y PURELY PERSONAL Geo. Parker is up from Grants Pass for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rummell are at Gold Hill this week for a visit. J. A. Uiuok and family will leave Monday for Burwell, Nebraska. Surveyor J. S. Howard is down at Gold Hill this week doing surveying Mercnant s. kosenthal was at Gold Hill this week looking: after his branch store at that place. E. A. Johnson, head miller at A A. Davis' .flouring mill in this city, spent Wednesday in Ashland. J. C. Baird, of the Medford Electric company, left Sunday lor a visit in Portland of two or more weeks. Mrs. L. Crawford and sister, Miss Ruby Eaton, returned to Jackson ville Sunday evening. from Stocton, (Jalif. Mrs. E. M. Lumsden and daughter. . Miss Carrie, returned Sunday evening from their winter's stay at San Jose and Stockton. Attorney L. A. Esteb and family were over at Antioch the first of the week visiting Mr. Esteb's nephew, W. ju. jsstett, ana lamiiy. E. L. Bashford was down at Gold Hill and Grants Pass this week in the interest of the sale of products of the Medford brewery and ice plant. C. H. Kuhl, who has been an in habitant of Southern Oregon for the past couple of years, left Wednesday evening for North Dakota, where he expects to remain permanently. Architect Bennet was at Sisson, Calif., this week looking after some possible work in his line, which will be necessary in the rebuilding of that portion of that town recently consumed Dy nre. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wall arried in Medford last Friday from Honolulu. iney wm prooaoiy remain the sum mer in Southern Oregon, Mr. Wall baying extensive land interests here abouts. Rev. H. S. Shangle. P. E. of the Roseburg district, and Rev. J. A. Crutchfield left Thursday for Neil's school house to hold the 3d quarterly meeting for the M. E. church, south, in this charge. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kerr, formerly from the Willamette valley, arrived in Medford Tuesday evening and are now looking about for a suitable farm location. They have traversed many parts of California but found nothing to their liking. John Wright and sister, Mrs. Al bert Metcalf, arrived in Medford Monday from Hyannis, Nebraska. Their father resides in Jacksonville and Mrs. Me teal f"s husband is employed by John Cox upon a farm. They will remain oermanenny in tne valley. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mumford and children, of Kansas City, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Carroll for the past few weeks, left Wednesday evening for Tacoma, where they will visit with friends, re turning later for a more extended visit at Mr. Carroll's pleasant Coker Butte farm. Myron Skeel was down from the Gray saw mill, near Prospect, last week and this for a few days' visit with his familr. He isn't saying a word derogatory to that country, but in stead is soucding its praises far and near and says he is going to camp on that Prospect trail just as long as the trail remains and he is here w camp. Miss Flora Harrold, formerly of Olympia, Washington, now stopping in Medford with the family of E. V. Nuckolls, on the east side, is endeavor ing to organize a paiuting clas in the city. She is meeting with a good bit of success, having already secured six or eight pupils. She is endorsed as be ing proficient in this line of work and a very fine lady. W. J. Marlow and family, of Lake creek, have moved to Medford and will .hereafter make this their permanent piace ot aooae. A son, J. U. Marlow, who has been living at Drain, this state, for sometime, has joined the fam ily here and he, too, will remain. They expecs 10 purcnase city property. Medford and her people bids these folks a hearty welcome. Willis Townsknd left Monday tor uriiisa uoiumoia, where he will en gage in mining, in company, it we are Dot mistaken with a brother, who is already located there. The "Jadtre " as Mr. Townsand was called hereabouts by his associates, has a good many good, solid friends here who are hop ing that success will be his ia great bounty. J. A. Mggers and hi