OUR COUNTY Correspondents Jacksonville Sews. 1 Miss Emma Ulrich was visiting friends at Steamboat during the past week. Horace Pelton, of Sams Valley, was transacting business at the court house Tuesday. Joe Thomas was down from his Squaw lake mine Tuesday, shaking hand with his many friends. Mrs. Max Muller and daughter, Miss Bettie, arrived from San Fran cisco for a visit with relatives and friends. Wan, the Chinese cook who has been employed at the U. S. hotel for many years, left during the week ! the Lake Creek school, spent Sun- day at nome. Dr. E.'P. Geary, -of Medford, made this city a professional visit on Tuesday of last week. . - Miss Stella Stidham, who has been spending a month at Crescent City, arrived home Friday. Mrs. M. A.Taylor,of Eagle Point, who has been visiting with friends of this place has returned home. Mrs. Alex, Patterson, who has been paying friends in San Fran cisco a visit, returned home Saturday. John Jacobs, Jos. Boswell and Glenn Owen, returned from a trip to Fish lake Sunday, and report hav ing bad a fine time. W. J. Freeman and family, who have been spending several weeks at the Dead Indian soda springs, re turned home this week. Amos Fries, who has been spend ing the last month at home, returned for China. Mrs. J. C. Whipp and Jas. Wilson to We pi0nt last week to resume the postmaster.will join the Kenney- hj8 8tujie8 at the U. 8. . Military uronemiiier crowu wuu wm icro i academy. tnia wees ior wesceni v,ny. cheese, butter, - etc., but as the campers are living principally on soda water, Mr. P. met with poor success. ' ' . County Commissioner Bradshaw is improving his mountain ranch by building a new barn and putting a new roof on his dwelling house. Mr. B. is an enterprising farmer and the people of this vicinity are glad to welcome him as a neighbor. W. C. Daley is completing one of finest stock barns in Southern Ore gon. It is one hundred feet in length, fifty feet wide, holds be tween ninety and one hundred tons of hay and will shelter one hundred and eighty head of dehorned cattle. Colesteiu News. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Roseburg, Oregon, August 84, 1890. . Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has tiled notice of his in tunllon to make final proof in support of his clotm, and that said proof will be made before W. S. Crowell. county Judge of Jackson county, Oregon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, on October 17, tSWJ, viz: ' Augustus I.. Williams On It, R. Ni. 6B2F for the hV4 of the ne and nV4 of tho set. nee g. (p 3tt ., r. 3 e. tie numcs the following witnesses to prove hiH continuous residence upon und cultivation of. said hind, viz: A. II. Uooibby and II. I.. Pegg. of Prospect, Oregon, tind Beniton Norberry and 1. 11. Wil liams, of Central Point. Oregon. aS3-o 2 R. M. Vkatch, R 'gistcr Big Sticky Items. BY BILL NYE'S BROTHER. Mrs. Rader and daughter, Clara, were the guests of Mrs. George Gar ret last Sunday. Russ Moore, of Central Point, made his brother, E. L. Moore, a short call last Saturday. George Little and family, of Cen tral Point, passed by Sunday on their return from the Dead Indian country. Mrs. Smith and daughter, Mrs. Pearl Anderson, of Redding, Calif., are the guests of the former s sister, Mrs. Wm. Gregory. Charles Turpin and and family, K. Kubli and wife left for San Francisco Monday for a trip in hope f henifitine the health of Mr. Jv. who has been poorly for some time. The family of John Knox, who is interested in the Grand Applegate nines, will arrive from San Fran cisco during the week for an ex tended visit. Jas. R. Neil and son, Frank,have gone to the mountains for a hunt ing and fishing trip. Engineer Ganlt is filling the place of con ductor on the R. R. V. K. K. J. C. Pendleton and wife made Jacksonville a visit Tuesday. They were here on probating business V,a nnfnfa rtf VQ lata & FSSThi Twabe; of f Bedford, passed by on their way Mrs. Pendleton. Judge Crowell and Sheriff Barnes n Tuesday exchanged offices. The aew Quarters of the Sheriff are now Ml Rnth nffioAB have been renaired nB on a hunting expedition nrl rnnvated throughout. Rollin Smith and wife, of Big i ja. w v. inJ,n r.rl Sticky, and Tom Anderson and if Ar'nnyxr for K-iftmath Jack Hamlin and their families, of ountv for an outiue. They will aian visit the family of Tohn Griffin. His wife is a sister to Mrs. Ander- W. J. Gregory and wile, accom eon. They will be absent eight or panied by Mesdames Smith, Ander tp'n Hava . " " eon and Owens, and Messrs. Will Mrs.' R. R. Dunn returned to her Gregory and Lilburn March started home in San Francisco Saturday Ior raier iaKe onaay morning, after a