Something Entirely ft At last wc havcT secured the sole agency for the genuine Foster-Paul gloves not the "Foster patent," but the gen uine Foster-Paul gloves DRY GOODS In this line avc lead. Prettiest Prints, prettiest Outings cheapest and best. Ours is the choicest line in Medford. Don't miss seeing them. If vou want a stylish Cape or Jacket from stock or made to'order come to is. We have the very latest. Have you seen our new dress shoes? Heel and Spring Heel Ladies' and Children's. Don't Miss Us! Come and Save Money! il MEDFORD MAIL Published Every Friday Morning. Official Paper of Jackson County. BL1TON & BATTERSON, Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR. MAN WAS BORN TO HUSTLE. He is of few days; but quite a plenty. Entered in the Postofflce at Medford, Oregon as Second-Class Mail Matter. THIS PAPER Iffl vertising Agency, 6 and K Merchants Ex change, San Francisco, California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for it. . Medford, Friday, Nov, 22, 1895. Our Clubbing List. The Mail and "Weekly S. P. Call 2 2. " " " Examiner 2 35 " " ' Chronicle 2 35 " " " Oregonian 2 00 . " " Cosmopolitan 2 65 " Rural Northwest. 1 50 The duke and ducats have been made one. The Tamany tiger didn't appear to be dead; it has only been sleep ing this last year. The next electrical college will contain 447 votes and 224 will be necessary to a choice. . More massacres in Armenia are leading the European powers up to the question, "How shall Turkey be carved?" We love : music for the buried hopes, the garnered memories, the tender feelings it can summon at a touch, says a writer. Australia in an importer of wheat this year, and recently bought a cargo of the California article for 40 pence -a bushel. Bankers who accommodate too many friends are very apt to get into trouble. That is said to be the reason for Salem's bank wreck. Parkhtjrst is in much the same position as the lamb that lay down with the lion, but just inside of the lion. He formed a combination with Piatt, and there is nothing but Piatt left. An Oregon agricultural writer says that it has been fully . demon strated that one bushel of corn makes ten pounds of pork, and that four bushel of potatoes will ' do the same thing. The Northern Pacific and Great .Northern railroad cannot unite, decides Judge Kelley, of Minnesota. They are parallel and competing lines and their charters expressly forbid consolidation within Min nesota. . Tacoma has an indebtedness, bonded and warrant, to say noth ing of accrued interest on warrants, of 13,881,167.21, and to meet this the finance committee found that there was $442.49 m cash. The largest resource of the city are its claims against defunct banks, ex treasurers and their .bondsmen. For examples of -political wicked ness Tacoma leads them all. Railroad Commissioner Eddy writes that the commissioners did not order that pine tree cut down, . of which mention was made in The Mail a few weeks ago. At the time mention was made our reporter learned from a supposedly reliable -source that the commissioners made the order. Mr. Kelley now relates that Mr. Galvin ordered the t-ee removed. For the benefit of Mr. Eddy we will state that we have not learned of any thing the commissioners did in Southern Oregon. We had given them credit for having done a little something, but the gentleman has removed that trilling credit. The fact leaks out that a second hand book dealer in Washington is selling government documents at half price and is getting the benefit of the franking privilege. There are other things besides the Oregon state insane ' asylum that need overhauling, and the government printing office is one of these. The government loses hun dreds of thousands of dollars in this kind of business. Even if the Durrant case is not furnishing very much material for San Francisco papers these days, they are not without sensations down there, as the first page of Sat urday's Examiner will attest. The crime for which three old men, one of them within one year of an octo genarian, answered in Judge Camp bell's court is one of the most appal ling in the criminal annals, yet the court room had it been three times as large would not have held the crowd. Aside from the morbid and intensified curiosity which this late sensation brings out, is the horror of mothers submitting to the des truction of little children for the sake of the few paltry cents with which they returned. Fred Wagner, of the Tidings, was in Jacksonville Tuesday. Had not the records told us differently we would have concluded he was over there "looking after the inter ests some of his political friends." The records, however, say to us that upon the above date a mar riage license was issued to Fred D. Wagner and Miss Clara Austin. Here are our congratulations, young people, and with them go kind wishes for a life of pleasure, pros perity and plenty . May the bright sun of Southern Oregon pour upon them nothing but its blessing and a warmth of spring time which will weld their hearts to an inseparable and - lasting . union. They were mairied on Wednesday of this week. Quite a discussion is going on between Eugene and Ashland papers about the proper route to Crater lake. The Eugene Register claims that the Ashland route is a day longer than that by Eugene, while the Ashland paper simply rails at the conclusion, but blinded by local interest this discussion