HAVE YOU... ml THE MAIL HA i,6oo Subscribers, all 1,200 In Jackson Cout 469 In City of Medfo. r NOTICED THAT Peculiar Printing Practically and Prop erly Presented Produces Prosperity? We can help you Prepare, Produce and Profusely Prosper Try Oni Superior Job Priming. Official Paper JacKson Coii VOL. VII. MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1895. NO. 51. ",. A. ESTEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Medford, Oregon. Notary Publio (a office, fflce over CranOU & Hutchison's store. QROWELL & PARKER, W. S. CrowelL W. H. Parker. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Hamlin Block. Medford, Or. FRANCIS FITCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Medford. Ore. Will practice in all courts of state or U. S J H. WHITMAN, ABSTRACTOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in bank bnUdinir, Medford. Or Have the most complete and reliable abstracts of tide in Jackson county. JJAMMOND & VAWTER, Austin S. Hammond. Win. I. Vawter. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office I. O. O. F. building, Medford, Or WHITE & JEFFREY, G. W. "Wlrite. J. A. Jeffrey. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Medford, Oregon. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Special attention given to all kinds of convey ancing. Notary work and collections at reas onable rates and remittances promptly made. Mining law a specialty. Office on Seventh street, opposite Opera House. W. B- OFFICER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Eagle Point, Oregon. OfSee Inlow residence. "E. KIRCHGESSNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Medford, Oiegon. Onlce McAndrews Block, Seventh sts. J. B. WAIT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OSce in Childers' Block, Medford, Or (JEARY & PICKEL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Sundays L to L Medford. Or ' Office: Haskin Block. JJR. O. F. DEMOREST, RESIDENT DENTIST, Makes a specialty of first-class work at reason able rates. Office in Opera House, Medford, Or. QDGERS & HALL, DENTISTS. Have permanently located in Medford for the practice of dentistry. From a continued prac tice of over 14 years, we are prepared to guaran tee eatire satisfaction. Give as a call. Over The Palace. W J- BENNET, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Plans, Specifications and Details. Perspec tive Drawings and Blueprints. Ventilation and Drainage a Specialty. Halley Block, - - Medford, Oregon. W. TOWNSEND... Real Estate Insurance Agent . MEDFORD, OREGON Parties baring property for sale or rent will profit by listing same with me. I represent some of the vekt best Insurance com panies doing business in the west. PALACE Tonsorial ... Isaacs & Snyder, Prop's. 'Shaving, Haircutting, Sh.impoo iug and Beards Dyed. All work ' J first-class or we will refund the i price. J HOT AND COLD BATHS. Agent for Salem Steam Laundry. Seventh Street, opposite Postofflce. MEDFORD, OREGON. For Sale Cheap. One good carriage ' and single aar nes sll complete ' Enquire of Samuel Swinning, at Edw. Smith's old place, or at The Mail office. Legal Blanks for sale at this office 1 : When It Rains . . . Enough to put the ground in shape for plowing, remember that we are the sole agents for the Canton chilled; and black land plows we have just re ceived a new stock of them . . , Everything in the line of hard ware, stoves and tinware, paints, oils and'glass. Be3t black smith's coal in quantities to suit If you want to see your game drop, we will load your shells to order with the best smoke less powder and chilled shot . . . J. BEEK & CO., ODD FELLOWS BLOCK GOOD... MORNING without any mental reservation whatever. That is what J. Abraham is saying these days, and while doing so he does not need to go far out of his way to say that he has added to the finest stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc., ever brought to Southern Oregon, a lino of STAPLE DRY GOODS! Everything new and strictly the finest, and the prices will suit you. Come and see them. McAndrews Block When I Get Things Fixed. I will have one of the neatest and best stocked GROCERY STORES in this city. It requires a few weeks' time to get everything in shape, but, even thntifrh mtf p-nnda nro not all hrw 1 hin nmH-iHlu a .,.... i : - . Groceries as you will find any place in New, Neat and Strictly Fit st Class Give the new man a trial. Located in Elder buildiug, corner Seventh and B streets, Medford, Oregon. T Low as possible should be the aim of it.:. " : i