The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 21, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    The 'California Stte Tyj'1"
rDnion held its convention at BYesno-x1-. ? XX tons of beets being de
The following officers were elected for Uveed to the factory every week.
1896: President, A. D. Marshall of The lemon company at La Mesa, in
Fresno; vice-president, C. II. Prisk of the foothills east of San Diego, is now
Grass Valley; secretary-treasurer, A. shipping about 1000 boxes of lemons
.J. Eeed of Oakland; executive commit- monthly.
tee, E. I. Woodman of Sacramento, C. The Supreme Court of Arizona lias
D. Rogers of Oakland, C. K. Backess of upheld the constitutionality of the law
San Francisco; delegate to Interna- inflicting the death penalty for train
tional 1 yiographieal Union convention robbery.
at Colorado Springs, E. I. Woodman of , ' The flouring mills at Colton are to be
Sacramento. . . ; removed to San Bernardino. .
The Seattle Evening Times was sold
hv C. A. Huirhes and T. A. Navies to
C. F. Fishback and A. J. Blethen, one
time owner of the Minneapolis Tribune
.and. later of the Minneapolis- Penny
Pitas. It will be a free silver paper.
; Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises,
scalds, burns, are quickly cured by De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Geo, H.
Hasklns. druggist.
Six people dad and sixty-two injured
is the result of an electric road accident
at Lancaster, Pa., on the 9th.
Two "engines on the Toledo and Obio
' Central ran into each other head on in
. Columbus, killing one engineer and
fatally injuring the other and the fire
man. "Boys will be boys," but you can't af
ford to lose any of them. Be ready for
the green apple season by having Ve
Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure in the
house. Geo. H. Haskin3, druggist. ..
The American astronomers who went
to Japan to witness a solar eclipse re
port that the expedition was only a
partial success owing to atmospheric
conditions. ' .
A W. Pile of California, secretary of
the national silver committee, was found
dead under a bridge at Washington. It
is supposed he was murdered.
De Witt's Sarsaparilla is i prepared
for cleansing the blood from impurities
and disease. It does this and more.
. It builds up and strengthens constitu
tions impared by disease.- It recom
mends itself. Geo.H.Haskins.druggist.
Count Arthur Pallavicini, a lieutenant
of Hussars, killed himself at BuuaiHs.:
because Ethel Barrison one of the live
notorious sisters, variety actresso
refused to accept his attentions.
Miss Clara Barton, president of the
American branch of the Red Cross So
ciety, has started on her return to the
United States, her mission of distribut
ing relief to the Armenian sufferers hav
ing been ended. '
It doeaen't matter much whether sick
headache, billiousness, indigestion and
constipation are caused by neglect or
by unavoidable circumstances; De
Witt's Little Early Risers will speedily
cure them all. Geo. H. Haskins-
The Sev. Father Vaughn of . Illinois
is lying at the point of death at Chicago
from sunstroke. He is a brother of Car
dinal Vaughn of England.
Canadian banks have posted notice
that after August 15th American silver
: certificates wul be taken only at 90
cents, and American silver coin will not
be takes at all. It is intended to drive
a very large volume of American money
- now circulating ifi Canadian commerce
oat of the conn try.
Tneorirts of cure may be discussed at
-5th bv physicians, but the sufferers
wan' qck relief; and One Minute
-Cough 0u3e w5u give -relief to them.
safe t"ire for children. It is "the
harn"le33 reme.ay iuai jimuuces
im mediate
results. Vxeo.n. ausKins.
Under ShertvT Armour of Milwaukee
seized the propOrt-v f the Telegram
r Cycle Manufacturh..!?oiul,ai:yon judg-
menta aggregating $5 'w- - -Albert
Place and Vaitr Whipple
- have- left Providence in attempt to
break the bicycle record acV the con
tinent to San Francisco. - , .'v
A dispatch from Bombay, Ind&txsays
floods have been caused by overflow" of
the river Kistuah and several hundred
- natives were drowned. '
Don't trifle away time when you have I
cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight
them in the beginning with De ltts
Cholic and Cholera Cure. You don't
have to wait for results, they are in
- stanstaoeous, and iv leaves the bowels
in healthy condition. Geo. H. Haskins.
the Cleveland iabor troubles grow
niore exciting as time goes on. On the
; .14th a shooting match occurred in which
Jour men were badly wounded.
