The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, October 25, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    Inctis nc thp r.iTV V
-r t t t -T -r-r-r-y ;A
(continued from local page)
As we garner the harvests of plenty
-and hear the jinarle of gold realized
from the sale of the surplus we naturally
feel like buying something, not only
fomething that is a beauty but of last
ing good. We feel that the good house
wife has helped us to gather these
gold coins, and we know that there is
nothing we could present her with
-that would bring more joy than a fine
dinner or tea set. Those golden Green
Thistle sets at Wolters are positively
the very finest ever brought to Med
ford and they are being sold at a fig
ore that, is 'way down considering the
quality and beauty.
Ladies should bear in mind that
Mrs. L. J. Sears is the leading mil
Jinery in Medford and carries a com
plete stock of everything in that line.
Chas. Anderson, who assaulted
Stevens during the Central Point Fair,
was arrested at Redding, Oalif,, last
i?aturday. Sheriff Patterson is await
ing the arrival of requisition papers,
after receiving which he will go down
rftsr him. Later: Sheriff Patterson
telegraphed to Redding Wednesday to
release prisoner from custody. This
move was made upon instructions from
District Attorney Benson, Stevens
having declared his intentions of leav
ing the country and would not prose
cute. Because ho didn't have store room
enough is why Druggist Chas. Strang
has had the partition set back twelve
feet, which not ouly adds more room
butaswell is an improvement in the
general appearance of the store.
Hon. J. D. Whitman has been ap
pointed general superintendent of the
construction work on tha new school
building, by the school board. Mr.
"Whitman has had years of experience
in this line of work and it is a safe
guess when we say that all will be done
correctly and according to contract, yet
his task is not a difficult one with con
tractors working so exactly in line
with the specifications as are those on
'this job.
Mrs. C. W. Palm has just received
another large invoice of millinery, and
has now the best selected stock in
Southern Oregon. Call on Mrs. Palm
for millinerv
The Artiste Trio, comprising Miss
Xura McManis. the world's greatest
whistling soloist. Miss Julia Phelps,
tha celebrated harpist and Miss Cor
nellia May, reader and pantomimist
Till appear at the Medford opera house
-on the evening of October P.lst. There
is promised in this entertainment
something superbly fine. The ladies'
presss comment is very flattering
and from the press of our largest cities.
The largest and best selected stock
of fine mliinerv. at the most reasonable
price, is to be found at Mrs. C. W.
A.M.Woodford, of this city. Is hand
ling Rogue River Miils fiwur. manufac
tured by Houck & Signorotti. at Gold
Hill. The superior qualities claimed
for this flour are that it will raise better
and retain its moisture ionger than any
other brand. Seethe brand -Rogue
River Mills" try the Hour, and your
wife will have no other. It is just a
little better than the best.
It's jut as easy to try One Minute
- Cough Cure as any thing else. It's
easier to cure a severe cough or cold
with it. Let your next rtorchHe for a
-cough r One Minute Cough Cure.
Better raeuicine: better results; bet
ter try it. Geo. H. Haskins, druggist, j
Ther-i is trouble biewing down at
"Central Point among some of the Ois- j
trict Fair officers. Report reached
here Tuesday that th treasurer, Hon. j
-J. W. Merritt, bad garnisheed the fair
und-, which are in his own hands.
As we gel the report there is a short--age
of about t!00 that is, there is that
-amount shy of enough to pay all bills,
and th garnishee is made for track
rent, Mr. Merritt being 0:12 of the
track owner.
The b-t shaves put up are those
you get at l!a-- Bros, shop, ditto hair
cuts fi-t class, everything. South C
If you iidu't gel a chance at that
last large invoice of "Happy Home"
:lothing you were unfortunate at that
lime but you r chances are now good
igain. We this week received the
argest invoice of this line of clothing
-ve have yet brought to the city. The
'Happv Home" brand of clothing is all
.-igbi W. H. Meeker Jk Co. will tell
you so. and they are always houest with
-Wall p;iper at grealty reduced fig
ures for tin? next thirty days. I. A.
"Jack" Morris, as agent, sold to
Walter Poindexter two lots 011 I street
in JickelV addition to Medford, Tues
day, the price p-iid being $'.MJ. Mr.
