The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 08, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    t)id You Evet
A finer store building than that which I have
just completed and am located in? I know ou
never gazed upon a better selected stock of
Clothing and Qents' Furnishings
Than that upon my shelves. My prices are all right.
Come in and see for yourself. Opposite the Bank...
S. ROSENTHAL Medford, Oregon
Is Studebaker's agent in Medford. rnccrPNT Rirvri 13 Price It' good goods
He also sells the famous vNCOCCrNI DlttCLC for little money.
J. W. Lawton,
Order Work Given Special Attention.
Hand-made aDd Campbell lock stitch machine-made harness always on hand.
In great variety
Paints, Oils and Painters' Supplies. Cartridges and Ammunition
of all kinds, and in fact a full line of everything carried in the
hardware and tinware business. First-class goods and prices as
low as the lowest. Miners' supplies of all kinds in stock.
Every Range
We Have 'Em!
Fly nets, lap robes, dusters and whips at all prices.
Single harness from $6.50 to $18. A fine line of
saddles for ladies and gentlemen. Everybody in
vited to call and look over our stock whether you
want to buy or not. We repair and build every
thing in our line from a pump-value to a breeching
BEIDLEHAN & NICHOLSON, - Medford, - Oregon.
W. T.
We have opened a stable in Medford and are I
located in the barn west of the Clarendon &
hotel. Our prices are reasonable and we
solicit a share of the public patronage
I. L. HAMILTON, Proprietor.
"The Nash has been thoroughly renovated. Accomodations
the very be6t. If you try us once you will surely come again.
RATES FROn $1.00 TO Sa.oo PER
The Gem Saloon,
In connection. The oest and purest of wines, liquors
cigjrg courteous treatment.
oooocc ooocoo
Carpels, Paper, Curiains,
Legal Blanks at
Are positively the best In the market
When you huve used a Slmlehuker
li) vehtele onec vou will use them always
l,'t.arv tn.h r.f t 1,1 .l.illtl
it to the purchaser.
. . .
Plumbing Goods of all Kinds In Stock
Plumbing Done on Short Notice
-The Empire Steel Ranges
guaranteed to work perfectly.
CRANE, Prop'r.
Complete line of new rigs. Good stock of
horses all good roadsters
DAY. . . .
Refrigerators, spues, Pierces.
Picture Framing a Specialty.
Ttie Mail Office
The railroad rnte war which has been
operating on the li is between Pssa
dena and Los Angeles brought fares
down to 20 cents for the ronnd trip.
Directors of the Stockton insane asy
Intn are trying to find a fund of $11,500
Which has accumulated from moneys
taken from insane persons when ar
rested. Say, why dont you try Do Witt's
Little Early Risers? These little piils
cure haedache, indigestion and consti
pation. They are small but do the
work. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist.
Attention has been attracted to the
Ense ada (Lower California) robbery
case by news of the severe sentence im
posed upon Seymour Jackson, the young
English cashier of Uodbe & Co.'s bauu.
Jackson was charged with talcing $".(M0
in gold from the vaults on the night of
March :W. He was sentenced to servo
six years and nine mouths in prison and
to pay a lino of $1,071 or to serve 100
days additional.
Noting so distressing as a hacking
cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from it. Nothing so dagerous if al
lowed to continue. One Minute Cough
Cure gives immediate relief. Geo. H.
Haskins, druggist.
The record for railroad speed over t
great distance was broken recently by
a special train on the Lake Shore an.
Michigan Southern railroad which ran
from One Hundredth street, Chicago,
to Buffalo creek, Buffalo. N. Y., 51i.l
miles, in 431 minutes and 7 secouds, at
au average speed of 63.6 miles an hour.
This time included stops. Exclusive of
stoj the run was made in 470 minutes
and 10 seconds, an average speed of
64.93 miles per hour.
The healing properties of Do Witt's
Witch Hazei Salve are well known. It
cures eczema, skin affections nnd is
simply a perfect remedy for piles. Geo.
II. Haskins, druggist.
A great combine has been formed at
San Francisco to control the lmnUr
trade of the Pacific Coast All the larce
dealers of that city are in the trust, but
without the co-operation of the mills of
the Northwest it would not lie strong.
Miss Hortense Ayreo, n school teacher
of Seattle, punished children with a
piece of hose and she has lieen removed
from her position. be whb ped a 9-year-old
boy until he wss covered with
black and blue spots from his head to
his abdouicn.
Captain Swwney, U. S. A.. San
Hb'gg. t'al., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Ivemedy is the tirst medicine I bav
ever found that would do me any good."
