The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 08, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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The Riddle Enterprise is to remove
to Myrtle Point.
Apples are selling for ten cents a
bushel at Myrtle Point.
Stored at Grants Pass are 170,000 lbs
of hops awaiting a better price than
6$ cents.
Jack Dempsey, the well known pugi
list, died at his home in Portland on
the 1st inst.
Dr. Ausplund has been found guilty
of assault with a deadly weapon on Dr.
Holmes, at Portland.
The trial of Mrs. Hannah, charged
with the murder of Mrs. Hiatt, is set
for the 25th inst, at Albany.
Forty men are now being employed
at the copper mines near Waldo, and
the number is to be increased.
The state board of education fixed
the price of the old blind institute prop
erty at Salem to Willamette university
Herbert Carr, a Pendleton sheep
herder, has left for Liverpool, England,
to look after a fortune recently be
queathed to him.
A representative, of Marcus Daly,
the Montana millionaire, has beeu in
vestigating the Santiam mines, says
the Albany Democrat.
The record of ''never saw another
fall like this one" is broken. An old
resident of Astoria remembers that the
fall of 1363 was just like it.
A safe in the dry goods store of R.
P. Bird & Sons, La Fayette, was blown
open last Friday . night by experts
and between $500 and $600 taken.
The Camas prairie range does not
not afford the usual pasturage for cat
tle and herds are being driven to the
mountains despite approaching winter.
A regular ghost was seen at Eugene
recently. The dawning of day revealed
the fact that they were chrysanthe
mums wrapped in sheets to keep out
the frost.
Geo. W. Badger, indicted for mur
der in the first degree by the Columbia
county grand jury has been sent to
the asylum at Sakm, it having been
found that he was insane.
Ed. Dompier, a half-breed Indian,
has been arrested for the murder of
Isaac Lennherr, whose body was found
in the debris of a burned barn on the
East Umpqua a few weeks ago. Jeal
ousy is said to be the cause.
A Eugene jury recently scored the
prosecution for unwarranted criminal
procedure, by adding to the verdict of
"not guilty"' this amendment: '"We fur
ther find that action was brought with
out probable cause, and maliciously." .
Ten more professors have been added
to the faculty of the Willamette Medi
cal College Dr. ' Cathey, of Wood
burn, has been elected to the chair of
physiology and Dr. Butler, of Indepenu
ence, to lecture on "Diseases of Child
ren." Chinese pheasants are being shipped
from Oregon for breeding purposes.
Nearly every state in the union is try
ing to raise them. One young lady in
the Willamette valley has realized in
the neighborhood of 3700 from her
sales thus far this year.
Thirty-two mining claims have been
filed on the tin ledges in Yamhill
county. The tin has been assayed by
th rnrT-nmnt assaverat Washington
and showed 87i per cent tin. -A party
equipped with pumps nave leu.-. jic
Minnville for the mines.
The reservation Indians, the Klam'
aths, Modocs and Snakes, held a gen
eral conference at the Klamath agency
recently and discussed the road, lanJ
grant and boundary questions. Nine
of the head men were appointed to take
action on these questions.
Say9 the Grants Pass Courier: "The
railroad, company is putting in new
ties near the depot. The timber' has
been treated with creosote to last 15
years. The ties are coverod over with
dirt, an application that rots the un
treated ties in a year or two.
A Vale- gun tleman will henceforth
send a lunch along with his daughters
when they go to dances or make the
young men who accompany them bring
back a receipt for supper bills. They
have heretofore had these bills charged
to him and he has . just paid an $8 ho
tel account in consequence.
A. Blaker, the Shedds wa-ehouse
man, who has lately received consider
able unen viable newspaper notoriety on
account of the charges against him for
removing wheat from warehouses un
lawfully, has had his case overhauled
by the grand jury and they have re
turned sot a true bill.
George Lewis was returning home
from Grants Pass one day last week and
while crossing the Allen creek bridge
hi team became frightened ana DacKea
off the bridge.. All. fell a distance of
twenty feet. Lewis was bruised some
what, the wagon was not badly deranged
and one of the horses was killed.
Eemale train spotters, six In number,
are said to be on the salary list of the
S. P., and ooe of them resides in Port
land. iThey are strangers to each
other, at least the company so thinks,
bat through their united efforts eleven
-conductors have been dismissed during
the past two months, "for cause."
