The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 24, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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" pnrRfiT.A patsawt la sure Remedv
lor coughs, cold, ton throat and for asthma, ft
abates the cough,
and render expect
oration easy.
will invariably derive
benefit from Its use.
Many who suppose
their cases to be con
sumption are only
suffering from a
chronic cold or deep
seated cough, often!
aggravated by ca-j
tern. For catarrh use Ely's Cream Balm. Both
remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, SO ctsJ
ur bottle ; Pineola Balsam. 85c Hold oy DrtijrsiataJ
SLY BROTHERS, 58 Warren SUt IwW York..- i
$ $ SAVED-
f Perfect seeds grow
paying crops. PerftctseedVX
I Xare not grown bychance. NothX a
f ing tsever left to chance In rrow- 1
I them everywhere. Write for 1 I
for 1896.' Brimful of valuable
Information about best and new- a M
V est seeda. Free by mall. M J .
! V V 0. M. FERRY CO..
By making your purchases of us. We can please you on
, quality and price or.
.Hardware Line
We are here for business and shall make it an object for
those who purchase of us to come again
rAll kinds of Ammunition on hand
Did You Evet
A finer store building
just completed and am
never gazed upon a better selected scock 01
Clothing and Gents' Furnishings
Than that upon my shelves. My prices are all right.
Come in and see for yourself . Opposite the Bank...
5. ROSENTHAL Bedford. Oregon
Ole Have E'ml
Fly nets, lap robes, dusters and whips at all prices.
Single harness from $6.50 to 18. A fine line of
saddles for ladies and gentlemen. Everybody in
vited to call and look over our stock whether you
want to buy or not. We repair and build every
thing in our line from a pump-value to a breeching
BEIDLEJTAN & NICHOLON, - Medford.- Oregon.
W. T.
"We have opened a stable in Medford and are J
1 .1 l Vuim woof tf llin I'M a von rl rr - f ,
totel- Our prices are reasonable and we 1
solicit a share of the public patronage
Complete line
f, nurses ail
"Wagons and Bugpies Made to Oder
AH Work Warranted First Class. Cor. C and Eight street
Medford, - - Oregon.
f. L. HAMILTON, Proprietor.
m ' xhe Nash has bee thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the yery best. II you try ua once you will surely come again.
RATES FROfl $ TO $a.o PER DAY. ....
The Gem SaIoon,-. i
In connection. Thp oest and purest of wines, liquors
eirs courteous treatment.
oooooo ooooooo:
Saruets. Paper. Curtains.
1. A. WEBB,
in iHiiiiHwninim
Report that England Want to Bay tne
Island Salisbury Reassures Oluey.
Secretary Olney, by special direction
of the president, made a recent demand
n Lord Salisbury for an explanation as
to the report that England designed to
send a fleet of picked war vessels to
American waters. The dispatch of Sec
retary Olney was sent to Ambassador
Bayard, but it was couched in the most
rigorous language ef which Olney is
capable. The dispatch called for an im
mediate reply and it produced the de
sired result
Lord Salisbury cabled to Secretary
Olney that the British government had
not the remotest idea of sending a fleet
to any point that night be construed as
a threat against the United States.
The administration has received posi
tive assurance that England is entirely
willing to settle the Venezuelan ques
tion upon a basis (satisfactory to this
country, provided it shall not put Eng
land in the attitude of "backinwdow.n. "
ivxs statea as coming from tne execu
tive office that the Washington authori
ties have reason to believe that a deal is
pending between Spain and Great Brit
ain for the sale of Cuba to the latter
and that the United States is preparing
to resist the transfer of the island at all
aiiytmng in me :::::::
than that which I have
located in? I know you
CRANE, Prop'r.
of new rigs. Good stock "of
goou. loausicis
i i ii i i i r i i i " i q
i i i i i i i i i i v
BBliioeialoBi, siiafles, Picmies.
Wcta Framing"
Otto Sutro, a brother of the mayor of
San Francisco, died at Baltimore re
cently. He was a prominent business
The Republican national committee's
sub-committee on convention is in St.