Price oO cts. Sold by Chas. "Strang,
d.tiggisl, Muu fort!.
Hiram Evington aud family went to
Portland lately from Silver City. Idaho.
Sickness occurred in the family and Ev
ington was unable to find employment.
They were on the verge of starvation.
One child died and the father became
ill. When harily convalescent he went
to the river and jumped into it to take
his life, but he was rescued by a boat
man. An old acquaintance persuaded
ETiugton to go with him to prospect
ror mines in Southern Oregon. He con
tented and they found a claim which
they sold for $15,000. His wife received
tlegram from Dubuque, Iowa, say
ing Erington's brother had died, leav
ing him 8,000 worth of property.
SHILOH 8 CURE, the great Cough and
Crcup Cure, is in great demand. Pock
et size contains twenty-five doses, only
25c. Childrrn love it. Sold by Chas.
Strang, druggist, Medford.
Patrick Callahan ur Nrw York mode !
a jump from the highest point of the j
rougnkeepaw bridge into the Hudson
river, a distance of 213 feet, and died
from the effects of injuries. He had
one successfully jumped from Brook
lyn bridge. There w no wager on his
last jump and Callahan's only object
was to gain notoriety.
The latest practical development of
British Columbia's resources is the out
put of 1,500 pounds of mica from a
mine in North Thompson valley. It is
expensive bringing it to market, as it
has to be packed tor miles to a shippi i r
point The mica can be sold in Haiti
more at a profit and the mines will be
fully developed..
KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify
your blood, clear your complexion,
regulate your Dowels and make your
head clear as bell. i"ic.,50., and $1 .00.
Sold by C. Strang, druggist. Medford.
A disquieting report is in circulation
in San Francisco that a large number
of hydraulic miners propose to wi.Ii
draw from the California Miners' asso
ciation and form an organisation of
their own devoted exclusively to the
hydraulic branch of the gold mining
H. C. Sloan of Wee Superior, Wis.,
representative from Douglas county in
the last legislature, declares in an in
terview that the people of that county
desire the formation of a new state out
of portions of Minnesota, Michigan and
Wisconsin. He says they consider this
a ' better plan than the annexation of
Douglas county. Wis., to Minnesota.
How This.
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V .1. Ciienky & Co., Props. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known P.
J. Cheney for the Inst 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorablo in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
west & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Rinnan &
Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfuces of the system. Price
75?. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
A big fire at Augusta. Ga., destroyed
44 houses which covered several blocks.
Hundreds of people are homeless. There
was a strong wind and the fire depart
ment was unable to perform effective
I Py Are the
. . .
liinil Hit- folkuli g
run :i ult . lio l:us
Indiana Rirvri v. (Vi
:IIIch Krnme. Wood
Kim, Detachable
r Tire. Scorcher,
: weight si Mn. $es
; Steel Kims, W.vcrley
: Clincher Tires,
i weight -i Hn sas
5 Kegiilnr frame, same
Z weights ses
j Ladies' Drop l-riimo
; tuime weights ami
r tr- TS
: Lnilics' Diamond wo'd
: KIiiin weight -1)
i lt .. TS
Deuel & Stevens, AgVs
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllll(lIOIIIIIIIIIOItltlllllllllllllll HIE
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Hotter.
Mrs. Elizuheth E. Hutter, who rooont
ly died iu Philadelphia, was widely
known as the pioneer iu many philan
thropic movements iu Pennsylvania.
She was the widow of the Rev. Dr. E.
W. Hutter, once editor of the Lancaster
Intelligencer and afterward private sec
retary of IVesident Buchanan and as
sistant secretary of state. During the
war Mrs. Hutter frequently went to the
front, rendering valuable service to tho
wounded and suffering. She took a con
spicuous part iu the great sanitary fair
held in Philadelphia in istil, acting as
president of committee of labor, in
come and revenue. She is credited with
having raised $350,000 for the fair. She
was the first woman to cross the lino
after the desperate three days' battle of
Gettysburg. She went in a car provided
by President Scott of the Pennsylvania
railroad and by special permission of
President Lincoln. New York Tribune.
A Household Treasure.
I). W. Fuller, of Canajiihuri--.
savs that he alwavs ke p Dr.
N. V-.
New Diseoverv in tho house and his
family has always found the very best
results follow its use: that he would
not bo without it. if procurable. G. A.