' Company E,7th United States Cavalry,
thirty-six troopers, Lieutenant Bullock
commanding, arrived at Tucson (Aria. ,
from fort Grant with the view of co
operating with the Huachuca commands
near fiogales in gathering in tne Mexi
can revolutionists who attacked Nogales.
Tr m heliaved the revolutionists have
dispersed and no further trouble is
anticipated. 1
By the use of Shiloh's Cure. This
great cough cure is the only known
remedy for that terrible diseasd. "
Pills do not cure constipation. They
oniy aggravate. Karl's Clover Koot
Tea gives perfect regularity of the bow
e's. For sale by Chas . Strang.
A flood of extraordinary force oc
curred on the Atlantic coast of Central
America a few days ago, in which the
loss in property is estimated at a mil
lion dollars.
Rain fell in New York on the 14th,
bringing relief from the fatal heat wave
that had prevailed for nine days, dur
ing which period 538 deaths were re
ported as the result of sunstroke.
The New York Times was dald at pub
lic auction on Friday and Adolph S.
Ochs of Chattanooga will be the new
publisher. .
When people are obliged to take
medicine thev want that it shall give
ouick relief and not add discomfort to
" - rri i . . ...V..
their suiierings. mree runsui..-. uj
people wl-o suffer with constipation
and biliou'nss siiould ta'.ce Simmon3
Liver Regulator: "It is better than
pills, it does not gripe; it gives quick
relief, and do s. net weaken but
strengthen anil refreshes the whole
system." J. K. Hil md, Monroe, la.
have decided to construct
main sewers
under the ,Vrooriian act . to cost $S0OO.
The cost will be assessed on the front-
.ing property
Within two months Santa Ana is to
have an up-to-date opera house, as the
new owner of the block is having plans
drawn to complete the hall. '
P-lectric Bitters. !
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed, when the languid ex
hausted feeling pervails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has often
averted long and perhaps fatal bilious
fever. No medicine will act more surely
in counteracting and freeing the system
from the malarial poison. Headache,
indigestion. constiDation. dizziness
vield to Electric Bitters. 50c. and $1.00
per bottle at Chas. Slrang's drug store.
Colonel J. W. Watts, president of the
Citizens' Association of Indian terntorv.
has commenced the work of perftH-tinj!
the roll of the intruders preparatory to
presenting the same to the Dawes Conv
mission. There are about 6000 intruders
whose right to property in the Cherokee
Nation will be determined bv the
Dawes Commission. "
The London Times, Dailv News and
Chronicle in their editorials all comment
upon the importance of Lord Salisbury's
recent statements concerning the adop
tion of a policy of arbitration.
The Qneen of Denmark who, although
73 years of age, is still pretty and re
tains her vivacity, affirms that she is
aunt to all. of Europe to which she is
not grandmother.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25c
per box. For sale by Chas. Strang.
Four bandits boarded a stock train on
the Grand Trunk road in Michigan and
robbed tue mock attendants, inev were
all captured the following dav and
lodged in jail at Charlotte. -
Yonder be drives. Avoia that firica;
beast. If be may have his jest, he never
cares at whose expense, nor friend nor
Patron sparea. Horace. t
President Cleveland has expelled
Giles Bishop Jr. and II. S. Commager,
cadets at West s Point academy,? who
were recently convicted by a court mar
tial of hazing new students.. The Presi
dent refused to hear any plea for clem
ency. ' ,
Indigestion Cured. A'
Depressing times depress the ' mind:
the- digestion is disturbed. Two or
three doses of the S. B. Headache and
Liver Cure will restore your health to
a normal condition.- 50 cents a bottle.
For sale by Chas. Strang. -
Professor C F. Holder of Pasadena
has started to explore the channel is-'
lands, especially that of San Nicholas.
The earthquakes of last year are said
to Have tossed out antiquities and closed
the harbor. .