X Press Nail, a Junction City man is
missing., He came there from Eastern
O-eiron a few years ago with $50,000,
but is now penniless, his downfall hav
ing been caused by drink. It is not
known whether some accident has be
fallen him or not, but it is thought he
has returned to his old haunts to recoup
bis fortunes.
The discussion between Game Pro
tector McGuire and the cold storage
folks is not liable to come off as pro
grammed, inasmuch as the .supply fof
cokiatorage games is Is" fair way to
bsme entirely exhaustea Jielora tne
, -ISth-of 'November has arrived. Pot-
.1 hunters have been unable to supply the
ti demand and the cold storage -houses
' have been selling out, so that there
will be nothing left , to quarrel about
when the season closes.
SiinArintendent Gilbert, of the peni
tentiary, heads off the story of the re
leased convict, ' Butler, that he was
compelled to sign a receipt for $15 for
clothing ana receivea a secona-nana
worthless outfit, by showing Butler's
receipt for $1.15. The superintendent
says there is no appropriation for cloth
ing released, prisoners, and that all are
being clothed as cheaply as possible,
-du care-being- ivea to cleanliness.
The average cost to the state for cloth
ing departing con victs is Placed at SO
' thus far during the present admin is-
tration, as against a uniform cost of $15
during the preceeding regime.
Cor vail is has a Sunday law to this
effect and extent, says an Albany pa
per: "No saloon, tobacco store, or
even an ice cream or grocery store is
allowed to keep open on Sunday. This
has been in operation about three
weeks and some of the old souks (and
young ones too) felt their powers ris
ing last Sunday, and gracefully gave
way to the "worm of the still." Last
Sunday an Albany gentleman visited
Cor vail is and reports having seen 47
drunks. Sheriff Osborne says the
people closed their saloons and now
the saloon man have reciprocal id by
forcing all other establishments to
keep latched doors. A Sunday spent
in Corvallis is like a trip to the "city of
the dead."
Real Estate Transfers.
John C White to Mark Barker, 4 acres sec
16 tp 3S s r I w t
A H Maegly to Ambms K Crance, 162 2S
WO acres sec IS tp : s r I w
Edururd Smith to IiluGoUlsu-in and Anna
Nudlemua, lots 11 and IS bite 4(1, Med-
Anna Xmlelmun and Ida Goldstein to
John Morris, tots II and 13 blk Med
ford. Subject to niorlMK-' of 17."
Jacob Val to Susanna Turner Nell, the
undivided i Interest in lots I and Sb'k
63 l'oot & IvTippc! add to Jacksonville
Joseph Foley to Mrs. Allcttu H Marliu
lots and ( blk M, It It add to Ash
land. Consideration, exchange to them
of certain land
Wm Addison toC K Nintntfer ItMIX) of an
acre tp Si s r I w
Ben Haymond to Hush Sanders. M S7 1U0
acres sec 15 tp Sti s r 3 w
Damlano-Travrrso to Chas Palmer, et at.
the Parts minlnic claim, Jacksonville
mining district
M Chavner ct at to Amelia M Issuer, lot i
blk 26. Gold Hill
US patent to the Sterling MiiiluR Co.
l.V) acres sees ISHtp.Vr
U S patent to Juel B Vtnceut, SO acres
secS tp Sss rS w
V S patent to Theodric Cameron. K S
Armstrong, I" S Hayden and S Kurrell,
ISO acres sec 8 tp :W s r 2
U S patent to Theodric Cameron, 00
acres sec I" tp S r S w
Thomas J Dearie to J II Ilewic. north S
acres of nw of sw H of nw of sec II
C S Price to Thomas J Ueugle, same prop
erty J N T Miller to V L Miller, property in
i"j I
-TO !
Jessie E Garvin to Kromett Beeson, prop
erty in Talent precinct
V C -Myer, plaintiff, vs. M E church, et at
property in Ashland. Circuit court
D K Miller to H B Carter, an undivided
H interest in the mining cialms in Lit
tle Applegrale mining district
Mary L Curry to Mark Baker property in
sej 16 tp 3S s r 1 w
Alice IS Cowan, to Anna KLesrls, 5 acres
in citv of sutand
Austin S Hammond, to I.utie Huron, lot 3
blk 3. Cottage addition to Medford
John O'Brien Jfc wife, lo K-twanl Sander
son Smith, me undivided interest in
and lo a water ditch and :ilor known
as the McKay. O'llnen ditch
John W McKay to same, the undivided
interest in and lo the same iliu-h ......
