The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 28, 1896, Page 1, Image 1

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VJ LETTER HEAD JJ L , L II I 11 I I I JJ fill I I M You want to increase J
, W yW'irjtyr)' JSP 45&&&!Ub I I 1' your Receipts .... gf
pj gas lost many a dollar for business men. i J f V -T V J55
f i "i maa 13 judged by the coat he wears, J L rsl . Advertise you business in the columns of "vi
t21 he is also judged by the letter head he .1 , FI
uses An artistic and business-like letter V SJ m T'UT? 1UT A f T 153
head has Irequently been a basis of credit. "K? fT J . . g? lilt- IVlWLffii TgS
t ?Ji? looked on as a good Investment. t J rrjl , 2i
1 VOL VIII. KDFD1-0, JACMQg COUITTOM FlffllAT, AUBDW 28, 1891, - 10, 35. gr
"""- 1ltl TOWS OF THE WORLD. I
Medford, Oregon
t?Offlce with W. H. Parker.
U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for the State
of Oregon. Postofflce address:
" Medford, Oregon.
Jacksonville. Oregon.
Hamlin Block.
Medlord. Ore.
Office in bank building, Medford, Or
Have the most complete and reliable abstracts
f tide in Jackson county.
Austin S. Hammond. Win. L Vawter.
Office 1. 0. O. F. building, Medford, Or
G. W. White. J. A Jeffrey.
Medford, Oregon.
Will practice in all the courts of the state.
Special attention given to all kinds of convey
ancing. Notary work and collections at reas
onable rates and remittances promptly made.
Mining law a specialty. Office on Seventh,
street, opposite Opera House.
Chronic diseases, and diseases peculiar to
women a specialty.
Office Opera Block.
Medford, Oregon.
Eagle Point, Oregon.
Office Inlow residence.
Office in Childera Block,
Medford, Or
Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
Sundays 12 to L.
y-ford. Or
Office: Haskin Block. . ., .
Hare permanently located In Medford for the
practice of dentistry. From a continued prac
tice of oTer 14 years, we are prepared to guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
dive na a call. Over The Palace.
Ohas. Perdue . . .
.Practical Gb anfl
Bicycles ripaired on short
notice at living prices....
Shop in J. A. Whitman's
Gily Drau ann Transfer Co.
Baggage Transferred
Wood Delivered....
Hard and Soft Wood for Sale
....Honest Charges
Try us once and you t t t 1 1
will come again.... t t t 1 1
Hotel Nash
Barber Shop
Bates Bros-, Props
First class work in all branches of the
tonsorial art. Satisfaction
The Mail and Cincinnati Enquirer
one year for 11.60 is one of our best
clubbing propositions.
1 H I
lA If you are going anywhere for an
J outing don't forget to call on us
J for guns, ammunition and fishing
(8 tackle. Shells loaded to order
1 with smokeless powder
J . LIL.L-1V
Is where the long, graceful pines and cedar nod their plumed
branches to the Oregon breeze?, These long waisted fellows
make mighty good lumber for all kinds of building purposes
when sawed, seasoned and dressed. There is a wealth of ....
Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Ceflar
To select from, and we have it carved up into ....
Flooring, ceiling, rustic, trimmings, sash, doors, mouldings,
stairs, mantles, newels, balusters, cedar posts, shingles, pick
ets with plain or moulded head and fruit boxes ...
Mills fire miles below Prospect. Medford
office and yards, Sixth street, west of
railroad track....
Having Had Forty Years Experience ...
Furniture anfl Undertaking
Business it is with pleasure that we occupy this 6 pace in inform
ing the people of Jackson county that we are now fully equipped
to supply all articles needed in the two abovo mentioned lines.
We manufacturer superior work in store, hotel and office fixtures.
i-MI, Ltnis k Slaver
' EE1
gg Buy the Mitchell wagon acknowledged by
ca all teamsters to be the best wagon on the
c market. Call and see us and we will show
you the largest and mcst complete stock of
ca vehicles ever brought to Medford. You
want our wagons and we want your custom.
Send for catalogue and prices .....
Medford Brewery
Our Beer is on Tap at
Write to us for prices. There is no better beer on the
market. It Is brewed from pure malt and hops
Now the Roads
are Good ...
We want to call your attention to our VOLUNTEER BICYCLE,
a strictly first-class wheel at a moderate price.
