THE HEDFORD HAH Published Every Friday Morning. Official Paper of Jackson County. BLITON & BATTERSON, Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR. WAN WAS BORN TO HUSTLE. He Sa of few days; bat quite a plenty. bleied in the Postofaee at Medtord, Oregon s Second-Class Mail Matter. THIS PAPER asMfts; varusing Agency. U and Merohants ex mange, San Francisco. California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for it. , Medford, Friday, May 15. 1896. Our Clubbing List. to print had best consult the chair men of the central committees arid should the communications meet with favor by either of these gentle men they will undoubtedly appear in the space in this paper which has been purchased by them. SCHOOL NOTES. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. DEMOCRATIC COLUMN. FOR COUNTY CLERK. G. A. JACKSON, OF MEDFORD. Regular People's Party Nominee. CThia Column la hniloht. .nit n.M tnr h ,. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR, F. M. STEWART, OF PHOENIX. The Mail and Weekly S. P. Call 32 25 " Examiner 2 35 " u ' Chronicle " " " Oregonian " " Cosmopolitan.... ' " Popular Science.. Hie Ladies' Home Ideal " " Weekly Cincin nati Eoqwrier, 2 35 2 00 2 65 2 00 - 1 75 1 60 Before its adjournment the Owing to sickness Miss Galloway was unable to present her paper at the institute last week. The sixth trade is beginning to realize that there are only six weeks Regular Republican Nominee, in which to complete the year s work. The first grade finds the busy work table a great attraction, ea pecially upon rainy days when it is impossible for them to play out doors. Miss Julia White, while on her way to Jacksonville, visited the fifth grade. We are always glad to receive visitors who are interested in our work. Teachers at the institute will re member that Prof. Gregory gave the name of a song book which he lit leal ac- FOR COUNTY SHERIFF A. F. HUNT, OF ASHLAND. Regular Republican Nominee. FOR SUPERINTENDENT SCHOOLS. GUS NEWBURY. OF PHOENIX. Regular Republican Nominee. OF Democracy's Plea Before the People. xo me voters 01 Jackson countv: In the present unsettled condition of pontics on thjs American continent, evidenced by the repeated"tidal waves" of recent years, the great body ot the people have in a measure been divorced from party, asking only of the different political orgmazations that they pre sent good men, and fit men for the various offices national, state, county and municipal, to be filled at each suc ceeding election. While the profes sional politicians and those whose liveli hood depends upon endless polit agitation and intrigue are loath to knowledge the fact, yet it is true that tne independent element are today holding the balance of power, aca we. as representing the one party in Jack son county which has this year shown nu appreciation oi tnis truin, and a desire to accede to the demand for the very best men available, appeal to you, the great public of Jackson county, men of all parties, throucrh the medium of the independent press of the countv. in behalf of compotencv and efficiency in the administration of public business in tne county omces. The position of the Democracy of this county, as the minority partv in the last biennial election, was partic ularly iavoraoie to a choice of candi- dates who could not fail tnVwi u.oAntjhl recommends for achool nso. HiU Verf7uohma. Jne !P ?. delegates to V V-..V lo--l-. -v.aa.ul h. a.j. il. -jj r il ut:.u. tude as to iwulre the entire time of the County tneir convention held en the 25th of w"-""" I ' I uiiub ,ue auureaa OI wie imuuauer saMrtntendent to the ezolusloa of ether lines April, beinf free from tha Imnnnn.. Greater New York bill. .There is is Lancaster. Pa., not Harrisburg. 'I?ed .! si"0.""? ities of professional office-seekers. were enaoiea to dispassionately select that oromise.1 I mo very nest men available for each particular omce. now well they suc- Saperintendent to the ezolnsloo of ether lines I of easiness. I was elected and hare given the I oBV nT entire nenonal attention. That Is created by this bill a municipality Many words of praise for the new w "d 1 "ow nat embracing 288 square miles of school building were heard during 4 . j V i.; I the institute from such men as r.1? . WY" Sunt, Irwin. Pres. Chapman and inree millions oi peope. p Camnbell. It was nronounced a - .... I the best building of its sie in the o o -r ut.i. won oi cauiornia eo&uguous lo Santa Monica, over the house $3,- 