, Alois Dingleman, aged 50 years, shot
and killed his wife and then committed
suicide at New York. Dingleman was
once in a good financial condition, but
it is alleged that the treachery of busi
ness associates wrecked him. His wife
bad to convert their home into a board-
ing-house. These misfortunes caused
him to lose interest in life and murder
and suicide followed. ;
I was nervous, tired, irritable and
cross. Kari s Uiover Hoot nas mane
me well and happy.
Airs. .E w oruen .
Diseased blood, oonstipatios, and kid-
nev. liver and bowel troubles are cured
bv Karl's Clove Boot Tea. For sale
by qfras. Strang. .
Henry Borne Id of London, England,
was arrested at Boston as he landed
from the Cunard steamer Pavonia on a
complaint of British Vice-Consul Keat
ing, charging him with the embezzle
ment of 415 from the London post
office. Borfield was a postoflice em
nlovee. His wife, who is a bride ol
only a month, is detained by the immi-
irration office as an undersiraDie person,
while Borfield is in jail awaiting extra
dition. Borfield made a confession and
turned over $1000 of the stolen nionev
Miserable by indigestion, constipation
dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin
Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure.
For sale, by Chas. Strang.
Or side, try Shiloh's Belladona Plaster
25 cents, for sale oy unas ou-ang.
A fire truck collided with an electric
car in Buffalo and every fireman on the
truck was injured, two being killed.
Captain John II. Blassinganic of
South Carolina, a prominent citizen,
was killed by a colored boy. The negro
was tracked to his hiding place by blood
stains and had been shot through the
body. Two empty pistols told the story
of a fatal duel.
Worthy of Notice.
The S. B. Medicine Company is the
only one out of nine proprietory medi
cine firms incorporated on this coast
since 1887 that has not made, an I'ssign
mont. These hard times, with no news
paper advertising contracts for two
vears, it speaks loudly of their merit.
SOcentsa bottle. For sale by Chas.
The city trustees of Santa
The directors of the Fcrndale fair are
making great preparations for their ex
hibition in September. , .' ,
The little bear cub which served as a
mascot for San Diego parlor of Native
Sons is dead.
Dick Chatten has killed about 5000
jackrabbits on his Goshen ranch lately
by the use of arsenic.
A party is being organized at Fresno
for the purpose of going to Venezuela
in October and engaging in the cattle
The point is made that the city ordi
nance ot alie.10 requiring a license u
sell pictures by sample is unconstitu
tional and conflicting with interstate
law. ,
The contractors for the jetties on
Humboldt bar completed the first three
months of this season's work August
8th, during which time they have put
in 88,800 tons of rock. . '
, Portland, Or., which owns its water
system, sprinkles its streets through the
streetcar company the work being done
after 5 p. m. The arrangement is said
to be satisfactory.
Our Standing at Homo.
''Four out of every five bottles of
medicine sold in the last five years are
S, B. goods. The S. B. Headache and
Liver Cure I use myself as a general
physic. If you ar sick and want to
get well, the quickest, cheapest and
safest method is to buy the S. B. reme
dies and use as directed. C. P. Balch,
Druggist, Dufur, Or." 50 cents a bot
tle. For sale by Chas Strang.
The mills of the Sperry Flour Com
pany, located at Paso HobU-s, weri
burned on the 12th inst.
The canning and fruit jacking estal-
lishment at Amlerson, t'al., was des
troyed by tire a few days ago.
Xogales, Mexico, was attacked by
Yaqui Indians on Wednesday night and
fifteen people were killed. The trouble
is caused by believers in Teresa de Cu
bora, a reputed saint, who wields great
influence over the Indians.
Leonard Zi ittraeger anil his l:l-year-old
son Willie, have just completed
their walk from San Jose, ("al., to Holo
ken, X. J. The father lost an arm in
an accident in a mill and his house soon
after burned and his wife and three
children perished, leaving him helpless
and penniless. He seeks relatives in
the East.
Marvelous Results.
From a letter written bv Rev. J.
Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we
are permitted to make this extract: "I
have no hesitation in recomending Dr.
King's New Discovery, as the results
were almost marvelons in the case of
mv wife. While I was pastor of the
Baptist church at Rives Junction she
was brought down with pneumonia suc
ceeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms
of coughing would last hours with ltv
tlo interruption ana tt seemed as ii' ene
could not survive them. A friend reo-
commended Dr. King's New Discovery;
it was quick ia its work and satisfactory
in result." Trial bottle free at Unas.
