The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 23, 1896, Page 1, Image 1

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    'Vr- if
A flean-Looking...
You want to increase
your Receipts ....
Advertise you business in the columns of -
Has lost many a dollar for business men.
If a man is judged by the coat he wears,
he is also judged by the letter-head he
uses. An artistic and business-like letter
head has frequently been a basis of credit.
It may be looked on as a good investment.
Let THE MAIL, office at your business
with a new coat .....
We will write your ads. for you and display
them bettor than any other paper in Jack
son county ....
NO. 43.
Office in Adklns-Deuel bile. .Medlord, Ore.
Perspective drawings and specifications furn
ished on all kinds of modern buildings. Own
er's interest considered paramount.
W. c.
Medford, Oregon
t"Offlce with W. H. Parker.
TJ. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for the State
of Oregon. Postofflce address:
Medford, Oregon.
Jacksonville. Oregon.
Hamlin Block. Medford. Ore.
abstractor and attorney :
at law. .
Office in bank bulletin?, Medford. Or
Hare the most complete and reliable abstracts
' sf title in Jackson county.
Austia S. Hammond. Wm. L Vawter.
Office l. O. O. F. building, Medford, Or
J. W. White. J. A. Jeffrey.
Medford, Oregon.
Will practice In all the courts of the state.
Special attention given to all kinds of convey
ancing. Notary work and collections at reas
onable rates and remittances promptly made.
Mining law a specialty. - Office on Seventh
street, opposite Opera House.
Chronic diseases, and diseases peculiar to
' , women a specialty. ,
Office Opera Block. ' Medford, Oregon.
.! , Eagle Point, Oregon.
Offlte Inlow residence. '
Office in Childers' Block,
Medford, Or
office hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
Sundays 12tol.
Medford, Or
Office: Haskiu Block.
Have permanently located in Medford forthe
practice of dentistry. From a continued prac
tice of over 14 years, we are prepared to guaran
tee entire' satisfaction.
Give us a call. Over The Palace.
'Chas. Perdue . . .
Bicycles ripaired oa short
notice at living prices....
Shop in J. A. Whitman's
GitiiDrau anti Transfer Co.
....H0TJ8KBl0IJ GOODS....
Baggage Transferred
Wood Delivered....
Hard and Soft Wood for Sale
....Honest Charges
Try us once and you
will come again....
t t t t t
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of tome simple
ttatDK to patent?
protect vonr Ideu: ttaer mar brine tou wealth.
Write JOHN WKDDERBCRN 4 CO., Patent Attor
aeya, Washington, D. C. for their $1.8U prlao offer
and list of two hundred Inrratlons wanted.
The Mail and Cincinnati Enquirer
one year lor $1.60 is one of our best
clubbing propositions.
In me Sugar Me Forests
N y
(fl g Is where R. W. Gray's saw mill is located, and it is by
t Jj 5 no means the 5
Of which so much has been written, but is ono of much
noise, as it turns out piles of Scoring, ceiling, rustic, sash,
doors, mouldings, stairs, newels, balusters, ceder posts,
shingles, pickets and fruit boxes. They also do all kinds
lathe and band-saw work
! 1 - 5
si Mills five miles below Prospect.
iS Office and yards. Sixth at. Modi
Having Had Forty Years Experience ...
Furfure ana mieitaJi
Business it is with pleasure that we occupy this space in Inform
ing tho people of Jackson county that we are now fully equipped
to supply all articles needed in the two above mentioned lines.
We manufacturer superior work in store, hotel and office fixtures.
To Me Your Horse
Would be an Impossibility, but consult me about ft new set of
harness and you can make your horse laugh. The season of
the year is at hand when you should be thinking ...
. ' - ' .
About New Harness
As that old set you are using is liable to give out any time'
Call and see my stock of harness and saddlery all lines com
- plele, and prices at the bottom notch ....
$i to $a PER DAY
Medford, Oregon .
The Nnsh is one of the most popular hotels in Southern
Oregon, and no pains are spared for tho comfort and
accommodation f guests. Everything about tho house
Free Sample Rooms
best brands of wines,
Don't fail to call and see those which I have in
stock, and get prices. A NEW LINE of East
ern stoves just received. Cook stoves from $G
up. Old stoves taken in exchange for new ones.
Medford Brewery
Our Beer is on Tap at
Write to us for prices. There is no better beer on the
iarket. It is brewed from pure malt and hops
Our stock Is complete with the latest designs iu
Bridge & Beach Steel Range,
Grand Superior Ranges,
Reserevoir and Plain Cook Stoves,
Airtight Gem Heaters,
Base Burners and Box Stoves
Come and see our Star Oil heating stoves. They are just
the thing for invalids, as you can regulate tho heal of your
room to suit you ..
r- i nn v ?
odford ni vv . unni 5
Salesrooms at Medford, Oregon
Factory at Phoenix, Oregon
M ..
