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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1896)
I OUR COUNTY ondents i j ;g Eagle Point Eaglets BY A. 3. nOWLETT. F. B. Inlow, of Trail, was in town Jast Saturday attending to .business. W. C. D.iler, of North fork of Little Butte, was in town last Sat urday. J. P. Moomaw has been hauling lumber from A. J. Daley's mill the past week. Geo. W. Daley, Sr., started for Crater lake last Monday morning on his wheel. Thomas E. Nichols and wife were in our town Saturday attending to important business. Hank Beer and wife left here the first of last week for Yreka and other points in Calif. . Miss Ella Benson has closed her 6ehool near Flounce Rock : and is now the guest of Mrs. Simon. Kflwt. Tknria rf A nrtlarra t woo1 over last week visiting his brother, Frank, and father and mother. Oscar Simpkins and family came upfrorn Wooaville last Saturday to visit Mrs. S'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heckathorn. ! Ralph Newman aud family and Misses Minnie and Frank Newman went up to Elk creek last week to1 visit E. H. Lewis and family. John Williscroft returned from Crater lake last Sunday bringing someone's wheel with him. He re ports that the dust is deep that it is impossible to run a wheel. ' Harvey Richardson, of Trail, has been in this neighborhood with his threshing machine,. tmt had the misfortune to break his horse-power so as to detain him for some time. Mrs. A. J. Florey and children, who have been enjoying the pure air and fine scenery that surrounds the home of her youth,near Flounce Rock, returned to Eagle Point Sun day last. - - - Mrs. Geo. Morine gave a quilting last Thursday and I heard one of the boss quitters remark that she regretted that she had the threshers that day and couid not go. Those who were there had a remarkably fine time. Joe Rader, Marsh Garret and W. Brown started last week for Dead Indian soda springs, Fish lake etc to remain for some time. Joe will look after his cattle around Fish lake and all three will have a jolly good time. - - .- Last week I unintentionally omit ted to state that Mrs. R. L. Parker and daughter,Mra.Heiriford of Lake- view, ana a young lady from the game place, passed through our town on their way to the Parker stock ranch near Twin Buttes. Walker " Lewis, our ' Elk vcreek stockman and hunter, came down last week to his brother's, J. M. Lewis, and brought a large panther skin, taken from a panther that he killed a few days before. He was accompanied by his cousin, Miss Virgie Parsons, of San Jose, Calif. She expects' to return to her home in the near future. " . Last week the Rogers & Morris threshing machine was working in the neighborhood, and a series of narrow escapes were experienced by Pat Marrow. While working on the derrick he got his foot caught in one of the guy ropes which hap pened to give way nearly breaking it ; the next day one of the forks truck him on the side of the neck entering a half an inch below the jugnlar.yein, and striking with such i A 1 1 11" ! iorcaa&-u neany oreaK ms necx; next aay -a -wmcnester cartrioge, which had been dropped in the grain was put through the machine and Mr. Morrow found it on the screens, mashed all out of shape. The cylinder teeth did not happen to strike the cap, and so no damage was done. It is quite remarkable that the man is alive. Ed. Griffin Creek Gatnerings BY OCCASION A L - Miss Rose Dodge, of Ashland, is visiting with S. McPherson's fam ily. . . .: Leon Haskins, of Medford, spent Sunday visiting with his cousins, the Lawton boys. Miss Minnie McPherson id stay ing with Rev. M. A. Williams and family near Medford. Mrs. J. B. Griffin, of WoodviUe, is staying with her sister, Miss Alta Naylor, who is quite ill. J. Hartley and family, who have been so journing at the coast for some time, returned home last week. Miss Rose Chapman returned to Eden precinct Sunday after visit ing with her parents severel weeks. Chas. Wilson, who has been stop ping on Griffin creek for the past year, has gone to Jacksonville to reside. Mrs. Gutches was the recipient of an elegant bureau on Friday of last week, it being presented to her by her eons, Chas. and .Reuben, in honor of her birthday. - Mr. and Mrs. J. P. True have re turned from McCallister springs,and also D. B. Soliss and family have returned from Klamath county. A party consisting