Jaco'j Slavic to satue. uil his riiht. title
and interest in an -1 ne pr.Mx-ny
Pauline A Hi t ue. fciuit c.a.m
deed to saa e ara d tc i "-tc
Duvid John i.- -...ut-. t,.i ciaim UrM lo
same property
John W Cunningham lo same )uit claim
deed lo same
AsQiand Coliegiate Institute to H It Car
ter lots 7 S 9 10 11 U H lft V. "At 2! 2! :M
IM 35 25 27 5? 2." JJ 31 32 S! 3S S; IS of tt.-l
levuo Tract in sees II and I i tp 3js r I e
Releaseof obligations
James D Steven- lo Halt e Stevens l i:
1U) acres sec tr 3" s r S r
Same to same. 3 S 100 acres lu Jack-on
couny ....
Edward S Smith to E A and X A King
quil claim deed to the O'Brien and Mc
Kay water ditch
OU Karnes to F W Uibbs lots 7 and S
blk Park addition to Medford
F W Gibbs lo Max Muller lota 7 and S
blk 4 Park addition l Medford
B F Crouch lo Caswell Morns I acre sec
30 tp.37 s r 1 w
I Tyra Stanley to Mary H Little 12 I0U
acres in Ashland.
Catherine A N Salterflcld to the trustees
of the Baptist college i Mc.Minviiie s
of an acre In Ahlaut .
Sarah Waile to Klla ML o i N W ; or N
i, of sec lo and lol 4 ot sec 1- u.i be
ing in tn 36 s r 4 w
State of Oretfon to George W Lncc 40
acres see 3S tp Sti 8 r 4 w
WS to Herman M ".MaffTudcr SI 6S-KM
acres sec ii tp36 s r 4 w.-.:,.. . . .
Mar; A ttobtnson to Mallnda Jane Wright
lots 1 S3 blk 16 Medtord consideration
future support ect all the rest of her
natural life ....
- Delinquent Subscribers.
Some fellow,' who is doubtless oae of
Governor Pennoyer's "victims of 73"
but who is evidently striving. faithfully
to. retain the unlimited confidence he
places in human nature, thus' senten
tiously remarks:
"Last week a roan slipped up to us
and said he would pay us every cent b;
oved us if be lived until Saturday
night. We presume the man died.
Another roau said be would pay us in
a day or two as sure as we were born.
Query: did the man lie or were we
never born? Another man said be
would settle as sure as shooting. We
are led to the conclusion that uhootiLg
is not very certain. Another hoped to
go to the "devil if he did not pay us in
three days. Haven't seen him since;
suppose he has gone, but trust he has
not hoped in vain. Quite a number
said they would see us tomorrow. They
nave been strtclcen blind or else tomor
row has not come. One man said be
would pay as soon as be got some
money. Tbat man would not ite so 01
course he has not bad a cent since."
An Important Office.
To properly All its office and func
tions, it is important that the blood be
pure. When it is in such a condition,
the body is almost certain to be healthy.
A complaint at this time is catarrh in
some of its various forms. A slight
cold developes the disease in the head.
Droppings of corruption passing into
the lungs bring on consumption. The
only way to cure the disease is to purify
the blood . The most obstinate cases
yield to the medical powers of Hood's
Sarsaparilla as if by magic, simply bo
cause it reaches the seat of the disease,
and by purifying and vitalizing the
blood, removes the cause. Not only
does flood's Sarsaparilla do this but it
gives renewed vigor to. tne-. whole
system, making it possible for good
health to reign supreme. .
' -r.8igna at Approaching; Death.
The eminent Dr. Chiappoli states that
he has , frequently noticed in patients,
apparently very far from death, an extra
ordinary openingof the eyelids, so much
so as to give the eyes an appearance of
protruding from their orbits, which he
considers an invariable sign that death
will occur within twenty-four hours. In
some cases, when only ono eye is wide
open while the other remains normal,
death will not follow quite so rapidly,
but will take place within seventy-two
hours, there being not the Slightest
chance for recovery after these symp-
toms set in, however remote final disso-
lution may seem to bo. Chiappoli says
he is utterly at a loss for an explana
tion of this death symptom, but as
. cribes it to a diseased, state of the sym
pathetic nerve.
Some Object Lessons.
