The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 02, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Eight Million! of People Throne the
Ntreeta or the tlreat Metropolis
The Grant Jubilee liny Fifty
Thouaanil Holrilera Parade,
King Carnival replied In tlto Queen's
capital lust weok, bohiK I ho week tlto
celebration of the sixtieth year of the
reign or Victoria as Qucon of iMiglattu
takes place. ' 1omlon ia in iiiasqiioruUv
disguise, and ia unrecognisable tixcopl
at points where stately architect lire,
like that of the Houses of Parliament
and Westminister abbey, defined wit li
ita noble sobriety the decorator's work.
Through tho narrow atroota rushes by
night and day, a swollen torrent ol
sight-seers. Business ia at a stand-
till and tin the in all tho leading thor
oughfares is blocked for. hours at a
time. Between the reeular and volun
teer soldiers there ia Ji temporary gar-
nson or oU,ooo men for parading and
lining the streets. An estimate of the
numberof visitors present Queen's dnv
Tuesday waa 8,00t,000. ..."
The celebration commenced Sunday
and. lasts seven days. The leading
feature' of the great event was the
parade of Tuesday. No English mon
arch had, at any previous time, made
so long a progress through the metrop
olises was effected by Queen Victoria.
The great procession left Buckingham
Palace and traveled for miles through
the streets of London.-;- All along the
line of march, were great and handsome
arches, decorated grandly, and with
pretty, gaily and endless street decora
tions, presented a scene that is beyond
description. The-streets were crowded
with an admiring, loyal crowd of Brit
ons, wno exienaea to tnoir Queen as
he passed ah enthusiastic reception.
' The ceieiiration of the balance of the
-week consisted St a grand naval dis
play; royal receptions and celebrnting
Emma Kramer, a half-breed Indian,,
living at a charitable institution in
Seattle, Wash., fell heir to HO, 000, by
theeatii of her brother last Sunday.
rr.i , . . . r r; . .. : I
Aoe-fcapoi trusteea ui rtivcnsme wu -templa,t
building a new four-room
schodtbouse during the summer vaca
tion on the site of the Seventh-street
"Angiola i the intuie of a projected
town oa the 'Valley road, twenty-eight
miles east of Honfond. It will have
free .water, light and gas supplied by
artesian welto.
The old Spanish woman of Piano,
Cal., who waa placediin a coffin a few
weeks ago, supposed to be dead, but
' revived in time to save herself, has
aince died. She waa 116 years' of age.
fi, ionitinir of escaped eas caused
an explosion in the post office building
t. Portland. Or. Patrick Maloney, the
janitor was severely burned and-the
building was damaged to the extent of
$1000. ,
Mrs. Bourne, a Stockton woman,
buried $300 in a tin can in the cellar of
her home and when she- went to get it
. lew davs ago to pay off a mortgage on
her home the motfey waa gone, having
been stolen,
Fifty Years Ago.
Who could imagine that this ahouti be
The place where, In eighteen nlnety-three
That white world-wonder ol arch and
. dome
Bhonld shadow the nations, polychrome . . .
Here at the Pair waa the prlie conlerred
on Ayer's Pllla, by the world preferred.
Chicago-like, they a record ahow,
Since they startedgo years ago.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
have, from the time of their
nreoaration. been a continuous
success with the public. And
that means that Ayer's Pills
accomplish what Is promised
for them : they cure where
others fail. It was fittinur,
therefore, that the world-wide
popularity of these pills should
be reoognteed by the "World's
Fair medal of 1893 a faot
whloh emphasises the record:
SO Years of Cures.
Trouble lletweea Whiles aud Negroee
In rturlila dim I'arker Sentenced
to Death A Colorado Man kltta
Hii Hrothar In a Quarrel,
Tho Japanese cruiser lliyei is iu port
at nun r raiuusco.
The Earnest ltiee mills at New Or-
loans were destroyed by lire, Loss,
$lo0,000. . .
Wilfred W. Montague has recotvm!
the appointment of postmaster for tho
city of ban f raiicisco. , 1
William I. Winans, the millionaire
railroad builder, formerly of Baltimore,
Md., died hi Loudon a few days ago.
In the rowing contest between the
teams from tale, Harvard and Cornell
universities, the later crew was victor
: George D. LaJd, attorney, one of the
most prominent aud wealthy buainess
men of Peru, 111., committed suicide by
John I. 'Blair, New Jersey's greatest
and most generous millionaire, is dy
ing. He is 93 years old, arid worth
The veterans of the Confederacy held
a reunion at Nashville, Tenn., last
week. , There were 10,000 ex-southern
soldiers present. .