Poiiidext-r has just, lately arrived
irom L-tKeview, and will commence
the erection of a dwelling Hxrj in a
few aav-. and in the luture will be one
ot Med ford "s periuaneut residents.
New iron bedsteads, latest thing
out, at I. A. Webb's furniture store.
(i. C. Gnve. of Tacoma, is taking a
course of study in a rem lecture in W . J-
Bennet's office. The gentleman has
been stopping in the Applegate mining
district during the summer, and the
climate bavin; proven beneficial to his
health he ha.- decided to remain perma
nently. Wanted to trade a kodak camera
for a double barrel shot gun. Walter
Scott, Stuns Vallev.
If any person doubts Will Nichol
son s ability as a harnessmaker they
have but to inspect some of his work
For a gentleman who has had but :
few months' experience he is proving
himself Capable of very soon pushing
aside his title of novice.
A complete line of new fail milli
nery at Mrs. C. W. Palm's.
D. It. Hill is gathering his apple
crop tliej days. He has already nick
ed 120o boxes of Red Cheeks and still
has 1200 or 151)0 boxes of the Ben Davis
variety to gather. Mr. Hill has left
some beauties, of the Red Cheek
variety, at this ofliee.
A farm to rent, apply to M. Bollin
ger, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Rev. C. Wachlte, a German Luth
eran minister, of Eugene, held divine
services out on Butte creek last Sun
day. The gentleman makes occasional
visits to this part of the state aud
holds meetings at various places, some
times in Medford. ...
F. M. and C. A. Baker have fitted
up the photograph gallery, on North B
street, and about the first of November
they expect to be able to open their
pla'.e for business. Soino five or six
years ago these gentlemen were in the
grocery business in this city.
Boots and shoes at Angle & Ply
male's for cost and freight.
Bud Hamlin is putting up a new
barn on his recently purchased prop
erty on North C street. He had to
construct the building to fit tho lot,
hence it is eight feet wide at one end
and thirty feet wide at the other, tho
length being forty feet.
Tablets and other school supplies
from one cent up, at The Fair store.
A people's party meeting has been
called for Saturday evening. October
2. A meeting of the central commit
tee will be held at Wolfs hall at 4 p. m.,
and a public mooting will be hold at
7:.'i0 p. in. All arc cordially invited.
Towels and table linen cheapest in
town at. The Fair store.
Dan Waldroop has a very attrac
tive, if not particularly handsome, sign
in front of his place of business. It
was designed by Dun, sawed out by
Schermerhorn and painted by Corson
three artists of known ability.
Demorest. the dentist opera block,
Medford. '
Mackoy, the photographer, is just
about in his ilemoHt right now. He
has fitted up the Hamlin studio in first
class style, and as a result is enjoying
an increased patronage which just
about keeps him on the jump.
For bargains in real (state go to
C. W. Palm.
Wilson Bowman, who has been liv
ing in one of W. S. Barnum's houses
on North D street since last March,
has moved his family to a neat little
cottage, built expressly for their use,
in Southwest Medford.
Legal Blanks for sale at this office.
--For some time past Herbert Crouch
has been trouolod with periostitis of
the right hand, and on Wednesday Or.
Kirchgessner. assisted by Dr. Daniel
son, performed an operation, removing
the diseased parts.
"Family jars" and jugs Wolters
The Eowortli League, of the M. K.
church, will gtvu an entertainment at
the church, ou Friday evening October
25th. A literary program has been
arranged and a good time is promised.
All invited.
New goods at The Fair store.
C. G. Johnson, who has been quite
ill for the past several weeks, was out
Monday for the first time and his
friends" are glad to note that his illness
served him no wotse than it did.
Miuing deeds a; Thk Mail office.
K. Wilkinson and Mrs. A now !
PIvmire have been issued a marriage j Journal inn.
license by County Clerk Jacobs. Latki: Gaiunn S. Merwm. a wealthy Clii-
They were married by Rev. I'. H.jcagit merchant. Itecame suddenly ia
Hoxie on Monday of this wetk. j sane and terrorized the neighborhood
A marriage license was issued on in which he lives by shooting at ererv
October 21st. to . H. W hybark and ;
Miss Rose McClendon. und one on the
same date to ward Grigsby and N.iss ,
Mabel M. Kictier. 1
Clint Stewart was in Wcdncsduy
with the first of his almond rrop. ,
Some of his three-year old trees bore a
dollar's worth of nuts this season
R. F. Anderson has moved from
the Pavne ranch to Medford. and u
now res'idin? in the Kit Batcman's re-;
sidence on South D street.
