The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 21, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Mail is never saying a word
when the boys of our town indulge in
innocent fun, or if they reach out into
a little hilarity, so long as no person
is inconvienced by it and no property
'damaged, but when these boys young
men make night so unpleasant as to
call out censure from many of the good
ladies of our town it is then time for
something to be done. There is a
crowd of young men in this town which
are fast closing about' them shackles
of vice and dissipation that will be
difficult for them to throw off when the
error of their way is discovered. They
are sowing their wild oats upou toofer
tile soil. One lady asked us if we knew
Kam fha muMol nrao o nftrKf.
time when the sidewalks in various
narta of tha town are thrnnrad with
half drunken hoodlums, and their
shouts of blasphemy and vulgarity,
making the nights, instead of a time
of rest for the residents, one of very
much unrest and disgust. We are un
able to state where the marshal is at
these times, but we hope, for the sake
of peace and quietude for the citizens,
nd the general good of these young
men, that he will happen around
sometime during the heat of these rev
elries and make an example of some
-of the offenders by placing them in the
city bastiie. There is by far too much of
this thing going on and there is but
one way to prevent it and this is to
round the boys up with a short urn
which will be done by the people
whom they disturb, if not by the
Leave your order at the Medford
gallery on North B street for all kinds
of photographic work. Portraits,
groups, views and copying. Enlarge
ments in crayon, water color, pastels
and India ink, ranging in price from
3 to $100. H. L. Miser, photographer.
It was on Tuesday evening of this
week that the Christian Endeavor so
ciety of this city tendered Miss Zoa
Bruns a farewell reception, prepara
tory to her departure with her parents
for their home in Colorado. About
fifty of her friends assembled on the
lawn at Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Webb's
pleasant home, corner Sixth and G
streets, and made merry the evening in
divers ways. Singing, recitations and
speech-making were the predominat
ing features of the evening's enter
tainment and all present entered into
the spirit of the evening's festivities
with a heart and purpose, whose aim
it was to do his or her part in making
the affair a crowning success. The
evening was beautiful and pleas
ant and the attendants, filled with the
.spirit of merry-making and all bent on
having a good time, kept their many
voices rmeintr out on the cool ana re
freshing air until nature warned them
that the time for departure had ar
rived when, with many kind words and
hearty good wishes for the guest to
whom they had assembled to do honor.
tney departed for their respective
homes. The Bruns household has
made a host of friends during their
them leave, but who will give them
and happiness wherever Providence
seems fit to take them.
v Tha Cincinnati Enauirer is a bold
advocate of silver and Bryan's candl-
dacv. . You can get the weekly in
ouirer and Medford Mail one year
for S1.60.. This offer applies to old
subscribers who will pay up all arrears
and one year in advance, or to new sub
The annual meeting of the old sol
diers of the civil war, which was held
at Ashland last week, was a success in
every particular. The attendance was
not quite as large as . bad - been antici
oated but there was, nevertheless, a
mod representation of the veterans
from all parts of Southern Oregon.
An excellent program, replete with
features of unusual interest had been
prepared for their entertainment.
which was carried out in a very com
olimentarr manner. The opening ad
dress was delivered by Hon. Thos. &.
Tonmie. which was well received.
The discussion of the financial question
between Hon. T. T. Geer, of Marion
county, Hon. John A. Jeffrey, of Jack
son county, and Mr. Hofer, editor of
the Salem Journal, was very- interest
ingly and ably presented. At the close
of the re-union the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
J. E Peterson, Grants Pass, district
commander: L. Pate. Gold Hill, senior
viee-eommanaer: w u&vus, aieu-
fnrd. iunior vice-commander; W. H
-Beidler, Gold Hill, quartermaster; C.
A. Stine, Ashland, chaplain; j. s,
TTerndon. Ashland, chief surgeon: Jas.
Elliott. Ashland, chief of ordinance.
It was decided to hold the next reunion
in September of next year at uoid 1111,
the exact date to be named by the ex
ecutive officers.
There's ; more clothing destroyed
"hv nnnr soan than bv actual wear. "Hoe
Tke" soan contains no free alkali and
will not injure the finest lace. , Try it
and notice the difference in quality.
