The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 11, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    -T 7 T- r-TrT' T-'-) his parents here, he will leave for
Frank Wait made a business .trip
to Clausson tnis week.
D. Merritt. the Gold Hill merchant,
.wa in Medford Saturday.
Wilbkkt Ash pole, of Eagle Pointy
rwas in Medford Tuesday. "!
Attorney "W. I.' Vawtek made
Grants Puss a professional visit this
R. A. Cook, of Sterling, was among
. the Medford callers and traders this
Miss Hattie Buss returned last
week from a visit with friends at Ash-
Mrs. THEO. CAMERON, of Jackson
ville, was paying Medford friends a
visit one day this week.
County Clerk and Mrs. G- A. JaCK
r son, of Jacksonville, visited with Med
ford Meads last Sunday. v
F. M. Reed and Johx White, of
Applegate, were doing business with
our merchants this week.
Capt. J. C. T. Nash returned last
-.week from an extended visit at his
- Victory mine, near Leland.
Willie Isaacs, left Wednesday for
- a couple of weeks visit among friends
and relatives on Butte creek: v
Mr. and Mrs. N.' DeLemetek' and
Mrs. Logan, of Kerbyville, were viait-
ing Medford friends this week. .
H. N. Holtan, of Beagle, was in
Medford a coupie of days this week,
doing business with our merchants.
Mark Watkixs, the postmaster at
Watkins, this county, was a pleasant
caller at The Mail office Thursday.
Benson Norberry, was in Medford
viast week from his Prospect, farm
. upon which he has but recently ' made
final proof. ,
Mrs. B. N. Butler returned last
week from a few days' visit with her
.daughter, Mrs. R. J. Everetts, at
Grants Pass. . . ; ,
T. K. Roberts, the ex-Gold Hill
Miner publisher, was in Medford a few
iays this week. He is now engaged in
.mining on Applagate.
Mrs. BROWS, of Pendleton, stopped
voff in Medford Monday, to visit with
' Sir. and Mrs. J. W. Bates. The lady
was en-route to San Francisco.
H. E. Cooper, of Grants Pass, was
in Medford this week upon business
connected with the E. AV. Carver es
tate, of which he is administrator.
Martin Cole, who has been in
Alaska for some time engaging in
miming, arrived in Medford Tuesday
to visit with his father. Dr. G. B. Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. MORINE were in
rMedford Monday from their Table
Rock farm, calling upon their many
friends here and attending to business
Mrs. Alstead. of Harrisbjrg, this
-stale, who has been visiting friends in
Medford and Ashland for the past two
months, returned to her home last
J. W. Martin was up from Gold
Hill Saturday visiting his several
friends, amou whom are aU members
of Medford Lodge No. 83, 1. O. O. F.
of whom he is one.
A. N. Sayre left this week for
Grants Pass where he will sell his
JCure-AU-Medicines for a few weeks.
He meets with considerable success in
rsales when on the road.
-Captain A. C. Smith has returned
it rem the Applegate country, where he
Ehas been engaged in mining during
the past summer and fall. He will re
main the winter hereabouts.
Mis3 Mellisa Cannon, who has
been In Medford for the past few months
engaged as trimmer at the Fair millin
. ry department, left for her home at
Albany last week to remain for the
winter-J v
J. A.; Williams, who resided in
. Medford about a year ago, but who has
' been stoppiug at the Josephine county
-.copper mines f or the past several
months,' returned tor Medford Tuesday
So remain during lbs winter. --.
John Osborn. the carpenter, re
turned from Yreka, Calif., last Friday
evening. The gentleman has been em
ployed at carpentering in the above
named town for the past couple of
months, nnd will return again in the
.spring. ......
3. J. Martin, of Gold Hill, was in
.""edford last week upon business. The
-i gentleman has charge of the construc
tion work on a dam for the Black Cban
u nel Mining company, wbich is being
. . put in on Rogue river a few miles be
llow Gold Hill.
- F. C. Ladd was down from Prospect
last week. The gentleman is steadily
improving in health and he figures
i thai re another year has been and
. .--rone he will be quite himself again
and but a little worse for his unfortu
nate mining experience of sometime
- ago.
