The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 16, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Alex. Orme, the Foots creek miner,
( was id Mediord on Monaay,
J. F. ormiston, or tweie foiui, was
a Medford visitor this week.
Mrs. J. F. Harvey, of Gold Hill, was
visiting Medford mends Monday.
W. D. Beidleman went to Grants
Pass Sunday evening upon business.
W. K. Price, of Tolo, was in Mod-
ford Wednesday interviewing' friends.
Bliss Ella Perdue returned borne
last week from a two mouths' visit at
J. S. Howard, deputy U. S. mineral
.surveyor, was at Gold Hill this week
on business.
. T. Messch, or Grants Pass, is
hero for a visit with his cousins, the
Taylor boys.
. . Mrs. W. N. Ruble, of Wolf creek.
3s here visiting her brother, H. N. He-
Kay. and family.
Mrs. Lewis and son, of Klamath
Falls were in Medford this week
business and pleasure.
Miss Fannie Cheatham, of Grants
Pass, is visiting this week with At
torney J. H. Whitman and family.
Prof. Miles Cantrall, one of the
the county, was in the metropolis last
Mrs Mary Hull, who has been Hv'
ios in Medford for the past year, left
Monday for Jamestown, Calif., on
Frank Bellinger left Sunday even
ing for Kiddles, to nurse his uncle,
Ben j. Hard man, at that place, who is
quite ill.
Chester Swift, he who is asso
ciated with the Gold Basin Mining
company, was in Medford this week on
turned from 'Ashland Sunday evening,
at which place she has been upon
two weeks' visit. .
Mrs. W. K. Ingledue, of Wimer,
left Medford Sunday for Sacramento,
Calif., where she will spend the win
ter with relatives.
Attorney A. S. Hammond is over at
Lakeview attending to business in the
circuit court. He expects to be absent
two or three weeks. ,
. F. Hi .Green has returned to his
mine: in the Applegate country, where
.he-will, da mining- this winter The
:Mail goes with him.
' - Misa Elsie Roof, of Fremont. Iowa,
.Is visitin? with ' her uncle. Elder Eli
'Fisher. Miss Roof expects to spend
the winter on the coast.
Hon. S. M. Xealon was in from
'Table Rock Tuesdav.- The gentleman
is advertising seed rye for sale, else
where in these columns.
Perry Ellis, the Prospect photo
grapher, was in Medford last week.
Mr. Ellis is doing considerable work
in the valley these times.
Henry Vincent and family were
over from Bonanza, Klamath county,
last week and purchased two full wagon
loads of merchandise of a varied assort
ment -
; A'.:A. Batterson. one of The Mail
. puoiisners, leu snnaay ior raiensourg,
Wash., whither he goes upon business
and a visit to his relatives and friends.
He expects to be absent a couplo or
three weeks.
H. J. Black and family have moved
to Medford from Talent and will make
fihia nlarto ttiAif futtirA hnmA. Anrl riSkirA
rented the G. W. Howard resident, on
Ninth street. Mr. Black follows car
pentering as a means of gaining alivli
hood. '
Miss Ada Parker, the highly ac
complished daughter of C. P. Parker,
who has been teaching in Mills college
at Oakland, Calif., for the past year,
arrived: home last Sunday and will
spend the winter with ber parents in
this city.
Mrs. Mary A. Finch, who has been
spending the summer with her daugh
ter, Mrs. J . K. Darnell, left last week
for Willows, Calif., where she will
spend the winter with her son, W. M.
Finch, who is county superintendent of
schools in that county.
Mr. Dennis and son. of Little Shasta,
Calif., were in our city last week pur
chasing. a large bill of merchandise.
Little Shasta is seventy-nine miie9
from Medford but distance don't cut
any figure when it's a trading tour
these people start out upon.
Miss Helen Strang, of this city,
who has been at the Good Samaritan
hospital at Portland for the last six
weeks undergoing medical treatment,
returned home last week somewhat
improved in health a fact which her
many friends will be pleased to learn.