Strang's drugstore. Regular sue 60c.
and 1 1.00.
The town clerk of Kedding, John Rus
sell, shot himslf dead at his home be
cause of a shortage in his insurance ac
counts, being agent of the Loudon and
Liverpool Insurance Company.
Two companies of the 24th Infantry,
stationed -at Xogales, have started on
the trail of the murderous Yaquis.
At Sunrise Citv, Alaska, not far from
Cook's Inlet, are 1000 miners who are
destitute and on the verge of starva
tion. Safe crackers were at work in Santa
Barbara. The latest report is to the ef
fect that $85 was taken from the safe of
the Santa Barbara and Loinpoc Stage
For everv case of throat and lung dis
ease tnat Shiloh's fails to cure, the cost
price will be refunded. . For sale oy
Cuas. Strang.
Health and sweet breath secured, by
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50c.
Nasal injector free. For sale by Chas.
James D. Sherman of the Round val
ley district in Mendocino county, Cal.,
is the , latest victim or assassination in
the series of homicides prevailing in
that section of late. Sherman at one
time kOlad Mike Meagher in Kansas in
a conflict between cowboys and owners
of cattle the former were driving away.
After coining to California he killed a
jeweler, F. U. Parker, at Ukiah. It is
stated his victims numbered a half
dozen in all.
Sir John Millais, president ot the
Royal Academy, is dead.
If you have ever seen a little child
in the agony of summer complaint, you
can realizo the danger of the trouble
and annreciate the value of instantan
eous relief always afforded by DeWitt's
Colic and Cholera Cure. For dysentery
and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy
We could not afford to recommend this
as a cure unless itwereacure. Geo.LJ
Haskins, druggist.
F.mnnuel Hanson, a cocaine fiend in
Humboldt county, was so frightened by
coming across two tame bears that he
became insane and tried to kill himself
to keep the bears from eating him alive.
A package of bonds amounting to
$2500 worth were found in a Fresno
lodging-house hid behind a picture
frame hanging on the wall. They were
stolen last iSeptembcr in a jewelry box,
with jewelry, from a Boston woman
then visiting at Fresno. Search re
vealed the jewel box but the valuables
except the bonds had been removed.
For Infants and Children.
ilmilt it n
The highest claim for other i
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there is
as good
You will find one
, each two ounce bag,
pons inside eacn
bogot iuacawcil s JJurnam.
Buy a bag. of this cele
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which
of valuable presents and 1
to get
J. C. AVHIIi, iPropr.
Does General Contracting in all Lines. - - -
I I I 1 I I I I I I I
Wagons and Buggies 3Iade to Order
Warranted First Class.
Lieutenant-Commander John I. Mer
rill, the new lighthouse iusievtor of the
thirteenth district, has arrived at Ta-
conia. lie will commence a ngiu in
spection of all lighthouses in the dis
"A nickel mine, said to be the largest
in the world, has been discovered on
the headwaters of the Cowlits river, in
the Mount Taconaa district. One vein
is 100 feet wide and the ore in eight is
reported to be worth millions. ,
The trial of Cashier W. G. Tcters of
the Columbia National Bank of Ta
coma, Wash., charged on nearly thirty
counts of falsifying books and reports
to the bank examiner and on other
counts, making a total of forty-ax, with
using funds in an unauthorized manner,
was ended by the jury bringing m a
verdict of guilty on counts charging
falsification. On the other counts it
did not agree. "
The Supreme Court of California has
handed down a decision m the case of
Marshall J. Miller of Yuba county, con
victed of murder and sentenced to be
hanged, confirming the verdict of the
lower court. .. ,. '
The old soldiers of Southern Oregon
held a reunion at Ashland during the
week. ' " ' ,
r. F. A. Xief. a veterinary surgeon
at San Francisco, has discovered tuber
culosis in a duck's liver. The duck was
bein dressed for the table when the
diseased condition of the liver was
rad 8ttlfd by Maniac
A feud lasting over ten years,in which
blood was twice spilled, once on a
church step, has ended by the marriage
of William Jlylhnd and Jessie Totter at
Maidstone. Ont. A decade ago William
began to court Jeasic, and her parents
seriously objected, even to the point of
kicking Hyland from the house, setting
the dog at him. blazing away at him
with a shotgun, and later attackinghlm
on the church steps. The church, even.