pleasant visit with relatives Forest Moore made a flying trip and friends. She was aoeoMDanied to Dead Indian last Saturday and Rakri and Marie returned Sunday. He reports but to Huckleberry mountain and Cra ter lake last Thursday. J. W. Smith, one of our most solid "keep in the middle of the road men. has zone to the moun Medford, started for Crater lake last week. springs to have now been few campers at the but those few claim greatly benefitted. Rev. Merley, of Medford, was out this way one day recently in search of his brother-in-law, Mr. Loeber, whose wife was eeriouBlv ill. Mr Losher is employed on the Fordyce threshing machine, Miss Ellen Bursell, one of Med ford's most popular teachers, spending her vacation with her par is Nickell. who are spending a week at the springs. The lawn party Riven at Mrs. M. Miller's elegant residence last Wed nesday, August 19th, eclipsed any affair ever given in Jacksonville. The nartv was riven in honor of Miss Bessie Callender.of LoeGatos, Calif., a grand daughter f Mrs. Miller's. Seventy invitations had been issued to which sixty persons reRTtnnded. The lawn was beauti- Aillv Ho-htpd'with Chinese Janterns ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. Bursell, of nrl nvpr niu riiiifnf the block is a I Big Sticky, bat will soon resume .perfect flower garden. IS pen could her duties in that city. describe the scene that greeted the Our farmers have their threshing yes of the guests as they were man- done now, and consequently there red into the elegant parkra, re- is much rejoicing. Mr. Fordyce, eived by Miss MollieM liter asoietea who did the tnre&mng -dta good by Miss Mamie Donegaa. After&n work and has won the esteem of hour. of social pleasure the guests the farmers by doing exactly as he were presented with beautiful cards l agreed.' containing wru queonwa- Unas, uarney toot ma wile and ards was attached a pencil and a I little daughter to Dead Indian penny. 1 he questions were w oe eprings one day last week. Charlie answered on the penny. Five ladtes retarned home the next day, but and gentlemen each answered tfee famjjy will enjoy the pure -whole namber, so to decide who the mountain air and delicious soda Jrst and booby prizes should fall to,J water for a week Qr two. ImtMeyminglBdj and a popular Mrs.Tas. Cronemiller and Dr.Robtn-1 , . . M lf,.m. n beautiful cut glass po where she was saccess- 4wl with silver top, to the former. (M . u&chi rf JVJSJS Ihe will spend a few wUkl IT , T : . . . . with ber mother, and then, accom- TuY EZFZrtZZZtt Ponied by her sister, Annie, and - cousin, Nels S vend sen, will return pests partook of a .most sumptuous to KUmalh coantv to 'ch a faH laoea njircnu wit uio unu. xucn followed several voeal selections by Misses Callender. Miller. Mrs. Dr. Robinson and others. It was after 12 o'eloek before the happy crowd thought of bidding the charming adien. The evening will long be remembered by those present. Central Point Items. The hotel is chock full again. John Wright,a mining man,spent Sunday here. Dr. E. P. Geary visited with his family Monday. Wm. Slinger, the Medford capi talist, is stopping at the hotel. Hugh Cole and wife.of Coles, were visiting relatives here Sunday .J Mrs. Ed. Wilkinson and 60ns were here for a few days this week Mrs. C. W. Vrooman is visiting with her daughter,Mrs. N. A. Jacobs. Mrs. Dennison, of Medford, is spending a few days at the favorite resort. Miss Jessie Cole and Mrs. Joe Poore took a trip to Dunsmuir dur ing the week. Mrs. S. P. Jones and daughter, Miss Lulu, of Jacksonville, are stop ping at the hotel. Mrs. R. R. Dunn stopped off here one day last week on her way home to San Francisco. Hon. Lydell Baker, clerk of the Oregon railroad commission, is reg istered at the hotel. Misses Bessie and Marie Nickel, daughters of the well-known editor, are stopping at the hotel. Mesdames Chas. Vaupel, M. S. Humbart, and J. R. Casey, of Ash land, spent Sunday here. Mrs. S. E. Ish. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. uore and child and Mat lsh ar rived Tuesday for a several days' stay. Miss Agnes Dowling, who is teach ing school in the Cole district below here, bundaved with her sister,Miss Nellie. More Medford people have pat ronued this pleasant summer re treat than any other section of the country. Messrs. Montgomry and Chausse of Grants Pass, and families have returned home. Mr. M. discovered a bee tree before he left, which all hands joined in felling, and were rewarded with a find of about 30 pounds of honey. The recent arrivals at the Hotc Uolesun. are Mrs. J. Martin and Miss Bessie A. Martin, Yreka, Calif. Mrs. W. Weir and Mrs. S. C. Bald win and