' Lumsden & Berlin.
'Dave Miller and Dr. Geary are pub
lic property so far as the perpetration
of jokes, the one upon the other is con
norned. A few weeks ago when the
riwtnr was out visitins the K. of P
lorlcrp of the state as Grand Chancellor
ha cauerht on to some new things, by
means of which he is enabled to make
good "game" of his friends. His favor
ite is a self-acting, always loaded kodak.
It works like this a little contrivance
is held in front of a person and the
person is asked to look at it a moment
and his picture will appear. During
the allotted time of observation the
manipulator of the contrivance raises a
slide and there appears a picture not
of the person, but one alleged to be his
picture, which is that of a jack with
long ears and wearing glasses under
neath which is written "That's What
You Are if You Vote for So and So."
nam hit at the fame and saw his al
leged photo, but in retaliation he calls
tn mind the instance when he per
suaded the doctor to pack a seventy
pound squash home from a store, he
ft.h dnntnr thinkine it was a large
luscious watermelon.
R.llpfl'harlev for sale, rolled on
"smooth rolls." Custom rolling done
nn Tiifisriflvs and Saturdays. Medford
Brewery and Ice Works.
Tt. H. Whitehead, who returned
recently from a trip eaot of the
TTinimtainR. . is savin? all manner of
nrttv thlnM for tne ivOEue river
Prospect road, but not many
Green Spring, mountain route. He
states that with the expenditure of
$50 this Prospect road can be put in
splendid shape for travel. The roots
need cutting out in some piaces, one
small . bridge is needed across Big
White Horse creek and a hole filled
near Little White Horse. Aside from
these places he says the road is in good
shape. Robinson, the huckster, who
is on tne roaa oetween Meaiora ana
Klamath county the year round, agrees
with Mr. Whitehead to the letter and
bays that if the Medford people will
donate the $30 he will donate ten dol
lars' worth of work and will super
intend all the repairs the money rot
to be paid until the work- is inspected
unA found ail riirht and Mr. White
head has agreed to inspect it free or
eharge. What do the merchants
think of the proposition? Wouldn't
it be $50 well expended.
Wanted. All girls to know that
"Hoe Cake" will not make their hands
red like common soap. Save the wrap
pers. They are worth cent apiece.
Lumsden & Berlin.
-Miss Ella Hanley is considerable
of a farmer a fact which no person
can dodge, as is proven when we state
that this year from her farm, near
Jacksonville, she has threshed 4000
bushels of wheat and 10,000 pounds of
alfalfa seed, and besides this she has
had cut and stacked fifty tons of
hay and all this from 100 acres of
land. Upon being questioned by a Mail
reporter as to who was operating the
farm, he was given to understand by
the lady that there was no person
operating the place other than Miss
Ella Hanley and this information was
given with such emphasis as to leave
no doubt la the mind 01 the reporter.
The Mail is pleased to note the lady's
success in her farming operations and
we would like most mightly to see it
continue. We are always generous
md while not in any immediate
danger of being crushed beneath
barrels of money either gold or silver
ourselves, we have a disposition that
sort o' rejoices at other's success.
The whole system is drained and
undermined bv indolent ulcers and
open sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve speedily heals them. It is the
best pile cure know. Geo. H. Haskins.
the sidewalk. . In faot his rieht letr.
from the knee down,' has been in the
hospital for several days past. ' He was
driving one of his colts and when he
reached over with his foot to pereuaae
the brake to clinch a little tighter this
oolt sort o' reached out with its hind
foot and caught Jiraraie just below the
knee and that's all except as above
Many a day s work is lost bv sick
headache, caused by indigestion and
stomach troubles. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are the most effectual pill
for overcoming such difficulties. Geo. ,
H. Haskins, druggist.
C. Carey, livine on Bear creek.
half a mile east of Phoenix, was in
Medford last week and with him came
a stem of a berry bush which was this
year's growth and upon which there
were forty-two unusually larare dew
berries and these all growing close to
the tip end within a space cot more
than two inches in diameter. Mr.
Carey has an acre of ground set to
this particular variety of dew berries
and by another season he will have
enough of the fruit to supply the mar-
Kets tor miles around. ,
At G. L. Davis' vou cat a beauti
ful piece of glassware with every can of
prize baking powder. Only fifty cents
per can. The glassware alone is worth
the money.
