The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 03, 1896, Page 1, Image 1

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    HAVE YOU...
Peculiar Printing Practically and Prop
erly Presented Produces Prosperity?
We can help you Prepare,. Prpdu'ce
and Profusely Prosper.
inj our superior m num.
May 15, 1896, &.
3 and 2-3 Each Day
NO. 28.
Jacksonville. Oregon.
Hamlin Block..
MeUlotd, Ore.
J. H. WHITMAN, ; p-
Office in bank building, Medford. Or
- Have the most complete and reliable abstracts
Jp of title is Jackson county.
Anatin 6. Hammond.
Wm. J. Vawter.
Office I.O. O. P. building-.
Medford, Or
a. W. White. J. A. Jeffrey.
!.. . atedford, Oregon.
WUl practice la all the' courts of the stale.
Special attention siren to all kinds of convey
"Hncing Kotary work and collections at reas
onable rates and remittances promptly made.
f Mining law a specialty. Office on Seventh
treat, oppose .Opera Heose., ". ,-,.
B. COLE, -
CTironle diseases, and diseases peculiar to
women specialty. -
. Oflloe Opera Block.
tifedtord, Oregon.
. : 5 Eagle Point, Oregon.
Office Intow residence. s . . 1 1
; ,;-.- , '!;.: .,i - v
J Medford, Oieajoa.
Otklce McAndrcwa Block, Seventh sts.
i ' '
Office in Childers" Block, Medford, Or
GEARY & PICKEL,,' ; r. :.
Office hoars 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
Sundays 12 to L
Medford. Or
Office: HaSkin Block. .
Makes a specialty of first-class work at reason:
able rates.
Office in Opera House,
Medford, Or.
Have permsnently located in Medford for the
practice ef dentistry. From a continued prac
tice of orer 14 years, we are prepared to guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
OtTCBsneaU. Orer The Palace.
trnxmo rnvaxa vom kotiji
Baggage Transferred 1
Wood Delivered....
Hard ud Soft Wood for Sale.
. - ...honest Charges
Try us one and you .' 1 1 1 1 1
will come again.... 1 1 T T I
Ohas. Perdue . . .
Bicycle" riDwired v oa" short
i notice fet liriog pricet..
8bop in jVA. WTjHinB'f
wareroomeu- I '
For $2.50
New procesi; no heat; no mared
paint. Satisfaction given or no
pay. BnegieB and backs a spec-
4 ialty. Will call at place for two
or more rigs. Call at feed store.
C. C. Gilchrist,
GltH Drey and Transfer Go
; We have just recieved, direct
turers, a large invoice of the celebrated bargent
& Co.'s" locks, with all the fixtures to corres
pond. Some of the samples have been mounted
and placed on exhibition in our show window.
If you think of building call and examine them,
as we can furnish you with a uniform line in
locks and fixtures.... ,-, ,
J. BEEK & CO.,
Odd Fellows Block
Manufacturer of........
Sugar Fine, Yellow Pine, Fir
u aiid Cedar Lumber and Timber
Flooring, ceiling, rustic, trimmings, sash, doors, ;
mouldings, stairs, mantles, newels, balusters,
cedar posts, shingles, pickets with plain or
moulded headand fruit boxes....
. - . 'Mill five. miles below Prospect, Ore. .Corres
; i . ,-pondence' cheerfully answered and estimates
)i I t ? r furnished....
J. BEEK & CO., -Agents, mrdtord. oreoon-.I.
My repairing department
the regular rates, for nrst-class
See the Foot-prints' on the
Fresh Groceries
Has just received a large invoice of Fresh Groceries, which
' will, be sold at "way down prices. Also
Flour, Feed, Produce and Wood;..
Give me a call and save
.Uenis & Stavor Coi
We carry the celebrated New Champion Mowers, Reapers
. and Binders, also the Mitchell Rake (all steel) and
several other makes of mowers and rakes. Walk
ing and riding cultivators, binding twine, etc.
Get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
D. TrLAWTON. Manager Medford Branch
Legal Blanks at
from the manufac
Medford, Ore.
I have a few Special Bargain loft in
Alfb rnv Men's Stock of Up to date Tan,
Chocolate and Ox Blood Calf Shoes,
and other styles, at greatly reduced
. prices
will bo carried on as usual at
sidewalk.. 7th Street, Medford
money on you groceries. ,
and Mi
The Mail Office
Tayler, The Footr
A lodging hoosa on Fifth street, San
Francisco, collapsed on the 33d and two
people were killed and a boat twenty
injured. The wreck then caught fire,
hat was extinguished before the impris
oned people were cremated. The build
ing had been propped np to renew the
The salmon catch continues insigni
ficant on the npper Columbia.