Louis perfecting arrangements for the
DcWitt's Little Early Risors for bil-
liousness, indigestion, constipation
A small pill a prompt euro. uoo. H.
Ilasklns, druggist.
" Thorpai Landron was accidentally
drowid soar Sacramento recently.
Jim Corbett has announced that he
will challen-e the winner of the Maher
Fitzsimmons fight
George Siler, sporiin-r elitor of the
Chicago Tril n if.will rrfeiee thj iiiilier
Fitjesimmorf riri
Piles of people hava the piles, but
DeWltt's Witch Hazel salve will cure
them. hon promptly applied it
cures scalds and burns without the
slightest pain. Geo. H. Ilasklns,
The Cincinnati Tribune says Secre
tary of the Treasury Carlisle is an
avowed candidate lor the Democratic.
presidential nomination.
Bernard Oillam, the famous carioo.i
ist of Jin g.-, died suddenly at Cauujo
harie, M.- x. He was only 38 yeara oi,
but his ability had gained tor li.ui ..
World-wide reputation.
One Minute Cough Cure is a popular
remedy for croup, bale lor children
and adults. Gw. H. Haskins, drug
Judge Butler of the United States cir
cuit court in Philadelphia has rendered
a decision in the castt of the Central
Transportation company against the
Pnllnian Palace Chi company, dismiss
ing the exceptions of the latter t o award
ing $3,532,000 to the Central company.
The ; Central Transportation company
was absorbed by the Pullman company
in 1885, and the uit was instituted to
recover payments to the amount of over
12,000,000 alleged to be due.
If Buffering with nllea. it will interest
you to know that De Wilt's Witch Hazel
salve will cure them. This medicine
is a specific for all complaints of
this character, and if instructions
(which are simple) are carried out, a
cure will result. We cave tested this in
nutneroua naaea. ard always with like
resuls. ueo. ll. Hasklos druggist.
'imrteen liauaa uouuterf alters have
been aneited at New Yor by t-ecret
service officers. In the r poises i u were
found packages of b. gas bibs w. $.,
and l deuumiua.lvus, repmeuiiiig
tnonaands of dollars.
The jury iu the trial of Riv. r on R.
Chapman, member of the New 1'ork
stock brokers' tirin of Mto.-e & Schley,
who ref used to answer questions put by
the sena.e sugar invat g . in commit
tee, rt tu ued a verdict ,i guilty.
Ask your physician, your druczist
and your friends about Shilo's cure for
consumption. They will recommend it.
r or sale by Cbas Strang, druggist.
Constipation causes more than 'half
the ills of women. Karl Clover Root
Tea is a pleasant cure for constipation.
tor sale by Cbas. btrang, druggist
w... ........ --."t
honlth anil fiurAl Krath eAmir.iri Ktr
Shilo's Catarrh remedy. Price M
cenU. Nasal Injector free. Sold by
Chas. Strang.
in rfcj. n -a lit peutiuii iruui su over
the couuiry the adiutniAtration at
Washington has instructed its bg.-ats
to do everything in their power .o se
cure a fuh measure of jistice -for lue
Americans under arret) . m tLe 'lraus
vaaL Jamei H. Eoklea, comptroller of the
currency, has issued a circular to all
national banks ot the United States
asking tLe u to explain the advautages
of investment in ihe new bond issue
to their patrons. The government de
sires the Loads to be distributed as
widely as possible.
Free Pills.
Send your name and address II. .
Bucklen & Co., Cnicago, and get a free
sample box of Dr. King's New Life
Pills. A trial will convince you of
their merits. These pills are easy in
action and are perfectly effective in
the cure of constipation and sick head
ache. For malaria and liver troubles
they have been proven invaluable.
They are guaranteed to be perfectly
free from every detelerloua substance
and to be purely vegetable. They do
not weaken by their action, but by
giving; tone to stomuch and bowels
greatly invigorating ihe sytem. Re
gular size 25c per box. Sold by Chas.
