r OUR COUNTY Correspondents Eagle Point Eaglets. the BY A. C. nOWUETT. Mrs. SinClair has gone to be euests of Win. Gregory for a days. Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Gregory were visiting friends in Eagle Point last week. Mr. Ormiston was the guest of Mr. Morine Wednesday , night of last week. August Myer and wife were in town Monday attending to some le gal business. . There . is considerable activity among the stockmen gathering their cattle to feed. Mr.Vau.Dyke has moved his sheep on to the Reese creek range. Jas. Watkins has charge of them. Tuesday of last week Doc Parker, of Upper Rogue river.passed through town on his way to the county seat. On Mondav of last week V. C, Daley, of Upper Little Butte, was smiline on his many friends in Eagle Point. Mrs. Geo. Clift, living near Med ford, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Hardenbure. on the Harbaugh place. - Walker Lewis informs me that Mr. Herriott, of Evans creekntends to move his saw mill to the timber on the head of Elk creek in the spring. n George Hoyt, who has been buy ing cattle for a company in Oak land, Calif., took a band to Siskiyou county last week, returning Wed nesday. He reports considerable snow on the mountains and lots of mud. , Last Sunday there was a game of foot ball between lour young ladies and four young gentlemen on the Eagle Point ball ground. The boys had to throw up the sponge and admit that thev came out sec ond best. There was considerable of a stir in town on Tuesday of last week on account of a law suit that was on docket, but the case was settled be fore coming to trial. John Oben- chain, Ora Hayes, Wm. Chambers, Jr., Wm. Perry and H. L. Ish were in town on account of it as wit nesses and plaintiff and defendant. On Thursday of last week Mrs Howlett eave a quiltine, and of course a dinner. Those present on the occasion were, J. J. Fryer, wife and three daughters, Mesdames SinClair, Thomas, Geo. Morine, and Martin, of Upper Little Butte. Those who could not quilt sewed carpet rags, and it is needless to say that we bad a way up time. - Wednesday of last week there was a surprise party and candy pul ling at J. J. Fryer's. .- About forty of the neighbors met and pulled candy, danced, etc., until after midnight. Those present report having had a jolly good time. And on Saturday night a crowd of ourJ young folks met at the residence of Geo.Monne (this was a genuine sur prise) and brought the sugar, mus: cians, etc., and you can guess the result. Candy, music, dancing, play mg and in fact everything that goe: to make life a pleasure. J. P. Moomaw is digging a wel on his place. His sons, tfenj, and Joseph, have it down about twenty five feet, most of which distance re quired blasting. Recently Beni was at work at the bottom of the well when a rock came loose from the side and in falling struck him on the" side of the head with such force a3 to render him unconscious. When he regained consciousness he called for help and was drawn to the surface where an examination revealed no broken bones. After the blood had been removed from his face he returned to his work at the well. A young man with the nerve and ambition of this one will never die in the poor house. And not very easily any place else; eh, Uncle Dick? Ed. Geo. W. Heckathorn and wife were the guests of your correspond ent last Sunday, and as usual the subject of The Mail came up, and Mr. H. remarked that he did , not take it because he could not shake off the county he had been taking, although he had paid for it and ordered- it discontinued more than once, and I read to him the law on the subject, see Hill's Code, page 1829, and thy result is his family will read The Mail for the next ear, and the wife went home happy for she says she would rather have The Mail than all the other papers in the county, because it has such host of correfnondents, in tact if people want to know anything they go to The Mail to look for it. To show the advantage of a little notice put in the Eaglets that (eo. Hoyt had found a coat on the road. The paper was published on Friday and the next day 1 met a man and ne asked where he could find the coat, and today IT sent an ad of a farm to trade from J. P. Moomaw, and the result will be in a very - short time the trade' will be' made. Climax News. THE AlITOuKAiM' CRAZE, It Has Taken On the- Semblance of a Malady. L'agcrnt-sg of Collectors to Conatnntly Keep Adding to