The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 02, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    CotTeo In I'M form.
Take a pill from your piwliid, drop II
inloacupnf liol uuraul in t.lii- twlnK
liuif of un. eye you have iimw an blue
iih your lint mid as atronj? na you mil
drink it. That. KouiulK lilii-a fairy till
lmt it Ik trui'. Tlila new pivpurotioi
of ciiffoliK', which is to do nwny wit
all th lmilinir mid I'lnrifyinif mid fus.
which ivakuK tho onlTiv Niri'ly worth
maklnc has lust lw discovered I
t.wo clnMHis(. If their expectation
arc renllzed the making of Tee will
be simply the matter of n couimiiiiiiI
lH-llet, oontninin;.' the coffee liijrn'ili
cntH.-iilong with the niilUiind siijrnr
Torturlnc Itohini;. ucnlv skin orun
Hons,' burns aui scalds are soothed at
onco and iironmtly honied by DeWltt
Wlloh Hazel Salve, llio host known
euro for pitas. Clmn. Stratiu, Mcdford
Dr. J. Hinkle, Uontral Point.
The cruiser Adams arrived in San
Dieio a few days airo with liar crew of
apprentices, and ill the first throe days
after bar arrival nearly a score of her
sailors deserted.
There promises to be a lively rate
war and keen competition this aeasou
for ths passenger tramii to th loss
its ralltr.
If you have ever seen a child in the
tisony of croup, you can appreciate, the
gratitude of the mothers who know that
One Minute umgn uure relieves tneir
little ones as quickly as it is admlnls
tered. Many homes in this city are
never witnout it. unas. Strang, Med'
ford; Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
The Santa Clara oo'unty, Cal., veter
inary inspector examined SIS head of
cattle last week and condemned three
only to death on account of infectious
The divorce case of Zach Xevers
vs Euphronosia Xevere, which has been
before the court at hanta Cruz, Cal.,
for several years has been decided in
favor.of the nlnintill:
It is surprising what a "wee bit of
thine"can accomplish. Sick headache.
constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
dizziness, are quickly banished bv
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill. Chas.
Strang, Mcdford; Dr. J. Hinkle, Cen
tral Point.
The nomination of Binger Hermann
of Oregon as commissioner of the gen
eral land office has been sent to the
The carnival of the Golden Gate to
be held at Sail Francisco is now an
assured thing. The committees on
arrangements have set May 1st as Jthe
opening day, and festivities will last a
E. E. Turner of Compton. Mo., writes
us that after suffering from piles for
seventeen years, he completely cured
them by using tt rea boxes of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It cures eczema
and severe skin diseases. Chas. Strang,
Medford; Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
j The Southern California Bail way
company is having eighteen engines
ahaogad from oil burners back to com
mon coal burners.
The city trustees of' Alameda have
decided to pay election officers $5, in
ateaded of $6, as was formerly the rule.
The Sausalito ferry office at the foot
Clay street, San Francisco, wan robbed
of $100 the other morning while the
agent stepped out for a moment.
Many esses of la grippe have lately
been cured by One Minute Cough Cure.
ThiB preparation seems especially
adapted to the cure of this disease. It
acts quickly thus preventing serious
complications and bad effects in which
this disease often leaves the patient.
Chas. Strang, Medford; Dr. J. Hinkle,
Central Point.
Two mothers of Oakland, Cal., have
placed there children in charitable in
stitutions and started to walk to Loa
Angeles, where tiiey hope to secure
employment. ' -
' The voluntary fund for the relief of
the unemployed at Los Angeles is now
more than $16,000, and is still growing.
Work has begun on the erection of a
$20,000 building on the site of the old
Horton hall, San Diego, Cal., recently
destroyed by fire. .. .
-. Fifty Yer Ago.
President Polk In the White Home chair,
While in Lowell was Doctor Ayer ;
Both were busy for human west
One to govern and one to heal.