of H. L. Griffin and family, J. L. Wilson and fam ily, Misses Cora Bashford and Eva Randies and Messrs. Frank True and Chus. Wilson left this week for the huckleberry patch where they will catup for some time and pick huckleberries. Prospeet Pointers. Miss Olive Gordon's health is im proving. Miss Ella Benson returned to the valley last week. Ed. and Charley Booth by expect to spend the winter in the valley and attend school. Ed. Coker killed a deer last week that had both ears cropped. He does not know whose mark it is. We are pleased to - learn that Prof.'Daley's health is much im proved since coming to our monn tains. A successful term of school was closed here the 14th. Frankie Ai ken and Charley Boothby led the classes in spelling. " Misa Mae Earhart, one of our teachers, will, we learn, teach the fall term of school in the Richard son district, near Medford. Work is being done on the Crater lake road, The trees , that fell where the recent fire pwept through are being taken out and other im provements made. Gus ; Williams,1 brother of Sam Williams, of Sams Valley, is visit ing him and camping at the Wil liams place here. Mrs. John Wil liams and family are with him. A pleasant party gathered at Mr. Chauncy Nye's on Saturday, the 8th ins't, to celebrate Miss Elsie Nye's birthday. The day passed very pleasantly for all. The dinner was surely not to be excelled and all wished many happy returns of such a. pleasant day. The party consisted of Miss Elsie Nye and parents, - Mrs. A. J. Florey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nye, Misses Maude Boothby and Effie Blackford and Mr. and Mrs. Da ley. Kanes Creek Items. BY SINE DIB. Mrs. Askne, of Roseburg, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Olson, at the Bfwmill. Miss Maggie Hammersley, of this place, has gone to Crater , lake to remain some time. Perry Knotts is building'an addi tion to his house, which, when done, will be quite a convenience." Elmer Higanbotham has been engaged hauling brick, which he intends building a fireplace soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Knotts, of Fish Camp, spent several days of last week in this neighborhood visit ing their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Damewood, of the Willamette valley, arrived at this place, one . day. last week. They will . visit . their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Damewood, of this place, for several weeks and then they will start for California. ; Saxe Creek Items. is will tap the vein at a iw depth and frnish plenty of ore to run a large mill which i3 Boon to be erected on the grounds. The ore is high grade and promises to be on of the rich est mines in southern Oregon. Fae-est fires' are now raging in the mountains which tend to increase the bxt weather. The thermome ter has stood up to the degree of 108 this vek. T. B Sublett and Waa. Ca?ey are busily engaged in running a lower working tunnel to strike their ledge at a low depth. The ore is reported to be very promising. BV PROSPECTOR. Mrs. John Curry, of Medford, is visiting friends in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wall left Sat urday for Honolulu, H.I.,their home. Mr. Wall will return as usual in the spring, but his wife has not de cided yet as her health is not the best. Al Smith, who was the sawyer at the mill, and who took up a claim near by, has decided not to bring his family up from the valley. C. W. Skeel has bought his claim and will finish the house in order to have a summer home near his son Myron. The Leeds Road and Its Progress. Editor Medford Mail As it may be of some interest to the peo ple to know of the progress made on the Leeds and Lost creek grade I will 6tato that the peoplo in the vicinity of Leeds held a meeting on the loth for the purpose o making arrangements to complete the grade to Rogue river. A subscrip tion was started and quite liberally signed. There is a subscription list also being circulated on upper Rogue river to help build the bridge across Rogue river at the foot of the Flounce rock grade. There have been 118 days work put on the grade and the supposition is it will take 100 days more (o com plete the work and there will bo no trouble in obtaining the amount of labor required to finish it. Some of the lumber teams haul ing lumber from Mr. Gray's saw mill have been, doubling teams across