The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 05, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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    a nmcT rT3 inrAi .
n virvi vi a-ivrwraa4
I l.i 1. 1 1. i- i ..i -
On Thursday evening of litttt week
llniA.O. I), W. 1(1(1 ko of tills (illy,
gave it vory pleasing ouliirtaliiliMilit lit
thu opuru house, Thu objoi.'l wliluli
liutil ii f lo lliu dihmihIiiii wild it desire to
bring out u uooit crowd to hum' u loo
turn liy the grand Icultirur of tint statu,
I), U. llnrrlii, uuii liy these inoiiiiH pos
sibly augment lliu iiiniiiliui'Hliii) of tho
Modniru lodge. Tim entertainment
consisted d( u uouplu nl musical soluo
Lion by thu I'lilimir-MoiiUiif no oruhua-
"Irit, uUo a oouplo ol llku auluotlona by
tlm Blininuns orchestra; uooruotsolo by
.toll ii Mnntaguu; a moltulion by Minn
May Murrtiiian; a piano duel by MUbok
draco OdtfUi'H and Urooo Aiuunn, autl
following th In on -address by tlio grand
leoturor. Mr. tlurrlu tit a vury pleas-
lug speaker and In thoroughly oonvor
mint with all thu details of the work
Inu and management of lliu ordor. Ono
' ikiIiiI was explalucd, apparently satis
factory, and that was tbo nmttor of
fraduatlon of assessments, which, whllo
t lliu not taken plooo In Oregon, it has
in soma otlmr states, nnd to those unln
, foraiud soonis an Injualloo, especially
to tbu oldur nioiubora of thu ordor.
Mri liurrln uxplnlnud thu objootof thu
niovu nnu th 8 1 instead or Doing a noiri
mont to thu ordur It hitd proven a bono
III, u, uiidur tbo now ruling un unuituul
Inorooso ling boon mudu hi membership
in slates whore adopted, but if It bu un
I iippitronl . prusunl birdun thin would
Huon bu ovoruotno by tho luorttaso In
tnmnborahlp. Ho well did thu gunllu
man handle mutton, mid 10 ubly did ho
expound tho virtue of tbo ordur tlmt
tmforo leaving tbu ully, uvon appllca
tioua for iiiuiubomhip wuru takun.
If your ro In doubt un to wburu to
buy your grooorlus, oull on Wolturs!
' und u what hn can do for you ho
bu a largo atook of ataplo nnd funoy
grooorlnt at prions that oan't bu beaUm.
Walters In aA rlif lit on cookery, too.
Hay, roister, ho l soiling lot of this
sorto' waro, ,
Not In tho history of Med ford has
our pooplo buun mora thoroughly and
pleasantly entertained by local tulunt,
than at thu onturtalniiiunt given by
Mia Hllaby and hur olasa of .vocalist
it tbo opura house lost Friday evening.
Tho raiting of tbo curtain rovoalod to
tho partlalpanu In tbo oiilurlalnincnt,
u woll llllud house, coinimscd of the
olltu of tho city, which loomed to give
tboin an iuooiitivo to reward thorn for
tholr manifestations of (food will and
that tbulr offorla wore fully aiionuaaful
woro strongly evinced by thu many
burst of huarty applauso whloh fol
lowed tho rendition of each of thu wall
chosen, manifestly appropriate and de
lightfully rondorod numbers, Ono of
thu moat conaplounut features of tho on
tcrtalnmunt waa tho vury marked Im
provement mado by the aovoral mom
bora of tho class aluco tholr laat public
appearance lo Modford, and many wore
t tbo words of commendation spoken of
tho olllolonoy of Mlaa tillsby an a vocal
inalruotor. That tho singers thor
oucblr ooioDrebondod and dominated
tbo situation was apparent la tholr
every movement, which was aooonv
pllahod with thatooay aolfpolao that la
the mark of the mastor , The strolling
mlnalrola' part In the oatertalnmuul
was woll taken and was a fitting finale
to aa eminently suooesaful evening's
OQterlalnmont. '
Farm to rent Mrs. J. O. Johnson
ba for rent thirty acres of land, upon
which are a largo houso, barn aod
other buildings. Ilarn is full of hay
wu Ion will bo som lo party rontinu
Land ono mllo from Modford. Must
bo mated within a week,- -,
Farmer I. W. Thomas dropnod into
TIIK MAIL shop Mondnv and wbllo. un
dorgolng the usual reporter's "pump
a i t ' 1 , ltw m.yri I h m Infnpm&llnn wu
gleaaeiil that his son, joe, and Cbas.