And, at a president's power of wilt
Sometime! depends on a llrer.plll,
Mr. Polk took AVer's Fill' I trosr
For hU liver, SO year ago.
s -
:4 1 .
Ayer Cathartic Pills
were designed to supply a
model purgative to people who
had bo long injured themselves
with griping medicines. Being
carefully prepared and their in
gredients adjusted to the exact
necessities of the bowels and
liver, their popularity was in
stantaneous. That this popu
larity has been , maintained is
well marked in the medal
awarded these pills at the
"World's Fair 1893.
50 Years of Cures.
Throe San Franelsoo insula at the
Ollroy Hot Springs recently felled a
live oak tree, by tiring litis balls into
the trunk. The job consumed $00
worth of ammunition.
' San Carlos has un epidemic of
measles. One hundred and ten rases
are reported among the pupils of the
Indian siluinl. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Silas (w relubrati'il
their sixtywond wedding anniversary
at Milton', Or., last week. Mr. Cue is
88 years old and his wife Is 83, both
are in itiHid licalth. They have living
at present forty-one grniiilchildreu.
The law tiatns, Cal., canneries are
preparing for, an iniiiiense pack this
The Sorely ltiiilding and Loan Assoc
iation of Philadelphia has failed.
The Japanese government baa placed
an order with Knglish shipbuilders for
two first-china war vessels.
Kllaabeth Paulsen, an cighteou-year-girl
of Chicago, died the other day of
fright. She entered a dark room and
saw her hat and cloak hanging on the
back of a chair, and thought it was a
Warreu J. Flick: has been sued for
$75,000 in the superior court of San
Diego county for alleged fraud in sell
ing real estate to a resident of Chicago.
The citiaens of Hollister, Cal., have
voted for the issuance of $35,000 in
bonds to put In a sewer system.
Colonel Harrisou Qrey' OtU of the
Los Angeles Times haa mot been able to
secure the appointment of assistant
lacretary of war owing to an agreement
made by the republican managers that
no state represented in the cabinet
could receive an assistant secretary
ship, i
They are so small that the most
sensitive persons take them, thoy are
so effective that the most obstinate
cases of constipation, headache and
torpid liver yield to them. That is
why DeWitt's Little Earlv Risers are
known as the famous little pills. Chas.
Strang, Medford; Dr. J. Hinkle, Cen
tral Point.
An ' important suit has been com
menced by the city of Santa Crux
against the Southern Pacific company
to recover possession of about nine
acres of beach land. The railroad
claims the land by reason of a patent
granted by President Harrison.
A big fight is in progress as to .the
location of the normal school in San
Diego. The Pacific Beach company is
making a strong effort to secure the
location, while the University heights
people are pulling tinanimiously .for
the college grounds in that quarter.
The builders and contractors of Hau
Diego at a meeting recently passed
resolutions boycotting the San Diego
brewery owing to the action of its
president in awarding the contract for
building the block on the plaza to a
Los Angeles firm. It is claimed the
litter's bid wao $3000 below that of any
local bidder. .
Grading was commenced Monday
at Oakdale, Cal., on the first ten miles
of the roadbed of the Sierra railway,
which will connect the mother lode
towns with the vallev.
All the fine wheat property belong
ing ta H. C. Wilson comprising about
10,000 acres in Tehama county. Cat.,
was sold under foreclosure of mortgage
a few daya ago. It was only a few
years ago that Wilson ;was considered
a millionaire. '
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cots
bruises, sores, ulcers. Bait rheum, fever
sores, tetter,cbappedhands,chllblains,
corns, and ail skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. . Price 25c
per box. For sale bv Chas. Strang.
The fight between the Oakland scav
engers and the crematory company is
growing very bitter. The scavengers
have been putting dynamite in the
garbage left at the crematory, in hopes
of blowing It out of existence.