i tins, uur vuriMmas snowing eraoraces tne most select and com plete line of China Ware and Toys ever placed . before the buyers of Medford and vicinity Don't Pass A Good Thing For 83veral reasons: FIRST, Bcause we offer you excellent value for your money. The Other Reasons e can better explain personally. Remember the China 3azar has a complete line of Wagons, Darrows, Doll Car riages and Toys of all Descriptions. See our Engraved Glasses at 50 cents per set. CHINA BAZAR Opposite Western Hotel. - - - MEDFORD, OREGON MRS. MARY L. LOW, Proprietor. Meals at all hours. Oysters on hand and served in . Bakery in connection baking done to ord. r for families on short notice. Chicken Dinners Every Sunday Opposite Postoffice nlaoa Sr ':' Carefullv ":- Compounded. Main Straet - , y 1 n Importers and Dealers in "Tj" (Jeneral Hardware ....... f Don't think we are want- lllg tO know Whether yOU of soap, but we just wish VOll .a "Grind Hfnrninnr" J. ABRAHAM, Medford, Oregon your city. My stock is .A. NUTT. everyone. We can help vou to do i . t . . MEDFORD, OREGON As THE MORTAR t)HVG STOE, G. H. HASKINS, l'rop'r. Ha. anvthino in i.i unc or PureDiugrs, Patent Medicines, Books, stationery, TP A "nSTTS and HTT a - ' ij i Tobaccoes, Clears. Perfumery, Toilet Articles and hverythlng that Is curried in a fimt. Tl f t 1 CTtn . - uuuiu wrcgon. BITS OF LOCAL RAILWAY NEWS. JWtZVJF?? !'m ' work The new locomotive on the ebort line has undergone many needed repairs sums Baiu iu eery ice. J; A. Whitman has about 1000 turkeys which he is preparing to dress and ship to San Francisco in time (or the noiiaays. A party of S. P. men three in num ber passed Tusoday morning. They are traveling from Ashland to Port land, and are measuring the company's Medford people will be most grateful iu mo o. r. iuiks 11 iney win suae their depot to the north about its length thus civinrr ns nn nnnm.tiit.;t .A straighten Seventh street. r.- r vimjui vuuib, The San Francisnn V-mlnhr ;. , thoritV for thn Stjllomont that aiirkl hundred section men will bo "let out" tnenrstor the year by the economv order or the new superintendent. The nav car went south Wrininir When the now orders rn.l.iinrr t k company's forces go into effect the car will not be so heavily laden with tho much sought for yellow metal The limited went smith Knnrlnir the second suction of No. 10, and was pulled by two locomotives. It is con sidered more economical to run double header thanin two sections Judirinc from tho number of i u in do r wnicn are arriving almost daily there must be considerable build ing in courso of construction and con templated in about Medford these times. J. L. Castle shipped another car load sheop to Portlaud Monday morn ing. Tho gentleman states thai he has all the mutton gathered in this locality and will not endeavor to pick up another load, but will be here inside of a few weeks and will purchase a few carloads of beef cattle. The crowded condition of the depot wattiug room about train time is an argument in favor of n Iifodp dAnm J buildinir, which ought not to so un- urcuuu uy me rauroaa company. A building that was ample for the ac commodation of the city's pooplo three or four years ago is by far too small for today. No. 1(5 went south Sunday without an S. P. second-class sleeper, some thing that has not occurred in many a day. There was an X. P. through sleeper on tho train. The reason was quiui plain, however. The limited passed through in about twenty min uses with a long train of second-class cars. Tho $." rate is catching all the through business, and the overland is hauling empty cars. Stock shimvr Dm mnlinir nuila a vigorous kick in regard to the stock yards of the S. P. in this city. There are only two pons, and if a large amount of stock is to bo shipped it has to bo herded in the streets. Then again the yards are so deep with mud just now that it is almost impossible to keep hogs nnd sheen in them at all without their being drowned. It is to the company's interest to furnish com modious and COmfnrtnhli vnr.U tnr thn accomodation of slock shippers. Central Point Items. J. S. Sims and wifo are both quito ill this week. Laura Amy spent last Saturday with Medford friends. Frank Bvbee. of Jacksonville. spent Tuesday in our city. L. C. Rodenberirer made .Lick- sonville a visit on Tuesday. J. B. Welch, of Soikenard. was here several days last week. B. D. Smith, of Woodville. has become a citizen of our town. Mr. Pierce and familv late of Calif., have become residents of our