son, Willis, started Tuesday for Josephine oaunty where they will apea u an efcrhty acre tract of land which Mr. Eggara, Sr., recently purchased from the rail road oompany It Is located thirteen Biles from Graats Pass on the Cres cent Otty stage road and upon it they will erect a tmall house. The son will remain and do farming but Mr. Eggors ill oly remain about ten days. Mr.aud Mrs. A. S. Buton and the two children took Wednesday's train (or Portland. Mrs. Bliton will proceed t Oam county North Dakota to spend the fcujBnaer with her mother and rela tives, while A. S. will spend a few days ia the Oregon metropolis. While there he will stop at the Hotel Port land a few hour and at other times will serve ae a bright and shialaf nark fer these who are watching for friends front out of towa. If he sheuid fail to meet the man who ii lookiae for him we have no good reason to expect he will not return ia tiaie to oorrect this aspersion in Th Mail's ext issue. Advertised Letter List. Following is a list of letters remaining un called tor ia the Medford postofflce oa April IS, Applegate, Glenn Bryar. J Finnie, Mrs Lottie A ohargo or one cent will be made upon de livery of each of the above letters. Persons calling for any or the above letters will pljase say "Advertised. " ILPUBDIN, Postmaster. Important to Farmers. Wakelee's Squirrel Exterminator the original and only article of its kind gi?ia complete satisfaction. Now re duced from 50 cents to 39 cents per ean. For sale b G. H. Haskins and Chas. Strang'. J SEMI-ANNUAL STATEflENT. Official Report of the Clerk and Treasurer of Jackson County. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Of the County Clerk of Jackson County, State of Oregon, showing the amounts of claims al lowed by the County Court, tor what allowed, amounts ot warrants drawn from the 1st day of Ootober. 1SV5, to the 31st day of March, 1S90, both Inclusive, and amount ot warrants outstanding and unpaid: J R Nell, county judge, salary f 600 00 N A Jacobs, county clerk and deputy, salary 1M0 00 a f auerson.snerm ana aeputy, sai ry Grant Rawllngs, county recorder " .. M S Welch, county treasurer ' . . auto 00 TIM 00 400 00 350 00 100 00 182 00 uus ixewDury, bohooi supt, James Helms, stock inspector " .. Owen Keegan, janitor salary S Patterson, board and washing for prisoners County commissioners, per diem and milage Geo A Jackson, county assessor, County printing and blanks, Blank books and stationery, Roads and bridges. Court house and jail Indigent persons Erail de Koboam. county hospital Bounty on panther scalps Wood for court house and jail Justice courts 944 S3 133 (0 2.1-5 00 125 87 1M 00 1343 200 09 two 14tVS 23 38 00 207 40 SW S3 31473 90 65 90 115 00 S5 SO 230 80 Circuit court. Postage stamps Examin nation of teachers insane persons... Coroner's Inquests Road supervisors' compensation. Expenses reform sohool Rebate on taxes Land entries Publishing delinquent tax list ... . 2351 54 87 85 61 75 3 30 234 00 Total am't claims allowed and drawn I 19410 08 Outstanding warrants on March31.'90ll8S.63O 74 Warrants Issued during six months. . . 19.4 10 Ot) f 148,040 80 PER CONTRA. Warrants paid during six months. " outstanding April 1, 1890 .1 S.919 41 . 139.131 39 (14S.040 80 State of Oregon, I County ot Jackson, f M- - I. N A Jacobs, countv clerk of the eountv of jacKson, state oi uregon, ao neretiy ceriity mat the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of toe amount oi claims allowed by tne county court ot said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March. 