i V I NEWS OF THE CITY. The jury in the Peninger-Elliott stabbing case returned a verdict of guilty aschargecf, Wednesday evening. The charge was assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill. District Attorney Benson was assisted in the prosecution by Attorney L. A. Esteb. of this citv, and Attorneys Wtn. and G. W. Colig appeared for the defense. The case of State vs. J. R. Hardin and Jorden Brown was on trial yester day. The defendeDts are charged with trespassing upon a mining claim. District Attorney Benson is assisted in the prosecution by Attorneys Ham mood & Vawter, of Medford, and the defense is handled by Attorney L. A. Esteb. Court will adjourn Saturday and Monday Judge Hanna will open court iu Josephine county. Burns are absolutely painless when DeWitts's Witch Hazel Salve is promply applied. This statement is true. A perfect remedy for skin dis eases, chapped hands and lios, and never fails to cure piles. Geo. H. Has kins, druggist. The temperature will needs reach a point that would bring a blush to a North Dakota blizzard when Charlie Wolters and Mose Alford cannot devise something labor-saving. In other words it is a cold day when their heads wont couple up and devise measures as aforesaid. Neither rebel at work, but why work whtn 'tis not necessary? They have recently educated Bert Whitman's dog, "Jingo," to pack wood for them and every morning they put up a job on the dog and he packs wood sufficient, a stick at a time, for the day's use. That is a mighty smart dog and there is a good bit of clever ness displayed by Charlie and Mose. The dog and his wood packing procliv ities are a sure antidote for "that tired feeling." t One hundred dollars forfeit will be paid by the proprietors of Oregon Kidney tea for each and every case of kidney or bladder disease which can aot be cured by its proper use. Sold by Chas. Strang, druggist. The new ads this week are those of Deuel & Stevens, who are making a special run on gents Jurnishing goods; the Oriental livery stable. Crane & Childers, proprietors, which is now lo cated very comfortably in the new brick building on North D street; Perry Stewart, the lumberman, is also out with a few words regarding lumber; G. L.. Davis, the grocer, is advertising to give free a beautiful picture with every $10 purchase; the Medford brew ery and ice plant also has space in this issue. This institution has recently put their beer on the Medford market and later on tcey win nave ice in abundance. Ladies, have you seen those elegant hair ornaments, belt buckles, shirt-waist sets, cuff buttons, etc., at the Backet? There will be a meeting of the Cra ter Lake Mazamas Club at the city hall this Friday evening. It is desired that all members of the club be present. and that each member bring one or more friends who will join the club. - There will be business of importance to transact at this meeting and infor mation to impart to the members by the officers that will be interesting The time is drawing close at hand when we must figure upon entertaining our Mazama visitors. Oregon Kidney Tea is pleasant to the taste and the most effective blood purifier known. Sold by Charles Strang, druggist. The members of Protection Hose companv met Tuesday evening in the city hall and elected the following officers: H. G. Nicholson, president; Bert Brandenburg, vice president; U. M. Damon, secy.; John A orris, asst. secy., J. W. Lawton, treasurer; W. T. Crane, foreman; Eugene Amann. 1st asst foreman; U. M. Damon, 2nd asst. foreman; W. J. Fradenburg. sargeant at arms. DeWitt's Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleaning the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitution impaired by disease. Geo. id. JiasKins. A r'hitjAnt. Rpnrtpfc is nnv ncrjirrprl in making plans and specifications for a library building to be built at Auburn, New York. This is a competition Diece ol worn ana upon 11 mere are arcmtecis from all parts of the United States at worn. Toe structure is mj cost o,uuu. Tko nlana whinh Mr. Rennet is n re- paring are Egyptian in design and verv beautiful. 