was divided on the affair: families were
set against each other.and twoorthree
court cases grew out of It. Hyland had
perseverance and Jessie was constant.
and, despite the combinations oi ciuos,
shotguus and fierce dogs, they succeed
ed in ending their tcu years' courtship,
When Jessie's father nml brother heard
of the ending they decided that Hy
land had fairly won his bride, and sent i
word to him to come over to the bouse,
that all was forgiven. Maidstone peo
ple are sinking psalms of rejoicing over
the happy culmination of the long fight.
Chicago Chrouicle.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of Mm. simple
thlnir to patent?
Pro toot your ld as
tl, m lrlnl YOU wealth.
Write JOI
HN WEODEKlitIRN ft CO.. Pntcnt Altor-
and list of two hundrwl luveutlous wauwd.
Washington, D. C for tni-ir bi.imi prao imor
SYMI'TOMS Mot.turel Intent Itrhlns mni
llnlnl mortal night I woryibjr Mrtitchlna. lr
allowed toM.tlnuo tumor firm and protrtio,
.vhleh oftra bipod and ulorratv, bpoomlna; very
oro. W A V N K'M 1 N TM E N T .top. IKJh In c aaa
blttrdtac.abaorba tap tumor. ?rW" , '
tuaJirorHiou. rrrpuod bTl. ! Son, l'hllJHpM.
Ttao sluipl piUaUott Q
Jj without anr Interofcll
modicinrj. earu tot
t tor. Miemft. itch, all
'runtiunton thofao.
h.rnlA. him. Ac., loavini
h kin n1t whit and hulU.Tr
Miliii A M, PbUadvlchk i. Aa jour druggtrt fw fc
none just
coupon inside
and two cou
tour onnci
gives a list
I I I I I I I I I lV
Cor. C and Eight streets
... RAILWAY ...
Shortest and Quickest Line to -
Connects at Duluth with .
Northern Steamship Company
Palace and UptiGlsterei Tourist Sleepers
- . - ALSO
For full Information reeardincr rates.
etc., call on or address: -
C. P. & F. A., Portland, Oregon.
W. T. YORK, Local Ar't
Over Haskins Drag Store,
Medford, Oregon.
The - Shasta - Route
South I
8:50p. in Lv. Portlnnd Ar.
13.1S pm Lv. Medford Lv
8:10 a. m
5:05 p. in
6:00 p. lu
7:l&aiuAr. San Francisco Lv.
Above trains stop at East Portlnnd. Oreeon
City, Woxll)urn, Snlcm, Turner. Marlon, 3et
nrson. Albany, Albany Junction. Tanirent.
Phcdds, llalsoy, Harrisbunt, Junction City. Ir
ving, i-.ntvno. uixwou, urains ana at an sia
uons rroin uoseourg to Asniaua iticiusive.
S:S0 a. ni I Lv
5-30 p. m t Lv
Ar I 4:40 p. ta
Lv 1 SO0 a. in
p. ra,
b:15p. u.
I Lv
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman Bufibtt Slwprrs and Second Class
Sleeping Curnattachod to all throuU trains
Between Portland and Corvallis
Mnll trains dally, except Sundny:
:S0a. in Lv Portland Arl B:30 p. m
12:15 pm I Ar Corvallis Lv 1:36 p. in
At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains
ofO. C. & K. railwnv.
Express Trains dully, except Sunday:
7-45 p. m I Lv Portlnnd Ar J 8:25a. ru
iii p. m I Ar McMtmiville Lv5.-o0a. in
S-Throgh tickets to all polntR in the
Eastern states, Canada and t a rope can be ob
tninrd nt lowest rates from W. V. Llppincott,
Agent, Medford.
Manager. Asst. G. F. & P Aft
t. 6. 0. F. Lodge No. 83, meets In I. O. O: F.
hall every Saturday at at 8 p.m. Visiting
brothers always welcome.
A. S. Bliton, N. G.
Iba A. Phelps, Rec. See
I. O. O. F. Rogue River Encampment,
No. 30, meets In 1. O. O. F. hall the second and
fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m.