The Albany, Or., creamery recently
bad to return an order for 8000 pounds
of butter, having orders for 81,000
pounds in advance.
Fishermen are finding that the Fea
ther riTer, between Marysriile and Oro
Tiile, is the best stocked stream in rari
ties of fish In California,
Rer. Edward P. Baker of Oakland.
Gal, aged 65 years, was killed near
Santa Croa by his wheel running off a
bridge, throwing him seventy-fire feet
down a canyon. He was in poor health
and was resting in toe moon tains for
health. -
Joseph C Powell, a medical student
at Portland, Or., who has been missing
since March 27th, and who had failed
to pass graduating examination, has
been found in 1 the Willamette river
weighted down by a heavy atone tied to
the neck.
' The firemen of Tacoma threaten to
strike nslsss paid eight months wages
now la arrears.
A rather ' daring enterprise has just
come to grief at Ijos Angeles, A tunnel
a cut 108 feet from an old aa-
loea, passing under three banks and
terminating under the vault of the First
National Bank, in which a half million
dollars was stored. Discovery of the
operations stopped the job. ,
W. A. Laverone, who broke Jail re
cently at Madera, CaL, was found work
ing on a hay press in Tehama county
and arrested, Be is charged with rob
bery.' '
Mrs. Craven of San Francisco, who
claims to have deeds from the late Sen
ator Fair for valuable property la Ban
Francisco, now claims to be the con
tract widow of Fair.
Holders of the consolidated 5 per cent
bonds of the Oregon Improvement Com
pany appointed a committee of three to
confer with the Waterbury reorganisa
tion committee.
One Mr. Hughes of Redding has se
cured a contract to put in an electric
plant at Stay ton, Or.
' The terra-cotta lady-bng that cleaned
up the wooly ai-bis last August is mak
ing its appearance at Louipoc, CaL,
again. The work of the bugs will be
watched with great interest by orchard-
ists this season.
Charles Wyatt of Centralis, Wa-h.,
ased 16 years, while out bunting sight
ed down the barrel of a 22-caiiber rifle.
It went off, and the ball penetrated
Wyatl's brain, killing him instantly.
Belva Hogue was drowned in the
Umatilla river' near " Pendleton. The
child was playing with two compan
ions near a foot-log where; the current
is swift. His body was not recovered.
' The Seattle Telegraph, the co-opera
tive paper, which has been in existence
but a short time, has suspended publi
cation on account of the inability of
the management to secure business.
The paper was carried on by a number
of local reporters and printers. '
Grasshoppers are making their ap
pearance oa ! Fifteen mile creek, but
have done no damage as yet. The Ore
goo grasshopper is not so large or ve
racious as the Kansas variety, aad sel-
Visaiia shipped a carload of figs, the
The fifiOwt fire at the Yuma rWteav
ttary ' destroyed its sv rttctrto
Ana is werrtaa: for-tne esteb.
lisltsaratof a big ceaniag factory there,
TVs M1U Taller and Mount Teaxat-
psJs Sosnlo BaUroad to to be u opera
tion by July 10th. : ; - .
About 108 students are ahtsndtng the
smmaoer scaooi at rXanrord University.
The Aatiooh pottery has received the
contract sad has begun work on 80,000
rest or sewer pipe for Uklah, Cel.
Long Beach has voted 17808 school
bonis. The money will be spent for a
High School Building.
The Southern Pacific is relaying its
ever land track betwsun Badlands aad
Colton with heavier steel rails. :
The CeveUie, Or., Times says the
election to (Egress of T. N. Tongue
was due to the votes of 108 8Uots in
Some 8808 . descriptions . and photo
graphs of Murderer Dunham nave been
mailed over the country from San Jose,
Either Merced or Cere expects to be
chosen as the eastern termiaal of the
Yosemite Valley aad Meroed Railroad,
Many people are going into camp
among the pines near Prescott, A. T
since Lord and Lady- Shol o Douglas
made ths fashion notable.
Suit is to be instituted against the
flume company by Sah Diego county for
$89,843 SO, the amount due for State
and county taxes since 1890. ,
One of the three humpbacked whales
killed off Pacific Grove. CaL, by Capt.
Pedro and his men has bean tewed
ashore, - It measures fifty feet.
Turi Hoshi, the new Japanese minis-',
ter to Washington, has arrived in this
country, and states that Japan buys
goods of England and Germany be
cause they sell cheaper than United
States merchants do.
President Cleveland and Secretary
Carlisle have left Washington on the
lighthouse tender Violet for a fishing
trip down the Potomac river. With
the party was Captain Ltamberton of
the Violet. . The : present intention is to
be absent two or three days, but the
trip may be longer and extend into the
waters of Chesapeake bay. The weather
during the past few days has been ex
cessively hot, and the President being
unable to leave the city permanently at
this time of the summer, takes this
means of obtaining a few days' respite
from omoial duties.
