Company C of the Tweuty-fourth In- fautry, .United States : troops, ; under command of Captain Dedge, 'who have teen in the field since' the attack on the Mexican custom house, returned to tfccir barracks at Fort Huachuca, as all danger f another attack is believed to b over. . ' Poison -Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, are quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Geo, H. Haskins. druggist. Truman Stewart, a colored man of Munice, Ind., is raising money to send 1000 negro troops- from Georgia into Cuba to fight for the insurgents. The Kings County Elevated Company of New York, operating in Brooklyn, has been placed in the hands of General Jordan, the president, as receiver. , "Boys will be boys," but you can't af ford to lose any of them. Be ready for the green apple season by having De Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure in the house. . Geo. H. Haskins, druggist. Cardinal Satolli has received word from Rome that his successor.' Fath Sebastian Marunelli, now regent' of the Augistinians, a ill arrive in Washington on or about " September 20th. There will be no formal installing on his ar rival. He will enter at once on the duties of his otfiee under the direction and guidance of Cardinal Satolli. 3De Witt's Sarsaparilia is prepared for cleansing the blood from impurities and disease. It does this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitu tions impared by disease. It recom mends itself. Geo.H.Haskins.druggist. Sneak thieves rolrtieu a hank :t K:i. lcy, Ohio, of SiiOO while iho tr:u:-. i .ir ing the J'.ryair party wns ;:t tin- ife:"i. The attention of the bank people Uiug directed to the raiulidate and his party." It was ascertained that Mrs. Henry Yennemeyer and Miss Jennie Brooles, who were found dead in Cincinnati, were not murdered but committed suicide. It doesen't matter much whether sick headache, hilliousness, indigestion and constipation are'eaused by neglect or bv " unavoidably circumstances: Da Witt's Little Early Risers will speedily cure them all. Geo. H. Haskins' Two Mexicans engaged in the manu facture of cactus liquor in the bad lands of South Dakota have disappeared and it is thought they have been murdered for their money. Public curiosity is on the qui vive in the Orient us to what Russia -will do with tho many ships cf war mobilized at Vladivostoek. Steamers arriving at Stornway, Scot land, from Iceland, report that the se verest earthquake, since 1784 occurred there on the night of August 2Gth. The report states that two churches were de stroyed, cattle killed and farms destroy ed. The center of the disturbance ap peared to be in the volcano Ilecla. Einporer William unveiled the monu ment to Emperor William I, at Breslau recently, amid deafening cheers from the troops and populace. Your Boy Wont Live a Month. So Mr. Gilman Brown, of .34 Mill St. South Gardener, Mass., was told by the doctors. His son bad lunar trouble, fol lowing typhoid malaria, and he spent three hundred and seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally save him up, saying: "Your boy wont live a month." He tried Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to go to work a per fect well man. He says he owes his present good health to use of Dr. King's New Discoverv. and knows it to be the best medicine in the world for lung trouble. Trial bottle free at Chas. Strang's drug store. Samuel T. Tolen, an American citizen, recently a resident of the pro vince of Matanzas, has been arrested on board the Ward line steamship Seneca on a political charge, and is now in custody at Havana. It is said that the police have been trying to capture him for a long tune. The governor of French Guinea, r' plying to a dispatch of inquiry from the Minister of the Colonies, denies th statement made by Captain Kunter of the British steamer Nonpareil at Now port, Monmouthshire, that captain Albert Dreyfus has escaped from his prison on the island of Grand Salute. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best solve in tho world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, sali'rhc-om. fever j sores, tetter, cnappoa nanus, chilblains, f Ja Hung Chang, the Chinese viceroy, corns, and all skin eruptious. and posi- isited the military school at West j tivcly cures piles, or no pay required. Point. While enroute the party stopped j It is guarautoed to give perfect satis at the tomb of General Grant. Li turned j faction or money refunded. Trice l'3c to Colonel Fred 1 Grant and said : " I i per box. For sale by Cbas. Strang, have seen the tomb of IVter the Great, 1 Cardinal mmmi nas receive worn Williowi T nnA AT 11 ,.