A couple of wholesome object
lessons were placed in the way of
visitors at the Portland exposition,
and interested parties who became
tired of looking at big apples and
pumpkins, and had satiated their
curiosity concerning the educated
orang outang or Pharaoh's daughter,
might stop and reflect for whole
hours. For instance with a view
to informing the farmers why they
do not receive more fir their hides,
there is shown a whole skin of a
young steer in its tunned state, on
which are plainly visible the cuts
and scars made by the butcher in
renr.ving the fkin from the animal.
Attached to this piece of leather, is
a card bearing tne words, "The
reason farmers do not receive more
tor tlieir hides is because they nre
cut like this one." This is a very
striking example of the poor way
in which skins are usually taken
from the animals Another object
lesson is learned in the way in
which apples are usually marketed
in boxes and the way in which they
should be marketed. In the first
instance, the ordinary home-made
box, showing the wear of time, is
fillet! with apples of all sorts of
varieties and conditions, and it is
labeled "The way fruit is usually
shipped " By its sidef is a box of
new lumber, nieely planed, with
air holes at ih sides, and the top
and Utitoni covered with nice slats.
In the box are displayed 45 apples,
all nicely rubbed off and all of
nearly uniform size, and of the same
variety. 1 hi latter box ot apples
is put up in such nn attractive
shape that it .votil'l readily sell at
double the prire t" the Other.
Preparing for War.
The Thell .i. l.
Chicago is y.ti.l n
for det.-etiv--
ting iIoaii tii
v hich the A U. I'
in a f-w i i i
of men iia v--
fill JHl'.'-l . ! '
ha-.ii, (ire.-H N -r
threatened y-te n
caliire r.-vo.y-what
fluke- on
pared with wine 1 1
i y-
irenov, of
enlisting men
t ii-l in put-1
' ftp i ted strike I
nil ireeiiilale I
mii . 1 1 ii ml reds i
..- -I .t iitT.T- !
ii ..f the W'a-;
r'i -ml other i
. ar;n- il wr h 4")
;i o iring for ;
.- ... of thej
e (. ami com
i- inke of
ui-li The rail-
eiati to know
ie matter, but
'v Hie corpora-
l.-eni ttie situa
make ineiisureS
I will le a ni-re .k r .
way union f. ! k-
nothing ab ut tl
enough is known
Hons ihre.-iiniieil
tion critical and
for protection neei s-
riatnt of a Man TVho Will Mr
l'erform th Dnty Again.
You say that I'm pale and flustered ;
and. shivering in my shoes: I'll bo
hanged if you would't shiver if you
bad to "break the news." I supposo
you have heard' how Quimby is
stretched on a bunk down there, with I
a pint or more of his own blue blood
mixed up with his auburn hair. Well,
they made me a joint committee to go
to his house and toll his wife all about
the scrimmage, and what to her man
befeL I went to the house up yonder,
not mashed on the job, you bet, and
my classic and blue-veined forehead
was bathed In a quart of sweat. The
woman was In the -kitchen a singing a
plaintive song, but she dried up when
she saw me, for she- knew there was
something wrong. - Then I coughed,
and I hemmed and stammered, and
"Madam." said I,-'be brave! Your
husband is now a lying" O. Lord!
what a shriek she gave. And she
walked up and down a. moaning and
wringing her furrowed hands, and her
hair fell down like sea-weed adrift
by the ocean sands. "Oh, Heaven!"
she cried, "my husband! They've
taken my love from me," and the way
that she reeled and staggered was a
sight for a man to see; "so brave, so
kind and so noble! So loving, so
grand and strong, and now must I
wait his coming in vain all the dark
day long? And his children will wail
in sorrow, and never again In glee.
troop down in the misty twilight and
cluster about his knee." , ' And so she
went on a raving; her screams for a
block were heard; and I like a graven
image stood there without saying a
word. It seemed like my tongue was
frozen or glued to my pearly teeth,
and hardly a breath came upward
from the paralyzed lungs beneath.
But I braced up all of a sudden, and
"madam," said I again, Tm sorry
I'm deuced sorry to have caused you
this needless pain; let up on youri
frenzied screaming; you don't need to
weep and wail; your old man ain't
dead by & long shot, he's only looked
up in jail. . She glared at me for a
minute for a minute or two. and then
she said: "So the durned old loafer is
down there in jail again?" Tben she
picked up a tub and smashed it all over
my princely head, and I saw she was
getting ready to paint the whole land
scape red. So I skipped through the
gate and moseyed so fast that I tore
my shoes; and they don't make me
committee in the future to break the
news. Lincoln (Neb.) Journal.