John Fnsbec and Mr:
Robinson were married at Jacksonville j
on October 8th. Mrs. Robinson is ai
resident of this city.
Mr. Geo. W. Matncy and Miss
Minnie Gresrir. both of Applegate, wen-
married in Mcdfonl last Saturday, by j
Rev. Ell Fisher.
Mrs Lizzie Johnson, an aged lady.
and a long resident of this city is ly
ing seriously ill at her residence, on
North B street.
George E. Webber is a very handy
gentleman any place you pu; hira, but
more especially is this true as a sales
man. F. J. Wilson and family have mov
ed in from Asbestos, and are now resid
ing in the Frank Davis house, at Davis-
J W. Lawton has rented his Orif-
fin creek farm to D. B. Soliss, and will
remain in Medford the coming winter.
The citv council has decided to put
a roof over the fire bell, and Monday
. C. Nicholson was given the contract.
A. J. Barlow, traveling deputy in
ternal revenue collector, was out at
Iikeview on official business last week.
The Rev. Wm. Hart will hold
devine service next Sunday morning in
the Episcopal church.
H. N. Force, of Ashland, is can
vassing the city for the sale of holiday
F. L. Firpo and W. H. Darling, two
young blacksmiths, used dynamite to
blow open the vault of Hoge, Daly &
Co.'s hank at Anaconda, Mont., a few
nights ago. The noise of the explosion
was so great that most all the people of
the town were roused and they rushed
to the scene. Firpo was found on the
roof of the bank building. He was'
dazed by the explosion. Darling es-l
caped to his lodgings, but Firpo gave!
information to the officers and he was
Wants to Trade.
I will trade lumber.sawed cedar posts,
pickets, sawed shingles, anything you
want in tho lumber line for baled hay
or grain. R. W. Gray, Prosjiect.
The Last Call.
All those knowing themselves to be
indebted to mo must call and settle, on
or before tho "th day or November,
18!)-"), as all accounts will be placed in
hands for collection after the above
date. A. M. Woodford.
Medford, Oregon.
Here Are Four Bargains.
Eighty acres of timber land: seven
miles from railroad, for $(i0(l.
A house and two lots in this city for
Twenty acres partly improved fruit
land one niilo from railroad station,
Good house and lot in Medford in
good location, $800.
Inquire at Mail office.
The American board of commission
ers for foreign missions has adjourned
to meet in Toledo. O., in October, 1890.
Tho national society of the Daughters
of the American Revolution met lately
at the Atlanta imposition. There were
000 women present.
Tho net earnings of tho Northern Pa
cific railroad for the last year were
greater by over $1,300,000 than those of
the preceding year.
A inidcontinental exposition, to be
held nt Minneapolis in 181)8, is to be
considered by tho governors of states
directly interested.
The people and newspapers of Brazil
have leeii asking the government to
recognize the Cuban revolutionists as
lielligerents. The Spanish minister at
Hio Janeiro lias protested against such
Jacob Rotiard, a Belgian, has made
application to the Brooklyn health office
for a permit to establish a place for the
slaughtering of horses for export to
Europe. He represents a Chicago firm
w hi eh manufactures sausage from horse
Han Nni Kang, tho Chinese consul at
New York, has appealed to the police
loard to help him keep the peace of the
Chinese quarter. He has leeil trying
lor some weeks to stop the bitter war
that is being waged between rival Chi
nese societies.
The American Bankers' association
was in session last week at Atlanta, (la.
In his annual address President CKlell
declared that there would be more
financial trouble in this nation unless
the system of governmental note issues
is abandoned.
Forty war veterans, ineuilters of the
Loyal Legion, railed a few days ago at
the White House to visit the president.
They were cordially greeted and after
ward sang a spirited song. The presi
dent was deeply impressed aud made
felicitous remarks.
The annual convention of the W. C.
T. U. of the United States was iu ses
sion la.t week at Baltimore. Over ."00
delegates were present from JJS states.
The women discussed ways and means
for the extension of physical culture,
purity and rescue work of the organiz
ation. The liquor traffic was denounced
aud progress was reported in the work
of prohibition.