1SW. andot the amount of warrants drawn, outstanding and unpaid as tne same appears upon tne records of my onice and ia my official custody. itaess ray hand and the seal of the county court ot said county, this 8th day of April, A O.. 1896. seal N. A. Jacobs, County Clerk. SIXI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the County Treasurer of Jackson county, state oi uregon. lor six months ending on the 31st day of March, 1898, of money received and paid out, from whem received, and from what source, and on what account paid out: GENERAL FTND To amount on band from last report October 1st. 1S95 t 1714 80 2311 88 10M2 58 To taxes tor 1894 ' 1895 ' N A Jacobs, county clerk, fees ot office 19M 70 V6 74 t 35 300 00 HO 111 9 5 TO 00 3 50 63 40 To S Patterson, sheriff, fees ot office . " G Rawllngs, recorder, .. " Liquor license " Costs In circuit court " Cash refunded by John A Williams " V A Owen " " sale of wood '- Costs and interest, State vs D Law . - I 1733S 50 ran contra By County warrants redeemed I 8919 41 " interest paid on redeemed warranto Wi St " Ami transferred to State fund 1125 M " Cash on band April 1st, 1MM 46S9 83 17338 fO By Am t or Klamath county warrant including interest f 14tf9 37 state rrso To received tor taxes for IS S 42t9 92 " Am't transferred from general fund 1135 Ss S 6375 08 PER CONTRA By State treasurer's receipt for state taxes for 1996, (part payment).. f 5375 OS Total am't ot state taxes for year 1895 ISUTI US SCHOOL ITND To cash In treasury Oct 1. 1!06 f MS 05 " Received from taxes... 4034 84 " " Ones 196 00 f 4765 50 PERICOXTRA By Sup't's orders paid f SilO 00 " Cash in treasury April 1, 19S 4405 SO 47C5 50 SPECIAL ROAD FTND To cash In treasury Oct. 1. 1895 f 9 60 " Am't received from state treasurer 163 35 178 85 PER CONTRA By warrants paid $ Cash In treasury April 1. 1896 75 173 10 ITS 85 29 00 TEACHERS' INSTITUTE FCSD To cash in treasury Oct 1. lHftV. I PER CONTRA By cash In treasury April 1, WM. f 29 00 soldiers' ptkd To cash In treasury Oct 1. 189a. .. " Received from taxes 369 !2 14 30 883 53 peb costha By warrants paid ... Cm In ireuiiry April l, 18(6. as to 390 02 I 383 52 SUM MM ART 0 BALACES IN THE SEVERAL FUNDS General fund I 4680 92 School fund 4465 SO Special road fund..... ' 17 ig Institute fund 39 00 Soldiers' fund 320 02 School district No I lie 40 " a 14 u M 49 44 44 44 f"" fll 44 41 yg' 753 49 147 40 479 84 3 IT 8 " " " " K.'. 44 4t 44 70! " " n.. U 44 14 75 " " " 76.! 44 44 44 n 8 00 4 4 09 41 46 10 91 83 39 43 69 16 44 8 08 City of Jacksonville..., 111 44 116 01 681 94 ueaiora , ' Ashland ( 12X11 33 State of Oregon, 1 County of Jackson. I. If. S. Welch. Countv Treasurer, otthaeoua. ty of Jackson, State of Oregon, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing is trne and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand in the coanty treasury ot said county for the six months eadlng the Slat day of March, A. O., 1890. rruneas my nana tbis.su aay or April, 1306. M. S. WBLCBL Casniz Trajan ror By L. L. Jacobs, Deputy. Bute of Oregon, jounty 01 Jackson, j I, H. A. Jacobs, County Clerk af eatd eoanty ad saste. Ao hereby oartif r that the feraaolna- statement of the County laeeaurer aawaw with the reoords asd flies of ma erne ana la mr custody. witness my hand ant the seal of the oounty court this 8lh day of April, A. aVO. N. A. Jacobs, County Clerk, STATE U H N-V Of the flnanolal condition of Jackson county, w.uauu, wu .43 oin. uy Ul nasren, IBV9. LIABILITIIEH To warrants drawn on the county treasurer outstanding andunpuid... 1139 121 39 Te estimated Interest accrued 36000 00 Total liabilities 1175,131 39 RESOKCES By funds In hands of county treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants a 4,689 92 By funds In hands of Sheriff applica ble to the payment of oounty war rants 15,899 24 By Klamath county warrant 1,359 w " Interest on same 109 40 " Amount of taxes and costs on land sold for taxes in 1893 9,000 00 By amount of taxes and costs on land m for taxes la 1894. 4,509 fit By estimated current unpaid taxes of 1896 applicable to the payment of county warrants 29,ISS 02 Total resources, exclusive of publlo property I 50,680 65 ndebtcdncss of the county 1124,440 84 itespeetiuuy suDmitiea, N. a. Jacobs, County Clerk. Gold Hill items. BY WILL Q. W. Cox ia prospecting Oil Foots creek. "Work will begin on the streets in a short time. Miss Sadie DeBoy has been quite ill the past week. Mrs. Judge Richards is recover ing from la grippe. Mr. Buck, of Tolo, was here on business Saturday. Mr. Reeser, of Jump-Off-Joe, was here this week. ' Arthur Fitzgerald and wife have returned to Gold Hill. Will Jackson, of Medford, was in Gold Hill Wednesday. Jerome Fitzgerald made a busi ness trip to Tolo Wednesday. Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Boweu were in town shopping Wednesday. A. T. Holt, of Wimer, was among his many friends at this place bun day. M. Anderson, of Gall's creek, re ports the fruit all killed up that way . Miss Dora McMahan, of Medford, was the guest of Mrs. Crydcr last week. Mr. McGintis, of San Francisco, is with friends in Gold Hill this week. Albert, Verna and Ona Clements were among our school visitors this week. Mrs. Geo. Lyman visited her sister, Mrs. Pankey, one day this week. Mrs. Moore, of Sams Vallev, was the guest of Mrs. Judge Richards Sunday. W. S. Cook and F. T. Sublett were in town on Dusiness one day this week. Wm. McKuight has now taken his place in the Marksberrv & Co's store. L. L Carter and son, W. Carter, are working 111 their mines on Galls creek. Mr. Heck is staying with Mr. Richards and thinks he will locate in Gold Hill. John Williams, the Medford tailor, was with friends in Gold Hill Wednesday. The ditch surveyors are at work and have surveyed as far as Mr. Masterson's place. A.1 Lewis and Mr. Barnhart, of the Applegate mines, came in town Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hunter has been taking views of Rogue river in some of the most picturesque places. A timber of nice fish are being caught in Kogue river great sport tor the boys alter school. Mrs. Hugham, Mrs. Stanley and Miss Bloomingcamp, of the Braiden mines spent luesday in town. Fred Downing, of Central Point, was 111 town Monday. He de livered an organ to Mr. Moffitt. A patent medicine man was sing mg songs and selling his medicine on the streets Wednesday evening A. C. Baird and G. W. Davis left this week for Waldo. They are looking for work in that locality Harry Patrick, Geo. Obenchain and Fred Jones, of Central Point, IROoEneirs Anxiously water, declining health of their ianghlers. So mamj are oat off by onaumptioB in early years that then ia seal caaae tor anxiety. Iu tlM early stage, when not beyond the reach of medicine, Hood's Sarsa parilla will restore the quality and quantity ot the blood and thus fire gooaneaiui. eaa tne fallowing letter: "It ia bat Jut to write abut ray daughter Can, aged II. Bhe was mib psetely ran down, eenltning, had that tlxjad lee liny, and friends said she woald Mt lira over threw faoattw. 6be ka a twd aai aotafcf a ni to i tar any ffod. I bappanad to Nad sheat Heed's Banapa xlila ead had her give U a taaW. Xreaath. tifcy dee aba began m get be)ear. iter taklag a lew hoHlej aew wes dan leteJtr e&aed and ke keaiU hm bera the beat wfar slace." Hm. Aosni Patac IS Bailroad Pfcce, AmMvtiua, W. T. "I will aay that my mother has not stated my oase in as strong words aa I wonld have done. Hood's SaiMparllle has truly cured me and I am now well." Cora Peck, Amsterdam, N. Y. Be sure to get Hood's, because Mood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood' r,;.. are purely vegetable, re rlllS Habie and banaatlal. at attended our last Saturday evening dance. Mrs. Biedler, of Sams Valley, was in town shopping Monday. She re ports Mr. Barns' health as not im proved. Died, April 21. Mr. Mauzev. Deceased was over seventy-two, years of ago and leaves a wife and six children. Gus Williams, Medford's popular liveryman, drove to Wondvillle Thursday, and made friends here a pleasant call on his return. Mrs. Amy, of Central Point, with he daughter, Miss Laura, and son, Albert, and Mrs. FredSlagle visited in Gold Hiil one day last week. Miss Olive Gordon has returned from her Grants Pass trip, and after making a pleasant visit with friends here, returned to Sams Val ley Wendesday. C. P. Parker, Chas. Horn, and Jas. Dodge went to Phoenix this week to do some work on the prop erty recently purchased by Mr. Parker at that place. We are glad tw report that Mr. Ladd, who was injured by the mine caving in on him, has recovered his right mind and is also slowly re gaining his good health. L. E. Pate is building a new house on Wall street. He