Bowman had but roconlly located a
quartx ledgo on Palmer crook whloh Is
100 foot wldo and assays t.SO.27 to the
too. A number ol sacks ol tbo rock
woro sent to tho SUby amoltar to bo as
savod: romirt shows the abovo flsuros.
Tho gold taken out waa of suoh an excel
lent quality I ho SUby pooplo offered
S3) per ounco for all of that kind whloh
could bo ml nod. Tho boys also have a
good placor mlno noar this ledgo whloh
they are at work upon.' It was only
about throo or four hundred rods
below tholr placor mlno, on whnt la
known as "Ton Dollar liar" that ' wny
back in tho Mt something llko an hun
dred Lib namon took out a lortuno in
gold tor oaoh of thorn, attar whloh they
roturnca to tnoir uativo tana.
Absolutely miro. perfectly harm'
Iohs, and invariably rellablo aro tho
iuaiilios of Ono Minuto Cough Curo.
r. ..! i .. l.i,. .1 l,.nn
i. uoyuu lUlin III uuiub, uiuup nnu iuiik
troublos. Children llko it because it
la ploaaant to tnko ana it uoips mom.
Chas. Strang, Modford; Dr. J. Illultlo,
Central t'olnt.
Horo Is tho Bohomo adopted by i
Willamette vallov (armor for the ox
termination of eophars: A six inch
bit of fuM with ono end burlod in
bit of minor shanod llko a cnndlo and
two Inches In length, la the Implement
of doatruotion that is to go for tho
gophors. Insldo tho papar tnnro is gun
powdar mlxod with othor ohomlbals
that whon oxplodod produce carbonic
acid gas. Carbonio gas kills every
thing wilt kill a man If ho bo shut up
In a room with It and It will kill gophors.
Tooporato tho oxtorminator tho fuso
Is llghtod and tho paokago Is lnnoriod
In tho gophor hole, Tho oponlng to
. tho underground pnssngo la fllod
quickly with dirt and thon tho powder
explodes. ' Tho oarbonlo nold gas in
groat quan titles is formod and tho
gophor InhaloB it and ho don't have
timo to do anything olso but dio.
Tho longth of Uto may bo Increased
by lessoning nsaanagcrs. J. no major
ity of pooplo dlo from lung troublos,
Thnan mnv ba averted bv nromntlv us-
Inir Ono Minuto Cough Cure. Chas.
Strang, Modford; Dr. J, Hlnklo, Ccu
trul Point.
It is about this season of tho year
Hint tho mill Is aro burdonod with tons
nnd tons of olroulurs and ontaloguus
from olty dopartmonl sloros, These
aro Bont to pooplo In tho country in
hopes' of raking in all tho ennh In sight.
Some pooplo will do proolsoly as ro
quoslod liy thoso department storo
illaliors, hut whon thoro Is produoo to
. soli nnd posBlbly a fow dollars' worth
of goods td'bo bought on orodlt It is
the liomn mnrnhnnt whom VOI1 CO to.
Thoso olty storos arc your Irlonds just
as long as your oaBh holds out. I t Is
tho local Storos that tako an lntorst in
your wolfnrc, You ought lo stand by
w ,,--- -
S) 1,1 1 i I . 111 i'.i3
them. Clianoea aro oven up that you
oaii buy hi ohouply of thum as In the
iillh'ii whon all tho uxpunso Incurred Is
Why suitor with coughs, oolds und
lugrlppo whon liUxutlvo Uropio
giilnlno will ouru you In ono day. Put
up In tablets convenient for taking.
(JuaruntiM'd to euro, or moony re
funded. Price 2.1 cents, For sulu by
(Jlins. Strung.
