The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 27, 1896, Page 1, Image 1

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you want to increase
your Receipts ....
m. r a
Has lost many a dollar for business men.
If a man is judged by the coat he wears,
he is also judged by the letter head he
uses. An artistic and business-like letter
head has frequently been a basis of credit.
It may be looked on as a Rood investment.
Lt THE ftlAlL otiioe fit your busiuess
with a new coat
Advertise you business In the columns of
We will write your ads. for you and display
them better than any other paper in Jack
son county ....
NO. 47.
' 1
ftr. IF
Office in Adkins-.Deuel bit. Medlord, Ore.
Perspective drawings and specifications furn
ished on all kinds of modern buildings. Own
er's interest considered paramount.
Medford, Oregon
t5?Oifice with W. H. Parker.
TJ. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for the State
of Oregon. Postoflice address:
Medford, Oregon.
Jacksonville. Oregon.
Hamlin Block. . Medlord. Ore.
t . AT LAW.
Office in bank bnlldine. Medford. Or
Have the most complete and reliable abstracts
of title in Jackson county.
Austin S. Hammond. Wm. L Vawter.
Office 1. 0. O. F. building, Medford, Or
G. W. White. J. A. Jeffrey.
Medford, Oregon
Will practice in all the courts of the stale.
Special attention given to all kinds of convey
ancing. Notary work and collections at reas
onable rates and remittances promptly made.
Miniag law a specialty. Office on Sevanlh
street, opposite Opera House.
Chromic diseases, and diseases peculiar to
women a specialty.
Office Opera Block.
Medford, Oregon.
Eagle Point, Oregon.
Office Ialow residence.
Office in Childers' Block. Medford, Or
Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
Sundays 12 to L
Medford, Or
Office: Haskin Block.
Has permanently located In Medford for the
practice of deagistry. From a continued prac
tice of over 14 years. I am prepared to guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
Give me a call. Over The Palace.
Ohas. Perdue . . .
Bicycles ripaired on short
notice at living prices....
Shop in J. A. Whitman's
Gits oray ami Wei Co.
Bag-gasre Transferred
Wood Delivered....
?2s Hard and Soft Wood for Sale
J ....Honest Charges
Try us once and j'ou
will come again....
t t t t t
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of tome simple
thtnar to natent?
Protect your Idea; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBURN CO.. Patent Attor
ney!. Washington, D. C for their f 1.8U0 prise offer
and UK of two hundred lnrentioni wanted.
Superior job printing M IX office.
Elegant Silver Mounted Carving Sets,
Rogers Bros.' Table Cutlery, 1847 brand,
Nichols Bros.' Triple Plated Table Cutlery,
Rogers Bros.' Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons,
Aluminum and Nickel Plated Tea and CoffsR Pots.
To complete .your purchases of our
Bridge oc Beach Steel Uanges
1 I V
Id tlie Sugar Pine Forests ....
JV.V.V.!l,,'',MHlUIl'llMlltMIIMtttlllltlttMMIIMIItll(IMtuit1llltti ftittitlitTititltlttllltl
E Is where K. W. Gray's saw mill is located, and it is by
no means the
s Of which so much has been written, but is ona of much
: noise, as it turns out piles of flooring, ceiling, rustic, sash,
r doors, mouldings, stairs, newels, balusters, cede r posts,
pl shingles, pickets and fruit boxes. They also do all kinds
S lathe and band-saw work '.
Mills five miles below Prospect.
I; Office and yanli. Sixth St., Medford '
Having Had Forty Years Experience ...
Business it is with pleasure that we occupy this space in informing-
the people of Jackson county that we are now fully equipped
to supply all articles needed in the two above mentioned lines.
We manufacturer superior work in store, hotel and office fixtures.
To Make Your Horse
Would be an impossibility, but consult me about a new set of
harness and you can make your horse laugh. The season of
the year is at hand wheo you should be thinking ...
About New Harness.
As that old set you are using Is liable to give out any time"
flail and see my stock of harness and saddlery all lines com
plete, and prices at the bottom notch ....
Ad kins -
maDie ana
Monument, Coping and
M l M II 14- !
Medford Bottling Works ...
There's been a little change in ownership, you see, but
none in the quantity or quality of the goods we carry
they are the best in the market. Imported and domestic
ciears, confectionery and all kinds of summer drinks
always on hand.' Remember the number ....
Medford Brewery and Ice Works
Our Beer is on Tap at Medford Bars
Write to us for prices. There is no better beer on the
aarket. It is brewed from pure malt and hops ......