When you go angling we can fit you out with anything you
need in the line of fishing tackle. Our garden hose is all new and
fully guaranteed. We have anything you need in garden tools
hoes, rakes, forks, spades, spading forks, etc., etc. Satisfaction
as to price and quality
Kame & Gilkey , Medford. Oregon
Get a Cook Beok for 10 cents
A k H
3 I H
H. W. GfRY
Salesrooms at Medford, Oregon
Factory at Phoenix, Oregon ,
la a
and vetiicies .....
. - WJ
D T. LAWTON, ft'n.ager Medford Branch
and Ice Works
Medford Bars"
See adversisement 5th page
The controller of the currency has
declared a dividend of 5 per cent in
favor of the creditors of the tivlng
ston National Bank of Livingston,
On the 17th at Hamilton, Mass., Miss
Mary Abigail Dodge (Gail Hamilton)
died at her home from the effects of a
Stroke of paralysis. 6he never recov
ered consciousness, and breathed her
last quietly and painlessly, surrounded
by all the members of her family.
In a regatta of the Royal Yacht Club
at Southsea a collision occurred between
the yachts of Baron von Zedtwitz and
A. Barclay Walker. The former's boat
was dismasted and her owner was
Miss Olivia Clemens, eldest daughter
of " Mark Twain," died at the family
home at Hartford, Conn., on Tuesday.
Samuel F. Clemens was on his way
home in response to a cablegram sent
to England, where ho was resting on
the homeward trip around the world.
Josiah Dwight Whitney, LL. D., pro
fresnor of geology at Harvard, died on
the 10th at New London, N. II.
The Grand Army encampment at St.
Paul, to occur early next month, prom
ises to be a notable event in G. A. R.
circles. Over 30,000 veterans are ex
pected to meet.
A strange disease has broken out
among the cattle near Atlanta, HL,
and in three herds about 100 have be
come totally blind.
Oscar Neebe, the Chicago anarchist
who was pardoned for his complicity in
the Haymarket riots, has left his wife
and eloped with another woman. The
woman with Neebe is said to be Mrs.
Theresa Mueller. The couple have
known each other but a few weeks.
Six cars of a Rock Island stock train
were derailed five miles west of Topeka,
Kas., and four men riding in the feed-
box underneath one car were crushed
to death.
W. D. Balfour, provincial secretary of
Toronto, who has been ill for some
weeks, is dead.
The Lowell observatory will be estab
lished near the City of Mexico to ob
serve the position of Mars during the
At the offices of the Adams Express
com pan yk In New York it is said that
the strike recently inaugurated is prac
tically at an end.
The Eastern millers' combination is a
thing of the past, and the millers, it is
said, are free to do as they please once
more. . Milwaukee members of the
combine deny the report.
Spanish papers semi-officially deny
the rumors that Spain is preparing a
bill of damages against the United
Dr. Doty, health officer of New York,
has returned from a visit to Havana.
He characterises the city as a plague
spot In two weeks 300 cases and 100
deaths of yellow fsver were reported.
Four hundred and ninety Italians em
ployed by Miller & Co. on Rome's, sew
er system, N. Y., are oat on a strike as
the result of aa announcement by the
contractors that payday would occur but
once every month hereafter, instead of
every two weeks.
Miss Paulino Bradshaw, an actress,
who four years ago married Count Yla
dimar Rostowski, has been informed
that a fortune of 50,000 rubles awaits
her return to St. Petersburg. Miss
Bradshaw once lived In Snn Francisco.
Thomas Adams Jr., son of the chew
ing gum manufacturer, has been sued
by Miss Myrtle Thurlow, a variety act
ress, for breach of promise. She asks
1100,000 damages.
Mrs. Harry S. Henry of Morrisville,
N. J., horsewhipped her husband in the
street. Mrs. Henry barely had timo to
strike her husbaud twice with her whip
before he knocked her down with his
fist and started to run away, but was
caught by a privato detective in the
employ of Mrs. Henry. Henry's wealth
is estimated to be ' $2,000,000. Mrs.
Henry was jealous of the attentions of
her husband towards another woman.
John Daly, the Irish political prison
er, has boon released from Portland
prison, and it is thought Dr. Thomas
Gallagher, Whitehead and other alleged
dynamiters will be released shortly.
At Bedford station, N. Y., four burg
lars attacked the homo of alker B.
Adams and Adams was fatally woundod
In the encounter. William, a son of tho
victim, succeeded in capturing the men
after first having been shot himself.
The convention of the American As
sociation for the Advancement of Sci
ence is on in Buffalo.
The Miners' Union of Leadvllle has
adopted resolutions denouncing the
mine managers for alleged conspiracy
against the union.
Three robbers traveling in a buggy
have been creating a reign of terror in
St. Louis by holding up women found
alone on quiet streets and taking what
ever coin they might have.