Wm. M. Richards, he who, in years
agone, did saw-milling on Big Butte,
but more recently a resident of Grants
Pass, arrived in Medford this week
and has formed a combine with W. W.
Taylor and on Monday next they will
commence rolling the wheels In the
Taylor saw-mill, east of Medford.
Dr. Henry Demorest and wife
will leave next week for Neche, North
Dakota, where the doctor will engage
in the practice of dentistry. These
people are well and favorably known all
over the county and their host of
friends will regret to see them leave
but will all join in wishing them pros
perity in their new home.
Robert and Elmer Faucett left
Monday evening for Chicago, Illinois,
where they will take a three years'
course in Moody's theological college.
These boys are two of the very best
voung men in Jackson county, and
their many friends here and here
abouts will all unite m wishing them
success unbounded in their chosen
S. P. and Hesry Barneburo, with
their families, who? have been living
out in the Dead Indian country for the
last three months, ranging their
cattle, have returned to Medford for
-the winter. They will drive their
.cattle to the farm east of Medford soon
and feed them during the winter and
return with them to the same range
in the spring: V " "
Wm; Richardson, he who left Med
ford several months ago for San Diego,
Calif., for his health, returned Sunday
evening and will remain during the
winter with his parents. His health
was greatly improved by the change of
climate, in fact he is looking quite ro
bust. Next spring he will probable re
turn to California. San Diego, being
located near the ocean beach is cool in
summer and affords a climate just
suited to him.
Frank Pierce and family, of Har
risburg, this state, arrived in Medford
last Tuesday. Mr. Pierce is one of
the most extensive farmers in Lane
county, .but haying heard so much
about the Rogue river valley -he rented
his farms and hied himself hither
where he will spend the winter, and
should the reputation which Jackson
county enjoys substantiate itself and
it certainly will he will invest here
in the spring and make this his per
manent abiding place.
Dr. Damn's Whereabouts.
Dr. Darrin is tstill located in Ashland
where he remains until October 17
From there he goes to Grants Pass, stop
ping at Hotel Josephine, October 18th to
24th. Those' who were not fortunate
enough to see him here will have a last
chance in Grants Pass. We cannot let
this opportunity pass without commend
ing to the afflicted if we.can.
judge from the'nit.ny cures. wrought..,bjt
him in this section. We give some of
their names below:
A.F. McCrary, Jacksonville. Ore., deaf
ness, ten years, restored in ten minutes ;
G. B. Mathews, Eagle Point, Ore., con
sumption and abscess or tumor in side,
cured five years ago: A. Pool, Eagle
Point, Ore., heart disease and general
debility, not expected to live, cured
four years ago, and remains a perfectly
well man to this day ; Wm. Sanor, Med
ford, Ore., deafness twenty years, made
to hear ordinary conversation ; ex-Judge
Garrett Crockett, Merlin, Ore., deafness,
ten years, cured in twenty minutes ;
Garl T. Jones, Medford, Ore., reports
himself rapidly " improving '' from an
affliction of the heart, also that his
brother, Milton Jones, was cured eight
years ago of polypus of the nose, catarrh
and bronchitis; Mrs. Martha Woodruff,
Cleveland, Douglas county, Ore., cured
of paralysis nine years ago ; S. P. Goos-
une, Koseburjr, lire., neatness, many
years, cured eight years ago; B. Bick
fort's son, Roseburg, Ore., cross eyes,
cured six years ago ; Mrs. Bickford, cured
of different troubles peculiar to her sex ;
Mrs. II. Eaton, an old resident of Eoso-
burg, Ore., almost total blindness , from
granulated eye lids. She was' led to the
doctor's office four vears ago and now
njoys perfect eye sight and is able to
conduct a mercantile business; -Mrs. C.
Morris, of Medford, cured four years
ago in Seattle of kidney trouble, after
an outlay of $1000 with other doctors.
Scores of others might be mentioned did j
not space forbid.
Of the County Clerk of Jackson
County, Oregon.