51. A. Webb has received his spring . . a . J 1 t L 6tOCK OI carpets ana wan paper eacu line is complete in all modern patterns and the prices are all right. D. M. French and Mart Nye have leased the carpenter piacer mine, on 14 1 tie Appiegate, ior nve muniub. Owing to the great volume of water the property can only be worked during July and August when the water is lowest. It is a rich mine, and even during this short time a good hit of dust can -be taken out. All kinds of wood for sale. Long wood, short wood, hard wood, soft wood and just plain wood. Bellinger & Hill, draymen. Jake Nowak, the skindresser, has an ad elsewhere in this paper. The gentleman had located permanently in Medford and is doing a splendid busi ness. He fir.ds ready sale for all of bis floor mats and robes and they are well worth the price asked for them. Mr. Nowak is decidedly a very compe tent workman. You may believe it or not, but it's the beautiful truth that the "Racket" . has the best and cheapest hosiery in town. A. P. Green is soon to commence the construction of a residence, on his North C street property. Architect Bennet has the plans and specifications completed and contractors will soon be given a chance to bid. It is to be a five room cottage of Romanesque de sign very pretty and convenient throughout. Suppose you go take a look at that elegant line of capes, at Angle & Ply male's, and while there ask to see their new line of up to date cloaks. It was a week ago last Sunday that - Dick Bessee, driver for Williams Brothers, liverymen, left Medford for a month's trip into Klamath and Lake counties. He had with him three traveling men and their sample cases and before returning they will make fifteen towns and will not return before May 1st. It's all the same, a slight cold, con gested lungs or severe coughs. One Minute Cough Cure banishes them. Geo. H. Haskins. Dentist O. F. Demorost is the proud parent to a bright little babv girl which came to his homo on Friday or last week. t. t . bos two pair in his household now two bovs and two girls and he is waging good money that there isn't a royal Hush, not even in-the Queen's palace, that can beat 'era. By far the best assortment of car pets ever brought to Medford, at I. A. Webb s furniture store. The Medford dramatic company have fh contemplation the production of another play now pretty soon. This time they have chosen "He is not Such a Fool as He Looks," a three act drama. They are now making a cast of charac ters and are promising us a rare dramatical treat. Wall paper, the prettiest and most up to dato designs shown in the city at Webb's furniture store H. DeGroot and F. E. Birsre and their families have taken up their resi dence in the dwelling at the corner of D and Sixth streets, formerly occupied. by Attorney Jeffery, the latter having moved to a residence a few blocks further north on D street. My summer hats are real); and truly beautiful. Mrs. Soars, the mil liner Racket store. Bellinger & Hill unloaded two car loads of salt last Friday, one each for Cranfill & Hutchison and the Southern Oreiron Pork Packing company. They also loaded a carload of flour for Milkr A. A. Davis the whole business in one day. -Do you want to make money? If you do, and almost every one does, buy your foot wear at Van Dyke fe Co's. A dollar saved is two dollars earned." The delegates to the grand lodge. I. O. O. F., from Medford Lodge No. 83 are Z. Maxcy, W. F. Shawver and I. A. Webb. The delegate from the Rebekah lodge is Mrs. D. S. Youngs. The grand J,odge meets at Astoria May lUth. Why imprison your baby's soft lit tle feet in a stiff soled shoe when you can get those handsome soft soles at Van Dyke & Co's. Born, on Thursday, April 9, lSi6, to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Damon, a daughter. Charlie is away from home but the grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Damon, are looking after the baby with greatest tenderness. Rolled barley for sale, rolled on "smooth rolls." Custom rolling done on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Medford Brewery and Ice Works. J. L. Castle, the stockman, shipped two car loads of cattle from Medford to Portland Tuesday. These were from the Pelton band in Sams Valley, and were a fine lot of cattle, the entire lot averaging 1300 each. " Anti-rust tinware at Kama & Gil- key's. "Business is better now than ever before. It is so good of late that I have found it necessary to employ an assist ant trimmer. There are now three of us kept busy." Mrs. Sears, the milli ner, at the Racket. Unbleached linen embroidery at Van Dyke & Co's. The annual spring meeting of the Southern Oregon Presbytery was held at Ashland on Wednesday and Thurs day of this week. Rev. A. S. Foster andJ.R. Erford were in attendance form Medford. Have you seen those elegant de signs in colored lace at Van Dake & Co's. Corson, th painter, has placed on exhibition in Mounce & Parker's store a very fine painting of a view on Illi nois river, in Josephino county. The view is 6x6 feet in size and is a beauty to look upon. For ladies shirt waists and chemis ettes go to Van Dyke & Co. Democratic primaries will bo held in Medford on Saturday, April IS, at 2 o'clock p. m. The primaries for both North and South Medford will bo held jointly and at the same place and hour. D. Brooks