Joseph MeJill. proprietor of the Chi
cago Tribune, has asked the committ
sioners of Lincoln park for a site in the
park for a bronze statue of Benjamin
Franklin. The statue is to be presented
to the park by Medill and will cost from
00.000 and i.VI,WH. It is intended to
perpetuate the memory of Franklin as
. . 1 . . ,
"V"" m American priming aim
j.ern who came within hU range of
vlsjon. Mrrwin harm-ade-d his house
took a jHV4inn ,t winilow. The
jH,ut. captured him by burning sulphur
thl. bavmeut until the madman was
OV(.m,1M ,hl. (umex
- . de Friese of a New ork aud
J'1"" fir ' " V,i,;,,,ri- '
the purpose of consulting R. P. Ruhet
nl others having charge of British
Pacific railway interests. He represents
a syndicate or financiers who have goue bkwl ",,a ilullu's
into a contract to nroride the ranir-d i Dr. .1 . P. Faster and T
provide the cap
necessary to build the British Pacific,
subject to .he conditions of that con
tract being carried out by the present
trust-se or charter holders.
Bank Commissioner Breidenthal of
Kansas has lost or been robbed of all
the securities of the State bank of Fur!
Scott which he was carrying with him
to Topeka. On arriving at Kansas City
and in changing to a Rock Island train
he deposited a satchel containing the
securities, $120,000 in all, on a seat.
Then he stepped off the train to talk to
a friend some distance away. When he
returned the train had departed.
The youug wife of Zucco Bernardo,
au Italian liquor dealer of Meaderille,
j Mont., elopl with Joe Marti, a young
miner. Bernardo s property was de
stroyed by fire and he is missing. His
friends believe he set tire to t he prop
erty and committed suicide. A search
is lieing made for him. Bernardo was
-0 years old and prosperous. His wife
was 2i The eloping couple are thought
to 1. now in San Francisco.
Notwithstanding the many conflict
ing reports as to the probability of the
Corliett-Fitzsimmous mill taking place,
preparations for the affair are Uing
made at Hot Springs, Ark. This fact
is causing anxiety auioni; those who
rely upon Governor Clarke to prevent
the fight. The railroads have a big force
of men at work building sidetracks for
the accommodation of spcciiil trains and
the hotels at Hot Spring are preparing
for the influx of the multitude.
The relations of capit.'d to InWr. so
far as these apply to strikes mid lock
outs, during the past seven ami one
half years, are exhaustively treated in
the animal report of Carroll D. Wright.
United Slates commissioner of labor.
The reiH-rt shows that during those
years Illinois had the largest number of
establishments affected by strikes and
lockonts, there having leen 10,000 of
the former and 1.19:1 of the latter. New
York was second with V. MO strikes and
723 lockonts aud Pennsylvania third
with 8,21'J strikes and 4M) lockouts. The
leading cause for strikes was for in
crease of wages.
Mr. and Mrs. Trnxtoii Beale have
separated for good, according to a
Washington dispatch. Mrs. Bealle will
sue for a divorce. Air. Heme Ims gone ,Um wlll p,.0mhlv decide upon Med
abroad. and Mrs. Beale is with her f0,., as about the proper place to drop
mother at their home iu Maine. Incoiu- j unchot-
conipatibility of temper is the reason I
for the separation. Airs. Denle is the
youngest daughter of the late .lames G.
Blaine, and her marriage in May, 18.14,
to Trnxtoii Beale, a member of one of
the most distinguished Washington
families, was supposed to be 11 genuine
love match, and their union was re
garded with favor by their friends.
Soon after their wedding day Mr. Bealo
began to show signs of incompatibility,
ami his habits became quite eccentric.
Jas. Burns, of Rock Point, was in
Medford Saturday.
II . A. Meyeks, of Lake Creek, was
a Medford trador Monday.
S. W. Kendall and family have
moved to Ft. Jones, California.
M. D. Bowls, of Lako Creek, was a
Metropolis visitor Wednesday.
Auelhekt Tekkill camo in from
Brownsboro Monday upon business.
E. W. Andekson, a mining man of
Watkins, was in Medford Thursday
Wm Stitt a nenlw.vv of T TT Wil
son, loft Tuesday for his home in Mis- j
TV P CluiWf.wIt nf 3nil,-niirrl u-iiu
amonir tho thronsr of Medford visitors
B,ndM -,?- IVISON',of,Lakev:i0
were in Medford ast week doing trad-
ing-andlotsof it.