has studiously avoided the only direct and mo3t approved course over which to reach Crater lake, namely that by way of Medford. If the Mazamas, or any other parties, are figuring on a trip to Crater lake they certainly cannot afford to be led off on any of these long circuit ous trails which are boomed only as a feature of local pride and to travel fvhich is something like going round the world when you only want to reach the center of it. The United States district at torney from Oregon has been in structed by the secretary of the in terior to begin suit to cancel patents issued the Oregon & California railroad company for lands in Jack son, Josephine and Douglas counties, on the grounds that these patents were improvidently issued. About Thompson, VanDyke & Co., a year ago meetings were held in these three counties, the object of which was to protest against; the granting to the railroad company of patents to these lands ownig to their mineral character. The de partment, however, rejected the protests on the ground, that they were of too general a character, and failed to investigate but at this late day after having failed to in vestigate the truth of such infor mation as it had in its possession, the department is endeavoring to reverse its own acts on the grounds bf improvidence The Ashland Tidings need not give itself uneasiness regarding The Mail "lookinc after the politi cal interests of its populist friends." This paper is looking after the in terests of no political uarty or politically inclined individual. We are looking after the interests of the taxpayers of Jackson county but it is their financial rather than political interests that we are en-1 deavoring to better and we flatter ourselves that we have kept pretty close on the trail and averted much of the accustomed extravagant ex penditure of the county's funds. We are pleased to note that the Tid ings acknowledges we have friends among the populists, it might have gone further and included the republicans and democrats. We are not however, of the "vote 'er straight" idea; we do not presume, nor will we ever assert, that the ad herents to one political party are saints with tin-bell appendants and all who differ from them are rascals. It is honest men Jackson county wants and proposes to have as its omce holders, and little concern will be given as to whether they be sun-dried and sugar-cured in any particular political faith. Mackey's Excellent Photo Work. . Fine art means something;. It does not mean cheap work. Cheap photos are not worth anything- to any per son. People are looking for superior Cbotos. " ou can pet superior work y patronizing Mackey, at Medford, Oregon. My prices are reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. No work is taken from ray gallery until it has the highest and best finish of any in the valley. , II. C. Mackey, Prop. Thanksgiving Services. Union Thanksgiving service at the Christian church next Thursday Nov ember 28th, at 10:30 a. m. The follow ing is the program. Music .- Choir KeuUing, scripture Rev. Foster Prayer, Rev. Ulttins MuMo Choir Sermon, , . Rev. Finher Music choir Prayer Kev. Jenkins Collection for the poor. All are requested to come prepared to con tribute money, clothing, or provisions. MunIc . . . Choir Benediction Kev. CrutchHeld I All are Invited to come. Are You Going to Prove up? Parties who contemplate making tlnal proof on their land can save a big item of expense by having us prepare their pnper, which work wo will do free of charge. Bring or send us the name of party making proof, description of lainl, the names of four persons who tipiH'ur us witnesses and the date upon which proof is to make, giving time for six weeks' publication. New goods at The Fair store. DRUGS HEDIC1NES TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY m...., NOTE AND COMMENT. The Myrtle Point, Enterprise, erstwhile of RiUdlo, made Its appearance lost week. The national editorial association meets at St, Augustine, Florida, January :l-24. Samuel Francis Smith, the author of "Amer ica." died at. lioston last Saturday of buurt f allure. The Kentucky legislature will be a tie 5H re publicans and Si democrats, with two populists holding the balance of power. The Northwestern railway has abandoned Its pay car and will hereafter settle with Its employes by check. Too many train robbers. The Klamath Falls Kxpress of lost week hod what it called a representation of Krtck, the slatrc robber. It Is do wonder the stage stopped, "Portland has had a sensation in the way of a Chinese wedding done up in the most approved manner. The groom Is a PrlnvUle merchant and the brtde Is the daughter of a wealthy Portland merchant. The marital contract and all de tails were arranged by mutual friends. Cleveland has had a street car horror similar to that which Portland had Dot long ago. An electric car rushed through a draw bridge, when the draw bridge was up. and twenty lives were lost. The motorman saved bis life by Jumping, but he Is nuw in jail charged wttb "man slaughter." A French physician has declnred that the un pleasant habit of biting the finger nails is her-llary- Almost one third of the French school children bite their nails, and the girls are worse than the bovs tn this matter. Not only does the habit disfigure the ends of the fingers, but as the fragments of the nail are often chew ed and swallowed and there