is ready to sell manu facturer's rights as well as sub-irrigating pipe. No change in running time of the passenger trains on the S. P. has as yet been made, but it is expected a change will be made now pretty soon. The finest wool and cottr:i blankets ever brought to Medford from 75 cents up, at Angle & Plymale's. The Bates boys, toasorial artists, have recently added a beautifully carved and finished boot blacking stand to their well furnished parlors. D. Brooks, the tinner, has just re ceived a fine line of new cook stoves, and is selling them cheap. Merchant F. M. Plymale is now giving his entire attention to business, having finished his busy work on the grand jury. , The Star restaurant, together with all fixtures, for sale. Apply to W. J. King. A slide at the Roberts hill, near Roseburg, caused the southbound pas senger to be several hours late yester day. Oregon Kidney tea cures constipa tion. Sold by Chas. Strang, druggist. Mrs. Isaac Wright is still quite ill with la grippe. Photograph Notice. Mackey, the photographer, will make cabinet .photos April 23 and 24 free to all people over 16 years of age. Ladies and gentlemen, come one and .all who are over 16 and bring your sweetest smiles with you. H. C. Mackey. May Festival. On Friday evening, May 1, 1895, in the opera hall, there will be given an entertainment entitled "Crowning of the May Queen," in which there will be more than thirty participants. The entertainment will be given under the auspices of the King's Daughters, and for the benefit of the Presbyterian church. Further particulars will ap pear later in programmes. Excelsior Dye works, Medford clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Demorest, the dentist opera block, Medford. Among the Churches. M. B. CHURCH. Rev. J. A. Crutchfield will fill his appointments at the usual hours 11 a. ro., and 7:30 p. m. Reception of members at 11. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Epworth League at 4 p. m. sharp; Miss Myrtle Woodford, super intendent and president. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Special so r vices will be held in this church commencing on Monday ovon ing next, (April 20th), and during the week following, at 7:30 p. m., to which you are cordially invited. The follow ing important subjects will bo treated in the following order: Monday, 7.30 p. m., Christ's Prayer for Unity. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., The Use and Abuse of the Pulpit. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., The Roman Controversy. Thurs day, 7:30, p. m., The Teaching Church. Friday, 7:30, p m. Authority in Reli gion. Saturday, 7:30, p. ro.,TheChurch a Net. Sunday, 2tth, 11 a. m.. Con firmation. Theso sermons are intended to meet popular misconceptions of the church. Holy bunt Ism will bo admin istered at any hour during the week. The rector will be glad to roeelve the names of any who may desire to receive the Aposllic ritaof confirmation, or to converse with any one who may desire further instructions. Members of other religious bodies are earnestly ex horted to assist in worship and not to regard themselves as mere spectators or listeners. There is but "one God and Father of us all." Yours faithfully, Wm. Hart. It is Being Whispered Around That Brooks, the tinner, is having many inquiries for sub-irrigating pipe. That P. J. flalley is figuring on build ing a brick residence this summer and is now casting about for a place to put it. That all the fellows who indulge in beer beverages are saying mnny com plimentary words for the beer made by the Medford brewery. That C. B. Hostel is making ready to put up a brick block on his South D street property along side of the Ham lin brick that is to bo. That spring has quite forgotten her annual appointment for the Kogue river valley and that the fruit blooms are sorely in need of her ntteution. That you candidates can place a political announcment in The Mail, to run until after election, with editorial mention of your candidacy, for just an even $.". That H. C. Mackey got an excellent scald on the pictures he took for the fire boys a couple of weeks ago and that all the boys look well and are as tine a looking "lot of men as one could get together. That D. T. Lawton has one of the finest driving teams in the city, and that D. T. is justly proud of them -because that they are of Aitamont stock, own brother and sister, aged four and five and are all round beauties and good drivers. That it behooves the democrats of the county to put up men for office who have never been mixed up with any ring affairs if they hope for just a little success iu the coming campaign. The voters have not as yet forgotten that