W. K. Chusu. hu who bus been
teaching school In tho Urlllln orook
district, haa purchuaod I HU uorus of
land, located In tho foot-hills, In tlmt
looullty, from Jua, ltldgo, consideration
tlOOO, Mr, nidge who arrived horo a
oouplo of weeks ago, has relurnud to
lilt homo al Ilonsvlllo, Illinois, but ho
has promised by all thinga sacred to
return next fall, bring his folks, buy a
farmland huuouforlh bo ouo of us. lie
la a Hue giinlleinun und wu will all bu
triad whon be fullllU his promiso.
Thoso pooplo who have purchased tbo
farm are strlotly all right und. good
cl tl.ons and they'll linprovo that farm
most mightily, if frugality and honest
toll oan acoompllsb it, ' : '.
Poll TltADK! Farm In Ijiasdn Co.
Cullf., lo oxuhuugii for Med ford town
or farm property ul u groat burgulu.
Hue Wayne Jones Si Co., bctwuou bunk
aud poaloUluo, ', , ;
WJio wouldn't run a newspupor?
wo are in reoolnl or a orouosition irom
a Kentucky dew oulllt offering genuine
llukur, presumably gunruniouu u con
talu tbo usual number ol sorans oar
Kulloii, half nayment lo be mudu In ad
vertising, while the bulunoo will be
klndlv accented In cosh. Tho cash la
shy a fuw point right now and our
uppollto for rod Itckur has wanod soinu
whul of late, In fact it has novor boon
cultivated to an alarming degree. Tbla
assurtlon may seem wholly an untruth
bocuuao ol tho reputation printers in
geiiornl carry with thorn, but In this
instance too writer pitaus guuty w
being a ourlo. ' ; .
To restore gray lialr to its natural
color aa In youth, cause It to irrow
abundant and strong,' there la no better
preparation Ibun Hall's lialr Kencwcr.
P. M. Slowart. one of our host
fjrowors of excellent fruit, has leased
lis farm to D. M. Warden, a former
resident of tho Appluguto country, and
possession will bo ut onco gl von. Mr.
tilownrt bus leased ono of T. V. West's
residences ou North li street and will
move to Mudford with his family and
horo reside for a tlino al least. These
aro the kind of people whoso coining
is gladly bulled by all our townspeople.
The farm property whloh Mr, Warden
bos leased eontu Ins ninulv sores, fifty
or sixty acres ol which are planted to
trult. ? -'::.. ......
Lost A bueev boot, bolwoen Mod'
ford and Talent. Kinder will please
leave It at Lumsili-n & llorlln s irrocery
store. J. VV. Wiley, Modford, Oregon.
We (rood friends of II. L. .Gllkey.
which gentleman Is now a travollng
salesman for a Duluth, Minn., hard
ware firm, will bo pleased to note tho
young man's record for bis first month
on the road. Tho firm has oor forty
salesmon on the road and In the report
mado Mr. Ullkoy stood eighteen on
sales mado, that Is, sovoatcen of tbo
forty sold more goods during tho month
than ho did, and in the oxponso report
only fourteen pullea tnrougn too monin
with a less oxponso to tno urm.
For sale One. good seoonod hand
baby carrlacre. Knuulro lit Jack
Morris' Second Hand storo.
"j J. W. Wiley, tho shipper of wheat.
cattle and anything clso that will bring
monoy Into tbo valley, has purohasod
thu Lumsdon St. Berlin nroourtv. ro-
contly purohasod by thorn, on Wost
sovonm airooi. ana win vaice poasessinD
of the same soon. Mr. Wiley, wo are
pleased lo loam, has dooldud that he
can find no bettor plaoo than Modford
In whloh to locate permanently, and
has mado up his mind to mako this his
home for all tlmo. Tbo prioe paid for
tho proporty was aiouu.
Trv ono of thoso five cent Multno
mah Club cigars at tho Palace smoke
them once smoke tlieui always.
Thu now school board hold tholr
first mautlnir Tuosday ovoninir of this
wook, to consider tho situation of tho
district and to agree upon a plan ror
tho maintenance of tho Bohool ut Its
nrosont hlch Btundnrd and at the same
tlmo curtail oxponsos so as to keep
within the bounds of tho Incomo of tho
dlstrlot. . It will bo a pleasant rolloc
linn la laarn that tha now board are 00'
tlrelv harmonious and thai they will
labor In unity for the best Interest of
tho district. .
For Salo and Trade Eight lota in
Mcdford, team, wagon and barnoBS.
