I, oim county . . Correspondents fro 'GOPRBSPONDXStrs. All iTespondents are-requested to write on one -aide of the paper only. 718 will prevent oorrewsiting the mailer written cntbe reverse .pages, which must 3n variebly be done, aad -will arso .prevent vamay cmteresiing items from halng entirely over looked. Correspondents who are short. on supplies should iwtity this oJttoe, and we will .promptly furnish whaVis nmded.l - Eagle Point 'Eaglets. BY A. 'C. HOWLETT. Wm. Chambers and daughter, of Big Butte, were the guests of, JMrs. Sincla-irone-fay last week. Mies Ella Williams, of Medford, has been the guest of Miss Anna Carney daring the -past weak. . Miss AiHce Mefine has sgone to Medford to. spend a short time with her grandfather, Mr. Cliff. Rev. Brewer, of Talent, is ex - pected to ipreatfli at Eagle Point next Sunday at '11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Mrs. Carter, daughter of Mr. Givena, who baa been -visiting her parents tfor a'few- days, returned to her home in Ashland Thursday. F. J. Ayres and 'two of his daughters were in Medfard one day last week, asttlso were Mrs. Geo. Morine, Mra.JFay lor and Miss Celia Brown. G. B. Mathews thinks ' he is the luckiest 'man in Oregon he has now a full team a spaa of boys. The last onewas born a the 18th inst. Mise liUtie t Birch - eieeed a - suc cessful term-f -school at the Beta school 'house .last Friday. She is very popular - among the children as wefl as the parents. " Geo. Givess -and faaily have gone to 'Craten lake ami expect to return via. Klamath --Fails.' They haye gone on aceocni of Mrs. Given's health. Frank JLewis isi having consider-:- able trouble -with his insider this year. With his break -downs and the grasshoppers cambinad he has a hard struggle, . but if -any body gets there -Frank wilL Harash HAx made bwo draws with his -sein last Suoday and a large eiowd .went from 'here to witness rL He was not -very suc cessful, bow ever, as he caught only nine fisu in two : aauls u Geo. Morioe has i patterned after the wheel erected below the i bridge - in Medford and constructed .cue in Butte creek rraieicg the waterso as to irrigate his .garden. It attracted i much attention Stoday. Walker . S-ewisajMi bi -eousin Miss Vteme iPawons, BaaaoB.out ffrora Medford .la -Saturday .and Mwent to Wr. it a." ranch on ifclk rreek last iLueaaaj. lney -were accompanied -by Miss Fcankie .Newman.- . Joseph Eil,,liviri on the Lkfcs wiler place, itas taken a daughter to medford ior treatment by our.. JCirchge38tter. J5he eis rreportod aa greatly improved, and her lather . 1 1 . , I A 111 1 I iniasa me tueair wiikcure oer jkjs- unanantly. fishing is ail the age in this' community now, but there are few who can come op .with jMrs. John Sader. One day -she .caught 55 fish that averaged even inches in length iin just two houM .and she oaplained that the -grasshoppers were so thick on the water that the fish would not bite readily. Walker ;Lewis had aoite a&experi cnce with a couple of coyotes a few days ago one of theoilaae animal on which Mr. Montgomery had placed a belL ' Mr. h. was attracted t.y the bell and taking his gun bAsoosi dis covered the 4tell coyote - teauitatg a hoe. - He fired a shot at it, an4 an other hove in .sight to question the regularity of the. proceedings A fehot or two at aen ot tnem, a uweuy chase after one of them, and the lively use of a good sized club sooa terminated the career of each of thm and leaves the coyote tribe of that vicinity belless. : . ' ' ' ; - Prospect Pointers. - J3Y GEO. STOCKTON. We all welcome Mr. Eaton's re turn. He is a fine gentleman, every inch of him, and that is six feet and some four or five inches. We are sorry to learn that our for mer merchant and mill man, Stan. Aiken, talks of removing to Wash ton state. Mr. 