The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 04, 1896, Page 1, Image 1

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You want to
your Receipts
Has lost many a dollar tor business men.
If a man is judged by the coat he wears,
he is also judged by the letter-head ho
uses. An artistic and business-like letter
head has frequently been a basis of credit.
It mav be looked on as a good investment.
Let THE MAIL office tit your business
with a new coat .....
Advertise you business in the columns of
e will write your ads. for you and display
them belter than any other paper in Jack
bon county ....
' m
Medford, Oregon
t57Offlce with W. H. Parker.
C. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for the State
of Oregon. Postonlce address:
Medford, Oregon.
Jacksonville. Oregon.
Hamlin Block. Medford. Ore.
Office in bank bulldinsr. Medford. Or
Hare the most complete and reliable abstracts
of title in Jackson county.
Austin S. Hammond. Win. L Vawter.
Office l. O. O. F. buildinsr, Medford, Or
G. W. White. J. A. Jeffrey.
Medford, Oregon.
Will practice In all the courts of the state.
Special attention given to all kinds of convey
ancing. Notary work and collections at reas
onable rates and remittances promptly made.
Mining law a specialty. Office on beventh
street, opposite Opera House.
If you are going anywhere for an
for guns, ammunition and fishing
tackle. Shells loaded to order
with smokeless powder
- 2-: -t-l-
TT1irO A'P TITP WADTn awed as they slept Jn another part of
JN L H O Ur 1 1 111 VI UllLlA o house Mm. Green lay dead upon the
noor. it is supposed the-woman, while
4itt.. iirirn iilT Miuinn trillrt! ln ! il .1 .. n
Tlio Secretary of State for the British j and tIien dispatched herself, using a
In ie Sugar Pine Forests ....
Gray's saw mill is located, and it is by H
Is where R. W.
no means the
Of which so much has been written, but Is on of much
noise, as It turns out piles of flooring, ceiling, rustic, sash,
doors, mouldings, stairs, newels, balusters, ceder posts,
shingles, pickets and fruit boxes. They also do all kinds
lathe and band-saw work
Colonies. Joseph Chamberlain, and Mrs. I
Chamberlain wero passengers on the
steamer Teutonic to New York to visit
the hitter's father, ex-Secretary W. C.
A dispatch from' the Island of Crete
says that the Turks have attacked the
Cretan insurgents near Malevyzi and
have been repulsed with the loss of
forty killed and twenty-one wounded.
Julius M. Lyon, a wholesale dealer in
diamonds in Now York, has made an
assignment, caused by the fact that he
lias been robled of more than $150,000
worth of diamonds by a trusted em
ploye. The thief was a relative of Lyon.
The tin-plate strike at Elwood, Ind.,
ended by the company signing the scale.
The State Department has received
news of a sanguinary conflict between a
party of explorers in Peru and a band of
Peruvian Indians. The exploring party
was led by an American named Cooper.
The Western roads are falling out
over the Grand Army business to St.
Paul. There is not much cutting of the
rate proper, but many of the roads are
carrying department commanders and
their stalls for nothing and issuing free
transortation in other cases.
Brazilian and Jacobin factions have
met in sious affray at Buenos Ay res.
The Italian government has warned
Brazil that unless complete satisfaction
is assured for the outrages perpetrated
upon the Italians in ISio de Janeiro the
legation will be recalled from that city.
The family of John Havs Hammond
Mills Ave miles blow Prospect.
Office and yard. Sixlb St., Medford
R. W. GRAY g
Chronic diseases, and diseases peculiar to
women a specialty.
Office Opera Block.
Medford, Oregon.
Eagle Point, Oregon.
Office Inlow residence.
Having Had Forty Years Experience ...
Furniture ana lHWatinp tt
lJusiness it Is with pleasure that we occupy this space in inform
ing the people of Jackson county that we are now fully equipped
to supply all articles needed in the two above mentioned lines.
We manufacturer superior work in store, hotel and office fixtures.
Salesrooms at Medford, Oregon
Factory at Phoenix, Oregon
Office in ChilderV Block,
Medford, Or
Office hoars 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
Sundays 12 to 1.
Medford. Or
Office: Haskin Block.
Have permanently located In Medford for the
practice of dentistry. From a continued prac
tice of over 14 years, we are prepared to guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
OivensacaU. Over The Palace.
Ohas. Perdue . . ..
Practical En m
Oriental Ltivery Stables
W. T. CRANE, Proprietor
We are now locoted In our new brick stable, on North D street,
and are better prepared than ever to accomodate the traveling
public. Our rigs are all new and first-class; our horses are
good roadsters and perfectly gentle....
ty Commercial men, hunting parties and tourists given special
S3T attention. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed...