0. P. Buck, Modford.
' From tho Jacksonville correspond.
out to tho Ashland Tidings: "Mr,
Uooreo Morrlmun, of Modford, who 1b
a candidate for deputy Internal revenuo
oollootor of Ibis district under tno now
administration, spont Sunday in Jack,
sonvllle. Mr. Morrlmun Is woll quail
Hod for tho position and Is also ono of
tbo many deserving representatives oi
his party who has nevor noon in omcc
and his many friends hopo that ho will
bo nonoroa Dy tho appointment."
Now Is tho tlmo to uso SarBiipa-
rllla, Dr. Scott's. Al HukW drug
J. N. Hookorsmlth formorly r&
. . , ! .. , A . I . . 1
SllllIlK Hour luuuiuru. uuw ui isumiiu,
haa boon In Modford rnoontly having
an oporutlon performed upon ono of
his oyos by Dr. Goary. Mr. Hookor
smith has boon having troublo with
his oyos lor somettrao, nnu a tow
monthB ago Dr. Geary successfully
operated upon ono of thorn and now tho
othor ono 1b bolng similarly treated.
Mr. H. ox poets to movo to tho farm
again this spring.
Matches ono com per bunch al
Lumsdon & Uorlln's.
C, D, Walrath has sold his prop
orty, on South C Btroot, to John Cox.
Mr. Oox, wo undorstuno, oontomplutos
building on tho proporty nnd will
probably oooupy tbo sumo. Mr. Wal
rath will lcuyo for Yroka, Calif., soon
whoro ho will ongngo in tho salo of
pottory nnd Btorooptlcon vIowb, whloh
buBlnoHB ho has previously been en
gaged In. Tho price paid by Mr. Cox
for tho real ostuto v9 MM).
WatcboBolonnod an 1 wurrantod for
ono year for Prltoburd, the Jowoler.
Tho oonnty oommlBasoncrs lwvo
sout out printed Instructions to nil
road supervisors of tbo oounty. The
Instructions aro very oxpllolt and
strictly to tho point, oovorlug all the
ground necessary for tho supervisors
In the iiiiinaguniuut of tholr road work.
If these are followed out there will bo
little need for trouble ut tho uunuul
settlement time.
Tlio best live cent ulgiir iiiuilo Is the
Miilluomali 01 lib you got them ut the
C, H, Ryder, formerly llvorymau
at Cenlrul Point, bus traded his busi
ness ut that piuoti to John Morris for
resident proporty In Modford. Mr.
Itydor Is suld lo bo ubout us much of a
Vunkeo dlokeror us Is the renowned
Jaolt Morris, and this being tbo case
ho is open for dickers ut any and all
times. Ha bus tukon up bis rosjdonoe
in Modford.. , ! , . u
" For Trndo--Klght lota in Modford
for learn, . wagon, harness and some
eash. 0. P. Buck, Modford,
Itoports from the several postofllcet
In tho United States during the past
few months show a dooroaso In the ro
oolpta, Mudford's postofHoo, bowovor,
Is not among thoso with tbo decrease
hltohed to tnotu as tbo receipts for Jan
uary, '07, were ovur twenty dollars In
excess of the receipts for tbo same
month In 'Wl.
Tho reported salo of tho Cameron
nlucor mine which Is going the rounds of
Southern Oregon papers is somewhat
prematura." No suoh salo has been
nude, but there Is a prospective sale
in sight. When made tho foots con
nected therewith will be noticed in
-Word from A. A. Whltomun, who
now ut Auburn.' Calif., is to the
effect that since leaving San Francisco
ho hud been tukon suddenly worse and
that for a fuw days his life was de
spaired of. A more recent letter, how
over, states that ho Is somewhat Im
J.' E. Knvart. tbo local ugont for
tho Great Northern Hallway, tlckoted
Mrs. Unas. Milton and Mrs. 8 M.
Noathammor over that popular road to
Advance, Indianu, last weok. Ho also
ticketed Jus. itidge, of Or 1(11 n creek,
over tho sumo rood to Kossvlllo, Illi
-Mort Foster has engaged bis ser
vices to J, A. Whitman for tho ooming
season, us salesman for tho Crescent
bicycles and Studubukor wagons. Mort
Is ono of tho very best young mon in
tho city und as a salesman of any kind
ol wares bo Is excelled by none.
