The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 15, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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At last we havesecured the
sole agency for the genuine
Foster-Paul gloves not tho
"Foster patent," but the gen
uine Foster-Paul gloves
In this line we lead. Prettiest Prints, prettiest Outings cheapest and
best. Ours is the choicest line in Medford. Don t nnss seeing them.
If you want a stylish Cape or Jacket from stock or made to order come
to us. We have the very latest. Have you seen our new dress shoes?
Heel and Spring Heel Ladies' and Children's.
Don't Miss Us! Come and Save Money!
Published Every Friday Morning.
Official Paper of Jackson County.
BUTON & BATTERSON, Publishers.
He is of few days; bat quite s plenty.
E&tered In tha Postofflce at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Tertising Agency. 61 and OK Merchants Ex
change, San Francisco, California, where con
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
Medford, Friday, Nov, 15, 1895.
Our Clubbing List.
The Mail and Weekly S. F. Call $2 25
" " " Examiner 2 35
" " " Chronicle 2 35
" " " Oregonian 2 00
" " Cosmopolitan ... 2 65
" w Rural North west. 150
The CorbettFitzsimmons "scrap"
ia finished and nobody hurt.
- Forest commissions to preserve
forests never begin work an til the
forests have been destroyed by the
How is it that England has not
sent us an ultimatum on the Alaska
boundary question similar to that
which she favors Venezuela? Why
this discrimination aeainst the
United States?
As Oregon editor who is look
ing for trouble has caught up the
Alaskan war, modified somewhat
to suit the ear of his readers. He
shouts, "Ten miles or fight." He
is probably safe, owing to the long
distance over which he gazas.
m m
The. Mt. Vernon, Washington
News boasts of a subscriber who
has settled his subscription account
with that paper for ten years ahead.
It souads like talking through his
millinery, but if it were not true
the News man would not haye said
The tax of 3 per cent levied on
the receipts at ail places of public
amusements for the benefit of the
poor is, perhaps, the one paid the
least grudgingly by the Parisians.
This year the statistics published in
connection with that tax show that
the poor have profited largely by
the pleasure of the richer classes.
The several road supervisors will
be presenting their bills to the
eounty now pretty soon. Don't
forget, boys, ihat a two cent stamp
will save the county ten cents for
every mile you would travel in
going to and from the county seat
if you delivered your bills in per
son. Let us all try and lift that
county debt. The road supervisors
can assist materially in doing - this
if they will .
Woman suffragists and the dem
ocratic party are two elements not
easily discouraged. One was hur
ried about as deeply in this year's
November ballots as the other, and
already the leaders are claiming
to have discovered many features
of encouragement. They probably
reason with a certain individual,
who always smiles in adversity, that
"it's hard to keep a good man
Two very old empires are in
danger of disruption in our time
China, the oldest existing empire
in the world, and Turkey, which
has lasted for several centuries. The
trouble with both of them is that
they have not kept up with the civi
lized countries, politically or other
wise. Their governments are of 'a
kind that cannot endure modern
progress. Yet the Turks are brave
as ever, and the Chinese are the
most industrious of all the races of
mankind .
Another absconder has been
located and he is not uneasy about
that fact either. The Washington
deputy United States marshal, who
skipped from Whatcom several
years ago somewhat short in his ac
counts with the government, and
who, it was feared, had been foully
dealt with, has been located in
Bunos Ayres, where he is engaged
in business, and is prosperous,
happy and contented. As there is
no extradition treaty with Argen
tine he cannot be molested. Argen
tine is a little farther off than
Canada, but is destined to become
as favorite an abiding place for
thrifty and overworked financiers
as Canada ever dared to be.
W. T. Moore, a supervisor in
road district No. 30, is still positive
he did not receive any mileage for
delivering his annual report to the
county commissioners. There are
$2 charged to his district for mile
age. He sold his order for county
script, as he states, to Fraok Neil.
The question which naturally
comes up is who received the 12
if Mr. Moore did not? The clerk's
books show that it was paid. If
the supervisors put in a charge for
mileage they ought to have self in
terest sufficient to look after its col
lection. If they do not charge for
mileage they ought to have interest
enough in the county's finances to
see that the amount is not on their
bills when allowed.
