico. They recently shot and prob
ably fataUy wounded a rancher named
Hlllec; killed Edward Moss a member
of a posse; Elgin Holt, a companion of
Moss, is muMlng; and attempted to
m a. a.n lu.. U. 1
slthoughS his . horse was shot under
J. H. Carpenter, founder of the Car
penter Steeworks of Beadini. Pa., has
prepared a statement showing that
steel armor plate can be furnished to
The commissions read "In place of the tn8 Vrmunt at a trifling figure
person of" "whose term has expired." "u,tmro11 "l now nemg paia
W. H. Wilson, countv commissioner. . .,..i . "J. r"T " .T",u"'?n
died at his farm iuir Ridrlln. -wi ie oest nave nxea a vaioa oi M,uw,ow on the
Amntv. Raturdav of ouniwr nf tho ( pnysiiau properHes ana cnemical con- franchise or tne Bontbern Paoiflc com'
and throat. Some months ago he had d001" De uniformly mode and pany and will try to collect between
a uanauian rscitlc train struck a
carriage near SL Therese, Quebec, and
Mrs. Alie Martineau and Miss Maria
Filiathreanlt were killed and three
other ladies badly hurt
Charles Lacombe serieuslv burned
his hands while experlmentfn with
X rays at Denver. . Ten daya elapsed
after the application of the rays before
'eeWv.W't any., til effecL
' Hawaiian island sugar planters are
seriously considering a proposition of
importing negroes from the southern
states to work the plantations, and do
away entirely with Asiatic labor.
W. B. L Davis, a wealthy farmer.
living near Rockmart, Gn., was .killed
and his house wrecked by the explosion
of several dynamite cartridges lie had
placed nnder the kitchen stove for
Private Secretary Porter, when asked
regarding a report that Secretary Sher
man had written a letter of resignation
to President McKinley, said that no
inch letter had been received by the
Two of the three members of tho
Kentucky State Board of Valuation
Pasadena, Cel., Is talking of 'estab'
Hulling a coilt'go for young women.
Tim bark Mnilliln, from Honolulu to
Pllget bound, wi'iil iialiore ou C'upu
flattery mid is a lulnl loss.
The l'ai'illu Const Loiig-Dlalimuu
Transmission uasnulntimi will moot In
Siunuiliunto, Oil., Orlnlinr UOlh.
Urn nd Army ol' tin lu-piilillu mem
bvrs riireHuiitlng Ciilil'oriilit and
Nevada unit ul Hun FriinvlKoo lo I'nn
sliler iiuiiiiih wliuroby the iinnunl oil1
campiiiont ol' Hie veturntis can bu
soi u t)d for Sun KraiMilsuo for I HUH, A
strong utl'ort will bo umilo to tiuiko tliu
liiovvinunt succiasrul.
Twenty truiniw raptured a frulglil
train at Hvnirii, Cat,, and stnrloil t
loot IL Olllrvrs and train bunds In
driving them had a linnl HgliL On
trump received a serious wound on the
head, anolliur Inul ills leg broken mill
ainpulntlnii may be uecussnry, mid ton
of them were landed In (all.
The rush to the Alaskan mines and
consequent pressing into survico of
every available atenmer on that Mule
has caused imioli aiinoynuru and lncon
vonience to slilpiers at Kureku, Cal.
Only one steamer now leuves there ami
it cannot begin to take tho freight
oDered and the docks lire piled high
with produce and millions of aliluglos
awaiting shipment,
Mutiny has again broken out in tho
reform school at Wlilttior, Cal. Thirty
nlue cadets broke away from the
parade grounds and but a small per
centage of the cadets weru return
ed to capltivlty by the school attaches.
Neighboring mruierH,however, Biitveml-
sd tq capturing all but three of the
Frensied by tho loss of his slluntinu,
and actuated by a desire to be reveng
ed, John MaxtrRii shot and killed
John Curran, a nephew by marriage,
at his grocery store in Sail Krancl-o.
Then, turning the weapon on hlmsiilf,
seut a bullet crashing through his
brain, and died a few hours afterward.
Hasterson had. been working fur Cur
ran bat they had a quarrel aud he was
It is alwars eratifvlnir lo rnruilvn
testimonials for Chamberlain's Collo,
Cbolora and Diarrhoea Reined v. and
when the endorsement Is from a nhvsi.
clan l is especially so. "Thoro Is no
more satisfactory or effeotivo rotnody
than Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and
uiarrnoea, Kemedy," writes Dr. It, E.
Robov,' phvsioian and nharmanUt.' nf
Olnoy, Mo.; and as ho has used the
remedy In his own family and sold It In
his drug store for six voars he should
certainly know. For salo by O. 1.
huh ins, druggist.