Hon. J.J. HouCK, one of the propri-!
eters of the roller mills at Gold Hill, i
was in Medford Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Wjllitts, of
Ashland, were visiting relatives aud
friends in Medford Monday.
I). H. McCaiie was in' from Browns- I
born last week doing trading and pay
ing his reseets to THE Mail.
PillLll" Ml'LLIN. an old time Siski
you county miner, was in Medford the
",..,t ......1.-" ,-;!t;,r T IT,,.,!..,-
" ;
Miss F.iMTH M. DAY left Monday for j
San Francisco, after a visit of several
mourns n;ui tier imreuis, .ur. iwiu .rs.
Wm. Bali, came over from the
Klamath Agency !a-t week and loaded
back with bis wagon chock-a-block w ith
J.C. HllT, of Ft. Klamath, loaded
up a wngon-load of Medford merchan
diser this week for his east-of-the-moun-tains
J. R. FAITH, of Dairy, was in Med
lord last week same mission as all
those Klamath and Lake county fellows
buying goods.
Revs. W. C. Jenkins and J. Merley
are at Kugene, in attendance at a
meeting of the Baptist Ministerial
Israel Harris came in from Sams
Yaliey last week with a load of wood
for The Mail and to make the pur
chase of merchandise for family use.
Mrs. W. H. Nori itoss and Mrs.
Pleasant, of Central Point, were vis
iting in Medford on Wednesday of last
week, the guests of Mrs. J. S. Hagey.
Mrs. S. L. Bennett left Wednesday j
for Oakland. Calif., at which place her j
daughter is being treated for ear j
trouble. Mrs. B. expects to be a'tscnt
about three months.
Merchant S. Rosenthal returned
from Klamath falls sunoay evening,
He found business at that city quite
nrisk aim we are o! me opinion
"Rosy" will gel his share of the trade.
Attorney Frani is FlTCH returned
from San Francisco earlv this week.
He was detained in the alxvc named ;
city two weeks by illness. He states:
that Fie will remain permaneati v in
Medford. i
Mr. and Mrs Dwkjht Dickinson and
LYMAN DICKINSON, of Syracuse. .New ;
York, stopped off in Medford last week;
for a few days' visit with their old-time j
neighbors Messrs. I.. v . and M.
K. Hills.
I Monday,
01 Ashland, were m Sled lord
The doctor is just recently from Rose-
bore. nd was in Medford in the inter -
burg, and was in Medford in the inter
est of a geological collection lor the
Ashland Normal school . '
D. H. UOKN. who has been absent in
Yrcka and other Siskiyou valley points
for some time past, returned to (.Jold
Hill Sunday evening. He says he has
returned to stay and that he did not
elope as rcimrted some few weeks ago.
Chas. Zell and family, of Franklin.
California, arrived in Medford Friday
and will visit Mr. Zeil's father, Peter
Zell. who resides just north of Medford,
and whom he has not met for twelve
years. Mr. ami .win prooaoiy locaic
in our 'midst.
Dr. and Mrs. JONES and Mr. and Mrs. j
J. H. liiTLF.i: lolt Sunday lor tiicir
homesteads in the Jenny crock coun
try. They will visit Klamath Falls,
being witnesses for S. G. Wortman.
who will make final proof on his home
stead this week.
L. M. DAMON returned from Poko
gama Saturday weiiing. and with liim
came those large, delicious whisk
el's, cut a la English: but the puns of
the boys flew so briskly through them
upon his arrival t hat they have faded
into the depth of entire goneness.
J. W. Mi Kay. of Tolo. was in Med
ford Sunday It was he who was quite
badly injured aoout a year ago bv
horse falling with him, since whiel
tune he has been confined to his room
and is jiisi now aoie 10 oe aootii again.
His many friends are sjlad to note his
J. C. Baiud. of the Medford Electric
i Light company, was .11 Gold Hill last
I Saturday in the interest of an electric
plant, which he has ieon llgurius; on
! pnttniL in there. Gold Hill is a wide-
awake little city and will in all probabi
lities avail itself o( the opportunity to
i secure electric lights,
j Tiios. G ilson, of Sterling, wasshak
I ing hands with Medford friends Satur
day. Mr. Gilson owns and operates a I
saw mill al Sterling, and is otherwise
interested in proHrty in that section, 1
:ind is also taking a lively interest in
tho proposed iJritliti creek roail into the
Apple-jate country.
n. II. ANDKi s ami .1. I). Moykh, of
Fulls Citv, V'olk county, urn veil 111
Meilfurd Thursday of lust week, and are
visiting with !eo K. Webber and fam
ily, they beinjr old lU'nimintaiices.