Strang's drug-store. -
DiHappointment awaits the people of
New Mexico and Arizona. They have
been knocking for admission into the
Union for many years, but the decree
has gone forth that their prayers will
be left unanswered for another two
years. ' Speaker Reed and his associates
caused the disappointment The reason
is that it is deemed of the highest im
portance to check any further growth
of the silver strength in the senate and
the best way to do that is to prevent
any increase of representation from the
mount aiu region. Therefore the house
committee on territories will not report
the bills for the admission of Arizona
and New Mexico until too late for ac
tion bv this congress.
Your Boy Wont Live a Month.
So Mr. Gilman Brown, of 34 Mill St.
South Gardener. Mass., was told by
the doctors. His son had lung trouble
following typhoid malaria, and he
spent three hundred and seventy-five
dollars with doctors, who finally - gave
him up, saying: "your boy wont live
a month." He tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and a few bottles restored
him to health and enabled him to go
work a perfectly well man. He says
ows his present good health to the use
of Dr. King'sNew discovery, and knows
it to be tho best in the world for lung
trouble. Trial bottle free, at Cbas.
Strang's drug store.
The Occidental college (Presbyterian)
at Los Angeles burned reoently. It was
built in 1887 at a cost of $30,000.
Ex-City Treasurer Bollin of Omaha
has been released on $40,000 bonds. His
shortage of $116,000 will be made good.
Edward Geiger has been sentenced
by a Napa judge to 20 years in the
penitentiary for burglary and grand
A scaffold fell at Philadelphia and
William Anderson and Edward Petrow-
ski were killed and Henry Peterson fa
tally injured.
Another wreck on the rocky coast of
Vancouver island is reported. The
schooner Magician is the last casualty.
She is a total loss.
Peter Hougttard ' killed his wife, his
five children and himself at Chicago.
He onened everv eas Jet in the house
after his family had gone p bed.
t- - j - -a ' ; j 1 . r-v . ..
peven lnuicvuuw awminsv ri-vii;
Trsjiauer Michael Foerstel of St. Louis,
charging him with embezzling $03,000
of the city's funds, have beep dismissed.
V7. S. Hadler him been dbnvicled of
forgery" at San Bernardino. He de
frauded the Redlanda hank ef $800 by
presenting a fraudulent draft on a bank
of HiUidale. md.
The Mount Lebanon Shakers recently
performed a great work of charity,
although it was not designed as charity
being nothing more or less than an ad
vertising scheme. It however resulted
in great good just the same. They
gave away 1,000 bottles of their Diges
tive 'Cordial to those suffering from
stomach derangements.- -"C I
It was so effective in curing those
who used the remedy they were loud
in their praises of it and consequently
a large demand for the cordial was at
once created.
The druggist of this town have
little books that tell all about. Diges
gestive Cordial creats an appetite
aids digestion and brings about a rapid
increase in flesh and strength.
Laxol is the name of palatable Castor
Oil. Just the thing for children.
Engene V. Debs is lecturing in East
ern cities and draws large crowds of
Dr. Talmage denounces as an ontrage
the stories lately published regarding
his pastorate at Washington.
Ex-Governor Marshall of Minnesota
died at Pasadena recently. He came
to California two years ago iu search of
Jndge Cornish, inaat4r-in-chancery of
the Union Pacific receivership, baa rec
ommended the payment of interest on
the first mortgage bonds.
J. S. Clarkson, speaking of candidates
for the Republican nomination for pres
ident says be considers Allison the
strongest man at all points.
Rev. Dr. Wharton, a prominent Bal
timore minister, believes that the mil
lenium is at hand and that Christ is
coming soon as a king of the resurrec
tion. J. W. Rockwell, a San Franciscan
who has been traveling in California
for ruany years engaged in baying sheep
on his paper, has been sentenced at
Stockton to seven years in state's prison
for defrauding an island sheep raiser of
over $8,000. Rockwell puehased the
sheep several years ago and gave the
owner an order on a firm at Sen Fran
cisco for the money. He shipped the
sheep to the city, sold them aod pock
eted the money. He then left the state
and returned when he thought his crime
had been forgotten.
is a sure cure for headache and nervous
diseases, nothing relieves it so quickly.
