The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 16, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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    w vcwc rc the riTV
Wm. Ulrich returned home last
Sunday from San Francisco where he
had gone, with two carloads of cattle.
In answer to the questions of a Mail
reporter, he said that the markets were
' fair in San Francisco at the present
time, and that he could easily handle
all the stock of Jackson county this
fall. He is paying for cattle from 1.25
to 1.60 per hundred and two cents per
pound for hogs. He expects to ship a
train load of cattle soon, which will be
followed by another in quick succession.
"How. do they treat you down there?"
asked the reporter. "Well, let 'em
catch a suckerand see. Just like any
one else. If you catch a sucker, bump
his head. No, unless a man has had
some experience in shipping he had
better stay at home. For instance, how
many people in this valley know that
when you land your cattle'in San Fran
cisco, that they are met at the cars by
the toll collector, and five cents per
head demanded before you move them?
And another thing-, if they find a man
who is not on to the ropes oh, they
can tell them they will charge him
ten cents per head for weighing them."
"Have they any right to do that?" "No,
they have not." "So you think unex
perienced men had better keep away
from the city?" squeezed the reporter
in siaeways. "Well, they can do as
they please but they had better have
a friend there so they can borrow the
price of a return ticket to, Oregon.
"I've been talking about pretty
things in general that is, about my
lovely line of crockery but I'm going
to tell vou about pretty things in par
ticular this week. I've lust received
some of the finest banquet lamps ever
seen in Southern Oregon so pretty
that even the most fastidious could but
admire. They are cheap as well
as pretty and just the thing you want
to grace your parlor table. Call and
see them.'" Wolters, the grocer.
The bicyclists of this city are cir
culating a petition for the considera
tion of the town board of trustees
praying for the repeal of the bicycle
ordinance which was passed last spring
and for the enactment of another one
ljuch would commensurate with the
wishes of the citizens in general and
at the same time allowing the use of
sidewalks for bicyclists under proper
and just restrictions. The prohibitory
terms of the proposed ordinance are of
such a character that would insure the
safety of the pedestrians and would be
of great service to the riders. Here
are "a few of the main prohibitory
clauses: Riding at a faster rate than
four miles per hour, to be prohibited.
Every rider of a bicycle on a sidewalk
to give warning of his approach by a
bell, whistle or voice. Every male
rider of a bicycle must dismount on
meeting or passing a lady on a side
walk less than five feet in width.
, Street crossings to be given invari
ably to pedestrians. Fines to be im
posed for any violation of these clauses.
The petition will be presented as soon
as possible and it is sincerely hoped
by those interested that some provis
' ions will be made for the convenience
of those who are compelled to go to
and from their place of business on bi
cycles. The effect of many perfect gems
are marred by poor settings so is the
effect of many a pretty hat marred by
poor trimmings but mine are not. I
have . some of the most beautifully
trimmed i hats in Southern Oregon
and the prices are in keeping with the
times. Mrs. Sears at the Racket.
That the members of the M. E.
church of this city know how to show
- their appreciation of that which is done
for their, good, and in compliance with
their expressed wishes, was unmistaka
bly proven on the evening of the th,
of this month, when about fifty of them I
betook themselves to the home of their
Dastor, Rev. Gittins, who had been re
turned to labor for. them for the ensu
ing year, and gave him a reception so
cordial and sincere that it will ever be
remembered by him as one of the hap
- piest days of his life. They didn't stop
with merely calling upon him and as
suring him of their approval of the con
ference returning him to their midst,
but they were laden with all kind of
good things for the family larder,which
they deposited on the table, with
many expressions of good wishes for
' himself and family, and then after a
couple of hours of social converse, in--.
terspersed with music and singing,they
each and all bade him and his most es-
- timable family a hearty good night
and returned to their respective homes,
well pleased with their evening's past-
time, and glad of an opportunity to ex-
press their appreciation in a substan
: tial manner.
