The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 23, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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..... a. a. x . t. i ...... i t A
JckMouvlll New.
V. Cook, of tho fiterllnn nilno.
vlwltlng with hit family at Portland.
Hon, nml Mr,T. Cnmoron vIhIUmI
with rolutlvuH at Union town Friday.
J. II. Dovllii Ih homo again, Mo
him buon at Ashland fur the pant
wiiiik on nuHtiiuoH.
Mm. II. T. MoClalien and little
datightor, of HoHuhurg, are vlHlting
tuoir ruiativoM Doro.
Mr. and Mra. Antmve Romo, of
William UroBk, have bomi paying
relatives nuro a vihii.
Mrs. Joa. Moss and llttlo dmiifli
Ust, of Grants I'hbh, are viHiting
Jin, Husie in oi i tnm wuk.
Mm. It. K. Dunn rnturnod to hor
homo in Han Francisco Katurdar
nfUtr a very pluaHant visit with
friends and relatives.
Mm. Mary Peter departed Mon
day evoning for Portland whithur
hIio goaa aa a delegate from Esther
lodgu, A.O. U. W., of" Medford,
Miss Thorosu Bryant, who has
boon attending tho 0. K. convention
ut Han rranumco aa a dulognto, has
rnturnod and la It) hor acoiiHtotnod
plnoo at tho court Iiouho.
ftiaurona lougo, u. oim., had a
very pleasant meeting hiHt Friday
iivonlna. A literary nroirram anil
ico oroum wore tho niuln natures of
. tho evoning'a entortaimnont.
MrH. Alluo Kuno took Sunday's
train for homo, having paid hor
paronta, Mr. and Mra, A. M. Iiorry,
a viait of aoveral days. Hho waa
accompanied by her httlo daughter.
Mr. and Mra. Louis Gay hat
none to their homo in Portland.
Tbey have been visiting their re
spective parents at Jacksonville and
Central Point for a oouple of weeks.
Miss Cora Linn was over at Mod
ford last Saturday to see hor
brother, Pletoher Linn, of Portland,
who was paaaing through on the
train to Santa Crui, Calif., for a
few days' visit with his wifo.
Miss Clara Colvlg and her littlo
brothers, Donald and Vance, are
at their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. N. Birdsey, on Rogue River, for
a littlo outing. Mine If olon lavish
ing with Mra. M. Hanley on Butte
Last Sunday ovauing as Vinton
Beall and Mihs Dana Cambridge
were driving into town in a buggy
they were run into by a team driven
by a colored man in the employ of
the Applegate Water Co. Thetr
buggy was overturned and almost
demolished. The occupants es
caped, however, with a few scratohes
and bruises.
Misa Pauline Reuter was at Med
ford Wednesday to meet her broth
er, Dr. John A. Reuter, who very
recently run the gauntlet of the
examination of the state board of
medical examiners at Salem. The
doctor will ruBtioato in the moun
tains hereabouts for aoveral weoks
before he settles down In Portland
for the practice of his profession.
K. K. Kubli was at Portland last
week whore he participated in the
athletic sports in the contest be
tween Oregon and .Washington.
While Kap didn't cover himsolf all
over with glory, on acoount of get
ting injured in tho hurdle raco, ho
did very woll, and undoubtedly
would havo broken sonio records
had bo been trainod for tho evont.
Mr. and Mra. Wm. M. Colvlg and
Mr. and Mra. L, L. Jacobs left Sun
day evoning for Portland. Mr.
Jacobs will roprosont Banner lodgo,
and Mra. Jacobs Madrona lodgo, A.
0. U. W., aa dolegatea in their
respective grand bodies. Mr. Col
vig was a representative to tho su
preme lodge whioh mot recently at
Milwaukee and is a member of tho
grand lodgo by virtue of his ofllco.
Much Important business will come
up at this Hossion, among which is
the proposod oliiHHiPied assessment
Spooinl Dopuly Grand MiiBtor
Alico Ulrioh installed tho following
oflloors for Ruth Robokah lodge
No, 4, at tho last rogular mooting:
The Woman,
The Man,
She was a good woman. Ha
loved her. 6he wm bis wife.
The pie wm good; his wife
made it; he ate it. But the
pie disagreed with him, and
ha disagreed with hi wife.
Now he takes a pill after pie
and is happy. So la his wife.
The pill he takes Is Avar's.
