NEWS OF THE CITY. 1 Last week we spoke of the trial which was on before Recorder Webb wherein J as. Stevens was charged with selling liquor within the incorpor ate limits of Medford. At the time we went to press last week the recorder had not rendered his decision. He iid this Friday afternoon and his de cision was thit he was guilty and the sentence was that he pay a fine ot $75 and costs, amounting in all to a little More than $100. Upon the defendant promising to refrain hereafter from the illegal sale of "booze" and as it was his first offense, the recorder let him off with the payment into the town treasury $27.50 and the cost of the trial. Stevens, we understand, has decided not to take out a license and his shop will not be open for the sale of 1 iquors. 'A thing of beauty is a iov forever" especially true if the article is as good s it looks. The Zenith steel range is warranted to be equal to any other in th.e market. Kame & Gil key. Miss Fannie Haskins entertained several of her young lady friends last Thursday and Friday evenings. Those present Thursday evening were Grace Davis, Edith VanDyke, Maud Johnson, Maysie Foster, May Phipps, Myrtle Lawton. Mabel Jones, Zoa Bruns, and Cora Coontz, all of Medford, and Rose Fielder, of Central Point. On Friday evening the guests were Grace Foster, Ollie Butler, Mamie Nicholson, Myr tle Woodford, Georgia Spencer, Bessie vVait, Edith White and Etta Medynski, Refreshments were served both even ings and altogether a couple of very pleasant evenings were spent. Coughing irritates the delicate, rgans and aggravates the disease. Iastead .of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, mak ing ; . expectoration easy, " reduces the soreness and inflamation. Every one likes it. Geo. H. Haskins, drug gist, Joe Shone is putting in some good work these days on his new residence, which, when completed, will be one of the best and prettiest buildings in Medford. Joe being a carpenter and a good one he is leaving not a thing undone that would help the building's "beauty and convenience,. One especially fine feature is that the building stands well up off the ground, thus permitting of the grading of splendid grounds around it. The finish of the building is to be of a style of architecture very out of the ordinary and when completed it cannot fail to attract much favorable comment. P T?nsa informs ns that he will - sell fruit tress at a figure just a little lower than they can be purchased else where until his entire stock is disposed of. Nursery situated one-half mile east of Medford at the mill. The plasterers are now at worlc on the new school building. A Mr. Brown, of Portland, arrived in Medford Sun day and at once began upon his work that 01 engaging aieoiora plasterers and making ready generally. Alpine . -. . .1 T t XA. to that orainamy usea, inasmucn as it J) - ! 3 I . r.. ouite as hard rock in fact the Al pine' is a cemev - The price, ordinar-1 ily, i a little higher than lime plaster but this job is made at a reduced price to introduce it in this locality. Chaparejos made to order and kept in stock by Beidleman & Nichol son. These same articles repaired and f:onts put in at a figure that is ot unreasonable . Tomorrow night, January 11th, Schilling's minstrel company will ap .jLt at the Medford opera house. This company numbers twenty-four people, and have this year the greatest num ber of comedians and singers that Mr Shilling has ever carried. The stage settings and costumes are said to be magnificent, and the music perfection. In the second part, or olio, appear ten of the latest and most finished special ties in the orofession. including the great English acrobats, the brothers la Rose. Reserved seats on sale at the Crater. Parties living in the vicinity of Gold Bill are informed that they can procure all harness, harness repairing and general horseware as cheaply at "Gold Hill as they can in Medford. Call at Lawton's Gold Hill harness shop. A peculiar accident is reported from Siskiyou station which caused the death of Thomas Quirk, an old gentle man seventy years of age, who resided with his son near the station. He was pulling a railroad tie from a large pile, which he intended to saw into firewood, but a number of -them were dislodged and they rolled upon him. breaking via neck and fracturing his skull. Ue was found dead by his son, on the lat ler's returning from his daily employ ment with the railroad