000,000 appropriation for a deep water harbor there, when San Pedro was the- place designated by the people to be benefitted. The hand of "Butcher" Weyler has been stayed by the president of the United States, until Ameri- eans, who are under Beaten oe of leath, can have a fairer examina tion. Weyler claims that the United States is severely interfer ing with his business. -us E. E. Phipps, Populist candidate for superintendnet of schools, de sires ns to Btate mat ne n&s been a resident of Oregon for eight years; that he holds a normal school diploma from the state of West Virginia; an Oregon state teachers' diploma and a classical diploma frem the Portland university. The civil service rules have been extended to include nearly 30,000 additional government employes, and raising the number of classified government positions from 55,000 to 85,000--in fact, civil service rales have now been extended to Cover nearly every appointive tion under the national govern -stent excepting such as are subject to nomination by the president and confirmation by the senate and a few secretaries and confidential clerks. Uaioa Memorial Services. By invitation of the G A. R. post, of Medford, the churches will hold union services at the opera house In Medford, on Sunday. May 24th, at 11 o'clock a. m.. in memory of fallen heroes of the late war. They Nomlaated Predict Officers. Trail Cheek, May 0, 1896. At a peo ple's party meeting held here upon even date with the above, for the pur pose of nominating precinct officers. the following officers were nominated: For justice of the peace, Harvey Rich ardson; for constable, J. A. Hunter. As these nominations did not reach the county seat in time to be printed on the ballots the voters desiring to vote for these parties will of necessity needs write the names on the ballots. Populist Speaking. The populists of Jackson county are , figuring that next Monday will be a red letter day for their cause. They have secured lion. J. it. sovereign. grand master of the Knigts of Labor of the United states, for a speech upon the above date. To accommodate all horn it is expected will be present the fair grounds at Central Point have been secured and the speech will com mence at 1 o clock in the afternoon. Anti-rust tinware at Kame Jt Gil- key's. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. (Election June 1) For Supreme Judge, John Burnett, of Benton County posi-1 For Congressmen, 1st Cone. Dist., Jefferson Myers, of Linn County. For District Attorney. rlrt Judicial District, S. S. Pentz, of Jackson county. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. Tab Oregon state board of horti culture have conceived the idea of placing a line of horticultural in struction in the public schools, and have resolved, "That it is the judg ment of this board that the State Board of Public instructions should take measures to introduce into the public schools of this state ruaimentary line ot instruction in horticulture, as the essential ele ments of our education to fit men and women for intelligent labor on the farm and in the orchard." The democratic central commit tee of Jackson county has purchased a column of space, in The Mail for each week until the June election. The republican central committee has also purchased an equal amount of space and next week will occupy it with literature tending to the fostering of their party principles and their candidates. The populist central committee also has under eonsideration the purchase of like space in which' to defend their principles and individual candidates- For Representatives, E. D. Brigos, or Ashland. J. J. HouCK, of Gold Hill. J. W. Robinson, of Wimer. For County Judge, W. S. Crowell, of Medford. For Commissioner, Ben. Beall, of Central Point. For Countv Clerk. WM. W. Holmes, of Central Point. For Recorder, w. J. Compton, of Brownsboro. For Sheriff, J. w. By bee, of Jacksonville. For Treasurer, Lek L. Jacobs, of Jacksonville. For Assessor, - J. L. WOOLDRIDGE, of Applegate. For School Superintendent, J. M. HORTON, of Jacksonville. Fpr Surveyor, FRED Pape, of Jacksonville. For Coroner, Dr. J. B. Watt, of Medford. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. (Election June 1.) For Supreme Judge, R S Bean, of Lane County. For Congressman, 1st Cong. Dlst.; Thus H Tongue, of Washington Co. For" District Attorney. First Judicial District, GEO W COLVIG, of Josephine County. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. The Mail, is in receipt of several communications bearing upon poli tical matters and in some instances there has been sent us some nicely worded paragraphs comendatory to individual candidates. The Mail is not taking any part in the For Treasurer, For Representatives, N L.ANQELL. of Jacksonville, W B Colton, of Ashland, H D Kubli, of Applegate. For County Judge, J W Mkrkitt, of Central Point. For Sheriff, A F HUNT, of Ashland. For County Clerk, H L. ALFORD, of Medford. For Recorder, Ora Kahler, of Willow Springs. FOR COUNTY CLERK, U. L ALFORD, OF MEDFORD. Regular Republican Nominee. FOR COUNTY. CLERK, WM. M. HOLMES, OF CENTRAL POINT. Regular Democratic Nominee. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR, JOHN GRIEVE, OF CENTRAL POINT. Regular Populist Nominee. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, J. J. HOWSER, OF MEADOWS PRECINCT. Regular Populist Nominee. FOR COUNTY RECORDER, W. E. ANDERSON, OF EDEN PRECINCT. Regular Populist Nominee. Those taxpayers of Jsckaon county who know me Deraonailw Know run well that IT elected I will correctly keen the records ot theeoantr, I Those who do not know me are referred lo my acquaintances lor inlonnatton FOR COUNTY SHERIFF, J. W. BYBEE, OF JACKSONVILLE. Regular Democratic Nominee. As it seems Quite the proper thing to state ore s mentions, ir elected, I. or course wui drop into line. I hire always been a resident of Jackson county. or reference as to my In tegrity and ability I bare only to say "see those people who know me best and learn of tnem. ir elected l promise to conduct toe offloe impartially and to the best interests of all ooocernea. FOR COUNTY TREASURER,' LEE L. JACOBS, OF JACKSONVILLE. Regular Democratic Nominee. To the Voters of Jackson County. t hereby pledge myself to the people of Jack son oounty, it elected, to devote my entire time to work in the schools of the county, and to fire to escn scnooi its due amount or my limn, claim that one hour during a term (the maxi mum time given to too majority of our schools during the past two years) is not sufficient to ensble the Superintendent to competently pass upon the work of any school. I therefore pledge at least a half day's time to every school' room in the oounty. K. E. Paipps, reopies- rtru nominee for School Superintendent. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, J. J. HOUGK, OF GOLD HILL. Regular Democratic Nominee. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT, G. W. COLVIG, OF JOSEPHINE COUNTY. Regular Republican Nominee. Feoatrutlou of Bullets lo 8oow. Some curious tests have been made lately of the penetration of projectiles In snow. According to the report in Cosmos (Paris) the Lubcl rillo was the weapon used, and some snow heaps, I can be relied upon to apply business from one to two vards thick, we're methods in the transaction of public seeded the almost universal approval ui men oi aii parties attests. Without descending from the high plane of a dignified discussion of quali fication and individual fitness for office, we" contend that our opponents in the contest now coming on, the Republican and Populist parties, have not been so fortunate in their nomina tions. We contend, and. believe that those who are not allied with "the machine'' will agree with us, that most of the candidates of the Republi can party in Jackson county this year obtained their nominations by the oft repudiated methods of a decade ago, "fighting it out in the primary" and then by secret caucus and combinations in the interest of a few men, crushing the opposition in their convention. stifling discussion of the claims of those not slated bv the bosses, and thus defeating the wishes ot tbe primary electors. In proof of this. observe the exceedingly weak nomina tions made by them for all but tbe paying ofMces. Those latter gentle men will prove anything but willinc sacrificial iambs, if by an v mishap thev are appraised of tbe fact that they aie ous regaraea as good "trading ma terial" by the shrewder bosses. The Populist partv. on the othp hand, to the astonishment of its af filiates and friends In tbe old rjartics. after having been signally successful two years ago in nominating and elect ing a most competent and efficient corps oi officers, with a few exceptions, me present year surrendered itseir in to the keepin? of the professional agitators, remorselessly repudiated the most deserving men of its former choice, and go before the people as exponents of