w js.eeD Children at Home THE " F NEWS OF THE CITY. As stated last week Medford is destined to have a ladies' band. A number of the interested ones met at A. M. Woodford's residence last Thur day and perfected the preliminary work. They are figuring on purchas ing the instruments of the defunct ladies' band at Roseburg and just as soon as they are received they will commence practicing under the tutor ship of John Montague. The Medfora band boys are lending all the aid in their power to encourage the work and there is no doubt but that the venture will prose successful. There are at present twelve members but more are expected to jo'n the organization in a short time. Those who have already signified their intention of becoming members are Fannie Haskins, Virgie AVoodford, Mamie Nicholson, Edith Van Dyke, Myrtle Woodford, Etta Hollingsworth, Clara Skeel, Jessie Worman, Pearl Hibbard, Jane Hib bard, Ida Weaver, and Iva Purdin. Edith Van Dyke was elected president and leader; Myrtle Woodford, secre tary; Clara Skeel, treasurer. "I've been talking about pretty things in general that is, about ray lovely line of crockery but I'm going to tell you about pretty things in par ticular this 'week. I've just received some of the finest banquet lamps ever seen in Southern Oregon so -pretty that even the most fastidious could but admire. They are cheap as well " as pretty and just the thing you want to grace your parlor table. Call and see them." Wolters, the grocer. Wednesday marked the comple tion of G. P. Lindley's fine new brick, or rather the first floor, which is to be occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, who are engaged this week in moving their large stock of goods thereto. The building is undoubtedly one of the most substantial in Southern Oregon, both inside and out. The main store room is just, an even hundred feet in length, with a forty foot store room in the rear and is furnished with fine counters and shelving. The fixtures throughout are natural wood sugar pine which have been made to glisten like glass by the artistic touch of the brush wellded by Painter J. W. Ling. The windows are of fine French plate glass, furnished by Boyden & Nichol son, hardware dealers. The worfc manship, from the laying of the first brick to the last blow o: the hammer, is as nearly perfect as one generally sees. The second floor is partitioned off for office rooms and these are com modious and well lighted as is all the rest of the building. It cost, comDlete, about 86000. ' A glance at the millinery depart ment at the Racket, presided over by Mrs. Sears, reveals one of the busiest department of any store in the city. - There is hardly aa hour in the day but what there are from three to a dozen customers waiting their turn to be waited upon drawn their by the large stock of new and stylish hats which are always kept in stock. Another fatal railroad accident happened near Woodville last Sunday morning, John McCord, of Gold Hill, being the victim. He was walking on the track and being quite deaf did not hear the warning whistle which En gineer McCarty gave him until it was too late to step from danger's way. When the train was about fifty yards behind him he stepped off the track hut instantly stepped back again, mak ing it impossible to stop the train be fore he was run down. He was picked up and taken to his brother's home in Gold Hill and Dr. Kirchgessner im mediately summoned, but he never rej gained conciousness and died Monday morning at 2 o'clock. An inquest was held Monday evening by Coroner Kirchgessner, at which a verdict wa returned by the coroner's jury exon erating the railroad and Engineer Mc Carthy and finding the cause of his accident to be due entirely to his own carlessness. I am now prepared to do all kinds of gun and bicycle repairing at the low est possible price. Chas. Perdue. A suit has been commenced in the justice court at Ashland against W. M. Oolvlg. M. F. Egleston, Robt. Taylor, S. H. Holt and A. N. Soliss, as mem bers of the Bryan union executive com mittee by E. J. Kaiser, of the Valley Record. The suit is brought to recover 836.75, claimed to be due him from the defendants for printing done during the late campaign. It is stated that the defendants, in the case are preparing to contest the suit to the last extremity. The case was to have been up for bearing Wednesday but has been posponed until Monday of next week. The people here seem to think that sure'y there must be a mistake some place, as the gentlemen against whom the suit was brought are among the best citizens oi the eounty. Highest