The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 13, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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I Correspondents
- to correspondents. All correspondents
ate requested to write on one side of the paper
only. This will prevent our re-writing the matter
written on the reverse pages, which must un
variably be done, and will also prevent many
Interesting items .from being entirely over
looked. Correspondents who are short on
supplies should notify this office, and we will
promptly iurcusn wnat is neeaeu.j
Eagle Point Eaglets.
Mrs. Giggray, of Table R ock was
here last Sunday visiting the family
ol Mr. Hubbs.
D. T. Evans, one four prominent
farmers,' was doing business in
Medford on Monday.
Mrs.Kingle.of Chimney Rock pre
cinct, was visiting the family of
Geo. Morine last week.
Rev. Moomaw is building on the
tract of land he purchased near
Eagle Point and is getting ready to
move there.
. Mr. and Mrs. Eddv, (R. R. com
missioner) who have been visiting
mends here for some time, returned
to Portland Saturday.
tf i i ,
iuiss veceiia .crown, wno re
turned from Portland a short time
ago, is vititing her sister, Mrs
Wm. Holmes, of Central Point.
Mr. Spooner, of British Columbia,
who has been the guest of Mrs. M
.-v. layior, ior some time past, re
turned to his htme last Monday.
. James Hart started for Medfon
on Tuesday of last week when his
horse was taken sick on the road
and he was unable to make the
On Monday of last week Miss
Sophia Simonds, of this place, was
m Juediord interviewing the mer
chants. She was accompanied by
Miss Ella Benson, who has been
her guest for some time past.
A short time ago Mrs. Griffith
and her two daughters, Miss Etha
and Mrs. M. S. Wood, and five
others were riding in a hack on the
T 1 , .
xogue river roaa ana as tney were
passing over a rough piece of road
Miss Etha was thrown out and ren
dered senseless for a short time
mie ner motner ana sister were
working to revive her she gasped
out, "don't ten ttowlett."
Owing to that long sticky lane
between here and Medford the
travel now has to go by the way of
the I?h pasture through a series of
gates and there is one that leads
into the county road lo Medford
that is not in a good condition
One of most enterprising farmers
on bticky suggested the other day
that a subscription be raised to put
in a new gate. If the parties to
whom the place belongs will kindly
let us pass through his nremises
afford to contribute
toward so laudable an enterprise.
Some one put the ball in motion .
Central Point Items.
Dr. Pickel, of Medford, was here
" Ex Sheriff Jacobs spent Monday
in Medford.
Mrs. Booth Lee has been
ill the past week.
Mrs. Lee Vincent, of Table Rock,
was here on Monday.
Frank Hubbs, of Sams Valley,
was here on Tuesday.
Mrs. J. C. Hall made Medford
friends a visit on Monday.
The school children will give an
entertainment here Christmas.
Wm. Gregory and wife started
Saturday for Los Angeles to visit
J. B. Williams will begin devel- j
opment work on his ledge on Sar
Uu.e creek this week. .
, Arthur and Joe Bos well are now
employed in Dr. Hinkle's North
Star ledge on Sardine creek.
Mrs. Reynolds, who went to
', Marysville, California, for her
health, was improving the last time
. she wrote to her children here.
The many friends of Rev. G. M.
Whiting will learn of his sudden
death of heart disease, at his home
in Eugene city Dec. 5th, with sin
cere regret.
Phoenix Shavings.
. Mrs. Beardsley is ill with throat
J. H. Langston and son were over
visiting friends in the Burg this
Theo. Eagle contemplates start
ing to Chicago next month to be
absent a short time.
Mr. Clements" has been very ill,
but is improving so as be able to
get up to the postoffice again.
There is a good deal of sickness
of one kind and another around
now, but no contagions reported.
Mr. Wyley's family is getting
better. Mrs. Wiley is up and
around after a threo months' illness.
Bert Hukill was brought home
from Medford last week. Bert has
had a long siege of it, and his
friends are hoping for his early re
covery. Justin Morton, father of our
James, has been quite ill at the
home of his son, but is improving
Warren Howard is sick with
pleurisy in the side. It is an old
complaint troubling him when he
has a cold.
Messrs. Barr, Beardsley and
Wright have returned from their
hunt. They were not very .suc
cessful nothing but a coyote.