Fresh and cured meats, sausages,
- etc, can now be had at the Westside
market, where the lowest market price
prevails. Give me a call. Westside
Market, two doors south of the West
ern hotel. , '
Recorder W. T. York was, on
Tuesday of this week, appointed local
agent for the Northern Pacific railroad
company for Med ford. Mr. Raine was
. formerly the company's agent at this
place, but his contemplated removal to
other parts necessitated his resigning.
The company is working into a good i
business down this way and there is no 1
good reason why this road should not
do half, if not more, of all the tran3
ontinental business. It is unquestion
ably one of the very best of lines and
fair, honest treatment is always ac
corded its patrons. Mr. York, the new
local agent, knows prerty nearly every
body hereabouts and we will venture
the assertion that the road's busi
ness will increase from this date.
Mr. York has lots of friends here who
will want him to dp a good business
" and they will help him get it.
Mrs. C. W. Palm nas just received
a large and complete stock of fall mil
linery, comprising all the latest nov
e'ties in hats and trimmings, and re
spectfully invites the ladies of Rogue
river valley to call, examine goods and
get prices. "
Robt. Bond, the young man from
Trail creek who was arrested and !
bound over a few weeks ago to appear
before the grand jury for stealing and
selling a horse belonging - to Wm.
Crane, of this city, is also a defaulter,
so it is reported, to the amount . of
about ninty dollars, having mis-appropriated
the school funds of the Trail
school district of which he was clerk.
He has been making strenuous efforts to
raise the required amount and replace
it before the grand jury meets, but so
far his efforts have been unavailing
and unless fortune should come to his
rescue he will have to meet a much
more serious charge than the one for
which be is now held. Max Muller is
one of his bondsmen, and while he will
give him every opportunity to refund
the money, he will probably prosecute
him unless he does so.
Thev are so little you hardly know
you are taking them . Tbqy cause no
griping, yet they act quickly and
most thoroughly, bujn are the lam-
ous little pins Known as ue Witts
Little Early Risers. Small in size
great in results. Geo. H. Haskins.
We've not been saying a word
lately about the eternal fitness of things
we want something to taiK aDout,
when we shout, but we must speak now
or rent another store, for our present
quarters are filled from floor to ceiling
with everything in our line imaginable.
We can supply all of Southern Oregon
with whips, saddles, harness, lap robes
and in fact anything you can think of
in the harness and saddlery line and
the prices will positively defy competi
tion. We have two full stocks of goods
in one store now that is to say, we
have purchased a large stock from
Grants Pass, at a great sacrifice and
we're going to sell itthe same way.
You needn t take our word for it, just
call and see for yourself. Come while
the" stock is complete. Boidleman &
Nicholson. 1 .
A hacking cough is not onlv an-
uoying to others, but is dangerous to
the person who has it. One Minute
couffh cure will quicklv put an end to
it. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist.
If any of our readers doubt for a
moment that the statements which we
have made during the past several
months to the effect that Medford mer
chants are selling lots of goods, let us
tell you that the shipmeuts into the city
will attest to the truthfulness of the
statements. Only last Monday three
carloads of goods were unloaded in this
city and the daily average is trom one
to three carloads. Aside from these,
last Monday's receipts consisted of two
carloads of lumber and one of shingles,
for Wallace Woods, and two carloads
of coal oil for Bellinger & Hill. The
coal oil shipments will be larger than
usual to this point from now on, owing
to the fact that no carload shipments
will be mde to Ashland hereafter all
orders to be filled from this point.
Mrs. Mills' Cream baking powder
at G. L. Davis' grocery store. You
get a prize with each package either
siverware or a watch. The powder is
pronounced all right.
Contractor Childers has been
awarded the contract for building
Painter A. P. Green s new house on
his lots in East Medford, and will be
gin the erection of the same this week.
The house will be of brick, 26x23 feet.
one story high and will cost about 00.
We have the word of Mr. Childers for
the statement that Mr. Green is going
to have one of the very prettiest little
homes in Medford when it is completed
and none deserves it more than he.