-,, lilll 7 hsvo rnt - .. .. ... , ..... !.Ytiin that, ins Miivt'ssor. fattier seen anything so grand as this great re minder of so great, a general. It eclipse anything I have as yet seen." Sebastani Martinelli, now recent of the Augustinians will arrive in Washington ... : on or about epteniiH.'r ju. Theofies-of cure may be. discussed at j At thc trial of Uuj,h yu.y.xn at l.jngth by physicians, but the sufferers nora on a c, of kM u s ,he want quick relic ; and Minuw , withdraw his plea Cough Cuse will give relief ,o t&em. - . ... , . !,. A safe cure for children. It is "the j of not guilty and enter one of gmlty. oulv harmless remedy that produces) nen u-skcu u ue uuuersHi mr s- imraediate results. Geo.H. Haskins. sible consequence ot ins action .Me.Mil- llied in the aluriuaiive. Mo- ims that he killed Swau in self-defense. As there were no wit nesses, so far as the prosecution knew, the case was one based purely on cir- The appointment is announced Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood and Miss Franoea Graham French to represent the United States at the second interna tional congress of charities and the sec end international congress for the pro tection of children at Geneva, Switzer land, oa Sept 15. The ladies will like wise attend the international peace congress, to be held at Budapest, and th iaternational women's congress, t be held at Berlin. : Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morbus, or diarrhoea. Fight them in -the beginning with De Witt's Cholic and Cholera Cure. You don't have to wait for results, they are in stanstaoeous, and U leaves the bowels in heaitby condition. Geo H. Haskins. Deputy marshals have captured Cox ' and Shinn, supposed to le members of the gang of border bandits. The cap ture was effected :;-ar Lordsburg. Grant county, N. M. The big miius at Leadville are being flooded on account of the men b-.'ing on H strike, and the total extinction of the '.mines is threatened. . The Irish Nationalists are in session ia Dublin, with 700 delegates in attendance. is. j sible conseq lan replied of Millan claiu cumstantial evidence. . Indigestion Cured. Depressing times depress the mind: the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of the S. B Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a normal condition. 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Chas. Strang. General vMauT wDullield of Wash ington, D. C, superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur vey, has arrived iu San Francisco. He has been in Alaska on a tour of inspection of all the points that have been sur veyed in connection with the boundary of British Columbia and Alaska. The wineries in Sonoma ceuntv are geetting ready to begin , upon the sea son's vintage. The yield of grapes will be fully two-thirds of a crop, and the quality will be good. A dispatch from London states that the Queen has consented to receive a petition containing the signatures of 7,000,000 women against the liquor and opium traffic. The grape growers of Northern Ohio are afflicted with a big crop, the heav iest ever known in that section of the country. The fruit is selling at 5 cent" a basket of ten pounds in the vineyard. Preparations are being made for the cremation of the remains of the late Kate Field. Miss Field left a will in which she directed that her body be cremated and that her ashes, together with a plain gold ring worn by her, be placed in an urn and deposited above the coffins of her father and mother at Mount Auburn cemetery, Cambridge, Mass. Our Standing at Home. ''Four out of every five bottles of medicine sold in the last five years are S, B. goods. The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure I use myself as a general uhvsic. If you ar sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is to ouy the S. is. reme dies and use as directed. C. P. Balch, Druggist, Dufur, Or." f0 cents a bot tle. For sale by Chas Strang. II. M. McCourtncy, chief tninccrof the Utah and California Railway, writes to a friend in lxs Angeles that the 145 miles of grading finished by tho Union Pacific from Miiford. I tali, smith, are now tho property of