Rogue river and traveling the Leeds road, thereby gaining about ten miles In distance and se curing a much better road. A large number of tourists have traveled that way but the crossing at Mr. Gordon's on Rogue river is not very safe for all kinds of teams the current being quite 6trong. I will write you again. Observer. Real Estate Transfers. aiie up to date. As I go to press I have ii found a single ' solitary onoe. Cven an owl -and a month old bound pup look funny t me (nnd thin is no pun ) But I must quit lying; I see that. I bet though if I should - accidentally Ml' the truth it wauld be hard to find iiiiy nun to believe it. In regand to the boy: My pre vious artieie was all a joke. The h'iy and his parents knew this all right, but (ine of the neighbors did n-t, exactly catch on and some did not want to catch on, and of course made quite a talk; but the facts are: We did have a boy for a lone time, who always gave the be3i of satisfaction; and I hereby, unsolicited, recommend him as be ing a very manly, upright, capable and industrious boy, who.-e charac ter is unimpeachable. The boy left us on amicable terms with an offer of better wages by us to remain. So in conclusion I will say: To all whom it may conc-rn, (and I can't help whether- it concerns whom or not) I canVafford to be paying out money toUwthe amende honorable through the press every few days; and after this when when you see any lies from my pen it shall be prima facie evidence that there is not a word of truth in them. Yours very seriously, Tims. II. B Taylor, WoodviUe, Oregon. You run no risk. All druggists gnaranUe Grove Taslles Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturer!) claim for it. W a run led, no cure, no pay There aro many imitations, to get the gkncIINB axk foroHOvE's. HANTS ANDTsIGNS. A Maine ghost in a freight car, after frightening a brakeman into a chuckle headed funk, proved to be a granite statue. The phoot-s of those killed in a rail- j road accident so worried John Elliott, of Crawfordsville, Ind., that he has sued the company for damages. TnirRK's a ghost at Little Xahant. Mass., who probably guards Copt. Kidd's treasure and shakes the shorel out of the hand of a treasure seeker at least, so folks say. "William E. Maiiojtet, of Northport, Me., was chopping when a fox barked thrice. He told his wife, and next day she begged him not to go into the woods. He went and was killed by a falling tree. Score one for the fox's warning, says superstition. Malarial produces weakness, gnoral-'e lillty biliousness. Iok of apre'-ite. Indication and constipation. Clove's TaMelefca Chill Tonic, removes tno cause which produ-cs these troubles. Try It and yoo will be delighted SO cents. To got the Gkncikb ask for GROvfg BY CATT. JACK. Earl N. Young, of Ashland, visiting relatives here. . Wm. Casey, of California, is stop ping at the Sublett mine. , ; Hiram Moore, of Sams ,Valley, is visiting at M. P. Hillis. . ; , James Krumblin, of Grave creek, was in one day last - week- for- sup plies. ,-r , .- ., i . Geo. D.' Young has been spend ing a few days' on Upper Pleasant creek, j , ; J. C Kernan, of the consolidated Saxe Creek mines, has left for San Francisco on a business trip. Hon. E. W. Hammond, one of our prominent citizens, is contem plating a trip to Crater lake soon. . Work will soon be commenced on the Caledonia lode of the group owned by the consolidated Saxe Creek mining company. A large working tunnel is proposed which Awarded Highest Honors World's' Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. mm V CREAM IMPS imm .Bis Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. B P Carter to Martha Mat thews, land in see 15, tp 85, s r 4 w Chas E Wolverton to H U Lu ma don & AN Berlin 13 82-100 acres sec 25, tp 37, s r 2 w. . . . J II Lotteken et al to Samuel Simon 160 acres sec 1, tp 35, s r 2 w subject to mortgage of 300 J S Parson to M-s E M Drake the west i of lot 4 blk 25 Ash land U S to John Margreiter patent to 80 acres sec 20 tp 33 s r2w Geo D Owings et al to Frances E Owings the swi of the sei and set of the swi of sea 26 tp 37 8 r 3 w...... H P and M A Barron to John S Parson the west i of lot 4 blk 25 Ashland q c d.... W C Young to MrsCaJtle Chat field lot 25 Holmes addition to Jacksonville 2 37-100 acres Abram M Hyatt & Osborne W : Bright to William Edward Swentzel 10 acres in sw cor ot sei of the net of sec 21 tp 26 8 r 3 w. ....... J W and H W Gendar to" John Leouard Russell an undivided i interest in -the Lynch Pin mines in ' Wagner creek dis trict John and J L Garvan to L G Gondar the Lynch Pin mines in Wagner creek dis... ...... 