Mr. Childers has also been eiven the
contract for bnilding a 14 foot brick ad
dition to S. W. bpeas' residence in
East Medford. Mr. Green has traded
to Mr. Childers two of his East Med
ford resident lots as part payment in
the new house. '
Mrs. L. R, Patton. Rockford, III.,'
writes: "From personal experience I
can recommend De Witt's Sarsaparilla,
a cure for impure blood and general
debility." Geo. H. Haskins, druggist.
. Through the C. W. Palm real
estate agency J. F. Ritter last week
sold his twenty acre fruit ranch, located
south and west of Medford. near the
Orchard Home tract, to R. G. King, of
Oakland. Oregon, for $1800. Mr.
King will bring his family to Medford,
where they wilt reside until a suitable
dwelling can be built upon his new
purchase. The above piece of land is
very desirable and Mr. King ss to be
congratulated upon being its possessor.
Mr. Ritter, his many friends will be
pleased to learn, is not contemplating
locating elsewhere, but may possibly
engage in business ia this city.
The women who haven't bought
tor their winter needs are to be con
gratulated for my display of new hats
were never better than now and
cheap, too. 'Mrs. Sears at the Racket.
Ed. Wilkinson don't propose to be
outdone in the way of brick buildings
by his neighbor, G. P. Lindley, who is
now completing his 25 by 145 foot two
storv brick store building, and to keep
in line with the procession Mr. Wilkin
son has decided to continue his present
two-storv brick building on out to the
allev. makinz his building 20 by 140
feet in size and all two stories high.
The new part is to be used in connec
tion with his market and for a stable.
The foundation was started this week.
S. Childers is doing the brick work.
Bee Hive baking powder is all
right and with it goes a good bit of
crockery. Davis, the grocer, sells it
also sells the very freshest and best of
While at Grants Pass this week
Townsman W. D. Beidleman was for
tunate in making the purchase of
"Abby C," a seven-year-old trotting
mare of the Altamont stock, she is
registered and her dam and grand dam
have trotting records oi less than z:ou,
Mr. Beidleman considers his purchase
a cracking good one and those who
know much of the animal and of the
Altamont stock are saying lots of good
words for both the mare and her owner.
Mr. B. will not track the mare but will
keep her for breeding purdoses.
Go to Redden & Miser for fine
photos. Cabinet busts $2 per dozen.
Wood and produce taken in exchange
Orders solicited for anything in the
photographic line.
I. F. Williams (of the firm or Wil
liams & Besse): "How's- business?
Well, we had out fourteen doublo rigs,
one single rig and eight drivers last
Saturday. I guess you'll call that
business. Yes, we are doing a splendid
business these days. When you want
a good, fast team and safe, too, just
call around and if we cun't fit you out
we will make you a present of
'feathered hoss and a flving pig.' Isn't
that fair.'"
At the "16 to 1" barber shop, near
the postotnee, John it. Hardin, pro
prietor, you get a shave for ten cents
and a hair cut for twenty.
A large number of people from
different portions of the country were
in Medford this week laying in winter
supplies, among which was a pack team
consisting of seven horses, which,
when they departed were loaded with
. . . . I
provisions, xney came irom a point
near Diamond Peak, and report that
quite a number of others will soon be
gin to arrive an oi wmcn is good lor
our merchants, and Medford in general.
All kinds of wood for sale. Long
wood, short wood, hard wood, soft
wood and just plain wood. Bollinger
& Hill, dravmen.
That Medford has made a surpris
ing growth during the last year, there j
can be no doubt, but very few can have
any correct idea of the number of new
buildings, that have been erected here
during the above period, and The Mail
with its usual progressive spirit, will
next week, publish a full and correct
list of all the new buildings which have
sprung into existance within the period
Mrs. I. N. Barnard has reopened
her photograph gallery at Central
Point, where she will be until Nov. 15th.
Prices reasonable and satisfaction
guaranteed .
Frank Wilson, the baker, is a
steadfast and solid man of business in
Jacksonville as well as Medford. He
drives to that town every afternoon
with a good supply of good bread
which he readily disposes of. In fact,
Frank, has many steady customers in
that town. Mr. Wilson puts up a good
article and his customers arc multiply
ing in both Medford and Jacksonville.