company. j I can furnish prune and pear trees from the Willamette valley at a rate as low if not lower than any other dealer in Southern Oregon. E. Russ. L. A. Neil, living near Ashland, has furnished the Tidings some very conclusive figures upon the actual revenue to be derived from the milk of one good cow. His figures show that one cow, half Jersey and half Durham, for nine successive years has turned him in a little more than $110 each year. These figures are from the but ter supplied and from the sale of ten calves which the cow has raised. Mr. Neil feeds his cows mill feed wheat bran and shorts mixed. $800 will purchase a store on D 6treet, Medford. Oregon. Inquire of S. H- Lyon, Waddington, N. Y. An eight acre chunk of East Med ford real estate has shifted, ownership this week. P. B. O'Neil has sold that amount of land to John Wilkie, a re cent arrival from Pendleton, and a son-in-law of Mr. Tripp. 'The considera- inn WHS $1600 cash. Mr. Wilkie will improve the property but will not di- vide it lnw nauw o.u yioaouw. These people have decided to make Medford their permanent home and are the kind we can feel safe in giving hearty welcome. Price's cream baking powder full i pound 16 ounces, for 35 cents. Guaran teed. Lumsden & Berlin. fio. R. Pelton & Co. have opened a meat market on South Front street in the Stanley brick. These gentle men inform a Mail reporter that their intentions are to conduct a- first-class, up to date market, and that their aim shall always be to keep the very best of meats and to sell them at a verv rea sonable price. These people will have a display ad in the next issue of thi9 paper. A share of the people's patron age is kindly solicited. To the voters of Medford: We say vote for whoeyer you wish but don't forget te buy your shirts at the "Racket." The" celebrated McDonald shirt. The gross valuation of all property in the state, as returned by the several counties, is $loS,S19,730. The gross amount, as equalized, is $153,!KV7,177; total exemptions, $3,621,751, net tax able, upon which the state levy will be made, $144,445,426. In Jackson county the assessment as returned to the state board footed up $3,4$6,r51, after being equalized it is $4,254,956, and after de ducting exemptions it is $4,036,476. Pipes from a nickle to $7. The seven dollar follows aro dandies the 1 nickis ones aro not quite so much so. I. A. "Ounce-. Architect W. J. Bennct is prepar ing plans and specifications for a fine farm residence for our good friend. Mi. J. H. Lame, he whoowns a good chunk, of good land noar Tolo. The building is to be of modern architecture and a beauty throughout. It will be put up some time next spring or early sum mer. ' You may believe it or not, but its the beautiful truth that the "Racket" has the best and cheapest hosiery in town. Mrs. Ella J. Colo has this week purchased one and an eighth acres of land from H. U. Lunisden locatod near W. H. Barr's place. The con sideration was $250 and the sale was made through the agency of W. T. York. Vn. Cole expects to erect a fine residence thereon in the spring. Parties holding policies la the State Insurance company, please call and see me before placing them with other companies. W. T. York. W. F. Halley has his new brick dwelling house completed, and this week Rev. A. S. Foster and family moved thereto. The residence is very nicely arranged inside and when the porches and other prospective fixin's are put to the outside the house will be one oi beauty entire. Oregon Kidney Tea is pleasant to the taste and the moot effective blood purifier known. Sold by Charles Strang, druggist. K L. Walden has moved his broom manufacturing establishment to the J. S. Howard place, in West Medford. The gentleman reports a good business in his line hia average monthly sales amounting to about $100. Cleaning, dying and repairing ladies' and gents' clothing Excelsior Dye works. P. J. Ryan, one of the Jackson ville leading merchants, has a dis play ad on the local page of this pa Der. The gentleman is telling you of his special January sale. Read the ad. Wanted Hydraulic pipe and giant, eight-inch pipe or larger. No. 1 or 2 giant. C. W. Dugan, Jacksonville. . The country has been looking to congress for relief but the people of our city look nearer home. They look to the "Racket" for relief from nign prices and they find what they want. Seed wheat for sale the Austral ian Club. By Scott Griffin, Tolo, Or. There