; n,
R. W. GRAY g
Salesrooms at Medford, Oregon
Factory at Phoenix, Oregon .....
Deuel Block. Medford, Oregon
Sione Works....
Rustic Work ....
I have work in nearly every cemetery in the county.
Special attention given to building trimmings for
specimens see Lindley building. Estimates furnished
on all work in my line. Yard on G street, Medford.
& HIQGINS, Propr'r,
news of the would;
Italy lias effected a treaty of peace'
with Abyssinia and Emperor Menelek
releases all prisoners held by him.
Final adjustment of boundary disputes
nre to be referred to a commission for
settlement. j
The Niagara Falls Power Company
has completed its arrangements for
transmitting power to IUitl'alo, and at
oon Sunday the current was turned
on which successfully ran the street
railroad service of that city.
The French steamship Chateau
Yquem, Captain Roy, from New York
October 30th for Marseilles, has arrived
nt Fayal with her machinery out of
order, her cargo shifted and three of
her boats lost
The Ixeper Hardware Company of
Denison, Tex., has made a general as
signment. Frank Crawford broke jail at Toledo,
0., by sawing his way through the iron
grating at t lie top of the jail and let
ting himself to the ground with a quilt
The CajH Town dispatch to the Lon
don Times says there is good authority
that the indemnity to be demanded by
the Transvaal for the Jameson raid will
not be large enough to cause embar
rassment in any quarter.
A Rome correspondent is assured
that as a result of the I'.isniarck dis
closures, Austria will propose a new
clause to the Dreihund treaties to coun
teract the effect of Fecret treaties.
The I'aris Kappel suggests that Lord
Salisbury's recognition of the Monroe
(.V'ctriue in the Venezuela agreement
will embarrass the settlement of the
Cuban troubles.
A sheriff levied on an entire train at
AVimsboro, S. C, and held it until a
judgment of $109 was paid, that sum
being a claim for a farmer's horse that
had been killed by an engine of the
Alexander S. Clay will le the new
United States senator from Georgia to
succeed John B. Gordon, and U. B.
Pelt us will succeed Pugh of Alabama.
China has joined the ranks of nations
which recognize the new woman. Li
Hung Chang has appointed two educa
ted native women to the woman's con
gress to be held in London in ISO A. The
appointees are Methodists aud were
educated in the United States.
Peter Maher knocked out Joe Choyn
ski in six rounds at New York the other
The Methodist ministers of Chicago
have passed resolutions condemning
the custom of the college football teams
of devoting Thanksgiving day to that
The largest contribution ever made
to a campaign, it is said, was that of
William K. Vanderbilt of New York,
who sent his check to the Republican
committee for $150,000.
The Republcians of Tennessee have
requested the president-elect to ap
point H. C Evans of that state to a
cabinet position.
A grand popular meeting took place
in the plaxa , Santa Ana to protest
against the project now before congress
in Bogota to make the island of Ciba,
near Panama, an asylum for all the
lepers in Colombia. There are admit
tedly 1000 of them, chiefly living in
the interior of the republic.
The sale of the Chicago and North
ern Pacific was held on the 17th, and
the bondholders of the road were the
purchasers. They bid $10,000,000, and
in addition to this they assume two
mortgages, which aggregate nearly
$1,000,000 more.
A dispatch from Constantinople says:
This is the fourth day that Constanti
nople has been cut ofl from postal com
munication with the outer world, as,
owing to the floods, our Orient express
service is interrupted, trains only run
ning from Sofia irregularly.
A correspondent in Managua says
that the Nicaragua!! government has
signed a contract with two Americans
to build a railroad from lake Nicaragua
to a port on the Atlantic coast. An
important land concession has been
A residence has been purchased at
Bolton, Mass., which is understood to
be for the summer residence of Presi
dent McKinley.
AVilliam Foley, a farmer living near
Liberty, Mo., returned home a few
nights ago and found his mother and
sister lying dead in their sleeping
apartment, having been murdered and
the lioase robbed.
At the session of the general assem
bly of Kinghts of Labor James R.. Sov
ereign was re-elected general master
It is quito likely that President
Cleveland will appoint Judge II 11.
Roso of Little Rock, Ark., or Judge
John II. Rogors of Fort Smith of the
same stato to succeed Judge Parker,
who recently died at Fort Smith.
