The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 03, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Friday Horning.
Official Paper of Jackson County.
BL1TON & BATTERSON, Publishers.
He is of few days; but quite a plenty.
K&;ered in the Postofhce at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Hail Hatter.-
-vartising Agency. 64 and 65 Merchants Ex
tange, San Francisco, California, where con
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
Medford, Friday, April 3, 1896.
Our Clubbing List.
The Maid and Weekly S. P. Call $2 25
" .Examiner 2 3o
" " " Cbroniele
" " Oregonian
" " Cosmopolitan ...
" " Popular Science..
2 35
2 00
2 65
2 00
' The Ladies' Heme
Ideal - - - 1 75
" " Weekly Cincin
nati Enqurier, - - 1 09
Massachusetts republicans have
fired the first gun for Reed for
The Allison boom was fired at
the landing of the Iowa at Phila
delphia last week.
Japanese physician claims te
have discovered a remedy for lep
rosy by innoculauon.
The largest clock in the world is
said to be at Buffalo, N. Y., and
.has a dial plate 25 feet in diam
A new industry in the distillation
f sweet potatoes for alcohol and
whiskey has been opened in the
At tne -rvnipp gun worts is a
rane the largest in the world
which lifts and turns a weight of
150 tons. ,
The statue of Peter the Great, at
St. Petersburg, which weighs 1,150
tons, is the largest cast bronze
statue in the world.
ine iexas republicans bad a
fight in their state convention and
the McKinley force withdrew and
held a convention of their own.
Dr. Hirschfelder, the San Fran
cisco man who has a consumption
cure, announces that he will give
it to the public in a few months.
The practice of medicine was
placed under the protection of
Jupiter, b. c, 500 and R., his sym
bol, was then first used by doctors.
In many European countries the
practice has been adopted of plant
ing nut and fruit trees, in place ' of
merely shade trees, along the high
trays. Iceland is having the different
parts of the ieland connected by a
telephone system, and proposes
connecting tde Shetland Islands by
a cable.
Trade between Asia and the
United States is on the increase,
. and the Asiatic mails of the present
month were the largest in the
history of the service.
A joint resolution for an addi
tional appropriation of $20,000 for
the Cascade locks was reported
favorably to the house by Herman,
on Monday, and will probably pass.
M. Martin, a Parisian scientist,
claims to have discovered a method
f artificial petrifaction, by means
of which human bodies may be
preserved after death, and has
patented the process.
A' report from Winnipeg states
that the Manitoba school question
will be settled by the adoption of
the Nova Scotia plan, which
provides for religions instruction
separate from the day school.
Jockeys in the Pacific coast club
have been carrying on a system by
which the public, who have been
backing horses with money, as
well as raceing men themselves,
were let down for thousands of
C. D. Vaughn, a Western Union
man, of Chicago, claims that the
reason long distance telephoning
. has not been successful is that
transmitters would not stand 'a
greater electric power than six volts
coming from four cells, but that he
has invented a transmitter - that
will permit the use of from 40 to 50
volts coming from 35 to 40 cells,
nd with which he will be able to
talk across the Atlantic with per
fect ease.
Puget Sound shingle men are
objecting to an order setting forth
that since April 1st they have to
ship all shingles, going to points
north of Omaha and east of Rock
. Island, by way of St. Paul instead
of the Burlington route from Bil
lings, the reason for objection being
the loss necessitated in having to
break bulk at Minnesota tansfer,
and inability of the Northern Pacific
tofurniBh them cars as fast as they
-want them.
John Jorneson, who went from
-Tacoma to Juneau about two
jnonths ago, has returned and
states that; "There must be fully
500 "busted" men and women in
that little town, and of that num
ber one -half do not eat on an aver
age one meal in 24 hours, and that,
in many cases, consists of scraps
from hotel and restaurant tables.
How to pass the night without
freezing is a problem that very
many find hard to solve. 1 Many
poor fellow lies out all night in the
cold region on the lee side ot a
store building."