Moral! Avoid dyspepsia
by using '
Cathartic Pills.
MIbh Laura CUboii, N. G,; Ms
lllrdlo Sohmltt, V. G.j Mrs. W. J
I'lymalo, K. John A. Hoyor, P
.; MrH. Mary Miller, troaaure
Mrs.. Francis Luy. warden: Mr s
Il.nle (Jronumlllor, oenduotor; Fbod
Luy, I. G.; Khlor Band, O. G
Chris Ulrioh, K. S. N. G.j Mrs
AuguHta Ilolma, L. 8. N. G.; Mra,
Molliu Cameron. It. S. V. G.; Mra
Allou Ulrioh, L. 8. V. 0.; S. J. Day
O'outral Potut item.
S. C. Mlnnlok spent a day at
Jacksonville JaHt week.
Hon. 8. M. Nealon, of Table Rock
spent Huturday in our oity.
Born July 10, 1807, to Dr. and
Mra. Patterson, a daughter.
P. M. Blovina. of Galls creek,
was trading tioro on Friday.
Wm. Olwell, of Davenport, Wash
iu paying his old homo a visit.
I'. 0. Applogate came down from
the Mil It creek mines (Saturday.
Joseph Mann and family aro now
residents or Utile bhasta, Calif.
Mrs. S. K. Ponwoll, of Modford.ia
paying friends of this place a visit.
MIbh Myrtlo Hitch, of Tolo, is
spending tho summer at Yroka,
J. 8. Maroh made a trip to Gold
Hill Tuosday with a load of veget
G. L. Halt, of Tolo, waa here last
week purchaeing a supply of pro-
A. J. Daloy, ono of Baglo Point's
prominont citizens, spent Tuesday
in our city.
Dr. K. B. Pickol, of Modford,
made our oity a professional visit
last Friday.
Prof L. L. Freeman has returnod
home from an extended viait through
Klamath County.
C. J. Jeffora started for the Butte
oreek country last Sunday to spend
a few days fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Stockbam lost their
little two-year-old child with inflam
mation of tho bowols last Monday.
Mra. Stephen Cornutt and chil
dren, of Pokegama, Calif., are pay
ing relatives and friends hero a viait.
Miaa Mattio Morris, who has been
lying seriously ill at the Good Sa
maritan hospital at Portland tho
past month, ia considerably im
D. L. Nowton and family took
Monday evening's train for tboir old
home in Wisconsin. After a few
months visit thero thoy intend go
ing to Costa Rica to mako their fu
ture home,
Griffin Creek datberings.
Lydia Griffin was the guost
Nettie Soliss Sunday.
Mrs. J. B. Griffin, of Woodville,
is visiting relatives here.
MissClo Beard, of Medford, is
visiting friends on Griffin creek.
Miss Elsie Randles.of Lake Creek,
waa visiting her sister, Mrs.. Frank
True, last woek.
Mrs. D. B. Soliaa was a pleasant
oallor at Mrs. Henry Griflln's Tues
day afternoon of last week,
Thore was a gentloman down from
Talent this woek looking at J. W.
Law ton s place with a view to locat
D. O. Hayes, of Applegato, was
visiting on Griffin creek this week,
the guest of H. L. and W. F. Griffin
and familioB.
Grandma Wilson, who has been
visiting with relativos and friends
hero, has returned to hor homo in
Eden precinct.
Jas. Armpriost and son, of For
est crook, were over harvesting their
socond crop of alfalfa on their farm
here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. True returned
from Ashland Sunday whore they
woro attending tho Chautauqua.
Thoy roport having had a vory en-
joyablo time.
Marion Hartley's horso bocatne
frightened while at J. Galligher's
last Saturday and ran avay break
ing tho shaves of the cart and do
ing considerable damage to tho har
ness. Wm. Griffin camo in from tho
Doad Indian country Sunday where
ho wont Inst week with hiB oattlo.
Ho reports plonty of feod out there
for Btook, lots of fish and good soda
Thero woro two peddlers out this
way Monday. One was from Jack
sonville, and had for sale a linimont
of his own mako, tho othor was a
rosidont of Phoenix, who had willow
baskets to soil or trade for produoe.
A. S. Johnson and daunghter,
Mies Allio, of Dry oreok, woro visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. North, horo
Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. North
accompanied thorn on their return
homo for a visit with hor parents.