- 06"61 Block' Medford. Oregon
h .J
2?.?"!!.. mex.
ory R
always supplied with the vo
liquors and cigars ....
and Ice Works
Medford Bars,
A serious subterranean disturbance,
much like an earthquake, took place at
Dunbarton, Scotland, recently.
A severe northeasterly gale raging
along the Atlantic coast, accompanied
by rain, has done a great deal of dam
age. Vessels have been blown ashore,
and sailors have lost their lives. The
American schooner Luther A. Roby, of
Sehrive Nova Scotia, for Philadelphia,
with a cargo of plaster, pounded to
pieces on the sand before the life-saving
men could get a line to her. Three
of the crew were lost and five were
rescued after an awful experience with
the elements.
It is said to cost the Emperor of China
in the neighborhood of $3,000,000 a year
to run nine arsenals and one shipyard,
to supply the government with cruisers,
gunboats, arms and ammunition. He
is tired of this great expense, and has
sent agents to Singapore, San Francisco
and New York, with instructions to ne
gotiate for the farming out of these in
dustries to Chinese capitalists resident
in the cities named. A stock company
of Chinese capitalists will be formed in
A Chinese syndicate intends to open
in Northern China a large establishment
for the production; of wine. The vine
has long been grown in China, but only
with a view of producing table grapes.
Baron Max von Babe, son of the late
director of the Austrian Pomological
Institute, has been appointed director
of the new establishment and is now on
his way to that countrv. An Australian
expert says the quality of the grapes
grown in Northern China is excellent
A semi-official note issued in Berlin
says that should Said Khalid, the de
posed bultan or Zanzibar, who was
taken on a German warship to German
Ka-tt Africa, intrigue to obtain the
throne of Zanzibar, Germany will ex
pel him from her territory,
A big storm swept the Atlantic coast
Sunday, doing damago to the amount
of thousands of dollars. Saudv Hook
and points along tho Jersev coast felt
the furv of the storm most of all : but
Coney Island has, so far as has been
learued, experienced the most direful
results. A rough estimate of the finan
cial loss suffered by Coney Island is
$200,000. Much delay has also been
causi'd to Atlantic steamers. Along the
New England coast there has been an
entire, absence of any kind of shipping
outside the harbors for several days.
Threenien were kilted bv a fall of
rock in the Laflin mine at Wilkesbarre,
An unknown man jumped into the
water at Prospect Point, Niagara Falls,
a few days ago, and was immediately
swept over the American Falls. The
only witnesses were two hackmen.
The rumor that Germany had decided
to exclude American canned goods was
discussed by the executive committee
of the National Live Stock Exchange in
Fort Worth, Tex., recently.
A trnst deed for $2,000,000 has ben
filed in Chicago, executed by Stude
baker Brothers in favor of the Illinois
Trust and Savings Bank. The mort
gage covers the entire plant, franchise
patents and rights of the company n't
South Bend, Ind.
Hexter Bros., wholesale clothier in
Philadelphia, credited with a capital
stock of $200,000, have failed. Their
liabilities are stated to bo'about $170,
000. There has been a heavy drop in sugar
as the result of the big crop of beets in
Europe. The publication of Licht's es
timate that the boot sugar crop will 1h
4,900,000 tons has demoralized the for
eign market. October beet sugar went
down -1-5 il, to SsSbl, and November beet
8Ujir declined "A to 8s Hlid. German
granulated is four point 'ower at 10s
A fatal head-end collision occurred
recently at the south end of the trestle
across Little Cypress bayou, five and a
half miles north of Orange, Texas on
the Southern Pacific. As a result of the
accident John Clancy of Vnionville,
la., was killed and the engineer of the
west-bound train, A. T. Holer of Hous
ton, sustained a fracture of both thigh
bones and a dislocation of tho right
The joint Traffic Association of Chi
cago has declared a boycott against the
Clover Leaf and all the roads in the as
sociation have been ordered to cease all
business with it after a few days. Tho
reason for the boycott is declared to bo
the action of the Clover Leaf in cutting
rates and giving sleeping car and chair
privileges to the holders of second class
Henry E. Abbey, tho well known
theatrical manager, died .very suddenly
at New York. Death was due to hemorrhage-
of tho stomach. The sudden
end of Mr. Abbey takes from tho the
atrical world ono of the foremost, il
not the foremost, manager of the day.