Jean Rosa, a despondent Frenchman
in the city and county hospital at San
Francisco, committed suicide by hang
ing. The physician told him that his
dearth was only a question of a few
weeke, but he did not care to wait that
length of time.
Hon. Jas. I- Killian director of the
Washington and Columbia River rail
way company died, last week and was
buried at Pendleton, Oregon, Thurs
day, c
W. W. Rockwell of Fresno, Cal., who
killed his wife last August has been
sentenced to prison for life.
Melting snow on the foothills has
caused the Umatilla river, Oregon, to
rise rapidly, and foars are entertained
that the river will overflow.
No neonle suffer so much from physi
cal disabilities as those whose business
requires little or no muscular exertion.
The lack of exercise causes the liver to
become sluggish and the result is con
stant constipatibn, indigestion, bilious
ness and sick headache. To prevent
this take Simmons Liver ueguiaior; u
keeps the liver active and makes one's
condition as comfortable as those who
have much exercise. .
Two hundred Chinese of Victoria, B.
C, have 'declared tholr intention of
becoming British subjects. This move
is in order that they might secure em
ployment on government works.
: The city council of Los Angeles has
rejected two mllos of finished asphalt
on Main street of that city.
About April 15th the Portland Tele
gram will come out an a morning paper.
It will be independent in politics, but
will favor bimetallism.
Eighteen carloads of fatted Nortliorn
California beef arrived at 'J'ncomn,
Wasli.) one day Inst week, for the locul
packing houses.' " This is the first time
In three yonrB that lieuf has boeti ship
ped there from California, this ship
ment .resulting from a combine among
Eastern Washington cattlemen to raise
the price of boef. . .
Ren Tranklln, formerly a hotel clerk
at Helena, Montana, has been arrested
at Seattle, Waah., on a charge of rob
bing his Montana employer of $300.
Ths eastern prune crop has already
given out and the demand Is very brisk.
The Pacific coast prune is now in
great demand, and is bringing good
The Tacoiua Hallway and Motor ocuu
many'a property hat been sold by order
uf the court. Kastern men bought the
Kddio Johnson of Santa Rosa, aged
13, tripped while jumping rope and fell
striking on his head, which caused his
death two hours latter.
Thu steamer Wlllapa while on Its
way to Alaska was wrecked on Queen
Charlotte island. All hands saved.
The heavy storm on Puget sound last
week drove tho steamer Cyrus Walker
ashore on Fox island. She Is high and
Two driinkod Indians wore spilled
out ofaranoo and drowned in Van
couver harbor, It. C, last week.
An Knglish syndicate is going to
erect an immense smelter at Van
couver, B. C.
John Staley, about sixty years of age,
was struck and killed by a .locomotive
while he was driving across a railroad
track at San Diego, Cal. . , '
The Farmers Institute, under the
direction of the state university, held
an important and instruetive meeting
at Oloverdalo, Cal., last week.
Peter Olsen, a Tacoma merchant,
was sandbagged by thieves there,
on a recent night, and received Injuries
which may prove fatal.
By the breaking of a saw in a mill
at Moodyville, B. C, an employe nam
ed McCarthy was killed, being nearly
cut in two.
One hundred and fifty thousand eggs
of steelhead salmon were shippod from
the government hatchery at Redwood
river, Humboldt county, Cal. One
hundred thousand go to Maine and
the balance to Montana.
Andrew Bohn committed suicide by
throwing himself from the top of a five-
story building at San Francisco.
Miss JelTeries, a school teacher of
Olympia, Wash., was killed near there
last Thursday by a tree falling oil her
while traveling along a road.
It is probable that the farmers of
Sonoma county, Cal., will plant a great
many acres with sugar beet seed this
Jose Agnirre, a Mexican, forty years
of age. fell down a 160-foot shaft at
Randsbarg, Cal., and was killed. It
was the first fatal accident in the mines
there. .
E. M. Morgan, an attorney and bill
collector of San Francisco has dis
appeared. He is heavily in debt and
has defaulted many of his clients.