Mrs. Margaret Oliphant, the novelist,
biographer auu historian, ttiect in un
don, Saturdav.vof cancer. .She was "0
years of ago. - Vi
' The extension of the free delivery
postal service to Anaconda, Mont, has
been postponed from August 1st .to
September 1st. . 1 ;
Congressman Edwnard Dean Cook of
Illinois was found dead in las bed in a
hotel at V'ashington. Death .was duo
to a dot on the heart.
A . dispatch from Santigo de Chile
saya that the Chilean cabinet has re
signed., The cabinet was liberal and
was formed last fall. ...
. Ex-State Cashier Bartley of Iowa,
convicted of embezzlement, was sen
tenced to twenty years in the peniten
tiary and to pay a fine of $300100.
The steamer Finance arrived from
Colon arrived at New York a few days
ago with three case of yellow fever
aboard, three passengers having died
while en route.
By the collapse of a. saloon bnHding
at Watertown, S. D., avnumber of per
sons were buried. .Five were taken,
from the ruins seriously injured anil
Philip Patterson was taken out deadV
Richard P. Bennett waa shot and
killed in a saloon at TelVaride, Col., by,
his brother Emanuel Bennett, !, The
shooting was the result of ill-feeling;
arising out of a business transaction. .
Gen. W. Harrington died at K'la
mazo, Aged GO. ' He was prominent in
Grand ' Army of the Republic circles
and was once exalted ruler and treas
urer of the Elks. . , '. .',
John S. Mover, bookkeeper and cash
ier of the -New .York Insulated Wire
company has been indicted en. a charge
embezzlement and felony, at Chicago.
He is $10,000 short in his accounts.
At a town called Buffalo, Xou a new
ly, organized gang of outlaws tried to
commit their first deedof robbery. Une
of the gang, Frank Taylor, was killed
and his brother John badly wounded.
Jim Parker and L. C Miller, the
Arizona outlaws and murderers, have
received their sentences for the mur
der of Lee Norris. . Parker is to hang
August 13th and Miller goes to prison
for life.
" An explosion of a torpedo on the
rails of the Mexican international
railroad near Eagle Pass. Tex., threw
the engine off the track and killed En
gineer George Griffin aud Fireman
Lake Man. "
Deputy Sheriff. Thomas Fahcy oi
Leadville, Col., was shot and fntallv
wounded while attempting to arrest
Lee and Frank. Bohannon, wanted in
Pueblo for larceny. The men escaped
to the hills. Fahey leaves a widow
and ten children. . :
Among the Pacific coast appoint
ments made bv r resident Mciviniey
are: Joseph W. Ivey of .Oregon, to be-
collector of customs district, oi Aiasaa;
John G. Brady of Sitka, Alaska to be
governor of Alaska; John U. Smith of
Portland, Or., and William J. Jones of
Port Townsend, Wasn., to ne commis
sioners in and for the district of Alaska.
Christian Boss, the father of Charley
Boss, whose mysterious disappearance
twenty-three ; years ago starueu ine
world, died at nis nome in merman-
town, Pa., last week. Ho had never
given up hope of finding his boy and
continued me aearcn umu ii
The New York family of Vanderbilts
are defendants in a suit for fii.OOO.OW.
The suit is brought by William ri. A.
Brown, as administrator of tne estate
of William H. Brown, a shipbuilder.
Brown claims the money is due the
estate from the proceeds or tne business
once carried on uctweeu vhhuuioui,
and Brown, and which Vanderbllt
never paid over.
A- race war was pending in Key
West last week. A mob of whites tried
to lynch a negro assaulter but were
prevented. Later the negros tried to
lynch the ringleader of tho whites, but
could not catch him. They met anoth
er white man and murdered him. The
situation was verv crave for a time and
only the prompt action of the ofiiciuls
prevented uioousneu. ,
Judge Hiram P. Dillon of Topeka
Kas., master in chancery, sold at auc
tion the Kansas Central railway and
rolling stock to Walter B. Horn and
Thomas Joyce of Brooklyn, N. Yi, for
$200,000, the lowest bid that could ue
accepted under tae order oi sale.