In conjunction with other managers he
has brought from Europe and played
throughout tho United States some ol
the greatest artists in the world.
An event which marked tho closo ol
a great historic episode occurred when
the Belgian Minister, in tho city of
Mexico, in tho name of his majesty,
Leopold II, King of the Belgians, re
cently conferredon President Dias the
order ol
honorable re
gard in which the president of Mexico
is held in Belgium. As King Leopold
is the brother of the late Empress Car
lotta of Mexico, the act is significant ol
the fact that the Maximilian episode it
now definitely closed.
A revolt occurred in the convict camp
at Bainbridge, Georgia, a few dayB ago.
The sho'rt crop and bareness of the
Eastern market have caused a raise in
the price of raisins, and the Fresno
growers expect the best price in many
Cardinal Satolli6ailed from New York
for Genoa on the Kaiser AVilhelm IL
The demonstration attending his de
parture was the culmination of honors
shown him during the last days of his
stay in America.
A Portland, Oregon, society woman
has been arrested for picking pockets.
She is believed to be the person who
has been relieving persons of their
purses and watches ever since the
opening of the fair. Her residence
was visited and two gold watches, sev
eral purses, K50 in gold and a certifi
cate of deposit for $100 were found,
dne of these watches tallies identically
with the description furnished of one
stolen during the early part of the fair.
The town of Willits, Mendocino
county, has decided to disincorporate.
In the election held to decide the ques
tion, the disincorporation side won the
necessary two-thirds vote.
Wcddlns Ceremonies.
The usage by which tho priest, join
ing tho hands of the man and woman
after their consent to the marriage,
with inch words as "Et ego vos con
jongo," etc., laid the ends of his stole
upon the bands so joined is ancient, but
was not universally followed. It is or
dered in some early Roman sacerdotalia,
bnt disappeared from the Roman ritual
at or before the revision of , Paul V. It
was, however, retained in the local
books of many continental dioceses.
At Liege the hands were bound to
gether with the ends of the stole, and the
practice was very possibly the same else
where, though I cannot at this moment
give another instance of this particular
detail. But it would seem that tho usage
was not followed in England, I am
not aware .of any trace of it in any an
cient English service book. Indeed the
ceremony with which it is connected is
absent from most English books, prob
ably because in the English forms of the
service the joining of hands took place
at the time when the man and woman
gave their troth to one another. The
later joining of their hands by the
priest after the delivery of the ring was
introduced into England in 1549. It is
a ceremony analogous to but distinct
from that with which the action with
the stole is sometime conjoined. Hence
it would appear that the use of that ae
tion in the marriage service of the
Church of England is of the nature of
innovation rather than of restoration.
and that the innovation is founded on a
mistake. Notes and Queries.
Modem Fir Worahip In Scotland.
Burn head, in Morayshire, is unique
in one respect It has "the burning of
the olavie." This ceremony is gone
through every New Year's eve, old
style. It is supposed to be- relic of
fire worship. There is sow only one
other community, it is said, in Britain
where the practice is carried on. The
clavie consists of half an Archangel tar
barrel fixed on tho top of a fir prop
about four feet long. The second half of
tho tar barrel is broken up, put inside
and mixed with tar. A stone must be
used to knock iu tho nail which con
nects the pole and the barrel. The bro
ken bits in tho barrel tn then lighted
by means of burning peat, no such thing
as a lucifex match beiug allowed.
For over 50 years tho clavie has been
mado by tho samo mnu, and one partic
ular townsman has provided the "live
oeat for 40 years. In tho dark winter
night the blazing thing is borue up one
street and down another at high speed
then carried to the Doorie hill in
the middlo of the village. Hero the pole
is fixed on a short, strong column, and
tho clavie burns out The wonieu rush
in, and, picking bits of the now dying
clavie to "keep tiie witches away," dis
appear into the darkness. Glasgow
A Waning Custom.
"Do you notice how much tho prac
tice of carrying the hands in the pocket
has been given up by all classes of men
within the last few yersf, asked tho
literary man. "It was never good form,
but still yon would often see it I think
the nowsboys are responsible for the
change. Put your hand in your pocket
as you stand for an instant on the street
some day and see if you don't agree
with me. If you are anywhere in the
lower or central portion of the city there
will be from one to a dozen or more
newsboys in sight Every one of them
will notico the motion of your hand in
your pocket, and if one is looking in
anothor direction ho is attraoted by the
rush of his fellows, and you are sur
rounded by a struggling mass of boys,
and as many papers as there are urchins
are thrust into your face. It is a dan
gerous thing to put your hand to your
pocket unless you are willing to have
your progress delayed for a minute or
two." New York .Times.