Cap Dunlap contemplates put
ting a quartz mill near Tolo at his
mines. Cap has good prospects for
gold his rock running $20 to the
Born, to the wife of Chas. Hukill,
on the 8th iost., an eleven pound
boy. ' Mother and son getting
along splendidly and Chas. he
Kanes Creek Items.
Perry Knotts was in Jacksonville
the latter part of the week transact
ing business.
Farmers have commenced plow
ing as the ground is wet sulhcient
for that purpose.
Miss Etta Brown was visiting one
day recently with Mrs Mardon, of
this place.
Mrs Darling and son, Bert, of
Gold Hill, spent Sunday with Mr.
Knotts and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stover spent
last bunday the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Knotts.
Miss Lou Holler, ot Sams Valley.
spent Sunday visiting Mr. Dame-
wood and family of this place.
Speaker Reed's Gavel.
The gavel which called the pres
ent Congress to order came from
nest Virginia and was made of
West Virginia wobd. It was fur
nished bv a Mr. Dorrence, of Thorn
as Tucker county, and was made of
a large piece of Laurel. The gavel
was presented to the speaker bv
Hon. S. B. Elkins.
The English Point of View.
We have observed with some
amusement the tone of English jour
nalists, conspicuous among them
beingour colleaeue.Mr. W. T. Stead.
says Review of Reviews . Mr. Stead
rebukes with just anathemas the
American journalists who would
suggest the possibility of war be
tween England and the United
states. The measureless harm of
such a war is shown with elo
quence and truth by Mr. Stead.
but the best way he can suggest for
surely averting so much unspeak
able calamity is for the United
States always to let England have
exactly her own way in everything.
The humor of the position gravely
assumed by these English journal
ists is something they seem not able
to perceive. The American reply,
obviously enough, is that Bince
England perceives the incalculable
gravity of a breach with the United
States, it might be well for Eng-
and to act justly in a little matter
in which the United States simply
stands disinterestedly for the prin-
iple of fair play and international
day he ran around the bottom of
the hole, trying to find some'means
of escape, but could not get eut
The second dav he settled down to
business. He began steadily and
systematically to dig a spiral
groove round and round the inner
surface of the hole trying to find
some means of escape with a uni
formly ascended grade. He worked
night and day, and as he got further
from the bottom he dug little
pockets where he could either lie
or sit and rest. Interested wit
nesses threw in food. At the end
of two weeks the mouse struck a
rock. This puzzled him. For
nearly a day he tried to get under,
around or over the obstruction, but
without success. With unflinch
ing patience he reversed his spiral
and went on tunneling his way in
the opposite direction. At the end
of four weeks he reached the top,
and probably sped away to enjpy
his well-earned freedom. His es
cape was not seen. When his food
was put in, in the morning he was
near the surface, but at hight the
work was seen to be complete, and
the little engineer whose pluck and
skill had saved his life, had left.
The Southern Oregon Fair.
The second annual report of the
First Southern Oregon Agricultural
society has been submitted by Sec
retary J. H. Downing to Gov. Lord.
The report shows that the appro
priation of the state for the society
is $600; that with this the society
had a balance of $134.29 left over
from last year, and that there was
paid out on premiums this year,
over and above the amount on
hand $33.57. The receipts and
disbursements for 1S95 are sum
marized as follows:
Entrance fees license, conccaslot s.
etc fci.Wtf 9.
Mtate appropriation left from lStfl In so
Stale appropriation for IS93 fluu O)
Total KM 43 t5
Expense warrants
Premium warrants
I'urse warrants
1.34S 10
i' licit
S3. m
I 0 17
The secretary's report says that
me lair seems to have been a suc
cess, inasmuch as the quantity of
displays was much greater thai
lasi year ana the qualitv unex
celled by anything before it.
Judgment Exemptions.
The Monroe Doctrine.
President Cleveland in his message
enunciates the Monroe doctrine in
these words. In speaking of the corre
spondence between the United States
and Great Britain on the Venzuela
matter he says that the general con
clusions therein reached and formu
lated by this government are in sub
stances that the traditional and estab
lished policy of this government is
p posed to a forcible increase bv anv
European power of its territorial pos-
ession on this continent; that this pol
icy is as well founded in principle aa it
is strongly supported by numerous pre
cedents; that, as a consequence, the
United States is bound to protest
against the enlargement of area ot
British Guiana in derogation of the
rights and against the will of Venzuela.