Table Kock items.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Whotstono, of Mod
ford, woro yisiting with Wm. Dicki
son last week.
Our fruit crop is most excellent
this year; the berry crop In partiou
lar is me finest we ever saw,
Jonn Vincent and U, Fields re
turnod from Siskiyou County, Calif.
whd weir ramiiioa (Saturday.
Mrs, John Barneburg, of Medford
was visiting with friends and rela'
uvea In hams Valley last wek.
P. H. Pendleton roturned from
Redding last week, and will go into
tho Klk oreok country to prospect
tor a month or two.
Lee Vincont started his header
last woek, and i running steady
now. uraln in ripening fast and
proves to be woll filled.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton are down
from thoir Butte oreek home looking
alter tho JUunn farm and the Jm
mense berry orop which will make
plonty of business for a few days to
Owens Bros, are baling a lot of
grain hay on the Moore farm this
week. There will be very little hay
balod in this section this year, as
very few of the farmers have any to
We wore told yesterday that thero
wore wheat buyers in our midst
roady to contract now orop at CO
cents per bushel. Quite different
from the prospeots the farmers had
last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson, of
Portland, are visiting with her
peoplo, Mrs. Sisemore and family.
Mrs. Johnson has been in poor
boalth for some time past but is
rapidly growing stronger. .
Rev. Robt. McLean came up from
Grants Pass on his wheel Tuesday
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hcoville
and Mrs. McLean came by team.
Thoy will spend the week fishing
and camping on the river.
Chas. Pankev proudly announces
the arrival of a 12 pound boy at tbeir
house last Wednesday, July 14th,
and says he has given him the short
name or Oeorjre Washington Bryan
Jeflerson Mckinley Pankey.
J. V. P.
Hams Valley Items.
Jas. Frcdenbure and family, of
Central I'oint, spent last bunday
with Mra. Thoa. Pankey.
Mrs. Cornutt, of Pokegama, Calif.,
oame over Saturday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. T. J. Smith.
Druggist A. L. Gall and listers,
Missos Minnie and Cora, spent Sun
day with Eagle Point friends.
Some of the farmers in this sec
tion are having their grain threshed,
whilo others have not begun to cut
Miss Bello Hollenbeak is confined
to her bed with inflammatory rheu
matism, but was improving at last
reports. .
Mrs. A. L. Gall and little daugh
ter, Ekron, who have been visiting
relatives on Butte oreek for several
days, returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Johnson are
visiting with the later's mother.Mrs.
M. Sisemore, of this place. Mrs. J.
has been ill for some time and will
remain hero until Bhe improves in
It's about aa hard to break some
pooplo of bad habits as It Is to break
malarial fovor when It once gots a firm
hold upon one. Mr. C. Hlmrod, ot
Lonoaitor,Ohio., eajs, "Simmons Liver
Regulator broke a oase of malarial fover
of three years standing for me, and less
than ono bottle did the buslnusB. I
shall use it when in need ot any modi
cine, and 1 recommend It."
Th l.alr Mr. Saroar'. JIverttta.d.
of Photoaraiiliiaa:.
The late Mr. Surony, the well-known
photographer, of Now York, pave the
camera aomethiiiK of tho freedom of
the pencil or t he brush, and in his bands
it did almottt anything he pleaaed, says
an exchange. In many ways, it is said,
ho was ren 1 1 j' a caricaturist. His poses
were something eoodd that the picture
atoned like a travesty on nature. For
this reason hoexcelled iu'theatrlcal por
traiture. Hut his sitters had to yield
him implicit obedience, and when it
failed ho refused to "take them" any
more. This made even popular act resses
submivsive. One of his favorite devices
was to take them by surprise. "Arc
you ready to do my picture?" said Mr.
Iilalne, wben he had been: chatting in
the jit.uiilo for some time, and, as he
thought, awaiting for the instrument,
"It is done," said Rairony tho snupsljot
had been tired just as the sitter had
reached the elliuox of a capital story.
This, he said, was the highest reach of
the art "tho true pose is not a po.e.
but a natural position." lie was but an
amateur in- photography until he lost
the fortune which he lind made in busi
ness. He quickly recovered it. by his
originality and his consequent success,
lie was horn in Quebec; he had a studio,
tor a time, in Birmingham, but New
.York was his happy hunting ground.