market price paid for eggs either cash or trade, at Lumsden & Berlin's A. T. Markley. proprietor of the Aloha evaporator, has evaporated about zo.uuo pounds of fruit this season principally prunes. This is about half Your By making it beautiful and pleasant for them. Have you seen those Home Beautifiers in the shape of Draperies, Art Designs, Stamped Goods and Lace Curtains? . . ET" the amount put up last year. Mr. Markley is figuring on getting to gether enough fruit to make a carload shipment. The gentleman has a fine article of fruit aud he ought to do well with it on the market. The Aloha is unquestionably a good bit of industry for Medford and Mr. Markley ought to be accorded a little better patronage by our home merchants than he is get ting. He is not doing any very vigorous kicking as regards this, but the prin cipal so prevalent in our city patro nize each other should not bo lost sight of in his case. Fresh and cured meats, sausages, etc, can now be had at the Westido market, where the lowest market price prevails. Give me a call. Westsido Market, two doors south of the West ern hotel. The memlers of the M. E. church are exerting all their energies toward se curing the necessary funds for building a parsonage for their pastor, and to fur ther help their cause, the ladies of the church have decided to give a Thanks giving dinner;' on Thursday Novemltor, 2tth. Those who were so fortunate as to partake of their dinner on election day had many kind words to offer in com mendation of it, ami they are promised another one equally as good if not letter on Thanksgiving day, as will 1k wii from their li!l of fare, which consists of roast turkey with cranlvrry sauce, chicken, ham and iH'cf.uia-iied potatoes, baked lnans, salads and pickets, cakes, pies and coffee anil tea. Beidlcman & Nicholson can ac commodate you with anything in the harness and saddlery line. They havo a fine line of lap robes, stable blankets and whips. Their prices will posi tively defy competition and satisfac tion guaranteed. Capt. J. T. C. Nash is the proud possessor of decidely ot.eof the prettiest things we have seen in the catalogue of jewelry. It is a watch chain and charm made of pure gold taken from bis mino and the mother pearl of abalone shell. The gold and pearls are in squares of about an eighth of an inch, artistically welded in gold bands and links alternately. The charm is made entirely of pearl, on which is en graved a star, an emblem of the Easten Star lodge, of which he is a member and also the name of Uotel Nash andof the emblem of that hostelry. The chain was made by Jerry Wilson, of Roseburg. and cost $105. Linoleum the very correct thing to put on office, store or kitchen floors.' It comes in eight and twelve foot widths and is serviceable, looks well and don't cost very much considering it width. Get it at I. A. Webb's furniture store. W. T. York, of this place, and Wayne Jones, a recent arrival from Roseburg, have formed a co-partnership for the purpose of conducting a real estate, insurance and loan business, under the name and style of York A Jones. Mr. York has been engaged in this same business for the past year and is thoroughly familiar with the resources of the county ana Mr. Jones has also had a number of years of ex perience in these lines and this, together with their rustling qualities will surely enable them to makethoir new venture a success. They will tempo rarely oc cupy office rooms over Mayor Haskins' drug store. ! Mrs. Hills' Cream baking powder at G. L. Davis' grocery store. You get a prize with each package either siverware or a watch. The powder is pronounced all right. A suit for 8,41. 6 has been com menced by the executors of the Gas- quet estate of the Gasquet toll road tame, uasquet kept the Crescent City toll road and also kept a store at the place. He dealt with Porter, Slessin ger & Co., who acted as his bankers. and with whom he always kept a large ameunt of money. During his illness at San Francisco, he was attended by Joseph Kahn, one of the firm, and just before be died, he drew a check for the balance due him and presented it to Kahn to hold in trnst for his (Kahn's) children. The Gasquet heirs, arc try ing to annul the transaction. A new line of the finest carpets ever purchased for the Southern Ore gon trade has been received by I. A. Webb, the furniture dealer. See them before purchasing elsewhere. Grants Pass Is to have a custom quartz mill soon. Dr. W. H. Flan nagan, of that city, has a ten ton mill with all the nececsarv annurtences belonging thereto and he also has a boiler and