C P. Huntington, president of the
Southern Pacific company is In Ban
Francisco on a toor of inspection and
to attend the annual meeting and elec
tion of the company.
The corner stone-of the building for
the affiliated ooliegee to be erected by
the University of California, was laid)
at San Francisco Saturday.
Thaddeus 8. Clnrkson, eommandor-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Re
public, is on the Pacific coast on a tour
of inspection of the various post. . '
The fish and game warden at San
Francisco arrested eight Chinese fisher
men for using set nets, and mesh note
under the else required by law.
Miss Iaabelle Murphy, a daughter of
the late Daniel T. Mnrphy of Murphy,
Grant 4 Co., died suddenly in London,
Long Beach, Cel., is bavins; a mild
building boom. ' -
There is a war between the brewer
ies of Seattle and Tacoma.
John Calvin of San ' Bernardino has
sold the Warsaw mine for $15,000.
During the first eleven dayaof March
Delano, Cal., shipped sixty cats of pro
duce. Numerous religious revival meetings
are now in progress throughout Tulare
county, Cal.
The Howland olive orchard and mill
at South Pamona, Cal., has been sold
to eastern parties.
There is now aa much snow la the
mountains about Pamona aa at any
time during the winter.
Henry Fnlstone, one of the first set
tlers Nevada, died recently.
The Pieta hotel, Pieta, Cal., was
destroyed by fire Sunday.
The steamship line recently estab
lished between Puget sound ports and
Japan by capitalists of the latter coun
try, is liable to be discontinued, owing
to the heavy financial loss it has thns
far incurred. '
Nevada is experlnoing the hardest
winter know in that state.
J. W. Griffin of Farmeraville, Cal.,
picked 1365 pounds of apricots from a
tea-year-old tree last season.
Badlands, Cal., seeks a free postal
delivery, olaiming that she has been
entitled to it for a long time.
Two four-master schooners are being
built at Port Blakely, Wash., on orders
from Ban Francisco.
W. A. Sims of Farmeraville, Cal., last
season secured twenty-eight tons of
prunes from 118 six-year-old trees.
The annual encampment of the Mon
tana division of the Grand Army of the
Republic will be held at Anaconda
April 7th.
Frank B. C'lnplon, who was appoint
ed to cxnmino the books ol uciorge K
Lush, ex-recorder of Pendleton, Or.,
finds there is a total shortage for three
years of $4027 80.
Redondo, Cal., puonlo are working
industriously Tor the establishment of
a fish cannery.
Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Sciatic, Lumbaglc,
J. O. Will J 'l. Propr.
Ooes General Contracting in all lines.
o -
J aokyonvillo,
Th Curium Title if Monastery In lit.
t'anarr InIiiiiI..
A curious tale of it lii'siefred mid imiii
pieivil uiouiixlfrv lielouk to llu'inrl.v
history of 111.- Canary Islands and is
retold by Cluii Nti Kdwardcs in his de
scription of the isles. In Hie early part
of the KighU-euth century theree.vistnl
in OniUiva, on the Island of Truer! fc.
a convent of lloiiiiuieau nuns. lin.nfler
mime years of, had the misfortune
to tie huriied out of house and homo.
They went into teniH)rary ipiarlera for
a year, but lavainrdiioiitisliiHl with rui-h
iiiieouvenliotial twitla liud began look
itigtihoul fur u prTiiinnc utiihldiug pluee,
At that time there h in Orolava. a
house of Jesuits, which Inul Inst Ita
former Importance, and, though com
modious and healthful, gave lodging to
but two iiu-n - the reetor of the house
and his assistant.