Z. Maxcv.C. P.
I. A Weub, Scribe.
Olive Rebekab Lodge No. 28, meets In I. O.
0. F. ball first and third Tuesdays of each
month. Visiting sisters invited to attend.
Miss Mamie Nicholson, N. G.
Mas. A. T. Dkikko, Kec. Sec.
K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets Mon
day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers al
ways welcome. M. u. LCUSDED, c U.
Z. Maxcv, K. of R. and S.
A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be
fore full moon at 8 p. m., In A. O. U. W. hall.
W. I. Vawteb, W. M.
W. V. LiPPWOOn, Rec. Sec.
Knights of the Maccaoees. Triumph Tent
No. 14, meets in regular review on the 1st and
3d Mondays of each month in A. O. U. W.
HaU at 7 :30 p.m. Visiting Sir Knights cordial
ly invited to attend.
A. A. Battebsox, Commander. -
W.T.York. R.K. -
Woodmen of the World Camp No. 90. meets
every Thursday evening in A. O. U. W. hall,
Medford, Oregon. -
F. M. Wilsos.
Wallace Woods, Council Commander.
A. O. U. W. Lodge No. 98, meets every firs
and third Wednesday In the month at 8 p. m
in their ball in the opera block. Visiting
brothers invited to attend.
W. T. York, Recorder.
W. B. C Chester A. Arthur Corps No. 34
meets second and lourlh Friday ot each
month at 2 o'clock p. m.,ln WoolTs hail.
MRS. L.. C. KEDlES, freS.
MRS. M. E. Davis. Sec.
G. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post He. 47.
meets in L O. O.F. ball every second and fourth
Saturday afternoon in each month at 2 o'clock.
w . r. hAKE, com.
Eu Fisher, Adjutant.
W. C. T. U. Meets even Wednesday after
noon la the HaUey Black.
mbs. A Dots v A xaxtwehp, pres.
Mrs. Rosa D EG root. Sec
Saint Marks Episcopal Surjday School meis
at Episcopal Church every Sunday morning at
10 o'clock. Her. Vi m, Hart, Rector; S. S. Fentz,
Superintendent. -
Methodist Episcopal Church Ed. Gittins.
pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m..
and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.. E. E.
Thompson, supt. Class meeting every Sabbath
at close ox sermon, Levi Faucert, leader. Ep
wortb league every Sabbath evening at 6:30, K
li. GUkey, prest. Junior league every Sabbath
Bin p. m.. Miss May Phlpps. supt. Kerular
weekly weekly prayer meeting every Thursday
evening at 7:30. Ladies sewing circle every
two weeks, Mrs. Beidleman, pres. Missionary
societies, home and foreign, first Friday in
each month, presidents, Mrs. Van Antwerp and
jars. tiuDDara.
Presbyterlan Church Rev. A. S. Foster, d
tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 M p. m. Si
day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E 6:15 p. m.
Junior Endeavor Society at S p. nu, Sunday.
prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7
Baptist charch L. L. Woods, pastor. Wor
ship and preaching every Sunday morning and
evening at usual hours for church services.
Covenant meeting on Saturday at f o'clock pro
ceeding each first Sunday. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening. Baptist Young People
Union meets at 6:30 on Sunday evening. Sun
day school at 10 a. m.
Christian church Corner of Slxtii and I
streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Junoir Endeavor at
S p. m.: Y. P. S.C. K. at 6 JO p. m. Prayer
meeting every Thursday evening. Ladiea
Missionary Auxiliary lo&W.B.E. first Thurs
day 7 JO P. M. each month. Choral Union
every Friday at 7 JO p. m. The people welcome.
Eli Fisher pastor. Resides at the church.
Methodist Episcopal Church South Rev. JJL.
Crutch field, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
m. on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sabbath; Sabbath
school at 10 a. m. and Epworth League at 6 p.
m. every Sabbath at Medford. Sernoeson 4th
Sabbath at Soda Springs at 11 a. m. and Neil
Creek school bouse al S p. m. A hearty wel
come to alL
Thos. F. Oakes.' Henry C Payne, Henry C
Rouse. Receivers.
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