The following statement shows the amount of
claims allowed by the county court, for what
allowed, amount of warrants drawn from April
1, to October 1, 1H96, amount of warrants out
standing and unpaid, and the tiniinclul con
dition of said county :
S Patterson, sheriff...., I 1377 17
A 8 Barnes, sheriff's salary (mm
N A Jacobs, clerk's salary iuw uu
Geo A Jackson, clerk's balurv oOO 00
Q Rawlings. recorder's salury 1M
W E Anderson, recorder's salary KB 33
J R Neil, county judge's salary OXt 33
W B Crowell, county judge's salary 1H4 00
M 8 Welch, treasurer's salary 400 00
Q T Lindley, treasurer's salary KB 57
Ous Newbury, school superintendent's
Hftlarv: WW
J Helms, stock inspector's salary 100 00
Owen Keegan, janitor's salary 133 DO
A M Ford, jantiors salary .TV"
W H Bradshaw, commissioner 108 W
S Furry, commissioner 00
Mkpifn pm MimmiBsloner...... ....... 4800
Geo A Jackson, assessor 12W 00
Henry Klippel. assessor 2W 00
County printing and blanks 107 11
Books and stationery 118 3a
Cost of roads and bridges 10 11
Court house and jail, sundries I7 S5
E DeRoboam, hospital contractor 1130 W
17 SO
SI '20
408 55
1910 80
73 82
77 84
9 60
Bounties on soalps of animals.
Wood for court bouse
Cost of justice courts
CViMt nf Airauit courts
liJPatteman. boarding an) washing for
prisoners ..........
A 8 Barnes, boarding and washing for
Postage stamps, (prior to July 6)
RviuniMi tAihrM' examinations.......
Expenses examination of Insane 32 0u
Expenses coroner's inquests 27 40
Expenses election M 97
Rebate on taxes m H
Cost of land entries 1 75
Joseph Koch, county maps 470 00
Exchange on state taxes. 38 .8
Per Dr W B Officer J
Per N Grlmsley :. . -
Per T E Nichols 9 00
Pnr firm Rrown 10 00
Per franllll & Hutchison 10 00
McPeraon . .
Per lnnns Otteo 10 00
Per Josephine county 8 00
12 00
Mn Morgan
Per Mrs S A Baker I SO 00
Per Mrs Martha Slagle.. 10 00
K) 00
Hy order paid...
Balance cusli In treuxury . ...
U(At n: so
To cash In treiisnry July . . .
By orders paid.
To cosh in treasury July 6
Paid into treusury since July . .
147 00
..$ 25 00
.. 122 00
(This fund was created Aug 0, 18H0.) DpafnP4 Pun not. hp Cnrer!
torVnV im Uea,Ury FL jBylocaValS
r 1 nm & .TOI 00 IAI , t,in,,nl rpninrlirK llonfnuuu pmiiuvl hu nn In.
I " " . ....
mimed condition of the mucous lining of the
eustachian tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, snd when It is entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the inliatnation can be
taken out and this tube restored to ItsnormHl
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever :
nine cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inliomed condition of
toe mucous aurracH.
. We will give one hundred dollars for any cose
of deafness (caused by catarrh)' that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. Send for circu
lars; free V. J. Ciibney & Co, Toledo. O.
Sold by druggists, 75c,
Hall's Family pills are the best.
Superior job printing Mail office.
$ 117 oo
115 02
1 llo 02
.$ 121 73
121 ill
By orders paid since July A $ 97 00
Balance cash in treasury Si 91
f 121 81
To cosh In treasury July s t. $ 5 2S
Bv cash still in treasury 8 5 25
city fi;ni8.
To cash in treasury July 6 t 3W 0
Paid into treasury since July 8 M.i 9
By orders redeemed
Balance cash in treasury
$ 795 94
f K)S 13
. 157 81
f 7S5 91
County Fund ... B597 02
General school fund J23a 84
Institute fund . ft ,',
Jackson county special fund 122 00
Soldiers' fund ' )H 91
The sereral school districts.... 44s 29
The sereral city funds 157 81
Balance in handsof treasurer J 4583 IS
state oh orkgon i
Counts of Jackson, f
I, Geo. A. Jackson. countT clerk of themuntv
ackson. in the state of Oreiron. do herebv
Nell children ,
Per John Abbott . 15 00
PerCC Parker .. '-
Per Julia Cabler 10 00
Per Wm Barlow
to CO
Mrs Rboda Miller's family
Per herself
Per Jacob Thompson
Lnthrop family
Per E DeRoboam
Per A F McCrary
Wm Patterson .