Mrs. S. Willis, nco Miss Snow
Autenrloth, has many friends and rela
tives hereabout who will bo glad of
tho opportunity to congratulate nor-
sell and husband upon the advent Into
their home ol a One girl baby, on Feb
ruary lum, at itosoburg.
- Dr. Plokol la making dally vUits
to Ashland to attend Mrs. E. V. Carter,
A surgical operation was performed a
low weeks ago ainco wnicn time tho very
olosoat attention has been nocossary.
The lady is s'owly, but surely regaining
usual ner good health.
Thoro is another happy home in
Mcdford, the same being that of Geo.
E. Webber, the instructor in bookkeep
ing. Tho event which brought this
gladness waa tho arrival of a girl baby,
and tuo dale was Tuesday oi IMS wsox
Last weok our Big Sticky oorros
Dondent reported Mrs. True Cox seri
ously 111. Tbo attending physiolan,
Dr.. Goary, states that this was an
error as the lady is now, and was at
mat timo, recovering irom nor liinoss.
..1 , . WII A, UD .WltlVHiWI T, i. U , U .
chased ine uodiord Drawory and ice
plant, loll lor Portland Monday even
Ing, where it is expected a company
win do organizeu u operate me uusi
noes in this ally. ...
Tbo many frlonds of Liveryman I.
A. Mounoo, wbo has been seriously III
tor several weeks, wore glad to see him
on tbo streots again this week. Mrs.
Mounoo, who has also been very ill, is
muoh improved.
Beek it Co. have just received a du
plicate shipment of those elegant locks
and ottings which gave so muon satis
faction to purchasers last yoar, together
with several new designs ror the pres
ent season.
Tbo Holtnoss band has leased I
part of the second story of the Rostel
Hamlin block, on South D street. These
peoplo hold meetings nearly every
night, whloh are bolng quite well at
tended. J. II. Butlor. tho pain tor and
paper hanger, than whom there are
none hotter, lost week beautified the
Interior of. Hon. J. Ii. Stewart's new
city rosldcnco with some of his elegant
S. H. Sykos, who ownos a fine farm
near Phoenix, and wbo left here a few
weeks ago for California, is now at
Campo, that state, where he has Bey
oral months' surveying employment.
Dr. B. F. Adklns has added materi
ally to tho appoaranco of his already
vory pretty homo, on North A street,
by tho erection of a now fenoe, on two
Assessor Grieve has chosen his
son, W. T., anil T. W. Bryant as his co
workers in assessing tlio property of the
county. Work wus commenced Hub
Three hundred pounds of boot soed
were ordered this wook by tho mer
chants of Modford for tree distribution
among tho farmers of the valley.
J. W. Hioklo, of Central Point,
has locatod In Modford and has ononod
a watch repairing shop In A, M. Wood
ford's toed storo, on C street.
Wo rogrot to loam that Mrs. J. C.
Hull and llttio child aro confined to
tholr rooms at Hotol Nosh with an at
tack of mooslos.
All kinds of garden seeds in bulk
ohoapcr than they oan bo bought by
sondlng away lor thorn at Lumsdon &
Last Saturday tbo Southern Ore.
goo Pork Paoklng Company shipped
n i. n ..I .1 nf .i 1 1 .i (1 mnat ii Snn liS-ntw
M, S. Damon lias hie now rosldonoo
on South A stroot onolosoo and vory
soon it will bo ready lor oaoupanoy.
SouBii'a band, of forty-olght pooplo,
passed north Monday night, on routo
rrora Ban frunoisco to t-ortinna.
At tho last mooting of tho dlrootors
of tho fair association uruggist u. Jl,
Husklns was olootod treasurer, , ..
Tho now voralon of "Go to tho .ant
thou sluggard" Is, go to Noviida you
sluggers. , ,
Bonrdloss bnrloy for salo at tho
food Btore of J . R, Erfoid,
Medford'i Annual School fleeting.