W. K. Davis, the new school
house janitor, is busying himself this
weeK inaugurating some changes in
the school house preparatory to' the
reconvening of school. The new
primary department, provided for by
tne school ooard, will occupy the
room which was formerly used by the
fifth grade last year and the fifth
grade will be removed to the room
prepared for the 8th grade up stairs.
Mr. Davis is now placing the new
seats iu position for the primary-grade.
Delicate articles, such as edgines.
ruchings, laces, and gossamer will
not stand much rubbing. Soap Foam
Washing Powder cleans them per
fectly without damage or trouble.
Lumbden & Berlin.
The silver meeting which was held
at the opera house last Saturday even-
in?, after having elected its officers
and commenced the work of the meet
ing, was interrupted by the alarm of
fire and adjourned until next Saturday
evening at which time a club will be
organized. G. C. Noble was elected
chairman and E. E. Phipps secretary
Several speeches had been made and
everything was progressing nicely
when the unfortunate interruption oc
curred. The president has appointed
the following committee to draft the
by-laws for the club: H. Klippol, F. M
Plymale, S. S. Pentz. J. H. brford and
G. C. Noble. Editor Hofer, of the
Salem Daily Journal, addressed the
meeting on the free silver Issues, and
his remarks were enthusiastically re
Oregon Kidney tea physicians
prescribe it, druggists recommend it
and the thousands who have used it
testified to its wonderful remedial
virtues. ; Sold by Chas. Strang, drug
Last week Mr. and Mr. J. B. Rid
die. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frater and Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Catching, all of Riddles.
this state, arrived in Medford by team
and after tarrying a couple of days in
Medford they were Joined by Mrs. u.
W. Crosby and babies and started for
Crescent City. They were amply pro
vided for transportation, having one or
those large stages used in Oregon's
early day and, with tour good horses,
they expect to cover the ground quite
rapidly. They go first to Crescent
City, thence to Bandon, and from there
to Rqseburg. .1 It. kept .Mr. Kiddle .busy
wnue nere soaring nan as wnn nis 01a
time friends of whom there are many
ditto Mrs. Riddle.
If dull, spiritless and stupid; If
your blood is ttucic ana sluggish; if
your appetite is capricious and uncer
tain, you need a sarsapariiia. r or pest
results take ue Witt's. 11 recommend
tself. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist
G. L. Schermerhorn has a force ol
men at work clearing away the ruins
of his plaining mill, preparatory to
commencement of the erection of
another one oa the same site.' Work
on the new building will be pushed as
rapidly as possible and era long the
old familiar sound of the buzz saw will
meet the ears of the Medford citizens
as of yore. He is having his boiler
tested this week to ascertain if it can
be used again and the new planers
and other machinery necessary, will
be. purchased immediately. This is
another , good example. of Medford's
business men's prosrresslveness they
are never found wanting.
Oregon Kidney tea will do you
more good than anything else you
can possibly take. Sold by Chas
Strang, druggist. ,1.
for the
' ' Last week while M. S. Damon "was
attending the reunion at Ashland be
was taken suddenly ill, and for a
while his life was despaired of. He
was standing near one of the cannons
in use there at the time and when it
was discharged he suddenly dropped as
if dead, and remained in an unconclous
state for close on to an hour. Medical
aid was quickly summoned and by
the use of restoratives he was brouaht
back to conciousness. He was taken
to the springs above Ashland the next
day where he improved rapidly so
much so that be returned with bis
family Tuesday and is quite himself
Mrs. Sears will be in San Francisco
for a couple of weeks buying millinery
and her business will be attended to by
Mrs. Webb at the Racket.
The exhibition of war scenes, ad
vertised to take place at the opera
house last Friday evening, didn't take,
that is it failed to materialize for lacK
of spectators. After waiting until a
late hour for the crowd that never
came, the manager announced that the
exhibition would be posponcd indefi
nitely, and then proceeded to fold his
tent and hie himself away to some
other place where his exhibition he
thought would ba appreciated. The
truth is that Medford has had more
than her share of magic lantern shows
and is perfectly willing that they "puss
us by on the other side."