There has been apparent an un
dercurrent in public opinion which
has steadily opposed the admission
of New Mexico as a state on the
ground that its civilization was not
up to the standard. Statistics, how
ever, go to prove that 6S per cent
of her population are church-going
people, while the rather staid com
monwealth of Wiscousin presents a
record of only 32 per cent of her in
habitants attending church.
All annoDymous contributions
are positively declined. We mu6t
know who "Farmer" and "Sub
scriber" and "Admirer," and a
dozen other pseudonymous iodi
viduals are, not necessarily for pub
lication, but because of an inflexible
rule which has been adopted with
reference to the use of our columns
by correspondents.. The rule is so
important that it cannot be over
looked, no matter how much we
may appreciate the matter contri
buted, because when once broken
there is no logical place to stop
Tender-hearted virgins submitting
replies to the published solicita
tions of matrimonially inclined
youths must of necessity, however
cruel it may seem, observe the dic
tum of the sanctum sanctorum.
There is no appeal the decision is
The State Prohibition Convention.
The state prohibition convention
met at Portland on March 26th. with
Dintv-four delegates in attendance.
The platform adopted dealt only with
matters appertaining to the prohibi
tion of the liquor traffic. The follow
ing nominations and appointments
were made:
Congressmen first district. N Cbrlstenacn of
Xewberg; second district. Her Wllmol Hat
field of Portland.
President! electors D Bowerman of Salem.
C E Haskinsof Springfield. C 1 Bright ot Wasco,
and Leslie Butler of The Dalles.
Delegates to national oonveotion I H Amos.
F McKercher, R M Brtgbam, W I' Kimball. J
SDallev. N J Blajren. A B Slronirfrllow.ES
Crossen. J A Loogbottom, H W Preltytnao.
Rev WUmot Hatneld.
Executive committee President. I H Amos.
secretary. Mctvercner, ueasnrer. 1 L. Lne-
No nomination was made tor supreme Judge,
that being left to the ex ecu tire commute.
Ia Probate Court.
In the matter of the estate of S. D. Garrison.
order appointing W. I. Vawter administrator
with bond at JSUUO.
estate or j. .Neamammer; nnai account Bled
and approved, and Tuesday, May SLh, set as
aay lor nnai settlement oi.
Estate of James Herd: ordered that Silas J.
Day be appointed administrator with bond
fixed at iliiW. and Frank Nell. R. 8. Dunlap
ana tienry vol appraisers oi tne estate.
istate n L n. Carver; tnventoi
tisement filed and approved: rei
and ap-
apparalsed at HKmSO.
Cstaleof James Luttrall; order appointing
executor and admitting will to probate; Wil
liam Pile appointed executor and Beoi. Hav-
mond. John Ashmead and Henry While, ap
p raisers.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our gratitude
to those of our Medford friends who
were so kind to us and who rendered so
much assistance during the illness
and obsequies of our nephew and
brother, Mr. James B. Curtis. Friends
in the trying hour of illness and death
are friends which are most appreciated
ana we leei we nave man sue a in Med
ford, and to them again let us express
B. F. Curtis.
Advertised Letter List.
Following Is a list of letters remaining un
called for In the Medford postofflce on April 3,
Brown. Foley E ' Oradv. Mrs 8 J
Carey, M Meweny, F J
Carson, Charley Reed, David
Canrious, Mrs C H Smith, Duasl C
Chase, K N Wilson. J F
Elesten. Loch Wright, M B
A charge of one cent will be made upon de
livery of each of the above letters.
rersons caning lor any oi me above letters
will please say "Advertised. "
m. rcKDiN, rostmastcr.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing undor
the hrm name of Butler, ' Barrett &
Stewart, is, by mutual consent, this
day dissolved.
W. R. Barrett,
Perry Stewart.
Dated, Medford, Or., March 27, 18SMJ.
All populists are urged to be at the
precinct primaries Saturday, April
lltb, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the county
convention, which will be held April
17th and 18th.
Candidate for Assessor.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of county assessor subject
to the decision of the' Republican
County Convention.
Brooks, the tinner, is selling gar
den hose, a cracking good article, at a
a figure that is 'way low. He is going
to quit handling hose.
$335 Bargain in fledford.