Bicycles ripaired on short
notice at living prices....
Shop in J. A. Whitman's
Gits may and Transfer Go.
Baggage Transferred
"Wood Delivered.
Hard and Soft Wood for Sale
....Honest Charges
Try us once and you
will come again....
Mitchell, Lewis fe Staver
Agricultural im Ms
ana veni
3 Buy the Mitchell wagon acknowledged by
11 all teamsters to be the best wagon on the
j market. Call and see us and we will show
you the largest and mcst complete stock of
ia vehicles ever brought to Medford. You
a want our wagons and we want your custom.
f;7J Send for catalogue and prices
D T LA WTO N, nanager Medford Branch wi:J
Hotel Nash
Bates Bros., Props
First class work in all branches of the
tonsorial art. Satisfaction
. . . guaranteed . . .
The Mail and Cincinnati Enquirer
one year for $1.60 is one of our. best
clubbing propositions. -
Medford Brewery and Ice Works
Our Beer is on Tap at Me'dford Bars"
Write to us for prices There is no better beer on the
larket. It is brewed from pure malt and hops
isbceu augmented bv the birth of a
:ibv bov in Chisel hurst.
The filibustering steamer Laruda,
hich sailed from Philadelphia with
mis and ammunition for the Cubans,
as landed safelv her caryo.
The big drv goods flrnl 0f Hilton
Huglies & to. of ew lork, sueeessor
:V. T. Stewart & Co., at one time the
most extensive house in the country,
has wade an assignment.
The Canadian vacht Canada de
feated the American yacht "Veneedor,"
owned at Chicajro, in the first race for
an international trophy, in a drifting
match in a light breeze st Toledo, Ohio.
Hauied bin Thwain, Sultan of Zanzi
bar id dead, after a three years reign.
The crew of the British tramp steamer
Moldava were picked up by an Anchor
Liue steamer which arrived at Glasgow
on the 2oth. The Moldava struck an
iceberg and went down.
Charles Church, a member of a private
banking firm at Towell, Mich., which
had closed its doors, shot his wife and
himself rather than face the failure ot
the bank.
United States Marshal Thomas 8nJ
his deputies killed Hill Dooliu, the noted
Oklomhama outlaw, in a battle aeat
Clayton, Payne county. One deputy
was wounded. Doolin escaped from the
Federal jail at Guthrie O. T., July 4th.
The palace of the Sultan of Zanzibar
was bombarded Thursday morning and
was reduced to a mass of blazing rains.
The usurping chieftain, Said Khalid,
nd the commander of th forces. Said
Sales, escaped to the German consulate.
where they remain u ruler the protec
tion of the German flag.
The Cramps earn a bonus of $350,000
by the speed record achieved by the
cruiser Brooklyn, which averaged 21.92
knots an hour during a forced run of
four hours.
Harry Hill, the noted oJd-time sport
and for manv years proprietor of a
swell "dive" in Gotham, whose fame
was international, has just died a pauper.
T. Rosser Roomer, ex-captain of Zou
aves in bt. ixmis, ana t. jv iiungass,
also of St. Louis, who entered the Cu
ban service last November, have re
turned. They are in this country for
the purpose of securing arms for the
insurgents. They are confident the
rebel armv will win.
Rev. D. L. Molten, rormerly pas
tor of the Methodist Episcopal Church
at Denver, has been deposed owing to
his attention to Miss Grace Hall,
pretty actress.
Owing to tho failure of Moore, Bros.,
the match manufacturers of New York,
many Chicago brokers and business
men are threatened with ruin. It is
estimated that $10,000,000 have been
withdrawn from Chicago trade circles
and tho banks refuse the usual credit
simply because so many merchants
have put their money in the hands of
mere speculators.
Word has been received at Silver
City, N. M., that the nine desperadoes
who robbed the Sepor postoffico, the
Kogales bank and killed one of the
posse who pursued the outlaws, have
been surrounded at Skeleton, Ariz., by
a posse of deputy United States mar
shals, An nyackjjill soon, bo made.
Travelers from Constantinople say the
gtateof anrcli' continues at the Turk
islT capital. The numoer of persons
massacred reaches into tho thousands.