James Jones known amoug his
friends as "Jimmie" met with a
misfortune last week, from the effects
of which he steps very tenderly when
his right foot comes in contact with
On July 29th J. R. West, an old
time resident of this city, but now a big
rancher, living near Reno. Nevada,
was granted a dlvorce.upon the grounds
of desertion, from his wife. Mrs. Susie
M. West, of Medford. Our informant
states that but eighteen mlnuteselapsed
between the calling of the case and the
granting of the decree. Nevada is evi
dently about as swift in its untying of
matrimonial bonds as is Isortb Dakota,
which has a reputation the world over
for quick time.
All kinds of wood for sale. Long
wood, short wood, hard wood, soft
wood and just plain wood. Bellinger
ii Hill, draymen.
Dr. Klrcbgessner, since locating
upon the Tyler homestead, which in
eludes the Dead Indian springs, is
making arrangements for numerous
improvements thereabouts. He will
build a good bit of fence, fix up the
roads and bridges, and win plow sev
eral acres of land this fall and put It
out to trees. He will set out chestnut,
walnut and almond trees and next
spring will fix up 1. camping ground fit
foronyone from the commonality to
the vaney a 490.
Won't "yellow the clothes" is what
they ay about Soap Foam Washing
Powder. Lumsden & Berlin. ,
It Isn't often that the changing of
ownership of a cow will bring out an
Item of mention in these column, but
when a cow has a value of seventy-five
bifir dollars these times there is sub
ject matter for a couple or three lines
of type. The aforesaid oow was pur
chased from Mrs. J. Bradley by Dr. K.
P. Geary and the price paid was 75
The animal, which has for a title that
of "Black Beauty." is said by many to
be the most valuable of her kind in the
Trespass notices, printed on cloth.
for sale at five cents each at The Mail
Nettie, the infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Ferguson, of this city.
died last Monday evening of heart
trouble, and was buried Tuesday in
the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The little
one had been 111 but a short jUme. and
it was not thought anything serious
would result until a short time before
she died. The parents, who are heart
broken orer their loss, have the heart
felt sympathy of the community in
their bereavement.
I will exchange lumber and build
ing material for baled hay or grain.
Wallace Woods.
J. A. Smith, the tinsmith, has
foundation built for a new residence,
corner G and Fifth streets, just north
of Mrs. Whiteside s residence, ine
bulldintr will be 16x32 feet in size and
one and one-halt stories high. He
states that there will be nothing pre
tentious as to beauty of design, but it
ill be comfortable, solid ana conven
ient which are the greatest of all.
He has one of the very best building
spots in the city.
I am now prepared to do all kinds
of gun and bicycle repairing at the low
est possible price, unas. reraue.
Lumsden & Berlin this week pur
chased the Wolverton place on West
Seventh street, which was formerly
owned bv W. H. Parker and will be
gin Improving it soon with tne view 10
making it a home for one of them.
Just what improvements these gentle
men contemplate making has not yet
been learned beyond that the place will
be set in fruit trees. The price paid
was $2000.
Soap Foam saves the strength for
other duties, and saves the clothes.
Lumsden & Berlin.
G. H. Andrews and family and W,
E. Britt, land agents for the Southern
ied by J. S. Howard, left Medford Sat
urday for a business and pleasure trip
to Crater lrke. They go by way of the
Dtsad Indian route, to inspect the ttm
ber and lav of the country thereabouts.
They will be absent about two weeks
and will return Dy tne wogue river
A new invoice of sailor hats just
received at Mrs. Soars' store at the
Messrs. Heard and King, of Colo
rado, two well known mining man of
that Btato, are here looking over the
mining arona of this country with a
vie ft to investment, should they find
anything which they think would bo a
paying proposition. They loft Thursday
for the Applegate country to look over
that region and it is quite probable
that as soon as they have inspected the
mines over there they will be able to
form soma opinion as . to what they
will do.
McDonald cottonade pants at the
Racket cheap.
The new ads this week are W. H.
Meeker & Co. who are asking you some
very pointed questions which will be
seen by reference to their ad; Dr.
