The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 12, 1896, Page 1, Image 1

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    HAVE YOU...
Peculiar Printing Practically and Prop
' erly . Presented Produces Prosperity?
We can help you Prepare, Produce
and Profusely Prosper
Tiy Oi Superior job PiinJi.
Hamlin Block.
Modf ord. Or.
Hamlin Block.
Mediord. Ore.
Mcdfon), Oregon.
Notary Public in oflloe.
Office over Cnuulll JS Hutchison's store.
nflir in bank traildine. Medford. Or
Have the most complete and reliable abstracts
of title in Jackson county. , ,
Austin S. Hammond. Wm. L Vawter.
iiffiLfl O.F.bnildinr. . Medford, Or
G. W. Wnite. J.A. Jeffrey.
Medford, Oregon.
Will practice In all the courts of the state.
Special attention given to all kinds of convey
.ancing. Notary work and collections at reas
onable rates and remittances promptly made.
Mining law a specialty. Office on Seventh
street, apposite Opera House.
Eagle Point, Oregon.
Office Inlow residence.
Medford, Oiegoa.
Onlcc McAndrcws Block. Seventh ats.
Office ia.Childers' Block.
Medford, Or
Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
'Sundays Li to L.
Medford, Or
Office: Haskin Block.
Makes a specialty of first-class work at reason
able rates.
Office in Opera House,
Medford, Or.
Have permanently located in Medford for the
practice of dentistry. From a continued prac
tice of over 14 years, we are prepared to guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
Give us a call. Over The Palace.
Chas. Perdue . . .
Practical Gi ai
Bicycles ripaired on short
notice at living prices....
Shop in J. A. Whitman's
Get on to the northern Paeifle Flyer.
The change of time via. the Northern Paeifle
enables passengers to leave Portland dally at
6 p.m., reaching St. Paul and Minneapolis in
three days St. Louis and Chicago in three
and one half days, Lincoln, Neb., at 12:86 noon
of the third day, Omaha at 4.06, St. Joseph at
6: 56, Atchison at 6-SO, Leavensworth at 7 a& and
Kansas City at 8:05. .
You can see by this that the Northern Paeifle
equals all other lines to aU points, and if yon
will compare schedules, you will see that the
Northern Pacific beats all other lines into Lin
coln four hours,- 8t- Joseph twelve hours,
' Leavenworth fourteen hours, and Kansas City
ten hours and forty five minutes, where imme
diate connections are made In union depots
for all points south.
Don't forget that the Northern Paciflo is the
only line running two trains daily to the east,
the only dining car route from Portland, the
only line running a first-class Pullman sleeper
through from Portland to Minneapolis and St.
Paul without change, and the only line to the
Yellowstone National Park.
For all information, tickets, sleeplngcar res
ervations, etc. call on or write C. C. Belknak,
agent. Medford, or A. D. Chailton, asslstan,
general passenger agent, 255 Morison street
Portland, Oregon.
James Perdue, an old soldier re
siding at Monroe, Mich., was severly
afflicted with rheumatism but received
nrnmnt relief from pain by using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says:
"At times my back would ache so
badly that I could hardly raise up. If
I had not gotten relief I would not be
here to write these few lines. Cham
berlain's Pain' Balm has done me a
great deal of good and I feel very
thankful. . . ,. - - - -
We have just recieved, direct from the manufac
turers, a large invoice of the celebrated "Sargent
& Co.'s" locks, with all the fixtures to corres
pond. Some of the samples have been mounted
and placed on exhibition in
If you think of building call
as we can furnish you with
locks and fixtures....
odd Feiiows Block
Manufacturer of.
Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir
and Cedar Lumber and Timber
Flooring, ceiling, rustic, trimmings, sash, doors,
mouldings, stairs, mantles, newels, balusters,
cedar posts, shingles, pickets with plain or
moulded head and fruit boxes....
Mill five miles below Prospect, Ore. Corres
pondence cheerfully answered and estimates
J. BEEK & CO., Agents,
Medford Brewery
Our Beer is on Tap at
Write to us for price. There is no better beer on the
market. It Is brewed from pure malt and hops
Mitchell, Lewis &
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
We carry the celebrated New
and Binders, also the Mitchell Kake (all steel) ana
. several other makes of mowers and rakes. Walk
. : ing and riding cultivators, binding twine, etc.
