THE : Published Kvery Friday Mornmf . A. 5. BLITON. KAN WAS BORN TO HUSTLC. .. lis 1 of lew days; but quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION $l.8o PER YEAR BaMred Id tb Poitoftice al Modford, Oregon M Seoond-Ctaaa Mali Mallur. ' Medford, Friday, May 28, 187. THTal U1PUD ? kept on Meal A lilu a. .fa.! I'jlt r.. u. ukiiau Merchants Ka ftan Franfltneo. California, wbore cob UIW lor ftG,Yeriuuig can oo niauu lor tu vertlslaa Agetioy. 44 and as ... Our Clubbmg List. TH Mail and Weekly S. P. Cull 12 23 " " " Examiner 2 85 ' . chronlole 8 3ft " " " OreRontan 3 09 " " Cosmopolitan .... 2 10 " " Popular Soionoc.. 2 00 " Weekly Ctnoln- ' oatl Enquirer, - - 1 75 PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. There will be many mora promotions ' from the fifth trade to the sixth thin year than thoro were last. ' The number 1011 Is an odd one but it represents the number of visits o( pat rons to the different grades of Med lord publio school since beptcmoer lt&Xj This is an average of 112 per month. Many thanks to our friends. We want 2000 viBits next year. The last addition to the library is from J . A. i nomas. Jur. xnomas was one of Hedford's good school boys about eight years ago but has never lost his interest in our sonooi. we nice to see the faces of the pupils of early days. Mr. Thomas was accompanied by his mother and together they visited the various grades. Visitors during the week: Mesdames J. O. JohnsoDjEll Fisher, O. A. Smitn, J. C. Frye, J. W. Thomas, E. W. War ner, U. W. Wolters, S. JS. Knight, J. A. Bigham,' M. Purdin, Misses L. L. Lloyd, Priauf, Birdie Barrie," Ethel Elliott, Grace Gibbets, Messrs. Eli Fisher, J. A. Thomas, N. A. Jacobs and Master Newton Jacobs. Graduating Exercises. The graduating exercises of the Med ford public schools will be held at the opera house Friday, May 28th. There are fifteen graduates this year from the high school. Twelve of these are from the regular course and three Irom the business course. Those from the regular course are: Prudence Angle, Lizzie Ferguson, W. D. Hazel, F. D. McCullough, Mabel Jones, Utah E. Mickey, May Merriman, M. - Grace Odgers, Olena Holtan, E. L. Olwell, Geo. W. Porter and Edgar R. Van Dyke. Those of the business course are Scott V. Davis, B. E. Brown and u. w. uviatu The program which will be rendered at the opera house is given below: Overture, "Hival" Petee Bud.'' i Invocation Rev. A. S. Foster n, "Welcome Tonight" c. A. White Ulass. Gritty Greece, Salutatory.. . Opportunities for Work... . Room at the Top , Class History.- I-et Not the Old Songs Die. .; The Races arc On. WaUnlnv was owning duv ut the Medfora fair uroumls. The rmt for this. Krlilav. afternoon have u promise of being very Interest inn. Iwerv horse cuUnihI is ill tlio riuw to n iii and there are somo good borart entered. A unnie of bull will be jilnywl uetwevu mo rhovnix nine , .aim tn winner of VKHtrnluv. j-Tlie' Modford brass band is furnisliiiiK excellent music Kverv Imsitu'sn lions in Mttlfonl will be uktsml tit Ih iiltrrnooii from one until live o'clock, tlitis giving both proprietor ami clerks mi opportunity to ulli'iid, tin' races u tnev to iit-snv. .- Attention. Pioneers! The twenty-first annual meeting of the Pluuecr Socictv of Southern Ore gon will bo hold at the town hall In Jacksonville on Thursday, June 3d, iisn, at . p. m lor tne purpose oi eicet ing oftlcers of the society for the en suing year, and to transaot any other business that may . legitimately be orougnt before the rueetinar. A lit Attcnaance of the members Is dealrvd. silas J. Day, Secretary. . Jacksonville, Or., May 22, 1897 Doings of the Circuit Court The Hydraulto SHntof Oo' va : laaae Coffman. ult tor injunction ; continued (or a ttase. D roe nuitnr m in knn MiAn nf nautili : . ' "". " orcoaawaoituenor. u L ni ted States: petition ranted. The Hvdraulle Minlna. i'a va J n PAnh- al; order and eltatloa Issued to the defendant cause way a receiver anouiu not oe ap pointed, also to show cause why an injunction should