Neighbors who broke into the house
of C. W. Green, traveling passenger
agent of the Big Four railway at Kan
sas City, found his three children, two
boys aged respectively 13 and 6 years,
and a girl aged 9 years, lying dead in
bed. , They had. been shot and instantly
Dr. Thomas Gallagher of New York,
the Irish political prisoner, was released
from Portland prison Friday morning in
charge of the infirmary nurse. Galla
gher looked pale, thin and extremely
weak. His hair had turned gray.
The Turkish empire is liable to get it
self into trouble from an unexpected
source. The embassadors of the powers
have joined in a demand that rioting
and needless bloodshed be stopped.
While feeding a separator near Hav-
wards, Jesse Mortensen lost his footing
and fell into the cylinder, with the re
sult that his leg was torn off above the
knee. His recovery is doubtfuL
The stage running between Kernville
and Caliente in Kern county, Cal., was
held up on the 23th and robbed of $2000
in gold. The passengers were informed
that they would not be molested.
Joe Choynski knocked Joe McAuliffe
out of the ring in four rounds in San
t rancisco on Friday night
The point having been raised in re
gard to the wages of American seamen
being paid at forejgn ports in silver
money, Commissioner Chamberlain says
even though a contract be made to that
effect, wages must be paid in gold or its
The color line is again brought to the
front by the appointment of two colored
cadets to the naval academy at Annap
olis. One hails from California and one
from Chicago and both won appoint
ment by passing preliminary examin
ations at the head of the list
Michael Bariatti, ragged and dirty,
arrived at New York as a steerage pas
senger. The size and weight of his
trunk attracted suspicion and it was
found to have a false bottom and sides.
under which was concealed $tX,000
worth of jewelry
Kmpoleon AlUr the Battle of Dreaden.
Professor Sloane's "Life of Napo
leon," in Tho Century, takes np the
"Collapse of tho Western Empire. In
describing the end of the grand army
after the battle of Dresden, Professor
Sloaue says: The night of the 7th was
spent in indecision as to any one or all
of these ideas, but in active preparation
for the retreat Any contingency might
bo met or a resolve taken when the ne
ccssiry arose. During that night the
emperor took two warm baths. The
habit of drinking strong coffee to pre
vent diowsiness had induced attacks of
nervousness, and these were not dimin
ished by his load of care. To allay these
and other ailments he had had recourse
for some time to frequent tepid baths.
Much has been written about a mysteri
ous malady which had been steadily in
creasing, but the burden of testimony
from the emperor s closest associates at
this time indicates that in the main he
had enjoyed excellent health throughout
the second Saxon campaign. There were
certainly intervals of self indulgence
and of lassitude, of excessive emotion
and depressing self examination, which
seemed to require the offset of a physic
al stimulus; but, on the whole, natural
causes, complex, but not inexplicable
sufficiently account for the subsequent
disasters. .
Why W Do JCot Boy EnslUh Picture.
Picture dealers in America have some
times been criticised because they hare
done nothing to popularize the works of
contemporaneous British painters. But,
as I have pointed out more than once,
the high pnoes at which pictures are
held in England makes it impossible for
them to be imported witb profit into tho
United States, sven if there were a de
mand for them, which there is not.
There are a few Americans with galler
ies who like to own an example or two
of such men as Burns-Jones, Watts,
Leigh ton, Hillais, Alma-Tad ema, Wal
ter Crane and Boughton, but that is
about alL
Modern French pictures, for 20 years
cast at least have been preferred in
America to all others, and. as a rule,
when bought discreetly, they have
irrcatly increased in value. On the other
hand, the reports of London auction
rooms for several years have shown a
constantly decreasing demand for work
of even some of the most popular of the
native artists, and as there is little or
no market for them outside of Great
Britain and tho colonies they are often
sold at a great loss to the owners. Art
Amateur. J
A popular but rare stoue of recent
discovery is the alexandrite, which
owes its name to quite a peculiar series
of coincidences. On the day of the com
ing of age of the Emperor Alexander of
Russia tho discovery of a new variety
of mineral was made in tho emerald
mines of the Catherine mountains. This
stone varied in color from emerald to
the darkest green, having often a red-
djeji jnt Jts especial peculiarity is
that, wnon exposed to artificial light,
its color changes entirely to a beautiful
red. As green and red are tho national
colors of Russia, and in commemorative
honor of the day on which the stone
was discovered, the name alexandrite
was given the mineral and the custom
inansnrated of submitting all the finer
specimens to the emperor for his selec
tion before dealers are allowed to pur
chase. New York Dispatch.