Pleicher, the dentlet, who wants you
to know that he is still on deck and
ready to do all kinds of dental work by
the latest and most approved methods,
and Oscar Williams, the barber who
has leased the Townsend shop on C
Wood of all descriptions for sale.
Bellinger & Hill.
V.' M. -Stewart brought to town
last week a couple of boxes of peaches
of the Hole variety that were beauties
indeed. No finer were ever brought
in any year, and they would have
vied with any peaches In any country
both in size, appearance and quality.
The only trouble with them was they
were very scarce on the trees. THE
Mail office aoknowleges complimeuts.
Saw-mill for rent, seven miles east
of Medford. W. W. Taylor.
E. E. Thompson has posters out an
nouncing a double auction sale, to take
place at his residence in East Medford,
on Saturday, August 29th, at 1:30 p. m.
He is offering for sale household goods,
farming implements, hacks, land, stock
in fact everything from a fruit jar to
three acres of potatoes, bee posters
for description of property and terms
of sale.
Watches cleaned and warranted for
one year for $1 Pritchard, the jeweler.
M. W. Marlow, he who owns resi
dence property out near A. T. Drisko's
place, in Northwest Meaiora, win
commence the erection of a 24x24 foot
cottage next week. Contractor E. W.
Starr has the contract and that gen
tleman tellssus that while the cottage
is not to be as large as some of the
largest it is to be a neat, comfortable
Ask Lumsden & Berlin for "Hoe
Contractor E. W. Starr has finished
the work of repairing, adding to and
general overhauling of F. W. Hutchi
son's residence, in West Medford, and
next week Merchant C. I. Hutchison
and family will move thereto. The
hanges which have been made make
it one of the most conveniently ar
ranged and pleasant homes in the city.
Excelsior Dye works, Medford
clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired.
If Merchant F. K. Deuel don't have
a home of beauty and convenience it-
will not be tor the lack' of energy and
painstaking. Associated with his re
cently erected new house and barn is
one of those air motors, sold by Hub
bard Bros. A fifty foot steel tour is
now being put up for the motor and
the wheel will soon be turning.
Legal blanks at The Mail office
Oscar Williams has leased the
Townsend barber shop on C street and
will hereafter be found there ready for
business. He wilt, undoubtedly re
ceive his share of the trade as he is
proficient in the business. Mr. Town
send has removed to the farm of his
wife's mother about three miles south
west of Medford.
F. V. Medynski will next week
move to the Nlngus residence, on
North C street, which, by that time
shall have been vacated by Merchant
Hutchison. Mayor G. H. Haskins will
move to the residence now occupied by
Mr. Medynski the same having been
purchased by Mr. H. several months
The many friends of M. P. Phipps
will be sorry to learn that be is lying
dangerously ill with typhoid pneu
monla at his home, near Medford. tie
was taken much, worse Wednesday
evening while in the mountains and
was brought home Tuesday morning
and is now in a very critical condition.
There has been a large number
of contests filed against the Southern
Pacific railroad company to restrain
them from patenting mineral lands.
They have been referred to Judge
Crowell and the taking of testimony
will begin the later-part of September
R. G. Jeffrey, brother of Prosecut
ing Attorney J. A. Jeffrey, 01 this city,
and Miss Ida Palmer, were married at
Crescent City on August 1st. - Mr. Jef
rev was formerly a resident 01 Jackson
county, and has many friends here who
will extend to them their best wishes.
jf Gentlemen I
5-2 "
jj DoVoa Inouil
BI3 B IS B 9 B 9 B B B G SfSin 9
THE " Dap L-f " Has added & Hoe of the Cele
I va'IVC C brated McDonald working pants
to their already large stock of men's furnishing goods? Every
one wearing the McDonald shirts can testify to their excellence,
and the same can be said of their cheap working pants ....
We have also received new goods this week in the following
lines: Table oil cloth, stationery, telescope and club satchels,
jewelry, ribbons, hosiery, etc., which may be bad at prices that
defy competition ....
We respecfully invite people from a
examine our stock and get prices ....
distance to call and
L. WEBB, Raqueter
EacacJ .
FIGURE 05 TOD fl ....