not be Issued restraining the defaadaala from oonduetliur a cleanup. A W tlnlMr w U' fl rn.. mA t Tanner; order for sheriff to make deed, Helen L Little va Haien J Little: nit tor divorce; decree granted; judgment for plala Uff for ooata lusi at (IT. Beekmao A Reamea va H L I ah; aeUoa to re wtcrmwiaj; aeiauit entered ajrainsi defend ant; Judgment for DlalailAs for SMI.46: ISO at torney s feeu: its rrt-ta . Ordered that Chaa Hrhult. Km allnwl Sal f awanor,H-aUDSIIUI, . . J C Whlpp vaUeo W and Either Lanes and the Laoce Gold Mlnlnt Co; ordered that Ben Harmond par to the men wasea due them la maklnsT the aleaaun. fmm tha minwIi at ,h. cleanup, not to exosed II JO per day. rvunii vs in uirlcb and the Seuthern Ore ;n Pork Packlns Co; order madaatibstltutuut Hen Jane Kubll as nlaJntlfl in thla atilt Inai..! Of KKubli. . . . John Matus va Kelson Hosmer, Fred Otfen and Grant Mathews; sufl for Inluucllon; or dered that the time tor the hearlnn b the Court of the arfument It counsel be post poned to sama dav Lo be here attar wmm, n. on by the oounael of plainUS A defendant William Keller vs Ida E Keller: divorce; de fault entered as-mfnsl defendant ilam. DHn. cd and the plaintiff awarded the care and cue- wuj oi me two minorcnnuren. John Mathls vs. Nelson Hoamet- S-ead cm An and Grant Mathews; stlpulaUoo: temporarr Injunction heretofore Issued changed and mod lned; thaa during the pending of this suit that the plaintiff beentlUed to use tbe water now. Ins tbronsh the (tltch fnr InHntimi Hiirnia. Sundnj and Wednesday of each week, and Nelson Hosmer have use of the water on all other days of the week during the pending of kw .uii. luiiuci uiucreu wti nosmer oe per muted to enter upon the premises of plaintiff niKuocr uuvthht to bik repairs on ottcn. oiCIRCon Jacksoa County; Injunction: .Olah E. Mickey Prudence Ana-la -Geo. W. Porter L.izxie rarguson ..May Merriman VC.B. Lysberg Piano Duet, "Caprice1 M. Grace Odirerg. M&Im1 c. Jnnea Tbe Horseless Aire alahel ct Jnn., Nothing Is Lost M. Grace Odrera Prophecy.; Edatr R. Van Dvke Merces," Valedictory Olenn Holtan Presentation of Diplomas W. H. Parker Address Pres C H Chapman Song, "Class Ode" c. A. White . Class. Class Prophec: -r laen uene 41 INVITATION. .EXTENDED. ' " " The graduating class of '97, Medford high school, extends a cordial invita tion to tbelr many friends, over twelve years of age, in the city and vicinity, to attend the graduating exercises muuy evening, may asto. i We do not invite children under twelve years of so ueuause tue room win not seat all who wish to attend, and the older peo ple will generally appreciate the exer cises better than the younger. Babies win not oe aaml.tted. ..While this may discommode a few it will add to the comfort of the many. Doors will be open at 7:30. Exercises will begin' at OUUIUUK. ,: -. ; (JLA88 OP '97. Bimetaliat Convention. ' uaioii is strength and Strength Is Victory J.O THE iilMKTA LISTS OK JACKSON - vujjnn : . Tk 1 a' , . " . ut uuucroiKnea anving Deen ar pomtea as a committee on organiza tion, by the Hon. J. C. Cooper, state uuairuiuu oi ine union Bimetallic Party hereby notify you that there uo nciu m Aioany, : Oregon,- on . Jo, convenuon oi Populists, Democrats and Silver -Republicans, who favor a union of all who are o immj1 tn 1a .t.l. 1 i - . 1 i'"-" w otugic guiu stancara, and who favor the free coinage of silver, into one single, strong and united Party- I . - :J. -., United we can redeem the state of Oregon, and give to our people the re itormB that are so urgently needed, and persistently refused by the party in power. The people must rule, and -political guerrillas who stand in the - way must take a back seat. .We therefore tblsoounty, without regard to party, " - uffuocu w - single gold standard, and who favor thn im nin. up of silver, and all who favor a com plete and compact union oi all the re- iorm lorces in Oregon, to meet in moss convention at MEDrOHD, ON SATURDAY, MAY 29, '97 af j o'clock p. m., and then and there oiv uoicguteg to ine state convention to be held at Albany on J une 2, 1897, and to take such other action as to tho convention seems wise and for the oonurion good, A. S. Barnes, ' . A. N. SOLI88, ' . W. H, Bradshaw, . iiCMUY 1S.LIPPEL, T.J. Howell, County Committee. Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys 91.60 worth of grain annually, Wakelee'9 Squirrel and Gopher Exter minator is the most effective and eco nomical poison known. - Price reduced to 80 cents. For sale by Chas. Strang, Modford; Dr. .1, Hlukle, Central Point; 3, W, Robinson, Jacksonvlllo. Twenty pounds of raisins for II, IiUuisdoo tc Berlin. demurrer to complaint argued and' submitted "vim aujvurucu uniu June 1. . ... .i Mr. D. P. Davis, a Dromlnent Hvorv. man and merchant of Goshen. Vs.. h tnis to say on tbe subject of rheuma tism: "I take pleasure in recommend ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism, as I know from personal ex perience that it will do all that is claimed for it. - A year ago this spring my brothor was laid up with inflama tory rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first application 6f Chamberlain's rain Jalm eased the pain and the use of one bottle completed cured him. .For sale oy ueo. a. das kins, druggist. Eagle Point Eaglets." " BY A. C. HOWT.ETT. Miss Cal Tungate Is here visiting her grand- puivnis. . ... j- ,,,.. , , Mr. and Mrs Cal. Owens visliedSlrs.Sinclare last week. P. K. Simon, Who has been tn Klamath County upon business, returned last week. Hunter Stickle and his mother moved from nert to Medford last Saturday. 1 understand that Walter Stickle' eipecta to move to Gold Hill In a few days.1 ' : . - . . Mr.andMrs.Fredenbonr.-of 'central Point, passed through onr town -on Monday of last Mrs. Porter. Roblnett was. taken sick last Friday morning and at last accounts was ouite ill. ' Miss Alice Han ley was ta town last week upon business connected with the Hanlev cattle. (,; v i' i ii Mrs. Slaclare was at (hi! count? spat a fan. uays uui week attending to business and' visit ing friends. uai week a number of us not tiwthar .nd 'w- onoge in position on tbe J. 1. fryer place. . i- Boyd Tucker, of Sams Vaiie ' . A. Sunday of last week to visit frinria....n.i-. Mondayevenlag.;.,,,,-,.,;; ',;,., The many friends of Jerrv h.i.,h ""cam mat ne expects to return here la tbe near future. ., " . Quite a number of our vouni' rmt. ' Central Point last Friday night to attend the closing exercises of the school." John Allen, of Derby, bought a mrf'nr a i Daley's cattle.. He sold the steers to Ed Han-' ley but took the cows to, near Derby. "aicysson have their new aawmin running on Round Top, and Mr. D. says that it u, uom,8 une wora ana making excellent lum ber. . : ' riymaie ana Mr. and Mrs. Oabe Plymalc visiting menus here. They have gone to Mt. Pitt preclnot to visit Artie Nichols ana ramiiy. Master Frank Nichols came dashing into nuun am new oicycie one day last week, making quit a favorable Impression on some oi me iair aex. . . . Uncle Johnny Lewis has been taking one of the cheapen state papers but. has flnnllv con. eluded that be must have The MsorORD Mail so that be may know what is going on In the troriu, - - - ' - ' Miss Elsie Nye started for hir motintntn home In Flounce Sock precinct, on Monday of last week, armed with a certWcate to teach, and I understand that abe has secured a school In her home district. She Was accomnanipd hv her mother, brother and two of A. J. Florey'sl cuiiurcn. den hoe nhonned It Into. It measured about three and a half feet In length audpiad six rame. l.ait Batunlay Jour rorrespoadent and wife wore la the Uu&" ud I was surprised to see so maay of our neighbors Uoro, each one try lag to buy themaelvea rich. Among the num ber were Ura. E. Hltun. Nr. aud Mrs. Julia Aahpole, Mr. ana Mrs, Jamea Owens, Mr. and Hi. IN K. NlcUola, Mr. and Mrs. Jamoa ICeut Thomas Bllcy and sIsteMn-law, Mr, aud Mis. Uoodell, Mr. and Mrs, A. Pool, Wort lool, Mrs l.eorge Mortne and t. A. Carlton. Hanley brothers started ou Wednesday f laat week with about 1X) head of entile for Harney valley, and nulls a number of our eltl tens assembled al the ford to see them arou It was o.uU a sight to the little folks.. Kd 11 baa secured between IQUO and lAOO head of cat tie and they ara good oats. Ho retusrd to bo interviewed as. to the price paid, but from what I oaa learn he patd an average ol about II&.W or US par head, ranging from as low as 17 tor yearlings uMa tar three year olds. About all ot the cattlemen sold some ttcept Hoyt and sons, who held tor a higher price. . - : . 