is a noticable goneness in the travel on the Shasta limited since the fare from San Francisco to Port land was raised to $7.50 for second class and to $15 for first class. Rogers Bros', silverwear, at Kame aOilkeys. We said last week that it was W. S. King who had been fined for per mitting gambling in his place of busi ness. It was V. J. King and not W. S. who paid the fine. Oregon Kidney Tea thoroughly purges the system from all impurities Sold by Chas. Strang, druggist. Stockmen must grow better horses if thev expect to realize better prices Five Frenchmen are now in Chicago buvinz heavv driving horses for the city markets of France. Five bars of full sixteen ounce Royal Savon soap for two bits, at Lums den A Berlin s. The railroad company has unloaded several carloads of granite gravel near the depot the same to be usea lor sidewalk between the Turf Exchange saloon and the depot. Don't buy your tea until you have seen that elegant silverware which is given as a premium at G. L. Davis' Wilson & Owens have postponed their dance one week until January 13th to cive the Schillings Minstrel company an opportunity to use the hall tomorrow night Oregon Kidnev Tea has a direct and powerful influence on the blood. Sold by Chas. Strang, druggist. TnE Mail wants a correspondent at Prospect. Who will sond us a lew items each week? Stockton, where are you at all these long winter evenings.-' The lean made fat and the fat made lean. See I. A. Mounce for particuars A. Z. Sears, who has been having a 9evere wrestle with neuralgia of the eves for the past three weeks, is now considerably improved. One hundred and sixty acre farm to rent. W. T. York. A birthday social is to be given by the Juniors at the Christian church next Saturday evening at seven o'clock All invited. Demorest, the dentist opera block Medford. N. Sawyer bus been quite ill for the past three or four weeks but is now considerably improved . All kinds of wood for sale, Bellin ger & Co., the draymen. H. C. Mackey, the photographer has a changed ad this week. Lion miss reading it. Wood for sale G. L. Davis. I have all kinds of wood for sale yard corner C and sixth II. G Shearer. Registered Mail Lost. During the first part of last wook a registered letter was reported lost somewhere between Etna and Trail postoftico. The letter alleged to have boon lost was addressed to Win . Cush man, Trail, and was all right when it reached the Etna postofflee. News of the matter reached this city yesterday, which is to tlio effect that the Etna postmaster claims to have sent the let ter with another registered package for the Trail postofflee, with tho two liod in one package and that the Trail office receipted only for its own package. Tho Etna offico has pressed tho Trail office for an explanation' and now an inspector has taken a hand in the affair. Who is to blame, our infor mant did not effect to know. The &UK) contained in the letter stolen was in the shape of a $200 chock and $100 in cash. It is qulto probable that payment of the cheek has been stopped, yet the loss of even $100 will be quito severe on Mr. Cushman. Obituary Bryant. William Newtott. second son of Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Bryant, was born in Crawford county, Arkansas, October lOlh, 1S79. Died at tho homo of his parents in Medford Oregon January 2d, lS'.Hi at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Ho had boon in delieato health for a long time and his death wan doubt less a happy termination of a lite des tined to suffering. Willie lived about his surroundings and would have in voked even if it had not been so wil lingly and universally accorded, tho confession, tht he was in every sen9e "a good boy." Nothing bettor can bo said. No higher honor is needed for him. Sloop, dear boy, till all is over and wo will see your modest man ly face again. The Minstrels are Coming. Fpurely PERSONAL. )j - - - --- - g 'I A minstrel show like the proverbial circus will draw a crowd where any other kind of a company would starve. Schillihg's minstrels is no exception to the rule, as tho business done by this company so far this season has been enormous and no sign of hard limes is visible in the places where they have appeared. One reason for this, no doubt is the superior class of entertain ment they are giving. Tho press, without exception, speak in the high est terms of the entire performance. This celebrated minstrel troup will ap pear at Medford opera house on the evening of Saturday, January 11th. Reserved scat tickets on sale at tho Crater. Rev. Among the Churches. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mr. Hart will hold divine Georoe Parker left Sunday even ing for Grants Pass. Miss Josie Benson, of Ashland, is visiting Miss Bortha Langley. Mrs. C. T. Nicholson is at Central Point visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Loever. Miss Theresa IIoyt, of Grants Pass, is in Medford visiting her sister, Mrs. T. W. Johnson. Charley Tick, of Klamath Falls, cama over Tuesday night for a visit with his friends hereabouts. C. A. Baker left Tuesday evening for Redding, Calif,, at which place he will do minn photographing. Martin Perry, of Sams Valley, and one of the squarest men who ever stop ped on Jackson county soil, whs in Med ford Tuesday. C. W. Kxightkx was in from Trail Wednesdny and, of course, called upon THE Mail, whore he is always a welcome visitor. J. B. Ronnfso.v. of Ashland passed north on the overland Sunday evening. The gentlemau goes to Portland for a term in tho Seven Day Adventitheolog ical school. C. D. Reed was oyer from Jackson villa Tuesday. The gentleman is quite an extensive grate grower and is right now doing a good business in the sale of choice grape roots. Elder A. B. Hood, of Central Point, was in Medford Tuesday. Tho gentle man arrived sometime ago from east ern Nevada and has since bought forty acres of land near tho above place and is uqw making many inprovements thereon. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Pletcer left Sunday evening for Woodvllle, at which place tho doctor did dentistry the first three days of this week. Upon their return they will stop at Gold Hill whore Mr. Pletcher is doing more dentistry. W. L. ESTEB. of Beagle, was in Medford over Sunday visiting, with his uncle. Attorney L. A. Ksteb and family, of this city. Upon his return he was accompanied -by Miss Hattie Bliss, which lady is now teaching the Antioch school. G. S. BRIGGS, he who is mining over ou Grave creek, was in Medford last week visiting friends and upon busl ness. Everything is all right in bis country but there is still a scarcity of water. Not nearly so much rain bs , fallen there as here. I S. A. Carlton and County Couimis i sioner W. H. Bradshaw were in from j Brownsboro last week. These are two lot tho very solid ranchers of that lo- disposo of their property there and purchase here. If all those Iowa peo ple are of the same cut as the two above named, they are of the kind which will be given a hearty welcome. Wants to Exchange Land. A seven tooti house all finished, good well, out buildings, good stable, one acre, or more, of Bear creek bottom land, one half acre in berries and fruit. Revenue therefrom about $150 per year. Running water. Located on Front street, Medford. Title clear. Will exchange the above described property for improved or unimproved land. For further information call at this office. Independent Candidate for Marshal. To the voter of Medford precinct: I hereby announce that I have filed my certificate, as an independent candi date for city marshal, with the city re corder, and I kindly ask all my friends to give my candidacy a favorable con sideration on election day, promising in return, if elected, to faithfully per form all the several duties of the office. F. M. Poe. u rv loo in St. Mark's Episcopal church jcality and their coming to Medford next Sundav. morning and evening. I one of the pleasant events which we Cordial invitation to strangers and are called upon lochronicle frequently others THE W. C. T. U. The regular quarterly executive committee meeting of the oman s Christian Temperance Lmon. or Jack son county, will be held at Medford Friday, January 1 . Mrs. U. L hyde, co.. rres. Mrs. ROSE DeUroot, Co., Sec. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Sundav school 10 a. ru.. new officers assume duty and classes provided with teachers. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 m. Junior Endeavor 3 p. m. Chi Is- tian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Morning theme, "One Church Good s Another.'1 Evening theme, "Where is mtiUUDiniy to be found, the bead or the body, the foundation or the building, the Bible or the church, which?", Every protes- tant and Roman Catholic ought to hear this sermon. Inoculation For Yellow Fever. At the meeting of the American Pnb- lio Health association at Denver, Dr. Mannel Garmona y Valle of Mexico read a description of his discovery of a certain cure for yellow fever, which Lc has used successfully in hundreds of cases, idis method is to make a snDcn- tanoons injection in the cellular tissue of the arm of a secretion takeu from a yellow fever patient between the fourth and fourteenth days of the fever. Ibis effects a cure, but the disease can be guarded against in this wav, jnsi as smallpox is guarded against by vaccina tion. Baltimore Sun. January Periodicals. The January Review of Reviews in "Progress of the World" deals at length with the many phases of the Venezuelan controversy and stand squarely by the president's policy, be leiving his defense of the Monroe doctrine and his application of it to the boundary dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela is the only proper one to make, in the face of Lord Salisbury's contemptful treat ment of the issues presented by tho United States; but it is suggested that Salisbury will not always be prime minister of Great Britain and that the sober sense of the British people, a of Americans, is for peace, and that the difficulties will be amicably ad justed before the end of this year'lWKi. The technical offense which Embassa dor Bayard committed against diplo matic usage in his Edinburgh speech receives some attention, and th progress of "Municipal and Civii Service Reform" is among the very interesting subjects presented. Aside from the usual book review and tho usual comment on the leading articles for the month, perhaps in the light of the many eccentricities of the Tilman ites and the very sudden departure from the conventional idea in state government, the digest of South Corolina's constitution will attract, the most attention. Poverty is very terrible, and somo times kills the very soul within ns, but it is the north wind that lashes men into vikings; it is the soft, luscious south wind which lulls them to lotns dreams. Onida. There is a false modesty, which is vanity ; a false glory, which is levity ; a false grandeur, which is meanness; a false virtue, which is hypocrisy, and a false wisdom, which is prudery. Brn yere. In every apartment the screen is abr solntely necessary. It shuts off the ugly beat, hides a bedroom door and conceals dressers, which in any apartment are so hideous. For bargains in C. W. Palm. real estate go to , Notice. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Jackson Countv Bank. of Medford, Oregon, for the election of directors, will be held at the banking house at 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday the 1st day of February, let). Board and Lodging. Mrs. Lantrley. haviDg nearly com pleted her boarding house, near Jack sonville depot, is now ready to furnish you ooara at liviiu hates, r-ieaee give her a trial. For Sale. Rooted grapes, large table California varieties Flame Tokay, Muscat, Black Melvoise, Malaga, for $3 per hundred at my vineyard near Jacksonville. C. D. Reed- The best shaves put up are those you get at Bates Bros, shop, ditto hair cuts and baths first class, everythingr Hotel Nash. There is no flour quite its equal See the brand on the sack, Rogue River Mills, A. M. Woodford. For sale a new Davis machine. Call and see it," at Clemmcns, on North I street. sewing" M. G. flo to Dr. O. F. Demorest. Medford. Oregon, for first-class work of which was inn procuring iho frviirurincT aivrwiul ti.- Th "rhnso i riaire license for himself L. P. Lampinu, of Portland, special agent for the t ire Association of Phil adelphia, was io Medford Wednesday and located a local agency for his in surance company with W. T. York. The Fire Association has but recently ! established its headquatters at Port- land. I Jas. A. Wright was in from Ccn ' tral Point Monday. Mr. Wright is but recently from Washington and is the gentleman who purchased, a few weeks ago, the (.oodsell place, near j Central Point. He is strictly a roan of i business and a hustler" and s sure to make a success in Southern Orccon ag riculture and fruit growing. C. E. Lane, of Ashland, was in Med-; ford Tuesday visiting .Mr. Isaacs peo ple. He was accompanied by Guard VanRiper. also of Ashland. The lat ter gentleman was down this way doing ( business with Clerk Jacobs, the nature of u mar aud Miss Angia Mullen, who wore married in Ashland Wednesday. Messrs. J. P. Hauler and J. T. Haoen. two gentlemen connected with