Dykemau Druggist. Catskill. N. Y.,
says tnai ur. King s ftnw Discovery
Is undoubtedly the best cough remedy;
thai be has used in his familv for
eight years, and it has never failed to
do all that was claimed for it. VYhv
not try a remedy so long tried and
t-sted. Trial bottles frve at Geo. H.
Haskin's drug store. Regular size
50c. and $1.
At Bay Shore. L. I., a few evenings
since, the liUsoautls of a dozen of the
most pruiimieiu women arrayed them
selves in feminine clothes and prepared
an oyster supper for their wives. The
affair took place in the ongregatioual
church and was given for its benefit. A
Stage had been erected upon which the
cooks and waiters weut through their t
amusing antics. The men wore all sorts
of waists, with large 11 loon shtves,
and skirts that were sadly in the way
of their legs. One man, while carrying
a lot of dishes, slipped and fell, kicking
up a wonderful mess. The affair waa a
success and the audience enjoyed it im
mensely. Iid You Ever
iry r.leetrie bitters or your'
troubles? II not. get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicine has been
found to be oculiarly adapted to the
relief and cure of all female complaints. ;
. ..... .... i
exerting a wonuer.ui aireci influence
in giving strength and tone to the:
organs. If you have loss of appetite,
constipation, heauach . fainting spells,
or are nervous, sleepless, excitable,
melancholy or troubled with dizzy
spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine
you need. Health and strength are
guaranteed by it use. Large bottles
only fifty ceuts at Geo. H. Haskin's
drug store.
All the messengers employed by the
American Express company have been
furnished with rifles and revolvers to
resist train robbers. Under new rules
mesMngara are required, on coming in
from a trip, to remove cartridges from
their riflea and revolvers, examine the
weapons and shells and report their
condition. The cartridges are not tc
be replaced nntil messengers start on
their next runs, when tho guns will be
loaded to protect money and valuables
in their charge. The company advises
its men to become proficient in rifle aud
revolver practice and hints that in the
future prizes will be awarded to the
best marksmen.
Acts as once, never fails. One Min
ute Cough Cure. A remedy ior asthma
and that feverish condition which ac
companies a cold. The only hartsss
remedy that produces immediate ro
ults. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist.
A New Deal on the Northern Pacific.
That enterprising and "Old Rellablo" has
consumated trnltlo arrniements with the S. P.
whereby they run one of their upholstered
tourist sleeping eu-s currying passengers from
Oakland, Calif., via Southern Oregon to St Paul,
Minn., without change of curs. This car passes
through Ashland, Medford, Gnmts Pass, Ore-
?;on every Wednesday on the regular S. P, over
and train. A second class ticket gives you the
right to tako this oar, which you will find clean,
neat and comfortable. A uniformed porter in
charge to look utter the interests of all passen
gers going east via that line, do east via tho
N. P and advise all your friends to do likewise,
and be happy. For tlcketa or further Informn
tlon apply to A. D. Charlton, ' A. G. P. & T.
Agent, Portiaud, Or., 8. F. Case, N. P. Agent,
Grants Pass, Oregon, or C. C. llelkuap. Mod
ford, Oregon.
VarrautcG Superior to any Bicycle dmIi in the woiln,
. Regardless of Pnce. . .
cplriin of e re i f 1 l-.c n rn rcminrnt Ameri z
Miu hundred ! lm-n- nhi-rls:
IfKHMoSO, Va.. Oct. 2. IKH,
I iKlinnnoull. I nil.:
4!kxti.i:mhs The Wavcrley Scorcher mi1 Hrllcciimc to hand ye-:
tcriliiy. We are afraid ynu have scut us the high priced wheel by S
iniMake. You can't Iiicim to tell us that this wheel rctailx for $V. -We
mtiKttuiy thin it Is, without exception, the prettiest wheel we r
hnve ever wen. onl, moreover, wo huve futth In It. although it ;
weighs only lbs., for of all Waverleys wo have soM thin year nml :
last (anil vou know that is a right uocl number), we have never had
a single frame m-r fork broken, cither from accident or defect, ami z
that is more than we can say of any other wheel, however high (trade, ;
so rail. mi, that we sell. Vt cougriilulalc nut selves every any uut we
lire the Waveiley Agents. Yours truly, Walter C. Mkkckr 4 Co.
The New Jersey state federation of
women's clubs has refused at its session
to take nny action in the cae of Mrs.
Florence May brick, serving a life sen
tence in prison in England for the mur
der of her husband.
A company with a capital of $" 000.