The temperature of dining-rooms is
frequently too high. H is a common
thing for sonants to neglect airing the
room and attending to the temperature.
Probably the majority of people would
namo 70 Fahrenheit tho proper heat for
the room, but this ia much too high. An
authority in this matter says that 60
Is none too low, and a parson who has
suffered from the discomfortof an over
heated room Is likely to agree with him
after making a trial of different temper
atures. N. S', Tribune. .
Got Wells & Shoaror to do your
movlug satisfaction always. '
S3 8HOE In thVJvorld.
tor l rnn ibto Mio. bj awrlt
(UoM, tuu, lliuiiol sll eomiwtuon.
k produetlou X ikUiM workman, from tba
w. Doupu mm art lUmM
br tmt lAUiMa wnrm aa 1K1 baat '
Is atfta, at mad durability of so
boa arar otfarad at Iba Drloaa.
Tbar ara l4a Id an tba lataa
. abapaaaad atylaa, sad or arar' art
r of laatbar.
AaarraMr la Iba Halt,
In speaking of progress in astronomy
Prof. J. Norman Lockrer. of London.
said the other day: "I am sorry to say
that In this work the center of irravitv
of the activity has left our country and
baa gone out west. We have to look to
oar American cousin for a irreat deal
mat we want to know In these matters,
for the reason that now .thetr not onlv
have the biggest telescope and most
skilled observers, but also they have
oeen wiser inan we they have occu
pied high point on the earth's surface
and thus got rid of the atmospheric
difficulties under which we suffer in
England and especially in London."
Tha Qaaaa's Praaefcor.
Etiquette isto be observed in preach
ing before the queen. No personal ref
erence to her majesty is permissible, a
pure (aospel discourse being Uie rule.
delivered aa though she waa not pres
ent. Many nave tried to evade these
rule. The queen like and entovs a
plain, practical discourse, selected
from the lessons or Gospel of the day,
to occupy about 20 minute in dellverr.
Questions of the day, and, above all, pol-
ihcs, muai oe entirely oxcluded.-
urma mi a ma.
When a young lion reaches the are ot
two years he is able to strangle or mill
down a horse or an oz, and ao he con
tinues to grow aud increase in strength
till he reaches his eighth year, when he
grows no more. For twenty years after
bis fangs and talons show no signs of
decay, but after that he gradually be
come fc.'. -.! Mi full hira.
KLT'S CRKAM BALM Ulimltlnnn.
aspljuaotba aoauila. It la quickly ibaorbaa. M
arcta at Dnaeriala or by mail ; aunplaa Itc br ""
BLT BBOTUaRS, fta Warm BL, Raw Tork Citr.
Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
too wmniy ou Mat son.
Catherine Nolud, Plaintiff, )
Charles F. Weil, Defendant. )
To Charles F. Wall, the above-named defend
N the name of the Htate of Ore rod : You are
hereby reoutred to appear and answer the
oomplalntotthe above-named plaintiff In the
above entitled court, now on Ale with the
clerk of said ootirt, within ten days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you.
If served In Jackson County, Oregon; but If
srrved In any other county In the Stale of Ore
iron, then within twentv days from the date of
the service of this summons upon you; or if
served on you out of the State of Oregon, or by
uDiioauon, men oy tne nrsiaay ouneensuing
pDtnmber term of the Circuit Court, for Jack
son County, Oregon, to-wlt: Monday, the 13th
any 01 sepiemoer, a. u.t iwt, ana you are nore
by notlflcd that if you fall so to appear and
answer sam complaint too piainun win uppij
to the court for the relief domunded in the
complaint now on file In this cause, to-wit: for
estate In dower Id and to lot sixteen (16)
block twenty-one (81), Medford. Jackson County
Oregon, and for Judgment against defendant
aeoree or me court awaratng unto piaintm an
ror a am ages consisting oi ono intra oi ioc
rents, issues ana pronia oi saia property iron
rfl 12, 1890, and for costs and disbursements.
'bis summons Is published In Thk Mkdfohd
Mail by order of H. K. Hanna, one of
'dis summoriB is dui
Judges of said court, made on the 17th day ot
Attornoys for Plaintiff.
Assignee's Sale of Real Estate.