the management of Wilson .N: Baird's placer mioe at Tolo, were in Medford last week with twenty-four ounces of gold dust, which was a part of the clean-up of tho above mine after a three weeks run. Other amounts have been brought to this city from the above mine which were the result without gold band, the "seamless gold,0f this clean-up but of these amounts crown ' or the "iioiianaswortn porce- . we have no figures. Iain-faced bicuspid. There is no den-, j. u jOI,ssos jeft last Saturdav tistry extant that beats our line. j f iwel. iowa whore he has re cently disposed of ll0 acres ol real combination ' upper piato with gold or aluminum roofs, the "cast aluminum" upper or the "cast metal lower plate. The above takes tho place of the old absorbing, uncleanly rubber plates. We make tho "low method porce lain bridge, the "saddle back" porce lain bridge, or the all gold "seamless crown oriage. For single insertion -we make the "Richmond" which is a porcelain faced crown, "Logan an porcelain wun or Caldwell & Demorest. Warning we do not cement our porcelain faces on or in. hut re tain. THEM WITH 15K GOLD SOLDER (NO SHAM). " ' Romanism and A. P. A. Rev. Father Desmarais will lecturo in the opera house in Medford at 7 p. m. on Monday, January 13th'. Sub ject, "Romanism ana the A. r". A. ' Seats free. Kveryoouy welcome. One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It affords iustant relief from suffering when afflicted witn a severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat and lungs and never fails to give im mediate relief. Geo. R. Haskins, druggist. estate, receiving therelore sown, tie also has several other -tracts of land near Lawler upon which negotiations are pending, and which he expects will be adjusted to bis satisfaction. He will be absent several months. Upon bis return the yellow gold will be with him and unless wo are not much mistaken every dollar of it will go into Jackson county real estate. F.M.Sams and D. L. Hutson, of Colfax. Iowa, arrived in Medford TueS' dav. Those gentlemen, together with five others, who aro now at Grants Pass, arc in the valley looking up Bev eral locations both farming and busi ness. If thev should decide that this is tho correct place to cast anchor there are soveral families in Iowa that will A Blow at Prices . . . Our prices on Grcceries during the winter were as low as we thought they could be sold with anything like a fair profit, but now as spring draws near we find that prices the coming sea son will probably be a little lower than last, and my customers will get the benefit of the reduction. In the past It has been my aim to deal squarelv with all be lieving that a pleased customer was a good advertisement. If vou were not my customer in V3 now is the lime to turn over a new leaf and trade with me in "io. WOLTER THE PLAIN ' GROCER QREA3 January Sale ! ! AT "D"7" A TVPG Jacksonville xv j. AX-q kj, Oregon. In order to reduce our stock and make room for Spring purchases we have determined to make Gieat Reductions II In our prices on all kinds of Dry Goods. Now is the time to buy, when you can get things cheap Greater bargains than ever offered before, at P. J. fYflfl'S Joa""e' .. Doctor Danielson, Halley block. Chronic di-and Office in seases. and diseases of women children a specialty. Rolled barley for sale, rolled on "smooth rolls." Custom rolling done on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Medford Brewery and Ice Works. A Woman's Aim . . . Above everything else is to be able to prepare a good meal, but to do this she must have first-class groceries. I wish to inform the ladies of Medford and vicinity that my goods are the best that monev can buy. They are always fresh and the prices are all right. V They Cannot be Excelled. . . Neither in quality or price. It has long been an estab lished fact that they have no equal. We mean the Thompson glove-fitting corset. We have the sole agency for Medford for this famous corset. We have a fine line of Ladies' and Misses'.... Cloaks, Capes aiiEl Jackets, At astonishingly low prices. Also Mackentoshes, bers, umbrellas and all kinds of wet weather goods. rub- Miners' Rubber Boots CRAHFILL In this department our assortment is complete and our prices are "down to bed-rock." Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is complete an,d the goods are new and fresh. When you come to town call and see us. MEDFORD and -I TVT'PT A T TifiTXTT ITC1N