Voting Man tirnwua In Trying to Have
. Ilia r'riimU A l,rli.ngliter Ac
qnllt-il at a Charge or Maaalaught
rr -rawotl lla Mayor of Taeonta.
Ptilsuin, Cal., will have's new water
system In operation soon.
Tho Stockton Woolen mills have
pay roll of $7000 monthly.
. Tho supervisors have closed all Hum
bling games at Unkerslleld.
A Chinese in Fresno found A purse
containing $110 and returned It,
Woodland may get power and liglil
from the Folsoin electric power plant.
Vallejo has completed arrangements
for a big celebration on July Fourth.
, Preliminary steps have been taken
to establish a high school at Ked ltlull'.
' Southern California hm taken a gold
nfcdal at the Hamburg rlnwemhow.
Of late Sonoma county has been over
run with mischievous gangs of tramps.
The corner-stone of .. the Pioneer
monument was Ink! last week at Salt
Lake city, Utah.
A large steam laundry Is one of the
improvements promised Visalia In the
near future.
The rails of the Valley road are laid
for a distance of fifteen miles south of
Hanfoid. ,
Fresno has a freak In a pig that has
no hind legH. It is one of the livelists
pigs in the litter.
The First Methodist church of Pasa
dena has accept plans for a new build
ing to. cost $10,000.
Totnlmnn is willing to give a site and
building worth fWOO for the location
there of a shoo factory.
The ladybng that effectually destroy
ed the woolly aphis in 1HU0 has reap
peared in feanla Barbara county.
The young oranges have been drop
ping from the trees at Kedlandsv and
there will be only a moderate crop.
The police commissioners of Los An
geles are making a crusade against the
nickcl-in-the-slot machines.
A deputy fish commissioner trans
planted 800 small black bass recently
in the Toulumne river at Modesto.
The fire commissioners of Jamestown
have purchased hose, carts and other
paraphernulia for a fire department.
The misaioD fathers of Santa Barbara
are putting a second story on tbeir
building to give greater school acvoro
niodations. A Santa Barbara man' who has dis
posed of 500 horses during the-past few
montlis asserts that the horse market
is all right ' ' .
The people of Riverside- county are
engaged in warm discussion over the
proposed purchase or a building tor
county courthouse.
Fifty 'white men are employed ia
dissinic canaigre near the Tejon rancltt-
Kern coonty, and seventy Chinese will'
also be pnt to work thiere. .
' Postmaster Mathews of Los Angeles
object to the practice of merchants in
accepting postage stamps u payment
from country customers
Despite all the adven e reports of the
Drnne crop Santa Claira county will
send out this year one' of the 'biggest
supplies of prunes' ever raised in the
state ui one season- .
Prunes promise an Bramense crop, in
the state of Washington, and prepara
tions are under way for making larger
shipments than ever of the fresh fruit
to the east.
Matt Semichy, wholkillt-d Kid Evans
in a prize fight at Sim Jose some time
ago, and was arrcstled cuargeu wile
manslaughter, was. acquitted at his.
trial last week.
Ollie Collars .and Frank Robinson.
were drowned near luarston s nina
ing,. San Joaquin county, last week.
Robinson fell in tlie water and Collars
jumped ia to save him but was caught
by Robinson und. rendered Helpless.
The new derot'of the Valley road at
Hanford is to bean imposing structure,
costing $10,O0U. It jvUI be of brick, :MK)
feet long in all, divided intO'pagseiig:r,
freight and fruit rooms.
Oaptuin George J. Farmer of Mad-
rone, Wasn.,. will Btart in July m an
eight-ton sloop for a voyage down
the coast to eanta Barbara, wiioro uu.
expects to make his future home
Construction . on the Valley road
bridge over the St. John's river, one
mile north of Visalia, will be commenc
ed Monday. The. work includes two
seventy-five footjSpans and over 1000
feet of trestle approaches.
In the vitinity of Keedloy there are
twentv-two combined harvesters at
work in the wheat fieldr. of thatsection.
It is estimated that the average yield
will be five 'sacks por acre, or a total of
231,000 sacks.
John Cook, the Fresno Italian who
took a shot at his wife and G. Amen'
dola because he fonnd them together
when he returned homo one evening,
has been sentenced to pay a fine of
$300 or nerve that number of davs In
the county jail.