Per K IH-Koboan)
Per T J Kennry
Per Cha Strang
Per UrU BCoie
I w 00
.. 4 00
51 00
; on
11 a)
56 Stt
I 50
. 6 7.1
5 W
, ai w
; 10
Per Geary A PU-kel
IVrU 11 llakin .
Courtney family
Per Angle Jfc Plymale ..
Per Mrs Courtney
Per Lumsdrn 4 Merlin.
I PerS o p P Co
j PerG il Hasklns ... .
j Arnold family
Per Lumsdrn A Berlin.
Per J W Merntt
.$ 2-" "0
.. 125
.S 15 CT.
. A lO
. 9 45
.. :h 95
certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct
statement of the financial condition of said
county, basing said report on that filled by my
predecessor on April 1, 1898, and carrying said
balance forward to October 1, 1898. which also
include a careful computation of the interest
due on outstanding warrants, and the amounts
placed by the county treasurer to the credit of
the several funds; which recort is based on the
records on ttle and in my office and custody.
Witness my bund and the seal of the county
court affixed, this the 5tb day of October. 1S96.
. GEO. A. Jackson.
i"1- County Clerk.
One hundred dollars forfeit will be
puld by the proprietors of Oregon
Kidney tea for each and every case of
kidney or bladder dis-aw which can
not be cured by its proper ufre. Sold by
Clias. Strune, druggist.
An Orepoti newspaper advertises
that :i cooU blacksmith can 1m had
In- nppl ving at ollice. That is
the stent trouble with many county
nfivspiiiM'rs there are U many
''blacksmith-"' eiimlnrcj o: them
ami nut enough primer. A "black
! smith'' in a printing ."tiHe is tot a
K?rson li-l"t in the art of. nioukling
' iron, hilt iiistcml a'j-ron posins; as
ja printer who is only cnpnble of
hinnnerinir iunk in' .1 fourth rate
.... Livery Stie
I. A. MOUNCE, Pron'r
Front street, - Medford, Os-tgon
My horses are good drivers and my
rigs are new aiid firftclass. Hoi-tea
boarded at reasonable rates
J, H. Miller's Shoe Store
.1 ft TO
. . 19 SI
i junk shop'.
Coroner's Jury Verdict.
The coroner's jury rendered the fol
lowing verdict upon the completion of
the taking of testimony is the Itose-
bursr train wreck case:
"We, the coroners turv, impanelled
and sworn to inquire who the deceased
persons were, and wbere and by wbat
means they came to their deaths, do
find the deceased Dereona to be Albert
Toy, John McGonfgle and George Hap-
persett; they came to their death Octo
ber 6, 1896, half a mile south of Green's
station, on-the Southern Pacific
road, by collision between two loco
motives. It was elicited from tb
evidence that the south bound engine
was running under order?, and that
the north bound engine had a right to
flag back, as there was no telegraph
station at Green's station, and . did
comply with this regulation up to the
traight track, one mile and a hall
south of Green's station, which straight
track tney bad a right to run over un
Gagged when they could see. It being
daylight they dropped down this
straight track with the intention of
flagging through the fog and around
small curve, vve find no one guilty
of -breaking the regulations of running.
but deficient judgment was shown as
tne distance from the fog that
would make them safe in commencing
flag again, which, according to
evidence, they were intending to re
1 t'leminv familr
I Per Angle APIyiaale
I Per T J Kenney
! Per Cronemiller a Lovo..
I Per Cranfill & Hutchison.
rer airs neming
Johnson family
Per Crcnemiller & Love .
Per T J Kenney
.1 90.