The announcement is made by Presi
dent Cleveland at Gray Gables of the
appointment of Da-vid R. Francis, ex
Governor of Missouri, as Secretary of
the Interior, vice Hoke Smith, who re
signed the secretaryship because of his
financial views. Mr. Francis will prob
ably assume office on September 1st, as
that Ls the date named in Secretary
Em i th's resignation.
A meeting of California Gold Demo
crats was held at San Francisco and
delegates appointed to attend the In
dianapolis convention on September 2dL
The following were appointed delegates:
Cassius Carter of San Diego, John Roth.
of Visalia, J. H. O'Brien of Marysville,
Thomas B. Bond of Lakeport, Warren
Olney of Oakland, John A. Stanley of
Oakland,. Nathaniel Harris of San Fran
cisco, Gay W. Taylor of Redding, Jere
Lynch of San Francisco, John P. Irish,
of Oakland, William Thomas of San
Francisco, Emanuel S. Heller of San
Francisco and E- S. Lippitt of Peta-luma.
Ex-President Harrison opened the
campaign in JSew lone city wun &
speech on the issues of the campaign, i
William J. Bryan visited Buffalo, the
old home of Grover Cleveland, and
made a speech, to a vast audience in
that citv.
The secretary of the Filver committee
at Washington is evolving a plan to
raise campaign funds from the farmers.
It is for farmers to contribute produce
of whatever sort'available, wheat corn,
sheep or anything else, and that the
donations shall be gathered to common
centers and sold at auction to the high
est bidder, the proceeds going for poli ti
cal education.
William McKinley has issued his let
ter accepting the presidential nomina
tion. He advances arguments in favor
of protection and international bimetal
ism. '
Ex-Postmaster-General Vilas, now a
leader of the gold Democrats, spoke at
Milwaukee in favor of the yellowy
metal. He still inclines towards free
trade, however.
The New York Eepublicaa convention .
met "at Saratoga on the 25th and nomi
nated State ticket as follows : For Gov
ernor, Congressman Frank S. Troy.
Timothy E. Woodruff of Brooklyn
was- nominated for Lieutenant-Governor.
The secretary was directed to
east the vote of the convention for Ir
ving G. Van n of Syracuse for Associate
Justice of the tourt of Appeals.
The most significant event in candi
date Bryan's Eastern visit was the din
ner given him at the house of Senator
D. Bl Hill of New York at Albany. Mr.
Bry&JK addressed a large meeting in the
evening at the capitol of the- Empire
State. It is now apparent that the New
York organization,, as the sound money
wing of the Democrats is called, will
support the Chicago ticket.
The Oregon Democratic state central
Committee has agreed with the Popu
lists to nominate Brvan and Watson
electors, leaving. Sewall out of the State
Tho Washington Republican state
convention was held at Tacoma, at
which the following ticket was nomi
nated: Governor,. P. C Sullivan, Ta
coma; Supreme Court Judge, J. P.
Hoy t, King county, renominated; Sec
retary of State, J. It Price, tierce
county, renominated; State Auditor.
John E. Frost Kittitas; State Treasurer,
J. A. .Kellogg, Columbia; Attorney
General, E. W. Ross, Cowlits; Super
intendent of Publie Instruction, E. L.
Brunton, Walla Walla; Commissioner
of Public Lands, William T. Forrest,
Lewis; State Printer, O. (X White, Ste
vens, renominated; Presidential Eire
tore L. B. Andrews King county; Sol
Smith, Klickitat; John N. Conn, Pierce;
W. K. Kennedy, Adams; for Lieutenant-Governor,
J. W. Arrasmith of Whit
man county was nominated.
Idaho has two state Republican tickets
in the field, tho "regulars" and the
" silverites"
The Populist notification committee
has decided to notify Bryan and Watson
of their nomination bv letters through.
the mail instead of committee.
W. W. Montague Republican presi
dential elector for the fourth district,
and Col. Charles F. Crocker, candidate
for elector-at-large, have resigned. The
latter gives as his reason that having
been absent from the state and not be
ing registered, he was disqualified.
These were supposed to be representa
tives of John D. Spreckles on the state
Senator Tillman telegraphed ex-Presi
dent Harrison from Washington as fol
lows: " Hon. Benjamin Harrison, New
York City : I have just spent a week
in Pennsylvania speaking to m
thousands, xour speech at JNewTorij
attacks me specifically, and I would be
pleased to meet you in joint debate be
fore a northern audience, preferably at
incuunapuiis. x. xw touim.
The Democrats of the first California
district met at Napa and nominated
Fletcher A. Cutter of Humboldt coanty
for congress. .
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all la Icavenlnr
Strength. v. s. ooMWMt Rwort.