"VfOTlOK Ih hereby given that tho uurter
il stgncd Assignee of J. W, Lawton, uu Insol
vent debtor, by virtue of tho powers and au
thority given nlm by law, as such assignee,
will otter for sivlu on and after
k O nnlni,li n m nr.U rl t ikn nMmlano
either at public or private sao as muy bo for
urn uiwi luii'reHi oi mo c realtors oi sutu umuiik,
the following described real estate, situated In
uioi miniyoi jncKson, ona aiaiu ui urton,
nml known as beiug the southwest fruotton of
tlio northwest quarter, and the northeast and
tho north went traction of tho southwest quarter
of section Y2, In township 38, south ot range 3,
wont, containing 78 0 100 acres of land, and
known us lots No, 9, 3 and 4 of said section
No. U.
. Also lot No. 7, In section 11, In township 39,
south ot range 2 west, eontalnlug 14 60 100 acres
of land; excepting and reserving from said
traot of land the following described premises,
to wit; Beginning at tho southwest corner or
Wm. Hoffman D. Cn No. M), in tn. 38, s. of r. 9,
west, and running thenco wost 1&.72 chains to
the Claude Brue D. C, thenoo north 0 HO ehalns;
thenco east 5M ohslns; thenoe south along
tho west boundary of SAld Wm. Hoffman D. C,
0.80 chains to tho place of betit lining, contain
lng 10,87 aoros, lovlug remaining 31.72 acres of
Also lot No. 0, In section U. In township 38,
south of rftugo'2, west, containing 18.75 acres;
making (n all one hundred nnd 47-100 acres of
land; and nil the right, title and Interest of
fluid J. W. Lawton therein.
Terms of sale, cash in hand on the day of sale.
T. P, Wkst.
Axslgueo ef Said J, W. Law ion.
Dated this 10th day of July, 1897,
-LcruI blanks at The Mail offloo.
curvature of tht em tli amounts to About
avufl iachi'H to tho Matuto mile; It Ih
wxrUftly ,9ii liiohi!, or 7MZ lrtfh for a
K'.'OKTJiiiJiia.l ujJIe.
--ftf sli i n t f ut h iiuy thatnotiefrohafiftver
t&DK'J an t;l'jliAiit or any wild animal,
t bough ncgToct f n-quci t ly ptr form
with wild animal aficr tht-.y huvo been
cowwl loto subjection by whit nuMi.
All Iclntla of wand tnr
rood, short wood, bard wood, soft
wood and just plain wood. Bellinger,
tho draymen,
Saw and DhnincV Milk
Rnstic, Mooring anfl Finislg Lmaber
Upon the arrival of other macbinory wo will be prepared to do all
kinds of mill work on ghort notice. Orders delivered
if desired. Saw mill on Poorroan'a creek
planing mill at Medford. Address
Hiooaro and
... fljax Bicycles
-.$45, $5Q
The Best Wheel
for the Money
We keep in stock bicycle lamps, bells,' Dumps, oil
and other supplies needed by wheelmen. Call
and see us before purchasing.... "
.... Is Maoufactnrins;
... Rough and
S Fir and Yellow Pine of Superior Quality. Pricea and quality
S guaranteed to. give satisfaction. Mail orders will receive
I; attention. .: ..
Mill Seven
The best every day tool in Oregon
For Cultivating Orchards; For Cultivating Corn;
For Cultivating Wheat on summer fallow ground;
For Cultivating in Wheat on ground that was plowed
last fall and not sown.
We also have a full line of Planot Jr. goods. Call
and sco them
No livory stablo in Southern Orogon Is prepared to turn out bet
tor rigs or teams than are wo and 'tis this fact that has made
our stables the favorite with tho traveling pnblio. Horses
boardod by the day, week or month at reasonable rates
Commercial Travelers Rigs a Specialty..,.
TkaSkaaa HaMwaa. ; : ;
Speotatora looking at tha "happy
family" tif a menagerie have often won
dered If the ovlue member ever laid
down Inside of the lion. The Glasgow
Times answers: The ownor of a men
agerie In llerlln, which Included a
"happy family," consisting of a lion, a
tlgor, a wolf and a aheep, waa asked
one day iu con title n: how long these
anirnulN had lived together. "About
nine months." be replied. "eapt the
sheep, which haa to. tie renewed ooca
vlonallv," Headache bad? 0t Dr. atllss Pala PlUa,
and $75
Made .
They are strictly up-to-date; thoroughly
well made; all the latest improvements...
a High Grade nf ,
Dressed Lumber
Miles East of Medford