the principle of a single term, no matter how efficient tbe incumbent or how desirous the people may be or retaining him in office, a principle which in it self offers a premium on rascalitr in office and unusually Insures in competency. In their frenzied anxiety to secure the fat places, their bosses also lost sight ot the fact that the sole reason why the people endorsed their selections of two years ago, was on tbe score of efficiency and admltis- irtiiive aumij. n un pernaps one or two exceptions, where "locality" governed their convention in iu choice, tntlr ticket tbe present year is man forman Incomparably In ferior to that of two years ago in all that goes to make rood officials, and if elected will mean chaos in the records, confusion in accounts, and utter incompetency on the bench. The Democracy, realizing that no existing party has strength enough within itself to win in Jackson county without 1 he assistance of the lar?o in- deponent clement which desires effic iency and competency in office above mere party preference, met in conven tion on tbe 25th ult., while yet the voice of disproval was loud over the character ot the nominations alre&dv made, and named the strongest ticket. in point of efficiency, fitness for offico named and general character, which has been presented to the voters of this county in many years. Not a man on the list but has Borne special recommendation for the office to which we desire to elect him, and scarce an instance but that the office literally sought the man, few of those named having been before the convention of their own accord. Gentlemen, you whobv vour suffrages will select whom you will to serve you in public office during the next two vears. on the coming first day of June, this ticket was selected by tbe Democracy on the 25th-day ot April in the confident assurance that we are offering you the very nest material we nave to nil the various county offices, and we believe that, taken in connection with the hich character of men named for the higher state and district offices, we present you witn a tic net mat is well worthy of your support. Locally wo do not bolieve a man has been nominated on our ticket but who realizes fully that if elected he will act for the term of his offico In the capacity of a publio servant, rendering to the people his best services, and we feel warranted in predicting that not a man of the entire lot will degenerate into a political boss or place-hunter. These men are busi ness men, capable men, and men who dally becoming stronger In favor of the election of Col. Crowell to the office of county judge, and that he will be elected unless something can be done to offset this growth in popular favor, the enemies of that gentleman, (whose numbers are few), encouraged by certain parties of whom more honor able things might have been expected, have undertaken to blast his fair name and accomplish his defeat. A citizen of this county, an eminently reliable gentleman be it said, has sent a communication to interested; parties, in which he states that he has positive information to the fact that certain fiartles who were foiled by Col. Crowell n an attempt to grab certain homestead claims in Klamath county, and whose grievance is caused solely by their fail ure to illegally grab the land of honest esttlers,bave devised a plan for revenge. Almost on the eve of election, and when not time enough is left to meet tbe in dictment, they propose to charge Col. Crowell with perjury in connection with this matter, and propose the most extreme measures contemplated by tbe law. While these fellows are not only morally but financially bankrupt, they have already begun their nefarious work, and expect to be supplied with the money necessary to proceed with their contemptible scheme from those who are to be benefitted by it. These men are well known, their names will bo published at the proper time, and they will be held strictly accountable. Their charges have no truth in tbem, and are simply devised in a spirit of hatred and revenge. Col. Crowell's life record s open to all, and we court the fullest investigation of his long, upright, and honorable career, both in military and civil positions. Only men possessed of pre verse and evil motives nave ever had occasion to question him in tbe least. Democratic Central Committe. For the Kidneys. "I am 65 years old; have bad kidney disease and constipation for 25 years. Am now well used your S. B. Bead