The miners and prospectors- of Son-
ora, Cal., met on a recent evening and
organized a protective, league for tho
purpose or taking stops to provent tne
taking tip of well-known mineral lands
under the guiso of agricultural entry,
Had it not been for the vigilance of
a truard at. Folsoin. Suiter I). Worden,
the condemned murderer, and a half
dozen desperate convicts would be at
largo armed to the teeth and ready to
do battle to dcalli against all pursurers.
The prisoners had secured several fine
raws and had succeeded - in cutting
irirnuirh the bars before discovery. It
was also discovered that they hud cgn
federates on the oulsido who had arms
farthest. . --
I'Wlr' In' tm Brooklyn' 1VmV Yard,
New York, damaged ' the Ualldlng of
Ordinance department to the extent of
tienige Washington, n private lu the
lwniilyroiirth Inliuilry ut Fort Doug'
Uis, Utah, has gone eiiiay. His Insan
ity developed when doing guard duly,
mid was caused by his fear of nlid
animals. .
President Colli P, Huntington of
the Njutlient Pacific company Is quot
ed as favoring a phut for the cotisolidu
'lion uf all the railroads west of I lav
Mississippi river and having them
tinder one management.
' About ?00 Detroit socialists met mid
denounced Kugeiie V. IcIk' movement
for mi independaiit community In
Washington. Tho scheme wus charac
terised by all the speakers ustlmold
communistic theory and impossible of
Adolph 1. I.uetgert, the wealthy
Chicago sausugo manufacturer accusod
of murdering bin wife and throwing
her body into a vat full of boiling
grease, was refused release on u writ
of habeas corpus, and is held for trial
itltout bail. '
A large number of New York con
tracting tailors who entered Into
settlement with tho brotherhood of
tailors last week, have, according to
the members prominent In the Cloth
ing Contractors' association, ignored
the new agreement, closed their shops
and turned their employes adrift.
The St. Louis express on the Wabash
.road plunged through a trestle at
Missouri city, Mo., carrying down Hie
entire train, with the exception of the
rear car. The gorge under the bridge
had become a roaring torrent and
weakened the structure. The car
wore crowded with passengers wheu
they fell, mid the loss of life is thought
to be seven, with many ..wounded.
Up to the present time the mouth ol
Juno has been one of su Icides foi
Chicago. There were fortv rases ul
suicides, besides twelve other death)
In which the element of doubt remains.
Saturday two men killed themselves,
three others made unsuccessful at
tempts, two dead bodies were found
and one man died from the effects ol
self-iiitlicted wounds of a few duya
The part of the trunk was fonnd In
some brush In New York city. It was
terribly mutilated and hIioks plainly
that a murder had been committed. It
was wrapped in .oilcloth und uiuuiln
paper, exuetly as was the up)er part
of a trunk fonnd in the F.usl river a
day previous. The two are part of
the same body. The two pieces
were found more than eight miles
apart, one in the wuter and- the other
on land.
The Union Construction compaMv is
the name of a new corporation organ
ized umtvr the laws of Arizona, with a
capital of $100,000. The company is
supplemental to the Kandsburg rail
way conipanyr formed several months
ago for the construction of a railroad
from Kramer, 'oa the Atlantic and
Pacific railroud,. to Raiulsburgi.fwoiity
seven miles. The company states that
the new roud will be iu operation by
August 13th.
Augustus A., Garrison audi Frank
Jones were killed and Tom Jones mort
ally wounded in a battle which, took
place - in the Methodist cemetery at
Pleasant valleyrTez. Garrison' killed
Frank Jones and was then shot by
Tom, a brother of Frank. Before dy
ing he mortally wounded Tom Joiivn.
A yonng lady had been wounded by
Tom Jones and Garrison determined to
avenge the wrong.
The details of the recent total tut ol
the Philadelphia lOund British, sngnr
bark Traveler at Port Mathurin, Rod
riguez island, . and the death from
Java fever of ten members of her crew,
including .Captain Christie, have just
been received, and bring to light one
of the most thrilling cases of shipwreck
and sutlering in the annals of shipping.
Two men committed suicide rather
than await the fate that was in store
for them. One by one the men died oil
until the mate and second mate spured,
and tho former finally succumbed to
tho dreaded dmcase. Captain Christie,
the commanded, and sevn men hud
died and their bodies I mil Wen cast
over the ship's side. The ship finally
got to Matchurin, but before uid could
be secured to land, a gnlc sprung and
drove the vessel on the rocks, where
she is a total w reck.
William, P. Warren, an old resident
of Alexander valley f Sonoma county,
while suffering from the eS'ecfa of too
much liquor, took k dose of poison and
killed himself.