'Aiken has been un tiring in his efforts for the general good, and has accomplished much. He is a man of energy and enter prise and we can ill afford to lose him, and hope that he will conclude to remain with us. ; i E. S. Moore has just harvested a large crop of hay the cleanest of timothy and grain hay and has disposed of a large quantity to Erwin McCall, who has established a feed station at Silver Camp,; four miles above Union creek and sixteen miles above Prospect. The location is a pleasant place ;to camp, also has much game to hunt, on which Mc is thoroughly posted, and he will take care of alf MazamaYand others who desire the bwet -clean timothy hay at reasonable price all in his genial good way. We, up here, are all just a little proud of each other. In this connec tion, we re all . proud . of the work done by Photographer Ellis, which ; is unequaled. lie is still enlarging his collection of views, which in cludes ' some 1 of thre wildest and grandest of scenes. He is just now taking several ncore views about Crater lake. Messrs. Moore, Beau reguard and Stockton had hitn se cure likenesses -of their respective farms recently, and Beaureguard had a photograph of his famous an laid wood frame taken. Medford -is mot alone in the -misfortune of having a firebug. It is evident there is one in this vicinity. One fire was -set out one mile from the town df !Prdspect near Olson's cabin ((preemption claim), which is not a place . where anyone would camp. On returning from ihe Post Office a week ago .Friday, ;0. R. Beaureguard discovered a fire on R. RasoQusseri's land, near Moore's road, which had been set ut while he was 'leaking the trip, awd no one had been-seen to go over the rod daringhat time. One year ago a fire was -started on F. C. LadiPs land oc -sixteen. The location is no plaoetoamp; is off of theroad and there is no water. We feel pnstky sore over; this matter. - Climax News. OLD MAID. Wotiow's mill at AFrtelopes8-sel Geg lumber. tLinSeey WoodT wh has 'been absent'for some time, ias relumed bme. , . , , ,v ; 'OuT-senool is profireesing nicely Hinder the management df .Miss Jlia White. MksMaud Maupta, of Harney county, who has bees ctayicg with Mrs. CTanfill, in Medfard, is visit dng friends in Climax. JIathew Thooapsea, who :has been attending the Ashland -school for the i past several years, spent iris "Fourth with, bis parents, on Antelope. James WYylaud, wjio went to Lakeviear sontettae ag to sheep, -nade his friends a very pleasantaurprise by cebVsrmng'home to -spend 'the Fourth with them. His :father, who has feeen spend ingtf&e winter with toe daughter, Mrs. ff-ong,- returned ut& -him. A iacge -crowd of yoang i people left Antelope the ae racing -ot ; the Tbiid to attend a pieade and-dance at Leas, creek school fcaase, vhere tbey . tegjryed theaiseWs i wery Beach. ffhej relumed te Antelepe the Ferth,ringing with them a crowd of .yung people from the pienie And ance to enjjoy tbem selves tA a ill a nee on Antelope rthe night f.ithei Fourth, where there were two prizes given 'to tfhe best waltxers in -the hooee. The fiiet prize of -$1 ."50 was given to Mies Annie Eodschosv, of Rosy Aao, and James' Worlow, of Clieaax. j The second . prize of4$l .25 was gknen ito Miss Dofiia Wof lew. of Climax, And Thomas flarlow, of Lake (Creek. LA11 who walkzed did well.. . gam Galley Items. E "- """ - - snwasawaw E. R. Gall ras transacting . ei- xiesa in Gold Kill lavct Saturday. jSOss Editik -Howe and Hnlia CraAdock spem Friday in Medford. iCho little eon of L. C. Sisemore, who Las been aeriousky ill for some time, i? slowly jaiprovuiag. The faunilien of C. X. Clark, of Mdfo. and. M. Dawis, of Gold Hilt, a-Tsojourniftiit Abe sulphur springy n A. 8. Moon's arm.' 1 SJT oTodges and faintly, Miss Minnie &all and Waite Fitzgerald started to Bly, Klamath County, last Suodajr to-fpend the glimmer. A social dance was given at the Moonville hall Saturday evening. There waff a , good attendance and everyone reports having had a nice time. Thbs. Pankey, Joseph and Thos Perry of this place, and Geo. Alli son, of Willamette vallly, started on an outing to Crater lake last Tues day. Awarded Highest Honors World'." Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM Most Perfect Made, do Years the Standard. Legal blanlts'at The Mait; ofBoe On the Upper Apptegate. To seek the coolness of the moun tains, rest beneath the shade of the grand firs, listen to the roaring, rushing waters of middle fork, and, I will add, in hopes of catching some fish I nwd myself here. Alas, I find the sun as hot as il is in the valley and in order to keep thor oughly cool one has to kep in the shade in the middle of the dav. I find that middle fork is so named on account of its position, lying in the center and being one of the three forks which form Applegate. It was worked some in an early day only the bed of the st reauulvowever and it only for a . distance of four miles and a half from its mouth. Above that point it has never been properly prospected until this spring. Think of it a stream with out'even a trail along it until this late day. Last spring Messrs. Brooks, Steves and Wait started in to open it up. They are still at it and I think now the whole of the icreek is claimed, as I'm told, by men who will work it. The lower por tion is composed of large bars and while the owers are making a liv ing they cannot work it properly cn account of the heaviness of the wash. It is a fine property for some enterprising person or company to take hold of and open up. A mile and a quarter of wagon road, start ing from Geo. Faucett's place, would reach the first bar. The flats are then continuous . and, from what I gather from those I talked with, a group of -seven or eight claims with worlds of water, could be got very reasonable. I have seen three different characters of gold course, fine, and that which shows that it has come from porphyry. While this is tributary to our valley towns, it lies in California. We are compelled to trade with the valley towns both because of cheapness and the fact that the Siskiyou range starts everything'here in the direc tion of Rogue river. :Further, in re gard to the upper. Applegate country I may .add that two years ago there was not a hydraulic proposition in the country and to-day there are nve, wit jpFoume ot more at an early day. -Some are even equip ped with electricity so they can operate night and day, and I be-, lieve now all we need to make the! chain complete jisthe discovering of! Kflcn rrv-Jr w.K .anmiirli . natf f.ip reduction works. As it is, I say hurrah for southern Oregon! Alpha. Grorg'a Tartcloss Chill Ton to is a perfect ma larlal liver tonic and blood purifier. Removes Ullouaaeas without purging. A pleaMtnl as lemon syran. ; It is as large aa any dollar tonlo and retails for 50 cent. To get the curutKB ask for GBOvc'a. - CATTLE : ..-... First Uw THAT TRAVELED FAR. i AhrppJ from Aastraita IkowvA at Small Profit. The experamoKtcrf trunsportinir beef .cattle aii re frenn Aaairmlia to London has jnjA been aiaslc. and tthe result has ; jtem so Bneorwelnl -rthat -transportation ef cattle on the Shoof -is .likely tstlbe- come an important branct .of the ar tying trade between those two lar- distant point, yg the New Yock World. ' iln the case referred :t seventeen Australian oxen xvere received in good -condition after a wovatre .of sixty-two .days in duration and about 15,000 mile 'ai. length. At the first planec it secmt inr.possible that cattle could tc trans--ported this distance, iieing well enough .fed in the meantime io keep .them in -good condition, and jwt bring .a suffi cient price to afford the stock raisers -of the antipodes even the smallest mar gin df profit. The (rores showicK the amount of gain are thesefqre .cieeed .iufjly interesting. .- The Hive stock was purchased at prices rarying from to t2MK a Jead. Xbe transportatioa cost atsxoo RCh, whdeh included fodder and cane. Xi will be noticed that this charge fe a0wcuaiaay ior tne entire voyage. Oa their arrival at London the beasts were disponed of at an average of t90 a bead. As taeir average cost had been about 123.30 In Australia, the trsnspor- tatton charges would increase this to nearly $S0 by the time they reached London, which would bring the aver age profit a head up to a little over 10. or an aggregate of 170 for the trial lot. . ' This is snfflcienUy . gratifying, but it is hoped, when cattle are shipped in greater numbers and the methods of caring for them are perfected by