Harvey M. line, bookkeeper in the
Farmers' National Bank at Lebanon,
Pa., has bocn arrcstejl for stealing bank
fund. ' . V. '
Hattie Spafftird, a, servant girl whose
mothor died w bn- sq was 3 years old
and. who was brought u la an orphan
asylum, hat inherited $1,600,009 from
her father, who had deserted his fam
ily yean a ftp tfrhen Hattie. was a child.
lfeliad accumulated a fortune in Mon
tana. Palmer and Buckner carried one
township in Kansas. It is said to be
the only township carried in the Union.
It is asserted that in Charlton county,
Ga., no election was hold on the last
election day, and that the people of the
famous swamp county did not know
there was a general election being held
this year.
Charles II. Elliott confesses to having
killed his friend, Guy Hutsonpillar, in
a hotel at Omaha. Elliott is in jail at
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Waller Foster beat AVells in three
closely contested wheel races at San
Francisco, thus winning the champion
ship of the Pacific coast.
Butte, Mont, miners sortt a contribu
tion to Lcadville strikers and stated no
sympathetic strike was' contemplated.
The steam collier San Benito was
wrecked near Point Arena on Nov.
22d and is a total loss. Twelve of the
crew arc known to have been drowned
and thirteen were rescued by the life
savers. The steamship Mariposa has sailed
from Sydney, N. S. W., for San Fran
cisco with 4XI,000 sovereigns on board.
Archibald Wilson, one of the earliest
pioneers on the Cumstock, died sud
denly in Virginia, Nev., on November
12th. He was a Mexican war veteran
and went to the Comstock over thirty
yea rs ago.
The roads of the Central Passenger
Committee have decided against the
adoption of a 5000-mile interchange
able mileage ticket.
The Southern Lumber Manufacturers'
Association, in session at Memphis, in
structed its secretary to enter into cor
respondence with other lumber associ
ations of the United States to secure
tariff legislation to fix a duty on Can
adian lumber.
A calf lias been issued for a meeting
of the grand officers of the railroad
brotherhoods of the country, to be held
in Chicago, to consider plans for labor
legislation to present to the coming
session, of congress.
A SingajMre, India, dispatch to the
London Times says that a rumor is
afloat to the effect that Li Hung Chang,
the Chinese prime minister, is disgusted
with the treatment he has received
since hi s return from his trip round the
world, and will retire to private life.
As a result of a firedamp explosion
in the colliery of Recklinghausen,
Westphalia, Germany, thirty lives have
been lost
Work on the Panama canal baa pro
greased with much activity during the
past few months. One hundred and
fifty more laborers hare arrived from
the West Indies and hare been put to
work on the Cuteira cut It i expected
that the steamer Castle Eden will bring
another consignment of iO0 laborers
from the west coast of Africa.
The Canadian delegates to the Pacific
cable conference in London have been
instructed to support the scheme only
on condition that the proposed cable
between Vancouver and Australia shall
not touch on foreign soil, not even at
the Hawaiian islands.
The Norwegian Plow Company of
Dubuque has made a general assign
ment The liabilities are said to be
$140,000; assets, $250,000.
A receiver has been appointed for
the wholesale glove firm of I- B. Leh
man A Co. of Chicago. The assets are
placed at f3,000 and the liabilities at
Charles M. Parker, late traffic man
ager of the Missouri Pacific railroad,
has been appointed vice-chairman of
the board of administration of the
Western Freight Association.
Conventions of river and railroad
coal miners to consider the advisability
of demanding an advance in wages are
being held at Monongahela City and
Bridgeville. Pa.
My Sin. '
Stand in the public thoroughfares
gazing at anything real or imaginary,
and tho dozens who gather round you
will multiply soon into hundreds, and,
if you stick to it, perhaps thousands. A
crowd as big as the street could hold
encircled a sign painter tho other day.
They rallied in curious excitement and
dispersed in disappointed disgust.
"My Sin," in huge, flaming letters,
was what tho painter had already
printed. . If ever a crowd was beut on
anything, it was on tho discovery of
what that sin was. They asked each
othor what it might be" and hazarded
guesses, while the man laid by his red
paint pot and brought forth green in
What would the next word be?
The crowd grew so exoited that they
called to tho man, "What is it?" "Tell
us," "Go on," "Hurry," "Paint quick
if you won't talk," until it seemed he
might grow too bothered to print any
thing. But he did.
Ho priutod out in small green letters,
added to the gigautio "Sin" tho sylla
blo "glo," and when the sign was com
plete it read, "My singlo aim is to sell
at nominal profit " Pearson's Weekly.