60 2000 S45 500 100 420 100 Lock bart, Tkzas. oct. 15, 1&9 Messrs. Paris Mediolne Co., Paris, Tenn. Dear 8irs: Ship us as soon as possible S gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonie. My cus tomers want G bote's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have aoyother. . la oar experience of 30 years la the drug business, ve hare never sold any medicine which gave each universal satis fuctlon. Yours respectfully, J. B. Broyno & Co flore About That Boy. You may think me a little hasty, Mr. Ed., but it now stands me in hand. I have had three nghts got licked two bestout of three and had to run once, about that boy I was speaking about last week. But I told such an infernal lie about it that I never dreamed any one would take me serious. I have often heard my grandma say 6he never saw me serious but once, and that was the day I was born. My parents thoOght of making a minis ter of me, but in my youth they ob served that I was so prone to tie tin cans to the dogs tail, give the cat snuff, etc., that they at last despaired, and then looking in the bible they saw my verso was 18 : ;'The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous and a transgressor for the upright." So of course that gave, me away entirely, and ever since I have been probing around in this unfriendly world trying to see if I could find anything serious The Flro Cure. The native doctors of India practice a peculiar system known as "firinpr.' Afflicted persons, no odds what the dis ease may be. are immediately upon ar rival of the family physician subjected to the tortures of fire. A late report by a medical authority declares that there is not one to the thousand of total pop ulation in Bombay and the larger cities generally, who does not bear trace of the application of the fire cure in the shape oi hideous scars on the head, back, stomach, feet or limbs Grovo's Tasteless Chill Tonic to a perfect mi larial liver tonie and blood purillor. Removes bllUouincss without purging. AS pleaaul as lemon syrup. It U as large as any dollar ton'.c and retails for U cents. To get the GcsciNr. ask for csovx's. There are said to be 534 lady physi cians practicing medicine in the cities of the United States. . According to the most reliable esti mates the world contains to-day 2S0.000, 000 grown women. According to the last census, the number of women above the ape of IS in -Russia was 23.200.000. It is stated by a church authority that there aro now over 300 American women living in foreign countries as missionaries. u nv, or a m Men are often wiser than they act. They know how to dc happy out some times they are mis erable.' They know there is no happiness worth the name with out health ; yet they neglect health. Thcj allow dyspepsia anc biliousness and con stipation to get a hold oa them and make life wretched. Those three complaints usually come to gether. Constipation affects the stomach and liver. That brings on bilious attacks and indigestion, headaches, sanseav, dizzi ness, queer sensations of weakness and pal pitation. Yonr nerves are nnstrsng, your system is sluggish. Yon lose ambition. The fact is your whole constitution is being slowly undermined. What yon need is Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets. They enre constipation, dyspepsia and bil iousness in the only sure, permanent way. There is nothing violent or irritating about them, they work mildly though quickly. They tone and strengthen the bowels to carry on their functions naturally. They gently stimulate the flow of bile from the liver and the digestive juices of the stom ch. .You don't become a slave to their use as with other pills. They make you reg ular and then you can leave them. That is the difference between Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and the something "just as good," which a sharp druggist tries to substitute. Don't let him do so with you. If you want to keep your health and strength without consulting the doctor so oltcn, the best initig vou enn uo is io wmc to the" World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buf falo, N. Y., for a copy of