Kloadrks KatH,
Exaerienced Alaska miners estimate
the Klondike will produce from $10.-
000,900 to $18,000,000 In gold next win
The American minors will organise
to resist the collection of excessive
royalties on the produot ef their labor
and the reservation of alternate claims
by" the Canadian government. . . -
Rick strikes were made along Duuilu-
lon creek, southeaat of Dawann and
and neurtlie head of Ronantu, on June
20th. Dominion creek is tlilrtv in Met.
long. . ' ' -
Hieh strikes are repoMd in the Slew
art creek, but the report are conflict
ing and the country needs pruspscting.
Wages are still M5n duy for ordinary
minei-Bf but thd scale of wages ir as
much uffeirted by the scarcity of food
as the scarcity of labor. L
Jamea Sheakley, ex-governor of
Alaska, who resided In the country fnr
ten years, predicts great loss of life and
prapertv this winter among those Klondike-bound.
There are roily 10,000 people on tbe
wivag eke of Chileoot and White puss
es, hi amajority or them will not
attempt to penetrate the Yukon this
Valentine scrip at Seattle, Wash.,
has jumped In price to Ktf anil $46 per
acre as the result of the rush to the
Klondike. Large blocks of scrip have
been sold, the intention being to locate
property at Skagway.
PitvTil N. Sherburne, a prominent
cltlson of Contra Coals county, (si.,
died nt Ills homo ut Walnut creek, a
few days ago,
Some rich placer ground luiu bean
discovered In tliu Salmon crunk coun
try, In the northwest part of San Luis
Obispo county. Oil,
John 0 my nf Hound vnlley, Mendo
cino county, Cal., Is under arrest at
Ukinli fur abducting Ilia wile of Alvlu
Cameron ol Covelo.
Hy the buriilnu of Davis A Mayers
livery stable at Willows, Oil., IB lioiaes
wiire burned to deat h anil $10,000 worth
of property destroyed,
dimles R, Shearer, superintendent
of the Port Townnend (Wish.) South-
em railway, has disappeared. Mo la
$750 short iu his sceouuls. .
Adolph Topperwsln of San Antloiilo,
Tex.! made tho remarkable perfor
mance of breaking 075 clay pigeons out
of 1000, using a Utf-callbcr riiiieatlng
Judge Dougherty of Santa Ross, Cel.,
has sent In his opinion In the case of
Mendocino comity against Tax Collect
or J. 1L Johnson and bondsmen, deny
ing the motion for a new trial.
Edwaril II. Kambo, the Paul lie Coast
representative of the Winchester Re
peating Arms company, died suddenly
In his ofllue at ruin Francisco of val
vular disease of the heart.
The decomposed bodlai of William
H. Green and his son Charley were
tosed up by the sea at Ventura, C'aL
Two weeks ago they disappeared mys
teriously from a fishing boat two miles
off shore.
Ella, the 3-venr-old daughter of M.
Iverson of Point Arena, Cel., was acci
dentally shot and probably fatally
injured by her brother Charles, who
was taking a rifle from tbo wall when
the weapon exploited.
MusrvtHiily Ssrs No.
Cimmrets Caiirlv llutlmrtle, the mast won
derful tiiiiilleal illneiivurv of the sue, puss
ant mid I'Ufi'i'iiliiua to Hie last h, set gently
unil positively on Kldiiuvs, liver mid liuwols,
elinniiliiK the elillni avslcui, dlapul rolils,
cine liimiliiiilin, lever, luililtinil I'linatlpatlon
mid IiIIIiiiiiiiihs. I'leiisn liny mid ley a bos
uf), (I, 0. Hi'iliiys III. ai, Mii eiits, HulU ami
guuruiitiu'd lo enni liy ell iliiliplnl.
IKni't TiiIiiitoo Null ami Hiltnko Vnlir Mfs Atray.
To quit totMvoo easily ami turnvsr, ka itsr
nello. full of lltu, nerve anil visor, tuka Nu-'IVv
Wive, ttiu weiiiiiirwiirliiir, llmt muling nusS ateo
lreiig, All tlruiulsts, Mioiirll, Cnrtinuurii.
tneil. UiHililut ami siiiniilo free, Aililross
Buirllng Ituiiiouy Co, (llilcaso or New Vprk,
Dr, Miles' Nerve Plasters Ma, at all druwlsis.
E. C. BOnCK"
Now work nnido loonier.
Full stock of material for
all dlnds nf wugon and
buggy repairing,..
All work guaranteed first-
..i.... lii i.. ......1 e
uiaiB. cinifi in I uii ui uiur- u
I'lman's bluokamlth shop,.. E
W, I. Vswrrn. I'rr, II. K. Aokins. V Pros
J, K, KsVAHT, Castilrr,
Jackson County Bank
...CAPITAL, $80,000...