000 is being formed at Cleveland. O..
for the purpose of purchasing 15.000
acres of the best sugar cane producing
land in the Hawaiian islands. The land
is located 15 miles from HonoJu'.u.
Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
! bruises, son s, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
i sores. letUT.chappcd hands. chilblains,
cnrn, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
' It is guaranUfd to give porfi-ct satis
faction or money refunded . Price 2."c
' per 1h.. For s;ile by G. II . llasins.
A strike on the Great Northern rai'
' road is threatened. The A. R. U.
; claims that the agreement between the
! road and the m-n has been repeatedly
j tiolated by the company,
i Of of the Illinois militia have
leei tr-sted for discharsrinsr firearms
j in
he citv limits of Chicago without a
permit. The offense was committed
I when a sham battle was held by the
j miiiua.
Trs Baby wrnsdck, wo gave he" Casoria.
When she wmm a Child, she cried far Ostoria.
Vb-xi she became Mb, abo clunjt to Cutorla.
Tnen he had ChDdren, ibe theea Castoria.
Atthur O. F.etch is. commis
sion deputy, was fined (3 for stealing
grapes at San Bernardino.
A tank ?tram-r for transporting oil
will be p'aced in service between Los
Angelec and San Francisco within a
urn-? aHRire
LMM. ton a case it will not cube, il
An Mwbte ttotrye mKm, itana
Sold by Drurristi or amit hr mail. gkufiOn.
and m per package Samples tree,
ffft TTrA .The Fsrorrt TCCT1 WITCH
UV ilWfcrtbeTeethndBreath,ao.
Soiu tiv Strang tho tiruggist. Mcdiord.
The Shasta Route
South North
R:S0p. m I Lv. Portland Ar. I S:
11 :0S pm I Lv. Medford Lv I 5:06 p. m
"MaarcjAr. San Francisco l,v. 8rt)p.n
Above trains stop at East Portland. Oregon
City, Woodhurn, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jef
ferson, Albany, Albany Junction. Tangent.
Shedda. Halsey, Harrtsburg, Junction City, Ir
ving, Eugene. Creswell, l'rmluk and at all sta
lions from ttoseburg to Ashland inclusive.
-30 a. ni Lv Portland Ar I 4:0 p. ni
VjO p. m , Lv Kogchur. Lv I 8:00 a. m
KXl p. m I Lv Portland Ar I 10:15 a, m.
6:1ft p. in. Ar Salein Lv S :00 a.m.
Dining Cars on Ogdon Route.
Pullmnn Huffclt Sleepers and Second Class
Sleeping Cars attached to all through trains
a U ar m
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Mall trains daily, except Sunda v:
:S0a. in I Lv Portinr.d Ar I :S0 p. in
12:1."; p HI I Ar Corvallis Lv I 1:8a p. m
At Albany nnd Corvallis connect with trains
of O. C. & K. railway.
Express Trains dntlv, except Sunday:
7:4ft p. ni I Lv Portland Ar .' 8:35a. m
4:25 p. in I Ar McMlnnvllle Lv 5:50a. in
9-Through tickets to all points in the
Eastern states, Canada and Europe can be ob
tainrd at lowest rates from W. V. Lippincott,
Agent, Medford.
Manager. Asat. G. F. & P Aft
Kntffhts of tho Moccaoces. Trfninnh Tnni
No. 14, meet In regular review on the 2d and
ltd i nurHOays or each month in A. . u. W
Hall at 7:30 p. m. Visiting Sis Knights cordia 1
ly Invited to attend.
WM.biMMONS, Commander.
S. S. Pentz, R. K.
A. O. V. W. Lodge So. IIS, meets every Mrs
and third Wednesday In the month at s p. m
In their hall in tho opera block. Vlslilr.'
brother!) invited to attend.
K. W. CAUDKIi, M .W.
J. W. Lawton, Recorder.
W. R. C. Chester A. Arthur Coro No. 2i
meets second and four to Kriduv of each
month at a o'clock p. in., in VVoolf'i'hall.
Mas. Kauai; I. Syriurji. Frea.
Mas. M. E. Davis. Sec.
K. of P. Talisman lode No. 31, meets Mm
iny cvenlmr at 8 p. ni. Vlsitim: brothers ul
ways welcome. J. W. CCHItv, C C.
I. M . Mfl.l.KK. K. of R. and S.
1. O. O. F. Lolj.'e No. Ki, meets In I. O. O. F.
hall ever' Saturday at at b p. m. Visiting
brothers always welcome.