Tho regular annual school olootlon
was bold ut the school houso In Mod
ford last Monday ufUirnonn and was at
tended by a Inrga n urn her of Interested
taxpayers. Interest In the meeting
hod boon growing upuoo for several
duys prior to lh Jute of thu meeting
und every Indication gave promiso oi
un unusually Interesting time, l'ho
mooting wus culled to ordor at 'I o'clock
by tho chairman, Dr. K. P. Unary, and
after the reuding of tho minutes of tho
previous meetings and reading of the
clerk's annual report of the finances by
Clork Gurl T. Jones, a number of
speeches were mudu In advocacy of in
dividual opinion as to tbo best manner
of conducting the school on a basis that
would result in a diminution Of the In
debtedness of tho dlstrlot and at the
same time retuln tho oHlolonoy of our
educational Institution. Several reso
lutions wore also introduced bearing
on thoso points, among wbiob was one
requesting the dl roe tors to not pay
more than IUO our month to the princi
pal or more than $50 per month to the
vloe-Drlnolnul or more than the wages
now being paid to tbo subordinates,
and also a resolution requesting the
directors to not contract for a longer
term of school during tho coming year
than for whloh there are funds to nay
for same. Thoso resolutions wore bbtu
passed by a viva voce vote. There
woro several boated debates ovor tho
adoption of the resolutlons-as first in
troduced, which contained the word
"required" instead of "requested," but
after tho word "requested" hud been
substituted for "required" all opposi
tion w mem was wnnorawn. Alter
this came the election of a director to
serve three years and a clerk to serve
one year. D. E. P. Geary, the pres
ent incumbent, and W. D. Beidleman
woro placed In nomination. The vote
resulted In tho election of Mr. Beidle
man by a vote of SO to 24. Garl T.
Jones and Cbas. Strang were placed In
nomination ror cioric. rne vote re
sulted In tho election of Mr. Jones by a
vote ol ol to 30. The bond ol the clerk
was Increased from MOOO to 112,000.
Following Is tho clerk's annual report:
Clerk's annus! report tor dlstrlot No 49. Jsck-
aoD wouDir, ureion. Marco i, irvi.
Itocolvsd former Clerk 3 87
Hpeclsl tax, BMW
" County apportlonmX lsos OD
" , Staw " loss U)
" Tuition. tilVi
" Bale of stoves 6 60
bit)) 37
Paid for rents,..
I 110 33
WO 07
. " insurance,
" Kurnllure
' Janitor
M Merchandise,
" Labor
" supplies.
" Wood
' Clerk
' . Loaned building toad,
u Advertising:
" Rebate oadouble tax,
" Interest paid K. IL
. " Hardware.....
" Lumber
" Oradlsg grounds,
' Teachers' warrants,..
Balance on hand
ZW 31
127 OS
17 S5
5 2.',
65 9S
17 76
iso oo
' 70 SO
. V 09
1 36
HU 60
M 40
6 01
16 00
aoe 68
46 86
f 6820 S7 16830 17
Warrant Istued curing school Teareommena.
Ina March s. isuo. ending aaroa i, ievr :
,.t6M SO
.. tea us
Inotdeaui luna...
87861 38
Credit by.. ..
' Tobllan'i
.1 1838 27
SOU) 11
',,"r C-. - .17051 m 7861 38
iHoaanons. ...
Warrants unpaid I 8015 11
One warrant laraed la 1896,. - 46S 96
' Total oalstandlot warrants. 8371 36
Notes out landing ,. 18000 00
- Total Indebtedness,................! 96471 86
Sept. 12. to, Koyal Ins. Co..... 1775 77
JJ. " Continental
3000 00
9000 00
7600 00
3000 00
70 80
9 16
Oct. 80, " Westchester"..
Not. IS. " R. H. Whitehead,
Mch.7. "86 "
Juna 6, " iBoldedtal fund...
Deo. 9, O. W. Priddy
117348 TX
Paid contractors.
113579 88
" Wood house,
" Architect ;
" WMorganCo
" TJSFCo..n
" Labor
" Adverllalng
" Blacksmluilng
" Tiling
' Extra Plastering
J Cut Stone
" Plans for Heatlnit
J D WhltmaD Supt
OW Prlddv
School Bell..
" Window Shades
" Setting Black Board
831 36
330 38
13 80
. It 46
38 86
' 386
87 00
19 SO
60 00
112 00
2)0 83
36 00
63 85
41 26
iron uates
Extra Painting
Front Walks
KepalringOld Well
Rent for HE Church....