Two acres of land with house and
one hundred fruit trees, part in bear
ing. Will take a team of horses and
wagon in part payment.
W. T. York, Medford, Ore.
Circuit Court Docket.
O & C R It Co vs Geo Engle; action
to recover money.
R L Sabln vs Bloomer, Croncmillor,
& Co; same.
D H Miller vs J VV Hockersmith;
T J Hamliu et al vs J W Hocker
smith; same.
Jeff Hamlin vs B B Gearvis; writ of
L A Neilvs Geo W Boggs and C P
Jones; to recover money.
Freestone Distillery Co vs S Mc
Clendon et al; same.
J N Englodow vs Frank Parker; to
recover personal property.
J J Camp vs W G Jenne; to recover
Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co vs
; to recover money
S F Songcr vs J J Donahue; same.
Jacksonville lodge No 10 I O O F vs
J A Hanley; same.
Same vs Geo M Love; same.
Richard Beswick vs S D Taylor ctal;
W I Vawter vs Tolo Mining Co;
I to then Lid Bros vs Geo E Neuber;
Wm Ulrich vs L B Warner: same.
Wm Carey vs W J Froeman; action
for claim to and delivery of personal
G F Billings vs Kate Bell; to recover
Edgar E Miner vs John Locks; same.
R W Tansili Co vs T K Bolton; same.
Francis Laren ys U Labordnlte; ac
tion to recover possession of real prop
erty. Elizabeth Smith vs Myer & Gregory;
to recover money.
Z Cameron vs James Harvey et al;
Chas Nickell vs Geo Armstrong; to
recover money.
Geo O B DeBar vs David Law; same.
J F White vs A E Horn; same.
J F White vs C N Horn; same.
Chas Nickell vs Wm Herriott; same.
Same vs Gideon Hutchlns; same.
W I Vawter adm of S D Garrison es
tate vs E G Saltstrom; same.
Fleischner Mayer & Co vs Wm By
bee; same.
Conrad Mingus vs H L Oliver; same.
Chas Nickell vs R Morat; same.
Sarah H Hull vs Silas B Hull; di
The O '& C R R Co vs Geo Engle
etal; suit for injunction.
Catherine JNoland vs a J Day: suit to
set aside deed.
Fred Hansen vs Peter J Van Harden-
burg and I L Hamilton; suit to set
aside general assignment.
Wm U Hanley et al vs J A iionley
et al; for partition of real property.
F V Medyuskl .s U l' i netss and ti
W Bashford; suit for dissolution of
W M Hannum vs Seo lllaloct; suit
for injunction.
Manuel ailva vs W m Ueddtng; same.
E J Bashford vs F V Medynski; fore
closure of mortgage.
Nat Jones vs Theo F Engle et al;
F M Judd vs Virginia Judd; divorce.
Annie M Reed vs J F Reed; same.
Nettie Clark vs P H Clark; same.
Emma Neathammer v Joshua
Neathammer: same.
Luman Tiffany vs Henry Klock; fore
closure of mortgage.
Jacksonville Muling and Mining uo
vs W O Thomas et al; injunction.
Joseph Chapman vs Ruth Chapman;
Fannie Birdsey, executrix of J G
Blrdsey estate vs B F Edmondson etal;
inline M fcpps vs Geo r.pps; divorce.
Conrad Mingus vs H L Oliver et al:
foreclosure of mortgage.
C B Spear vs Fred M Overbade; suit
to foreclose mortgage.
Albert T Searson vs Eva Searson; di
vorce. Joseph Clift vs Jane Clift; same.
J T Layton vs J T Payne and W W
H in ton; injunction.
Benj Eggleston vs H R Barbour et
al; mot vgage foreclosure.
Wm Hanley vs The Squaw Lake
Water & Mining Co; injunction.
John r Pan nan vs J H Anderson;
Anca Hays vs Sherman Hays; di
vorce. Mary Hull vs S B Hull; divorce.
WJ Virgin, J E Pelton and R P
Neil vs city of Ashland; injunction.
State vs Guo E Bloomer; indict meat
for larceny.
State vs A Weigel; indictment illegal
practice of medicines.