Where the Difficulty Lay.
"Look here. Smith," said a rich
fellow to his former schoolmate, who
had asked for aid, this is the seoi nd
time you ve applied to me this month.
I'm afraid you don't live within your
Ah," said Smith, I'm 'Just trying
to find tha means to lie within.'
. v.-.i auoa MOMektoa tetwew.1 Mm i
posa and Btookton it now completed.
The Atlanta exposition will wind up
with a handsome balance on the credit
Every store but one in Arcadia, lo.,
was destroyed by fire. Several resi
dences also burned.
Monterey bay is swarming with fish.
The mackerel season was unusually
long and the fish very plentiful.
Jack Dempsey, the ex-champion mid
dle weight pugilist, died at Portland of
consumption. He had been ill for a long
Commander Heyerman of the United
States navy died recently on the Ger
man steuiiier Havel while on the way to
The king of Sweden has accepted the
office of M liiuator in the Amepa ques
tion, now dispute between France
ami Uiuii
Aci'oruti.g to the Spanish papers 33,
000 troops are to be sent to Cuba and
additional reinforcements will be Bent
if necessary.
Tho total box seat sales for the New
York horse show reached f 13.0JO, an in
crease of nearly ifS.UOO over the amount
netted last year.
Captain Frank Wilder of the receiv
ing biiip Independence has been choseu
by the secretary of the navy to com
mand the cruiser Boston.
The $o000,000 loan lately negotiated
in Lotiuon by the Baltimore and Ohio
railroad is to be used in paying off the
debt uud in developing the line.
Late advices from along the line of
the Gxeat Northern railroad state that
the employes of the road iu Montana
will not join the A R. U. if a strike is
The surveyors of the We6t Shore
Coast railroad have finished the survey
from A rues port to Santa (?ruz, and are
now ready to begin on the route to San
r ranciseo.
Mayor Swift of Chicago has directed
the city attorney to have indexed, clas
sified and compiled into one volume all
the ordinances of the city which iu auy
way grant a to a corporation.
Indians of Sonoma, Mendocino and
Lake counties had a big reunion and
diuico at iiealdsburg the other night
Ihe object was to petition the Ureat
Being tor plenty of rain, fish and feed.
August Hansen at Minneapolis broke
the world's boulevard 21-hour bicvele
rule of 'Ml miles, made bv Hueblin.
Hansen rode 373 miles in 23 hours.
minutes and 3d seconds. He also broke
the American track record of 333 miles.
mude by Louis Uimm.
In a cell at police headquarters in
New YorK is a silvery-haired woman of
4ti who swindled several dry goods
stores by representing that she was
Mrs. C P. Huntington. The woman is
Mrs. Sophia Caroline Smith, formerly
a housekeeper in Mrs. Huntington's
Louie iu New lork.
A Fnck, who escaped jail at Klam
ath Fails, attempted to hold up a stage
near Keno. C N. Gordon, who was
searching for Frick, was on the stage,
and after the driver had thrown off the
express box and driven ahead Gordon
got out and captured the robber after
wounding him.
The suit of the United States Trust
, epy t0 foreclose a first mortgage
0 lne Atlantic and Pacific railroad
being argued in the United States court
at Albuquerque, X. M. The trust com
puny holds firt mortgage bonds t the
value of $16,500,000 and expects to be
come tba owner of the road.
A woman came to Admire, Kan., in
a covered wagon. iSho said she had
been on the road three days and was
needy and starring, that her husband
had been sick and that she had started
to take him to his old home in Eastern
Missouri, bat he died on the road. They
had nothing to eat. Her baby had also
died of starvation.
Ivan Kovaiev, the Siberian escape, is
on trial at tacramento for th murder
of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Weber. The
murder was committed on the night
Dec. S9, 1894, and the prosecution says
it will be able to prove Kuvaler s guilt.
The strougeat evidence agaiust the ac
cused is a confession he made while
drunk to a brother Russian. The mur
der was fiendishly atrocious. Both vic
tims were cuopped with an ax which
was found iu tne ash barrel
Prise fighting seems to be a dead
sport in this country. After vainly en
deavoring to find a place to decide the
championship, Corbett and Fittsim
niona have given np their attempt to
fight and both hare stopped training.