1 1 . v , V Jacksonville news.' A marriage license was issued May 23, to Joe Turner and Abagail roans. i A daughter was bora May 20th to Mr. and iMra.. Peter Elmer, of J fackaonville precinct. Married In Gold Hill, Mav 23, 1897, by Geo. Hammerelv, J. P, R. M. Cook and Miss Josie'Hall. : K. K. Kubli left- for the north one day last week on a business propo- i i , . Biuuo auiu win ue gone aeveroi weeK. Senator B. H. Holt, of Phoenix and Arthur Grisson, of Climax, were transacting business witn tbe county vicaai auenuMjr, Miss Josephine Orth has returned from a pleasant two weeks' visit at Koseourg and witn Miss Dee An' keny, of Eugene. ' Tbeo. aud Zaok Cameron, who have been at , Waldo looking after mining interests, returned home during the week. . Mrs. H. Russeh and Miss Nellie Russell, of Ashland, were here Sat urday, the latter making final nroof on tier nomeetead located near Bar rons. Abe Newbury, who went to Ari zonia in February for tbe benefit of his health, has returned to Jackson ville with a preceptible change for tne better. The infant son of Mr. aud Mrs. Lindser Sisemore was daneerouslv ill for a few days during the week but is improving under the care of Ut. Kobtneon. .- Mrs. Anna M. Reed, of California, who is an experienced journalist. spent ' several days tnis week in Jacksonville in the interests of the Overland Monthly. 1 I - Edna, eldest daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Newton Haekins, of Sterling- ville precinct, died , May 20th, of meningitis. The deceased was aged 16 years and 10 months. ; Rev. L. P. Desmarias will leave ia a short time for an extended trip to Canada, tier. Newell will be in charge of St. Joseph's Church dur ing the former's absence. Judge Bronough and Attorney W. D. Fenton spent several dava of last weeic in Jacksonville attending circuit court, i ney are attorneys for the railroad company. Beni. Taylor arrived from Port land Sunday where he has been so liciting for the Chicago .Portrait Company. ' He will canvass in this county in company with A. Hardy. Hisses Ida and Amy Caotrall, of tiniontown, spent tbe past week in Jacksonville, i he former bus been an invalid for several months and her numerous friends are pleased to see an improvement in ber health and hope it may be fully restored, i. Drs. Geary & Pickel, assisted by Dr. Chas. Hines, performed an op eration upon Willie DeRoboam for appendicitis last Saturday. '- This is the second operation - the voumr man has undergone in a year's time. He is a youth of considerable erit and may De aDie to overcome the trials to which he is subjected. At a meetingof the citizens at the town hall on the evening of the ii in tne louowme committee on finance and general arrangements was appointed to taKe active atens towards celebrating the coming uatiunai noiiday, juiy 4tb, in a patriotic manner: J. C. Whipp, J. Nunan, L. L. Jacobs, John Orth and Geo. E. Neuber. The committee on finance were out Tuesday afternoon and met with a liberal response from the business men and ofli(w Over $200 were subscribed in n. short time. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnet, of Edon pro duct, were visitlnn tho lattor's tinr ents, Mr, and Mrs. Chapman, hero UUeilHV iUHt W6UK,' t. Iff ' .Roy Jlawkiim liusaoouDted a ixml tion In Wwks iiSi Orr's furniture Htpre at J;'Ikihx and lias alrt-nilv eutoreu upon his duties. ' G. W, Bushford 1ms i tint uom pluted it tint) largo hay barn on his titrni in anticipation of an ituiiiuuse uoy crop tho coming season. The friends of Rev. Do-vid lirowur in Kuterprise distriot, gave a pound social wr mat gentleman at tlio residentte of Mr. ltollinuer last Sat urday venina aud a very pleasanr t!,n ... l..l 1... .11 t; .