child, Oakland, Calif: J W. Ivey and wife; Porltand, Ore W. Weir, Dunsmuir. A. S. Johnson, W. A. Sherman and Mrs. P. A- Stokes, of Astoria, Ore.. Mrs. J. J. Stokes and Mi'sb Stokes of Berkley, Calif., and G.H Stokes, of MaryEville. Calif., mem bers of the Crater lake party .visited Colestin on Monday and left the same day for their respective homes NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, August 81, 1RMI. Notice is nerrby given turn tuo following named nettlcr has lllcd notice of his intunlioii to make final proof in (upport of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before W. S. Crowell, county judge of Jackson eouniy, Oregon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, on October m. 1890, viz: Kdwin s. MlKUB On H. E. No. 7918, for the n'i of the sw and B of the DK, see. 13, tp. 31 a . r. X e. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Benson Norberry and E Pleasant, of Central Point, Oregon, and McDonald Purdue and Perry Ellis, of Prospect, Oregon, a '.M--0 9 KM. Veatch, Register. Hedford Bottling Works .. PARKER & HIGGINS, ProprY. There's been a little change in ownership, you see. but . nono in the quantity or quality of the poods we carry they are the best in tho market. IroporW find 'lotnestic . cigars, confectionery and all kinds of summer drinks always on hand. Remember the number JACK MORRIS, IESJ!KM3dffiS ...Proprietor of the Eas Second Han Store Estray Notice. XT OTICE is hereby given that I have takes i IT ud and posted, on the Slst day of July. 1SS6. the following-described animals: ' One bay mare, supposed to oe aooui twelve years old, right hind foot white up to ankle and a little wnite on me leu nino ioov. saaaie ana harness marks No other marks or brands perceivable. Also one mare coll about one year old; color, sorrel, right hind foct white up to tbe ankle ana a little wnite on ten oina tool, small star In forehead. Appraised by A. C. Howlett, J. P. Eagle Point district. Jackson county, OregoB, at t-i) and 115 respectively. I3CNJ. S. Bakbr, Trail, Jackson county, Ore. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE Is hereby given that D. T. Law ton. assignee of S. C. Wllsen, has Bled his final report with the Circuit Court, In Jackson county, Oregon, and baa set the 10th day of September. 1896, at the hour of 10 a. m. for final bearing ana approval orsaia court ana tor dis charge from further responsibility. Assignee of 8. C. Wilson. Medford, Oregon, August 7, 1890. Phoenix Items. term. We wish Miss Julia the very best of success. Lake Creek Items. Dick Slineer made a business trip to Medford last week Miss Ora Daley was visiting friends in Eagle Point last Sunday. Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Nausbaum Scott Griffin, of Tolo, spent Tues- made a trip to Medford one day re- 4ay in our city. centiy, Wm. McDonald, of Tolo, spent Miss August Nausbaum. who has lar,Av in our citv. been stavine at Central f oint, ib J. 8. March, of Medford. attended visiting ner parents hurch here Sunday, A. S. Jacobs made a business kip to Jacksonville Monday. Wm. Holmes made a business trip to Grants Pass during the week. John Sims and family have gone to Applegate to spend the summer, Mrs. E. E. Parks, of Pokegaraa, is paying friends in this city a visit. Prof. J. W. Merritt made a busi ness trip to Jacksonville Tuesday. J. H. Terrill and Henry Randies went to Medford with some fine beef cattle for that market, this week. Mike Hanley has been hauling lumber from Charley's mill, on An telope, to improve his stock ranch on north fork Butte creek. Amiel Peck and wife enjoyed a few days' outing at Fish lake last week. They were accompanied by Mrs. P. brother and sister, of Med- Miss Ella Hanley, of Medford, ford, Rudolph Peck, of Lake creek. pent Sunday with friends of this F. A. Peil, of Chimney Rock, place. . went to Dead Indian soda springs Gub. Samuels, who is teaching last Saturday with a load of mutton, Mrs. Frank Towne is very ill. All the farmers near town have finished threshing. We are having very hot weather at present. Monday it was 100 in the shade. Misses Mollie and Nellie Towne are very sick with the measles. We hope to see them recover soon. Saturday night we bad one of our usual social dances, gotten np bv E. Carver. Lverybody said they had a most enjoyable time. I The above items were signed "B. B." While the items are ac ceptahle, we prefer to have B. B.'i identity disclosd in any future com municalions.J My little boy, when two years of age was taken very ill with bloody Mux I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and luckily procured part or a bottle I carefully read tbe directions and