Rolled barloy for sale, rolled on
"smooth rolls." Custom rolling done
on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Medford
lirewery and ice U orks.
ai. a. anderworth, an old mnn,,i
6 years of age, was brought before
Judge W, S. Crowell, at Jacksonville,
last week and was adjudged insane and
taken to the asylum by Sherriff Barnes.
He has been running wild in the hills
for a couple of weeks, but no amount
of questioning could elicit any infor
mation from him which could throw
any light on the cause of his insanity,
I am now prepared to do all kinds
of gun and bicycle repairing at the low
est possible price. Chas. Perdue.
Jack Morris, the second hand man,
is bavo tho building, which he recently
purchased of S. Higgins, and removed
to his lots west of the railroad track,
thoroughly renovated, and will cut
out an archway between it and the
building he now occupies and use it
for a store building more room being
needed to handle his extensive and in
creasing business.
To exchange a wrought iron
range used about a year, or will sell
for cash. Enquire at this office.
Johnson, Milliron, Eccleston & Co.
have made their mining clean-up on
Elliott creek and on Wednesday they
left for Junction City, Oregon, where
they will remain during the winter.
They ate not making known the
amount of their clean-up. but there are
.jose who know something oi their
mine who are placing the figures, at a
good round sum.
Premature baldness may be pre
vented and the hair made to grow on
heads already bald, by the use of Hall's
Vegetable Sicilian Hair Uenewcr.
Oscar Williams has surrendered
his lease of the O. K. barber shop, on
U street, and John R. Hardin has
taken his place and will be chief artist
hereafter. Mr. illiamscoutemplates
returning to California soon to work at
his trade. Mr. Hardin is positively all
irienus win see tnat ne is patronized
At u. La. Davis grocery store win
always pe louna a nne assortment oi
IrUltS OI all Varieties.
j. w. - aimer, tne wnconmaKer.
has a patent clothes line that is a good
one one ne ngurca out nimsen ana
had patented. There is one of them on
exhibition over at Jack Morris' store,
You hitch the clothes to the line, give
I cnuK a lew lurua nuu luf uosii w
the breeze. When dried you reverse t
the crank motion and take in your
Oregon Kidney tea is pleasant to
the taste and the most effective blood
purifier known. Sold by Chas Strang,
A. P. Green has been doing a lit
tle more real estate dickering. This
time he has traded two of bis East side
resident lots to S. Childers, in payment
for which Mr. Childers is to erect a
26x28 foot one-story brick cottage for
Mr. Green upon ono of his two remain
ing lots which are in that same locality.
Wanted a good, steady and faith
ful boy, to learn cigar making. En
quire at Medford cigar factory.
Wheat has taken a climb of several
cents during the past week, rorty
eight cents per bushel is now being
paid by A. A. Davis, tbe Medford
miller, for No. 1 shipping wheat. As
a result of this raise in the price of
wheat flour has advanced one dollar
per ton, it now being sold for 915.
Watches cleaned and warranted for
one year for$l Pritchard. the jewelor.
Dan Waldroop isn't making any
great amount of noise these times re
garding any one or two particular
things but he is doing one o' the nicest
coufectionerv businesses in this town.
He doesn't handle a thing that is not a
good article and that is his trade
You will save money by buying
millinery goods of M'tj. C. W. Palm.
The republicans are making big
preparations for tho barbecue which
they have arranged to be hold in Med
ford on the 24th of this month and
for a big time generally with plenty
of roast ox and good speakers and a
torch light procession in the evening.
Ten cords of wood taken on den
tal work. C. C. Pletcher, Medford.
The taking of testimony in the
land contests, before J udge Crowell, of
Jacksonville, was finished this week,
and are now before the land office for
judgment. There wore about seventy
protests in Jackson county, and about
twice that number in Josephine county.
Wood of all descriptions for sale.
Bellinger & Hill.
Mr. De Vinne died at his home in
Phoenix last Sunday, after a lingering
illness ot several years. He was hurled
in the Phoenix cemetery, Rev. H. C.