Farmer J. H. Brantner was
: un from Applegate this week visiting
his numerous friends. He is stop
ninff with Wr.and Mrs. P. H. Ov-
; iatt. Mr. Brantner don't feel in the
i .least uneasv as regards TheMail'S
" -'here to stay" qualities. His .sub--
scription is paid to April '98.
sons-in-Hw of N. R. Johnston, have
moved with their families to the .Ap
plegate country .where they will eb
sraere in mfning. They have already
commenced the erection of buildings
at the mines and propose to everlast
ingly turn out-the yellow metal during
.the next tew montns. -
P. M. Burleigh arrived in Medford
Tuesday from Grants Pass, and will
make his home in this city. Mr. Bur-
ieigh's family are at present located at
Enterprise, Wallowa, county, but are
, -expected to join him here as soon as
. -changes in their present -business af
fairs will permit. One of Mr. Burleigh's
dons was a representative in the last
legislature and is now publisher of the
Aurora, a populist paper at Enterprise.
Frank SumELKR.who left Medford last
summer on his bicycle for a tour of Cali
fornia and other adjoining states, re
turned home last week. He reports hav
ing traveled over 1700 miles during the
last four months, and of this distance he
rode his wheel all the time. lie also
ays of the 1700 miles riding through
the mountain districts of eastern Oregon,
Northern California and Nevada, the
Aerritory covered by him, he never had
a mishap with his wheel not even a
puncture. After a few weeks' visit with
fornia to re-enter the Berkley university.
J. C. McCULLY, for man at the Cin-
naoar mines, spent Monday in iviea-
ford, renewing old acquaintances, tie
has neen at the mines several years
except a few days in each year when
he visits his folks at JaoKsonvuie ana.
in consequence, he says, that many of
the old familiar faces that he formerly
knew have disappeared during his
absence. He will not return to tne
mines this winter, but will . probably
engage in mining near Jacksonville.
Hon J. J. Howser, representative-
elect, is in Medford this week visiting
his many friends. The gentleman
will be at Medford, Jacksonville and
Ashland for about a week before leav
ing for Portland, where he will visit,
prior to the convening of-the next state
legislature. Any person in the county
having bills they wish introduced or
who may have suggestions to make will
find Mr. uowser at one oi tnose places
and ready to give them any assistance
possible, tits neaaqusrters are at ea
ford. Olaf Rye Bjkrregaard, of Pros
pect, was in Medford last week. He
had with him a photograph of that fa
mous bit of wood work of his. The
work is. that of a farm scene cut in
wood, or rather, cut out of wood and
placed again in position and bedded
into a large slab in such shape as to
form a most beautiful picture of farm
buildings, fences, stock, men at work
in a crrain field, a flower garden, barn
yard, enclosing stock, a young lady
seated upon a horse, evidently herding
the stock, a stream of water trickling
down through the fields, a train of cars
nafasine near the front of the bouse,
and back of the farm is a background
of mountains, some Of which are stud
ded with huge fir trees. There are
9203 pieces of wood in the scene.
and there are over 100 different varie
ties which were procured from nearly
every state in the Union some from
the old countries, it is mree leet ana
ten inches by four feet and seven
inches in size and represents eight
years of work at odd spells which the
gentleman figures would equal two
years of steady work.
Mongolian Pheasant.
Notes Gathered from Around the Tablet ol the
Medford Business Class.
Last Friday week we moved our
quarters to the Lindley building,. room
three, where we are now nicely and
comfortably situated.
On Tuesday evening of last week, ouf
"Foreman" being ill, was unable to at
tend the class, but having plenty of
work laid out for us, we got along finely
The students of our class are showing
a great deal of interest in the work, es
pecially when in the ledger, because
thev have learned that to make a suc
cess they must depend upon their own
It is really hard to say who is entitled
to the most credit in finishing up our
second set. All worked hard and all
balanced their books, but if there
any distinction of credit, it is conceded
and penmanship.
Del. Hazel and Robert Beaver were
in our midst-one evening recently as
visitors. Mr. Hazel is taking a busi
ness course in the public school, and
we are pleased if he found anything of
interest to him around our table. Those
who are interested in our work are al
ways welcome to visit us. waiter
Ferguson, trnest lressier ana lien
Brown were also visitors upon this
same evening.
No person is qualified to successfully
carry on any business who has not a
practical knowledge of accounts. We
occasionally hear of some man making
a grand success in business .who could
not write his name mucb less keep a set
of books in a systematic manner. Such
cases are rare exceptions, however, and
he who has in him tne elements ot suc
cess and had he possessed a thorough
knowledge of accounts and commercial
transactions his possibilities would
have been greatly enlarged. The man
who trusts to his memory lor a record
of the transactions of business life is
sure to loose by it and to have the un
pleasant experience or having some ac
counts disputed. This does not apply
alone to men in the mercbantile pur
suits but to every one who has dealings
with his fellow men. We firmly be
lieve it is every boy's, duty to get as
thorough an education as possible, but
a practical business education is indis
A Noted Optician Corning.