Loan monny on approved sesurity
ihMlls aublrel lo varus and Iraimool a smii
bankleu bualnras. Vuur bualnsss kDHcltod.
rroslf a.
traiisual a seuers
CorresponilenUl Ladd a Husli, Halsoi Angle"
Callfumlit Sank, l)n rranclKO. Lead 4
TIIUiu. I'unlaiiU, VorblD llenklua- Co.. N. t.
S -aa. r
ii sot a"- ir DBirasisa
aa4 kasejat rnw. SS. STItKUSS SlSltSI AiTrlikafS. atnal. Caa., er Htm I art.
J. C. WHIPP, Propr.
Ooes General Contracting in all lines.
When the sppetlte Mis there is no nse la
trying to tempt the palate with delicate food.
No matter bow good and well-cooked and
anrjetizine' " the rnnjf ma K i, .
1 snr nourlahment unless the'stomscb is
able to dlnst it. Nalnr lntlra. ih.
of the constitution by the loss of appetite.
This Is an unfailing Indicator. II ahows
tbat sometblns: is fundamentally wrong
uh.i iu,c lunciions.
The only true nstnral relief must be as
searching and fundamental as tbe trouble it
aims to overcome. It is the thorough deen.
searching character of Dr. Pierce's Golden
juniicai uiscovery, wnicn causes the msr
J aoksonvillo,
- - Oregon. 1
and DuiLonn.
I manufaotare a splondld article ol Brick co sample!
everywhere about tho city Yard one block north ,
Brewery Rosidenoo north 0 Btreot, Medford, Oregon. ,
L. LYOn,
All work guaranteed . firiit-olase. Planti and eRtimatea furnished
all kind of work either brick or wood.
Bills of LUMRRR of all kinds filled on short notloe. Raab, Doors sad Mill we
sleds any thla la the shape of wood work can tie had oa abort notloe,
Medford, - - .
Luid offlcs? ftt kotwiburar. Ornffon. lunft m
rV7, Notloe lit hernbv aTlveii thaUho fnllnwtntf
Dfttned settlor hiM llld nolle of bin iDtontloo
to mko flnal proof 1n tmpport nf hta elntra and
Uial Mtd Droor wlil bo tnde bofirre W R.iimwnil
county JudRo of Jmoknon County, Oroxon, nt
jMkMnv.lle, Orftsoo, on Septembers, lw7,.vlt:
On H. E. No U7, Icr tho W of so V. mHo(m
i, HOC 8, tp 37 , r 8 OHHt,
flenarnea tho follnwlnir wlinMMn tn timtrn
nn uuiiiiuuDUf mniuoiioe upon anu ouuivtiion
of niild lund, vtei '
W II. Itraanhftw. Ohoiter Clan. W, p. Vnr
low and II. M. Wright, all of Lako Crook,
Jack on County, Oregon.
Jy-9-a 18 TU. M. Vkatch, llegiitor.
There Isn't
a Branch ...
an operation performed in Portland, a 1Bca te avoided. A plant can be
portion oi tne lower jaw oeing removed uum.iur icss mau nan vuo money, ana
and resulted in inoreasinK the viru- the steel can he made and cast in a
lence ol tbe disease. Air. Wilson was quarter of the time now required.
a. -1 I t T" I -i .1 1 1 1 TT- I
left a widow and groan up family. Ptch from VVashlngton says
James TCvrat.. who , J. .r N... that advices to the Agrioultural depart im.rt i .v,ii i. meut.from private ami indirectly offl-
Tuesdav nlirht and. after nlunBlnS eial-resources confirm the predictWms
through a window, crashed through a I considerable dBfiuiency In the
piolcet fence and ran into the garden, Epropeaa wheat crop. . Bye, which Is
Mlling lor his wife to come and help the aiiief bresd grain of Eaatafa
mm over tne fence. When caught be Europe, is also short This fact at
was covered with blood and on examl- J well as the wheat ddfielencv. w(ll toad
nation a piece of glass was found to
have penetrated to a depth of four
inches in the region of the. kidneys.
ne is tying in a dangerous oondltlon.
Levi Kirk was brought to Grants
Fass last wei k and placed in the county
jail to, be; held to appear before the
5 rand jury .fnr the minder of Edwin A.
ones, about a week ano, at Foley
gulob, four miles from Wolf Creek sta
tion. The verdict of the coroner's jury
to reairfot the exportation of the latter
from (bose Europsan countrist which
usually have a surplus of that grata,
As to rron-Eiiropuan ormnlrie other
than the United Slates, their aggre
gate con tri bu I Ion to the - KuroDean
supply will be materially affeoteeT by
the fact that India, denuded by tbe
famine, will have praetioelly ne wheat
to export.
