The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 08, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Geo. E. Trask, he who is mining
in the Willow Springs district, was
in Medford over Sunday. lie re
ports doing a good bit of work and
getting pretty fair returns consid
ering that there is right now only
water sufficient to work with rock
ers. When the fall rains set iu the
operations will be more extensive
and the nuggets correspondingly
In conversation with A. W. Stur
gis while he was in Medford Mon
day, the gentleman explained quite
at length the peculiar lay of the
placer mines of the Applegate
country. He relates that the old
channel, or rather, river bed, which
is formed on the tops of many of
the surrounding mountains, is rich
in gold. The old channel is 3000
feet above his mine, but being so
high it is impossible to get water
onto it: however, he states that a
number of miners are packing the
dirt to water, a good half mile
distance, and are making from $3
to $ 10 per day.
The Saxe Creek Mining company
is right now engaged in vigorous
mining development, and with
many promising prospects. A large
working tunnel, oOU feet in length
is being dug on their bonanza ledge,
the Caledonia, to tap the lead at a
depth of 170 feet, at which point it
is expected there will show up a
quantity- and quality of quartz that
will astonish our people, and pre
sent to the mining world a mine
that will stand among the principal
mines of the rich gold fields of
Southern Oregon. The develop
ment work is under management of
llr. D. S. Young, an old and ex
perienced miner of these parts.
The Lance Mining company was
incorporated in this city last week
with J. W. Odgers, A. N. Berlin
and C. J. Hall as incorporators.
The capital stock is placed at $60,
000 and is held by D. T. Lee, H.
A. Shorey, J. W. Odgers, C. J. Hall
and A. N. Berlin . The company
has purchased 700 acres of land on
yoots creek, beginning at the mouth
of the creek and extending up the
.creek for a distance of about one
mile. The price paid for this land
was $30,000, and is well known as
rich placer grounds. The com
pany will at once commence the
work of developing the mine and as
Boon as the necessary ditches can
be dug and pipe laid active mining
will begin.
Jacksonville Sews.
County commissioners court is
la session this week.
Mrs. Pattereoa is visiting rela
tives at Ashland this week.
Frank Neil returned from a busi
ness visit at Klamath county Fri
day and left on Sunday's train to
join his family.
Mrs. A. H.Maegley and children,
who have been visiting Mrs. G.
Kareweki for several months past,
returned to their home at Portland
The Medford Distillery case has
occupied the attention of the court
since Monday and the end is not
yet. Quite a number of Medford
citizens are witnesses.
Grand Master Wm. M. Colvig, of
the A. O. U. W., will deliver an ad
dre at a public entertainment at
Ashland November 16th. Several
members of Banner Lodge, of this
place, will be in attendance.
II. C. Mackey, the well known
Medford photographer, was over
Monday taking a photograph of
Woodbury Jr., the race horse and
his rider. Woodbury is now the
property of Geo. E. Neuber.
Nearly all the excursionists from
here to the Portland exposition
have returned home and report a
plea&ant trip. A number though
were dissapointed in the exhibits
as they anticipated a much better
display of fruits and vegetables.
John Beck, who has been em
ployed on the Crowell farm, was
kicked in the head by a colt last
week, and received a severe cut
above the right eye. A physician
was called and. dressed the wound
and the patient is improving.
N. D. Bostwick and wife have
returned from a short visit at their
home in College City, Colusa county,
Calif., and. will spend the winter on
Applegate where they spent the
greater part of the summer. They
have better health in Oregon than
in California.. . .
Dollie, the twelve year old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ank
ney, of Sterling, is seriously ill at
Eugene with intermittent fever.
She accompanied her mother to
Portland and was taken sick while
the mother was tending th bedside
of the eldest son, Frank, who ia a
University pupil. Frank has about
recovered from his illness.
Domorest, the dentist opera block,
. For bargains in real estate go to
Mr. and Mr9. M. L. Al.FOUD visited
friends in Ashland Sunday.