.t .H
.. lt
... :m to
... siO
... H CO
8 W
.. 13 30
Jl TO ,
Mrs Traslt. per C W Wolters T! '
Moses Uurd. per C W Wolters 9 13 j
.Mrs Kobinton. per J H Wbunuu) :. WH
Mrs Klla Randies ; .',
Jordan family eo J
Mrs Harriet Johnson .. 48 00
Mrs E C CaJe and famUy M 0U
Mrs K M Root 38 0U
Crosby family, per C A H 18 U)
Mrs Poe. ier A N Wood M
t A B.v . . ,, 1 1 , tt 1 -1 I kl
rail- I Utnnia Kw nr, I. urT&an .. i U
Hotter uiine, rer w n fMHtrwia jj
Bowman family, per A & P. 14 eU
Sundry indigent perwm. per A A P 17
W H Ducomm, per J OeRo bourn II 03
Sunciry other indigent aUowances & h)
If Troubled With Rheumatism Read
Annapolis, Md., Apr. i, 1894. I
bave used Chamberlain's Palm Balm
for Rheumatism and found it to be all
that is claimed for it. I believe ' it to
be the best preparation for rheuma
tism and deep seated muscular pains
pains on the market and cheerfully re
commended it to the public. Jno. G.
Brooks, dealer in boots, shoes, etc.
No. 18 Main street.
Mechanicsvillk. St. Mary countv.
Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm to a man who bad been suf
fering' with rheumatism for several
years. It made him a well man. A.
J. McGill. For sale at 50 cents per
bottle by Geo. H. Hasklns.
Marriages and Licenses.
Married, in Jacksonville, October 10,
1896. by County Judge W. S. Crowell.
N. Moon and Florence Herrlck.
Married, in Jacksonville, October II,
by R. S. Dunlap. J. P., Alton F.
Chaney and Miss Alice Dungey.
.Married, in Jacksonville, October 12.
by Rev. J. M. Shulse, J. E. Patrick
and Miss Glenn Mills.
License issued October 12, 189tl, to
Royal G. Brown and Mrs. Mary A.
License issued October 13, to L. K.
Morgan and Miss C. A. McCabe.
Total warrants drawa an treasury
since April l, nv ... .
Port! i jH
For ISO 18.TM ll
Kor IWl lil 32
For V2 18.7ST 12
For 1 14.8S8 71
For lHM 'J0.1M 3
For IH. . . 1M.ZT7 31
it l u
4V.'I (01
J.e. in
s.es9 sj
J.4S7 IS
yi 17
Warrants issued, but
to payees ..
not yvt delivered
M3 :i
Delinquent taxes for 1X6 charged to
iCash In treasury
muumui vouniy warram nu HiKn 91
tbereon I
tlO.IW M
UM4 39
Total Indebtedness of county Vj9,&98 03
Aral resooroes. ( 14.310 80
Hal indebtedness )45J2i6 03
f io0.Stt 03
unty Clerk
AprU m90
May 157 SO
Jnne.. 177 K
Jnly 313 o
AuRUel 180 80
Keptenber....'. 375 00
tkh cos-ritA.
By treasurer's receipts filed 11,233 3f
Cvuutv recorder
April 1 m Ml
May 110 M
June J.T7 80
July MS OS
Auirust ; .. 94 70
Sentember TO
S808 OS
lr. vint ha ,
Ily receipts Ulcd with clerk 1806 Oi
Fees and costs sollected by sheriff for
six months.... pno 78
Hy treasurer's receipt tiled with clerk.... 1310 73
Tft Fayedls Eome UMi
For all diseases caused by derangement
of the Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach.
Keep it always in the house and you
will save time and Doctor's Bills, and
have at hand an active, harmless and per
fectly safe purgative, alterative and tonic.
If you feel dull, debilitated, have f recjuent
headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appe
tite and tongue coated, you are suffering
from torpid liver or biliousness, and SlA-
mons Liver Regulator will cure you.
If you have eaten anything hard to
digest, or feci heavy after meals or sleep
less at night, a dose of SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR will relieve you and bring
pleasant sleep.