For sale by Chas. Strang, druggist.
Thousand cases of consumption,
asthma, coughs, colds and croup are
cured by Shilo's cure. For sale by
Chas. Strang.
Karl's Clover Root tea purifies the
blood and gives a clear and beautiful
complexion. For salo by Chas. Strang.
'General Wevlsr has succeeded Gen
eral Campos ae commander of the Span
ish troops in Cuba.
A special dispatch from Yokohama
says that the queen of Corea is certainly
dead, and that there is no trnth in the
story that she escaped from her mur
derers at Seoul
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the
birth of the German empire was cele
brated at Berlin last Saturday. Many
of the old officers who fought against
France were knighted by the empeior
and some criminals and all petty offend
ers in prisons were released for excel
lent behavior.
Portugal has refused" to sell the har
bor of Delegoa bay, South Africa, to
Great Britain.
The Aoaeiicftn steamer James Wood
all is ashore t New Inlet, N. C, and
will be a total ass, (
The Memphis and Cincinnati steamer
Congo, BouthbagnA, Bank at Caruthers
ville, Mo. o Mfja were lost. - ' :
- Bucklen's Arnica Salve." "
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum', fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions; and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or mdney refunded. Price 25c
per box. For sale by Chas. Strang.
.' There is excuemeuc amoug old min
ers over the prospect of working the
black sand tl)at abounds around Aptoev
Santa Cruz county. Two men cltim
they have a process that will save 90
per cent of the gold that is in the Band.
This process they are very quiet about,
but have showed it to a few capitalists
of Watsonville who think it plausible.
They have advanced capital to the men
for beginning operations.
The jury in the case of Walter Wil
mot returned a verdict of not guilty.
This is the famous Sunday baseball case,
the entire Chicago Ball club having
been arrested hist summer for playing
ball on Suuday. The decision probably
assures Sunday baseball for Chicago
next summer. The jury decided that
lio breach of the peace had been com
mitted, therefore the fines against the
players were unwarranted. v.
Chased by a posse, Harry Jordan, a
negro desperado, wanted for murder
ously assaulting Dr. J. N. Cloud, took
refuge in a vacant hduse near Alachua,
Fla. He barricaded the doors and swore
to kill the first man who tried to enter.
The posse fired several volleys into the
house without injuring Jordan, who re
turned the firing. The torch was ap
plied to the house, but Jordan made no
effort to escape. He stood in the cen
ter of the burning building and fired
his rifle in a vain effort to kill some of
his pursuers. The roof of tho building
fell in and he was buried by the blazing
wreck. Jordan had freely boasted that
no white man could take him alive.
Wife Here's an account of a roan
who shot himself rather than suffer
indigestion. Husband The fool! why
did'nt he take De itt's Little early
risers? I use to suffer as bad as be
did before I- commenced taking these
little pills, Geo. H. Haskins, drug
gist, The Spaitish government has decided
to supercede Captain General Campos i
and his lieutenant. General Arderons,
owing to differences existing between
them and the political parties in Cuba.
Generals Marin and Pando, command
ing Spanish troops in the province of
Santiago de Cuba, will temporarily re
place Campos and Arderous. The Span
ish troops seem to be as far as ever
from cornering the insurgents and that
the latter are still able to keep up their
movements around Havana with per
fect immunity. The steamer Alphonso
XII has I r jnght 1,700 additional troops
to Havana.
Consumtion, LaUrippe, pneumonia,
nd all throat and lung diseases are
cured by Sbilow's cure. For sale by
Cbas. Strang, druggist.
Superintendent of Dredgers Haste
has been removed from his poeit'o i by
the board of haibjr commissioners at
San Francisco lor accept, nr commis
sions from hrin8 by giving iheni orders
for supplies. Haste says there are other
beads of departments who secure such
commissions. The oommissioners are
A Mrs. Woods adopted an ingenious
scheme to secure money at Alameda
without wonting. She would- call at a
house and fiercely inlorm the lady that
she had just been released from an in
sane asylum and demanded financial
assistance. The frightened . women
would give the swindler something to
pet rid of her. She has been arrested.