On this mansion the nuns east. covet
ous eyes and soon resolved U appropri
ate it. Due morning about. 10 of them
advanced upon h, by titnit-ry Induced
'the Jesuit brother to open the outer
door and tli.-u. trooping into the court
yard, fell on their kuces, thanking Cod
frr this preliminary sticcci-s. In vain
iltil the tcto men reason with them on
the si-ntMlalous conduct. Thoy merely
held thfirg'rnunil, exclaiming: 'Tnilier
Andrew, this is a large cac for so few
liirda,' Some of the more rcusoiiarnc
inctnlien of the Hiatcrhood explained
thai they were really in nerd of a dwell
ing as spacious ax this and that they
did not propone leaving it. The rector
in despair lied into the siu-risty, from
which retreat he ex honed his colleague
tobeof giKxl cheer. "Patience, brother,"
crkil he, "and do your beat to extricate
yourself from these Indlea." That, how
ever, was more easily said than dune,
M-fially as the nuns were hcenmliig so
excited that they might momentarily
have been expected to resort to theargu
men t of nulls. The siege lasted forthrco
or four hours. Mew s of it Hew about the
town nnd hands of vming men, arrupu-'
loualy neiitrnf, wntehi-d proceedings
from the- hnTs of rlie niitr gate.
Kvenl.iial7v th-Jesuits viclili-d mid the
nuns occrnifcil the hotrs until a new
convent, entirely to their taste, was
erected for hem. lxnlon ! lobe.
Vorgetllnx l' Ante Urgm! mm UnssS for
llrMklosr s Win.
During the contest over the will of
John 11. lliixkin, wlro was known lu
politics bm "Tuat-arum" Ilaskin. one of
the witnesses gave Urstimo-uy to ahow
Must failure to properly piny the game
of poker is an evidence of Insanity, soys
it New York disuttclt in the Providence
Journal. Mr. Ilaskin left nn extate vnl-su-d
at over $I,MHI',IIIH), diohI of which he
Fh ipieuthed to his on. Ilia daughter
and grandchild contested ths? will.
Keujainln V. Colin said .Mr. Iluxkin woh
v-r.v fond of poker nnd wat n very care
1hI player until tin' spring of IS'J'J. when
hi- became ca.rcb-.asv often holding hi
cnnls so Mint Ihr other players could ace
"Dili he ever forget tonnte?"
"Oh, frequently; and others did it
for him."
"Well, that in hardly proof of insan
ity." said eoiinwf for the son. "To
forget to ants? m not imi'.'.mtl In a game
lM-.tween American gentlemen. Did
Mr. llnxkin forget to piny his hand
when the. other players had their ante
. "Did he forget to lake his winnings'.'"
"Oh, no."
i Mr. IVihn also thought, that the old
tnan'a liatill of letting his false teeth
fall out of his uioiith without noticing
it was another evidence of fcclile-inlnd-edness.
I.I Hang Chans' riie.
The liruiwis correspondent of the
London Daily Chronicle wi.vs Hint, an
amusing incident occurred nl. the royal
dinner given to U Hung Chiiug the
otiher evening. After passing Into Hie
atttts! drawing-room a-t the conclusion of
dinner, the Chiuiwc envoy, apparently
in ignorance of the rule of court, eti
quette wihloh Htrletly forblda unioking
in the Htnte. apartments, pulled out a
long pipe, which, duly filled nnd lighted
bv hia Hecretury, was returned t the
owner, who begum drawing it with
evident natlKftintlon Ui himself. King
Leoimld, with kindly Uic.t, 'bad ciga
rettes Hicreupon passed round, nnd In n
few minutes the whole company were
pulling vigorously.
Irlnkliig Kitln Drops.