the above company, which has also purchased the maps and papers pertaining to thc survey in l.os Angeles in lS&v-'.KI. Tho braiu-h lines to the coal and iron fields have lieen lo cated and are ready to grade. The articles of incorporation of the Sierra Pacific Railway filed in San Fran cisco, are regarded in Stockton, Cal., as the outgrowth of the project upon which T. A. Bullock has U-en working for sonic time.' The new company intends to build a road from Stockton to Jack son, Amador county, with branches to San Andreas, CampoSecoand Plymouth Rock mine in Calavcr:ys county. Free lUIls. Send vow address to H. K. Buekleu & Co.. Chicago, aud got a free sample bos of Dr. King's Now Life-skills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are itarticularlr effective in the euro of con stipation and sick headache. For ma laria and liver troubles tney nave oeen proved invaluable. They do not weaken bv their action, but by giving tone to stomach und bowels greatly invigorate the system. They are guaranlcd to b perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to bo purely vegetable. Regular sued '25c. per box. Sold by Cbas. Strang druggist. Prince Ililkotf, imperial Russian min ister of ways and communication, is ex pected to arrive in Sail Francisco from the Orient the latter part of September or early in OctoWr. Prince Hilkoff has charge of all the railway, steamboat and other transportation lines tn me Russian empire. Percv Gaunt, the song writer, died at Law rencevillc recently. AmongGaunt's most popular productions were "The Bowery" and '.'Push Dem Clouds A way." Keichcre Matsui, secretary of the Japanese legation at Washington, is coufemng with , l'rcsidcnt mu oi me Great Northern as to the details of the traffic arrangement of the Imperial Japanese Steamship Company with the Great Northern. t B' .EST with a big D. Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Is In aclusa by lUelC You will And one coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two cou pons Inside each four ounce bag of , Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Buy a ba of this oelebratad tobacco and read the coupon which (Ives a Us lofvaloable presents ana nowio get laem. BOCXETTES Of XXD70SX 3 meets In L O. O. F. ' at a p.m.; visiting t. O. O. F. Lodge No. t ball .every- Saturday at oromers always welcome. A. S. BUTOK, N. G. , Ira a. Phelps, Kcc. Sec. I. O. O. F.. Kogue River " Encampment, No. 30, meets In 1. O. O. F. ball tbe secoDd and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m. Z. MAXCT, C. P. I. A Webb, Scribe. Olive Kebckah LoUp No. 28, meets In I. O. O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays of eacb month. Visiting sisters invited to attend. Miss Mamie Nicholson, N. G. Mas. A. T. Dhisko, Kcc. Sec. K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets Mon day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers ai ways welcome. H. U. LuuSDES, C. C. Z. Maxcv, K. of K. and S. A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. m.. in A. O. U. W. ball. w. I. Vawteb, W. M. W. V. Lxppikgoit, Rec Sec. JHCKSOtlVILLE JH0BBLE WORKS. J. C. WHIPP, 3?ropr. Does General Contracting in all Lines. . : GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. o - :. : - - -J-; CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY Jacksonville. - - - Orefron. Knights of tbe Maccaoees. Triumph Tent No. 14, meets in regular review on, the ls't and ' 3d Mondays of each month in A. O. U. W. Hall at 7 : p. m. Visiting Sir Knights cordial ly Invited to attend. A. A. BATTERSOS, commander. W. T. York. K. K. , Woodmen of tbe World Camp No. 90, meets every Thursday evening in A. O. U. W. ball, Medford, Oregon. F. M. WXLSOB. Wallace woods, CouncU Commander. ; Clerk. A.O. U. W. Lodge tto. 98, meets every lira and third Wednesday in tbe month at 8 p. m In their haU in tbe opera block. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. D. T. L.AWTOK, M . W. W. T. York, Recorder. " W. R. C Chester A. Arthur Corps No. 34 meets second and fourth Friday of eacb month at 3 o'clock p. m., in Wooirs ball. Mas. L. C. Redden, Pres. Mas. M. E. Davis. Sec. G. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47, meets In I. O. O F. ball every second and fourth Saturday afternoon in eacb month at 2 o'clock. W. T. Ease, Com. Eu Fisher. Adjutant. W. C. T. V. Meets every Wednesday after noon in the Halley Black. Mrs. aduie vasAstwerp, Pres. Mrs. Rose DeGkoot. Sec CHTJECHES OF MEDFORD. J. R.'WSL GiERAL BLACKSMITH Saint Marks Episcopal Sunday School meet ! at Kpiscopal Church every Sundsy morning at i 10 o'clock. Kcv. W m. Hart, Hector; S. S. Penlz. Superinu-ndeut. ) i Methodirt Episcopal Churcn Kdw. Uitlins, i pastor. I'rcachlna every Sabbath at 11 a. m sua - p. m. eunuay cnooi at iu a. m., i-.. t.. i l ' ' ' l . fl i Thomuson, supt. Class meeting every s-abbath l' i i i i i i i i 1 w i at close of sermon, Ivl tauct tt. leader. Ep ! ! I 1 I I i i AID IRS E SHOER "Wagons and Buie All Work Warranted First Class. fiedford, - ade to Order Cor. C and Eight street's Oregon. THE ILLS OK WOMEN. ConstiDation causos more than nail the ills of women. Karl's Clover Root Commander John Stark Newell, cap- 1 Tea is a pleasant cure for constipation. tain of the United States armored crui ser Detroit, now stationed in Chinese waters, is in Seattle, Wash., and is noi expeted to live, lie was on his way to "Washington to make report on the Kiep- sim, Central China, missionary inassa- I creb. i IT SAVES LIVES EVERY DAY. Thousands of cases of consumption. For sale by Chas. Strang, druggist. A FACT WORTH KNOWISQ. Consumption, la erippe, pneumonia, and all throat and lung diseases are cured by Shiloh's cure. For sale by Chas. Strang, druffjrist. Ritchie I- Dunn, a well known and prominent young business man of San Francisco, has been made a member asthma, coughs, colds and croup are 0f Governor Budd's personal staff. He cured every day by Shiloh's Cure. wa8 appointed Lieutenant-Colonel and The Same- Old Sarsaparilia. . That's Ayer's. The same old sarsaparilia as it was made and sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer SO yearm ago. In the laboratory it w different. There modern appli ances lend speed to skill and experience. But the sarsapa rilia is the same old sarsaparilia that made the record SO yearn of cures. Why don't e better it? Well, we're much in the condition of the Bishop and the raspberry : " Doubtless, " he said, "God might have made a better berry. But doubtless, also. He never did. " Why don't we better the sarsaparilia? We can't. We are using the ,ante oia plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards. It ii tint heen bettered. And since oe make sarsaparilia com pound out of sarsaparilia plant, we see no way ot improvement Of. course, if we were making some secret chemical compound we mieht But we're not. We're making the same old sar saparilia to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it's the mm old, sarsaparilia be cause it works the same old eures. It's the sovereign blood purifier, and It's Avers. For sale by Chas. Strang, dmgpist. A XATtTRAL BEAUTIFIER. Karl's Clover Root Tea purines the blood and gives a clear and beautllul completion. For sale by Chas. btrang. Reports are in circulation at Shang hai, which show that the travels or 1 j Hung Chang in Europe are likely to spective lines are competitive and serve have in the immediate future a most the same temtotv. As a result both important effect upon the policy of the lines are indulging in a promiscuous Chinese Government, ana tnat tne cui- slashing ot ireignt rates, ana it tne m-.g- nese empire will be thrown open to free I understanding continues much longer trade. both lines will be hauling freight to and Yore's opera house at Benton Harbor, from the valley for nothing. Mich., has been entirely destroyed by Aid-de-Camp, The traffic officials of the Southern Pacific Company and Trattiic Man ager Moss of the San Francisco and San Joaquin vallev Railway are unable to agree which points in the San Joaquin valley on their re- Chief IVputy (Vllortor Loupe f tin internal revenue- otlioc has gone t Fresno and Madera to survey a numler of wine and brandy plants, among them two of the largest ever put up in the ttate. As the sweet wine season i about to open, it will also devolve ujKn him to inspect nearly thirty plants in that vicinity which will commence the manufacture of wine at an early date. The largest plant that will be surveyed by the deputy collector is that which has just been erected by the California Wine Growers Association, about rour miles from Fresno. It is supplied with a continuous still lor me aistiuauon oi ines and brandv, and has a capacity of 4000 gallons a day. Thc next largest plant is that erected by the Sjwiss Itallan colony near Madera, which also has a continuous still and a capacity of 4000 gallons a day. A circular has been issued by the University of California at Berkeley, Cal., arranging for fifty meetings throughout the State for the purpose of bringing about such a relation between the university and the agricultural in terests as shall minister to the welfare of all conce Tied. These meetings are expected to strengthen the farmers' in stitutes already organired, and to fur ther the creation of new farmers' insli tutcs and lucal farmers' clubs. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the afflicted. There is iio advertisement about this; wo feel just like saying it. The Democrat, Carrolton, Ky. For sale bv Geo. H. Haskins. GO EAST VIA m IRTiRNIS Tnos. F. ... RAILWAY ... Shortest and Quickest Line to ST. 'PA UL. . MINNEAPOLIS, . DULUTH and ALL POINTS EAST Connects at Duluth with Nouthern Steamship Company FOR THE tnn MACKINAC. DETRIOT. CLEVELAND and BUFFALO j KCSS THROCGH I Palace and Upholstered Tourist Sleepers Pullman Elegant worth league every abbala evening ai 6:30, H. ; L. oiisey, ireL junior league every banoaui j l 3 p. m.. Miss May Phipps, supt. Keniar weekly weekly prayer ineetuie every Thursday (evening nl JS0. Ladle sewing c'.reie every i two weeks, Mrs. lieidleman, pres. Missionary ; societies, heme and foreign, first Friday in each month, presidents, Mrs. Van Antwerp and ; Mrs. Hubbard. Presbyterian Church Ker. A. S. Foster, pas i tor. Preachir.p at II a. m. and 7:C0 p. m. Sun- day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. K., 6:15 p. nu ! Junior Endeavor Society at 3 p. m Sunday. - j Prayer meeting on Wednesday erening at 7 ' n'r-1 (W l." ... j :: . Baptist church L. L. W oods. pastor. Wor- ship and preaching every Sunday morning and j evening lit nsaal hours for church servioes. : Covenant meeting on Saturday at S o'clock pre i ceeding each first Sunday. Prayer meeting on l Wednesday evening. Baptist Young People ! Union meets at Si) on Sunday evening. Sun i day school at 10 a. m. church Corner of .Sixth and I Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. school at 10 a. m.; Junoir Endeavor at P. S.C E- at :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Ladies Missionary Auxiliary to C. W. B. E. first Thurs day ?:-) P. it. each month. Choral Union every Friday at 7J0 p. m. The people welcome. tin Fisher pastor, llesides at the church. Methodist Episcopal Church South Ker. J.A. Crutrhtleld. pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. on the 1st. 2nd and 3rd Sabbath; Sabbath school at 10 a. m. and Epworth League at 6 p. m. every Sabbath at Medford. Service on 4th Sabbath at Soda Springs at 11 a. m. and Neil Creek school house at t p. m. A hearty wel come to aiL OsJsesi Henry C Payne, Henry C House. Receivers. TWORTHERN JIM PACIFIC R. R. U jST fire. Fifteen fircuu'ii were uurieil uy the falline walls anil eleven killed. n Mofl ioinnPnmnnntf U the 1 POU9 ITliei Bl wnj a llliui ucu uy ik o ' ; I . ' rnnSrv medi- Colic and Cholera Cure. For dysentery out of nine proprietary mem-r-" . ., ,, ,!oKi X...m.i . i ; - 4 nnn l Hrruuca lb 19 a ivuawio . on tula vuuhij Worthy of Notice The S, onlv ono nin firms incorporated ineo 1S87 that has not made an assign . mi V. J a.Mnn i nA nawa, menu. ul-so umu Haalrirm druirsrist naner advertising contracts for two 1 HasHins, oruggisi 1 ' i . 1 1 t . i i . : years, li speaKS louuiy oi mcir uioni 50 cents a bottle, v or sale oy cnas Strang If vou bavo ever seen a little child in tho agony of summer complaint, you can realize tho danger of the trouble and appreciate the value or instantan- r'.i . i it i i ... rv:v An explosion ocrurrotl in the powder works of the California IWder Com pany at rinole, Cal., last week, and four white men and eight ( hinesc were killed. i?everal buildin;; were mined. Tne loss about f-.D.OOO. A demented young mah has been found at Klamath Bluffs on the Oregon border In Humboldt county, winch solves the mvstery of a long missing boy from Areata, Cal. Willie McOrade was lost in January while huntiug, and the wild man captured is. thought to be the lost boy. The California State Fair opened its annual show at Sacramento on the 1st. J. W. Lainz and Bev. W. W. Bolton hava returned from Vancouver, where they have been on a most successful ex ploring expedition. They found a fine wood nd reirion. but tliO limoer in m-- cessible. No mines were discovered only great