Some Smooth Engineering.
A Western Union line man
ates that while digging holes
telegraph poles at Byron, Mo.,
became interested in watching
ingenuity of a mouse. He fell
to one of these hoies, which
four and a half feet
twentv inches across.
for he
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. .
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
A judgment debtor is said to be
execution proof when he owns no
real property and only such personal
etlects as are absolutely necessary
to the maintainance of himself and
family. The laws of Oregon are
most generous in this regard and it
has been claimed by many that the
clock of exemptions should be giv
en with a less liberal hand.
Exemption, however, in order to
be good, must be claimed by the
judgment debtor at the time select
ed and reserved.
The principal articles, exempt
from execution in Oregon are as fol
lows: Books, pictures and musical in
struments to the value of $75.
Wearing apparel to the value of
$100, and if the judgment debtor
have a family, 30 for each member
of the family. The tools, imple
ments, team, etc, necessary to en
able any person to carry on his oc
cupation, to the value of $400. Ten
sheep, two cows and five swine,
household goods to the value of $300
and food sufficient to support such
animals for three months, and pro
visions necessary for the support of
the judgment debtor and his fam
ily for six months.
Bull Run's Field Sold.
Hundred! of Bog a Penntfis Iunerted. Sup
posedly Made by Italian Counterfeiter,.
From time to time references are
seen in' the daily papers, referring to
the difficulty experienced by the ferry
companies, car lines, etc., in disponing
of enormous accumulations of ordinary
copper cents. The reader is very apt
to remember this, particularly if in
exchange for a dollar bill he is re
turned ninety-five one-cent pieces by
a conductor. As a matter of fact, says
the New York Herald, there is no ex
cuse for the item, much less for a car
conductor or change-taker in unload
ing his weight of copper upon the al
ways more or less abused passenger.
The United States subtreasury, at
Wall and Nassau streets, makes, and
has mide it a practice for years, of ex
changing minor coin for United States
money of large denomination, and it
has many regular customers who are 1
o served. There are a number of cu- '
rious things about cents as they corns
to the sub-treasury. In the first
place, they are quite extensively coun
terfeited. This may seem strange, as
the profit in a counterfeit cent is neces-,
aarily small. It is true, however, nev- I
ertheless, and is supposed to be the '
work of Italians, who, more largely
than any other nationality, seem to
favor the imitation of our minor and
subsidiary coin. The Brooklyn and
New Jersey ferry companies, the ele
vated railroads of both New York and
Brooklyn and the various slot-machine
companies ore regular customers for
the exchange of cents for other money
at the sub-treasury. At times they
turn in enormous rjuntitities. the slot
companies alone raii:n between one
hundred mil twenty-live and seven
hundred dollars a day. As might be
expected, all sorts of oddities in
the way of coin come in with the
quantity taken in the machines. In 1
additlun to the counterfeits are scores
of "net cue cents" of war times, metal
discs and foreign copper. Austrian
money predominating. As the copper
cent is simply it token, no matter what
its condition is. it is redeemed at par
if it can in any way W identified as
Uuited States money The popularity
of the slot machine a year or so
apo drought about a curious condi
tion of affairs in the country. This
was nothing abort of a "cent famine." 1
The headquarters of the company is in !
New York, and all agents sent" their j J ERSY
cents nere lor redemption, which
drained the country of itssunplv and
overstocked the minor coin vaults of
the subtreasury here with cents.
Chinese Cannibals.
The Chinese are cannibals. China's
so-called civilization of thousands of
years lias not succeeded in doing away
with cannibalism among its own
people. Wlicn Chinese have been en
gaged in warfare with tribes on the
mainland, we hear of this eating of hu
man Uesh, but not until I reached For
mosa did I have proof of its truth.