city. Wm. Herrincrton's mother nr. ived here Monday for a visit with her son. Mrs. A. A. Whitm an an-1 Afra Nichols made Medford a visit on Tuesday . Mr. Warner and family, late of Vnshington, have become residents f .ur town. There has been a large number of nur citizens at Jacksonville the past few days attending court. There will be a grand ball in Herehberger's hall, on Christmas eve and a good time is promised. David Cardwell who has spent the past two years in Calif., arrived homo Monday evening for a visit. There was a large number of peo ple in town the past few days from the surrounding country, after sup plies. There will be an entertainment and Christmas tree, at the Baptist church on Christmas night and all are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. L. L. Freeman, who has a a- i j . xj . ju( j. ivcuiuiij r uJ llUo been attending her invalid mother A r -.i m -. . at Marvsville. Calif., arrived home SS&.'S. "SS? , proved yet. I Cleveland'5 Second flessage I The president has sent a second questine that the Venezuela hnnnrl the English reply to Olney'e note re ary dispute be submitted to arbi tration. Tho British prime misister ueciinea amitration and claims that while the doctrines enunciated by President Monroe were at the time satisfactory to Great Rritinn. yet they are generally inapplicable to toe Btate oi tnings in which we nve toaay, ana especially inappli cable to the boundary line dispute between Venezuela and Great Bntian. The president holds this view oi tne matter to be far from satisfactory and maintains that "if uie oaiance oi power is justly a cause for iealous anxietv amontr A 1 11 J ... the governments of the Old World, anu a reason tor our absolute non interference, none the less is the ob servance of the Monroe doctrine of vital concern to our people and their government." The British ministry also holds that the dor. trine "does not embodv anv nrinci pie of international law. which is founded on the general consent of nations, and that no nation, how ever powerful, is competent tn insprt into the code of international law this novel principle, never recog nized by any other nation. The president says that while it may not oe admitted by bo many words into the code, vet it ia a doctrinp wnicn eiiects tne peace and seen- my oi tne nation, and therefore finds its recognition in those man ciples of international law which are based upon the theory that every nation shall have its rights protected and its just claims en- iorcea. it is recommended that congress provide for the appoint ment of a commission by the ex ecutive to examine into all the merits of the case and reDort as speedily as possible. When such a report is made and accepted it will oe me auty oi tne United states to resist by every means in its power, as a willful ajnrreesion unnn it rights and interests, the appro priation dv ureal lintain of any land, or the exercise of govern mental jurisdiction over any ter ritory, which, after investigation. we have determined of right be longs to Venezuela. In matin? these recommendations, I am fully anve to tne responsibility incurred, and keenly realize all the conse quences that may follow. I am nevertheless firm in my conviction that while it is a grevious thing to contemplate the two great English speaking peoples of the world as being otherwise than friendly com petitors in the onward march of civil ization, and strenuous and worthy rivals in all am of peace, there is no calamity which a grert nation can invite which equals that which follows supine submission to wrong and injustice and the consequent loss of national self-respect and honor, beneath which is shielded and defended the people's safety and greatness." tfrowiisboro Items. UY KEBECCA. August Meyer, of Lake Creek, was doing business iu town Mon day. II. I). Pardue, of Central Point, was visiting friends in town last week. Mrs. Emma Poe recently from California, called on friends in town last Thursday. Our mountain hunter, Carl Bie berstedt, killed four bear in the vicinity of Pool mountain recently. R. II. Berger, the German mu sician, was here last week. He has been visiting his countrvmen in the Little Butte country. T. Edsall, of Phoenix, who sus tained a very severe accidental in jury last May trom which he is still a crippie, caned here on the titb. He was accomyanied by J. Smith. Road Supervisor Moore, of Cen tral Point, accompanied by his son, Ed, passed through JCown Monday enrouto for the Bigham ranch. near Pool mountain, which they