Superior Work. Superior Photographs H. C. MACKEY. Q AVED TO YOU " By making your purchases of us. We can please you on quality and price of anything in the :::::::::::::: Hardware Xiine We are here for business and 6hall make it an object for those who purchase of us to come again All kinds of Ammunition on hand Did You Etfet A finer store building just completed and am Clothing Gents' Furnishings Than that upon my shelves. My prices are all right. Come in and see for yourself. Opposite the Bank... S. ROSENTHAL. Medfonl, Oregon HEADQUARTERS FOR . i FISHING TACKLE In great variety 11111 IU II JAlili Paints, Oils and Painters' Supplies. Cartridges and Ammunition of all kinds, and in fact a full line of everything carried in the hardware and tinware business. First-class goods and prices as low as the lowest. Miners' supplies of all kinds in stock. The Empire Steel Ranges Every Range guaranteed to work perfectly. TINSHOP IN CONNECTION 'J We 4ave 'EmT Fly nets, lap robes, dusters and whips at all prices. : Single harness from $6.50 to $18. A fine line of saddles for ladies and gentlemen. Everybody in vited to call and look over our stock whether you want to buy or not. We repair and build every thing in our line from a pump-value to a breeching ' harness. BEIDLEHAN & NICHOLSON, - Medford, - Oregon. ORIENTAL LIVERY STABLES;... j -W. T. CRANE, Prop'r. We have opened a stable in Medford and are j located in the barn - west : of the Clarendon hotel. Our prices are reasonable and we d solicit a share of the public patronage Complete line V horses all Hotel n- I. L. HAMILTON, Proprietor. NEW MANAGEnENT, " A STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, . M FREE SAMPLE ROOMS The Nash has heen thoroughly renovated. Accomodations the yery best. If you try us once you will surely come again. RATES FROn $1.00 TO Sa.oo PER DAY. . . . The Gem i In connection.' The oest and purest of wines, liquors cigars courteous treatment. oooooo o o o o o o Carpels. Paper, Curtains. I. A. WEBB, IIIIUMMIUIIIIflllllllllllllllllllUIIMIHIIHIIIIMIk undertaking I; 'SiihniiiiiiiiiMiMMiitMiiimiiiiMiiiiimiiiiiiniiR Legal Blanks at Is what counts in all trades, arts and professions. If you are looking for Remember that Mackey turns out noth ing but first-class work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Up stairs Hamlin Studio MEDFORD, OREGON sS KAME & GILKEY See than that which I Jiave located in? I knowi you m TINWARE Plumbing Goods of all Kinds In Stock Plumbing Done on Short Notice tea' of new rigs. Good stock'of good roadsters : . . . JIIUHailtlllMIIMHIIiaiMIMIIHIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIk FURNITURE.! o IMMIMIIIMIIIMIIimillSIIMIItMIIMMMaiMlllllllir MASH -Seliigeiators, SDailes, Pictures. MEDFORD. IMIMIMMMMiaMMilll Picture Framing a Specialty. The Mail Office South Dakota officials have finished an appraisement of the defaulting State Treasurer Taylor's lands and find there is still a shortage of $140,000. Taylor's bondsmen will have to pay this. At Stony Point, Ky., the cabin of Gibson Armstrong, colored, was de stroyed by fire. His three daugii era and a niece were bnruud to U-u . ;i. .i i Wright, his stepson, is 8usiec.el i cannot be found. Say, why dont you try DoWitt's Little Early Risers? These little pills cure haedacho, indigestion and consti pation. They are small but do the work. Geo. II. Haskins , druggibt. The attorney gein rai vl Nj.. York state his conmienc ! war 011 the to bacco trnt. Peter Maker, who tiow rails himself champion of the world, Corbet t having resigned the title, wants to fiht Fit.. immotis. It is said thnt W. R. Kelly, assistant solicitor of the Union pacific railroad, will sncceei Senator Thurston as gen eral solicitor. "Noting so distressing as a hacking cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dagerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate relief. Geo. H. Raskins, druggist. Brace Haydea of San Francisco has been eleoted a member of the executive committee of the National Hardware association. A strong effort is being made to se cure a pardon for Hume Clay, the Bour bon oonnty (Ky.) forger now serving a 10-year term. A new illuminating gas has been dis covered by Professor L. Balliet of Phil adelphia. The process is purely chemi cal and the cheapest known. It is a truth in medicine the smal lest dose that performs a euro is the pest. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will pprforra a cure, and are the best. Geo. II. Has klns, druggist. "Whitelavr Reid will spend several months in Arixona. His health is poor and hopes are entertained that the dry atmosphere will benefit him. The Kentucky court of appeals has upheld the statute imposing a 2 per vent tax on each $100 of business done in the state by foreign corporations. j itev. r ran uyatt bmitn or uoston. who wrote scurrilous postal cards to members of his former congregation, has been adjudged insane and sent to an aavlnw A. G. Hartly. of Magic, Pa., wriu-s: I foe! it a duty of mine to inform you and the pubfic that IVWitt's Witch Hazle Salve cued me of a very bad case eclerua. It alto cured my boy of a run ning wire on his ley. Geti. H. Has kins, druggist. Judge Reynolds, aaaisunt secretary of the interior, in his annual report rec ommends legislation which will define with more certainty the pensionable rights of minor children under the act of June 27. 1SW0, Father Dominick Wagner, the priest of St. Mary's parish at St. Joseph, Mo., who abducted Mtas Maud Steidel ami afterward married her to escape the penitentiary, has been acquitted of the charge of embexaling church fuudv The general assembly of the Knights of Labor which has been in annual ces sion at Washington adjourned nine die to meet at Rochester. N. Y.. next year. The boycott on national bank notes or dered by Master Workman Sovereign was indorsed. For more than a hundred years the Shakers have been studying the reroe deial properties of plants. They have made many discoveries, but their gratest achievement was made last year. It is a cordial that contains already digested food and is a digester of food. It is effective in removlrg distress after eating and creates an ap petite for mora food so that eating becomes a pleasure. Pale thin people become plump and healthy under its use. It arrests the wasting consump tion. There never has been such a step forward as the Shaker CortMal. Your druggist will be glad to give you a little book descriptive of the product. Give the babies Laxol. which is Castor Oil made as palatable as honey. Miss Lizsie Sheets, aged SO, who is slowly dying near Rochester, Ind., has been a hermit for the last 40 years, ow ing to a deformity at birth which was characteristic of her brothers and sis ters. All the children were covered over all parts of their bodies with scales. Their necks and hands were more thickly covered than the other portions of their bodies. The scales were comparatively soft and of a deli cate flesh color. As the children grew np the scales on the exposed parts of 'the bodies became hard and of a darker hue. Lizzie is the last member of the family living. When 10 years of age she be came so sensitive concerning her condi tion that she refused to be seen by any one, and she has since lived a secluded life. She has done all the farm work j herself. When she hired a man her ; communications with him were always i from a room where she could uot be Acts as once, never fails. One Min ute Cough Cui e. A remedy for asthma and that feverish condition which ac companies a cold. Tho only harlsss remedy that produces immediate re ults. Geo. II. Haskins, druggist. A New Deal on the Northern Pacific. That enterprising untl "Old Reliable" has conHumuleil trutlle arrangements with the S. 1'. whereby they run one of their upholstered tourist sleeping curs carrying passengers from Oakland, Calif., via Southern Oregon to St Paul, Minn., without change of curs. This ear passes through Ashland, Medford, Grants Puss. Ore gon every Wednesday on tho regular S. P, over land train. A second class ticket gives you the right to take this car, which you will llnd clean, neut and comfortable. A uniformed porter in chnrgo to look after the interests of all passen gers going eust via that line, (io east via tho N. P. and advise nil your friends to do likowise, and bo happy. For tickets or further Inforinu tion apply to A. D. Charlton, A. U. P. & T. Agent, Portland, Or., H. V. Case, N. I'. Agent, OruntH Pass, Oregon, or C. C. Helknap, Med ford, Oregon. , llllllimillHllllllllllllllMIHIimillllllllMlimillllllMIMIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII Are the Highest of all High Grades j . . . . : Hlch Frame. : Kim, llelachable Tire. Scorcher, weight SI lbs. S8S Steel KiiiiN, Wavcrley ! Clincher Tires, weight 24 lb. $Bs : Regular frame, name weight tss Ladies' Prop Frame : same weights and : lire Ladies' Diamond TS amond wo d Rims weight 'JO lba. ST 5 Deuel & Stevens, Agt's MEDFORD, OREGON IIMUIMniMMIIMtllMlttMIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIIMMIIiniMMIMI Four boys John Hildreth, Frederick Bristol, Herbert Plato and Theodore Hubbard wrecked a train on the Xew York Central line near Rome. Engi neer Hager and two tramps were killed and Fireman Waguer and Mail Clerk McCarthy injured. Hildreth confessed but gave no reason for the crime. The boys removed a rail from the track and the train was thrown into a ditch. Alfred Neville, a carpenter, was shot and instantly killed in a grocery saloon at San Francisco by a robber. Neville was standing at the bar when two strangers entered and commanded the proprietor to hold up his hands. He ducked behind the bar aud escaped to an adjoining room, leaving Neville alone with the roobers. A shot was fired and when the proprietor returned Neville was lying dead on the floor. The vic tim left a widow aud three children. It May IK) as Much for ou. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111 . writes us that he hail bad a severe kidney trouble for many years, with Mvere pains in his back and that also his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidney cures but with out any good result. About a year ago he began the use of Electric lJiitors and found relief at once. Elec tric Hitters is especially adapted to cure all kidney and liver troubles and often gives instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only .Vie for large bottlo. At G. H. Has kins' drug store. The president aud Secretary Olney do not expect the reply of the British gov ernment to this country's representa tions concerning the Venetuelan boun dary dispute and the Monroe doctrine in time to admit of its treatment in the president's annual message to congress. It is understood the British cabinet is now at work upon the reply, but the assembling of congress is so near that it is not likely to be received before the first day of the session. When it comes it will be made the subject of a special message. There are good reasons for the belief that Premier Salisbury's re ply will be of a conciliatory nature, either submitting the boundary dispute to arbitration and thus recognizing the applicability of tbe Monroe doctrine, or preparing I lie way for such action later. So far as Great Britain's reported ulti matum to Venezuela is concerned. Sec retary Olney believes no ultimatum wa sent. Knights of the Maccabees. The state commander writes us from Lincoln Neb., as follows: "After try ing other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children wo tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not bo without it hereafter, as our ex perience proves that It cures where others fail." Signed F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at Geo. H. Haskins' drug store Regular size SQc and $1 . Minnie May, the notorious diamond thief of Chicago, has announced her permanent retirement from the profes sion. With her husband, Dan Nugent, she has gone to Dayton, O. It is esti mated that within the last 10 years this woman has stolen $100,000. She is 28 years old and has been arrested over 1,000 times. Marshall Black, colored, and Bettie Wooten, white, daughter of a farmer, eloped from Ashland, Ky., to Ohio. Black's brother James worked for the girl's father and helped her to elope. Bettie's brothers met Jamee returning from the Ohio side of the river and killed him. They are pursuing the elop ers and swear they will also kill Mar shall Black on sight. Secretary of State Headley created a small panic in the courtroom at George town, Ky., by attempting to stab At torney John Brand. Tho men were on opposite sides of a case on trial and quarreled. After an exchange of words Headley drew a knife and made several flourishes with the weapon. Brand did some clever dodging and .escaped un hurt. Headley was disarmed by court officers and the case proceeded. , The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. WHTrl riV Wood ICYGLES. iWarrantefi Snuerior to m Bicycle inili in ice vrcrld, Kcgaraiess or trice . . . . Krod the following oplri'.n of ouc of the most prominent Amerl j cud dealers who bus sold hundreds of these wheels: : Kioiimokd, Va.. Oct. 2. 