180.000 and $100,000 taxes for this and
each of four back years. -
A sensational law suit has been com-
menced at Oshkosh, Wis., bv Mrs.
Julia A. Hooper against Moses Hooper,
a prominent lawyer.. Several co-respondents
are named. Hvw '
The Naval Bureau of Yards and
Docks ; la now having condemnation
proceedings brought at Port Royal, g.
C., preparatory to dredaine the uhan-
nsl id the dock at that place. .
Peruvian banks have bean' nriiorsrl
to withdraw from circulation eircnlar
checks, payable to bearer, which are
classed as being nothing more or Jess
than bank notes in disguise.
Bobbers attempted to loot tha Isaac
Barter A Sons 8aving bank at Canton,
O., but were stopped bv a watchman.
Several shots were exchanged, one of
In tho Circuit court of tha Hinio of Oregon, for
?!Pum. emcacy in an Dillons and digestive ' Catherine Nolind. Plaintiff, )
difficulties. It creates that healthful vitality 1 vs. I
of the entire digestive and nutritive organ. . Charles Y, Wall, Dofenitnnt. )
Ism which produces both tbe natural desire I To Charles P. Wall, the abovo nam
for food snd the organic omaHlv to aaslml. snli
late and transform It into nourishing, reviv- I . lu0. asms of the Stato of Oregon ! You are
ifylng blood and healthy tissue Valves 1 "qulrro. to appear nnil answor the
sppetit.. digstlor r and I 'sonnd !i!3$J!!rt P'""""'..!" ?'
build. p ,lld, muscnls, strengtfi snd SlorMula 01,17 'wl.Tm loS days Zi. the
vital nerve -energy. diiteot the sorrloo of this summons upon vou,
H. H. Thonpsoe, Rm., of P. O. Box 4, Xlpnte. 1 " "or)!11.0 Jaoksoa County, Oregon j but If
Blair Co., Penn'a, writes: "I had Ixen troubled srrvoa In any othrr county In tho Htiite of Oro
with extreme vomiting In summer season, a. son, then within twenty days from the date of
10 gn in
been tsk
I neard a friend aneak of nr. vimr' nA
mmicsi Discovery, aad thought I would rive li a 1 "on County, Oregon, to wlti Monday, tho llh
trial. 1 ftirl ahnMt SW. KAlff r l m-JI Tt.1.1. 1. I dsv eil ftenlnrnhn- i n fluw
Is the only medicine that did me any good, aa I i hy notified that If you fall so to appear and
have a rplendld appetite now, and sm sot luring answer said complsfnt tho nlslntllt will apply
any medicine st all sad don't think I need any to the oourt for tha nllef domanded In iho
eaiing; naa to oe very careful st times "'"'w u' "' numuiops upon youj or ir
pining to suy on my stomach at all; had "r"u on you out 01 ins Htato or urngon, or by
Ine-.other medicines, but without effect publication, thon by tho Arm duy of tbo ensuing
. Hfmtomner mrm 01 thn rirnulf rnnrt rnr.liu.1..
A man who la mfoAnw IVam
snecu or constipation doesn't
the evil
ri ilk.
work, and can't even enjoy his leisure
hours. Dr. Pierce's' Pleasant Prllrta mrm
sure, swift, safe, and permanent cure for
constipation. They are tiny, sugar-coated
granules. One little "Pellet" l a n.
laxative, and two a mild cathartic.. They
MBW mJm T.l I . J t . . . . "
a11!". uianunm ur
ret von tn take a anhatltnti
1 toe ouued proBL
complaint now on fllo In this cause, to-wltl for
aooreo 01 me oourt awarding unto plaintiff an
estate In dower In and to lot slxtmu (III)
block twenty one (91), Medford. Jaukson County
Oregon, ana for Judgment against defendant
fnr dnmugos consisting of nno third of tho
Of Blankflmithing that I
do not fully understand,
and my prices will not
oripplo your puree, nor will
tho nhooB I eiitoripple your1,
horsea. , I do all kinds of
wogon and onrringo work..
J. R. WILSON ...
rents, Issues and profits of said property from
urn ix. inwi. anu mr nniita artn niuinn mnn
This summons Is published In Tlis HaiiroitD ,
Watch Repairing
Opposttfl i
Hotel Nosh
railflfanted-An ideaQs
.... Q8SUmi&gtMi Si
xinon c.. th iDfim.xfuM rn.;. ih.nh j.. :; hhi icuhi tur.a . .usdi;
wnuD biiis a one of the robbers,.