Is a constant dan ger Uat the sharp fragments may injure the lining of the stomach. The Salem statesman says that a man by the name of Oirllox Sox has been elected to a prof tesstirHbip In Albany college and that il is to be greatly feared that his dignity will be ofttmes fearfully ruffled when the hilarious students meet btm on the street after dark and greet bim with the choice salute "Hello: how are you, old Sox?" Mr. Sox Is the fifth member of the faculty. A wag among the students has figured thai there are on me already strong faculty nve members without "Sox." In ihn mntMt M in IhM TvftDMlir m.H t nt the horse and bicycle the friends of the noble I animal have always been able to claim for tx'.m one point or superiority, generally stale! thus: "You can't make canned corned beef out ot a bicycle." This claim can no lonrer be made. Il Is no longer possible to make canned corned beef out or the bicycle' rival. Secretary Mor ton has ordered that hereafter canned borae must be plainly marked "Horse," so thai no Innocent purchaser may be a hlppopoagisl against his will. . George W. Ilogg. the Elliott creek miner, and ex -city Ireaaurer or Tacoma, la making himself a rather a uarfol and handy man bout the Pierce connty Jail, while waiting for bonds men to turn up. The other day the jU saw needed repairing, and Bona went to work, died and set the saw. and made it a fast culler. He Is also handy tn other ways about the Jail. Captain Goodrich, appreciating the good work cf bis prisoner, bung out the flaming sign an nouncing. 'Hatr-cutllog, sharing and saws Oled and set by George W. Bogga. An exchange describe the nor el procedure to to keep the funds of the Bank ot France safe. At toe close of business hour each day, when the money is put Into the vaults tn the cellar, masons at once wall up the door with hydraulic mortar. Water l then turned on and kept running until the cellar Is Oooded. A burglar would have to work In a diving suit and break down a cement wall before he could even start to loot the vaults. When the officers arrive the next morning the water is drawn oft. the masonry is torn down and the vaults opened. Henry Miller and Charles Lux. cattlemen or San Francisco confess to owning more than 14. OUMMO acres of land in three states. This makes an estate eiual in sue to the stales ot New Hampshire. Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island together. It Is halt the size or New York and three times as large as New Jersey. It is about the sixe or West Virginia, and one-eighth the area or California. It is as large as Ureece with the Ionian Isles, or which By ron wrote. II Is four times the area or Alsace Ixrraine. over which France and Germany fought. It Is but little smaller than Ireland, and half again as large as Switzerland. It is twice as large as Belgium, and one-third the slxe or England and Wales together. These two remarkable men were born in one or the Rhenish provinces in Germany. Comrades," by Local Talent. The above caption will, ere many weeks, head advertising posters which will be printed and scattered about the city. 'Comrades" is the title of one of Geo. M. Baker's three act dramas. It is not a heavy play, but a very pretty ono, and is possessed throughout of those bits of humor peculiar to Mr. Baker's playwriting and which so amuse and interest an audience. This play is to be put on the boards in Med ford about Christmas time and by local talent. The parts have all been as signed and each of the participants 'is now committing hi, or her, respective lines, preparatory to the commence ment of rehexrsals the first of next week. Some of the participants have handled the play before, hence the conception of the parts is already theirs and the lines are already tab- leted in their memory. We give Do low the CASTE OF CHARACTERS. Royal Manning, A. P. Green Matt Wtnson Sidney Cole Marcus Groves F. D. MrCullouch Simon Stone, Jack or all Trades,. ...J. H. Butler Mnv Mannlnir. Kov's wife Zoa E. Brims Bessie Bradley, Ollie R. Butler isancy isipper jianue .ii-uuisuu The largest and best selected stock of fine mlllnorv, at the most reasonable prices, is to be found at Mrs. (J. W. Palm's. Chas. Strang THE DRUQQ1ST Prescriptions Carefully ! and Accurately Compounded r. Just... Received -" A fine line of Men's ... Overcoats, $3.50 These coats were purchase dfor Spot Cash, and the, prices are ahput twenty-five per cent less than you will find them in any other house in Medford.... Remember, we are the only firm in this city who have Absolutely One Price, marked in Plain Fig ures. We have no favorites.. Respectfully, Deuel & Stevens LUMSDEN & BERLIN We make a specialty of Fancy and Tobacco. Our stock is nf nnv in tlio ritv W x a a j a vtV .vi Those wishing prices on a large bill of goods will . do well to call ou us our prices cannot be beat in the valley. Hotel block, MEDFORD, OREGON" MITCHELL IK 10 AND Farmers, Do You See the Lull That is our New Improved Chilled Plow, and we will guar antee it to be equal to any plow ever brought to Jackson county. Call and examine it and we will convince you that it is for your interest to buy one, D. T. LAWTON, Manager Medford 'Branch. Full and complete line of- Legal Blanks, for sale at this office. Opposite the Jackson County Hank I TO ow pmcE QASH QROCERS Groceries, Cisirs - , the most complete a a, m AV w STIVER Machinery-Vehicles... Above Cut?