Furniture (tabtes.chalrs)
Fire Alarm .
48 J5
75 00
63 78
136 00
17348 72 117348 72
Of tho warrants drawn on the Incidental fund
during 1886 and 1887 the following amounts were
used to oompioie new aonooi oouau anu lis ap-
I s F Co.. desks, etc. 1486 29
W Morgan a Co Heating 4
nrllllni Well...: .'. 134 50
Grading Oraunds M 44
r.umher for Walks and ete - 27 91
Hardward 83 85
Maps 5 00
Step Ladder - 2 CO
iv Morgan at no, i, low -tuo .
J3898 87
Add Building fund 17348 79
Tnl nnnt Rnhnal HniiRn and nnnotnt
mouta fMHi on
Garl T. Jonks, Clerk.
A oasual glance at tho above report
would rovoal an apparent deficiency in
the oost ot the sohool for this year, but
by carefully scrutinizing tbo exhibit it
oan be plainly seen that instead of a
deficit for the year there Is really a
surplus. Tho cost of conducting the
sohool is $5152.51 while the funds on
hand, after borrowing a.'uus.Bi irom
the sohool to apply to oost of furnish
ing the building, are $51)20.37, leaving
a balance of 1767.50 above the expenso,
whloh added to tho (-2698.87 borrowed
from the sohool fund would have re
sulted in a surplus of $3466.37 over and
above the actual cost of oonduotlng the
sohool. Of oourse there Is to be paid
out ot the surplus the interest on the
bonded Indebtedness, whloh will, on
ncaount of the expenso of furnishing
tho sohool houso, leave a dofioit of a
small amount.
All Hum bra of the Blood. '
From tho small plmplo to tho dreadful
scrofula soro, aro ourod by flood's Sar
saparllln, whloh thoroughly purlllos,
vitalizes anu onrianos tuo 0100a,
Hood's Pills euro nauson. sick head
aolio. Indigestion, biliousness. All
druggists. 2oo. .
. All kinds of wnnd for salo. Lonir
wood, short wood, hard wood, soft
wood, SOI
wood and just plain wood',
& Hill, draymen.
HaB a now line of those famoua Mc
Donald working Hhirts, that arc full
length, full .width, proper ahapo,
double Btichod and cheap. Alao
some new laundried shirts
Men's $1 hata a
P, S. Gents!
If your tailor
1000 samples
a nt, tneap
Hon. IT. B. Miller, president of the
Agricultural college at Corvallts, ac
companied by Prof Cordley, etymolo
elst for the college, and E. F. Pernot,
electrician for the college, wore In Med-
ford Wednesday and Tbursaay ot (bis
week, in tho interest ol toe college.
Prof. Cordley delivered an illustrated
lecture on fruit pests at the opera bouse
Wednesday evening to a good sized and
appreciative audience, and much useful
knowledge to fruit raisers was gleaned
from bis talk. On Thursday afternoon
President Miller delivered a lecture on
sugar beets. This subject is one that
Is just now interesting pretty nearly
every one In Jackson County, and was
Miller delivered a lecture on the Agri
amii ftttenaea. - in me eveDinif sir.
cultural college, Its workings ana me
benefits of an Industrial ednoatlon, with
stereopticon views of the college and
its lurnlsnings, '
An ordinance appears elsewhere
in this paper with reeard to obstruct
ing alleys and sidewalks and the tying
of norses to awning posts, etc. xne
sidewalk obstruction part of the ordi
nance is a little severe on some of our
merchants who are in the habit ot
making a display of goods in front of
their places of business, it would
seem that on a twelve foot wais: a
ouole of feet ot space might be given
them lor atsoiay purposes ana not
interfere with travel. Our streets will
bo like Sunday every day without
this display. . 1 . . :
Miss Trresa Tye, a middle aged
lady, who arrived in Phoenix from Cal
ifornia about two months oeo. was ex
amined before Judge Crowell last Wed
nesday and declared Insane; she was
taken to Salem the same evening by
Deputy Sheriff Wlok and Mrs. E.-De-Heboam.
Dr, W. S. Jones was the ex
amining physician.
Bovden & Nioholson and the Great
Northern RaLIray each have a new ad
in-The Mail thia week. The former
are telling of their superior cook stoves
and ranges.