Hoxie conducting tho funeral services.
He leaves a wife and several grown
children to mourn his demise.
Excelsior Dye works, Medford
clothes cleaned, and repaired.
J. F. Williams, the livoryman, was
the fortunate winner of that dinner
sot of dishes, which go as a premium
with Double Quick baking powder at
. Lumsden & Berlin's. Another invoice
of this powder will be received by the
above firm within a few days.
Beardless barley, for seed, for sale,
at the feed store of J. R. Erford.
A social party was given by Mrs.
L. Li Woods to her Sunday school, at
the Baptist church last Saturday after
noon at which about twenty-five in
number of the little oues congregated
and enjoyed themselves in divers ways
for about two hours.
Houses to rent, W. T. York. ,
There will be a meeting of St.
Marks' Guild on Thursday next, at- 3
o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. Chas.
Strang. All ladles desiring to co
operate in tho work of the Guild are
requested to attend. Mrs. W, B.
Stevens, president.. '
Merchant I. A. Webb is adding
several improvements this week to his
already very pleasant and comfortable
home. A 16x16 foot kitchen, a porch
and bay window are being built to his
dwelling, and a brick milk cellar . i
also being built.
Mrs. F. V. Medynski left Wednes
dav evening for Portland: having in
charge the three Laihron children,
and will place them in charge of the
Boys' and Girls' Aid society, whither
they have been committed by - the
county court.
Mitchell, Lewis &, Staver company
received a carload of wagons, buggies
and plows this week gettiug ready
(or the winter trade. This firm is do
ing a splendid business and it's an
honest business.
Dr. O. F. Demorest and family
went over to Bonanza Monday. The
doctor will practice his profession in
that andlother sections of Klamath
countv during the next month. Lake-
view Jr.xammer.
The Brvan speakers for Medford
this week were Judge Hurley, of Wis
consin, and Hon. H. L. Barkley, from
the Willamette valley, and the McKin-
ley speaker was Hon. Ucnj. Butter
worth, of Ohio.
Grand Chancellor Dr. E. P. Geary,
J. A. Whitman and J. W. Curry are at
Portland this week attending a meet
ing of the K. of P. grand lodire which
met in that city on Tuesday of this
There is a new boy baby at the
home of Merchant F. K. Deuel, whose
arrival is dated even with Monday of
this week. Lucky boy, happy parents
and congratulating friends.
No trace has at yet been discovered
of the thief, or thieves, who broke into
Beck & Cos hardware store, a few
weeks ago, neither has any of the
stolen goods been located.
J. H. Miller has a now ad in this
week's Mail in which he is extending
to the public an Invitation tcall and ex
amine his new stock of boots and shoes
at the Fair store.
Beidleman & Nicholson last week
purchased the stock of harness and
saddlery of A. J.Strohecker, of Grants
Pass, and shipped It to their .Medford
Judge . S. Crowell will speak at
the opera house in Medford this. Fri
day, evening in behalf of Bryan. Every
body is cordially invited to be present
William Eaton has greatly im
proved the apioarauce of his Eighth
street residence bv weather boarding
it and adding a new coal of paint.
j Messrs. Stewart and Barrett are
,,; ; Mr
j rer-3 9t0re building and are doinsr a
cracklnir rood lob.
j w p. Crouch . has, been awarded
th onnt-nt for rtninT th- MVtlKl atnrr
woodwork on J. o. Johnsons new
brick block.
Tha several bills
allowed at the
! ,.s, i- nt ,h
i ni .nrw,.r j
these columns
v. .a-
Quite a number of tne representa
tive citizens oi u rants t'ass were In
Medford this week on business and
Liveryman Williams has moved
his family from South C street to the
Stanley residence, corner B and Eighth
During Hon. Binger Hermann's
stay in Medford he was the guest
Station Agent Lippincott and family.
Dr. McMertrey and family are
housekeeping in tho Halley brick resi
dence, corner G and Fifth streets.
As tho campaign draws nearer to
a close, brass bands and banners galore
are in evdence almost daily.