Their Store of Fatuous 8Icnatnrc8 A Les son for HuntvrH. Among tlie many iiinltidit-s of Uiis ro ii oration is that of the mitorapli pi'f- na- ,i INGENIOUS BIRD. Miss Mary Moore is reported very ill. Harry Worlow made a flying trip to Ashland one day this - week. A. W. Clemens and H. Worlow have completed their log way and it works very successfully. James Worlow and Jesse 'Bun-. yard, of this place, are now engaged in a wood contract in Medford. The dance of last Friday night was a successful one. All who at tended seemed to enjey themselves. A Thanksgiving dinner was given at Mr. and. Mrs. F. A, Peil's, all who attended had a cracsing good time. Miss Marie and Geo. Cottrell, of Roxy Ann, were the guest of Mrs. M. E. Worlow and family this week. Miss Laura Turpin and Bertha Wyland were also the guests of Mrs. Worlow and family one day this week. Griffin Creek Gatherings. licnil, evinced iu the liui,t;risj usui ,-:stent iH'titionirur for detached rures of ail sorts of pewns of nitre or U'j-s contemporary fumr. l:i jvaiously j;-ii:ircied albums these zralous collec tors will paste their ntitm-s on ntuMy "naves for keepsakes. In tlii sped- is. cf course, not to foe included tlie hon est autograph fra-therer, who., for'lit miry or historical research, shelves nu-. topniphnl manuscripts of tlie celeforiti. of the past or present for t he bcuefit of students. These have their pwnlinr intrinsic value of authenticity and hi-. osrnphical, hi.stork.-nl and scientific im port. And what can t here lie more at tractive or venerable than xt be yellow sheets, with their paling characterR of the handwriting: of the great npirits f mankind, in which they w illed to pos terity t-heir thoughts and feeling, their discoveries and theories, their joys and sorrows, their hopes and fears? There has jmt been published in fac simile the. testament, of Lu.lwig- von Beethoven. It is impossible t scan these pathetic and txeim'ndoti!--ly pon derous lines and letters of the pmt master without emot ion or companion. With the key to his oft-niintmdcrstood life, they give us tho key to his art, however much both may at the first sight appear to stand in inesplainablo contrast. UiMler date of October 2, 1802, when he waa only in his 32d year and about the time when he com pleted his cheering and melodious symphony io D major, while himself in itespnir over that . incurable trouble which obscured his whole existence, the vounsr composer made his will. He had closed with th:. life, but not w'n'i j his art. which only fruited and ripened through the hifrbest etTorts of which j on Queer Performance of Feathered Renldeot of Somali Land. The honey bird, of which we saw sev eral during our travels in Somali Land, is well worthy of mention as a natural curiosity, says u writer in the Nine teenth Century. It is a little gray common-looking bird about the size of a thrush. It first forces itself upon the notice of the traveler by flying across Ms path uttering a shrill, unlovely cry. It will then sit on a neighbor ing tree, still calling and waiting for him' to follow. , By short, rapid flights the bird will lend its guest on and on, tiii after. awhile the traveler notices that the bird has stopped its onward course find is hanging about among a certain hnlf-dozcn trees. These being visited one after another, and careful ly examined, the search will be re warded . by finding a nest of bees in one of thert. The probability is that there .will be honey in jt. I have never known the bird mistaken. .It is a Blat ter of. honor .with the natives to .set -aside a good portion of honey for 'the bird. Altltough -this action of the honey bird is an established fact of natural historyi it is none the less un accountable, and it would be interest ing to know' whether he ever tries to entice quadrupeds also to assist him in obtaining, his much-loved honey. RATES FROn... $i to $2 PER DAY L. HAni.LTON "... PROPRIETOR . Medford, Oregon Tho Nf sh is one of the most popular hotels in Southern Oregon, and no pains are spared for the, comfort and accommodation of guests. Everything about the housi "STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Free Sample Rooms M-hJ- THE HOTEL BAR is always supplied with the very uvi uru-iius in winu, uquoi s ana cigars .... THE VERY BEST OF BRICK AND MASON WORK. Si. CHI LD ERS, No cat in Maine probably had more need of her nine lives than did one in a Monmouth, store recently. The large oat bin in the rear of the feed store, holding an even car load, had just been tilled, when the cat, chasing a mouse, went down head first between the par titions of the bin, eight feet, to the floor beneath. There she remained on her head for 13 days, or until, the oats having been removed, she was discov ered. Tabby is now alive and well and just as eager for mice as ever. Internal ' BY PHILOMELA. F. K. Bellinger was visiting Griffin creek Sunday. Rev. Broxer will preach here Sunday, 13th, at 11 a. m. Harrv Lofland has returned home from a visit with relatives in Ashland. J. Gordon, of Rogue river, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon here. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guches, who has been seriously ill is greatly improved. A ber.r recently passed through this vicinity, but as no one had lost any bear no one cared to hunt bis fellowship. Enterprise district has decided to have a. Christmas tree at the school house and are already mak ing preparations for a merry Christ mas. . . A magic lanttern show, was given at the Enterprise school house Tuesday v evening.- ; The school children were admitted free and all others were charged an admittance fee of ten cents. A good sized crowd was in attendance and all seemed well pleased. music is capable during the suecwdinu' 22 veurs that "envious fate had mi. I for him in store. Most touching strains of lianimniou resignation, won nftt-r the nuist g,-llnnt struggle of a ncble soul, who-depths those near him never fathomed, t-vho from these melawhftly and uJTectionnic notes addressed to his lnrhi-r and heirs. From the first lines expressing his grief at the worid' r.i:scci-rptkii of himself as l)e'-ng "mcnv, stnbbcrt. and misanthropic." without its know ing the heart and the irn j arabk' condi tion of the health of a of "fiery ;.mi vivncions icmiK-ranni .uui iumi , them c4reIUUy pleasures 01 sk-h'it, a iu- i -.i-.. Cancers. TTe have nnmerous inquiries in re gard to S. S. S. in cases of internal cancers, such as cancer of the womb, stomach and bowels. When the dis ease attacks these organs, the doctors generally admit that it ts incurable. We make no boast of what S. S. S. will ! do in such cases, as the following let ters we fed are worth more than vol umes of claims that we might make. It) -1 manufacture a . splendid article of . Brick see samples everywhere about the city Yard one block north of Brewery, Residence north C street, Medford, Oregon. 2 QONTRACTOR and gTJILDEB. JOBBING OF ALL KIISTDS. All work guaranteed first-class. Plans and estimates furniehed t all kind of work either brick or wood. Bills of LUMBER of all kind Blled on short notice. Sash. Door and Mill wo Kind any tain tn tna scape 01 wcoa wore can oe nau on snert soucc of 1 Medford, Orefoi IF YOU WANT A COOK STOVE You run no risk. All druggists guarantee Grove' Tastless Chill Tonic to do all thai the manufacturers claim for it. Waranted, no cure, no pay. There are many imitations, to get the genuine ask forcaove's. Sold by Strang, the druggist. Saxe Creek Items. Norwich, Coss Dec, 30, 1S95. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gevixemexs Will you kindly mail me your book on blood poison, skin diseases and cancer? My mother, 70 to 75 years of ape, has a cancer in the rectum. Two of our best doctors here have riven her up, and say the sooner she dies the better for herself, and if she lives long she will die in agony. While I do not .know that they are wrong in their opinions, I m not sat isfied with them, and believe your S. S. S., if it does not cure her, will at least relieve her so she will die peace fully. I got her started on your S. S S. vesterdav. and what I want of t pet ta 81511111? his j your book is points, as to bathing or plied with all upplica- j injecting. Will be pleased to hear Irom you soon. Yours very truly, ' G. L.CROSGROVX, Box 164, Norwich, Conn. bv dire necessity m eftrly lrf was forced 4to spend his days it; lanoiim-ss and to live as one har.ish"d from hfine.' Reethoven coMtinucs Otc eleiry f his last will to this concluding adagio patetrco: 'Tome. '.hen. diath. when ever thou wilt ! Itol&y I jro to meet thee. Farewell, brothers: 1 txt wholly forprt mr; thnl I hnve not de served of you. for in life I over thought of you ond strove to make yon happy: be "it!" The mosfut:sentniental rend er's eyes ruipht moisten at the "ight of these tcar-tained notes of thus great and yet so unhappy