The Interesting doinga and pccullarl
Ilea of the young king-bird, kept n rap
live, nro thim described: The king
bird lives on inseeU, which It, generally
ruptures on the wing, and the yoinif
bird thai. Mr. Iluinpiis cxMM-lmciilc
with t alight falling drops of wider hj
striking at them with Its lieuli, liiil.eoiili
Jiol lie Induced to drill li from disli afliv
Hie. milliner of a chicken. This Iciuh
Mr. llimipini lo Kiifrgci.l tjinl king-hind
may be in the habit of (picnching Hieii
thirat by fulling drops of rain .
muioi.utni.y ooiiaa. ina i
KYUCt'UMn-H.LIur.l lna lb!.. aaJ
v rNt.hU. II
lil?slUtf , tsttattrbsiholt.taur. Hol4 ky ilttittalt kf
Stv.-lm si,, i', pt-t hi Mj.Htai ht.njt'lsllajfiiljj
, igti inn, turass UI-'
Uf, VsMHIft. lUtl, all 1
it-li. nsM. A... ImiIbst '
ruMiuai i
Vihkts.Uar. whilst L.allss
MUlMflUllb. ' 1st hiall ' ..I.I. AMfsM
as. . sw H. I'sw All fml 4f4li IsM
Anynn Mndlnjr ktrb attd irtwription mr
qaiokljr oTtln, fr, whttlher wi lnvMilioit l
pruttntiljr pttleiJUIila. (miiiuulrtlf)ii itrlctlf
camniieiiiisii. uiilMi mroiicr ftirtwumm pstianta
Id Atiicrlcnv Wo tmva m WMatiliitiinu ullliv.
I'atcnu laknn UiruuKh Uuqu A Co. roovlr
pCiaU iiutlwt 111 th
bMiatlfuilr H1vwimeyl. tar rtmtUtK of
suit nmitlllo lnunul. WMklV.amUasU.llJ narl
I.WMZ motif ha, M.clmrm oulr aik! IIamO
Set Urxtawav. New ttth.
Soo Pacific Line...
To all point coat
at tho very lowest rates
Tho Only Lino Running through
I rains from the Const lo
MONTKKA1, aso 1108WN
""""' HUDSON,
mm nii ... tkwi.,
&cti urD
Cot a Cupv of "Curllxio nnd
Kootonay O'olil Fluids."
If you are thinking of traveling cull on
tho agent of the Canadian 1'aclflo
Itftiway ....
Lowest rates to and from nil purls of
Europe via all Atlantic stoiunahtp linos
For full information regarding tho
above call on or uddrcss:
B. .1. COYLK, Wayno Jones ft Co.
MA .VI st., Portland, (Ire. AG UNTH
GKtt McI.. UltcrwN, Medford. Ore.
lllslrlcl Pass. Anunt,
Vaneuaver, 11. C.
The - Shasta - Route
RlfXIp. in
12:08 pm
11:16 am
Lv. Portland Ar.
I.v. Mmlfonl l,v
Ar. Han Vraaolsco Lv.
ri. p. m
Ahnvi. Irnlns nlnn nt ir.ul tnH,H..H rt.
City, Woodliurn, Haleni, Turner, 'Marfan, Jef
ferson, Albany, Tangent, Hhertds, lialsey,
HnrrlnliurK, Jiinrllon (Illy, Kuiionu, Oreswufl
Couuhu Urovo, llraliis uml at all stations
iroin iwsuuurg to Aslilsnd Inclusive.
SAO a. in I Lv
6-aO p. Ill I Ar
Ar I :10 p. m
Lv bm a. in
a:K p, m. I l.v
C:ln p, ni. Ar
. I'nrtland
10:111 a, m
moo a. in
Dining Cars on Ogden Routs.
Pullman Hufful Hloepers nnd Recond Cluss
oiuvpiiiguirHaiuieiieu iouii iiiruiiKii trains
Botweon Portland nnd Corvallin.
Mall trains dally. eseoptHanday:
HO u. mi I I, v Port and Art (ton
!2:l5pmAr Corvnllls ' Lv 1 ::u p. in
At Albany and Cnrvnllls nnnnenl with IrnliiH
ui i. u. n. mnwiiv.
Kx press Trains ilul.y, except ami rlny:
4:M li, m I Lv. I'orllanil ArlSifan.