In harmony with a promise in a
recent issue of The Mail, 1 will give
in brief my experimeute witb these
noble game bird and my ideas as to the
best method of stocking the beautiful
Rogue river valley. In the fall of
S94 I had some correspondence with
lovers of the rod and gun concerning
putting out in Bear creek valley
some five or six pairs of these birds
I was then living in Polk county, in
the Willamette valley,, and the birds
were quite abundant in the wild state.
After much inquiry I secured the
refusal of six pairs of these birds at
the net cost of two dollars a pair, this
was thought to be tocThigh a price for
birds that were so abundant. There is
one quality about the bird that makes
it high, priced, annougn aounoant in
numbers, that is the astuteness of the
bird and its idea of self protection.
He will not enter a trap ana in con
finement he is always shy and timid.
Many of the birds offered roc sate are
those captured during the last hunt
ing season with slight wounds, often a
crippled wing. This class of birds as
usual thing give oniy aieappoim-
ment to their capturers. Many pea
Die secure the eggs of the wild bird
and place them under a domestic hen.
The eggs hatch in twenty-three days
but in many cases the owner only has
left the empty shells for his trouble,
the little chicks having, the com
mon saying is, "run off." Ignorance
of the native habits of the bird is
nartlv the cause of this loss, but leno-
- .. . ... , t i
ranee upon tne part Ol tne odd is aiso
the cause, while ignorance upon the
nart of the chicks adds to the difficulty
r . . . . l
Now the common nen aoesnot Know tne
lanpuara of the pheasant chick, nor
the chick the language or cluck of the
hnn. What la to be done? Simply a
nuestion of making acquainted or in
. . . . Li.
traduction, as it were, ana a on oi
bird laneuage to learn. Here the ex
perience of many shows failure. From
the many iaiiures irom various causes
it has been given out that the birds
will not lav in confinement and that
eggs laid la confinement are not fertile
and will not hatch, furthermore, that
the chicks when batched will not stay
with the common domestlo hen. lliese
same difficulties are given forth con
cerninir the ouall, the native pheaa
ant, the blue grouse and the prairie
During the summer of 1895 I had
only one pair of Mongalians confined in
a coop. Sxl'J ieet. uuring tne season
onlv secured nine eggs two were not
fertile and seven had chicks in them
nnarlv readv to batch when the leg
horn hen, brooding them, deserted
tho nest. So nothing was accomplished
except to establish the fact that the
eggs would have hatched under proper
circumstances. I lost tho hen shortly
after by accident. I at once wrote to
Mr. Casper, mv friend at Dallas, to
secure for me three hens, perfectly
sound and well and with good wings
After much difficulty these were fouud
and delivered at Medford at a cost of
$7.75. For 1890 my coops were-en
larged and small groves or shelters or
young firs and cedars were planted in
the yard. As a reward of my care and
attention the three pheasant hens laid
191 eggs during the season, only one
of the birds offering to set. This one
bird was much disturbed ' but brought
off three chicks, leaving seventeen
eggs in the nest most of -which were
Anr.tA In hfr newt bv the Other
birds and wouia nave natenra 11 ;
brooded on the proper lepgth of time.
Now for results in setting unaer tne
common hen. First hen set witb fifteen
eggs, staid on her nest twenty-one days
and stood up the next two aays re
sult, filteen dead chicks within two
days of hatching. iecona nen, given
... i . . .Ll.l..
UI teen eggs, navenea fourteen caic,
ooedid in hell. Third ben, given
twenty-one eggs, hatched sixteen
chicks, two died in shell, three addled
eggs. Fourth nen given twenty-one
eggs, hatched fourteen chicks, three
died In shell, four addled eggs. Fifth
hen, given twenty-one eggs, naicnea
twenty chicks, oue died in shell. This
fifth hen killed ninteen chicks as fast
as they pipped the shell only keeping
one alive and was happy with the one.
but on third night tramped it to death.
This made ninty-throoeggs and twenty
others under pheasant total US: thir
teen addled eggs and a number dead tn
ahnii This hrouirht to the extreme
hot weather of July, August and;
September. All the eggs laid dur-
Ine the hot wentner wereeitner auuieu
or chicks too weas to natcn.