The Western 1'ackins Company,
which built an abattoir at Liniitou,
near Porllund, Oregon, arid engaged In
the slaughtciiug of horses some two
years ago, but were obliged to give up
the business on account ol not being
able to find a market for I ho horse
meat, have resinned business again and
are killing thirty to forty horses por
day. Ihe trade in horse men I bus in
creased gientlv iu Kurope, mid it is
thought a market for American horse
meat cull now be found there. The
choicest parts only are being salted iu
casks for shipment, hut it Is the into n
tlon of the couipuuy to engage in can
nihu beforo )oiil'. 1
ana 11 ins reiuu oi ooioi mnu
ludden cllmitlo chinges.
It can he cured by a pleasant
remedy which In applied di
rectly Into Ui noilrllfi. Do
Infrinikkly aiiaorbdlt givel
roller atones
Ely's Cream Balm
UMlrnowlefliad to ba the moat thorone h eora for
NMICalrrli,Colit In Head and Haj Fover ot all
remedi ea. It opona and elanaea the naaal paniaKe,
altan pain and Inflammation, beala Iho aorai, pro
tectatha matnbrana from colda, reatoree the wnt
it taate and email, Price HOC. at DrnBBlita or by mall.
LY BKOTUBItS, M Warraa Street, Mair Yeik.
"A moral crtiade la on nt ' Woodland.
Captnlii Philip, iloliuimii, tint oldest
pilot on Ihe toluiubiii rligr, It duiul ul
Astoria, Or.
There Is already lulk of building must
IT- not all- of the buildings recently
bui'iied in Moiirovlu.
A block of hind has beuil set apart ul
Keswick, ( ul., fur an titiOOO school
house, llouds linvo been voted.
The treasury of Simla ltnsa Is empty,
mid attorneys hold Unit there Is no
authority ut this time to borrow,
Evan Kviins, a miner was killed in
an accident ut Ihu Hose iiilun, Sun
Jlernurdliio county, a few duys ago,
Cat lie mo getting cami in Oregon
and Washington, mid feiuaiiro express
ed fur the future of the meat, supply, ,
A lluiiford woman Is siillei'ing from
blood poboulng caused by pricking
one of her thumbs with a violin suing.
Chillies Harris, a Simla (Vus barber,
was the victim ofun outrage laal week
thul will main him for life. The deed
was committed by George K. I'lylci
and Mark Schocddn, a veteruary sur
geon, both of San Joau. Plyler sen I
his wife to Santa Cms on s vacation and
she met Harris. She Invited him In
her room und one night Induced huh to
stay Willi her. i'liu husband and his
friend arrived and found them asleiqi.
They chlornlnrmcd Harris and com
mitted the ci Una. Plyler and Schooihle
are both Iu jail with bull fixed ul $'.n,
000 audi, which they cannot furnish.
From tan evidence so far gathered it
appears that Harris was the victim ol
a conspiracy.
anot.OTBi.T onnaa. iisi
YMI'TOBa-u.l.l.n.1 hMaMhinl
MINa,al MIlilMIMtFMn.kla. II
Lift llH.A4-l"lkMfMBhM
MttlllWWltt.rrVls. v vriM.fsyi
avla ansa. aW. . taaaviaia
tb tkla rlsmr. whltaasxl klki
MMkrrtfMM. ( Wan hf Mail M M til. AsMfW t
AIM Am. rtUfclMfU ft atfM.),WIUJMf
Soo Pacific Line...
To all points' eaet
at tho very lowest rates
The Only Lino Running through
Trains from the Coast to
nakusp. CAR BOD
Got n Cony of "Cariboo aud
Koolooay Gold FleloW'
If you ar thinking of travollog call on,
the ot the Cuaadlaa I'sulllo
Ituilwuy ....
Ixwosl rutea to und from all parts of
Kurope vlftull AtluntlcsUiaoaship lino
For full' inorniatloa regarding Ihe
above call on or address:
E. J. COVLB. Wajne. Jones & Co.
MMHl.,.!orUana. Ore. ACHNTH
Gm. MuL. HtiOWN, Medford, lirv.
DlMtrlei Puss. Agi'iil,
Vanauvur, U. C.