Father Dksmakais is the puest of
Mr. and Mrs. Theiss, of Medford.
J. W. Doweli,, of Bougie, was visit
ing old-time friends ir Medford Mon
day. B. W. Dean was up from Willow
Springs Wednesday meeting his
whole town full of friends.
Geo. W. Mokixk, the village smith v
at Eagle Point, was with the crowd of
Medford visitors last Saturday.
Dr. W. B. Officer, of Eagle Point,
was among Medford friends Tuesday
all of whom always give hitn a hearty
F. M. JCDD, the jeweler, was up
from Ft. Jones, Tuesday. He is en
gaged in business at that place and is
doing well.
Mrs. Frvxk Sutter left Monday
for San Francisco, California, to re
main for the winter with her daugh
ter, Miss Edith M. Day.
Mrs. C. C. Riley, of Chicago, ar
rived in Medford Wednesday evening
and will visit for several weeks with
her sister, Mrs. W. V. Lippincolt.
W. C. DAiLEY.oneof the solid ranch
ers of Lake creek and a gentleman
whom it is a pleasure to meet, was in
Medford this week upon business,
II. F. Wood returned to his work
in California last week. The gentle
man now has his headouarters at Ked-
ding instead of Hed Bluffs, us hereto.
O. C. Shelley, of Raker City, ar
rived in Medford Wednesday and will
remain the winter iu the city. The
gentleman is a brother of Mrs. T. F.
Gooeh .
CALVIX WixxiXGilAM. of Trail.
came over Tuesday to do business with
our merchants. The gentleman has a
local ad elsewhere telling of a horse
which has estrayed.
Mrs. L. I'LAXTZ and live children
left Monday for Anita. Iowa. These jxo
pie have resided in the valley for some
time, but decided to return to Iowa to
reside in the future. Mr. l'lantz has
been in Iowa for some time.
Mrs. I. A. Webb returned home
from hervisitatherold home in Indiana
Monday. She was met in Portland by
Mr. Webb who was in attendance nt
the exposition. Mrs. Webb report
having had a very enjoyable visit and a
very pleasant trip.
Miss Emma Johxsox returned Wed
nesday evening from a quito extended
visit with relatives in Oakland, Calif.
She was accompanied upon her return
by her sister, Mrs. V. II. Marlon, and
family, who will remain here until
about the holiday time.
R. W. GRAY was in from his Pros
pect saw-mill last week. The venlle
man is making arrangements for ex
tensive operations at his mill to com
mence now pretty soon. Next spring
be hopes to be able to extend his busi
ness to several valley points.
Mrs. H. H. Sargent, who has been
spending the summer with her sister,
Mrs. M. L. Alford, left Saturday for
her home at Ft. Wingate. New Mexico.
Mr. Sargent is first Lieutenant of the
second cavalry, U. S. A., and is ma
tioned at the fort at that place.
Rasmus Rasmusox . came down
from Prospect Tuesday and has now
joined his friends Ladd, and Williams,
on Sardine creek, at which place he
will assist in bringing to the light
of day gold nuggets from their exten
sive, and very rich placer mine.
R. E. O'Brien, one of the cleverest
and most prosperous farmers and min
ers of the Applegate district, was in
the city Tuesday buying goods and
squaring up with Thk Mail for four
years back and a good bit in advance
says his family consider the paper a
household treasure.
Mrs. Ellison, wife of the genial
superintendent of the brick work on
the new school building, came out
from Portland the first of the week and
will remain for about a month. The
lady's health is not first-class and it
was hoped that a change of climate
would be beneficial .
W. J. Radford and family were in
from Jackson creek Tuesday. Mr. R.
is engaged quite extensively in mining
on the above creek both placer and
quartz, and is meeting with many of
the little yellow nuggets as he furrows
the earth with giant and pick and
that's as it should be.