Charles H. Lnmson of Portland, Me.,
by means of a large kite-shaped flying
machine, succeeded in raising a dummy
man 600 feet in the air. The dummy
weighed ISO pounds.
" Thecaee. of Mrs; Redlicht who insist
that she" Is the wife of George Curtis
Wright, the father of the Countess of
Zichy, is on trial in New York. Wright
is charged with abandonment Countess
Zichy is noted as a beauty.
A peculiar plague has broken out
among tho cattle in Kingston, Jamaica.
Hundreds of cattle die daily, and the
price of meat has risen almost to a pro
hibitive rate! The government has ap
propriated $2000 for the services of an
Over 1800 applications for accommo
dations have been received by the com
mittee arranging for the institute of the
Young People's Christian Union, which
convenes in Omaha.
The" tramp steamer Anna'ndale ar
rived at Tacoma from the Orient. After
dircharging she will proceed in ballast
to San Francisco for orders.
At Huntsvllle, Ont, Mrs. Spencer
Quafe, Mrs. H. Phillips and one of Mrs.
Quafe's children were burned to death
in a fire which destroyed Mrs. Phillips'
cottage. A boy, Jesse Phillips, is likely
to die of his burns.
John Chamberlain, the most widely
known hotel man in this country, pro
prietor of one of the leading Washing
ton hotels, died at Saratoga, N. Y.
It is estimated that 125,000 head of
horses are grazing on the plains in Mon
tana, Dakota, Washington and Idaho,
for which there is no market value.
The question of hew to rid the country
of this horse pest is agitating owners of
cattle and sheep which need the pas
ture. The slage line running between Red
ding and Bieber, CaL, was held up by a
masked man on the 16th and the mail
pouch robbed.
Tho Mutual Relief Association of
Petaluma, Cal., has applied to the
courts for authority to wind up its af
fairs and go out of existence.
Frank Biles, a half-breed Indian, was
hanged by a mob of masked men at
Asotin, Wash. He had committed an
assault on a yonng woman on the pub
lic road, was captured and lodged in
jail, whence the mob took him to exe
cute vengeance.
George B. McCauley, secretary and
principal owner of the Caribou mining
company, located in British Columbia,
was robbed by a masked highwayman
of gold bricks representing two weeks'
bullion. The loss was $11,000.
The President has approved the find
ings of the court-martial sentencing to
dismissal Captain M. F. Jamar of the
14th Infantry, stationed at Vancouver,
Wash., who was charged with non-payment
of debts.
A band of 125 cattle being driven to
market, while crossing a bridge over
the Merced river, the bridge gave way,
precipitating the cattle 100 feet into the
channel of the river. - About twenty of
the cattle are dead and others will have
to be killed on account of bruises and
broken limbs.
Arrangements have been made and
property leased in Fresno for a cream
of tartar factory, which will make use
of the lees and dregs from wineries
that have heretofore gone to waste.
The Gristly Bluff creamery near Fern
dale, Cat., was destroyed by fire, sup
posed to have caught from a furnace.
The loss on the building and contents is
$11,300 ; insured for $4000.
Thomas Hutchinson, son of wealthy
parents in New Zealand, has just been
pardoned out of San Quentin prison on
the strength of a death-bed confession
by a dissolute woman, who declared
under oath that she and not Hutchin
son committed the crime for which he
was sentenced. .
" Louis Locks, a 7-vear-old boy ran in
front of an electric car in San Fraucisco
and was killed.
At Lebanon, Or., a gang of alleged
counterfeiters has been captured and it
said they are sons of well-to-do
William Thornton Lord KelTln.
William Thomson's father undertook
complete charge of his education till he
was 10 years old, quickening his latent
genius iuto activity aud training him
with such skill that tho boy, directed
along tho best methods of work, which
had been mado exquisitely clear to him,
advanced by leaps and bounds into the
very arcana of tho exactest of all the
sciences. His classical and general edu
cation was likewise carefully attended
to by his "father. He was matriculated
as a student in Glasgow at the early
ago of 10 years little more than ont of
his childhood.
He was a mere youth when ho went
to St. Peter's college, Cambridge, and
at the ago of 91 he passed as second
wrangler and was first Smith's prize
man. But ere he had won these honors
he was already famous, for his contri
butions at 18 years of age to the Cam
bridge and Dublin Mathematical Jour
nal had attracted the attention and ex
cited the wonder of the scientiflo world
in France as well as in England by
their boldness, originality and accuracy.
He was shortly afterward mado editor
of that famous journal and gathered
round him a brilliant staff of writers.