Both were arrested in Arkansas, and to
escape prosecution promised not to fight
in that state. Iu all probability tha
Australian and the laliforuiau will not
do auythiug more thau call each other
names at long distance.
Joseph Brown, a mechanic, was the
subject of a remarkable operation at
Isew York. While woiking at his bench
in a machine shop a fragment of steel
flew from the head of his hammer and
lodged in the white of his eyeball. It
was impossible to use a knife to remove
the chip, so he was taken to the Eye
and Ear infirmary, where a magnet
was used and the chip drawn out. The
magnet is the largest in the world. It
will support 100 pounds. The doctors
y X" wiU not loM his siht-
The reason why Canada has built
winter quarters for the mounted pouce
and occupied poets on the Alaska fron
tier, in the disputed gold district
claimed by the United States, is that
when the first reports of the wealth of
the Yukon gold region were made pub
lic, trading companies were formed iu
a c Bo8ton Fran.
cisco and other cities to carry on trade
in that district These companies ap
pealed to the United States govern Jieut
for protection ana necessary business
' facilities, without success. Finally a
representative was sent to the Canadian
. government at Ottawa to interview the
: authorities. As a result mounted police
: of the Canadian Northwest were stuc
! to the gold region under luttpi-utor (Jo.i
i stantins, with orders to uituutaiu law
I and order.
Dreadful Thing Trlnters Have To
Anawcr For.
Shortly after the invention of printing
the wife of a printer in Germany, while
nn edition of the Bible was In the press,
on one occasion made a small but impor
tant change iu the types.
Thn sentence in Genesis in which it ii
declared that Eve slmll be subjeet to her
uslmrnl runs thus: "He slmll he thy
lord." (Herr.) This was altered to, "Ho
Khali be thy fool." (Nnrr )
Many copies of the lunik irot into cirru-
latiou Ix'fore the titibstilution of the one
word for the other whs di-rvered, for iu
black letier Herr anil Nun much re
semble each other. It is said that the
piactical joke cost the nnfoi tun te wom
an her life, the having been condemiie
to the stake by the ecclesiastical authori
ties. During the latter part of the last cen
tury an awkward mistake ocenrred iu
this country in priming the BiUle. Iu
this edition the word "not" was omiltrd
in the st-veni h commandment, ror this
piece ot cn.elessucss tiie then Archbishop
of Canterlni y imposed a heavy penalty.
The edition, so far lis practicable, was
culled iu and destroyed, and n line of
'1.000 was inflict co upon ti e printers.
The Human Catholic M.s-;il issued in
niiice was once the subject of n ludi
crous blunder. Bv t lie aciidentiil substi-
iil ion of a "u" for nn "a" the woril
'calotte" (an ce-cle-i:i.-tii'H I c.i p r mitre)
was primed "culoit. " (hn i chec). The
error occurred in the dire tii.i.s for cou
ductiiiK the bt-i vice, and the eelitcuce as
ultered read:
Here the priest will take off his
culotle.' " Coruiiill Magazine.
-The retrular subscription price of
The Mail is $1.50 a year, and the reg
ular subscription price of the weeKiy
Oregoninn is $1.50. Anyone subscrib
ing for THE MAIL ana paying ono year
in advance can cet both The Mail and
the Weekly Oregonian one year for S2.
All old subscribers paving tneir sub
scriptions for ono year in advance will
be entitled to the same oner.
House and lot for sale.
Inquire at
this office.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all in leavening
Strength V. S- Government Report.
Butler &
Green, . .
Paperhangers Decorators
Special Attention
Given to Frescoing and Panel
Papering . . .
Office Fitting
(pJ?) Is one of our special lines the
-..K quality ot our worn is proven
'io) by its beauty and taste.
Hou s Painting and Signwriting.
Plans Specifications, Bills of
Lumber made on application. '
All work gauranteed.
l. m.
All work guaranteed first-class.
all kind of work
Bills of LUMBER ot all kinds Oiled on short notice. Sash. Doors and Milt work
kinds any thin in the shape of wood work eaa be had on short notice.
J. C. AVHIIi, iPropr.
Does General Contracting in all Lines, -.-..-.v.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.;,.
nniTTrn it tit i nirn irTmir
Wagons and Bugpdes Made to Order.;.