State vs E H Renfro; same.
' State vs Burton Hawks; burglary.
State vs Wm Ennls: unlawful gaming.
State vs John Sims; for permitting a
minor to play billiards.
State vs J. R. vVilliamsou; giving
liquor to minor.
Among the Churches.
Services at the M. E. church, South,
next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and
in the evening at 7:30. Sunday school
at 10. A church conference is called
to meet at the church at 7 p. m. Sat
urday evening next.'
Rev. J. A. Crutchfield begins a
protracted meeting at Antioch on Sat
April 11th at 10 a. ra.
Fourteen new members were re
ceived last Sunday. Two adults were
baptised. The sacrament of the Lord s
supper true administered to a large
number of communicants.
The annual business meeting of this
church will be held next Saturday,
April 4th at 2 p. m. when two elders,
one deacon and one trustee will bo
elected. Heports will ba heard from
the session, trustees, Sunday school,
endeavor societies, ladles' aid and
missionary societies, etc. A full at
tendance of the members is desired.
The pastor, Rev. A. S. Foster, will
supply the Jacksonville church next
Sunday, in the absence of their pastor,
Rev. R. Ennis.
The union prayer meeting for the
promotion of Perfect Love among and
in Christians meets every Friday night
at some one of the churches of the city.
It meets this Friday night at the M. E.
Twenty-three persons united with
the Methodist Episcopal church on last
Sabbath, making a total of forty-five
additions since last conference. The
occasion on last Sabbath resulted from
the precious meetings conductei by
Rev. Ross. The growth of the Sunday
school is phenomenal, and the Junior
feague, under the efficient supervision
ol May Phipps, ia doing good work.
Cheap Freight Rates.
The Southern Pacific railroad corn
puny has made a freight rate between
Southern Oregon points and San Fran
cisco which is just a shade lower than
betweon the same points and Portland.
This, however, is true only in less than
carloads, but on carloads the rate has
also been reduced which makes the
rate but a few cents per hundred
higher. The reduced rates apply from
San Francisco only, and does not apply
to acids, explosives, fresh fruit, fresh
meats, live poultry, and green vege
tables. Below is a comparative table of the
rates from San Francisco to Medford
and from Portlaud to Medford.
I 2 3 4
Sun Francisco 1.17; J IM M-4 .87
Portland 1.18 1.03 .95 JB
5 A B C D E
San Francisco 77 73 60 40 31 29
Portland 79 71 68 S3 S3 SI
Services at usual hours. Being
Easter Sunday the Junior endeavor
will hold an Easter service at 7:30 p.
m., at which the paster will give an
Easter sermon for the young folks.
The people welcome.
Eli Fisher, Pastor.
Republican Convention Delegates.
Following is a partial list of the
delegates to the republican county con
vention to be held in Jacksonville to
morrow: Central Point Peter Applegate, A A White
man, W T Leever.
Eagle Point A J Florey, J J Fryer. Lem
Cold HIU Ben Miller, Chas Owens. Mark
Eden C E Stewart, W R Coleman, Ona New
Talent Matthew Stewart. Sam'l Robinson.
South Ashland R A Minkler, W J Schmidt.
Geo Crowson. E V Carter,. C B Watson J P
North Ashland C F Hasty. A F Hunt, C K
Klum. H C Myer, W A Holmes.
West Ashland W A Patrick. C H Gillette. J
M Luark. W B Colton, E B Curry, Wm Myer.
L P Wllllta.
Flounce Rock Chauocvy Nye. 8 S Aiken.
Mouth Medford H G Nicholson. I L Hamil
ton. 12 F Merrlman, C C Tayler. A A Davis. W
H Meeker.
North Medford D TLawton. W I Vawter, B
P Adklns, G T Jones. E P Geary.
Steamboat W E Finney.
Table Rock Wm Stacy1, E C Pomeroy.
Foots Creek Alex Orme.
Woodville ) M Whipple.
Willow Spring Scott Griffin.
Slerilngvllle H K Ankeny.
South Jacksonville frank Youman. W A
Sturgis. Hugh Elliott, Theodore Cameron, C F
North Jacksonville Geo M Lore, J W Rob
inson, M Bellinger
Special Sale of Pianos and Organs.