If at any time you feel your system
seeds cleansing and regulating without
violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER
J. H. ZoUin Co., ruUjMlclpiita.
ln private family: com
modious houw; pleas
ant sonny rooms; reas
onable price; people of
refinement oaly want
ed. Attention of tourists especially in
vited. You can see mo personally at
W. H. Meeiier & Co.'n store.
W. J. STURQES, Medford. Ore.
fXH'NTY rPNtl.
I Delivered by Ex-Treusuror Welch I431M 11
' Are ou Tired
All the time? Then your blood needs
to be enriched and purified by Hood's
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, billious
ness. -25c.
In Siskiyou county Cal., the as
sessed value of the tracks and roll
ing stock of the Southern Pacific
railroad for this year is $1,448,042,
or $17,408,53 per mile for the 83.18
miles of road in that countv.
I'ald into treasury since July (th, as per
receipts nieu
4188 40
SS5M 40
By county warrants redeemed J.T897 60
Interest paid en redeemed warrants, J089 53
Cash in treasury. Including warrants
advertised for redemption K&l 02
Delivered over by ex-Treasurer Welch.. CV87 M
Paid into treasury since July 0 8S34 70
JH&2 24
Orders redeemed since Julv 8 ITfiW 40
Uolance cash In treasury..". isaj tn
Delivered over by ex Treasurer Welch. .11084 M
Paid into treasury since July 6th 154H 76
IV613 0
By orders redeemed t170 40
lialancc cash In treasury 443 9
And examine bis excellent line of Buckinham &l Heck's
boots and shoes. There is positively not a better article
on the market tban the goods made by tbis firm ....
While these goods are an exceptionally pood value I am sellinir them
no higher tban other dealers ask for Inferior goods. It's a little iroubie
to show goods but I want yon to trouble me. All goods warranted...
. AT The Fair Store, $iZL-
Trouble at The "Racket" and
'W. T. Karae is responsible for it
He has booted George Webb not painfully, but very agreeably
and he is prepared to boot you in like manner. His first invoice of
Has arrived, and the goods are now on sale. A better stock in this
line was never shown in Medford and the prices are low ....
see Kame, at the racket for good
values ....
Our stables are stocked with good,rgentle horses 'and
T" nrst class, new nsrs. and we are in evorv trav irp-
.. , - - j. - j
pared to meet the 'demands .of the traveling public.
Horses boarded by the day, week or month at rea-
onable rates. Satisfaction guaranteH.l.. T
SotnethiDtr entirely new in the heating stove line. You
will surely want one when you have seen our stocn.
We handle notbinjr but the very best stoves and ranges.
Usually carried by leading hardware house? can fee
found tn our store and then we have several articles
that you don't find elsewhere ....
Cutlery, Quaker bread pans, paints, oils, glass, tniciag
touts, carpet sweepers, prantte ana tinware, pumps,.
wasning macninee everytnmjr you are in need of...
Hand loaded shells with smokeless powder in quantities
from a half dozen to 100 dozen. Free deliverv to all parts
of the citv ....
Boyden & Nicholson,
Notla Woman in Town ....
But what has words of praise for the
groceries purchased at my store
ff It's Praclical EcoDomy
To trade with me. Qualities are net
sacrificed to price, and jet prices are
never high. Buying for Cash at 'ray
store saves many a price to the purchaser
THE ...
.... CR ATSR
And ctttch a brecae Trein the littlo
fan. The Crater is headquarters
for cool and refreshing summer '
drinks. Apent for Siskiyou Min
eral water, nature's own beverage.
Families supplied at $1.5(1 per case
of 50 bottles. There's uo flies on
us when the fan ruus.
D. I. Waldroop, Prop'r.
For fine photos and best bargains. Prices fixed
to please the people H. C. Mackey, Medford...
Is a desirable addition to the furniture of any
household and I have in stock th6 best article
in this line ever shown in Medford .....
.cX5 Just in also new assortment of wall papers the very
SiifxOLf 'atest patterns. My stock of furniture, carpets, etc.,
rXS? i". as in the past, second to none in Southern Oresron
I. A. WEBB, Hedford, Oregon ....