7:26 p. in Ar MeMlnnvlllo I.v 1 6:M) u. in
JUrTbrnuKli tlckots In nil points hi the
Knstiirii nlaliis, (Jaiuuln nnrl Katopu enu bo ob-
oioiiiii ni iuwusi niivn irom w. v . l.lppllicolt
Agcill, Mcilfonl, '
Maaaner, Asst. O. K. tk P At
POHTI.ANO oncaoN.i
I. O. (I. C.-l.mlxn Nil. M9 nits la I. (I. It. V.
hull every Hiiluiilay at at H p. la. Vislllutt
r. J. Hiikaiiii, N. 11.
W. I'l. Nii iioijeiK, lino. Hue
I, II, O, K. Id'KiH' Klver Kiliiiiiiiiiliuit,
Nn. .11, lui'ets III I, tl. II. l' hull thu sm'iiiiil anil
(ulll'lll WeilaiiNiliiyN uf eiich luuittli ill H p. III.
M.ti'V, V. I'.
I. A Herlbo.
Olive Itiilieluili I.uUuii No. VH. uuiols lu 1,11
11, I1', hull Ih-ni ami llilnl Tuesiluys uf eiiuli
Ululilli. VlslllUK slsl'.rs (til lleit lu iillitinl.
Miss MrillhK Nii'iioiion, N. II.
Miss Ki.i.a I'kium n, linu, Hue.
K. or t. TittlMTlian IoiImo No. ill, lui'iits Mull
liny "VkiiIiik u a p. in, VlnltliiK IiioIIhth ui
wuys wiili'iuuo. w. H. J on lis, 0, 0,
1 HA A. I'iiki.i-s, . ut 11. ami H.
A. V. A. M. -Mimls llrst Krliluy ua ur lie
lore lull aiuiiii ut Sp, iu.,la A ll. II, W. Iisll.
V, I, VAW'iaa,V. M.
V. V, LU'i'imiowMtMi.Him,
KlllKlils of Ilia MaiH'ulimts. Trluiupb Teat
Nu. II, llusils 111 leitulur ruvluwr oil the Isl uml
ill tliiiitliiys of imti inontti la A. O. U. W.
Hull ul 7 iki p. in. VIsIiIiik Hlr Knlalita vorillul
ly lavltmtiuiiiiiiiul.
A. A. IIAttkiibon, Uuuiuiandiir.
W. T. YollK. II. IC.
Wmsliiioa ol Hie Vt'urlilOaiiiii No. isl. nineta
nvurv Tlmrsiluy oviuiluii la A. U. U. v. hull,
Mtstlunl, OriiKoii.
J. II, llllTl.lll,
Wai,i.aiik Woons, C'euimll l uiiiiiiuiuliir.
A. it. H. W. l.islKn No. us, niniiis every nra
ad llilnl Weilims.luy lu llio iiiiiulli ul a n. lit
la llu.r bull la lb opera bluek. Vlsltlus
brutbnrs Invited lu attend.
H.T. Lawtoh, M .W.
W. T. YollK, Itneurder.
W. It. O.-Oliestnr A. Arlliur UnrpsNo. l
ameis Nuisimi and fourili Krldny of eacb
niuuth ut e'eluek l m,. la Wnulf'sbsll,
Mas L, U, 1UUUKN, Pros.
Miu). M. K.UAVis. boo.
(I. A. It.-dheslnr A. Arthur Pest N.. 47,
iiiools In 1. o. O.K. bull av.ry svoouil sad luurtb
Hutunlay ulteruueu lu eaeb luonlb at V u'cluok.
W.T. Kams.Cvui.
Km Kisiikh, Adjutant, ,
W. O. T. tl Meets every Wednesday sllor
uoon in Ibe llulloy lllaok.
Man. Anus VANANrwaur, Pres.
Mrs. Uo iiauatwr, Hue.