they, as taxpayers, were compelled to put up about &000 on that little Bloomer escapade. That someone has said to someone that if Mr. Slingor would build a brick block on the corner of Eighth and C atrot limn nnn would runt iL and that Mr. Slinger has said to someone that he would build the building if someone would rent it. It is probable there will be time enough given us later to make a more extended mention of the comrnencment of construction work. That the boys who jump up Wells, the drayman, for a rather tame man of business are having their little sport all to themselves while Wells is climb ing onto the front seat of the band wagon and is keeping well up with the procession. Express wacons and mail carts have no effect upon him. He sidetracks em all when there is a two bit piece in sight. Nothing short of the S. P. varnished . cars can phase Wells. Episcopal Entertainment. The ladies of the Episcopal church, oflhis city, are arranging to give an entertainment in the Opera bouse, on Wednesday, April 29. The ladies who have this in charge are endeavoring to make it one of the most artistic and entertaining ever given in Medford, Several new and novel features will be introduced. The patronage of the public is solicited. We promise you a most enjoyable evening. City Council Proceedings. (Concluded from last week.) Garl T Jones, surveying . Hilton & Batterson. printing Geome Justus, burying dead horse F Amann, street commissioner W T Crane, drlvlnc oil stock 2 00 1 50 2 .V) 35 W SO D Cofer, night watch and fees 36 66 E W Carder, engineer and labor on ditch 35 50 Recorder submitted the following re port of receipts during quarter ending March 31: Received from water rents. t 134 00 " " Licenses !M 40 " ' Stock sold 40 " " Fees and costs 8 00 f 173 40 Number warrants drawn 40. amounting to 5423 00. Report of Chas. Strang, treasurer, for quarter ending March 31, was sub mitted as follows: RKCK1FTS. Jan 1. Cash on hand S 513 16 Received from taxes 422 S8 " licenses 2 00 ' water tax 171 00 fines 3a M " " books sold . M5 " ' A A Davis M waterdilch expenses 42 97 " sale of 3tock 6 40 1427 56 DISntTRKMENTS. To warrants and interests paid $ 311 83 interest on water bonds 71)0 00 ' speoial orders (stock account) S 75 treasurer's fees 0 14 499 84 Cash on band tl427 M To Exchange. Furniture and undertaking business, in Eastern Oregon, and other property, value at $6,000 for improved farm. Reason for exchange, ill health, Ad dress P. Pottertont, Fossil, Ore. Wood of all descriptions for sale. Bellinger & Hill. 1 PURELY PERSONAL. i Hon. J. A. Jeffrey was. at Grants Pass upon business this week. Our good friend J. C. Elder is over from Waldo for a few days' visit with friends. Misses Mamie Niciiolson and The resa Hoyt were Ashland visitors Tuesday. J. J. Holt was in from Talent Mon day disposing of some of his excellent oured meats. John H. Holland, a miner over at Wimer, was in Medford Monday pur chasing supplies. Mrs. A. L. Penwell and the child ren left Wednesday evening for Cot tage Grove, Oregon. J . R. Robison came over from Cen tral Point last week for a few days' visit with his friends. Mesdames D. T. Sears, D. H. Mil ler and Jas. Coeti were at Ashland Tuesday for a brief visit. Mrs. Geo. Frater, of Riddle, is in Medford fo- a few weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. D. W. Crosby. Alex. Orme returned to his home at Bolt Tuesday after an eight days' ses sion of bard work on the grand jury. .Miss Ida Betz returned from Cen tral Point Wednesday for a few days' Point with Assessor Jackson s people. Mrs. Jas. Wright, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Churchman, and family, returned Tuesday evening to her home at Rose burg. A. Fetsch, the tailor, was up from Grants Pass Wednesday upon business. During the last couple of months Mrs. Fetsch has been very sick and at times little hope of her recovery was enter taiued. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stoddard, of Lodi, California, arrived in Medford Monday and will visit for a few weeks with the Ta lor bovs, who are sons of Mrs. Stoddurd. Mrs. Clark, she who keeps the railroad hotel at Glendale and whose meals are lauded the world over, was in ibis neck o' the tall timber this week visiting friends. D. T. Lawton was at Grants Puss Monday upon business connected with the Mitchell. Lewis & Staver company. of which large implement house he is general agent of Southern Oregon. J. 11. Lame was in Medford Satur day upon business. L)xn returning he tooK with him the plans and speeia cations, prepared by Architect liunnct. for his now residence, to bo erected up on bis Y lllow springs Iarm. Mm. F. M. Wilson and children left Wednesday evening for