18TH, Indiana Bicvo.E Co.. IndinnapollK, Ind.: , Oknti.kmes The Waverley Scorcher Kud Bello came to hand yen-; terdav. We arc afraid you have sent us the high priced wheel by : mistake. You can't mean to tell us that thi wheel retail for $S5: We must say that it in, without exception, the prett lent wheel we ; have ever seen, and, moreover, we have faith In it. although it: weigh only 22 lbs., for of all Waverley we have sold this year and: last (and von know that is a right good number) we have never had : a .Ingle frame nor fork broken, either from accident or defect, and ; that is more Ihnn we can sayof any otherwbcel.howeverhlgh grade, . no called, that we sell. We congratulate ourselves every day that we : are the Waverley Agents. Yours truly, Walter C MkrckkA CO.. : ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE INDIANA BICYCLE CO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ,IIIHMIIIM1MIIIIIHHII1MM HIllltMIMMIMMI Mie Senator Peffer of Kansas cts collected statistics on the cost of congresional fnnerals, and early in the coming ses sion he may advocate a complete change in the methods of conducting them. He wants the onst of the funerals much re duced. Peffer wants lea champagne and more tears. Senators and repre sentatives appointed to represent the houses of congress at the funerals of de ceased members, he says, have come to regard these expeditions as picnics, for the special entertainment of themselves at public expense. Absolutely no limit is put upon commissary arrangements. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tivelv cures piles, or no pay required. It is "guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25c per box. For sale by G. H. Haslns. Eugene Debs was received with great demonstration at Chicago when be was released from tbe Woodstock jaiL Thousands of workingmeu met him at the depot and marched to the hall where Debs delivered an address. Many delegations from labor unions outside of Chicago were present at the recep tion. When Baby was sick, we pare her Cfcstorla. Wben she was a Child, she cried for Cut oris. When she became Mas, she dung to Cmrtorlav. Waen the hid Chiiiren, abe gae. them Castoria. The lowest bid from Pacific Coast firms for constructing a lightship for use off Flattery Rocks, Wash., was made by J. F. Stephen of Portland for $69,000. An Eastern firm made a bid of $68,000, but the cost of bringing the vessel around Cape Horn will probably result in the contract being awarded to Stephen. The healing properties of DeWitt's Witch Hazei Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affections and is simply a perfect remedy for piles. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist. Seventeen crews have beeu laid off on the Iowa aud Dakota division of the Milwaukee line, caused by the farmers holding their grain for a rise in prices. They say the prevailing price of corn does not pay them for work of husking and marketing. Corn is being gener ally used for fuel. EAST AND SOUTH by the The - Shasta - Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. EXPRESS TRAIXS LEAVE PORTLAND DAILY. South North 8:50p. m Lv. Portlnnd Ar. I 8:10 a. m 11 :05 pm Lv. Medford Lv I 5:05 p. ru 7:15 am Ar. San Francisco Lv. 8.00 p. m Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon City, Woodhurn, Salem. Turner, Marion, Jef ferson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent, Shedds. Halse.v, Harrisbunr, Junction City, Ir ving, Eugene, Creswell. Krains and at all sta lions from Koseburg to Ashland inclusive. ROSKBUKtJ MAIL DAILY. S:S0 a. m I Lv 5-i0 p. m i Lv Portland Roscbunc Ar I 4M p. m Lv S.oo a. ra -DAILY. Ar 1 10:15 a. m. Lv 8:1X1 a. m. SALEM PASSENGER 4KW p. m. I Lv Portland Salem o:ia p. m. Ar Dining Cars oh Ogden Route. Pullman HnfTett Sleepers and Second Class Sleeping Carsattaehed to all through trains Between Portland and Corvallis. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Mall trains daily, except Snndav: :80 a. m I Lv Portland Ar I ti:ftl p. in 12:lf p hi j Ar Corvallis Lv 1:S5 p. m At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of O. C. St E. railway. Express Trains daily, except snndav: 7:45 p. in I Lv Portland Ar 8:'ioa. in 4 -op. mAr McMinnvlllo Lvd:60a. lu S-Throiigh tickets to all points in the Eastern states, Canada and Europe can be ob tainrd at lowest rates from W. V. Llppincott, Agent, Medfonl. R. KOEHI.ER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. U. F. & P Agt PORTLAND, OREGON. SOCIETIES OF MEDFORD. Knights of the Maccaoees. Triumph Ten No. 14, meets In regular review on the 2d ant tn Thursdays or each month jn A. O. U. w . Hall at 7::t p. m. Visiting Sis Knights cordiad ly invited to attend. vm. mm monk, t ommancer. 