nave rented tor the coming year. Messrs. L. C. Charley, G. W. Sevedge, R. A. Neil, Amel Peck and C. K. Terril were in town Sun day. They were on their home ward trip from the county seat where they had been called as wit nesses in the Marlow and Wade case. Five bars of full sixteen ounce Royal Savon soap for two bits, at Lums dou & Berlin's. Boggs Found Guilty. A Tacoma dispatch, dated t. 18th inst, says, "A verdict of guilt, was brought in by the jury thi morning against George V. Boggs, ex-city treasurer, charged with fraudulently using the public funds for personal gain. The maximum penalty is ten years in the peniten tiary. Sentence has not yet been, imposed." Circuit Court Proceeding. In the matter of the application of F H Donophii nn nlicn citizen of the United States; petition State of Oregon vs E M Itosenkrantz; iudictment fnr fnrirorv Att nooj guilty to the indietment and sentenced two years in me penitentiary. Susie Pittman vs (I Ti Pittmon- mif. for divorce, decree granted. State of Oregon va G E Neuber; in dicted for suffering and permitting un lawful gaming, dft arraigned and bonds fixed at S100. State of Oregon vs Ed Coyle; indicted for drawing a gun on a person, verdict Of CUlltv entfrrt nnrl rift KnnA Cn i default of payment to be oonSned in me county jau 2j days. J N Gotcher r ft rton?;t of i- cause dismissed, judgment dft for costs! owikj oi vjregon vs t rank ana Law rence Wade; indictment for murder. Defendent Frank Wade to withdraw his nlp nf next, trriiltw entered again him, and enters a plea of guilty of murder in the second de gree, and Lawrence Wnila cntnnul a plea of guilty of manslaughter. Frank aae sentenced to tne penitentiary for life and Lvnnm Wudn tsv k w w V.U- nned in the penitentiary for 15 years. J It Neil vs Kice Benson; confirma tion of sheriff's sale. Marv C Leslie Anilrov T Tdla. divorce decree cranterl anil nlfT ad the custodv of th fi until further orders of this court. State vs John Ross; indictment for larceny dft sentenced for 13 months in the state penitentiary. stave vs lien tvarjs; indictment for passin? counterfeit to one year in the penitentiary. Table Rock Items. Fred Hansen went to Ashland Monday. J. C. Pendleton is busy a barn. Lee Vincent took a load of fin dressed hogs to Central Point Monday.- -----v Frank Hubbs waa navine- hia old neighbors a friendly visit last weec. Mrs. Drum, of Medford. WHS out visiting Table Rock friends r riday. Wm. Dickinson is makine- some nice improvements in his house and barn. B. Vincent one of the grand jurors for this term returned to Jacksonville Monday. He reports a lot ot business on hand. Quite a number of people in this country are victims of the State nsurance Co's failure. While pvprr- one who dealt with the company will loose something, there seems to be a way of saving part from the wreck. A few more such failures ami ple will be very timid in dealing with local corporations. Dr. Patterson was called ta the. Meadows Friday to attend Mrs. Welch who had" accidently taken an over dose of morphine. It 6eems she was using the drug to stop the pain from an aching tooth and by 60me means swallowed forae of the medicine. From last reports the patient was doing well. We have heard old timers tpll about the big snow storms, etc., and when the snow was falling so thick and fast Monday we thought we were in for a sleigh ride sure. When two inches of the beautiful was spread oyer the country, the sun came out and in an hour oiir hopes were blasted; now we will content ourselves with a mud "wag on. Public Auction Sale. As I will will leave soon for my beo ranch in California, I will sell at pub lio auction on Saturday, December 21. " my property consisting of fourteen (14) acres with nice residence, cellar-hbuse, barn and splendid well, located just i mile west of the new publio school building, on West Seventh street, . in the city of Medford. Youug orchard of 21 acres, good family varieties winter apples, peaches, prunes, nectarines, Al monds, apricots and pears part al ready in bearing, also small fruits. Will also sell household furniture, gar den tools new buggy .harness, and good horse; furniture good and almost new carpets. Above will be sold for cash. Sale to commence at 1:30 p. m. Sqme timo, if desired, on part of the purchase price of real estate. Inspection of tho property invited. Title perfect. CHAS. E. WOLVERTOX. Rellincer fc On. ara tn trio ?ol? for your work in the dray line. AU work done with fiisnakrh nnd ra I Eyery line of -work given especial at-