Hoth gentlemen lire looking tor a looa-
Mis. .1. 15. Mrl ; 1:1:, of San Francisco,
slopped otT in Medford Monday for a
diiv's visit and upon business. She has
V. A. Hi'SUY and family arrived in
Medford the lirxt of the week from
near Sprague, Wash., and will make
their homo with ns the coining winter,
placed her property, corner hixin ami t especially auapiou 10 suck v sou. Also 7ytf-aiSr'' v-4,
C street, iu tho hands of C. W I'alni free soil gangs, sulkies, harrows etc. Dw-V T'7Tfc
Illecool-priS'and S St JurWack land plows are sold on trial SST-Si
m notroubl.j in "disnosiuirof it. It will pay you to get our prices. Call jJjj4y ..
and should Mr. Busey's health improve
sufficiently to convince him that our
climate Is all right they will become
permanent residents in this valley.
Mrs. Jonv Cukky, who has bfien
stopping in Medford since tho death of
her parents. Judge and Mrs. G. S.
Wulton, returned to her home at
Conurd'Alene, Idaho, Wednesday eve'i
i ti if. Her sislur, Mrs. Bruns, who is
administratrix of the Walton estate,
will remain here until the is
all settled.
Merchant G. L. Wehii returned Mon
day evening from his quite extended
visit to New York City and other
eastern points. He reports having
made tho purchase of an immense stock
of goods and had a splendid vibit 1
with relatives, but of al! the lands he,
8a,v t'e were none so good or oppar-
ently so prosperous as our own Rogue j
rue. wi.iej.
George Kstks, S. P. .station agent
.it Rosoburg, was In Medford J uesday
excursion, which leaves Ashland next
M , In()l.nin(r. Mr. Kstca U one of
lho p(.nlemilnlv tfenlieinen we
have met for many moons and the
Southern Pacific couldn't olac; a better
man at the head of their excursion
J. H. Wilson and his two sons, Mel-
vin' and Charlie, and George Owens
returned last week from a fourteen
days' hunting trip over al Pelican bay
and Lake of the V oods. They rejiort j
having gathered in lots of. game ai.d
Mr. W ilson states that tne con
struction of twelve miles of road, from
McAllister springs to Lake of
Woods, will irive us a short, casv
,food road to Klamath county.
the I
und .
Jas. Riley, of Palouse City, Wash.,
who, with his family, has been stopping
nt Ashland for some time past, was in
Medford Monday, visiting his old-time
friend. A. Z. Sears. We are informed
that the gentleman has just about made
up his mind to locate iu Medford. He '
states that there are quite a number ol ;
persons in tho Palouso country who i
have their eye on Southern Oregon j
wmi a possiuiu view 01 ciiini.u meir
juices of residence.
Mrs. Neil H. West and little daugh
ter arrived in Medford Friday evening
from Nevada and will remain for a few
weeks' visit with relatives. Mrs. West
Is a daughter-in-law of Mrs. S. M. West
of this city. The lady's husband form
ely resided in Medford but is now a
large rancher near Reno. Nevada,
where he farms 14 X) acres of gmin and
hay land. This season ho put up le
tween 1200 and H'Mtons of hav some
seasons as high as IStlil tons.
Wm. K. White and family and Mrs. I
V. H. fHOMreOS of Smith ,unty.
Kansas, arrived in Medford Monday
evening. Mr. White and Mrs. Thora
son are brother and sister of Attorney
G. W. White, of Medford. Mr. While
and family will locate in our citv. and
j Mrs. Thompson will visit her brother
' for several weeks. aflr which she will
-return to Kansas. It is not at all un-
nkelv that she will become well enoogh
; ,,ie,i."ed with the Rogue ri ver vallev to
! M::iin return, accompanied bv Mr.
, Thompson and the family and" make j
; their permanent abiding place in Med-
'ford. I
K. K. Ol'l-MRY. of Ft. Klamath
in the Hub city Monday making his fail
purchases. While here he was unfortunate-
in losing a H1 bank check.