will move his familv there as soon as the building is completed and will open a boot und shoo making shop. Ed. Deorine, of Merlin, is work ing for M-srs. Houghatn and Stanley iu th5. Braiden mines. The mines are paying well at pres ent, very rich quartz being taken out. On account of the storm the regular game of base ball between Sardine creek and Gold Hill was postponed. The Gold Hill base ball team has challenged the Central Point base ball team for a game on May 1st. Mr. McLaughlan, an old gentle man, died the night of April 20th, of old ace and ceneral debilitv. The deceased leaves three children, in t asbington, and a wife and two I grand children at this place He was buried at Rock Point Wednes- dav. For Sale Cheap. The Suter preen house property, compriina little over two acres of laod. r runs, berries and all varieties of flowers in abundance. The build ings are substantial; the preen house in perfect running order. N'o place in the city has been given greater care. Will sell cheap if sale is mude soon. K. SUTER. Legal blanks at Tim Mai:, offlce. Florida O ran ere Cider The most wonderful summer drink that ever Suencnea the thirst or man or sweetened le Hps of woman. It is the mingled souls of the most delicious tropical fruits. In It you will And the sunshine ana shadow that chased each other over the billowy fields: the breath of June, the carol of the lark, the dews of nirht, the wetdth of summer and autumn's rich oontent, all golden with the imprisoned light. Drink It and you will hear the voice of men and maidens singing Florida Orange Cider... Mingled with laaghter or children. For years this liquid Joy has been within the happy staves of oak. longing to toush the lips of mat.. This delicious drink can only uv 4VUHU a... GRATER . BOLD MONAOGU An I aa ported Clydesdale stallidfa. -will make the season of 18JMJ at tho tollowinar places: Central Point, Monday and Tuesday; Medford, Wednesday and Thursday; Bybeo Bridge, Friday and Saturday of each week, at the following: ratca for service: Sintrlo service, $5; soasti, $10; to insure, $12.50. Persons htivliiu mures will miss a pood chance by not breeding to tho above named horse. Will take a limited supply of bay, grain, potatoes or iwrk in ex change at market price. Our motto is live and lot live. I muko this oil'or so us to reach every one who may want to raise a colt. Examine thi horse before you ;ook elsewhere. For any informa tion retfardlnj? earna. address, U. UlLCnKiM, Manager, Central Point, Oregon . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report" MM Absolutely pure Get on to the Northern Pacific Flyer. The change of time via. the Nortbein Pacltlo enables pamtengers to leave Portland daily at 6 p. m., reaching St. Paul and Minneapolis la three days St. Louis and Chicago in tbree and one half duys. Lincoln. Neb., ut 12:65 noon of the third day, Omaba at 4.W. St. Joseph at) ::, iicniHon ai o:u, L,euvenHtvortn at t.m ana Kansas City at 8:00. You can seeby this that the Northern Pacific equnls all other lines to all points, and if you will compare schedules, you wilt see that the Northern Pacltlc beats all other lines into Lin coin four honrs. Ht. Joseph twelve hours, Leavenworth fourteen hours, nnd Kansas Cltr ten hours and forty live minutes, where Iramo- uiuio connections are made In union depots for all points south. Don't forget that the Northern Paclflc is the only line running two trains dally to the east, the only dining car route from Portland, the only Hue running a Mint class Pullman sleeper inrougn irom Portland to Minneapolis and Hi. Paul without change, and the only line to the Yellowstone National Park. For all Information, tickets, sleeping car res ervations, etc. call on or write C. C. Belknak, agent. Medford, or A. D. Chailton. assistant --i:eral puMengor agent, Morison street, Puriluud, Oregon. u. upooka is ready to sell manu facturer's rights as well as sub-irrigating pipe, The finest wool and cottfi blankets ever brought to Medford from 75 cents up. at Angle St Ply male's. MILLINERY . . . L05HER & NORRIS Invite the ladies of