All Work Warranted First Class. Cor. C and Eight streets
Medford, - - - Oregon.
Jackson County Bank;
CAPITAL, - $50,000 Medford Oregon.
Loan money on approved security, receive deoosits subject , to .check,
and transact a general banking business on ths mast favorable terms.
t iQrYour Business Solicited.
Corresxondonts: "...
Ladd & Bush,. Salem. .
Ladd & lllton, Portland.
Land Office at Roseburir, Oregon. Oct. O.
1896. . Notice Is hereby given tbat the following
named settler has Hied notice of her Intentloa
to make final proof in support of ber claim, and
that said proof will be made before Jamea R.
Nell, county judge of Jackson county, Oregon,
at Jacksonville, Oregon, on November 30, i9&,
Sarah whight.
Formerly Harab Conlcy, on homestead entry
No. M41 for the w!4 of aU, aw of nwU. neJ4
of nvi. sec. ti. tp. 37 s, r 3 east.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivaUoa
of. said land, viz:
Tbomns liuiuwln. urownsboro: Martin uowta,
Frunk Farlow and Simeon Farlow, Lake
Creek, all of Jackson county. Oregon.
o !n-29 H. M. Veatch, Register.
Tn tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Jackson.
Susie Tillman, plaintiff 1
vs. Suit for divorce.
G. R. Pittman, defendant I
To G. K, Pittman, defendant:
IN THE name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby notified to appear In the Circuit
Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Jackson county
on the first day of the December term 16 of said
court, to-wlt: on tbe 9th day of Decenber, 16
then and there to answer tbe complaint Bled
against you by the plaintiff in this case.
You are f irther notitled that if you fall to to
appearand answer said complaint tbe plaintiff
will then apply to tbe court for tbe relief de
manded in said complaint, to wit: For a decree
of divorce
This summons Is published In Tbk MEDFORD
Mail, for six consecutive weeks, by order of
the Hon. II. K. lianna, one ot the Judges of tbo
Hirst Judicial Districts of the rttale of Oregon.
Mude at Chambers, in Jacksonville. Oregon,
on tbe lTlh day of October. 15.
CaowKi.f. & PARKER,
O-IS-N S7 Attorneys for Plif.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon,
, for
tbe County ot Jackson.
Mary C. Leslie, plaint;!!.
J-Sult f
vs. Sultfordivorce.
Andrew J. Leslie, defendant.
To Andrew J. Leslie, defendant:
IN THE name of the State of Oregon: Tou
ar hereby notitled and required to appearln
the Circuit Court of the stale of Oregon, for
Jackson county, on tbe fin-lday of the December
term, lKtj, of said court, lo-wit: On the 9th day
of December, ls, tben and there to answer
tbe complaint hied against you by the plaintiff
In this case.
You are further notified that if you fall so to
appear and answer said complaint tbe plaintiff
will then apply to the court for tbe relief de
manded in said complaint: namely, for a de
cree of dlvoice against you. for a decree grant
ing to ber ibe care and custody of Nellie Leslie,
FJmer Leslie. James Leslie. Dora Leslie and
John Leslie, and for judgment against yon for
costs and disbursements of said suit.
This summons is published tn The Medford
M All. for six consecutive weeks, by order of Hon.
H. K. Hunna, one of tbe judges of the First
Judicial district of ifcestale of Oregon.
Made at Chambers in Grants Pass, Oregon, on.
tbe Ulh day ot October, ln.
Lionel R. Webster,
0-18-N2) Attorney tor Plalniiff
Butler, Barrett & Stewart..
We furnish es'imale on all work in
ttie building line. A guarantee goes
with every piece of work we execute.
It must be entirely according to con
tract or no pay is demanded. tive
bnds for fulfilment of contract.
Material furnished from ground to
roof when iesiixr
Baker Bros...
... Q
We have moved into the Medford Gallery,
and now have the finest filled and best,
equipped stndlo in Southern Oregon. We
make Cabinet Photographs from
. $1.50 to $3.00 Per Dozen
Enlarging in Crayon and India Ink. All
work done at home and satisfaction guar
anteed. Gallery on B street north of
and gUILDER.
- " - ; 1 . .
Plans and estimates
either brick or wood.
furnished ot
ot J
Oregon.- -
Vice Pres.
J. S.
Anglo-California Bau, ban ranciseo.
Ban.:, an rranctsco. .
Corbin Banking Cp.J fo.Y