Wbeo Baby was sick, we fave br Castoria.
Wheo she was a Child, she cried for Outoria.
Wben she became Mka, she ching to Castoria,
1beo she had Children, she gsetbem Castoria.
The house committee on Pacific rail
roads has decided to begin hearings
next Monday, preparatory to framing a
plan for the adjustment of "the debts of
the Central and Union Pacific railroads
to the government. Invitations will be
sent to representatives of the Union Pa
cific and Central Pacific roads and to
the California people who oppose the
fuuding bill. The hearings will be held
daily, if possible, nntil all parties have
appeared. Some new members wantd
the hearings postponed so that they
might study the question, but Chair
man Powers said that as the first mort
gage on the Union Pacific is in process
of foreclosure time is the essence of
thi6 matter.
and liver complaint you have a printed
jriuirantee on every bottle of Shilo's
Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For
sale by Chas. Strang. .
Arthur Dues trow, the wealthy St.
Loineian, who, while drunk, in February,
1S94, shot and killed his wife aud child,
has been taken to Union, Mo., for trial.
This is his fourth trial.
Miss Ruth Gordon, olerk in a dry
goods store at Indianapolis, fired two
shots at Hurry t Parriance, the floor
walker. One shot bit him in the side.
Miss Gordon safw Parrtanoe tesnlted
The - Shasta - Route
R .oOp. in
11:08 pm
7:15 am
Ar. I R10 a. to
Lv I 5 OS p. m
Lv. I 0:00 p. m
Lv. Portland
Lv. Medford
Ar. San Kranclsco
Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon
Citv. Woodhnrn. Salem. Turner. Marion. Jef
ferson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent,
Shedds, Halsey, Harrlsbtirg, Junction City, Ir
ving, r.ugcne, ureswen. Drains ana at an sta
tions from Koseburg to Ashland inclusive.
X -.3D . m Lv
5- p. m i Lv
Ar I 4:40 p. m
Lv 1 8.40 a. iu
jKBp. m. I Lv Portland - Ar10:lRa. m.
6:16 p.m. I Ar Salem Lv 8:00 a, m.
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman Buflelt Sleepers and Second Class
Sloeplug carsaitacneu to ait tnrougn trains
Between Portland and Corvallis,
Mail trains dally, except Bunday:
f:S0a. m I Lv Portland Ar I 0:90 p. m
12:15 p m Ar uorvaius juv I i:w p. m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains
oi v. u. p.. rtuittuy.
Express Trains daily, except Sunday :
7:45 p. in I Lv Portland Ar'8:25a.m
4:25 p. m Ar MeMiunvUle Lv 5:50 a. m
.. .1.. .A n, Mini, 1 ..
Eastern states, Canada and I -ope ton be ob
tain ra at lowest rules iroiu vv , v . i,ipu(wtit
. I 1
Manager. Asst. O. F. & P Act
Knights of th o Maecaoees. Triumph Tea
No. 14, meet In regular review on the 2.1 ii
Itb Thursdays of each month in A. O. U. W.
Hall at 7j3U p. m. VlsltlnK Sis Knights cordial
ly invited to attend.
Wat. BiMXoxs, Comnsander.
8. 8. Pbktz. R. K.
A,'y.tJ-Ma,ee fo. !H, meets every rs
and third Wednesday In the month at n.m
in their hall in the opera bioek. Visiting
brothers Invited to attend.
. , . E. V. CAKDF.n, M.W.
J. W. Lawton, Recorder.
W. R. C Chester A. Arthur Corps No. 2J
meets second and fourlh Friday of each
month at ii o'clock p. m., In Wooir's ball.
wc . - ,Mk". Saiiah 1. Boi-ike. Pres.
Mas. M. E. Davis. Bee.
K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31. meets M m
day evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers a
wys welcome. j. w. ennar, C. C.
I. M . MClXEtt, K. of R. and S.
I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 83, meets in I. O. O. F.
rSwwi" 8p m- VU,1UDS
A.8.B,.rroS.Rec.Se Z-G.