An open air trapese performance
and concert, given by Prof. C. M. St
Clair, near the Rogue River Valley
depot, was attracting quite a large
crowd a couple of evenings this week
Some of the trapese performance was
really good extraordinary good.
There will be an . ice cream social
at the Medford opera house, this, Fri
day evening, under the auspices of the
Junior young people's society. Admis
sion free. A small charge will be
made for coffee, cake, ice cream and
lemonade. Everybody invited.
The Mazamas from 400 to 600
strong failed to appear. However,
there were about fifty of them who ar
rived in Medford and Ashland and they
are now at the lake together with per
haps thirty or forty members of the lo
cal (Jrater lake ciuos.
A good act, and one which would
add materially to the appearance of the
city, would be that of mowing the
weeds at the sides of the street. Some
have done this, and then there are sev
eral who have not.
Last Sunday Rev. Gittlns united in
marriage Mr. Charles Boy n ton and
Mrs. Mary Torrey. The ceremony
took place at the bride's home in this
city. A number of invited guests were
F. M. Stewart and family, Mrs
J. Gallaher, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Halley
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Roberts and P.
B. O'Neil left Wednesday for a several
weeks' trip to Crescent City.
J. J. Andorson. of Sardine creek,
was in Medford last week with a large
load of baskets of his own manufacture
which he readily disposed of to the
Medford merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Starns living
near Central Point, are glad parents
to a fine little girl buby, which arrived
at thoir homo last Friday, August 14th.
J. H. Ward has gone into partner
ship on tho steam wood saw proposi
tion and Is now doing busiuess with the
people of this city of ours.
A party composed of I. A. Mounce,
Clint Stewart, E. M. Orr and A. G.
You Can't Reach 'Em ...
.... Any other way than by selling ....
Good Goods at Low Prices
And giving honest weight. And We Do Just ThatI
0F Last Season's Shoe Sales
Fall very eweetly upon our ears. Those
purchased school shoes of us then are
'Coming Back Again
This season, with words of praise for the shoes we
sold them. Our fall line of men's, womens and
children's shoes will be in soon and we hope you
will call and look them over. They will be the
best values ever offered in the citv
J. G. Van Dyke & Co.
Weeks left Medford Friday tor a trip
to Crescent City.
Weeks Bros, have in stock a fine
line of covered burial caskets some of
them zinc lined for shipping bodies to
distant points.
Attend the young people's social at
the opera house tonight get lots of
good things to eat and help the good
work along.
The Southern Oregon district fair
ill be held at the Central Point
grounds from September S2d to 28th inclusive.
Johnston & Co. are reported to be
doing a good job of threshing wherever
they go and are turning out 101s 01
W. T. Kame, L. H, Faucett and
the boys are at Crater lake this week.
Ditto Prof. Gregory," and Dr. and Mrs.
Rumor has it that Hugh Elliott,
the Jacksonville blacksmith, will move
his shop to Medford.
For 5ale or Trade.
I have for sale a team, wabn and
harness, and 160 acres of land on Big
Butte creek on the new Prospect road
Will soil or trade for Medford property.
C. P. Buck, Medford.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to take this method to
tender our heartfelt thanks to the
many kind friends and neighbors who
so freely bestowed upon us their many
offices of friendship and assited ua so
materially in our hours of trial and
grief, at the death of our beloved
husband and father.
Mrs. G. W. Crystal and Children'.
For. Medford Property.
City and Country property in Wash
ington; best dairy section on Pacific
coast; good range; townprpperty will
rent for good figure-.. Will exchange
for residence property inr near Med
ford. Apply for particulars, to office
of . . The Mail.
Six weeks ago I suffered'with a very
severe cold; was almost unable to speak
My friends all advised me to consult a
physician. Noticing Chamberlain's
Cough Ramedy ad vertised. in the St.
Paul Yolks Zeitung, I procured a bot
tle, and after taking it a Bhort; while
was entirely well. I now most heartily
recommend this remedy to an vone suf
fering with a cold. ffm. Keil, 578
Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. For sale
by Geo. H. Haskins. .
In Southern Oregon that is just the
size of my stock of ....
Groceries, ...
Crockery and
Glassware ...
ca .
And my prices as of yore are just a ga
little lower than anv house in Medford Ra:
asks fot the same quality of goods ....