Aurora, Nebraska, for a two months' visit with relatives. During her absence her good husband will see to it that the good name of the Vienna bakestuffs does not wan. Mrs. H. J.Wilmott arrived in Med ford last Friday, and the good hubaud who has been here for some several weeks doing brewing for the Medford brewery, and bis euaiable family are now housekeeping in the upstairs of the Walton bouse on North D street Henry Richardson arrived in Med ford last week from Woodland, Calif to remain a couple of weeks visiting his parents, who live out east of Med' ford. Henry left Medford about four vars ago and has since traversed the i entire length and breadth of the ;COMl country Mr. and Mrs. W. G.CLARK, of Grains Pass, weie visiting relatives in Med ford this week. They will leave for Stockton, Calif., today, there to remain until fall. Mrs. Clark is Mrs. Nettle Harris, that used to be. Their friends here and at Grants Pass are hoping success will bo theirs in their new home. Titos. Head was up from Central Point Saturday upon business a part of which was the renewal oi his sub scription to The Mail. There are quite a lively sprinkling of the silver uollars coming our way these times from subscribers proving conclusively that The Mail is tilling the bill as a general newspaper very acceptably. Wm. Ulrich, manager of the South ern Oregon Pork Packing company, of this city, is down iu California this week disposing of cured meats to the local dealers. vVhile the pi-ices on cured meats are not what they should be to be nrotilable the above named company is doing a good bitof shipping to points oota south ana north. Mis. E. Wescott, nee Alta Brous, arrived in Medford Wednesday even ing and will spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. F: M. Brous. Since leaving Medford, nearly two years ago, the lady has been in quite poor health, but it is hoped and expected that an Oregon summer will prove beneficial. Her home is at Prairie City, Iowa, where her husband is in the photo graph business. F. E. BlRGE returned Sunday from a quite extended trip in the Illinois val ley country. He was there looking after mining matters. While en route and at the mines ho took tiftv kodak views which will make up a collection of rare grandeur, as this particular route is especially noted for Its grand scenery. Mr. Birgo states that be saw some gold nuggets while away that were beauties and of no small value. W. E. Jones, of Woodville, was in Medford Monday and Tuesday having a surgical operation performed upon bis hand, the same being tbo amputa tion, between tho first two joints, of his right hand index finger. He is em ployed in a sawmill near Woodville and Sunday while exercising in lifting a heavy anvil his linger caught some how and mashed it badly hence the amputation. Drs. Geary & Ptckol per formed the operation. E. C. Stanwood and family arrived in Medford this week, with their house hold effects, farm implements and stock, from Dallas, Oregou, and they are now getting settlod on the Holtz farm, three miles east of Medford, which place Mr. Stanwood recontly traded for. The gentleman has sinched the farm harness very closely about him and proposes to till his eighty acre farm in a manner which will return him many coins of the realm. Mrs. Maxwell and family left Med ford Monday evening for Wallowa county, this state, where they will re side. 'It will be remembered that Mr. Maxwell was adjudged insane some few months ago and was taken to the asy "RACKET" ' HAS SECURED The agency'for Dr. Warner's We now have in stock the following corsets and waists : yiyTARNER'S, All these Corsets are fitted to living as to give ease and comfort with a graceful figure. Each corset and wai6t above 50 cents has a card attached entitling the holder to the book "Talks on Practical Subjects," by Marion Harland THE "RACKET" There is a Well Beaten Path It leads directly to our doors. Throngs of buyers traverse it day after day. It shows that we are strengthening the friendly rela tions between our store and the public, with out which there can be no success. We want you to keep coming. We went you ti tell your friends and neighbors about out splendid stock of goods. We want yon ; o profit by coming; you want your friends'; o profit in like manner. We are right now selling the BEST Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ever brought to the Rogue river valley. We are selling them i SO CHEAP- That you cannot & lum. Since going to the asylum his condition as greatly improved nnd within a very short time he will join his family "in their eastern Oregon home. Mrs. Maxwell and her family are most excellent people and all tneir Medford acquaintances wiU he pleased