Poor, weak, decrepit Spain her
last important vassalage, the pride
of her former years, the one in
which she sought to mass the
wealth and power of the new world
and from which she sought out im
aginary fountains of immortal youth
and plundered the wealth of Mex
ico and Peru, is proving an ex
pensive charge at last. Cuba has,
in its . struggle for independence,
placed Spain to an expense of $50,
000,000 and is drawing heavily on
the strength of the Spanish army,
and notwithstanding all, is steadily
absolving itself from Spanish
shackles and has now even gone so
far as to elect its democratic form
of government and seek recognition
as a belligerent power. She will
accept nothing but unconditional
. -The day of great railroad strikes
is probably over, and the threat
that the country would see a rail
road strike in comparison with
which the great strike of '94 would
be a mere skirmish proves to have
been as much a piece of chin music
as the battle between" Corbett and
Fitzsimmons. The Great Northern
strike was declared on and those
who thought they had a grievance
struck. Before they had quit very
many hours, however, they had
served upon them a restraining
order from the United States circuit
court, and were requested to appear
and show cause why they should
not be permanently restrained from
interfering with the employees of the
road, with the earring on of in
tersate commerce and with the1
transportation of mails.
Thompson, VanDyke & Co.,
Help Others to be Thankful.
As Thanksgiving time draws
near to us we naturally feel like
looking around for something to be
thankful for. The most of us,
especially we who live in Southern
Oregon, have little trouble in finding
that something, yet "the poor you
have always with you." There are
a few of these unfortunates, even in
Medford, who, as to the world's
goods, are not in a position to re
turn thanks to a Providence that
that has not dealt kindly with
them. We, who have sufficient of
the goods of life to satisfy the re
quirements of the inner man and
to protect us from the chilling
winter winds, could perharw spare aj
few pennies from our bounteous
supply. Let us figure that we can.
Let us be the direct means of mak
ing some poor mortal thankful.
An opportunity will be given
us to contribute a few nickels to a
most worthy cause upon the even
ing of Saturday, November lGth
tomorrow evening at the opera
hous. The Ladies Benevolent
society of this city, which society
has done much toward alleviating
the distressed, have arranged for a
birthday social on this date. They
have adopted a novel method
that of asking every resident ot tne
city, who can afford to do so and
they ask you all to try desperately
hard to contribute a penny for
each year you have lived. At the
opera house door you will be given
a small sack in which you are ex
pected to put your contribution.
When all have assembled there will
be presented a musical and literary
program, and after this refresh
ments of coffee and cake will be
served, during which time the sacks
will be gathered. For the benefit of
some of the ladies, who if honest as
to thei r yea rs of ea rthly career, will of
necessity have a large contribution,
we have been requested to state
that none will know, aside from the
committee, just how much their do
nation is, but the committee will ex
pect that none will allow their
modesty to over balance their
charity. The cause is a just one;
it is an honest one; it is one that
ought to be given consideration by
all of us. There is a double degree
of pleasure in charity. It is a
pleasure to give, a greater pleasure
to receive. The good ladies are do
ing all possible to seo that the wolf
of hunger does not gnaw long at
the doors of our poor. We owe
it to ourselves to assist them and
we owe it to the poor to allow our
generosity unfettered sway. Let
us go down and dig up our better
selves, and give free reins to
charity. The ladies promise one
of the most sociable and pleasant
entertainments ever given in the
It's Astonishing
IIow much a little money will buy at
the China Bazar, opposite the Western
New York World.
The twice-a week edition of the New
York World has been converted into
the Thrioe-a-week. It furnishes 3 pa
pers of 8 pages apiece, or eighteen
pages every week, at the old price of
one dollar a year. This gives 100 pa
pers a your for one dollar and every
paper has i pages eight columns wide
or 48 columns in all. The Thrice-a-week
is not only larger than any week
ly or semi-weekly newspaper, but it
furnishes the news with much greater
frequency and promptness. In fact it
combines all the crisp, fresh qualities
of a daily with the attractive special
features of a weekly.
The donation of Sl.OOO.OOd to tho Chicago unl
venttty is the lnrKestt tai?le gUl ever made by
one man to an educational Inxlitutloa.
Dnrrnnt wan to have received his sentence
last Friday, but a continuance of two weeks
was taken in wblrh to allow hts attorneys more
time 10 prepare a motion for a new trial.
The Mexican national exposition land com-
finny has been incorporated in New Jersey, and
I will aim to give a national exposition in
Mexico in 188 under grants from the govern
ment. An exchange discovers that the real explana
tion of the dear creature's ex Isteoce Is found In a
letter which she has sent to the proprietor of a
marvelous syrup, which says: "Since taking
two bottles 01 your sarsaparllla I have become
a new woman."
It Is stated by competent republican authority
that when the national republican committee
MMia nnyl mnnlh Ihii anlt mitlr that it Will
consider will be the time and place or meeting
of the next national convention. It has bean
nnnltnntitfltf unwd lA 1 1) TO dOWB the IDOVC.
ment to oust Senator Carter as chairman.
A Roseburg merchant tells the Review, of
that city a fact with which Medford merchants
have long been conversant. He says "We have
spent a great deal of money on various schemes,
and It seems like throwing money away, but
we know that newspaper advertising pays be
cause we hear from our newspaper ads from
every part of the country."