genius. ' , It is said that the old chancellor. Bis marck, would not rnuie, if he com tious for it- bv writinr soerul hour, n day, ven if he. should rvnih the age o( six score, like tho law giver. Moses, who. according to IJcuiernnomy 5:22, was wic htm. uuii'. i iiiiii wimi. j . . . , t. Irom loniou. oujiiaiunip a mi t both autograph hunters and autogra4 Poa't fail to call and see those which I have iu stock, and get prices. A NEW LINE of East ern stoves just received, f Cook stoves from $3 up. Old stoves taken in exchange for new ones. THE SECOND HAND MAN JACK liiS MEDFOKD, OREGON THE ELKHORN CANDY STORE" A fine line or candies, cijrars. tobacco, fruits aud nuts always in stock. Urop in and soe us we will trtat you right. 0. 1 Barter Slop... J. E. HARDEN. Proprietor first i 1 Yon i Ftrs' door south of Jackson rieraerf.bcr the location ilivirkAiith rtf tht himlr. can't miss it when soirg to and j County Back. from the oostomce . . . D. L: DAVIS, Proprietor.... All work strictly firet-claM and guaranted satisfactory. BY CATT. JACK, Paul X. Young, of Ashlauj, is visiting relatives here. The Hillis placer miae is about ready for the season run. James Wilford, of Central Point, was on the creek the other day on bnsiness. E. S. Brooks has received S00 feet of eight-inch pipe from Sacra mento, Calif. R. P. Mency, of Foots creek, was on the creek Wednesday with a view to locating here. The recent rains hasten the miners in their preparations, as in dications point to an early season. A. C. Green, an old miner of this creek, who has been on the sick list for some time, died on the 1st, of consumption. Chas. Morris, of Silverton, Marion county, is stopping at E. S. Brooks' where he expects to work in the mine this winter. The out-put of dust in this dis trict promises to exceed that of for mer years, judging from the manv being made lor new preparations Roasting Schillings Best minig. who have spent most of the summer in prospecting on the Siskiyou mountains, intend to stop hero for the winter. tea in San Francisco costs more than roasting other tea in China or Japan, but it makes tea better. . You don't have to pay the difference, though. It comes out of our profits. We make money in giv ing up profits. Queer! A SchiUHij & Company t72 Lockhaiit, Texas, oct. 15, 18S9 Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., PariH, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possible S gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio. My cus tomers want Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have any other. In our experience of UU years in the drug business, we have never sold any medicine which gave such universal satis faction. Yours respectfully, J.8. Broyne & Co. Sold by Strang, the druggist, Medford, writers, Ls as follows: "A well-known public man. who has an excellent opinion of himself, re ceived not long sir.ee a well-merited re buke. It hnd Ix'en stated that his celebrity knew how to make a ii:on: excellent cup of c-olTec. An epicurean jrentleinan wrote to him courteously nskinpr him for tlie recipe. This request was pronted. but at tiie end of the let ter was the following unique mantes- j tatlon of splendid self-conceit: '1 hope this is a sreninnc reuuest nnd not a sur- i rrntit-niLs method of securing n:V an toerech. To this t'ne country preri' ... . . . .1 i. r... man rvplivii: .vccriu. my num - thcTco.ipe for mnkinff coffee. I wrote in grxxl faith, nnd in order to convince you of the fact allow me to return what it i-s obvious you infinitely prize, but which is of no value to me your auto graph." It us to lie repretted that not only the well-applied rebuke to the "public man's" self-conceit, but. nkso tJie ?ocd coinmon sense, of the English couutry siiuire may bear its fruits. I4iIt:isiori un. Mr. I. Ten llosch writes from Ro chcllepark, N. J., totlurdcnand Forest, snying-: Whenever I see a tree in the embrace of a poison ivy, I take my knife and cut the vine. On the grounds of a few friends, and on my own. I have cut vines from one nnd a half to two and a half inches thick, sometimes at tin; root, and sometimes as far up ns I could reach, nnd then tearing down the stems, have uprooted them with my hands. I have done this at all sea sons. This spring I have already cut out two dozen ivies, and have pulled up many others by the roots, when my hands were torn with blackberry thorns, but I never had a trace of poisoning-. A friend to whom