-. ,- i. On Saturday of last week Mr. Sv. erance and his daughtur, Mrs. John Kauer, and her two little sir s. were the guest of J. P. True audi' family-; wr. o. gt'iurtieu noaae iu aameuay uu aan.madet- reniunoa over isun. r ana wn, . : i rue -were vieitiiiK their friends. Mr. and Mrs Tyler, near Ashland, several days last week. While there thev visited tne loietuan sou spriugs, drank soda water and took vapor baths, after which they returned home.bav ing enjoyed a very pleasant outing, Table Koea items. t"J m . . ... x wo men were mil to work on tbe coal prospect Monday. ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent left for Siskiyou Count v Monday, where UA ill 1 ,L.! 1 ' tucy nui uiitae mt'ir name. E. Wilkinson, of Medford. uiid T C. Sisemore, of Sams Vallev. were looking this country over the first of tne weeic. . There is quite a laud dual on tan In our inidet, but we will wait for particulars for fear we niislit uot be rightly informed. . , Later advice reports that men working on the ooal vein struck in to a chimney eight feet in diameter and lound good coal iu the bottom Last I'riiiav the Hlinnrura finiuhn1 work on the Kybeo band and Hut urday night tbe sheen wero all dipped. They will dip again in about ten dnvs. i Mr. and Mrs, Win. Dickison mid t-oioy Adams and family are to to start for Crescent City and other coast Hints on Wednesday fur a montn s outing. The directors of the Sonthnrn Oregon Agricultural society held a business meeting: at Jacksonville Monday and were tbe euesta of Vice fresideut ,I)r. Geo. DeBar during their stay iu the. capital town. .. Rev. Roht. McLean, of Gmniji x ass, accompanied by his son, Bertram, spent a counle'of 1vb on Rogue river last week. Mr. Mn- Lan has beeu in poor health for some time and must soon take a vacation. His many friends here hope he will decide to spend the time among us. All Humors of the Blood, From the sroull Dimolo tn th ,!,-,,, ir,, l scrofala sore, ' are cured by Hood's sarsapariuu, wnicn thorongtily purl uo, vitalizes miu unnencs tne blood. He are Offeri ng 'V A good white Poarl Button size 18 to 24 at 5c per doz. , PURE LINEN Jj A.0E f ? fiwh wide,' .5o for, 12 yardH.!' iiicji wid, Ho foe 12 yard WW' l'tut) linen Jicni 8tMMa,liitodkrt5liift for 10 emit. m A lanrofline' of colurod .iH.nlHnul h,m, to, r . - . T. " '-. XT oatvtv.iiv t S ?5 at iOcot8:)tjr;dJit6ii)l.l. Vhi na "'- fif g H'.'- -rre A ('uatoiu Mui.e, full Htook working hIioo for men, at A -.HiuiUBo.tje 1 JreBti-Uo)olrrMt'ii all " VtJrl?S,iitt I ne uesr .... ....... h isi ri- rr: n i-riAM Masai nn iiuui "iiirni. at $1.50 $1:50 2 f p1fw:lMc per yard. Oiuuo window Khndos Biiring flxturoH, 2.5 cts. viuriuin poms, oompioto, 10 ot8.. M-DE0EIi St EVEflS HAVE YOU MHeard a Robin" Yet? No Matter if You Haven't .Whether you have or not, you'll know that Hpring is hero by a peip into our show windows. Once you step inside the store you'll find evidenco on every side Spring Goods Piled High... Will confront you which ovor way you may turn, and they are quit sura to challenge your attention, for never have wn displayed a finer stock. As to our prices and valuos, we prefer not to say a word, for wo oannot do them justice. Camo and see they wilt speak for themselves ...i . W. H. Meeker & Co. Griffin Creek Gatherings. George Hoyt came near boln(f killed lost Sat urday. He was in his stable, oo the Hasolton place, when one ol his horses kicked him with both feet between tho hip Joint and the spine. He lay there for over an hour, unable to make a noise or get up, but finally succeeded in get ting up and going to the house. Mrs. Robert Mlnter came near belna- bitten by a huge rattlesnake a short time ajo. She was sitting on a choir under a.cherry tree and, hearing something rattle, looked