cravn it accordingly. He was very low, but slowly and surely he began to improve, gradually recovered, and is now as stout and strong as ever. I feel sure it saved his life. I never can praise the remedy half its worth. I am sorry every one in the world does not know how good it is, as I do. Mrs. Lin a S Hinton, Grahamsville, Marion Co.,Fla. For sale by Geo. U. Haskins. Tires Set and Rattling; of Spokes StODDed bv new process, for $2.00 a set. Will call at place and do work. Call or drop me a card. C. C. Gilchrist, Central Point, Ore Are You doing to Prove up? Parties who contemplate makin final proof on their land can saVe a big item of expense by having us prepare their paper, which work we will do free of charge. Bring or send U9 the name of party making proof, description of land, the names of four persons who appear as witnesses and tho date upon which proof Is to make, giving time for six weeks' publication. New and Second Hand Goods.... Comprising Clocks, Bedroom Sets, Watches, Heal Estate, Lamps, Houses, Lounges, Glass Ware, Guns, Matting, Axes, Mirrors, Wagons, Buggies, Stoves, Six Shooters, Bicycles, Carpenter Tools, Ammunition, and everything else.... JVIusic Hath Charms Especially is this true when the performer uses an instrument of known merit, such as Chickering, Hardman, Fisher, Jewitt and Ludwig pianos, Estey, rarrand & Votey and Mason Je Hamlin organs. If you intend purchasing an instrument see me first Pfof. P. J. HEAD Count PrinStE. NOTICE Is hereby siren, thai Healed pro poofcla will be received for the printing and publishing of legal adverUnemenla of Jackson county. Oregon. In not newspaper thereof, for tne period or one year, commencing Sep tember 15th. IK. All bid. to be filed with the clerk of Jackaoa countv. at hi. office, oa or be fore IX o clock m., or TucMiay. beptemoer vu. A. V.. ltS. Kacb bid to be accompanied by a bond in the um of tire hundred dollars for tho faithful pretormance of tbe same. uy omer ot the county court, at August scs slon. pes. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my band, and affixed the seal of said court, this the 7th day of August, 1WS. ISKAI.J UEO.A. JACESOil, i-oumy vierK. Wood Wanted. VTOTICE Is hereby given, that sealed pro- 11 posal. will be received tor tlfly cords of foar feet, body black oak wood, of rood quality and perfectly sound, for the use of Jackson county. Said bids to be fur not les than Hve cord, and accompanied by a bond for tne delivery of such wood, at the caurt house, on or before tne latu day of October, IS. All bids to be tiled wun tne clerk of Jackson county, on or before 13 o'clock m . ot Tutsduy, laelHb day or September, A. ., two. uy order of tbe oMuty court at August ses st.m. A. D. lft. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my band, and affixed the seal of said court, this the 7th day ot August, HWO. (seal) Geo. A. Jackson. cooniy i icra. Medford, Oregon OREGON STATE Citation to Heirs. In the county court of the state of Oregon, for tne aoaatv or j ackson. In the matter of tbe estate of ISAAC OoxfTAirr deceased, To Lavtna J. Kobioson and Isaac Constant heirs at law of said above named decedent and In all others Interested In said estate. In THB HAM or THB STATE or OKKCOM. VOU are hereby called and required to appear In the county court of the Stalo of Orecun. lor the County of Jackson, at the court room thereof. at Jacksonville In said county, on Tuesday, i be 8U ay of September, I,1, at H o'clock in the forenoon of that day. then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order should not be granted to the administrator de bonis aoa of said estate, to sell at public sale, the real property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Tbe n' of d 1 c No. Ji. and the eH of d I c No. M. (excepting a rectangular tract containing forty acres In tbe ne corner or said die .No. Ml ; also lot & of see t. all In tp 37 s of r 3 w w m.: also lots 2, 6. o, 7, 8. 9. 10.1S.14.16.17. in Constant's addition to the town of Central Point, Jackson county, Oregon, or so much of the aforesaid real property as will be necessary to pay the Indebtedness of said estate. Witness, tbe Hon. Wm. Crowell, judge of the county court ot the stalo of Oregon, for the county f Jackson, with tbe seal of said court affixed, this the Win day of July, IK. Geo. A. JacksoM. By W. B. jACttsoM, Clerk. Deputy. NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Oregon A training school for teachers. Senior year wholly professional. Twenty weeks of isycbolOf y and general and special meth ods: tweaty weeks of teaching and training department. Training school of nine grades with two hundred children. Replar Normal Course of 3 Years The Normal Diploma is recognized by law as a elate life cerliflcste ro teach. Light expenses: board at Normal Dining Hall tl.SO per week. Furnished rooms with light and ore, ',b cents to (I 00 per week. Hoard and lodging In private families, to Hi per week. TUITION: Sub Normal, $S per term of ten weeks: Normal. 