9. S. Pentz, R. K. A.O. U. W. Lodge So. W, meets every 11m fk and third Wednesday In the month at H p. in i p. in a In their hull in the opera block. Visiting brothers invited to attend. E.W. M.W J. W. LAWTOS, Recorder. W. K. C Chester A. Arthnr Corps No. meets second and fourth Friday of each month ul 2 o'clock: p.'m.. in Wooll's ball. Mil. !aiiaii I. rviiits, i'res. MliS. M. E. Ijavik. Sec. K. of P. Tallyman )ode No. 31, meets Mon day eveninK at p. m. VisitiiiB brothers al ways welcome. J. W. ccuitv, C. C. I. M ., IC of R. aad S. i. O. O. F. Lodze No. H3, meets In I. O. O. F. ball every Saturday al at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers always welcome. Z. Maxev, N. G. A. S. Hi.rros. Rec. Sec. I. O. O. F. Rogue River Encampment. Ledge No. ), meets in I. O. O. F. ball the second an fourth Wednesdays of each month al 8 p. m. B. S. Webb, C. P. ISAAC WOoi.r. Scribe. Olive Rehekah Lodge No. 2. meets la LO. O. F. hall Urst and third Tuesdays of each month. Visiting sisters Invited to attend. M ISS MVBTLS WOODrOBD, N. G. Sf ISS MAMIC NtCRoLaoK, Rec. See. A. F. & A. M. Meets Aral Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. m., in A. O. U. W. hall.' W. I. VAWTKB. W, M. W. V. LIPFTKCOTT. Rec. Sec. O. A. B. Chester A. Arthur Post fie. 47. meets in Woolfs hall every second and fourth Fridays in each month at 7 :30 p. m. J. W. Miller, Com. W. T. Kame. Adjutant. I. O. G T. Meets Tuesday night at p. ja at A. O. U. W halL J. L. WlCLK, C, T Jcstix Wicle. Rec, See, W. C. T. V. Meets every Wednesday after noon in the Halley Black. Mas. A dime vaAxtwff, Pres. Mrs. Rose DeGkoot. Sec Young People's Reading Circle Tuesday even Ing ef each week, under the auspices of tbe Ep worth League. F. A. & I. U.-L. L. Polk lodge No. 865. meets every Satnrday al b p. m. J. H. Smith, Pres. CHURCHES OF KZDFOBD. Saint Marks Episcopal Sunday School meets at Episcopal Church every Sunday morning at lOA'rlivk. Rev. Wm Hurt HMtnr- i Superintendent. . Methodist Episcopal Church Edw. Giltins. pastor. Services every Sunday morning and evening at usual hours for shurch services. F.pwonh League meets at 6 JO p. m , Sunday. Snnday school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Pastor's residence South B street. Presbyterian Church Rev. A. S. Foster, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.-00 p. m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E-, :15 p. m. Junior Endeavor Society at S p. nu. Sundar. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at" 7 o'clock Baptist church W, c. Jenkins pastor. Wor ship aud preaching every Sunday morning and evening at usual hours for church services. Covenant meeting on Saturday al S o'clock pro ceeding each first Sunday. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Baptist Young People Union meets at on Sunday evening. Sun- day school at 10 a. m. Christian church Corner of Sixth and I streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. Sunday school at W a. m.; Junoir Endeavor at 3 p. m.:Y. P.S.C. E. at :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Ladies Missionary Auxiliary to C. W. B. E. first Thnrs day 7:30 P. M. each month. Choral Unioa every Friday at "iU p. m. The people we loom e, Eli Fisher pastor. Uesides at the c&urch. Methodist Episcopal Chnreh South Rer.Jno. L. Jones, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. on tbe 1st, Ind and 3rd Sabbath; Sabbath school at 10 a. xn. and Epworth League at 6 p. m. every Sabbath at Medford. Services on th Sabbath at Soda Springs at 11 a. m. aad Neil Creek school house at S p. m. A beany wel come toaiL Thos. F. Oakes. Henry C Payne, Henry C Rouse. Receivers. E NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U Pullman Elegant Tourists Sleeping Cars Dining Cars! Sleeting Cars FREE -:- COLONIST -:- SLEEPERS. jsr. Ptw Sr. aaUl. iMiHNcapous nFaaco TO Grand remti ncaooaaron WiNNiece 1- HCLCHa AND lauTTt TiBOOGH TICKETS' -TO- CHCAGO SHNGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 255 Morrison St.. cor. Third. 3OR.T'I-.lSID. OR Or C. C. Belknapp, Ticket Afrent, Med Cord, Oregon. S. F. CASS, Ticket Agent, First Nat'l Bank, Grants Pass, Ore., Robt. Leonard, Ticket Agent, Ahland, Oregon fiSHCKEM EAISIHS PAYS If you use the Pvtatem JncttbaCora a Brooders. Muke money white others are wasting; time by old processes. Catalog tells all about it, and describes every article needed tor uii coultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the bet .WUCCl. i mi irL aiiic :. I We are Facinc coast Anantd T3ir"T1 IV. 1:1- 3 fnll description. prices, etc., aornts wajttfd. I A rnrr.rraATOW ca..PetalBma.Cal. JJBRANcHlloiTSisijtjSMaujS Wi 4SPaRe'.ri aSis z:.: "":? iJi