The chock was drawn upon Gravsou,
Owens V Co.. of Oakland, California,!
and was signed by Mitchell, stock j
buyer for the above named compauy. ;
! Mr. CHiiuihy was doing business at Crnii- j
I till A Hutchison's store and had the j
check in his hand when he stepped oul
of that store and into I. A. Webb's fur -
I niturc store. He is almost positive be
1 put it in his pocket, but a diligent ,
search did not reveal it neither has it
been found yet. The check is of no use ;
to anyone but Mr. Ouiu-fy' as it had not i
been endorsed. AYiyooe finding it will i
confera favor by leaving it at Craofill :
A Hutchison's.
For Rent.
The well known "Graupccr'' ranch j
of S0 acres. Cash market on the spot i
for all kinds farm produce. For further !
particulars apply to Chas. Stewart,!
box 133, Tacoma. Wash.
A New Deal on the Northern Pacific.
That nten.rsl'P nd Old Reliable" has
cuiisuniatetl traffic arramieturnl". with lho S. .
whereby they run one of ihoir upholstered
tourist sleeping cars carrvins passengers- from
Uaklaml. Cai(.. via Southern Oreton loSl lul.
Minn., n illiout chantw ol cars. This car passes
throiiuh Ashland. Orunts Pass. Ore
iroii rverv Wednesday on the recular S. I, over
lnn.l irni'11. A second class tickol cives u the
riRht 10 lake Hits car. which you will Und clean, j
m-ul and coinforlablc. A uniformed porter in j
cliar.T t.1o.k after the interests ot all pass?n I
iters iMiiij; east vm that line. Uo east via Hie j
N. V and udviso all your friends 10 do likewise, :
ami In- hatipy. For tickets or turthcr inform I
ion nniilv lu A. D. C'lmrllxn. A. o. I". v I.
Aiscni. Portland. Or.. S. F. Case. N. I'. Asenl.
(iranl- l"u-s, Orcjroii, or C. C. Itclknap. Meil
funl. rei.i-u.
jj Sunny Banks
' .1 KUSV ....
i iF Till". l'.KsT.
Milk- Batter Strain
j Intending purchasers are invited to call and inspect my stock
j correspondence promptly answered. All Stock Registered,
parm 0,ie'mile from Scappoose.
H. WEST, Proprietor,
at' residence, six miles northeast,..i .. .i.i...
. Sunlight and Health. .
Tho potent influence of sunlight
upon health can hardly be exaggerated.
Dr. Wier Mitchell, in his interesting
researches on snake poisons, found
that tho poison of the deadly cobra, if
exposed to sunlight for a brief time,
became harmless. Prof. Huxley has
shown that yeast increases indefinitely
in volume amid darkno-s and damp,
while in sunlight just tho reverse is
tho case. Sunles9 houses aro unnatur
al creators of sickness. Tho preva
lence of goitre in Siberia, which at
tacks twelve and often twenty-five per
cent, of tho people in some villages,
is ascribod to tho accumulation of
filth in deep, narrow valleys and the
habit of Russian peasants of keeping
their houses tichtlv closed. Free
cess of light favors nutrition and regu
larity of development and contributes
to beautify the countenance, while de
ficiency of light is usually character
ized by ugliness, rickets and deform
ity, and is a fruitful source of scrofula
and consumption in any climate. It
is probable that one of the chief bene
fits derived by invalids from a winter
sojourn of Alpine or tropical resorts is
due to tho largo amount of sunlight
enjoyed. Seience.
...And See the Latest
This is to certify that I the
coining woman ami legally wedded
qL Jq Um
go where he pleases, attend base
ball, races, lodge?, council or com
mittee meetings or join the Maza
mrs. in fact I war.t him to enjoy
lile but I INSIST on him buying
his Candy and Cigars at
D. I. Waldroop, Prop'r.
! ?vnln street
opposite Hotel Nash.
por Choicest
! . .
Lines of
Hand made taffy and creams
While buying your bread of
Wilson give his Candies a
trial . .
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From' Three to Six 'Weeks.
Orni ES : iioom-t 71V-T0?. Manjuatn Buildluc,
Stock pai-m
Mature Quickly and
Fallen at Any Ask1
Scappoose, Oregon