Francis Smith, one of our many
Talent subscribers, was in Medford
Monday, and while here called for the
purpose of squaring his accounts with
The Mail. Mr. Smith has been in
Siskiyou and Modoc counties, Califor
nia, for several months- aad returned
to bis home at Talent last week.
Mrs. J. W. Watt and little daugh
ter, of Salem, are visiting iu Medford
with Attorney Parker . and family.
Mrs. Watt is an only sister of Mr.
Parker. The lady will visit here for a
few weeks, after which she will bo
joined by her husband, and they will
spend the winter together in California.
C. C. Ragsdale is up from Wil
liams, Calif., looking after his farming
interests in this locality. For the past
year or thereabouts T. J. O'Hara has
been operating his 300 acre ranch near
Tolo and so satisfactorily did "Jep"
handle the place that Mr. Ragsdale has
leased to him his 200 acre chunk, near
Central Point, making 500 in all.
E. M. Leever, of Central Point, was
in Medford Monday after fruit paper
Sreparatory to packing 12,000 pounds of
rled prunes which he now has ready
for the market. The gentleman farms
about.200 acres, of land, thirty of which
ar nlantnd to nrune and bddIo trees.
He has 600 boxes of some of the finest
apples that have grown in southern
Oregon for many a season.
E. Sawyer, wife and son, J. C. Saw
yer, of Elk Home, Calif., arrived in
Medford last week. The two gentle
men came with team and Mrs. S. by
train. The son will attend the Mod-
ford Business College in tbis city.
They are housekeeping in the Barnum
building on North D street and are fig
uring on locating here permanently,
which The Mail hopes they will do.
They will make good citizens.
Chas. Lawrence, of Garfield,
Washington, arrived in Medford Sun
day and proposes to make this country
his permanent abiding place for a
year or two at least. The gentleman
was here about one year and a half ago
and was most favorably impressed
hence his return. He is a husky look
ing gentleman and as good natnred as
ho is robust, but ho don't like eastern
Washington's exclusive wheat growing
D. J. Graham was in from Elk creek
last week. Tho gentleman has but re
cently located upon a homesteai and
has also ourchasen three hundred acres
of railroad land which ho and his boys
propose clearing up and making a per
manent home. Ho is in ecstacy over
the quite probable rapid development
of that particular locality. He slates
that It is the sportsman s dream oi
paradise, but ho further relates that
the wholesale slaughtering of deer is
one of the things most deplorod and
which is being carried on to a great ex
tent. Mr. Graham has recently had
strav from his residence a black horse,
branded with the letter '"F" on its
left shoulder and ho wants to find him
A. W. Sturois, the veteran miner of
the Applegate country, was doing busi
ness in Medford Monday. His son Fred
isa'tending tho Medford public schools,
and Mr. S. was here procuring a suit
able boarding place and as well look
ing about for a bit of city property
that would suit him for a home. He
is figuring that probably next year ho
will move to Medford to reside perma
nently. In talking of mining matters
Mr. Sturgis was not very profuse in
his delineations of fuels connected
therewith, but he did incidently re
mark that from S18.000 to SJ."i,(HH) in
gold p-ryear had been taken from his
mine--for several years pat. and that
of the 1400 acres of rich placer ground
which he ownes only four or live acres
have iH'eii mined. If Mr. Sturgis and
his most estimable family are looking
for a beautiful home place they can do
no hetlrr than to heave anchor rijjlu
here. They are the kind of people
that make good citizens and such like
cannot coin.' too thick.
Little Lindi-n IVnlz. the three-year-old
son of Attorney ami Mrs. S.
S. 1 'flit z was unfortunate yestoniay
morning in falling on a small, sharp
stump, or snag, the sharp point of
which made an ugly wound in his neck
immediately under ihe chin. The
wound was quickly dressed aril it is
thought nothing serious will result.
Miss Malel Chapman returned
Monday to lier home on Grilliti
creek, after a two months' stay
with her sister, Mrs. Bennett.
Installation of Officers I. O. G. T.