The Navy Departmeat has finally ac
cepted the battle-ship Oregon from the
builders, the Union Iron Works of ban
Francisco, who made good all the de
fects in the protected deck, .
The Redland Orange-growers' Asso
ciation shipped this year 8,000,000
pounds of oranges, of which about two
thirds were navels, the other varieties
making up the other third. The total
number of hexes shipped was 68,738, or
87t carloads ef 800 hexes each.
- The 8aa Joaquin Railroad has fixed a
schedule' for grain shipments from
points along its line to Stockton, and
the same Is lower than the rate fixed by
the Commission, and lower than hith
erto in force on the a P.
; la a four-round boxing contest be
tween Corbett aad Sharkey, a Vallejo
marine, at San Francisco, the referee
decided the fight a draw. But the ma
jority of the spectators allege Corbett
was about done for when the polios
stopped the mUL
. While aboat 100 miners were at work
in the Bed Ash vein of the Twin shaft
at Pitts ton. Pa., the roof caved in and
it is believed that all of the men per
ished. " Aboat forty of the men were
Baglish-epeaking ' miners. Thirty Po
unders and Huns were entombed, and
it is thought the total number of bodies
in the mine will reach 100.
It is reported that the Cuban rebels
have a scheme on foot to blow up Hav
ana by dynamite.
Helm of Newport, Ky., has
overruled tne motion for a new trial for
Alonso Wallfng, convicted as an acconr
plice of Scott Jackson in the murder ol
Pearl Bryan.
The Official Canvas.
The secretary of the state on June
27th, in the presence of the jrovernor,
as provided by law, completed the
canvas of the June election returns
sent up by the county clerks, and a
proclamation has been issued by the
governor declaring the following to
be duly elected:
Thomas H. Tongue, representative
to the United States congress for the
first district.
Robert S. Bean, justice of the
supremo court.
Alfred F. Sears, Jr., circuit judge
of the fourth district; S. A. Lowell,
sixth district; - Robert Kakin, eighth
John A Jeffrey; prosecuting attorney
of the first district; W. . Yates,
second district; Sam'l L. Htydon,
third district; Chas. F. Lord, fourth
district; T. J. Cleeton, fifth district;
H.J. Bean, sixth district; Chas. W.
Parrlsh. ninth district.
Robert Walker, member of state
board of equalixetlou, second district;
D. P. Thompson, fourth district; Chas.
JchusoM, sixth distriot; O. P. Goodall.
eighth district; (. H. Holland, ninth
. C. B. Harmon, joint, senator, Coos,
Curry- and Josephine counties; B.
Daly. Crook, Klamath , aad Lake; U.
W. Patterson, Columbia, Tillamook
and Washington; E. B. Dufur, GiUiam,
Sherman and Waaoor T- C Taylor,
Umatilla and Union; Justus Wade;
Union and Wallowsw '
- F. N. Jones, joibt representative for
Sherman and Wasco counties; W. ' H.
Nosier, Coos and Carry; .' R. Lake,
Benton aad Lincoln; B. S. Huntington,
Sherman and Wasco; C. S. Dustin,
Grant aad Harney; Virgil - Conn,
Klamath and Lake; John Gill, Tilla
mook and Yamhill. : '
- Following is the official abstract of
the vote of the state, congressional and
first judicial district as announced:
first District .
N. C. carlsteasoa 1.SS6
- JeBerson Mrera 7,014
Thomas II. Touros 10,3
. W. 8. Vaaderbatg USM
SeeenS District
A. 8. Bennett.... T,0M
W. R. Ellis, U.S1T
F.kfcKeroher 77S
H. H. Northop S.80T
Mania Quins UJS
scr-assm JUDOS.
Robert 8. Beaa 40.4U
John Burnett , 13,63
Joseph Qaswi - as.135
cracur jtJDOB,
PourU District .
GeorceR. Chamberlain.....,.'..... 5.97S
' Frank V. Drake:..: l.SM
F. rxJodoo 8.47
Alfred F. Hears, jr &
Sixth Dlstrlot-
T.Q.Halley ., 1.4S0
a A.Lowell ... 3.073
K. If. Turner KO
KiKhth Distriot
, T. H. Crawford. 1 ,1S
Robert Bakln S.0HS
Robert J. Water. S.M4
PRoescuTma arormbt.
First Distriot
Oeorge W. Colvlg 8,l0
JohnA Jettrej .' 9.92S
' 8.8.Fents .. 878
ROYAL Baking Powder.