Yet it was his own papers which chiefly
aroused the attention of scientists.
When 23 years of age, he was appointed
to the chair of natural philosophy in
Glasgow, which he has now occupied
for 60 years and which will forever be
associated with bis name. Good Words.
Congressman Hilborn of Alameda was
renominated at the primary election
over Judge Frick of Oakland.
The question of selecting additional '
election officers in San Francisco was
discussed at a meeting of the election
commissioners, and it was decided to
begin making the appointments at the
next regular session of the commission.
The commissioners have decided that
the Populists, having polled the requi
site 5 per cent of the total votes cast.
are entitled to representation on the
election boards.
William J. Bryan's itinerary after he
has rested has been partly arranged.
He will not go back to New York to an
swer the speech of Cockran. He will
fo to Buffalo, from Buffalo to Erie, from
Irie to Cleveland, speaking at each,
place. From Cleveland he will go di
rectly to Lincoln. When he leaves Lin
coln he will go to the South, the itiner
ary of that trip including speeches in
Kentucky, Florida, Missouri and Mary
land, and then he will come East again
about the last week in September. He
will speak in Brooklyn and then go to
New England. Upon his return from
New England he will speak in New
York City.
The Republican state central commit
tee of Georgia has decided that no
state ticket shall be put out this year,
but urges voters to devote their efforts
toward the election of McKinley.
William J. Bryan, Democratic candi
date for President, denies in toto the
charges that be at any time received
pay from silver mine owners for his ad
dresses in favor of free coinage.
" Mr. Bryan's word goes with me, and
I shall be glad to say so to the people of
this country," said John M. Thurston of
Nebraska after reading the fiat-footed
denial of W. J. Bryan that he is or has
been in the employ of silver mine own
ers. " Mr. Bryan has denied the charge
which was made by a Democratic news
paper, and I have no hesitation in de
claring that I believe him." Senator
Thurston issued the following card:
"To the public: On July 11th the Chi
cago Chronicle charged W. J. Bryan
with being a salaried employee of the
silver bonanza interests. On July Slst
at Madison, Wis., I read the editorial of
the Chronicle, and insisted that Mr.
Bryan owed it, as a duty to the Ameri
can people, to answer the charge. His
explicit denial appears in the press. I
stated in Nebraska that Mr. Bryan's de- "
nial would be accepted, and I would so
notify the country, which I take this
immediate and public manner of doing.
John M. THrRsrox."
The National party held a conrention
at Field's Point, R. I., and resolutions
were adopted requesting President
Cleveland to grant beligerant rights to
the Cuban revolutionists.
The executive committee of the Na
tional Democratic party was in session
in Chicago on the 17th. A call for a
convention at Indianapolis on Septem
ber 2d was issued. In the announce-'
ment the 8 Iv.t men are denounced and
gpod citizens are exhorted to work for
the defeat of Bryan.
The dissolution of the legal partner
ship of Don M. Dickinson, H. T. Thur
ber and Elliot G. Stevenson of Detroit
is announced to take place on Septem
ber 1st. ' Dickinson is said to have held
that Stevenson to some extent compro
mised the firm by accepting the chair
manship of the state central committee
and becoming responsible for the Bryan
campaign in Michigan. Stevenson af
terward resigned the chairmanship, but
the friction continued, and Stevenson
decided to withdraw from the firm.
The Los Angeles Democratic conven
tion, after taking 126 ballots and failing
to agree on a candidate, induced both
Patton and Rose to withdraw and then
nominated Harry W. Patton, a name
sake but no relation of one of the dead
locked candidates. Harry Patton was
formerly a newspaper editor and is a
young man and widely known in his
immediate vicinity.
The California Democratic and Peo
ple's party committees have agreed on
a fusion ticket in the state on the basis
of five Bryan and Sewall electors and
four Bryan and Watson electors.
Mrs. Lucia O. Case, who was nomi
nated for attorney general of Kansas
by the National party, has declined the
The lighthouse tender Columbine is at
Astoria, Or. Lieutenant Commander
John F. Morrell reports that on his in
spection trip he found the lighthouses
on the sound in excellent condition, and
j that at Port Angeles the Pacific fleet of
j the white squadron is doing excellent
' target work and maneuvering. The
' flagship Philadelphia, the Monterey
and Monadnock are now in the fleet, j
and the Bennington is soon expected, !
and probably the Oregon will join them
in a few days.
' A motion to dismiss the charge of
murder against Dr. A. S. Shorb of Los
' Angeles has been taken under advise
ment. ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all la leavening
$trngth-v. g. p. t my Wsrt.
Legal blanks at Thb Mail office