engine, at Talent, which be will remove to Grants Pass and place in position lor use. The gentleman has an extensive quartz mine of his own which will furnish him with most of the necessary ore and that, together with what other mines will furnish, he expects to keep the mill in steady operation. He is also contemplating the use of the cyanide process of treat ing tne ore. Cigars, tobacco and candies kept always on band at the Oyster Bay lunch room. just south of Hotel iN ash. In the rush and flurry, attendant in handling the election news last wook, we failed to mention the marriage of Mr. iu. k,. Houston and Miss Inez Stev ens, both of Talent, which occured at the home of the bride's parents, on ACK THE Has just received a nice line of cheap and medium priced .... CAPES and also LITTLE BOYS' CLOTHING ... Never has such values been offered for the money. Call and see them As a Special Inducement we are offering to give away to our customers some of the most beautiful Silverware. Just step in and behold the "llackct" Sunday, October, 23th. The groom is a nephew of Isaac Wolf, of this city, and an honest,-industrious young man, and the bride is the daughter of lie v. Stevens, who performed the ceremony. The wedd ing was a quiet affair, only the relatives of the contracting parties be ing present. They will reside at.Talent. Remember that we are making re ductions in our 'Prize baking powders and giving elegant prizes with them. Call and see the beautiful prizes offered. Lumsden & Berlin. The proprietors of the Ashland Woolen mills are contemplating re moving their machinery to California where they have been offered a large subsidy. Insullicient water power dur ing the summer months entails u con siderable loss to them, which is one of the reasons for the change of location. The loss of this enterprise to Ashland would be delli cult of reparation as it is one of their principal industrial es tablishments. Wanted A good steady boy to loarn a trade. Apply at the Medford Cigar factory. E. II. D.ivis has surrond?r:d his lease of the Mingu farm, near thiscity, and has sold his milk wagon and busi ness to John Prat!, who arrived here recently from Nebraska. Mr. l'rall has also leased the farm and will run he milk wagon in connection with the farming. Mr. Davis has not as yet de cided what business he will engsige in, but will move to Sled ford to reside for a time at least. Rolled barley for sale, rolled on '"smooth rolls." Custom rolling done on Tuesdays nnd Saturdays. Medford Brewery and Ice Works. Week & Orr and F. M. Stewart are loading a car with evaporated prunes this week. The former will load lfi,00l pounds and the latter &HI pounds which will bo shipped to Chicugo. where a fair price is being paid. That the fruit will bring the top notch in price no person doubts who knows of the excellent manner in which these genttement put up their fruit. Wood for sale 1 have 23 cords of fir wood, in Medford, which I will soil at S2.1W per cord. Frank 11. Bellinger, West Sixth street, Medford. The Southern Pacific officials, with their private car. stopped in Medford Tuesday on their regular tour of inspection. They readily perceived that the stock yards wore inadequate for the accommodation of our shippers and ordered two additional pens built. Work will bo commenced on them this week. It is also rumored that an extra sidetrack will be built here soon. Remember that I keep only the newest and latest designs In millinery, and sell at the lowest prices Mrs. Sears at the Racket. At a special meeting of the board of school directors held Monday even for the purpose of considering the bids for grading the Medford public school grounds, Geo. W. Mickey was awarded the contract, he being the lowest bidder. His bid was $19.99. There were several other bids ranging from 123 to SCO. The work of grading will be commenced immediately. Mrs. L. R. Patton, Rockford, III., writes: "From personal experience I can recommend Do Witt's Sarsaparllla, a oure for impure blood and general debility." Geo. H. Haskin, druggist. C. Morris last week traded his east Medford residence property to Rufus Cox for property In Talent comprising six acres of land with residence. He moved to his new home immediately af ter the trade was consumated. Mr. Cox will add seyeral improvements to his property and move his family from nea' Central Point here, la the spring, and make this their future home. All kinds of wood for sale. Long wood, short wood, hard wood, soft wood and just plain wood. Bellinger fc Hill, dravmcn. C. W. Wolters and A. M. Wood ford circulated a