Superior job printing Mail office.
The Masonic Grand Lodge of Califor
nia held its forty-seventh annual con
vention in San Francisco October 13th.
There are now 2C2 subordinate lodges
in the jurisdiction, with 18,308 mem
bers owning the handsome temple in
San Francisco, a very valuable ceme
tery, and halls, temples and burying-
grounds in many cities and towns
throughout the interior. The laying of '
the corner stone for the Masonic Horns
at Dccoto, Alameda county, on October
14th, was attended with all the pomp,
rites and ceremonies of the Order.
The State Board of Horticulture of
the State of Washington has announced
a quarantine against wormy fruit
W. Bayard Cutting, the New York
multi-millionaire who came to Califor
nia a few months ago with W. K. Yan-
derbut and Chauncey Depew, baa .in
vested in California lands. The prop
erty consists of 3000 acres in the China
ranch. The price paid was $130,000.
The land is beet-sugar land, Mr. Cut
ting being largely interested in sugar
throughout the United States. -
A third cargo of California wheat is
now being made ready to ship to India.
There is a scarcity in that country, as
the new crop will not ripen until th
end of May, and their supply of wheat
will come largely from this coast.
The circus lost a lion an j a bear at
Phoenix, A. T., they having perished
from heat between Phoenix and Mari
copa. The lion was valued at $1000.
A marriage is shortly to take place in
San Jose, the announcement of which
has caused somewhat of a sensation,
owing to the age and standing of tho
intended groom and the youth of the
bride. The groom to be is William H.
Leeman, aged 73 years, a pioneer capi
talist of the Santa Clara valley, and
the bride-elect is Miss Jessie Brock,
aged 22, a typewriter in San Jose.
Local sportsmen around Petaluma are
considerably worked up over the fact
that parties supposed to be tramps are
fishing with giant powder. In a stream
north of town over 1000 dead fish,
ranging in size from two feet to small
minnows were recently found.
Albert Gerberding, president of the
Produce Exchange, predicts a long sea
son of prosperity for California.
C M. Smith of the Garden City Cy
clers, clipped 51 2-5 seconds otf the
five-mile road record last Sunday, set
ting the new mark at 10:20.
The total amount of taxable property
in the city and county of San Francisco,
according to the assessment roll deliv
ered to the Tax Collector by the Audit
or, is placed at $442,069,716, of which
1330,401, 154 represents real estate and
improvements and 191.668,562 personal
property and money. The total amount
of taxes to be collected is $5,901, 378. 77.
of which $4,090,699.69 is for city and
county purposes and $1,S10,679.0S for
the state.
Los Angeles has had another costly
fire in the building occupied by the
Forbes paper box factory. Five men
received injuries and two of thm are
eriouelv hurt. The loss is over $100,
000. The Alcatrax Asphalt Co. has sold out '
for $2,000,000. The purchasers are
Percy Tarbutt, Edmund Davis and their
associates in South African and Califor
nia gold mining. The property to be
transferred consists of three asphalt
deposits in Santa Barbara county.
William A. Wilcox of Washington,
D. C, statistical agent of the United
States commission of fish and fisheries,
has arrived in San Francisco from Ore
gon and Washington to prepare a sta
tistical report of the fishing industry
on the coast. The fisheries of the west
coast have been growing in importance
to such an extent that the United
States fish commission deem it advis
able and highly important that an
elaborate and accurate report of the
status of the fishing industry on this
coast is necessary.
Hereward lloyt, the actor, and his
wife are in trouble in France. He tele
graphed Governor Budd in Sacra
mento to compel C W. Clarke to send
him $1,000 in Cannes, France, to Iwcp
them out of prison. Mr. Garke at
present has nothing to do with the
estate of Mns. Hoyte, and it is not
likely that he will take steps to help
the strained Hoytes. .
President Jordan, of Leland Stanford
University, Is prominently mentioned
to succeed the late Professor Goode aa
assistant secretary of the Smithsonian
Institute and director of the National -Museum
at Washington. The appoint
ment is not likely to be made before
the J anuary meettng of the Board of
Begeuts, w ho are to make the appoint
ment The recent advance in wheat has
caused great activity in the market all
over the northwest, and wheat is being
rushed to Portland, Oregon, at the rate
of 150 to 200 carloads per day. In the
Palouse country sales have been very
heavy, and within the past few days
1,000,000 bushels have changed hands
in that vicinity.
ROYAL Baking Powder
Highest of all In leavening-
Strength U, S. Jovartiinnt RtporU
- i