ex perience, that the cost of transporta tion would be considerably lessened and the profits, naturally, increased. It was remarked in regard to these seventeen cattle that they stood the voyage finely and reached London in much better condition than when they left their Australian pastures. The secret of success, it is said, lies prlnci pally in feeding the cattle carefully yet abundantly, and as they take no exer cise they cannot help but put on flesh. "Bridget, 1 want a pound of stcalt, a oag or. salt, two ounces of pepper, a loaf of bread and a pound of bntter. Do you think you can remember them all, or shall I write them down?" "Sure, mam, 1 kin remember one by the other. When I hev bread, 1 know I want butter, and when I have steak, 1 want pepper mid salt." "All right Go, and don't be long." Bridget was not long. She was back In a very short time; but with an empty basket "Why. whore is the dinner, Bridget?" "I couldn't remimber wan of them, mam." "Why, J thought you could re member each article by the one before it',' "Faith, mam, I had nothing to remunbea the furstpne by.iV -'7 ,'t ,; HE SPOKE OUT IN MEETING. And It Waa the Cnote In After Tear of Another's Doing Llkewlno. A pleucinj story of Ku'us King as a young- man, told by one of his friends to another many years ago, has re cently been retold. It seems that Mr. King, then a young Jawycr in the practice of his profession in Boston, had been detained over a case which called him to Plymouth un til late one Saturday evening. It way necessnry that ho should be buck in Boston Monday morning, so he mounted his horse early on Sunday and began u leisurely journey homeward. After several hours' travel he came to a plain little wooden building on roadside kuull. through the doors and windows of which, open to admit the balmy air of summer, he could sec tin assembled congregation apparently en gaged in religious services. Alighting, out of deference to the day, Mr. King Quietly hitched his horse to a tree, entered and sat down, ex pecting to be presently edified by hymn or sermon. Much to his surprise neither was forthcoming, and he pres ently perceived that he was attending a Quaker meeting in a season when the spirit did not - move, any of the worthy brethren to discourse. Dead silence prevailed and continued. with no prospect of a break, as long as the unexpected guest could endure it. Then he rose in his place, and, without explanation or introduction, delivered an address upon suitable topics a most excellent impromptu sermon, in fact to which, good us it was in mat ter, his manner, which was that of the born orator, his youth, his dress of "the world's people," his handsome presence and the surprise of his auditors lent still further effect. He spoke 'for some twenty minutes and then slipped out as unobtrusively as he had entered, leaving behind him an astonished and delighted congrega tion and a mystery that employed the tongues xf the vill::g gossips for months to come. It W3 ct length solvtil tj the sur prise of .Mr. King sad o very Oiltercut kind of audience sooie years later, when the young lawyer, then a dis tinguished man, rose duriug u session of the Massachur-etts constitutional convention to make a motion. He was no cnrtni!- nrwin K ! v fwt. n -i .1 f -1 ..i t-r. 1,;. honorable colleagues than a Quni.-er member in a back seaX came suddcnly to his feet also, forgetful of time and place, jmd cried, in an irrepressible out burst: "That the man that spoke in our meeting" Youth's Companion. . Beware Of Mercury! Mr. Henry Roth, of 188 South 9th Street, fit. Louia, was given the nsual mercurial treatment for -contagious blood paiaon. lie was twice pronounc ed cured. but theaiaease returned each time, he was -seised with rheumatic pains, and red lasaps and sores cov ered his body "I was in a hor rible fix" he says, "and the more treat' merit I neceiv ed. the worse 1 seemed to get. A New York specialist said be could cure aie, but bis treatment did me no good whatever. 