Dr. Pierce's great boot, the "People's Common Sense Medical Adviser." Send Jl one-cent si snips to covet cost of mailing only. It if a Inrge book of ooi pnges, with over joo lllustrntious. IV ll tflM Itistliestiinebookoi which rTluP slJ .x copies were soM nt S1.50 eocn. Tne oniy on fcrence is In the binding, which In the free edition is of stronr niniiilla paper. There is no other such complete family doctor book In the English lnngnnRe. It is a veritable medical librnry, complete in ouc volume. Send now before all are given away. They are going off rapidly, therefore, do not delay sending it mtdialtlr if la want of one. The above generous Oct is UmUen to 900,000 copies. 1 1 cant AVegetablcPreparationfor As similating the Food and RegutL ring the S tamachs and Bowels of IVomotesTJiestjoivChccrful ness andHesLContains neither Ormim.Morphine not Mineral. Not Narcotic. XKtfmtfOldDrSWUlLEITCBEB MxJmnm . M4.M. SJtl- A perfect Remedy f or Cons ti na tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. 'turn tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, V THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF J laassss0 IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVEEY BOTTLE OF 1 Oastoria is wrt p is ecs-cba bottka enlr. It Is act sold in balk. Don't sltar txyeas u sell yon aaytMng elas an tis pfea or premiss tkat it is lest as good" sad win answer every a- poss." Bte that you ret C-A-S-T-O-BJ-i. kst 0. K. Earlier Stop... F. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Fir:.' door south of Jackson Com y Bank.... W. I. Vavtsr. Pres. Wm. Plikceb, V-Proe. J. E. Enyart, Cashier. Jackson County Bank CAPITAL, $50,000. MEDFORD, OREGON I I-can money on approved security, receive de I pupils snttjeet tu cheek and transact a genera All work Strictlv Bret-Cbs "ec Vour business solicited.. d. , - .. , . Corrrfpondrxi's: Ladd & Bnbh. Salem Ansla gll.1 Dinted Satisfactory. (-a'.ilorma Bank. San Francico. Ladd A ; l Tilion. Portland. Corbin Banking Ox. N. T. TflYLtER, ... PnwinntoT 9. Allionn'o the n 1 n-ii pinuaiui ut niiiauiio root Mm mme tE j - All kinds of boot and kIioo repairing at the old ptar.d nt the Iowe6t rates fur Cue work and beet material .... See foot prints on th fide walk 7th street, Medford... We eivc a guarantee that our. Pho?rjix lime will lay 18 many brick or stone or cover as many latb as any lime on tbe Pacific coast. :::::::::::::::::iii i We bave lime at both our kilme at Phoenix and on Kanes creik.. HUSBANDS .... Kiss the Cook Only when the Dinner is perfect and their Wives do the Cooking Can't Cook, Can't Marry; Good Bread, Socn Wed. "The Way to a Man's Heart is Through his Stomach!" ----- IT IS NOT HEALTHY ... To cook from receipts lound in any old book. There is -as much art in cocking as there is in music or Ttaiuting'. and everybody comes iu contact wilh the art (or lack of it) I flKCC iimca A.UAY. THE CAPITOL Adapted from the Celebrated 44S Paeos, 8ixC inches Weight, li pounds Over 1400 Tested Cooking Recipes Articles on Carving, Diuner Giving, Cooking for the sick. Table Etiquet French Words in Cooking. IF WRITE HOUSE COOK BOOK Illustrated. Written by Hugo Zie runnn, steward of the White House, assist ed by the well known expert, Mrs. P. L. Gillett. tglffT ici.. 1 . 1 ... 1 A ....... .. .v... ... . . . 1 up vui'iiui ctmtninii evrry uiid n mc iwRiiij, ii-vjive mui uiukv ICU lame and POPtllarHT of the White House Cook Book, Kvery one of int-no rtcips bun been actually tested bv the ninlior imd found invurlbly a success, mid to be honestly 1 econ uh-ihIi d os one of the verv bi-st of Its kind. Kvery pit;e w ns, in fuel, w ritten w ith especial reference to utility to tbe practical every fluy require men is of Hie household. I In its miike-up, no ls than in its nnnner, the Capitol Cook Beck Is Intended for use Tha pngt-8 are Inrue, the print is pluin, the exuet method of miinipulntion required for each dish is simply and clearly set fourth, so the most inexpeiienced may readily understands A complete index, alphabetically arranged, enables any recipe to be found easily and quickly. J This invaluable Cyclopedia of household Infornratlon may be obtained bv subscribing tnr THE MEDFORD MAIL and paying one year in advance and 10 cents extra, or by oaTinc ifn ii buck subscription and one yeur in advance and 10 cents extra. J " p. Get a GOOD COOK BOOK and Make Home Happy