After killing a savage on the island, the
head is severed from the body and is
placed on a pole to exhibit to those un
fortunates who are not at hand to wit
ness this heartless display of slaughter
and mutilation. The body is then divid
ed among the captors and eaten. The
kidney, liver, heart and sole of the foot
are considered the most desirable por
tions, and are usually cut up in very
small pieces, boiled, and eaten as a sort
of soup. The flesh and bones are boiled
and made into a jelly. The Chinese
profess to believe, in accordance with
an old superstition, that the eating of
this savage flesh will give them
strength and courage. To some this
superstition may be a partial excuse for
this horrible custom, but even thatfallf
through if one stops to think that su
perstitious beliefs are at the bottom ol
cannibalism as practiced by the most
savage tribes of the world.
What this country needs is maple
sugar that will pass a thorough Civil
Service examination. Detroit Trib-
Very Clever Girl.
A young woman with a pretty little
voice, but with no great possibilities in
her singiuT, has laid out a course for
herself which is so decidedly shrewd
that it may well be worth noting. She
devotes herself entirely to Scotch
songs, most of them the old ones of
Burns or Scott. Now, every listener,
except the severest musical critic whom
she could not hope to satufy in any
case, is sentimental and likes to have
that sentiment catered to by means of
the ear. The singer has taste and wit
enough to eschew "Annie Laurie" and
"Comin' Thro' the Rye," save "by re
quest," when her compliance gives an
added charm of kindliness. She bunts
up sweet old tunes and pathetic words
and after the most brilliant perform
ance of her rivals she seats herself at
the piano, and, like the heroine in the
lackadaisical novel, she charms her
audience by "running her fingers over
the keys" and singing softly "some
dear old scng" or other. Ah, that U a
very clever girl!
At the meeting of the American Po
mological society iu Washington it con
ceded that the fruit exhibited from the
extreme north was much brighter in
color than that from the middle and
southern states.
ROYAL Baking Powder,
Highest of all la leavening
Strength V. S. OoTaranwrt Report.
Order Work Given Special Attention.
Hand-made and Campbell lock stitch machine-made harness always
on hand. Repairing is right in my line. Branch at Gold Hill . . .
Sany Bank s Stock Farm
A Good Shot.
Prince de Joinville tells in his
"Memoirs" a story that is rather hard
on the Americans he found during his
visit to this country in war times. "One
of the chief members of soeietv at the
time was the British minister. Mr. Fox,
a diplomatist of the old school. 1 was
told that one day as he was leaning
against a chimney piece in a drawing
room, where dancing was going on, in
deep conversation, an American came
and stood just in front of him in a
country dance. Soon the young man
began to show signs of anxiety; his
voice grew thick, his cheeks swelled al
ternately, and he cast anxious glances
at the chimney piece. At last he could
hold no longer, and with the most ad
mirable precision he Bhot all the iuice
of his quid into the fireplace, just be
tween Mr. Fox and his interlocutor.
Fine shot, sir." the old diplomat con
tented himself with saying, with a
Mature Quickly and
Fatten at Any Age
Mitt -Bntter Strain
Intending purchasers arejjinvited to call and inspect my stock. AS1
correspondence promptly answered. All Stock Registered.
Farm one mile from Scappoose.
H. WEST, Proprietor, - - Scapp se, Oregon
Pursuant to a degree of the cir
cuit court of Prince William county,
Va. over 5d0 acres of lorkshire
tract belonging to the . McLean es
tate, and lying on both sides of Bull
Run and adjoining Blackburn s
ford, have been sold at public auc
tion. This land embraces a large
portion of the historic Bull Run
battlefield. One of the purchasers
is the son of Major Wilmer Mc
Lean, who resided upon the prop
erty at the beginning of the war,
and in whose house at Appomattox
the terms of surrender between
Lee and Grant were drawn, and
thus it was said by Major Mo Lean
that the war began and ended on
A Fifty-Cent Calendar Free.
The publishers of the Youth's Com
panion are sending free to the subscrib
ers to the paper, a handsome four page
calendar, 7x10 in., lithographed in
nine colors. It is made up of four
charming pictures, each pleasing in de
sign, under each of which are the
monthly calendars for the year 1896.
The retail price of this calendar is 00
New subscribers to the Companion
will receive this beautiful calendar free
and besides, the Companion free every
week until January 1, 189(5. Also the
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Years double numbers free, and the
Youth's Companion fifty-two weeks, a
full year to January 1, 18!)". Address,
The Youth's Companion,
195 Columbus Avenuo, Boston.
Suppose you go take a look at that
elegant line of capes, at Angle & Ply
male's, and while there ask to see
their new line of up to date eloaks.