Get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
D. Ts LAWTON. Manager Medford Branch
Suneilor Most
And you will get them. He
JVIusie f4ath Charms
. Especially is this true
instrument of known
Hardman, Fisher, Jewitt and Ludwig pianos, Estey,
x arrand & Votey and Mason & Hamlin organs. If
you intend purchasing an instrument see me first
Peof. P.
Medford, -
our show window.
and examine them,
a uniform line in
& CO.,
Medford. Ore.
and Ice Works
Medford Bars,
Staver Co.
: ... ; ..... Jv
Champion Mowers, Reapers
guarantees his work
when the performer uses an
merit, such as Ohickermg
- - Oregon
Jacksonville News.
Dr. J. S. Parson and Bon, Fred,
of Ashland, made Jacksonville a
visit Monday.
MrB. Frank R. Neil and daughters
went to Portland Monday evening to
visit relatives.
Judge McMurry and Reid, of Ta
coma, arrived Monday and have
gone to Joe's Bar to look after min
ing interests.
Frank Obenchain, of Blv, spent
the past week with parents, M.
Obenchain and wife. He left for
his stock ranch Wednesday.
. J. Plymale is at Bvbee s I
springs, on Evans Creek, for the
benefit of his health, and has much
faith in its complete restoration.
Austin Holt, deputy recorder, has
gone home for a few weeks rest be
fore entering upon his duties as
deputy recorder under the new ad
ministration. Mrs. Chas. Moore and two sons,
of Klamath Falls.are paying friends
in' Jacksonville a visit aud are the
guests of Mrs. Moore's parents, Mrs.
IS. Langell and wife.
p s nnion anA rt fvi;
are at Portland this wk ntt-nrfino-
the grand chaDter meeting of the O.
E. S. and Masonic fraternities. Thev
are delegates from Jacksonville. "
The referees Rale of real Rlat
longing to the M. Hanley heirs wm
postponed until June 13th as the
- - - w i
bids offered last Fridav were con-
sidered too low for the valuation of
the property.
N. Langell was serenaded at his
home Friday evening after the offi-1
cial count of election returns proved
him to be one of the extremelv
lucky representatives elect. Here-
sponded by a short speech.
Georee Martin and wife, of Port-
land, arrived Sundav for a visit with
relatives, and are euests of Mrs.
Reuter and familv. After a short
visit here thev will bo to Warner's
sod springs for a few week's so-
Invitations are out for the com.
mencement exercises at St. Mary's
Academv Friday June 12. Miss
Marv Olwell. of Central Point, will
graduate at that time. A very in-
teresting programe is being prepared
for the occasion.
mi. , . . . .
I ha Hariri nnra wafa rhtir TnaoHav
;;tk .oi
Krf;n tha Wtr. f TTrtr. Vhn.
Tonirue. Anvila wer firerl on h-
half of the occasion and the urchins
kept up the waning enthusiasm by
continued cheers for "Tongne".
Miss Agnes Devlin, who has been
sick for several weeks, has recovered
her health so as to be able to go to
her home on Applegate. Miss Dev
lin has been in charge of the pri-
J 1 M. J- it. -
xuary uepai,uiet uuru.Kvuear
out wmnotieaca tne coming year,
Central Point Items.
Dr. Pickel made our city a visit
on Sunday.
E. M. Leever and wife made Med
ford a visit on Saturday.
Born June 2nd 1S96, to Mr. and
Mrs. L C. Rodenburger, a son.
Joseph Boswell made a business
trip to Table Rock on Tuesday.
Mrs. E. L. Farra, of Grants Pass,
is paying relatives of this placs a
vjuo witnuio, v iucuiuiu, dj-uv
Monday with his parents of this
Geo. W. Priddy, of Medford,
made our citv a business trip on
Mrs. I. Bradley and Mrs. Wm
Carrv made Medford a visit on
Bybee, of Jacksonville,
made this city a business visit last
James Blevins and wife, late of
Ashland, have become citizens oil
our town.
Our post office was moved from
the Hogg building into the Harvey
store this week.
Dennis Dugan and family, of
Sams Valley, made friends here a
visit on Sunday
E. A. Ford, who is employed on
the grand Applegato ditch, spent
j Sunday at home.
Presidins Elder Jones held the
quarterly meeting here last Sunday
at the M.L. church.