masses of marble. The region had never been seen by white m.n iw.f Anil has been deserted by tv,a Tnriiotiu. Vrv little arable land was found. We could not afford to recommend this Ins a cure unless itwereacure. uco.u. askins, druggist. v j Arthur Batten ol anta ICoss liatl I'ecn . . i fir.. eurrvinir a irnuil powder cap in in pocket as a curiosity. It expiouea badly lacerating his leg, and may cause his death. Ijrd Sholto Douglass has settled down to live at Oakland, Cal., to take a course in a business colleeo to prepare himself for the banking bnsincs. A na n' Hv1riT)cTiamc-or Mo Iron has been arrested in Del Monte county Cal.. on suspicion of having killed Charles Perry of Oregon lor the pur pose of robbing liiin. vnn nF.SPF.PSIA a.i nnmiiluintvou have a printed bottle of Shiloh's vr:.i;,. it. no ver fails to cure. For sale by Chas. Strang, druggist. fATARRH CURED. Health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Kemeay. trice uuo. Nasal injector free. For sale by Chas. CASTORIA . , nja, Tor Infants and Children. 'SHILOH'S CURE Will irnmediatelv relieve croup, whoop ing cough and bronchitis. For sale by Chas. Strang, druggist. fhee! fkee!' kkkk! Write S. C. Wells & Co., Lo Hoy, X. , for pamphlet on "Four INationai Foes" and sample of their celebrated Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale uy Chas. Strang, druggist. also DINING and LIBRARY OBSERVATION CASS For full information regarding rates. etc., call on or address: A. B. C. DEMSTON. C. P. & F. A., Portland, Oregon. W. Tt YORK, Local Afc't ' Over Haskins Drug Store, Medford, Oregon. Tourists FREE -: Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars I COLONIST -:- SLEEPERS EAST AND SOUTH BY THE The - Shasta - Route OF THF . SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. EXPRESS TKAIXS LKAVK PORTLAXO DAILY. South North 8:S0i. m l.v. Portland Ar. 8:10 a. iu 1S:0S pm l.v. Medford Lv 5fip. in 7:15 uni Ar. San Krauclseo Lv. 8:00 p. in Alw,v train. Rtnn nl Kst Fnrllitnd Dnvnlt Cliy, WtHxPmrn, !aleni. Turner, Marion. Jef- ronon. Aioanv, Aiuatiy juncuun, lanviii, Shedds. Ualsey, Harrlsbant, Junction City, Ir- vlnir, F.unvne. Crvswell. Urnlnt. and at alt sta tious from liowburg to Ashland iuclusivc. TO 1st. Paul Minneapolis . lOuLuTM Afmco Oano Foaaa Grand Forks nCROOHSTON Ihclcna ns - G. B. Culver of Stanford Cinversity has just returned from an expedition to tlm Whitnev river, near the foot ol Mount Whitney, in the interests of the eooloeieal denartinent of the university. Hi minsinn was to iirocure specimens of colden trout, which have never yet been procured for museum purposes at the university. The fish that he brought buck average about ten inches iu length and are considered very hue by the tie jiartnieiit. tit hi- J9 ' it n Ttry Self-denial is tho one thing most dif ficult to inculcate and always hard to nmri.lrn. eftnoclallv when there are good things to eat within reach. But there is no self-denial necessary if you take Simmons Liver Regulator. It pro mntna rilcrpfit.ion. nrevent dvspepsiaand a dose after a hearty meal of dellcnoles mill nrnvnnt anv discomfort. It's the airrrc TBE006H METS. -TO- CHlCAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL ROSKBURQ MAIL DAILY. Port land Rosebur SALKM PASSENGKR DAILY. M:S0 a. m Lv 5-s0 p. m Lv Ar I 4:40 p. m Lv I S.O0 a. in POINTS EAST AND SOUTH A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No. S Morrison si., cor. inaru. Or II. L. Rains, Ticket Agent, Aieaiora, uregon. S. F. Cass, Ticket Agent, First Nat'l Bank, Grants Jfass, Ore., 4K p. m. la p. m. I Lv Ar Portland Sitleiu Ar Lv 0:U ,m. 6x00 a.m. Dining Cars on Ogden Route. Pullman Buffl-tt Sleepers and Second Class Sleeping CnrsHttachtHl to ail tarougti trains Between Portland and Corvallis. W'EST SIDE DIVISION. Mall trains dully, except Sunday: :S0a. in I Lv Portland Ar I 8.-Vp. m 12: p m I Ar CorvalUs Lv 1:85 p. ui At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains oi u. u. cc r.. raiiwav. Express Trains dally, except Sunday MoMinnvllle Lv 5:60 a. iu 4:25 p. m Ar aS-Tliroufth tickets to all points In the Eastern states, Canada and Kurope can be ob tainrd at lowest ratoa from W. V. Llppinoott, Agent, Medloru. p irnKHT.KR. E.P.ROGERS. Manager. Asst. Q. F. & P Ajt ' PORTLAND, ORCOON RIP-A-NS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : cures tne common every-day ills of humanity. Strang, druggist. best good-night toddy.