Well, my brief article is long enough
so I leave experience with chifks and
best means of stocking tne valley lor
next week. E. F.
Meeting of American Bible Society.
The regular annual meetiug of the
Jackson County Auxilary of the Amer
ican Bible, society was held lueMia.'
evening December 8. 1SK5, in the M. K.
ohurch. Rev. Fisher, president, be-
lnT ill. Rev. Gittcns presided and
the following business, after religious i
services, was transacted: j
The minutes of the previous meeting
aiul those of the special meeting, tf
July, 1SSK5, were reud. corrected and
apporoved. Tne report of the treasure
and depositary were received and. or
dered spread upon ine minutes.
Arter a brief address by llev. lletzler.
calling attention to the changes made
by the parent society and an enter-
change of views as to methods? ana
needs ot awakening interest in tne
work, on nionliou th; annual elect
log of officers was held and. resulted
as follows:
President of the Jackson Oxwtyi
society, S. S. Pentz: vice orexiUeni,
resident pastors; secretary..! ,. u;. tj-ioru;
treasurer and depositary. G. H. Has
kins; executive committee, J. It. Er-
ford, G. H. Haskins. O. U. weoo,
Harvey Sayre and Mr. Grixcli.
Key. Usher reported lull payment oi
$2.50, being amount of pledge of
Christian church for 1-S95. There be-
ig no further busincus before tho
meeting on motion thu- meeting ad
journed to meet in the Presbyterian
church, in the vear 1897.
S. S. Pentz, Sec.
J. H. Miller's Shoe Store
And examine hiiexcellent line of Buekinham & Heck's
boot and shoes. There is positively aot a better article
on the market than the goods-made by this firm ..
While these -jeoiU are an exceptionally nnod value I ata selling tbem
no higher than other dealnm ank for lnforiorooUK. SB's a little trouble
' to chow kocUb but I waot you to trouble me. All good warranted...
: AT Tlye Faija- Store, g5lforr !.':.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With local application oa Uiey cannot reach
the neat of the disease. Cataarh is a blood
or constitutional disease and in order to cure
It vou must take Internal remedies, tiajra
Catarrh cure Is takan Inwmally. and act dl on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hals
Catarrh cure Is not a quirk medicine. It was
prescribed by one of the best physicians la
the country tor years anu is a regular prescrip
tion,. It Is composed of the best tonics known,
combined with the best blood purifiers, acting
directly on the mucoos surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredient U what
produces such wonderful rerults In curing
cat irrb. Send for testimonials free.
F. 4. Ciikxkv & to. lTops., TOieUO, o
Sold bv drugolsts. TSc.
Hall" Kamtly'Vills are the best.
Among the Churches.
In Our Show Cases;
This. Week .
rJcQOBR Such a carvers,, from the cheapest
aeaBaua to. the. A.Lsx a fine line of silver-
raKT" ware,, plated kraves and. forks, child's
riPr-ci sets,, spoons, ete. The- finest line of
Divine service will be held in St.
Marks church on Sunday evening next
at 7 o'clock. All invited to attend.
Rev. J. A. Outchfield will preach
next Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Epworth
League at 6 p. tn. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all to attend these
The inimitable, witty and eloquent
evangelist, llev. E. A. Ross, will bepin
a meeting in Medford December :
hen the church overflows tie will po
to the opera bouse as before. Dont
miss a single meeting-.
The Southern Pacific railroad
company has paid into the Cali
fornia state treasury $275,3-10 as
the first installment of its this
year's taxes.
Ih". Mark "Wilzinski, a noted scientific
optical specialist from San Francisco will
make a professional visit snort i v. rne
doctor is one ot tne noted scientific op
ticians of America. lie tests, examines
and corrects the most complicated and
difficult cases of Amytropia, and extends
a cordial invitation to all amicted ' with
defective eyesight to call npon him for
consultation free of charge. Special at
tention given to ladies and children. As
he will remain only a short time, it will
be policy to call early. Appointments
can be made for special examinations
His location will le announced in .tin
paper on his arrival.
Farm to Trade for Oregon Farm.
A well improved farm In Central,
Nebraska, to trade for an Orejron farm.
For further information, call on or ad
dress, J. P. Moomaw, Kagle Point,
City Council Prodceeings.
The adjourned meeting of the city
council met Thursday evening-, Decem
ber 3th, and transacted the following;
Bill of F. W. Walt for 804 for stone
crossings carried over to next meet
Bill of Wells & Shearer for eighty
cents per drayage allowed.