MY iHll-
The -Shasta - Route
OK Ttlf
:17 a.m
7 :1ft a. m
l.v. ' Furtland Ar.
l.v. Medford l.v
Ar. Han Frnnotano l.v.
xi a. m
6:17 p. m
"J? P' "'
Above tralna aton at all atnttona ImlwtMm
Portland and Halein, Turner. Ma rloil, JcfToraon
Allmny. 'lanirenl. HheMH. llsiaev. Ilarrlaburu
JiitKHfon' liity. Kugono. Cnttaifii llrovn,
limine, onltlanii nntlaiall atuliona from Itoau-
burg to Aahiand incliiHlvc.
t'.10 a. m
ft'aO p. m i
Pnrtlnnd '
Ar 4:.i
4:.'io p. m
a. in
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Ptillmnn HufTnt Htecpera, and Hecoutl Olnu
nioci'iug urn Hiaauucu to uu tlirougn
Botween Portland and CorvnlliB
w.iwt Binu di vihion,
Mall trains dully, np,opt Sunday: . .
7:!ill. mTHv
VIM p in Ar
oTSi) p. m
I KM p. m
At Albany and Corvnlllfl ponnnut
villi train
or u. u. i'j. ratiwHV. .
Kspross Trains dnl.y, oxnoptHimday:
4iftiT.mTi;V PortViiiiri 'A'ffhUi. m
IM v. ill Ar . MsMlnnyjl! ''V 1 :!
Dltrnl coniiMtlon nt Snn wrnncfscj with Oc
clilitnliil nml Orion lal and Puclllc Mnll strain.
Iilp Illicit for Jltpull and Ulna. Hailing Ittlsa
nltnlaniitli'iknts and to ttaatorn points and
Kunipe, nlo Japan, Olllnn. W"?"?'"'1' '"'
Atialntllaoaii he olilnlticd from W. V. I.lppln
cott. Agent, Mctlford,
It, KOKHMIR, K'.P'.fr?R2,' ,. a ,
Manager. Aest. O. K. I' Agl
-OOMTIia Ol MaWMtt-
I (. f r. I.odira tin. IV Bisuts la I, rt, 0. V,
hall H?it3a? iral M'UI. Vialtlu
lirulliiirs always asluuaio. Q
W. K, Niiihouiin, lino, Him.
1, O. U, K. - ItiiDoe Itiver Kiisamiininiil,
Nn.itl. uinnta In I. U, II. V. Imll tlio mieunil aud
fourth WuiUioailuye of oueb uiuntli at N i. m.
I. A Waiiu.Horllia.
tlllve ilnliiiliiili LoiIiih Nu. US, mmila Is 1,6
O, H'. hall Ural unit ililnl Tuiiailuya ut uaoli
lllultlll, VtaltlltK alKlitrH Invited to ullentl.
Minx Mvirn.r. Niiiiiiiimom, N. (I.
Misa ICi.i.a I'r.liuiiM, Itmi. Hio,
k.iiti'.-'l'iiilamaiiluiltiii No. HI, iiieeia Moil
day tiviinliiu ut K p. ui. VIoliluK lirullinra ul
wuya wulaouiu. W. H. Junks, O, U.
I li A A, i'liKM'a, K, ot It, unit H.
A. V. a A. M.-Miuiia Ur.l Krliluy on or be
furu lull uiuuu at p. ui., lu A, o, U. V. hull.
W, V. l.ii'i'iNi.oiT, (too, Heu,
KulHlitN of the alaeonimua, Triumph Tout
No, II, mouiM In rpjpilur review oil tho tat anil
I'll Miutduya ef euch uiotuh lu A, O, U, W.
Ilullul7:,ilp. ill, Vlaltlu rilrKnlifhla normal
ly IiivIuhI tuutteiii).
A, A. lUnnwoH, t'oinuiuudor.
W. T. Yoiik, It, It.
Wooduien or tho World Camp No, IU. nioola
itvory Thuraduy oteultis lu A, U, U. W. hall,
Modfont, uregon.
). II. Ilim.aii.
Vai,ijI(! Wooim. Council (,'uuiuiauUor. 1 '
A. II. t), W,-I.odo Nu. im, nmniH evrryllra
tnd thlnl Wodnnaduy la Urn luunlh at S u. m
la tholr ball lu ibo opera blook. Vlaltlng
brotbora luvltod to ultend.
II. T, I.awton, M ,W.
W T. YOHH, Iteosnler,
W. II. (.-(.'hoalr A. Artuur Corpa Nu.' II
nioota acomid and fourth Krtday o( oaob
uioutb at S o'clock p. at., tu Woolf'a hall,
Mnit. L. C. Kaunas:, l'(oa,
Miut. M. K. liAVia. Hoc.