and discovered the snake coiled between her feet. ' She fumtwid Just In time to save herself, and taking a gar- BY PHILOMKr.A . Mr. and Mrs, Nosier have moved near Ashland. Mr. Chapman and familv Via uiovea to caen precinct to reside, E, L. Redpath had tho miRfnr. tune to iose a fine Jersey cow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fraley were the guests of J. L. VVilsou and family Sunday. Mr. Kirtz, who has resided here for some time, left for California a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, of Eagle Point, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. True on Thursday. Hood s Pills cure nausea, sick ln-ad. acbe, Indlgestloo, biliousness. All arugfftsts. 'Mi. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. The largest log ever laweti in the ruget Bound , country was, turnod out ol a lacoma mill last week. It was 30 feet long and 9 feet thick at one end, and 6J feet at the other, scaling over iu,uw leet. Boards 1 4 inches thick for the entire , lonth vTcic uuy iui ciuiuuiuQ purposes. in . lalcima, .Waehmcton. thn streets and trees are full, of the Ger man songbirds this summer. 1 Tlm iook une nome . canaries escaped from their cages, and their warbling is beautiful. Three yoars ago a few hundred of these little songsters were turned out of their cages from Portland, ttnd every year thev have multiplied mindly, until now the towns and cities, as well us tlio ceuntry settlemunle of the entire INorthwcBt. arc full of music because of their advent. Dill Vn l'.tn Try Klectrio Hitters us a runuuiv tin- your trouble? If not, got a bottlo now uu Buireuei. xnis medicine bus boon found to be peculiarly adapted to tbo relief and cure of all fnmnln OAtfiri o(na exerting a wondorful dlroot lnfluonoo in (?ivin(f otrentrth and tone to tho nr. kiio. ii you nave loss of Soyden 8t JSiieholson jqiHDWE MEN Wo arc now tn nni tiAtr .kuni.... j i. - tuvVfiA h.vH :.r!"WD""T" y 'rwetet ntclal tlM ". Ainooff our TT-s Blue Flame Oil Stores, Ice Creaiu Freezers, Hand Loaded Shells and Fishing Tackle ... I. ? ,u ' roal,ttr twk .of Unlvorsal stores and ranges, also .11," .ovorj;'hiiiK usually kept in a tirst!.. birdWarc store. We do all kinds of Jjlpe-ilttlnir and pluinbtnic. Call and see our line of (runs and sporting goods . H",",B,n' ;, Remember We are now tn the Adktog building . next door to Haekins druir stnrn . . Bred Trotting Stallion, TYBALT, 2:27 1-2, i Kegistered No. 1070J, . Will make the season of W at Modford, Jacksonville and Central Point, Jack- ""J i vavmwM . . .t , . TYBALT was olrod by tho ohamnlnn t nil inn ' a ... i...... , of JulieL -I:?, trial onl'eoHf rTZ V ?L? rnon as tno late TIios. niiymond.Jay Beach -. n irtrjl ham. 1.A ...... .1.1 1 ... - Hnn.tlfu constipation, headaoho, fainting spells', or are nervous, slr-nnln.a a,,ii.Mn molancholv or tmnhin u,ik ,n,..; spells, Kleotrlo Blttors is tho modiol'n you need. Health and strength aro 5wan.H?,d b lts uso' Fmy "on and l.00 at Chas. btrnng's drug store. Notice of Final Settlement, In the Couniy Court, of thn Blntn of Oregon.' for !... .. '""'''onnty ol Junkson. .u .uouiunur 01 tno ostate of Annln M. Rein . noltz, deucuHofl. VTOTIDI! IS HKitkuv tiivv.u , , , VaMbl"11"' " M'oa In the County Court of o'oloeUn m.'.ha ,h'. . .... ':"."'. l!"nr,ngnt!,,r?f- A '" Intenrntort "ire HOrntiy nntlflrtfl tn unnmif ami ill.i Uli, n 1 " . rubllsliudin MKIirniiu Mail i,.'.'' W. 8 Crownll, county Jud.;o of suld County. and others say -if Tvbult liml lw,n Y" noun one of tho fastest of Altumont'. ,i.a ir , .i .mo iuui icotior aim Drocds lurrra Tnrms , . i . AL. HELLER, Manager. payment, WM, CLARK. 'ay 03, lOVI. Admlulstralor of said astute. ma: DAVIS & GILKEY Succossora to G. L. Davis. Tlin tiiimf itf ((ni fii'm lm nl.. i 1 . pol icy remains thfj same. We shall continue to carry a complete line of fresh Krocories find give, our customers the benefit of the lowest prices possible, as well as honest weights. Call and see us and we will treat you courteously .... tm DAVIS & GILKEY mat