The following officers were installed
Tuesday evening in their halt, Nov., for the ensuing 2nd quarter;
C. T., J. L. Wtgle; V. T., Mrs. Nel
lie Tryer; Keo. Sec., Justin Wigle;
Asst. Itoc. Sec.. Bert Childers: Fin.
Sec.. Mrs. R. J. Saver: Treas., M. A.
Wilson; Chap., Miss Ella Perdue; Mas
ter. Miss Ada Cogsbell: Dept. Master.
Edwin Trver; I. O., Harvey Savre;
Seminal, Guy Childers; P. C. T., E. A.
Jonnon; V. C. Robert Law ton.
For Rent.
Tho well known "Graupner" ranch
of SS) acres. Cash market on the spot
for all kinds farm produce. For further
particulars apply to Chas. Stewart,
box 1333, Tacoma, Wash.
As I propose to leave the country I
will sell at auction on Wednesday,
November 13th at 9 a. m., all my lands,
houses, household furniture, goods.
chattels, jewelry, watches, etc., as fol
lows: . V
The old Henry Smith store building.
100x25 feet and lot on Front street,
Medford; upset price 9400. Five acres
of land all under fence with 700 fruit
trees, mostly peaches, alt young trees
mostly bearing, small house on it, one
mile out from Ashland, fine spring of
water on tho place and originally cost
over 9700; upset price 9200.
Oue elegant new Estey organ, upset
price 940. Cost 9130.
1 new sewing (White) machine.
1 elegant baby carriage. Cost 922.
1 large new cook stove and furniture,
2 bed steads, spring mattress, mat
tress pillows, bed clothes, sheets etc.
1 center table, one folding dining
room table, 2 rocking chairs and other
chairs, 2 trunks and clothes.
1 largo new kitchen screen safe or
cupboard, kitchen furniture, dishes,
pans, lamps, etc.
1 counter scale.
1 ringer.
1 photograph sample album. 2-"0 cabi
net sized pictures of country scenes and
natives of Sandwich and Samoan is
lands. Cost over $00.
1 lot of lino books.
2 elegant large counters with draw
ers. A lot of solid gold jewelry, walchos
and watch chains.
1 line jeweler's show case.
1 small peddler's case for watches
and jewelry.
1 lot of spectacles.
1 carriage and single harness.
1 tine milch cow.
The above must all be sold by Wed
nesday, November 13th on Front street,
Medford, Oregon.
Have a very largo family pictorial
biblo containing both tho King James
and revised versions arranged in paral
lel columns with a complete concord
ance, and very much other historical
and valuable information, cost 914. I
will exchange it for a good teacher's
Oxford bible containing concordance.
Edw. Smith.
Watch Repairing
State Elections.
The state elections Tuesday were
pretty much republican. They
carried New York by 80,000, while
the democrats carry King county
by from 10000 to 15000. Ohio
elects a republican governor, the en
tire republican ticket, and a repub"
lican legislature ho does Iowa
Nebraska is republican by 15000
Maryland elects a republican gov
ernor and shelves Gorman. Ken
tucky goes republican and Black
burn is snowed under. Greenhalge
and the entire republican ticket
wins in Massachusetts. Utah elects
a republican governor and will prob
ably control the ltgislature. Penn
sylvania is in the republican col
umn. The democrat? have but two
states, Virginia, where the legisla
ture and state ticket are theirs; and
Mississippi which electa McLaurin
governor by about 40.000.
Notes From Eden Precinct.
The fanners are dry seeding
in their stock fields.
Rev. Brower, of Talent, preached
morning and evening at the school-
house biinday.
Mrs. Cope-land was on the sick
list a few days but is again enjoy
ing good health.
Mrs. G. W. Pt'ops is in Portland.
After the exposition doses fIih will
remain awhile visiting with her
J. I). Anderson ntui boys are over
on Stickey this v ek doing fall
work on the firm. Mr. A. rented of
Geo. Isaacs.