to learn of the recovery of huland and father. I. J. Hanson, of Willow p-ings district, was in this our cilv of hig bar gains and lots of business Tuesday. Mr. H. is one of the best ranchers in that locality. He was formerly sheriff of Day county, South Dakota, where he served his constituents faithfully and to their best interests. His BeM of labor there was the old stamping ground of one ol The Mail publishers but our eulogy as to his faithfulness in office does no tof necessity carry with it tho signiGcance that be was only court eous to us when we were behind the iron bars because of the fact that we were aot the desperado wbieh we are now. HARRY Holler returned Sunday from a visit to his parents, on Powell creik. His father, W. II. IJoler, and himsolf together with an uncle, J. 5i. Morris, have some very valuable placet claims on that creek, and as positive evidence of their worth Harry brought back about $(0 in gold nuggets, taken from his uncle's mine. The mines in where these people are interested are wonderous rich and if they were be iag operated by the hydraulic process they would rival the famous Sterlitic mine. There is a group of eight mines right in there that ought to be owned by one man, or one corporation and the whole worked with modern appli ances. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury, as mreury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completly derange the whole system when entering it through the mucus surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on S inscriptions from reputable physicians, as the amg they do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derlvo from them. Hall's Catarrh cure, mauufaclured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To-1 leoo, o., eontaius no mercury, and is taken in ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucus surface of tbo system. la buying Hall's L'aiarrh cure be sure yu get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold bv druggisis. price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. r.n E3 DEI pa in i iron t o rnimpmcnM medfukd, and UilniriLlj nuiuniuuii Arc an actual necessity in every household in. fact you can't get along without them; But when you invest "your money in anything in the grocery line you should make sure that Vou get a pure, fresh article; and that is v. . . Just What I . ... Have for Sle I pride myself upon keeping the choicest line of groceries in the valley, and my prices are all right. I also carry glassware, crockery, notion, confectionery, cigars and tobacco, and handle all the leading daily papers.... WOLtTEnS.ofe Seventh Street - MEDFORD, ORE. Coraline boned corsets. Medium Waist Corset, Black Long " . " Extremely long, G hook " Young ladies' corset " Linen washable sum'er white O, so cool, ventilated " " . Full form Health corset drab Criterion, 50 cent " Ladies Perfection waist,"black Misses, 7 to 12 yrs, " drab Child's, 4 to 7 " " models, and so constructed afford to trade elsewhere. CENTRAL POINT.... A Very Pleasant Gathering. One of the jolliest crowds that has met on Griffin creek for some time assembled' at the pleasant home of Mrs. True'a on last Friday . evening. 1 he time was passed in various amusements and at 12 o'clock sharp an excellent supper was served by our kind hostess, Mr 8. True, and soon after the in vited guests took their departure homeward. Tweuty or more young people were present. They were Misses Minnie McPherson, Cora Bashford.Eva Soliss, Dora Knowles, Bertha McPherson, Millie Soliss, Eva Randles.Myrlle Griffin, Messrs. Wallace Woods, Frank Bellinger, Orin Murphy. Roy Hawkins, C. E. Spencer, O. M. Murphy, M. R. Adams. Chats. Wilson, V. and C. Hartlv, C. V. and II. X. Lofland. Dan'l Soliss and E. Griffin. An Observer For Sale Cheap. The Sutor jreca house property. f.r.-i .-i.-l.-i .-. ,-r , 1 i , , 1 st- t u-1 a f.kD m.T I Mill pi I. U 111111. 1 1 1 1 11 U V- land. Fruits, berries and all varieties of flowers in abundance. The build ings are substantial; the green house, in perfect running order. No place iu the city has been given greater care.. Will sell cheap if sale is made soon. F. Sitter. Advertised Letter List. Following is a list of letters remaining un called for iu the Medford pas lo nice on April 17, F-ckley. Miss Myra Myers. L J Henson, Abe Richard, E I Harris, Martin stauee, John D 2 A charge of one cent will be made upon de livery of each of the above letters. Persous calling for anv of the above letters will please say "Advertised." M. Pen our. Postmaster Doctor Danielson, Office in Halley block over postofb'ce. Chronic diseases, and diseases of women and children a specialty. Job printing at The Mail office. l-Ji ca