-The Jackson County Bank shipped
2500'a worth of gold dust to San Fran
cisco Wednesday.
A Tribute to Worthy Family.
Gone to California: yes. Bev. Jenkins
and family bare left us, and we leei
to say Hediord'S toss is saunas- gain.
White we were loth to elve them up,
vet we are elad that Salinas has been
so fortunate as to secure tne services
of suoh an able man as Bev. Jenkins.
He faithfully served the Medford Bap
tist Church fifteen months, and on ac
count of failing health, resigned the
work, to rest up mat ne migm again
take ud the work of the ministry when
restored to health. The Church re
gretted very muoh to give him up.
They leave us with best wishes from
not only the Church but the people' ih
general, who held them in high esteem.
Salinf.e may feel proud with such a
valuable addition to their city.
J. M.
Hay for Sale.
Fifty tons of alfalfa hay for sale at
market price, at DHlori' Hill's place
near Medford.
i j, I
don't patronize travellnz atrents.
can't suit you in clothing Ibave
you may select from, and guarantee
iook at tnem. w,
In Memory ol Mrs. Etcher.
Mrs. Kancv Ann Grigsby-Eicber, de
parted this life February 26. 1807.. after
0 brief lllnesa.
, bister isanny, as she wag often called,
was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8.
Grigaby. She was born on March 7,
1877. All her life has been spent in the
neighborhood of her birth. Her child
hood, her youth and school days were
known of all neighbors and friends. She
was married to Charles Eicher Dec. 24,
1893. In her demise she leaves a hus
band and a little son eighteen months'
old. .
There is hope while kind friends and
loved ones are mourning her loss, she
dies in Christian faith - and hope.
She was converted to Christ nearly two
years ago, having; cast her lot in with
the Pilgrim band then working in the
neighborhood. Funeral services were
held at the home, near Central Point,
and the remains were put to rest in the
Central Point cemetery to awaken
again on the great resurrection morning.
Text for funeral services : Hosea, 13,
14, "I will ransom them from the power
of the grave: I will redeem them from
death; O death, I will be they plagues;
0 grave, I will' be thy destruction; re
pentance, shall lie hid from mine eyes.
- A Fbik.vd.
From Cripple Creek.
After the big fire in Cripple Creek,
1 took a severe cold and tried many
remedies without help, the cold only
becoming more settled. After using
three small bottles of Chamberlain's
Cough Bemedy, both the cough and
cold left me, and in this high altitude
it taxes a meritorous cougn remedy to
do any good. G. B. Henderson, editor
Daily Advertiser, r or rale ov ueo. a..
TTiuilrtna. rlnio-o-lRf '
Notice., ' '
.Having been appointed assignoe for
J. W. Lawton.I will proceed to sell, at
reduced prices, the entire stock of har
ness, saddles, bridles, halters, lap robes,
whips and everything carried in stock
and covered in assignment by the said
J. W. Lawton. -.u.;,
' Medford. Ore., Feb. 8, -1897. .......
T. P. West, Assignee.
For Sale Cheap.
One fish net, 185 feet long, good as
new, will sell for less than the. twine
can be bought; alao strong wire enough
to put in a fish trap. I will give pur
chaser the benefit of my experience. .
Address C. E. Knotts, Gold Hill, Ore
Bon. ..... . ...
They Want the Boads Severed.
The following- divorce suits have this
week been filed with the county clerk :
C. E. Hubbs vs. Sarah Hubbs.
J. B. McGee vs Olive J. McGee. ' '
rt. u. mock vs. lizzie fli. biock.
Mary E. Fries vs.'Christian Fries.
He Wants to Borrow $550.
I want to borrow t6o0 on S2o00's worth
ot real estate. Will pay 20 per cent in
terest If note made payable on or be
fore one year. Address or call at Thb
Mail office, Medford, Oregon.
sells"0 GROCERIES,
Now has In stook a fuU line of the beautiful ....
Dinner sots. This well known brand of crockery .
has no equal In quality and finish It's tho best 1 '
tableware on the market,,... .
My stock of Groceries was never more com
- ploto than right now likewise my line of
confectionery, oigars and tobnooo ....
Seventh Street, ' -