2: " F- Ropue River Encampment, Leoge
No. 30, meets in I O. O. F. hall the secondand
fourth W ednesdays of each month at 8 p m.
... .. B. S. Webb. C. P.
imai; mini.-, BcriD.;
Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 28, meets la I. O.
O. F. ball first and third Tuesdays of eacb
month. Visiting sisters invited to attend.
Mifcs Myrtle WooDroun, N. G.
Miss MamieJicholsok, Rec. Sec.
A P A M uui, AH, c4. .
. . , , - m.w. i m.j uu or Be
fore fall moon at 8 p. m.. In A. O. U. W. hall
U T , . ... . .
W. V. Lippiscott, Sec. Sec.
G. A. R Chester A. Arthur Post Ne. 47.
meets in Wooirs ball every second and fourth
Fridays in eacb month at 7:38 p. m.
, 3. W. AliiXER, Com.
W. T. Kakb, Adjutant.
.tWiJ Wh.a! nlEht " 8 m
. . J. L. Wigle, C, T.
Jusny Wigle. Ree. Sec. '
W. C. T. U. Meets every Wednesday after
noon In the HaJley Black.
Mas. Addis VaxAxtwfp, Pres.
Mrs. Rosa DeGroot. Sec. -
Young People's Readlnfr Circle Tuesday even
Ing ef eacb week, under the auitpices at the
Eparorth League. ,
F. A. L C.-L. L. Polk lodge No. 955, meets
every Saturday at 8 p. m.
J. H. Surra. Pres.
Saint Marks Episcopal Sunday School meets
ai Episcopal Church every Sunday morning at
10 o'clock. Rev. Wm, Hart, Rector; S. S. Peulz,
Methodist Episcopal Churcn Edw. Gittlns,
pastor. Services every Sunday morning and
evening at usual hours for church services.
Kp worth Leacue meets at 6:30 p. m . Sunday.
Sunday school at to a. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Pastor's residence Soutn
B street.
Presbyterian Church Rev. A. S. Foster, pas
tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. :15 p. m.
Junior Endeavor Society at 3 p. bl, Sundav.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at" 7
Baptist church W. c Jenkins pastor. Wor
ship and preaching every Sunday morning and)
e renins at usual hours for church services.
Covenant meeting on Saturday at S o'clock pro
ceeding each first Sunday. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening. Baptist Young People
Union meets at 6:30 on Sunday evetin. Sun
day school at 10 a. re
Christian church Corner of Sixth and I
streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. m-Jnnolr Endeavor a
S p. m.:Y. P. S.C E. at 9:30 p. m. Prayer
meeting every Thursday evening. Ladies
Missionary Aoxiliary lotff.B. E. Orst Thurs
day 7 JO P. M. eacb month. Choral Union,
every Friday a 7:30 p.m. The people welcome
t-u risner pastor. Kestaes at tne caurca.
Methodist Episcopal Church South Rev. Jan.
L. Jones, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
m. on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sabbath; Sabbath
school at 10 a, m. and Epwortb League at 6 p.
m. every Sabbath at Medford. Services on 4th
Sabbath at Soda Springs at 11 a. m. and Neil
Creek school house at S p. m. A hearty wel
come to ail.
Thos. F. Oakes. Henry C Payne, Henry C
xiouse. receivers.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeting Cars
Jst. Paul
hcicns no
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
So. SN Morrison St., cor. Third.
Or C C. Belknapp, Ticket Ajrent,
Medford, Oregon.
S. F. Cass, Ticket Agent,
First Nat'l Bank, Grants Pass, Ore.,
ROBT. LEONARD, Ticket Agent,
Ahland, Oregon
If you use the Pttaloma
Incubator! a Brooders.
Make money while
others are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalogtells all about
It.and describes every
article neeaea ior w
Doultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wneei. irciuesimuuci.
We are Pacific Coast
Atrents. Biccle cata-
logue.malled freeivca
fnlldeseripHon, prices, etc., aoknts wasted.
Bkaxch Housb, 831 8 Main St., Los Angeles.
fill ir H
ATI ,-V wStSiX&z