(I. A. lt,-Ohatnr A. Arthur I'o.l N. 1.
mooia tn I. O. o. ball ovary eeeoudand rourlb
MalurUay aftoruvoa la oaob uiamh al 'i o'flooa.
W. T. Kami, Coin.
Ri.1 Kinuati, Adjutaat.
W. u. T. V. Mroi.oncry VVednoaday alter
noon lu the- llalloy lllack.
Mas. Aoiiii VA!AKTWar, J'roa.
Mrs. Itosa UkUnoor. Hoo.
Halnl Marka Kplacopai Hunilay Hobool nioala
al KplNoopel Church every Sunday nutrulaai ai
IB o'clock. Kev. Wa, llari, KooloviH.I. I'coU.
Melhwllai Kplaoupal Churou-Kdw, tlittiM,
paaior. I'roachins vvnry salibatb al tl a. bb.,
and r0 p. ui. Sunday acbool al to a. in., K. K.
Tbompaou,aupl. Claw meottna overyHabtiatb
al eloao ol aormon, I.ovl a'aucoit. leader. V.y
wortb Irasue every Habbalb nvenlas at s:SO, it.
b. Ollkey, prnal. Junior league every Habbalb
allp. ni.. Ulaa May I'alptm, aupi. Ilesular
wnokly weekly uruyor niaollns every Tbureday
ovenlns al ?:! I.a4llea aewlnit atrrle ovnry
two weeka. Mm. Itpldletiu.n. prea. Mtnaloaary
aoelolhia home aud forelin, nrel Krklay in
oaoh mottth. proatdent. Mra. Van Antwerp and
Mrs. tlubberd.
I'reabyterlanCburcb Her. A. H. Koeur, paa.
tor. Frt'echlttS at II a. ta. and7:0UD. at. Hun
day acaonl at 10 a. ni. Y. I'. a. O. K :l p. in.
Junior Kiuloavor HtMilety at I p. in., ahiaday.
Prayer ttieellag on Wodoeaday orenlas al T
llaptlai ehureb (J, N. Annea, pastor. Wor
ahtp anOprnaclflus every Huilday mornlnc and
evonllia' at uiaial lloura 0,r cburrb acrvloe,.
Uovenaitfrmevttna on Haturdayal to'etuck pro
ceetllns each Ornl Sunday. Prayer meotlns on
WodntuMlAy evoulnjr. Ilaotut Votinff faopler
ttnion tneeta at S..iuon Sunday ovenfns. Sun
day echoed al Ul a. m
Cbrlatlaii eharcb Corner ot Hlltli and I
Irrela. Preacblnif al II a. m. and 7. p. m.
aunday acbool al HI a at . ; Jumdr Kndoavor al
.1 p. m.iV, KH.C. K. at : p. m. ITayer
ainetlus every Thursday, evening. Ijaiflea
Mtaalonary Auxiliary to (.'. W. U. E. drat Thura
day 7:la P. al. each uonlb. (iborat Ubloa
every fnany alf'JU p. m. The people welcome.
Kit Planei pastor. Itealdeo al um churob.
Methodlat Epeaeopa I (,'hurob rVaalb- Rov. J . A.
(IrulobnoU, paMor. bervlrea at II a, m. and 7 p.
n.oulbolal, sd and Srd Habkalbi Habbalb
acbool al lu a. on. and Kpworia league ate p.
m. every ttabtmib al Me.Unrd. Hervioeaaa alb
Mabbat al, Hoda Upringa M 11 a. n. and Nell
urreit aonoot boom al i p ni. a nearly wel
Medford. Secular Sunday Hcaoul meola at
Wooira ball al lu a. n., over; aunday. Mra.
ijj pacific ry.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Jar. waui
OULUTH roe,.
o 'TO o
NEWjrqnK i"
AsslKtant Oonoral Paanongor Auont.
No. UM Morrlaon HI., oor. Third.
Or W. T. Yonic, Tlokot Agoiit, -
Mod lord, Orogon,
8. P. Cass, Ticket Affont,
. First Nut'l Uiinlt, Gi'iintn Pass, Oro.,
Hotel Nash
Barber Shop '
Bates Bros., Props
First nliiHH work in all branohua of tho
tonBorlttl art. Satisfaction
, ..guaruntood.,.