Chawley Gotrocks My dearest Mar
garet, I love you tenderly, devotedly.
Your smiles would shed
Margaret Never mind tho wood
Bhed. How about a rosidenoe built for
two. Wsahiagtou .Times.
Gen. Eli If. Murray, ex-governor ol
Utah and said to have been the young
est brigadier general in the Federal
army during the war, died a few days
ago at bis former home in Bowling
Green, Ky. General Murray has made
his home at San Diego, Cal., for the
past seven years.
The Santa Clara Poultry Association
held a successful show at San Jose dur
ing the past week.
Miss Lulu E. Mess, late a student af
the normal school at San Jose, Cal.',
who was expelled by the faculty, has
brought suit for $10,000 damages
against the faculty of the school. She
alleges defamation of character in tho
charges on which she was expelled.
James Diffin of Grant county, Or.,
was saved from death by his dog. Ha
had dug into an embankment prospect
ing for gold when the earth caved, pin
ning him under a heavy load. His dog:
set to work scratching the earth away
and succeeded in releasing his master.
The overland stage from Cahto to
Eureka, Cal., came to grief a few
nights ago in the Eel river. The driver
did not know that the stream had risen
with the heavy rains and drove into a
20-foot torrent. The driver was
drowned, the stage aud team ruined
and several sacks of mail washed away.
A party of Bannock Indians from the
Fort Hall reservation are slaughtering
elk, antelope and deer in the vicinity
of Hoback canyon, Wyo., for some
weeks without molestation on the part
of the authorities.
The supervisors of San Francisco
have agreed to let the Southern Pacific
trains run at a greater speed between
Third and Townsend streets and the
Valencia street station. The 'trains
will be run at fifteen miles per hour
between the first two streets and at
thirty miles per hour between the lat
ter jK)int and the county line. J. A.
Fillmore says that the company has
taken every precaution and there will
be no danger to vehicles or pedestrians.
This change will reduce the time of the
trip between San Francisco and San
Jose by eight minutes.
Owing to the crippled condition of
the Great Northern and the Ecerett
and Monte Cristo railroads as a result
of the recent heavy storms in the
Northwest, there is liable to be a seri
ous famine in towns in the Cascades .
flooded districts.
Mrs. Addie Dilts of Redlands, Cal..
an aged widow, was seriously if not
fatally burned by a gasoline stove ac
cident. A new town, Butte City, is to be laid
out near Randsburg, Cat
A study of minerals has begun in
Riverside county's schools.
A tarantula was recently killed at
National City measuring seven inches
from tip to tip.
A good many beef cattle are being;
shipped from Wilcox, A. T., to the Cali
fornia market.
Sixty-four thousand tons of sugar
beets were grown in two counties in
Southern California this year.
The fruit drying building in Anaheim
was broken into recently and sixty
sacks of dried fruit stolen.
The Chino Beet Growers' Union
closed the season's business with a sur
plus of $563 76 in its treasury.
The first machine shop of the San
Joaquin Valley . Railroad is being
erected in the yards at Stockton.
At Phamix, A. T., last week a crip
pled bootblack clubbed an enemy with
his wooden leg.
Rumor has it that the Chinese em
ployes of the Southern Pacific at Tuc
son are to be replaced with white men.
The Guernsey planing mill at Sam
Bernardino was burned recently. The
loss is-over $5000, with insurance of.
Mrs. Annie Shaw, a colored woman
of Hanford, Cal., stepped on a nail and
lockjaw resulted. She died the next
Ranchers at El Cajon, in San Diego
county, Cal., are raising tobacco in
sufficient quantity to ship to Eastern
Mathew Peterson of San Francisco
was fatally shot by H. Klein while the
two men were in a blind waiting for a
flight of ducks. They were on a hunt
ing expedition in Alameda county, Cal.
Sacramento people have been some
what worked up by the appearance of
a strong electric light passing over the
city at a considerable elevation. It is
said to be a successful trial of an air
ship. George W. G. Ferris, inventor of tho
famous Ferris wheel at the World's
Fair, died in a hospital at Pittsburg of
typhoid fever.
The town of Hamilton, Wash:, is a
total wreck from the overflow of tho
Pkagit river. A large brick store felt
In and the stock of general merchandiso
is buried under the debris.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonto ts a perfect ma
terial liver tonto and blood purifier. Removes
bllliousness without purging. As pleasant as
lemon syrup. It ii as large as any dollar tenia
nd retails for 50 cents. To get the ckncins
sk for OkQVK's. Sold by Strang, the druggist.-