subscription paper in Medford Monday, for the purpose of se curing funds to put in a stone crossing from the postoflice to Woodford's feed store. The amoint required was seven teen dollars which was soon subscribed by the progressing citizens and a much needed improvement will soon be accomplished. At G. L. Davis' grocery store will always be found a fine assortment of fruits of all varieties. The reset ads this week'are Deuel & Stevens to which we refer you for fur ther particulars and which explains it self fully ; W. II. Meeker & Co., who are informing you of the continuance of their special hat sale and a lso appoint ing a day for a cloak sale ; and J. is. Van Dyke & Co., who are offering great in ducements in the celebrated kid fitting corsets. Buckingham's Dye for tho whiskers is tne best, handiest, safest, surest, cleancst.most economical and satisfac tory dye ever invented. It is tho gen tlemen's favorite. The socond annual convention of the Southern Oregon Miner's associa tion will meet in Grants Pass on the 16th of this month. A large number of Jackson county minors attended the meeting last year, when it was organ ized, and It is expected, a greater num "BACKET' JACKETS ber will attend this year. The organi zation has a large membership. If you want any of those lino frcsn oysters at the Bay lunch room, you will have to hurry they go like hot cakes. Manager Ulrich, of the Southern Oregon Pork Packing establishment, lias added a steam sausage grinder to the company's machiuery. its average capacity is about 300 pounds per hour. He has also added a steam lard cooler to the business, which makes this one of the most complete packing estab lishments in the state. Why suffer with coughs, colds nnd la grippe when Luxative Bromo Quinine will cure you in one day. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money re funded. Price 23 cents. We are in receipt of authentic in formation that the scholarship in the Gold Hill public school has increased to such an extent that the employment of a third teacher will bo necessitated, and that steps wiil be taken at once to this end all of which bespeakes vol umes for iho excellency of. the manage ment of their schools. A set of broad, cake and paring knives with every cau of Pearl baking powder, and oulv 33 cents. Lumsden & Berlin. John Morris, the second hand man, closed a land deal this week, wherein ho trades tho Taylor property on E street and S-VJO to C E. Stark, of Beagle, for a 160-aoro farm. Mr. Stark wilt immediately move his family to Med ford so that h's children may b-j able to take advantage of our excellent sohool'faeiliUos. Oregou Kidney tea is pleasant to the taste and the mol effective blood purifier known. Sold by Chas Strang", druggist. The recent rains hav done a great deal of damage to the Grand Applegate mining ditch. It is reported that about ten feet of tho bottom of their large dam succumbed to the farce of the rushing torrents, and that it wfil bo impossible to repair it before next spring. The damage amounts to about saw. Fresh milk every morning at the Bay lunch room which can be had at regular rates. Geo. E. Webber has organized a class in bookkeeping. Ho has a class of ten to begin with and he expects to Increase it during the winter, lie is holding forth in the room above the Oyster Bay lunch room, south of Hotel Nash. Mr. vVebber is unquestionably a very competent instructor in this work. A hacking cough is not onlv an- uoying to others, but is dangerous to the person who has It. One Minute cough cure will quickly put an end to it. Oeo. 11. Uasktns, druggist. Dr. J. B. Wait, of thia place, re ceived a letter Monday from his old home in Ohio, conveying the sad in telligence of tho death of his aged father, which occurred at Portsmouth, Ohio, on October 24th. He was 88 year old and had been in poor health for several months prior to his death. Watches cleaned and warranted (or one year for $1 Prltchard, the jeweler. Perry Ellis, of Prospect, purchased from C. W. Palm, this week, lot five in block twenty-two, on D street, and ill build thereon soon, tie is figur ing on erecting a two story brick houwe- arranged so as to enable him to use part of it for a photograph gallery. The price paid for the lot was $290. Excelsior Dye works, Medford clothes cleaned, and repaired. Since Grant Rawlings has met with such phenominal success in the sale of his present ownership county map he has figured ne can anora to mount the maps on cloth, which makes them a whole heap more serviceable and the price is not increased. A fine line of cigars always kept on