ache and Liver cure one year. Used 6 bottles at 60 cento each. J. H Knight, Rutledge, Ore." For sale by Chas. Strang. " Legal blanks at The Mail office. A BRAVE GIRL. Heroism ot a Waitress In a Borates; Hotel. It does not .require either mature years or an exalted position in life ti develop the qualities that make a hero or heroine. One of the bravest and most resolute deeds that we hare ever read of was performed only recent ly by a girl of sixteen who was serving as a dining-room girl in a hotel at Har per, Kan., says Youth's Companion. At four o'clock on the morning of the 16th of November a fire broke out at this hotel. In its rooms slept thirty seven guests. A strong wind was blowing, and the fire spread rapidly. In one of the rooms two dining-room girls were asleep. One of them, whose name is Maud Schermerhorn, woke half suffocated by smoke. Her companion was insensible; and Maud, though herself half-suffocated, helped the other out of tbe window, and herself leaped out, cutting her flesh badly on the glass, as she did sa She dragged her companion to a place where she would be safe. Then she saw that the flames were enveloping the house, and that th? guests had not been alarmed. The task of doing this she took upon herself. Breaking through a fastened lower window, and again cutting her self severely, she crept back into the hotel, the halls of which were thick with choking smoke. She could not walk upright against the smoke; but getting down on her hands and knees, her face to the floor, she crept through the corridors, from room to room, alarming all in the house Everywhere she left a trail of Mood behind her from her bleeding flesh. When the last guest had opened the door of his room in response to her call, he found her lying helpless in a pool of her own blood. Though he himself was half-amoth-ered, this guest picked wp the girl, and. groping his way, reached the street with her in safety. No life was lost in the fire; but is is said that several peo ple would undoubtedly have perished, but for this heroic girl's efforts. WE Open Today A Line of 36 Inch.... All wOOL Dress Goods ALL COLORS 25 CENTS PER YARD... V Deuel fc Stevens MEDFORD. OREGON Get a Picture : FBEE ! I have just completed arrangements whereby I am enabled to furnish my customers a fine Water Color Tint Portrait Absolutely Free..... Call and Get a Ticket- And trade with me, and when your purchases amount to $10 I will present you, free, a life size portrait of any picture you may wish enlarged. I give you the portrait and you pay for the frame which cost but $3. Call and see them. I sell political struggle, because, as we before stated there are three almost entirely new tickets in the field the candidates for offices which are of most vital importance to the taf -payers are all new men in politics. Yoa know them as well as we do. Parties who have communications Theo Cameron, of Jacksonville, For Commissioner, J o Martin, of Beagle. For Assessor, r M STEWART, of Phoenix. For School Superintendent, tiOS NEWBURY, of fboenlx, For Surveyor, A Andrews, ot Uriffin Creek. For Coroner, DR ALEX PATTERSON, of Central Pt placed on the firing range, situated near Aurillac and fired at from a dis tance of fifty yards. It was found that the bullet had stopped at a depth of about five feet. It iu believed that the great velocity of the projectile and its rotation ('3,500 turns) attracts to it par ticles of frost and minute icicles, which end by forming a ball and practically annihilates its penetration. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder taperior to mil other. atrairs. xney are deserving of your confidence and your vote. Take the ticket as published elsewhere in this is sue of The Mail, and scrutinize each name carefully. Consider his claims to preferment from the standpoint of gen eral .character, fitness and efficiency, as compared with his competitors in the race, and we are assured you can but decide favorably to the Democratic nominees. Driven to Extreme Measures. A Nefarious Political Plot Discovered. Having made the discovery that the sentiment ot Jackson county voters is Dry Goods FflTfllSMfi Etc. G. L. DAVIS MEDFOED, - - - OREGOIST Tayler, The Foot Fitter, SHOE DOCTOR 8eventh street. MEDFORD, OREGON. Oxford and Southern Ties A specialty. The Half Dollar Razor and new round toes. Prices range from $1 per pair up. All kinds of shoe and boot repairing promptly attended to, with the latest improved machinery...