Z. Maxev. N. G.
A. S. Hi.rro.v. llec. Sec
I. O. O. F. Roirue River Encampment. Leape
No. :), nieetH In I. O. O. F. hail tile second and
fourth Wednesdays of each month at H p. m.
U. S. Webb, C. P.
Isaac W fKt.r. Scribe.
Olive Iteliekah Lodt'e No. 2S. meets In I. O
O. F. hall tlrst and third Tuesdays of each
month. Visitinu sisters invited to attend.
X ss M VHTI.B W(K.HrOKI), N. G.
Miss Masiie Nichouox, Itec. Sec.
A.F. & A. M- Meets first Friday on or be
'ore full moon at 8 p. m.. in A. O. V. W. hall
n. . . w- I. Vawtkr. W. M.
w. V. LIPPISCOTT. Rec. Sec.
C. A. R Chester A. Arthur Post No. 7
meeu In Woolfa ball everv second and fourth
Fridays in each month at 7:3Up m
W. T. Kame, Adjuunu W" M'm
A?J!-"wbSl! Tuesday n,shl
r . , O. O. Smith, C. T
J. A. Jeffrey. Hec, Sec
W. C. T. TJ. Meets every Wednesday after
noon In the Halley Black.
Mks. Addie YasAXTWrp. Pres.
Mrs. Rose DeGkoot. Sec.
Young People's Reading Circle Tuesday even
Ing f each week, under the auspices of thv
Epworth League.
F. A. 4 I. D.-L. L. Polk lodge No. SS56. meets
every Satnrday at 8 p. m.
J. H. Surra, Pres.
at Episcopal Church every Sunday morninz at
10 nVlM-L- Dm. IV uM t . . - . - f- .
Snint WarL-s VntaJina- ...... c-l
-- - - - , iwwt , o. a. t-eniz.
Methodist Episcopal Church Edw. Gtltins.
Pastor. Services every Sunday morning and
evening at usual hours for church services
Epworth League meets at :35p. m . Sunday
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer meet trie
Thursday evening. Pastor's residence South
B street.
Presbyterian Church Rer. A. S. Foster, pas
tor. Preaching at II a. m. and J -J0 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E, 6:15 p. m.
Junior Endeavor Society at 3 p. m.. Sunday
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at f
Baptist church W. c. Jenkins pastor. Wor
ship and preaching every Sunday morning and
evening at usual hours for church services.
Covenant meeting on Saturday at S o'clock pro
ceeding each Orel Sunday. Praver meeting on
Wednesday evening. Baptist Young Peoples
Union meets at 6:30 on Sunday evening. Sui-
v, j muwi i au a. "
Christian church Corner of Sixth and 1
st reels. Preaching at II a. m. and 7. p. m.
Sunday school at k) a. m.; Jnnoir Endeavor at
S p. m.:Y. P. S.C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Prayer
meeting every Thursday evening. Ladies
Missionary Auxiliary to C W. B. E. first Thnrs
day T:30 P. M. each month. Choral Uoioa
"'T'X Friday at 7:30 p. m. The people welcome.
Elf Fisher pastor. Resides at the chrrefe.
Methodist Episcopal Church Sooth Eev. Jao.
L. Jones, pastor. Services at II a. m, and 7 p.
m. on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sabbath; Satfoath
school at 10 a. m, and Epworth Lean at 6 p
m. every Sabbath at MedlonL. Service on .416
Sabbath at Soda Springs at 11 a. m. and NeU
Creek school house at 3 p. at. A hearty wel
come to all.
Tho. F. Oakea. Henry' C Payne, Heary C
- House. ReceJvera.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Carsl
Steering Cars
ST. Paul
I Minneapolis
QaaND roaaa
Hncwa aaa
Assistant General Passenger Agsot.
No. 855 Morrison St.. cor. Third.
Or C. C Belknapp, Ticket Agent,
Med lord. Orecon.
S. F. Cass. Ticket Agrent,
r irst Hat 1 liauk, Grants Pass, Ore.,
Robt. Leonard, Ticket Agent,
Ashland, Oregon
if you use the Petalom
Incnbatars a Brooders.
Make money while
others are wasting
Catalog tells all about
it.and describes every
article needed lor ui
poultry business.
mechanically the best
.wheel. Prettiest modeL
We are Pacific Coast
Agents. Bicvcle cata-
logue, mailed Irecivea
fnll desert orlon , prices, etc., AOxrrs wairrKD.
Baaiica Hocsx, 131 6 Main 6L, Los AngeleaJ
I Hi Pak I I
1 1 Illustrated I J
r n&s. - -