I mentioned my immunity said: 'Of course you are not poisoned because you are dark.' Since then I have been thinking that in the cases of poisoning which had come to my knowledge, the victims had: been light-haired. A yonnger brot her of mine, vho is very fair, has been severely poisoned." KottvricH, Cosx Feb. 6, 1S08. Tbi Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gkxtlemes : When I wrote you the latter part of December, my mother was. according to the honest belief of three physicians, on her deathbed: she could not retain either food or medicine on her 6toiuacb. and it did not seem reasonable to think there was anjthinjr but death to re lieve her. The doctors informed us she hnd a cancer in the lower bowel and there was no cure for her. She showed such vitality for a person to be so near death we thought there must, he Bonietliine to helt her. and IU reading of others being naved by the )- use of your S. S. S., we thought it '. . .. ' , j .1 1. -.- If nnt a,A m wl WUU1U UU UU Uflim.ll iivw ovm ,v to try it, so we iniorniea ner oi ner condition, just as the doctors had in formed us, and left it with her to try your remedy or not, as she saw fit. She concluded to try it and from the first dose or two, she began to brighten up, and improve; she can now get up, dress and help herself, and can eat everything or anything she wants and no distress from it. We all feel quit hopeful that the cancer will pass away in dne time by the use of your S. S. S., which she will now gladly take. You may make this letter as publio as you choose, and the more so the better, as too much praise can not be given your valuable remedy. Yours truly, Geo. L. Crosqkovk. Malarial produces weakness, general dobllity biliousness loss of appetito, indigestion and constipation. Grove's Tastoless Chill Tonio rumvpa the causo which produces theso troubles. Try it and you will be dclifhtcd, 50 cents. To get the Genuine ask for Gkovb's Sold by Strang, tho druggist. TASTELESS ILL Tarn The above Is but a sam pie of the many letters we receive daily in regard to various deep-seated blood diseases which other remedies ds not touch. Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Ec lema, Kheumatism, and Tetter, are ob stinate blood diseases, and only a real blood remedy will have any effect what ever upon them. S. S. S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy and never fails to cure any disease hav ing its origin in the blood, it matters not what other treatment has failed. Valuable books can be obtained by ad dressing The Swift Specific Co., Atlan-ta,Ga. Are You Ooing to Prove up? Parties who contemplate making final proof on their land can stivo a big item of expense by having us prepare their paper, which work wo will do free of charge. Bring or send us tho name, of party making proof, description of land, the names of four porsons who appear as witnesses and the dato upon which proof is to make, giving time IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. FRICOcts. G 4I.ATI A. ILLS.. NOT. Kj, lSSi. rarl Mrdlcltic Co., St. Louis, Mo. Ci.ntlpmen: Wo sold Inst voar. WO bottles of GKOVB'S TASTELESS CHILL, TONIC and htiv htMichl l lifts) KrtHQ alrviidy this yenr. In all our ex--Mirtttiire of 14 rear. In the drutf buimss. hare Dover aold tin tin tele tool rave uch universal satis tauUon as juur Toulc lours truly, AB.SKV.CARa A CO. Sold by Chas. Strang, druggist,Medford I. Vawtkk. Pres. Wm. Sukgeb. V-Pres J. E. Esyakt. tastier. Jackson County-Bank- CAPITAL, $50,000. MEDFORD. OREGON Loan iroorv on apprared security, rrcoive de posits subV-ct to check and transact a frvtiera bonk log business. Your business solicited Corrrpo"lPnts: Ladd & Bush. Salem. A r.r'. t"alilorn' Kiuk. Snn Francisco. Iuitt A Tilton. I'ortiand, Corbia Backing Co., N. Y. THE XEW BRICK ie .... Livery Si I. A. MOUNCE, Fron'r ; Medford, Oregon Front street My horses are jrood drivers and my rigs are new and first class. Horses boarded at reasonable rates BUTLER ...JEWELER MVAV'VC?- . v i-r5?(-J-Jr if Watch Repairing Opposite Hotel Nash Legal blanks at TriE Mail office. Hotel Nash Barber Shop Bates Bros., Preps First class work in all branches of the tonsorial art. Satisfaction ...guaranteed... - HOT AND COLD BATHS TflYliES, ... THE U F tier All kinds of boot and shoe repairing at the old stand at the lowest rates for fine work and best material .... See foot-prints on the side ' walk 7th street, Medford....