Miss Maud Downing, who is
teaching school near Beagle, spent
last Sunday at home.
Elder A. Buchanan, of Applegate,
fir rl
NO. 25.
was here several days last week
looking for a location.
J.H. Whiteman, of Woodville,!
spent several days here last week
with bis son, A. A. Whiteman.
Miss Susie Applegate arrived
home last week from Drain, where
she has been paying relatives a
Miss Daisy Applegate took Thurs
day's train for Drain, Douglas
county, where she goes to spend the
summer with relatives.
Miss Milly Brouillette, of Gervais.
lectured at the M. E. church on
nv.,...u i r
age, she is above the average lee
turers who visit this section.
Table Bock items.
Kit Careon and Mr. Sims, of Cen
tral Point, are doing some substan
tial building for Mr. Jennings.
Pelton Bros, are making a final
round up of cattle. They expect to
move them east of the mountains
next week.
Mr. W. H. Jones took a two-horse
load of vegetables to Grants Pass
lasi wee. ne nas a garaen mai is
hard to beat
Mr. Wm. Dickinson and Bon are
building a string of fence along the
n0"Q "ne 01 AaWe KOC
a rrt . mi .
J"'',.1"9",1 im
Prove the lookB of the PIace-
Geo. Benson came over from Alt-
bouse last week to see some horses
that have been wintered here. He
?av8 ine min.e.ra T ana ao
very wen m tnac country.
ine Jyoee xarm nas been a busy
Place for the past week with shear-
ng sheep, cutting hay, and other
ors. necessary to Keep sucb a place
mov!nS- . A larSe forceof men were
rea nansen returned irom his
Napa home last week. Mr. H. en
joys much better health here than
L'n California and we rather expect
"C wm cunciuae to uunu a nouse
and oe one oi us.again.
-;ir- Rogers, living near the
?eadows, lost bis house, with all its
content, by fire last Sunday,
fcme of the family had a very nar-
I row escape as tne nre was ai
tnrougn tne nouse beiore anyone
I knew it.
I Last Sunday a few friends from
Medford, Central Point, Sams al
le? Table Rockmet On the SOUth
side of the river about two miles
east of Bybee bridge and had a
feast of good things to eat and en
joyed a social visit.
Next Sunday, June 14th, there
will be , appropriate exercises for
"Children's Day"atthe Table Rock,
school house, beginning promptly
at 1TA. M. All are cordially in-
I "
vited The collection will for
the benefit of the Congregatior)al
Home Sunday School missionary
work of Oregon.
J. C. P.
Precinct Officers.
Following is the result of the election
of the several precinct officers of Jack
son county at tne election, Monday,
June 1:
Uniontown district Appletrate. Ster-
lingville, Uniontown and Steamboat
justice of the peace, J M Knutzen;
constable, Melvin Culp.
Ashland district justice of the peace.
A P Hammond; constable, MNLong.
Eagle Point district Big Butte,
Eagle Point, Lost creek and Mt Pitt
:...4f.. L. tr tt i a a.
stable. Wm u Brown.
Central Point district Central Point
and Willow springs justice of the
peace, Peter Applegate; constable, S
H Newton.
Chimney Rock district justice of
the peace, O P Slinger; constable,
Tom Farlow.
Eden district justice of the peace,
E D Foudray; constable, R T Black
wood. m 1 1 JJ.lJ-i 71, 1-
Und Trail creek justice of the peace.
Erwin McCall; constable. G H Lynch.
I Foots creek district justice of the
rrrri,. Tnooir.
Gold Hill die tr lot-Gold Hill and
itocic Jromt justice of tne peace, Geo
RHammersley; constable, F M Par
ker. Jacksonville district justice of the
peace, R S Dunlap; constable, H W
Table Rock district Meadows and;
Table Rock justice of the peace, C C
Gall; constable, J E Potter. '
Medford district justice of the
peace, G T Jones; constable, Isaac
Woodville district Pleasant creek
and Woodville justico of the peace,
J C Williams; constable, John Owens.
Talent district justico of the peace,
J B Dyer; constable, S Garvin.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of alt in leavening
Strength. V. 8. Oo i twt Report-
For the past three and a half
years TnE Mail's circulation hua
been gradually increasing:. It baa
Ifrown from TiOO, or thereabout,
on January 20, 1893, to 1700 oa
May 15, 18S6.