Huint Murks Kplscops; Huniiuv Hciiuoi moeis
at Kplscopal l.'burcli .very Hululny inorlllii. at
luo'claek. Kcv. iu. Hun, Htsitur, li, u. riuili,
Mnllusllst ICplNtmpsl l.'ltunm HdSf, Dlllius,
pnslor. Pri'ocblttK uvury Sabballi at II a.m.,
and 7 :) p. ill. huailuv nclusil at 10 a. in.. K. H.
Tlionipiuiii, supl. i;lnss uu-rtliiic ovuryHalibalb
a. viijk,' ,i, nooiiun, l.nri r auutill. leutltT. l-.p
wurtb li-aituu lorry Hablmlb ovcuhta nl H.
L. (lUkny, prnNt, Junior Ichkuo .vary Habtialli
.13 n. in.. Miss Muv Pltluus. sliliL Kmoilnr
wrrkly weekly ltruyi.r iiirvilng ovnry TliunMlny
tivnnlus ut 7:ilu. l.uillns Mmlns clri-lo cvnry
iwn wnMs, airs. iKiiuiciiiaii. pnm. Mlsslunury
..H-li-tlrs hums unit turrlirn, nist Krldsy In
unch tmiillb, prosldculs, Mrs. Van Antwerp sad
Mrs. Ilubburd.
PrflSllVlerlan Churrh-ltnv. A H. Vntr n-
Uir. l'nnrblli( at II a. ut. aud7:UUp. m. Sun
day srlirsil at IU a. ui. Y. 1. S. C. Ki, A:IS p. at.
Junior Kmlruvur H.K-lrly at S p. ru Huuilay.
1'rayi.r Bicciinu ua WrducsHluy evolu ut 7
o'clock .
Ilnpllsl cburrh-tl, N. Aunns, Mlur. Wor
ship und prrurhlus ovrry Hurtdsy muralns and
ovenlua nt usual hnuis lor ohun-ta a.rvlos.
Covi-iiaal mtwllnif on HulurdavHt t o'clock nm.
cvcilltiu each llrsl Sunday, Prayer melius on
i.i.iii.m,.j cti.ii, iik. i.npton Toiioif roopies
Union nmuls at U:.WouHuadav uvvalnu1. Hun.
day srbuut si 10 a. in
Christian church corner of Hlxth sad I
street. I'reochlnu' at II a. sa. and 7. p. as.
Uuoday school al in a. oa.: Jartolr lntox,vor al
a p. m.;v. P.H.C. K. ut : p. m. Prayer
niiHinn every -tuunuiay rvonlnir. I.a.ll
Missionary Auxiliary toC. W. U. X. first Thurs
day 1JO V. M. each nuuta. Cueral Unkja
every Prklay nll-ajp. m Tho peopl. w.leo we.
Kll Usher pastor, flesides at the chunk.
Methosllst Kplscopal Church Mouth Her. J. A .
Cratchllcld, pastur. Hervk-ea at II a. ra. and 7 p.
ra. oa the 1st. 'Jnd and ilrd fiahbath ; lUtibaih
Mliool al lu a. m. and Kpworta LcaiueutSp.
rn. every Hukbatb al Meilferd. Hcrvleuson tlh
Hairhath at Hods (spring at II a. m. and Nell
Crrek school bouse al S p. to. A brarty wet
eonse to all.
Mcdlonl Secular Sunday Hobool meets at
Wnolf's halt at tao u. in., evexv aumlav. &frs.
MsllrUle, Sccnitary.
Tbos. F. Oakes, Henry C Payas, Itoary C
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
v. Pwi
Asslstaat Oonorsl Passonitar Agnat.
Nu. KM Morrison HI., cor. TUIrd.
Or W. T. VonKTTl"?' "
9. P. CAHB, Ticket A?,oS?1fOrdOr0,0".
First Niit'l BttDlt, Grunts Toss, Oro
Twenty pages; Weekly; Illustrated.
220 Market 8t., 8an Franoisoo, Cal,