A drummer relates how he was once brought
to consclonsoess by bis admiration for the su
preme gall of a newspaper reporter. It was tn
iortlnnd. Oregon, and he was in the elevator
near the fourth story floor and trytug to make
it go up: instead it went down, and when an
hour later he found himself In bed with titty
people around him ho beard a reporter for a
local paper say, "See If the fall slopped his
The Cold Beach Gazette says that Charlie
Tye. the Chinaman who was arrested at Coos
bay a few weeks ago and taken to Portland to
be deported because he hd failed to get a
ccrtlucale, and who was aflerwoads granted a
certificate because be established the fact that
be was sick ana couiu not oduiid one v uc ,
proper time, ts well Known at uom oeacn. anu
mat be appilea tor a cemncaic mere qui wuiu
not get It because be had been serving a sen
tence at Kalcm.
Durrani has written a sketch of bis life and
his ambitions and tells how It feels U be on
trial far murder. He stoutlv Droclalms his in
noccoce, scores some of the church people for
their seeming lack or cnnsitamiy ana says mat
after all this world is but a temporary trial to
prepare us for another and belter world. After
making a comparison between Lazarus and
Dives, he draws the conclusion thai we ougbt
to rejoice tn our difficulties and afflictions for
we are told that "those whom the Lord loveth
he chaslenelh."
Leofola Weiss, the Importer of Swiss cheese,
has written a letter to President Cleveland,
which is not so diplomatic in its terms as are
the majority of the president's stale letters.
Tne letter slatrs In sunsiance inav uie presu
aentoaes a bill or V15 for cheese, thai the
same Is unpaid notwithstanding bills have been
sent in. and that a period of six months Is
about as long as Mr. Weiss can afford to wait on
even the president of this glorious republic,
while to an emperor or king be would allow but
three months. Mr. Weiss admits that there
must be some mistake.
The country wuuld probably be better off if
there wer more courts In It of the same opinion
as Judae Hunter's court in Kan Francisco. Sea-
ton, a loafer who has done nothing and been
supported in Idleness by bis motber. and wno,
by the way. Is a distant relative of Collls P.
Huntington, was brought before Judge Hunter
lor failure to support his wife. Seaton does
not live with his wife and the testimony taken
in court showed that she had no means of sup-
Sort. The judge frequently told him he must
o somethlug. but Seaton always relumed with
the same story tbiil nothing suiting hts capa
bllltles could be round. Finally tne court gave
two weeks In which to find work, and Informed
him that If he did not make an earnest eSort to
earn money he would be sent to jail. At the
end ot two weeks he reported to the court that
he had inquired at several lusuranceomces and
they told him that they did not need any more
clerks and that be could not obtain any employ
ment. An attorney spoge up and said tnai ne
would give him work at IS a day. if Seaton
would agree to pay the money to his wire. Up
on being ques'.loned as to the kind of work the
attorney replied. "Sawing wood In my back
yard." Seaton demurred, looked at his hands
and said lie didn't think he could stand It, but
the court ordered him to report for duty and
support his wife.
Teacher's Review Class.
Thrwn not wlahino- tn take either of
the regular courses in the Normal, can
now enter a class for the review of the
common branches and methods. Ad
dress Ashland Norma).
How Are These for Bargains?
Hotel and livery barn for 92,500.
Eighty acre9 of improved land, with
good buildings, seven miles from Med
ford, for S20U0. Farming implements
go with the land.
Ninteen acres, one mile from post
offlce, for $1900.
Four hundred and four acres, mostly
improved land, for sixteen dollars pur
W. T. York, Medford, Oregon.
New iron bedsteads, latest thiug
out, at I. A. Wtbb's furniture store.
Wanted A small house, and about
two acres of ground: state lowest cash
price, and address H. A. Newton,
Portland, Oregon .
Chas. Strang
and Accurately
Ma 01
Have Arrived
Also a Fine Line of Shoes
at old prices....
Deuel & Stevens
We make a specialty of Fancy Groceries, Cigars
and Tobacco. Our stock is
of anv in the citv
Those wishing prices on a large bill of goods will
I do well to call on us our prices cannot be beat
in the valley.
Hotel block, MEDFORD, OREGON
Farmers, Do You See the Above Cut? ....
That is our New Improved Chilled Plow, and we will guar
antee it to be equal to any plow ever brought to Jackson
county. Call and examine it and we will convince you
that it is for your interest to buy one
D. T. LAWTON, Manager Medford Branch.
Full and complete line of Legal
Blanks, for sale at this office.
Opposite the
Jackson County Bank
the most complete