Goo. Parker has swung himself into
line again as local scribe on this great
family journal.
In another column will be found j
the county clerk s semi-annual state
ment. W. H. McGowan is again in line
as clerk for Lumsden & Berlin.
My Daughter
Has been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
for some time, and it has greatly bene
fited hor. We have found it an excel
lent medicine and recommend it to all
sufferers from skin disease." Mr$. S.
J. Ehrgood, Nyssa, Ore.
Hoods pills are the favorite cathartic,
Sermons for the Hour.
At the Baptist church in this city,
Key. L. L. Wood is eiving some ser
mons pertinent to the timvs. Last
Sabbath evening he spoke on "Immi
gration Abuses' ami for the next
three Sunday evenings he will preach
on tho following themes: "'The Abuse
or tho Ballot Box;'' "The Abuse of the
Money Power," and tho "Power of the
Common People."
too Acre Farm for Rent.
I havo for rent a good farm of UK)
acres, located throe mtles west of Med
ford. Address M. Bellinger, Jackson
ville. Farm For Sale.
100 acres of good farming land, situ
ated in tho Applegate country, li
miles from Jacksonville. Farm can bo
hnd for 200. Enquire nt The Mail
For Sale or Trade.
Two acres of land in North Medford
for cattlo, and a good span of mares
for $150, or will trade the mares for a
good span of mules, good size and first
class roadsters.
W. R. Hardy, Jacksonville.
Superior job printing M L office.
kj yj uj tj fjj a rj rj pjj a
P3 -int.
This spaoe is reserved this week for
G.L. W6Kl'3 W
They received such an immense lot
of new goods comprising ladies' and
gent's underwear, hosiery, notions
and hats that they are too busy to
write a complete ady. Watch this
space next week ....
Ksa. v
ca . .
Eii -
iss '
t jtatacaEaLJtJt'JtLJtJtjtJCijBacawJLiJt'JtJWJC'Jcacjif
FIGURE 05 TOO it. ..
You Don't Reach 'Em...
.... Any other way than by selling ....
Good Goods at Low Prices
And giving honest weight. And We Do Jo5t ThatI
LDmSDEH & BEfflf
The prettiest line ever shown in the
city. They are all the latest style
and the prices are within the reach
of all. Call and see them
Our Fall Stock ....
(tinhatii, calicoes, dress poods, ladies and gent's
shoes is jKX-ilively the choicest line in Medford....
It is going to rain one of these days and you will
lie wanting an UriBRELLA. . Better get one now.
J . G. Van Dyke & Co.
If your children are subject to croup
watch for the first symptoms of the dis
easehoarseness. If Chamberlain's
cough remedy is given as soon as the
the child becomes hoarse it will pre
vent the attack. Even after the croupy
cough has appeared the attack can al
ways be prevented by giving this re
medy. It is always invaluable for
colds and whooping cough. For Sale
by Geo. H. Haskins.
Tires Set and Rattling of Spokes
Stopped by new process, for 2.00 a set.
Will call at place and do work. Call or
drop me a card . C. C. Gilchrist,
Central Point. Ore.
Superior job printing, Mail office.
Now has in stock a
Dinner sets. This well known brand of crockery
has no equal in quality and finish it's the best
tableware on the market.....
My stock of Groceries was never more com
plete than right now likewise my lino of
confectionery, cigars and tobacco ....
Seventh Street,
Wholesale and
Retail Grocers
t J
Darlington, Wis., Journal says edi
torially of a popular patent medicine:
"We have known from experience that
Chamberlain's colic, cholera and
diarrheva remedy is all that is claimed
for it, as on two occasions it stopped
excruciating pains and possibly saved
us from an untimely grave. We would
not rest easy over night without It in
the house.' This remedy undoubtedly
saves more pain and suffering than
any other medicine in the world.
Ever family should keep it in the houso
for it is sure to be needed sooner or
later. For sale by George H. Haskins.
Doctor Danielson,
Office in Halley block over postofticc.
Chronic diseases, and diseases of
women and children a specialty.
full line of the beautiful ...