Jretition ot J. U. Uall lor liquor n
cense allowed and S. Rosenthal and E
Wormau accepted as sureties.
Request of hose comnnny for a lamp
for hose house referred to street com
Special meeting was held Friday
eveninar. Dec. 4, for purpose of chang
ins date of holding city election. Date
was changed from Jan. 5 to-Jan. 1
Bill of F. W. Wait for stone cross
insis reduced from $94 to $38 and al
School Report--District No. 75.
We nnblish below a retwrt of deport
ment and general average of the pupils
in school district No. 75.
Deportmt, Gen. Average
Carrie Tlce 1M
Maggie Tice.... W?4
Ralph Tice W
Irene Tlce W
Helen Churchman W
Jennie Churchman "S'-e W
Elite Kdsall tW W
Cecil Edsall . W
Ida Squires "
Roland Squires frt
Millie Dickie T
Susie DicKie 1 W
Clarence Maker 'X VI
Jusner Maker V7 W
CMcnr Stinson I fl
Murj-Stinnon w
Out Slinson IN I
Slellit stlnnon W 9i
Wm Cottrell w
Dave r-ottrell V W
ruylor Cottrell w w
Makie Cottrell, Teacher.
Mr. Geo. Churchman, in his letter
nccomanvingthe above report, nay:
"Miss Cottrell taugiit a very success
ful term of school and certainly merited )
the encomiums of the patrons. Slie is
very capable, etllcient nnd conscientious
in the discharge ot all (times devolving
upon her in her chosen profession.
With experience she will become one of
Jackson county's best teachers."
Major C. T. Pic ton is manajrer'of
the State hotel, at Denison, Texas,
which the traveling men say is oue. of
the best hotels in that section. In
speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy, Major Pie
ton s;iys: "I have used it myself and
in my family for several years, and
tnko pleasure in saying that 1 consider
it an infaliblo cure for diarrhoea and
dysentery. I always recomnund it,
and have frequently administered it to
guests iu the hotel, and in every case
it has proven itself worthy of unqual
ified endorsement." For sale by Ceo.
H. Haskins, '
Suporior job printing Mail ofllce.
He Fayortte Bone Qemetlg:
For all diseases caused by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach.
'Keep it always in the house and. you
will save time and Doctor's Bills, and
havt at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
If you feel dull, debilitated, have frequent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe
tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SIM
MONS Liver regulator will cure yoa!
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feel heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
needs cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER
J. H. Zeilin Jb Co rUUUelphl.
And slake tho appetite with
the succulent bivals fresh
from BerneieU Bay, served
to suit tho most fastidious ....
Fine Candy and Cigars
a Specialty ...
D. I. WALDROOP, Prop'r
bbSb' sheass and pocket cutlery in the city.
JaU on us when
buying Christmas
riwacri goo. Cotes Air-Tight Heaters,
the- best wood heating stove at any
in the market still uoing as
fast as ever
Boyden & Nicholson
racar.. r.aca3
flOWED UflDES ... Q
And will be until the end of the year.
Santa Claus has established headquart
ers at our store, and has left with us one
of the largest assortments of Christmas
goods ever shown in Medford. There's
books for old and young, toys of all
description, too numerous to mention,,
dolls by the wholesale and a thousand
and one things that we can't enumerate.
Call and select jour presents while our
stock is complete .....
Mc Andrews Block
THE iffl PiEI ....
For Groceries here; that is, net so much a they cost in
most other stores. My stock is complete, and besides
I have anything you need iu
Holiday Delicacies...
Have you tried any of those Sultanis raisins? they
are the best that grow. Then I have orange and
lemon peel, citron and nice, clean currants. Perhaps
haven t tried any oi our oaring powuer ui
kind vou get a nice doll
with at every purchase
i j l t
you uau ucur tj v iu
1 Mv prices are at the
bottom notch
Trouble at The "Racket
T. Kame is responsible for it
" and
He has booted Georffo Webb not painfully, but verv agreeably
and ho is prepared to boot jou in like manner. His first invoice of
Has arrived, and the poods are now ou sale. A better stock in this
lino was never shown in Medford and the prices are low ....
SEE Kame, AT THE RACKET for good values
Call and see the-
Oliver Chilled Plows,
Steel Frame Harrows,
Disc Harrows, Etc.
Get Legal Blanks-The Mail Ofllce