For the prjtt six months an ac
tual count has been kept of the
number of papers printed each
week. Here is the record:
VceHy Ayerage, Hot. 95, 1564
" " Dec. '95, 1595
" " Jan. '96, 1606
" " FeB. '96, 163i
4t " Mar. '96, 1857
" " k '96, 1657
Btatz of OaKCtOif , I
County of Jackson f
I, A. 8. Billon, of tne firm of Bliton
Batterson. being first ialj sworn, de
pose and say tbat I am one of the pub
lisher of Thk MKoroKD Mail.; that
said Msdfobo Mail U a weekly news
paper published In the City of If edford.
County of Jackson, and 8tate of Oregon;
that the statements mad above are ab
solutely oorrect and true.
A. S. Bt.itobj.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this Mth day of Slay, A. D., 1896.
lB,LJ Notary Public
Wheels and Wheelers.
Turn, turn my wheel:
Turn round and round.
Without a pause. ,
W I thou I n sound ;
So spins the Dying world around:
IIow about those improvements on
the bicycle track?
Miss Pearl Hibbard has ordered her
a new high grade wheel.
William Barnu'n has ordered three
"Overland" bicycles for familv use.
Medford has more lady bicycle rider
than any other town in JaoKson county
and our men folk who ride are not
Day Parker having griven ud bicycle
racinc, Billy Bates will soon begin
training-, iu order to defend Medford
claim to the championship of Southern
Oregon and Billy will so defend.
Nothing; is more delicious than early
morning; in first of June. The land
scape clad in its garb of tender green,
is wholly bewitching- in the rays of the
early-risen sun. The robin and the
lark, and the phoebe, and the song
sparrow fill but don't start without
your breakfast. Bicycling before the
inner man bit- been replenished is bad,
very bad.
The contemplated bicycle picnic, of
which we made mention two weeks ago,
hM become a certainty and June 23 has
been set for the day. Big preparations
are being made and everything pos
sible is done to make the affair a
grand one and one long to be remem
bered. Those not desiring to go on
wheels are welcome to go by other con
veyances and boats will be provided
at the river for ' rowing and on
tho whole H is going to be an
u.Tair of just a little more than the or
ornary run of pleasure in the bicycl
arena of this county.
Sixth grade have taken their
final examination in mental arith
metic. Visitors during the past week:
Mrs. W. H. Barr, Mrs. Mary Leslie,
Mrs. Richardson, and Rev. Wood.
The graduating class this year
will make a departure from the
usual program of exercises. All th
original productions of the class will
bear upon some feature of America.
By vote of the class there will be no
salutatory or valedictory. Instead of
a class history and prophecy the
class will appear in a reunion
twenty years after graduating.
The class will make as ample
provisions as possible for those at
tending the graduating exercises
but it is impossible to seat everybody
and please everyone at such a time.
The ushers will have full charge
of the seats during the entire eve
ning. They may find it advisable
to ask some to change seats. No
gentleman will object to that at
such a time. It may be well for
young children to remain at home
and babies who want to cry should
do it before coming to the hall. Ex
ercises will begin at eight o'clock
and no one will be allowed to enter
during the presentation of any part
of the program .
Some niiin.
This is hoxv a Latin-American journal
describes Gen. Eloy Alfaro, "campea
dor, libertador, re generator and su
preme chief of the Ecuador rebels:
"Imagine aU indomitable sadness, all
nostalgia, all aspirations toward tb
infinite, all revolutionaryrsomberness,
all luminous and grand ideas, all the
abrupt energies of the insurrectionary
conscience placed in the tangible form
of a man, indomitable and generous,
combative and austere; sucb as Alfaro.
His indigenous head wears a golden
aureole.". .. .. .-
0"-. Rednclni; the Soldier's Load.
Aluminum is to be adopted as a sub
stitute for iron and steel in the Frenck
army. In view of the absenee of roads,
and the steepness of the tracks in.
Madagascar, the kettles and other im
pedimenta of the troops taking part in
the expedition, the trees of the saddle
of the cavalry and the stirrups are to
be inaiie of aluminum. The trees will
have bands of steel set in when the
metal is in a state of fusion. Th
weight of tho French heavy cavalry
saddle tree is now about five pounds,
but with the substitution of aluminum
it will be reduced considerably less
than two and a half pounds.