-Watermelon seeds were found in
Egyptian tomb that was S.Z J
A Good Combine.
Thk Mail, hits mado arrangement
whereby it is enabled to furnish its
patrons with the Cincinnati Weekly
Enquirer one year for 10 cents when
ordered with a year's advanee sub
scription to The Mail. The En
quirer is one of the very best all round
faintly weeklies published is the
Lnuct btaWs, is a nine column eight
page paper, contains but utile adver
tising matter, and is replete with
matters of general interest. This is
undoubtedly one of the best and cheap
est newspaper combinations to be
found anv where The Mail and the.
Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer each one
year for 1.60. Sample copies to be
had at this office.
Are You Going to Prove up?
Parties who contemplate making
final proof on their land can savo a big
item of expense by having us prepare
their paper, which work we will do free
of charge. Bring or send us the name
of party making proof, description of
land, the names of four persons who
appear as witnesses and the dale upon
which proof is to make, giving time
for six weeks' publication.
Real Estate Transfers.
Edward Smith to Robert Newton 5 acres
in section la tp s r 1 e
T J Downing to W H Patrick of an
acre section S2 tp 36
Alice C Kggers to It L Parker, lots S
and 0 blk M It R addition to Ashland..
Michael Chnmcr ot al to T J Roberts lot
13 blk It) Mold Hill
Cheater 11 Hrace to Milton Maul lota 1
and 9 blk I Medford
John P Walker to S P Hameburg 160
acres in see 6 and 8 tn XS a r 4 e
W I Vawter to W T York lots 7 8 9 and
10 blk 8 Medford
W H Shepherd to R Ellen Nickerson
property in Ashland precinct
J M Eagle to O W Slockwell 9 10 acres
seo 8 tp 3W s r 1 o
Larkin MoDanlel to H H McCarthy 160
acres bco 4 t p 8S s r S w
The Oregon Transportation Co to right
Rev 11 Wis tar Morris lots 10 U 12 and IS
blk fvS Modford
Will W Nicholson to V II Shepherd land
in sec SS and St tp 8S a r 3 e
Land onice nt Roseburg. Oregon. December
5, 1N95. Nollce is hereby given that the follow.
Ing named settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to moke tlnal proof in support of hU claim,
and that said proof will be made before J. R,
Nell, judge of Jackson county. Oregon, at Jack
sonvillc, Oregon, on January 'Jf, 1SSW, viz:
Lewis K. Land,
On homestead ontrv No ftMft for the s4 of se4,
of swsec. 8,1, tp. s, r 1 wost
lie names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said laud, viz:
V. ,T. Creed, A. P. Creed. J. W. Smith and
A. L. Creed, all ot Jackson county, Oregon,
d 8 j 17 R. M. Vkatch, Register.
Location of Land
Lying but a few
of Land in
Now on the flarket
Commands an
cellent View of
How Payments may
be flade
Fruit and Fruit Culture;
rods more than
mile to the east of
....Medford, Oregon,
Is situated 1G0 acres of land which
especiall' adapted to
Fruit Growing.
This land has recently been placed
upon the market and is now offered for
sale in tracts of from
21 to 10 Acres.
The name, "Fairview," is given this
property because, ' that being located as
it is, on a slight eminence, a view of all
parts of Medford and a good portion of
the valley can be had from any part of
the land. Nearly all of this land has .
been cleared and has been under culti
vation for a number of years. The soil
is of an exceptionally fine quality and its
adaptability to fruit-growing has been
proven. This land will be sold upon the-
Installmont Plan.
Payments may be made at $1.25 per
week, per month or $15 every quar-m
ter, or a liberal discount will be ' made
for all cash purchases.
The success attending fruit culture i
no longer an experiment. B' direct anal
ysis the soil is found to contain all the
elements required to produce fruits from
the semi-tropical to the hardiest varid
ties. Over these favorable conditions
hangs a climate co-ordinated and adjust
ed to the nature of the soil.
Whoto Address
For further information
this defirable property call on or address