1 was stiff and full of pains, my left arm was useless so that I was unable to do. even the lightest work. 1 bis was raj condition when I began to talt S. S. and a few bottles convinced mc that I was being benefitted. I continued the medicine, and one dozen bottles cured me sound and welL JJy system was tinder the effects of mercury, add I would soon have beea a complete wrecK out ior n. . j." S. S. S., (iuaranijied purrlg ejetaUe is Be only cure for real blood dis eases. The mer curial treatment of the doctors al ways does more harm thao good. Beware of mercury! uooks t toe disease and its treat ment waited free to any nddryaa? by Bwut special uo.t Atlanta, tia. TASTELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE EOcts. OAI.ATTA. TlJJL. Kn. 1R icni Paris Modtclno Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gontloman: Wo iMild Inst vimr. (Wl Ktnn. GROVE'S TASTKLKSS CI I ILL, TONIC owl nnve bouRht Umo (cross already this year, in all our ex- pvnuuco ik j yanra, in wo aruu otinlnoM, tna druji buolmiM, havo save such unlToroal sotts Kours truly. iraver soia an amoie lau ffavs aucn ui taoUon as your Tunlo. Yours truly. anus UiKB a on. aaasv Carb a For tale by Chae. Strang, druggist. aa.-.v: - 1 1-.: fi . : ..i . 'J i for Infants and Children. MOTHERS. Do You Know that Paregoric Batsman's Drops, Godfrey' Cordial, many no-called Soothing 6yrnps, and most remedies for children arc composed of opium or morphine? Bo Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons? ' To Toq Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted toscll narcotics without labeling' them poisons?. . i Po Yog Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed? . !,.....' .. ' ' Po Vow Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle? ' Po Yon Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now se'd than of all other remedies for children combined ? - - - . Po Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word Caatorlat" and iU formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? Po Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be aoaolately taannIesT Po Yon Know that S5 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dose ? Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest? Well, these thlnsrw are worth knowing. They are facts. The facHitmlle stisrnatnre of Children Cry for i CW ! Oriental liivery Stables W. T. CRANE, Proprietor We are now locoted in our new brick stable, on North D street, and mv belter prepared than ever to accomodate the traveling pu'ilie. Ou-rigs are all new and first-class; our horses are good roadrters and perfectly gentle.... J"P Commerciul men. hunting i-arties and tourists given 6pcial 13" httention. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed... JACK MORRIS, - ...Proprietor of the New arid Second Comprising Clocks, Bedroom bets, Watches,:Real Estate, Lamps, Houses, Lounges, Glass 'Ware, Guns, Matting, Axes, Mirrors, Wagons, Buggies,; Stoves, Six Shooters, Bicycles, Carpenter Tools, Ammunition, and everything else.... I Am Now in New Quarters And am better prepared than ever to furnish my patrons with what they need in the line of ' Harness and Saddlery ; M3' stock is up to date, my work guaranteed. ' Repairing neatly and promptly, executed...... . Js W. LAWTON, -irPgH'ixjlfg!ir - . ' QONTRACTOR JOBBING OF All work guaranteed first-class. all kind of work Bills of LUMHEK oj all kinds filled on short . Kinds any tsiar in Uw acape of Medford, Especially is this true when the performer uses an instrument of known merit, such as Chickering, Hardman, Fisher, Jewitt and Ludwig pianos, Estey, Farrand cfe Votey and Mason & Hamlin organs. If you intend purchasing an instrument see me first Pfof. P. Medford, THE VERY BEST OF BRICK AND MASON S. CHILDERS, I manufacture a splendid article oi Brick see samples everywhere about the city Yard one block north ef Brewery. Residence north C street, Medford, Oregon,. J Pitcher's Castoria. TJ3 i E3 E9 THE YANKEE TRADER.. tern Second tore Hand Goods.... and gUILDEB: AJLTJ Plans and estimates either brick or wood. furnfehed "ttr-. notice. Sasb, Doors nd Mill wcod vork can be had on short notice. ot ai Oropron J. plEflD Oregon WORK.