16.25 per term of ten weeks. Grades from reputable schools accepted. Catalogues cheerfully tarnished on ap plication. Address: P. L. CAMPBELL. Or W. A. Was. President. Sec'y of Faculty. SUMMONS. Ia tbe circuit court of the state of Oregon, within and tor Jackson county. Adonlram J. Stewart, 1 No.4IS. Suit In Equity to Foreclose a Mortgage. Summons. Plaintiff, vs. Charles Cowlea and Victoria Cowlea. Defendants. To Charlea Cowlea and Victoria Cowlea, defen dants: IN the name of the State of Oregon, yon and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ot tbe plaintiff tiled against you In the above entitled court and cause, by the 6rst day of the next, tbe regular September A. D., 189 term of said circuit court, to be begun and held at the court house in the town of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, on the fourteenth day of September A. D.. ISiK), or Jadgment and decree for want thereof will be taken against you. And you and each of you are hereby notified that if you fall to so answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for tb- relief demanded therein, to-wil: For judgment agninst you and each ot you for the sum of six hundred dollars, with Interest thereon from and since tho ltfth day of May A. D., 1891. at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum, and for the further sum or scvonty nve dollars, attorney's fees herein, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, all in gold ot the United Stutea ot America; that plaintiff be do creed to have a lion upon tho mortgaged real estate described In the oomplaint from and after the 19 dav of May A. D., to secure the puyment of said judgment. Interest, attor ney's foes, costs and dlsbursmentr ; that the equity of redemption of said defendunts horeln, and both and each ot them. In and to the said mortgaged premises be forever barred and foreclosed; that a special execution Issue for the sale of said mortgaged premises and that the same be sold thereunder to satisfy said judgment, interest, attorney's fees and costs and dlsburements ; that a general execution Is sue against tbe said defendants and both and each of them, for any balance of said judgment remaining unsattstlod aftor tbe said mortgaged premises nave boon exhausted, and for such other, further and full relief as may be just and eaoitable In the premises. This summons Is published once a week for six consecutive weeks prior to 11 ret day of said term of said court. In the Mkdfoiid Mail by order of tho Hon. H. K. Hunna, judge ot the above entitled court, made at chambers, on the 17th day of July, A. D., ltfixs. J. H. WniTMAK. Attorney for Plain tiff. Fresh Groceries... ALBERT NTJTT Has just received a large invoice of Fresh Groceries, which will bo sold at "way down" prices. Also Flour, Feed, Produce and Wood... Give mc a call and save money on you groceries. THE MORTAR DlUG STOPE, G. H. HASKINS, Prop'r. Ha. a.vTMiM m tmk uk or . . Pure D.ogs, Patent Medicines, Books, Stationery, IP-AJlISTTS and oils, Tobaccoes. Cigars, Perfnmerv, Toilet Articles and ' Evervthing that Is carried In a first claaa DRUG STORE! IPerscriptions Carefullv ;- Compounded. Main Street, ..... Medford Oregon. I Am Now in New Quarters And am better prepared than ever to furnish my patrons with what they need in the line of Harness and Saddlery My stock is up to date, my work guaranteed. Repairing neatly and promptly executed J. W. LAWTON, Adkins-Deuel Block, Modford, Oregon QONTRACTOB, and gTJILDER, JOBBING OF ALL KINDS. All work guaranteed first-class. Plans and estimates furnished at all kind of work either brick or wood. Bills of LUMBER ot all kinds Oiled on short notice. Sash, Doors and JIHl 'work kinds any thin? In the shape ot wood work can be had on shert notice. ot aj IVTedford, Orepron MEDFORD BRICK YARD a. W. PEIDDY, Frop'r. MEDFORD, OREGON PRESSED BRICK FOR STORE FRONTS V 3 lit e d All 1(163 ISS First-class quality of Brick always on hand. Large and small order uinuu a-ais suwva thing to patentf , 1,.. .V, . t l . .11 t:J n . . prompiiy nuea. uric worn; ot u kuiuo prompuy execuiea. Muogrtnw uive me a can woen in neea i anyimng in my jie. -, Protect ronr Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKRBUBM CO., Patent Attor- aays. Waaalagtoa, aaa law I at wm ruiunn oa viv.. a a C (or their l.SJD a