Prof. P. J. Head, local agent for
the Wiley B. Alien company, of
Portland, has arranged to have a big
stock of fine pianos and organs
shipped to Medford and Frank
Anrys, traveling manager for the
Wiley B. Allen" Co., will assist
during this special sale. Special
prices will be given during the sale,
which will last but a short time.
The instruments are on exhibition,
and for sale, at the sample rooms
- e r r . t v 1 !
oi noiei -asn.
A bklcnel u found a few days iga com
pletely imbedded In tbe irunie of a tree cut
down in Cheboyinvn. Mich. The wood bad
Town over It no that It was Inrtsible from the
onulde. It bore the name of Robert L.a Salle,
me rrcnen explorer, me aau iw. and the
I.atln Inscription. "Ad Majorcm Del Glorlarn."
the motto of Jesuit order to which La Salle
Executor's Notice.
"lOTICE U hereby itiven that I have been ap
1.1 pointed executor of tbe estate of Ebeneexer
W. Carver, deceased. That all persons know
ing themselves to be Indebeted to said estate
wUl Immediately come forward and settle the
same; and that all persons having claims
against said estate will, within six months
from the date ot this notice, present the same,
accompanied by proper vouchers, to my attor
ney, Silas J. Day, at his ofllce in Jacksonville,
H. E. Cooper, Executor.
Medford, Oregan, March SI, ltWO.
Losher & Norrfs,
The New iliUiners.'haye as fine a stock
of goods as was ever brought to Medford,
and their trimraet is right now making
ready 6ome very beautiful Easter hats.
These ladles nave in slock a splendid
line of spring millinery goods, em
bracing sun hats and sailors, and in
fact everything you would expect to
find in a first-class establishment and
more goods coming.
AT The Fair, nedford, ore.
Flower Festivals..
And the like, will be the dnliRht of California
for the next two or three months...
fame of which Is world-wide, and tbe glory of
which, like that of Solomon, Is not half told,
opens April Is. Queen Flora will reign S days
an arbitrary and absolute despot...
the chronology of California fensts, and not
less Illustrious than its older prototypes, com
mences April 15, and the riot of fun will spread
over 4 days....
THE CARNIVAL OF ROSES, to take place in
San Jose, May 6th to 9th, inclusive, though a
more recent candidate for favors of the fun-loving
world, yet because of tho limitless possi
bilities of the Garden City for anything that is
made of roses, is quite as full ot promise
Will bo mrdo by the Southern Pacific Company
for all these brilliant events. Arrange your
programmes accordingly, nd call on agents for
-m m
Our New Goods
Have Arrived
Choice things in Dress Goods,
Fine Shoes, Etc., Etc.
Prices Lower
Than Ever...
We respectfully solicit an in
spection of our Spring lines...
iDeuel fe Stevens
Pretty nearly everybody needs to buy more
or less Lumber. They naturally want good
Lumber, but they don't feel like paying two
prices for it. They should at once consult.....
Who has recently purchased the Klippel yard.
His line is complete throughout and fie is
prepared to furnish estimates on building
material at all times
Shingles, lathj
doors, windows
The Klippel Lumber Yards,
,"Lxfifr 'e rocer wishes
X business at the old
.f- B streets and has
Choice Groceries,
Which he will sell at prices a little lower than
any other store in Medford. Call and see him
and get his prices....
iPerscriptions - Carefully ": Compounded.
Main Street,
Meals at all hours. Oysters
Bakery in connection
for families"
Chicken Dinners
Opposite Postofflce
Chas. Strang
and Accurately
All Lines
finish lumber, cedar posts,
and mouldings
Medford, Oregon
to state that he is still doing
stand corner Seventh and
just opened a new line of.....
G. H. HASKISS, Prop'r.
Pure D.ugs, Patent Medicines, Books,
Tobaceoes. Cigars, Perfumery, Toilet Articles and
Everything that is carried in a firet
Medford Oregon.
LOW, Proprietor.
on hand and served in season.
baking done to .order
on short notice.
Every Sunday