', : iflpbett of mlt in, lemvtnlag
Senator Lee Mantle of Montana says
that Senator Teller should be nominated
for the Presidency by the Democrats at
Chicago. When asked if he was in full
sympathy with the silver men who "
walked out of the St. Louis Convention,
the Senator replied that he certainly
The A r knight Club of Boston, com
posed of the treasurers and selling
agents of all the cotton mills in New
England, have decided on a curtailment
of production, the action being intended,
it is said, to forestall any action looking
to free silver by the Democratic Con
vention at Chicago.
A special session of the Wisconsin
Legislature may be called because of a
decision invalidating the faicorporation
acts of villages created since 1858.
Isadora Wormser, the New York
banker and a life-long Democrat, has
written to a Chicago friend that be is
going to vote for MeKlaley. -
The Westbote, a Onrmsn DsinocraUe
daily paper of Columbus, Ot, repudiates
the Ohio Democratic State Convention
silver platform.
The Washington Peoples parry con
vention defeated a proposition to en
dorse Teller as their candidate for Pres
ident. . - - ' , ..i
The Blinons Dsmociatic eesrventioa
adopted a free-eeinags platform and
renominated Altgetd for aoiaaos.
The Indiana rJexnocratic Convention
adopted a free silver platform and in
dorse Governor Mathews for the OhV
cago nomination. " I
The New York Deiaocratic Cesrven
tion declared strongly against free sil
ver coinage and endorsed the President's
bondissues. J -.::- d.u-
Benator John M. Thurston of Onsahav .
has issued this notice: M The committee
selected by the Bepublicwa nstinsaal
convention to notify WQnam McKinley
of his nomination fbr President wiH
meet at Cleveland, Ohio,- June- SBth,
and proceed by special . train ' on the
morning of June 29th to Canton, Ohio.
The train will return to Cleveland the
afternoon of the same day.'
Senator Thomas" H. Carter of Mon
tana held a consultation with Senator
Lee Mantle at Chicago, which is said to
have dealt with the prospects of secur
ing an indorsement of Senator ; Teller's
candidacy at the approaching conven
tion. Senator Carter said in case the
Democrats put up a man whom the sQ
yer people could conscientiously sup
port Senator Teller would' probably
Ihe members of the notification
committee all assembled at Cleveland
with the exception . of Rogers of Utah,
who telegraphed that he could not
come.. . The committee went to Canton.
Monday morning. ' Senator Thurston,
chairman of the committee, said: "I .
do not thiuk there is any question that
McKinley will win a great victory, but
by what plurality I cannot estimate. ' I
think we. will lose Co orado, Utah, Ne
vada, Idaho and Montana on accounk
of silver- I do not think we can
save them. The rest of the western
states will wheel into line for McKin-,
ley. I think the fight will shortly set
tle down aad the tariff will force the
money . issue, into second place. Sena-'''
tors Teller and Dubois will be re-elected
on the silver ticket. It is rather sig
nificant that these two senators were
-tacenes to bolt, and that they were.
Lboth up for re-election in silver eom-
m unities. These who did net bolt were
not ap for another term.
Arisona is the sixth targes polttfcsal
division in the United. 8Uwv embrac
ing an area ef 118,808 sonars nattes er
The IdseJ Panacea.
James L. Alderman. Chioecsv
"I regard Dr. King's New IMeeovery as .
an ideal panacea for eoujrha, ' oclesy ,
and lung oomrjlaiott, baig used it ta'
my family tor the last Bveyaara, totae
exclusion of physician's pteseiptions or
other preparations."
Rev. John Burgue, Keokuk, Iewa.
writes: "I have been a minister ef the
Methodist .Episcopal, -church, for SOX'
years or more, and have, never, found
anything so beneficial, or that gave me
suoh speedy relief as Dr. King's New
Discovery."'-Try this idea cough
remedy now. Trial bottle tree at Chas, -Strang's
drug store.
Fob plowing and. working among
fruit trees use a short swingle treav
about sixteen inches, and cover It wita
old fertiliser bags; also cover thc.tneeev-:
so you may fearlessly work close up to
the tree. : ; - '
"Caaxn the north side of young trees
before they are dug for transplanting,- '
says an old authority. "Set the north '
aide north again every time and fewer
trees win die." T Be sure to cut back r
closely and never permit drying.
Ali. the hardy kinds of fruit might- -;
certainlv be crown at home if the rlo-ht.
i kinds were planted in the right wat.
j i . .
ooKnaui sppies uuenor to OUT DeeVf
cooking varieties have taken poescesioa
of the country, as it were; certainrj- (
they can be seen now in every country (
Tt would be bard to oovincea man.:
suffering from biliouB cLolio that hi
agony is due to a microbe with an un
pronoun cable name. But one dose of Do
Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure will con
vince him of its power to afford Instant-.
relief. It kills pain, uea tt. JuasKias.