Miss Cantrill closed her school a
few days last week and joined n
crowd of Jacksonville friends to
take in the sights at Portland.
Some are very well pleased with
the dry fall, but those who have a
large acreage of wheat to sow are
getting anxious for the rainy season.
After spending a week visiting
with friends here, Mrs. Plants and
family, of Klamath county, started
Monday for Iowa, where thev will
join husband and father and make
the Hawkeye state their future
Thos. Edsall was out visiting
Sunday. This is his first time
away from home since last May,
when he was brought in from the
Messinger saw mill, in the Dead
Indian country, with his leg badly
crushed. Tom ha9 been confined
to his bed nearly all the summer,
and we are glad to note that he is
able to be around again.
As we garner the harvests of plenty
and bear the jinelo of gold realized
from the sale of the surplus we naturally
feel liko buying something, not only
something that is a beauty but of last
ing good. We feel that the good house
wife has helped us to gather these
gold coins, and we know that there is
nothing wo could present her with
that would bring more joy than a fine
dinner or tea set. Those golden Green
Thistle- sets at Woltera are -positively
the very finest ever brought to Med
ford and they are being sold at a fig
ure that is 'way down considering the
quality and beauty.
And Join the Procession
The other night n t strolled dowt. the street.
A brace of lovers I chanced to meet.
Along. the walk they softly trend
And thin la wtiut the J ouns man nuld:
"My beautiful angel, come, go with
me to my old ancestrial home, where
the beautiful birds carol forth their
j sweetest songs, and the oranges bloom
in mia-winior.
She looked into his face with a sweet
and loving smile and said,-"I'll go if
you'll huy me a box of Candy, and your
self a Cigar at tho CraterDan knows
how to put them up."
f CRATER . . .
D. I. Waldroop, Prop'r.
Seventh street, opposite Hotel Nash.
Medford, - Oregon
Rates $1 to $2 per day. Special
rates to boarders and families.
First-claBS in every
particular .......
Feed stable in connec
...... tion with hotel
A sore spot, green, I
black, or blue, is a
'rall paper at g realty reduced fig
ures for the next thirty davs. 1. A.
Clothing at cost at G. L. Duvin.
Meals at all hours. Oysters
Bakery in connection
for families on
Chicken Dinners
Opposite Postoffice
Creed's Blaek
Especially adaptrd to Sticky Soil. Also Free Soil Gangs,
Sulkies, Harrows, etc. Our Blaek Land plows are sold
on trial. It will pay you to get our prices. Call at res
idence six miles northeast of Medford, or address:
You Can Slide ...
Down Our Cellar Door
Ifyou want to, and not harm your clothes
very much provided they are the Happy
Home brand. Let us tell you that .........
OUR LAST Week's sales were pretty big
and they are getting better
each week. We attract and retain patronage
rather by the excellence of qualities shown than
by preposterous claims of immense quantities, a
fact the keenest buyers and the general public are
quick to discern. ''Good wine needs no bush,''
neither does the selling of our goods require that
we should singe the whiskers of truth. Having
. won the confidence of the purchasing community .
we would retain it, and so each week's effort with
us is to surpass the previous TT-C DCCT
one. This one will be the 1 llC 1
Farmers, Do You See the Above Cut? ....
That is our New Improved Chilled Plow, and we will guar
antee it to be equal to any plow ever brought to Jackson
county. Call and examine it and we will convince' yon
that it is for your interest to buy one. ............... .
D. T. LAWTON Manager Medford BrauclL----
nil ? ,ch the color fade,!
UIL. the soreness disappear.
h M M a A A
15 MAblt.AU.
Dress goods at cost at G. L. Dsvis'.
"Family jars" and jugs Wolters.
Mining Deeds at this oflice.
Legal Blanks for sale at tbis office.
sii mitif
LOW, Proprietor.
on hand and served in season.
baking done to order
short notice.
Every Sunday
hand Plouus