Medford to call and inspect their new Spring and Summer Hats !3 Every article new and up to E date. Millinery parlors at IS) The Fair store ...THE MEDFORD... LAW, CLAIMS AND ...COLLECTION BUREAU i Special attention given to business of non-residents. American and European corres pondents. Inclose stamp for inquiries. S. S. PENTZ, Attorney and Counsellor. MEDFORD, - OREGON Vou Want nor And you will get them. He Supe WIOS Sub-Irrigation... ARE YOU Going to put up a If so, you will want We are also Agents for Buffalo Pitts Steam Threshers We carry at all times a general line of Agricultural Implomonts Also barb wire, and a complete line of extras. We eell Douglas Spray Pumps. HUBBARD BROS- Corner Seventh and A. MEDFORD, ORBflQpf JWISTLtETOE.. This Standard bred Trotting Stallion will stand for the season of 1896, at the barn known as the G. L. Davis stable, Medford.... MISTLETOE Ii dark bay; weighs 1200 pounds: black above knee and hocks; foalM at SpringheltJ, Ul., Kept. 6, 1886. PEDIGREE: Sired by Raymond, son of reoord 1:341, and eire of Secratee. Hambletonian, eire of Dexter, 2:171. Nettie, 2:18, Oranire GirL 2:i Gazelle, 2:21, Jav Gould, 2:2U, and 2:30 or better. First dam, May Alexander, by Herr Alexander, son f Mauibrino Pilot, 1:27A, and sire of Ilannis, 2:173, Mambrino Gift, 2:31, Emulus, 2:25, David Wallace, 2:28, and Morning, 2:30; eonofMaM brino Chief, sire of Lady Thorn, 2:18. Second dam, Old Fly, by Bam ner Chief, sire of the dum of Corban's Bashow, 2:26, of Manibrano Chief. TERMS, SEASOlSr, S15 Due at end of season or when mare is neighborhood. Care will be taken be responsible should any occur. S. BRADBUBY, Manager. Popster D. Brooks, the tinner, has just re ceived a fine line of new cook stovea, and is selling them cheap. Notice to Stockholders. Orru-E ok Gold hiu. Mining Co, ilKOFOHD, Ore., April 22, 1868. f TOTICE is hereby given that an assessment 11 of C100 per share on the capital stock of said company, levied this day. is now due and payable to the secretary of the company, at its onice in Medford; and If not paid in Thirty Days will be delinquent, and will be sold at office of saldcompany, at public auction. May ii, lf6, at 0 o'clock, a. m. M. I. Rhinhart, Bec'y of Gold BUI Quartz Mining Co. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completly derange the whole system when entering It through the mucus surfaces. Such articles should never be used except m prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney t Co., To ledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is. taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surface of tho system. In bnylng Hall's Catarrh cure be sure yau get the genuine. It Is taken internally, and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 70c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. JAKE NOWAK ...Fur Api SMd Dresser All kinds of Skins tanned and dressed on shares or cheap for cash. Skins of bear, panther, Angora, etc., made ready for floor mats, with trimmings.... Bead stuffing a specialty. Coyotes, wild cat. coon, fox, etc., for buggy robes. Ail kinds of coloring for buckskin. Skins of calf, sheep, goat, dog, etc .. made into shoe, oil or kid leather. Advice Have your skins tanned properly or not at all. Medals awarded by San Francisco Mechanics fair. Several premiums by California stale and county fairs... My Bread Rises to Explain.... That absolute cleanliness attends its every condition from the setting of the sponge to the wrapping for delivery. That is a point I insist upon ; can you appreciate it ? The same care which alter all is only honesty is given to my Pastries, Cake and Confections... Resulting in purity and wholesome nesa In aU my productions. Special given to lunches for socials and parties WILSON, THE BAKER... PATRONIZE" Mackey, MEDFORD OREGON... guarantees his work . B-oj'ii thj Tinner for Particulars windmill this summer? an RIH JWOTOS... Soeratee. 4- roaa eeldiajr. 2:27$, by Ryudyl thirty-two others with records i disposed of or removed from th to prevent accidents but I will nt 51 SPENCER CHILDERS, Owner