hand at tho Bay lunch room. Ed. Wilkinson commoncod the slaughter of hogs on Tuesday of this week. The first day's Ruling num bered forty-one. He will continue the killing and salting just as long as the supply holds out. The price paid by him is 92.50.per hundred. Lunches prepared on short notice, day or night at the Bay lunch room. Mrs. Dora Jones, the estimable wife of W. V. Jones, of Woodville, died at her home last Monday. She was a sister of Mrs. W. M. Colvlg, of Jack sonville. The remains were taken to Jacksonville and interred in the Jack sonville cemetery. We are making a reduction In our Prize baking powder. Hore is the place to buy it Lumsden & Berlin. The Medford merchants are adopt ing the method practiced so success fully in the large cities of having special days set apart for . the disposal of some special lines of goods they de sire to disposo of and is proving quite a success. Beardless barley, for 6eod, for sale, at the food store of J. R. Erford. Medford now has three restaurants, the third one having been opened up this week by John Casebolt, recently of Grants Pass. He is locate in the The Ladies of Medford Will be pleased to know that they can get the famous R. & G. Corset and Ferris' Good Sense Waist without sending away for them, and as cheap as they can be had anywhere. E "RACKET" Corse 'KID-FITTING" Style 212, (!) See ) v Smith building, adjoining the Medford Grocery company's store on I) street. Since the election many people in the country are wondering where they are at. It will be an easy matter to find out if they will see Grant Rawlings and purchase one of his present owner ship county maps. Attorneys White - Jeffrey, Dr. E. I Kirchgessner and Architect I. A. Pal mer have each teased double office room; in G. P. Lindley's new fcrick which will be occupied as soon as they are completed. Three arrests were made at Grants Pass last Tuesday for alleged illegal voting. They were each released on furnishing bait in the amount of S100, to appear at the time set for trying their cases. The greatest child siuger, violinist and comedian is little eight-year-old Tommy Purcell, who will appear here with the Schubert Symphony club and lady quartette on November27th. L. C. Coleman and J. Wiley are Preparing to shio another train load of ogs to San Francisco next Monday. They will ship a large number of hogs and cattle during the next month. Speaker Thos. B. Reed, of Maine, passed through Medford Sunday even ing in a special car, on his way hme from California, where he has been campaigning. John O'Brien was taken to Jack sonville last Thursday and declared insane. He was taken to the asvlum last Friday by Sheriff Barnesand U. M. Crowell. M. Bellinger has rented his fine farm to A. Shultz, who resides near Jacksonville. Mr. Bellinger retained WOLTERS, S3" GROCERIES, CROCKERY, AND GLASSWARE Now has in stock a full line of the beautiful .... -e." PANSY Dinnor sets. This well known brand of crockery has no equal in quality and finish it's the best tableware on the market,,... - My stock of Groceries was never more com-, plete than right now likewise my line oi confectionery, cigars and tobacco .... Seventh Street, MEDFORD, OREGON MB R A P WE Offer this week the celebrated ( No. 218 Best one dollar Corset on the market ... cut in the corner .... J.G: & bis residence and will continue to re side there. The band boys gave another dance at the opera house last Friday evening after their open ai- concert. It was fairly well attended. The sale of the property of the Constant estate was not confirmed by the probate court. It will be resold December olh. Dr. G. B. Cole has leased officer rooms in the Hamlin block and will move his office thereto in a few days- Angle & Ply male shipped several carloads of wheat to San Francisco and other coast points this week. The DeMoss Quartette, on Satur day night, at the opera house will be a musical treat of a life time. There are several places in th main traveled streets of the city that we badiy in need of repairs. H. Hollingsworth has been quite ill for several days but is slightly im : proved at this writing. You can't afford to miss the De-" Moss concert, at the opera house Sat urday night. The Medford band boys hare. teaed the opera house for three, months. The Way to Cure Catarrh is to purify the blood, and the surest, safest, best way to purify th blood is by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla the one true blood purifier. Hood's pills are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. Superior job printing, MAIL office Km Fining VanDyke J